THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, - -NOVEMBER 23, 1916. APPLES NEAR THIS CITY ROT IN FIELD Some of the Conniving of Pro duce Men Are Being Brought ' jturni nome to umwu. TO GRAND JURY IN CHICAGO sat. common xcopic i n v.v. fo an answer to the question, "Why is the cost of living high?" is begin ning to see certain things which he he'lieve indicates a devilish plot on th part of producers to deliberately shorten the supply of foodstuffs and this make the prices higher. . Take, apples, for example.. They are almost as expensive as potatoes ndjw. Yet many of the orchards near Omaha bav borne bountiful crops. H heard of, a man; who went over think ins he would buy sev eral bamel of apples for his own fam ily's uie direct irorri the farmers," said F. E. Bollard, an insurance man. 'He stopped at r farm where he saw the trees hanging full of the fruit. H met" the farmer and asked about buying some apples, , 'I can't sell any to you said the farmer.; 'Why not?' asked the man, "Because they've all been bought up was the reply. 'Well, thy're lead ripe, i It looks as though they ought to be picked,' said the Omahan. Said the farmer: 'I don't expect they'll ever be 'picked. They weren't bought up for that purpose.' " ''-' Buy Up Crop. It is alleged that the western apple men, interested in a market for their big crop, have agents in ihis part of crop, which it is their intention to allow to rot, merely m order to keep the price up on the apples that they allow to reach the market... - An Omaha grocer who doesn't want hi name mentioned, saw two carloads of: bananas dumped into the Missis tiffpi river in, eastern Iowa one day recently. -V .' fThey looked to be perfectly good bananas," he said. "And the men in charge of the dumping couldn't give any reason for destroying them." ' I' . Evidence to Grand Jury. ' Chicago, Nov. 22. With the receipt of information which, according to United . States officials, apparently tends to support the belief that cer tain produce dealers are emitting fruits and vegetables to rot in the fields that prices may he Increased, a corps of federal agents, uirected by United . States District Attorney Clyne,. today was searching for the persons responsible. The evidence, if obtained, will be presented to the fed eral grand jury at a meeting here to tin the responsibility for increasing food prices. .;, Intimations have reached Mr. Clyne, he says,' that through organized ef forts agents have been sent through the country purchasing supplies and preventing their shipment to middle western markets. These complaints, according to Mr. Clyuc, indicate that seven acres of pumpkins, twenty-eighl carloads of potatoes and a .trainload of cabbages have been destroyed to further the food shortage and that wnoiesaicrs in wonoiK, rniiaueipma and Saginaw are holding quantities of beans in storage, while, the price rifts Announcement' was made that a forum, for the discussion of the pricrt ot food and other necessities will be established here shortly. - , Dr. Stork Makes a Call V On the Store Family Dr. Stork visited the Store resi dence, 2765 Dean street, Tuesday evening. .-.'- Lucy is the name of the new baby girl which is brightening the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Store. "Pretty Baby" is the popular song now in the Store home. Dr. Stork said he was pleased to have made, the Stores happy. cm cut 'A';:' Dr. Kiaa't N.w DlMOveryk will eur. your cold. It H, ntlMptlo Mid Mothlni. kills lh. cold terms. All drufglstl. AdV. Jerry Howard Announces Program For His Free "Scholarly" Banquet Jerry Howard has announced his extensive and intensive program for his "scholarly and up-to-date" ban quet in the Auditorium this evening. "Everybody invited and everything free," is the invitation extended by the man to whom, the democrats of Doug las county, gave the highest vote among the seventeen legislative win ners. , The program follows: "What So cialism Stands For." G. C. Porter; "How to Obtain a Nomination in the Republican Party," Ed Smith; "How to' Obtain a Nomination in the Dem ocratic Party," Bob Holmes; "High Cost of Living," Rabbi Frederick Cohn; ;'Low Wages," Dr. E. Holovt chiner;' "Woman's Emancipation," a suffragist; "Patriotism," L. D. Kav anaugh; "City Government,'' John PACKER SAYS BEEF PRICESTHE SAME R. C. Howe of Armour Co. Declare! No Increase in Car cass Beef Around Here. PRESENTS SOME FIGURES That the high cost of living is not due to any increase in the selling price of beef by the packers was in sub stance the statement of General Man ager R. C, Howe of the Armour Pack ing company.' Mr. Howe issued fig ures compiled front statistical records in the local office which showed that the wholesale selling price of beef had increased practically not at all in. the last three years, and that the price of pork was not in any way due to ac tion on the part of packers in raising prices. , , . ' ' The following table shows the variance in the selling price of dressed and carcass beef per hundredweight in different centers, the figures given being the average selling price for fifty-two weeks: - till, 11IS, HIS. for ntlr country. . 111. tl $11.11 til. 10 Tot Oes MolnM. Lin coln and DMdvood. Il.ti 11. 2 11. is For Omaha territory.. 11.11 10. TS 10.11 The selling price of dressed car cass beef has made practically no in- Paul Breen. Arthur Mullen and R. B. Howell are announced to speak on any old subjects they may choose. Among those who have received spe cial invitations are supreme court judges, district court judges, governor and governor-elect. "t want to deny reports in the city hall that R. B. Howell is paying for the bread, butter and buttermilk which will be served at this banquet," said Mr. Howard. He also denied ru mors that the occasion was gotten up at the instigation of Mr. Howell in behalf of his fight against the five year street lighting contract passed by the city council in the interests of the citizens who have been clamor ing for more and better street lights. The first course of the banquet will be served at 7:45, Omaha time. crease in the last three years," Mr. Howe said. "Figures taken from our books, which are open to the public, show that beef supplied to tributary territory surrounding this market, which includes Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota and Wyoming, has risen scarcely at all in selling price. This will show that the high cost of living is due to other causes than forced prices for meat goods." In speaking of pork products the general manager said that the buying price of hogs on foot has increased i cents per pound since November 21 last year. "On November 20, 1915, hogs sold on foot at $6.27; today's market quotations show a price per hundredweight of $9.60 for the same grade of hog. We have raisd prices of dressed pork only according to the increase in raw materials." Pemo Committee Spends Large Sum' In Douglas County The expense account of the demo cratic county central committee filed with Harley G. Moorhcad, election commissioner, shows that the total receipts were $4,900 and the expendi tures $4,jJ98. One of the items was $1,730 'for "election day expenses, checking, distributing and watchers." EASTERN SENATORS FAVOR ANEMBARGO Receipt of ' Telegrams Telling This News Kills Anticipated Bull Movement Here. OMAHA MARKET IS STEADY The anticipated bull movement in grain prices failed to materialize and instead of an advance, all kinds of grain sold at about the same 'or a little lower tharf Tuesday. When the'' grain market closed Tuesday afternoon, the opinion was general that it would open with an advance of several c.nts a bushel. It is asserted that the ccllapse of the boom was brought about by telegrams coming in from New York. These telegrams were scattered about the trading floor of the Omaha exchange and conveyed the information that senators and representatives of the eastern states are unanimous in agreeing to the introduction of bills LOYALTY TO YOUR STOMACH is the first essential to continued good health When help is needed for THE APPETITE THE STOMACH THE LIVER THE BOWELS TRY HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters Hluled lnto Police Court" ." For Stealing a Sleep "You are charged with sneaking a sleep," said the magistrate- . - "GuiltyJ'jeplied Pete Higgens, who Tuesday night crept into the Salva tion Army Industrial home and went to bed without first seeing the clerk. He was discharged on hit promise to never sleep again. A Grand Demonstration of Howard Ranges and . Heaters at the UNION OUTFITTING CO., lpth and Jackson Sts. Ciumcisi Saturday Morning ;,, Not. 25th. A Howard Empress Rang to be - .. given wy absolutely free. Hot Coffee, Cain and Biscuits Free . .-' .;'.'; Every Day. , You and your friends are invited to attend the big stove demonstra tion. We are anxious that everyone should see these splendid ranges and ' overdraft heaters in actual operation. A comfortable rest room will be provided and hot coffee, cake and biscuits will be served FREE all day and every day during the demonstra tion. A large loaf of bread will be , baked in a Howard Range and the one guessing nearest to the exact weight will have one of these excel lent ranges delivered to their home absolutely free. Remember, the dem onstration commences Saturday A. M., November 25th. Come in and . guess the. weight of the big loaf of bread. It costs nothing to guess; no purchase necessary, and you may be me mcKy one in toe guessing contest Advertisement. . QonQQ Every Night For Constipation He4ddcheJndigestion,etc: nnAnnnETii j Safe W Sure H "TELEPHONE 2020 DOUGLAS 1 Be Sure to Share in This Sale Come Thursday, Friday and Saturday to This Basement Thursday, Friday and Saturday OF THIS WEEK (x Will Be Wonderful Days in This . , f IC3C3ED8E BAnNT Great stocks of all Winter Wearables- at prices ; that - are ' ;' simply unapproached anywhere. ." ' i This Sale of Mid-Winter Merchandise Offers you opportunities to save that are remarkable these days, when prices are soaring every where. An event of this kind proves conclusively that this ' BRANDEIS BASEMENT Is the Economy Center of Omaha Three Days of Wonderful Bargains Thursday Friday Saturday Save $10 on This Range "Laurel" Cast Iron Combination Gas and Coal Ranges Kn Sale, Thursday, at a Saving of $10.00 These ranges cook and bake perfectly with either coal or gas. To make your Thanksgiving Dinner a suc cess, secure a goodRange. Here is the best one we know of. , ' , Gas Cooking Top and Burners same size as on any family gas range. Full Size Oven, 18x18x13. ' ' ' Nothing to remove no tools required to , change from coal or wood to gas. When baking with gas, heat is used twice. "Summit" Laurel Gas and: Coal Combination Range, full nickel trimmed ; white splasher on high closet. Regular ggg price $75,, at. . . . "Zenith" Laurel Gas and Coal Combination Range, same size and quality as "Summit," but plainer in finish. $65.00 C C values, for: . ... ZpOQ " ll 1 "Success" Laurel Gas Ranges, smaller in size and plainer finish ; special, at ... . $45 Everything in Pott and Pan and Cooking Utensils. A full guarantee of satisfaction with every range. We sell "Caloric" Pipeless Furnaces. Basement. The Most 1 Efficient Kitchen Helps. Complete Stocks in both senate and house, as soon as they convene in December, placing an embargo on the export of all grains and other foodstuffs. The New York telegram! . came from brokers in that city and the information they contain, is looked upon as being the sentiment of east ern congressmen, regardless of party. Omaha grain dealers assert that if the talk of an embargo on grain and foodstuffs continues it will have a ten dency to "beat-" prices and if the em bargo becomes a fact there will be a decided drop not only on grain, but on everything that is a food factor. Omaha wheat receipts were fifty three carloads and while the demand was good prices were about the same as Tuesday, ranging around $178 1.84 per bushel. Corn sold off a quarter of a cent from the prices of Tuesday, fetching 9192j4 cents, though a car of choice stuff sold one-half cent up. Receipts were ninety carloads. Oats were in rather poor demand and (old off one-fourth to one-half cent, the going prices being Si'tta SS'A cents per bushel. Receipts were twenty-nine carloads.. Two Switch Engines Jam And Tie Up North Yards Just how, or why it happened, none of the enginemen know, but late Tuesday night, two switch engines, one a Northwestern and the other belonging to the Missouri ' Pacific, came together at the crossing near Fourteenth and Burt streets. Both locomotives were almost converted into scrap and the tracks tied up until almost noon. The Northwestern engine side swiped that of the Missouri Pacific, lifting it high into the air and toppling it over. In the collision, the Missouri Pacific machine was pretty well brok en up and the Northwestern almost completely stripped. The wreckage caused by the meet ing of the two engines tied up the ndrtli yards of the two railroad com panies and all trains going north and northwest were switched to the tracks of the Omaha road and the Belt line. MARLEY 2X IN. DEVON 2H IN. ARROW COLLARS 18 ets. each, 6 for 90 eta. CLUETT, FCA80DY CO., lit. aUKEM . VJs snw i a. u ti I. "QSJfPut alittlA K A up your nose Sa P and YOUR head & I hr Catarrh ' J HI CbffMrfiMi l CtidlfliliiiM r ' V : Ell ciiiuuiiwi. f.'. Ell Catarrh f Headache? Cold in head? ff the recent bad weather rilled vour bead with comfort-killing cold, clear it out at once. Let Kondon's Catarrhal Jelly rid you of that cold even faster than you caught It Follow the 26 year experience oil the millions end your discomfort new. After that, keep a tube handy so that yon may nip the next attack in the bud. H Kondon's itm't stop your cold in head, we will refund you your money without question. . - In millions of cases, quick relief from catarrh has resulted from the use of Kondon's Catarrhal Jelly. Whether you have chronic, dry, or other forma of catarrh, try Kondon's at our risk. And, if a 25cent tube of Kondon's fails lo relieve your catarrhal affliction at once, you can get your money back from your druggist, or from us. So profit from the experience of the millions for your comfort's sake try some Kondon's to-day. It is simple truth that Kondon's has instantly dispelled many, many head aches during its 26 years of beneficial history. Then why should you let a headache mar your happiness? Don't let a headache spoil your work md play. Try some Kondon's at our expense or buy a 25 cent tube. We will refund your money if you don't feel like saying, "what-a-relief,' Just as soon as you put the first application of the jelly up your nose and on your forehead. :-.. wmm jelly some at our Expense . : ; -These OMAHA Druggists will let you "'V Try ( KONDON'S at our expense. These Druggists in Orilaha will give you some Kondon's at our expense. ' These Omaha stores are a few, of the 35,000 dealers who sell Kondon's. They know Kondon's is good for you. In order that YOU may know HOW good it really is we have sent each of these Druggists some small cans of Kondon's. for the to five away to you at out expense without cost to you. If you call soon enough, you can get one of these little cans from any one of 'hese druggists.1 ( "Incidentally, notice what some of these remedy-authorities think of Kondon's.. inert u no Miter caorrnai remeay man Many ot oar ouitoners think Kondon's tht bolt rttnedy for cold ana ejttarrb. Exchanya Druff Co., 19th and Harney Sts. Kondon's It popular with our customtrs. Whittaker Dnu Cn. 1308 Garfield St. Kondon's sells easier than others, because people recommend It to each other. Beaton Drue; Co., 16th and Farnaai Su. . Kondon's Is so well known thst we find H easy to soli. Merritt's Drug Stores. Kondon's Catarrhal Jelly is frequently asked for. The King Pharmacy, 24th and remain Sts. Kondon's never stays very long on our shelve. Baum Drug Co 262S Sherman Ave. - Kondon's is our best setter in the catarrhal remedy line. Elton's Pharmacy, 3240 N. 24th St. For colds and catarrh, Kondon's Catarrhal Jelly leads all other line. Edwards' Phar macy, 4M N. lotn it. Kondon's is O. K. Has been our best seller for years. Grand Pharmacy, 2924 Sher man Ave. . Kondon's Is the best known remedy of Its kind on the market. Carter Lake Pharmacy, 3922 Sherman Ave. 1 For many years Kondon's Catarrhal Jetty has sold well. Droxel Pharmacy, 624 N. 16th St. Kondon's soils easy because It Is weU ?ffjim men ued. Aaw.i-t.4iasi krug uo 2402 Fort St. We sell lots of Kondon's Catarrhal Jelly. Green's Pharmacy, 16th and Howard Sts. ' There Is a steady call for Kondon's, es pecially In bad weather. F rigger Drug Co 1848 N. 16th at . fcvery day people ask for Kondon's, Good Stuff. Blake's Drug Co 16th and Locust Sts. ' Kondon's Catarrhal Jelly Is a boon to msny ot ur cuaini-iti-s. iie fatrlcn t-aar-macy. 1602 N. 24th St. Demand for Kondon's Increasing because It iatufiM. Oliver i, Lewis, 3139 Fern am St. Kondon's has very little competition be cause it Is so effective. Parker Street Phar macy, 1823 N. 33d St. tw.iuuit vj.-n.s Jelly li the beat on the market. Yatee Drug Store, 17th and Douglas St. Kondon's Is the best liked remedy for colds and catarrh.T Rlngle Drug Co 213 N. 26th St. Kondon's. VachaTe Pharmacy, 602 Pierce St. i We sell lots of Kondon's because we knew it's good. Hamee Drug Co 13th and Doug lea Sts. Kondon's never stays long on our shelves. Sherman a McConnell Drug Co 16th and Dodge SU. Kondon's ts a very good remedy. Snyder's Pharmacy, 3229 California St. Consider Kondon's Catarrhal Jelly a fine tandard remedy. Hlnterlong Drug Co 4824 Dodge St. .Many men and women rely on Kondon's Catarrhal Jelly. Saratoga Pharmacy, 24th and Ames Ave. People often ask for Kondon's.--Owl Drug Store, 16th and Harney Sta. . Kondon's has many friends as a remedy for cold-in-the-head and catarrh. Kounts Place Pharmacy, 3002 N. 24th St. Kondon's is a very good remedy. Schaa fer Cut Price Drug Store, 324 N. 16th St. Kondon is a remedy for catarrh and cold in the head. Harvard Pharmacy, 24th and Farnam Sts. Kondon's is popular with our customers. Red Cross Pharmacy, lTth and Cuming. People often ask for Kondon's. The Pat rick Pharmacy, 2802 Leavenworth St. We consider Kondon's very meritorious. Pone Drug Co., 13th and Farnam Sts. Kondon's Catarrhal Remedy Is frequently ttked for Vandaa Pharmacy, 2701 S. 10th St. Kondon's never stays very , long on our shelves. H. L. Pribbernow, 3201 5. 24th St. We are glad to recommend Kondon's.-" Joseph Tuchelt, 2413 S. 13th St. Kondon's is a remedy for catarrh and eold-in-the-head. Jasper Smith, 1914 N. 24th Kondon's seems better liked than any other remedy of Its kind. Purity Drug Co 1106 N. 16th St We consider Kondon's very meritorious. Johanson Drug Co., 3619 N. 24th St. We are glad to recommend Kondon's. Capitol Drug Co 1624 Capitol Ave. Kondon's sells best because it does the work. Paxton - Hotel Pharmacy, Paxton Hotel. J, H. Schmidt, 2402 Cuming St. The Crisser Pharmacy. Myers-Dillon Drug Co. John J. Freytag, 1914 N. 24th St. Thompson-Bclden A Co., 420 S. 16th St. Since 1889, 50 MiHi ons have used KOTiflori's "'That fact insures you that Kondon's actually tfoM relieve catarrh, colds and nasal headaches. But never mind other peoes' experience. Find out for yourself. Get a complimentary can from your druggist at our expense. Or if you would rather buy c. tub invest your quarter and, if Kondon's doesn't do you at least a dollar's worth of good, yal can get your quarter back cheerfully either from your druggist or from us. ' A I.I . -T-jWaar-" I 11 'aTiHI 1? JTABb 11!!' !! !? 1 1- . C0.1 INI III if 115 IH KONDON MFC MINNEAPOLIS. MINN, 'toM1 WWW jjf