'iTMllllM ill I "vil - V HfJIWlWi THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1916. Briej City News ' Plattaum Waddlae- SUna Edhoire. Hav. Root Print It Now Beacon Proaa i Lighting lxtweo.Buraaa.-Grandn Co. 1S17 Caknaan Htm it Carey's. Web. 112. " Automobile Storage, clean and dry, SS.f.0 per month. Keys Bros., Co. Bluffs, la. Robt. C. Drnesdow Co., 860 Omaha Nat'l Bank. Listed and unlisted securities; bank stocks; several 7 per cent guaranteed gilt-edge investments. Miss Perry's Rummajre Sale (or benefit Child Saving institute begins Thursday, November 23, at 10 a. m. on Twenty-fourth street, fourth door south of Vinton. To Talk at "Y. M." Miss Oril Elii abeth Hoge will give a reading on "Peg o' My Heart" at the Young Men's Christian association Sunday after noon at 4 o'clock. Fined for Cutting- TJu H. W. James. Sheeley, broke a windowpane in the Home or Mrs. u. f uller, 636 Bourn Thirty-fourth street, through pure oussedness Induced by an oversupply of liquor. L. Laos, in the same con ditions cut a set of harness belonging to Gertrude Salisbury, Fifth and Jones streets. Kach were nned So and costs. Fine Fireplace Goods Sunderland. Anna M. Lowry, Ex-Nun Author of "Martyr In Black, ' will give two lec tures in Swedish auditorium, 1611 Chicago street, (near Sixteenth) Oma ha, Thursday evening, November 23, 8 p. m. sharp. Subject, "Convent Life and Why I Became a Protestant." iweryooay welcome, jmaay arier noon. November 24. at 2:30. "The Confessional." Ladies only. No babies in arms admitted. Admission 26 cents, each lecture. American Consul And Wife Insulted By German Officials ' Amsterdam, Nov. 22. (Via The Hague to London, Nov. 22.) Dimi nic I. Murphy, American consul gen eral at Sofia, Bulgaria, arrived here today through Germany from Stock holm, where he went recently with his wife to visit their daughter. De spite the fact that Mr. Murphy had a special pass from the German lega tion at The Hague, it is stated that the i German authorities at Warne muende treated the couple with in civility on their way to Stockholm and again on their return. The second incident occurred, it is said, notwithstanding the intervention of Dr. Maurice F. Egan, American minister to Denjnark, and also of the German minister, who had assured Mr. Murphy that the treatment given him and hit wife would not occur again, Mr. Murphy will leave for bona Wednesday.' Mrs. Borelum's Hands u Modeled by Solon The expressive hands of Madame August M. Borglum, an Omaha wom an and his sister-in-law, were mod eled by Solon Borglum, the celebrated artist,1 in his sculpture "The Gentle Closing of Two Lives," known as the Schieren memorial, which stands in the lobby of the Hotel Fontenelle dur ing the Fine Arts exhibit there. Madame Borglum was visiting at the home of her sister, who is Mrs. Solon Borglum, in Norwich, Conn., Jast summer when the artist was at work on this subject. '.. "I watched the evolution of the sculpture for about a month. The model used for the central figure had not beautiful hands and Solon asked to use my hands for that part of the work," said Madame Borglum, a. chance remark to a friend while view ing the statue disclosing this infor mation. "On the Trail" and "New-Born," two bronzes by Solon Borglum, have been purchased by C. N. Dietz. Swedish Inventor Will Be Honored Omaha Swedes are interested in the "John Ericsson monument fund" meeting to be held at Hotel Vander- bilt, New York City, next Saturday afternoon. Nelson T. Thorson of Omaha is a member of the commit tee, appointed by .John Sharp Wil liams, Congressman James L. Slay den and Josephus Daniels, secretary of the navy, to tend to the business of building a monument to perpetuate the memory of the man who invented and constructed the "Monitor," the little wonder boat of the civil war. Congress, in its last session, appro priated $35,000 to construct a monu ment in memory of Captain Ericsson in Washington, D. C. Mr. Thorson will take part in the council to decide just what sort of a memorial will be built. Paroled From Prison to "Become a Good Citizen" Denver, Colo., Nov. 22. Frederick Goodwin, alias Goodrich, sentenced to the Colorado penitentiary last April to serve a term of from one half to three years for attempted horse race swindling, was parolled and released from the prison highway camp last c i i. i i . ounuav, 11 uccaiuc Known ucrc touay. Friends of Goodwin told the pardons) ooara ne aesirea to go to L-amornia to marry and become a arood citizen. Warden Thomas J. Tynan and Sheriff S. J. McAfee, prosecuting wit ness in the case, recomnjtnded that Goodwin be pardoned. i Auto Escapes Smashup In One Form, Tries Another Fremont, Neb., Nov. 22. (Special.) When the motor of his automobile went dead as he was crossing the Union Pacific tracks on Main street at noon today, L. B. Gibbs jumped when he saw a freight train approach ing. The motor engine suddenly start ed and the machine dashed ahead, leaving Mr. Gibbs behind. By this time the train had arrived and cut Mr. Gibbs off from following his auto mobile, which dashed up the street a block before it crashed into the curb ing. It was badly smashed. Veteran Newspaper Man of The West Dead in Texas El Paso. Tex., Nov. 22. Captain John I. Ginn, a veteran newspaper man of the west and southwest died here today. He would have been 81 years old on Christmas day. He was editor of the Virginia City, (Nev.) En- ternrise at one time and also worked on the San Francisco Argonaut. He was connected with local newspapers here for many yars. He was a civil war veteran. 1 Wednesday, November 22, 1916.- -STORE NEWS FOR THURSDAY.- -Phone Douglas 137. Burgess-Nash Announce A Big Room-Making Sale in the DOWN STAIRS STORE Beginning Thursday Morning, November 23d WE have decided to move our Toy Department for the month of December, from the Fourth Floor to the Down Stairs Store. v A move like this naturally means a general condensing and rearrangement of the various sections now in the Down Stairs Store, and in order to accomplish this result in the least possible time, we.have made some REMARKABLE PRICE REDUCTIONS on. good dependable winter merchandise of the most wanted sort. Here is just an idea of the good things in store here'f or you. ,( Women's High Shoes that Were $3.50 and $4.00 at $1.98 J J - "DLACK glazed kid, black and tan " calf skin and patent leather, all sizes, were $3.50 to $4.00, pair, $1.98. Women's Shoes That Were $5.00 i and $5.50, at $2.95 Black calf skin, glazed kid, patent leather and tan Rus 1 sia calf, broken sizes, but your size in some one of these four styles ; were $5.00 to $5.50, pair, $2.95. Misses' Sample Shoes, $3.50 Kind, $2.55 Patent leather, dull calf and kid skin, sizes 12 to 2, pr., $2.55 Boys' school shoes, black calf, lace and button, sizes 1 to BH, pair, $2.45. Eatra Special Men's black calf, English lace shoe, a $4.00 shoe, pair, $3.25. Burf.u-N.sh Co. Down Stain Slora. NOTIONS in Room-Making Sale spool silk thread machine thread, 50-yard for 3 He. . 200 yards spool, 2c. Children's hose supporters, pair, 7c. Shopping bags, each, lOe. Fancy trimming buttons, the card, 1c. Steel thimbles, each, le. Safety pins, 2 cards, Sc. Bone hair pins, box, 5c. Kid curlers, dozen, 10c. Burf..-Na.h Co.- Dressing comb!, each, 5c. Large bottle machine oil, 5c. Tatting shuttles, each, 5c. Rick rack braid, bolt, 7c. Pearl buttons, dozen, 2 H c. Bias seam tape, 12-yard bolt for Sc. 1 Hair barrettes, each, 6c. Darning cotton, 3 spools. Sc. 60-inch tape measures, each, for lc. Scissors and shears, pair, for 12 He. Down Stab. Stora. Wool Dress Goods to 59c Yard 29c ONE big lot of wool dress goods, consisting of mixed suitings, plain weaves, wool challies in a big range of colon and patterns. Very desirable for skirts, women's and children's dresses, waists and kimonos; 27 to 36 inches wide. Regularly 49c and 59c, 2!dc Remnants of Dress Goods 49c Short lengths of wool dress goods for skirts, suits, dresses and coats, including satin, prunella cloth in plain, also self-tone stripes; fancy granite crepe weave serges, Panamas, black and white shepherd checks, mixed suitinga; heavy coatings in military colors, 27 to 64 Inches wide; lengths 1ft to 5 yards, regularly 75c to 11.50. yard, 49c. Military Coatings, at $1.29 Yard the same kind of fabric used by the various governments for army wear, considered one of the best materials for making long coats, IVt yards wide, regular price, $3.50, yard, $1.29. Burgaa.-Na.li Co. Down Stairs Stora. Novelties at 17c ONE lot of nickel and brass nov elties, including hat pin hold ors, paper clips, ash trays, 1 "7 etc.; were to 79c, for. ... I C Writing Paper, 10c Remnants of Per cales at 12V2C SEVERAL thousand yards of 36 inch Manchester percales, in apron and dress lengths, light and medium colorings, all the pretty figures, stripes, checks, plaids, dots, etc., on sale, at 12C ISc Eden Cloths, at 11c The celebrated Eden cloths, for pajamas, gowns, etc., 15c value, at yard, He. 15c-25c Galatea Cloth, 6V.c Desirable lengths for children's clothes. Galatea, Rough Rider and Romper suitings, 15c to 25c values, on sale, at, yard, 6 He. 25c Satine Shirtings, 14.c Fancy figured satine shirtings, ' also black, highly mercerized, soft finish, 26c value, at, yard, 14 He Mercerized Poplins, 18c Highest grade mercerized pop lin, in black and colors, including in this special lot several hundred yards of Irish poplin, all at, the yard, 18c. $2.50 Bed Comforters, $1.98 The prettiest designs and color ings in bed coverings are made by the Beacon Mfg. Company. The quality is the best to be had, reg ularly $2.50 bed comforters, in the newest patterns, at, each, $1.98. $5.00 Bed Pillows, $3.98 Crown Down bed pillows, linen tick covering, regular bed size, $5.00 value, at, pair, $3.98. BurgaM-Nah Co. Down Stair. Stor.. Knit Hoods and Caps 19c ALL wool knit hoods and caps, in a big assortment of styles and colors, very special, 1 Q to close, at $1.00 Kimonos, at 69c Women's kimonos, cut full size, in medium and dark fleece lined1 materials; were $1.00, for 69c. Flannelette Gowns, 59c Women's flannelette night gowns, cut full size, splendid as sortment of stripes, sale price, 59c. Women's Bath Robes, $2.25 Women's bath robes, all sizes, collar and sleeves bound with rib-, bon edge, sale price, Thursday, at $2.25. Boys' Suits $3.95 BOY'S suits, for ages 6 to 18 years, coat made popular pinch back and belt, 2 pair of full lined trousers, colors dark gray, fancy blue mixtures, brown diag onals, stripes, etc., serviceable, well made suits and very special ly priced for Thursday, flJO QC at l)J.7) Burfs-Na.h Co. Down Stair Stor.. Children's Cotton Hose at 15c (CHILDREN'S fine ribbed, black, J cotton hose, full seamless, all sizes, sale price, 1 1m pair Women's Hose, 15c Plain or ribbed top, black cot ton hose, full seamless, special, at, pair, 15c, Women's Hose, 25c Women's plain black cotton hose, fleece lined, also wool hose, seamless, at, pair, 25. Women's Fiber Hose, 39c Black silk fiber hose with rib bed garter tops; imperfections of 59c quality, special value, at, the pair, 39e. Burg...-Naah Co. Down Staira Store. 5WaterBottles59c A high grade, 2-quart hot CQ water bottle, $1.25 value. . "ft Two-quart combination foun tain syringe and hot water bottle, guaranteed, 95c. Burgo..-Na.h Co. Down Stair. Star. Silverware. 10c An assortment of silver plated ware, including knives, forks, tea spoons, butter knives and - sugar spoons; all made by the R. Wal lace and Sons Company; in the room-making sale, choice, at 10c. Burg0.a-Na.li Co. Down-Stalra Star.. Linen finished writing paper, ruled, 1 quire to a box, special, at lOe. Burgoa.-Naab Co. Dawn Staira Stora. Rich Silk Poplin at 39c HERE'S a highly favored mater ial for waists and dresses, silk poplin with small figures, neat stripes and in all the different col ors, 24 inches wide. Very special ly priced for this sale, QQ at, yard Crepe de Chine, at 49$ the Yard 86-inch crepe de chine, made of silk and very desirable for waists and underwear. Will launder, in all the pretty light shades, also white. We consider the sale .price most unusual for Thursday,, at, yard, 49c. Silk Poplins, at 59c Yard Another extreme value in silks for this special room-making salel beginning Thursday. Silk poplin in practically every plain shade, es pecially desirable , for one-piece dresses, wide range of colors for street wear, 36 inches wide, very special for Thursday, st yard, $9. Burgaao.Naah CaIown Staira Stora. 15c Cretonnes, 15c FULL bolt of cretonnes, in pret ty patterns, suitable for any color scheme, so inches wide, regularly 86c, yard . Scrims, at 9$c Limited quantity of bordered scrims, regularly 15c, Thursday, yard, 9: Burgaaa-Naah Co. D.w. Stair. Star.. Women's Winter Coats Intended to Sell to $25.00, at $9.95 rERE is, indeed, a most re markable coat valu. Every one this season's style, made in a variety of ways, of such splen did materials as caracule, Salts baby lamb and s few plush. All either loos, flare or belt effect Some made with large shawl collar, others button up close round the nek. Some have the new bell euff on sleeve. Were intended to sell to $25.00, In this sale, beginning Thursday, at $9.0$. ' . Women's Serga Dresses, $5.95 ' Think of ltl It's worth that alone to worry over the making, to say nothing of the material. These dresses are all practical styles, made of French serge, some embroidered with beads, others in silk and tinsel em broidery, some have large, shawl collars; navy, brown, green, plum, burgundy snd black, slses 16 to 18, also 84 to 42. Very special, at $5.96. Children's Coats, at $2.95 and $3.50 In loose snd belt effects, msde with large collar. The materials are mixtures, plaids and melton cloths; were to $5,96, st $2.9$ and $3.50. Buriaa.-Na.h Co. Dowa-Staln Star.. .' ' Men's FLANNEL SHIRTS and Underwear in the Room-Making Sale UNUSUAL values for the man who has need of mer chandise of this sort. , Men's Flannel Shirts, $1.15 Tan color, 2 pockets, box plait to shoulder, full cut, (PI 1 C flat collar, attached, medium weight A splendid value, at Men's Flannel Shirts, $1.45 Brown, gray, dark maroon, navy blue shirts, Vs wool, flat col lar, soft cuffs, 14 -inch center plait, well trimmed and fl1 AC made, full size bodies snd all neck sizes. Price aSl.tJ Union Suits, 98c Wool and cotton mixed, a good, heavy winter garment, all sites, price, 98c. Undershirts, 98c Sample wool and part wool undershirts, in gray, tan and ecru color; soiled and mussed, less than V regular retail price, at 98c. Sweater Coats, 98c Cotton and wool mixed sweat er coats, Shaker knit, rough neck collar and 2 pockets, $1.69 and 98c. Men's Sox, 35c ' Oxford gray, white heel and. toe, seamless, wool, at 25c. Burfaaa-Naah Ca. Dawn Stairs Stare. Children's Vests or Pants at 6c CHILDREN'S cream colored vests or pants, fleece lined, small sizes only; 'Were f 12Hc, at ... OC Women's $1 Underwear, 6$c Women's part wool vests and pants, in slses $4 to 86, were $1.00, sale price, 69c. Women's Union Suits, 50c White cotton, fleece lined, ankle length; low neck, no sleeves; dutch neck, elbow sleeves; high neck, long sleeves, st 50c. Child Union Suits. 50c Boys' and girl's union suits, cot ton fleece lined, all sites, special, at 50c. Burffaa.-Na.il Co. Down Stair. Stora. Leather Hand Bags, were to $1.00, at 25c Real leather hand bags, leather and silk lined, including an assort ment of patent leather strap purses. These bags were to $1.00, choice Thursday, at 25c. BursM-N..a Co. Dawn-Stair. Stan. JEWELRY, 10c Odds and ends of Jewelry, jnclud ing scarf pins, belt pins, brooches, cuff links, etc.; values to 50c, sale price, 10c. BurgaM-Na.li Co. Down Stair. Stora. Household Needs Specially Priced Thursday White lanan- ned flour bins, apacity 25 bs., spec'l 69c I White Japan - : ned flour bins. c a p a city, 50 lbs., special, 98c. White Japanned brtad box, U14 inch aiie, 49e. White Japanned brtad box, 16 -Inch slue. 59c. M . Combination ontf.t, oonnistinv of 1 triangle oil mop with handle, and 25c can Biff Wonder polinh, 50c value, at 25c. Triangle chemic ally treated mop for dusting, etc.. complete with polished handle, special, at 3e. Big wonder cedar oil polish, for floors, furniture, etc., 50c values, at 2ftc 6 ENAMELED WARE Values to 79 c at 39c In the assortment are f gray enameled tea kettles, gray enamel ed rice boilers, water pails, blue and white enameled oral dish pans, blue and white enameled preserv ing kettles, 10-quart size; blue and white enameled Berlin kettles, with enameled cover, 4 and 6-quart sizes; all unusual values, no chip ped pieces, values to 79c, choice, 39c Burf.-Na.h Co. Down Stair. Stora. my- wi 39c sfl&l m n G a 1 v a n ised iron wash tubs first quality, with wringer a t tachments, Nos. 2 and 3 sizes, $1.25 values, 95c. K e ystone clothes wring ers, wood frame, enclosed cog wheels, warranted for three years, special, at $2.95. Galvanized iron pails, 12-qt. size, special, at 25c. Basswood ironing board w i th stand, full size, spe cial, 98c. Scrub brushes, solid back, 8c values, 5c. Surges EVERYBODYS STORE' Handkerchiefs 5c SPLENDID assortment of wom en's handkerchiefs, in a variety of styles and kinds, including; Pure linen handkerchiefs. Colored edge handkerchiefs. 15c 1 Fancy colored edge f . handkerchiefs ;...," Handkerchiefs, 10c Including linen handkerchiefs with embroidered corners snd col ored edges, also colored embroid ery rwith fancy edges. Handker chiefs that were to 25c. each, 10. Handkerchiefs, lOe Hen's full size linen handker chiefs, with plain hem, special In this Room-making Sale, Thurs day, at, each, lOe. BuriaM-Naah Co. Dawn Stair. Stare, Neckwear Were to 50c now at 10c WOMEN'S neckwear, consisting of flat collars, collar and cuff sets, Jabot effects, a big sam ple line, some slightly 1A mussed, were to 60c, at.y. tUC v Fancy Braids, Sc Fancy silk braids, in colors and black, widths to 2 inches, sals price, yard, 6c. Bursa..-Na.h Co. Down Staira Start, Corsets. Were to $1.50, for 69c THREE distinct styles, lace front or back, models for the aver age figure, also for the small or well developed figure; were to $1.50, sale price, 69c. $1.00 Brassieres, 39c Large assortment of brassieres, made of good quality muslin and neatly trimmed with lace edges and embroidery; were to $1.00, sale price, 39c. BursaacNaah Ca. Down Staira Stora. 50cDresser Scarfs 29c SIZE '17x52, scarfs for dresser or buffet, fine lace trimmed with insertion; very special, 29c 50c Mercerized Damask, 39c ' Heavy mercerized damask, full bleached, 64 inches, fine, soft fin ish, good assortment of patterns, 39c the yard. $1.25 Bed Spreads, at $1.00 Crochet bed spreads, large dou ble bed size, good weight, assorted patterns, plain hemmed. 10c Long Cloth, 10 Yds, 85c Long cloth, 36 inches wide, cha mois finish for gowns, and wom en's and children s undergarments. A limited quantity to close out in 10-yard bolts, for 85c the bolt. BurfaM.Na.li Co. Down Staira Start. 0