THE BEE: OMAHA, NOVEMBER 1916. i I I Want-Ad Rates I CASH WITH OBDM. IW WOttl llMWtlM Sat olid o SIsplaM . In sor Una on " l pec lino thru ooMooutlM (Out oil word! to uae. p m fH U Mr He. tare. eotiMeatlT. Unie. (Count all vorda to tko luo. portal t-! To Mr MHO Uroo oonaocoti Times (Cont st, words to tko lino.) PORETON ATVERT1BINJ UNDER AGENTS un nr.Lr ...... ir." FICATIONS. i ttmo le Mr word..... . I Ho Mr word time oonMcutlro times TO AD TAKEIt FOB IW T" VL A lOTAX OF too OR I.ESS THAN Mo A HAT. , . CARD OF THANK. t)!ATH AND TV IS. MT Hno oartl Inaortlon (Minimum ehanre 10 oontt.) UONTRLT RATS FOR STANDINO ADS (No eban.e of copy allowed.) On. Hno .."! II Two Udoo or moro MT Mm I1.M - tunia. sis www. w . (Contract rete. on applloatlon.) ' THE BED will not bo rooponolblo lor mora than ono Incorrect Inoortlon 01 an ma tleement odred tor moro than ono t mo. ADVERTISERS ohoold relln receipt, flron , Tho Boo In paynvrnt for Wanlo Adj. aa no mists,, can no recunea "i'"""' tr 3. bu (eet vDiinuu i. vnn cannot eon . nnlontlr brln or oont In ronr ado. Aak , for a Want-Ad Taker, and ron will ro eolro tho oarno rood oorvlco ao whoa 00- Uverln, your ad at tho offlc. PHONF) TTLER 100. WANT-AD COLUMNS CIOSB. ' rVEVINO EDITIONS 1:H VORN1NO lentTIONg t-0 MOVIE PROGRAM Cvnal offerings I WUm Theaters (CkaagW Dettp.) J Downtown. FARNUM, ltlS FARNUM THB HEART OF A HKRO." 1 WITH CARI.TLE BLAHKWELL and KTHKL CI.ATT0N. FIRST TIME EVER SHOWN lhnOMAHA, PRINCESS; ; U17-1I DOUGLAS l PRESENTED HERE FOR So EriflODB 11 THE GREAT SERIAL, "THE YELLOW MENACE." DON'T MISS THE FUNNIEST COMEDIAN BILI.TK RITCHIE In a . t-REEL SCREAMER, AND A CARTOON, North. CMFTON, 48th AND BURDETTE. "THE REFORMATION OF DOO HOLE." 10th "OIRI. FROM FRISCO," "MOT AND LOVE." "A SAFE PROPOSITION," DIAMOND, ""HTH AND LAKE THE CODB LETTER."" "THE HEART OF A FOOL." FEATURING HARRT DAVENPORT. GRAND DTK AND BINNCT DOROTHT OISH In' 'GRETCHEN. THE GREENHORN' A t-RBEL TRIANULB FKATUBM. HIPPODROME, 16th AND CUMINO. "THE SHIELDING SHADOW," NO. t. AND PATHE NEWS, LOTHROF, lth AND LOTHROP. "WHAT HAPPENED AT 22?" 'j " . .. , and COMEDT. NEW STAR, SHERMAN AVE. A LOCUST ' "A ROMANCE OF B1I.LT (JoAT BILL." i REELS, x . "MAIN 440,," ' (t-RBHL COMEDT.) South. APOLLO, tlth AND LEATBNWORTH. '.' "ESMERALDA,"' : 1 With MARY PICKFORD. -' BOULEVARD I1RD A LEAVENWORTH MARGUERITE CLARK In "LITTLE. LADY EILEEN" AND PARAMOUNT PICTOORAPH. BOHLFF . tilt LEAVENWORTH FLORENCE LA BADIB In "saint, Devil and woman AND A COMEDT. West Hat AND UNDERWOOD dundeTE" GAIL KANE and HOUSE PETERS In "THE VELVET PAW." MONROE, i :Vt( FARNAaT BRUCE M'RAB and OERDA HOLMES In , "THE CHAIN INVISIBLE." OMAHA . 40TH AND DODOB . PAE RAE, THE WOfDERFUL , CHILD ACTRESS la "GLORIANA" South Side. Orw'HBUM, , . Hth AND M, ; TWO REELS, with HELEN HOLMES In "THE LA MS OF THE LUMBKRLAND." "UNPARDONABLE SIN." DEATHS ft FUNERAL NOTICES. NEROEN Nlcholaa, November SI, aso 70 ... yeara. Kunoral from roaldonco, 1tlT Lako St., Frldar at 1:10 a. m. ta St. Marr Mal dalono'a rhurrh at a. m. lnurmont Uorman Catholto comotory. FRATERNAL ORDERS. Tim nicmbera of Harmony Couucll, No. 14S0, Knlfbta and Ladlea of Security, are A. rciturttcd to attond tho funeral of Ade laide Oauvoreau at Su Pater a church, a. m. Thursday OEOROB MCDONNELL. Prreldent . CHARLES E. BHACK1.EY, Socrotary. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. DLFFT A JOHNSTON, omlialmera and fs neral dlrootora. Ill . mh. Tyler 1IT. MUL8E A RTbPBN. undertaken andere oalmora. 101 a. Itth SL Douslaa Ilia. FLORISTS. ' BEST QUALITY CUT FLOWERS or plante. Art Combtnatlona abtpped ovory where. EKoellent oarvleo to our euetom- t era In paat yearn reoommende. HE8S A bwuuuua. leie rarnam m.. Xlouit. 101. LARGEST ASSORTMENT of treeb flower delivered or chipped anywhere. L HUN DERSON. Hit Farnam St. Doqf. 'llu. FCr'TEfL LARMOH U PouylM. Done It4. PARK EH riowtr Shop. Ill a lllh. D. Ildt. A. 1X)NA0HUB. 1111 Hfcrnnr. tv. lOftl. BATH. Natlonsl iorfit, H04 FBrnam St. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. R1rth Murk O. and Komlo Ountlcr, SH4 North Portr-atecond, vlrl: Loult nd !nm Hwarlilandr. 14 North Thtrtlth. Kirl; QnoTf and Catharln Baltarco, 126 Mouth EiffhtMnth, virl; Kdmund and Irene Brador, 1101 Laurel avenue, girl; Stanley and Thaopllnla Store. 27S Dean, virl; Gmre and Bertha Sacks, 4H- South Twentjr-rixth, lrl; Homer C. and Maria T Smith, lei North Nineteenth, firl. Deaths Adelaide Lawrence, ai yeara. HIT Point laa; Prlts Stephen, 14 yeara, J70( H: Prance O. Woodard, 1 yeara, 1108 Miami. Anna K. Short, 61 yeara, 12M South Twenty-aeventh; ljargaret Sltckelior, 27 yeara, 1108 South Ninth; R. Hoeklna, ts yean, hoepltal; Thoinaa Hayes, 44 yeara. hoe pi tat; Fred A. Olbbone, 1 month, Sell Leavenworth; Carroll Fret bo It, I yeara, hoepiUlj LuorlUa H. Short, ? years, SOS Redick avenue; William. H. Baldwin, 17' run. Hoepiiai, MARRIAGE LICENSES, The followlnc permit to wed have bean . Name an neeldenca. xe. Lewie oA. Olad, Polk, Neb.,,,..,'..,",,,. SB AUiner newiuan, umana Oeorga H. Marevs, Mlsalon, S. D. Haiti Mo Kimmel, Mlseton, & D.,.,... IB X el via Overbay, Omaha Buut Jicar, Omaha..,. S9 BUILDING PERMITS. St. Nlrholas church. 603 South Thir tieth, hrlrk church, S7,le0. SPECIAL NOTICE fK. OLLIK JOSEPH has sold hie Intereate In tho Zeldan ft Joseph Wholesale Dry Ooeds Co., 1310 Dodge St., to Mr. Zeldaat, who will assume full charge. lost-foOnd-rewards IP you Iom anything and will advertise ti hre, you will surely recover It If found by an honest person. Remarkable recov eries are brought about every day through this column. THB LAW People who And lost ar tides are Interested In knowing that the tat law Is strict m requiring them ta eek the owner through advertisement and otherwise, and that a failure to do so, If saras can be provsn. Involves a se rious penalty. . OMAHA COUNCIL BLUPFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would fo well to call up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company ta ascertain whether thy left It In the treat car. Many articles each day are turned In and the company ts anxious to restore them to the rightful owners. Call Tyler 100. . REWARD for Information leading to re covery of black and white female English setter dog. Black leather collar. Re aponds to name of Babe. A, A. Fry, 1Ck change Bldg., South Side, LOST Lady's handbag, between Eighteenth ana sixteenth on Podge or ram kbui car to Wool worth. Call Tyler 384 for descrip tion or leave at Bee office for reward. LOST Eye glasses (Sunday) between 16th st, on Dodg and 2th Bt., ana to isos Davenport. Tel. H. Sl7. Mrs. C. T. Taylor. Reward. FOUND Soda Fiuntaln. OHBBNS PHARMACT. lthnno .HowarS. LOST Oolo Watch, Wal'thnm, black leather wrlel caae, "C a,. I . onfravea on ceee. Return to 107 So. Hth St. Reward. Loat Downtown or In atore. Oeld line aet with email dlamonda and ruby. Re ward. Harney MM. FOUND On Hth St., emblem pin with name A. Miller, Owner can have aamo by payln, for ad. Web. im. LOST Black fur muff, between Omaha and Millard: reward. Call Harney lll. QOOD baee burner for aale, roaaonable. Call Tyler lilt. FOUND A puree on Woat DodfO Bl. Phone Walnut Itn, , . ' . FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture snd Household Ooods. FURNITURE! BAROATN. 1 fine otorase dlnln, autte, conalatlnr of ono combination china cabinet and buf fet, one eatenalon table, I dlnln, ohalra, Worth 111)0. On aale for M4.I0. 8TATB FURNITURE CO., Cor. 14th and Dodro. Phone Dour. 1117. HIOH.ORADB furniture, cut llaaa. hand painted china, bric-a-brac and all that could no expeoted to furnlah a 6-room modern cottage..' Can bo bought at half value. Any party wlinln, a pretty home, call Tyler lltJ. No dealer, or trlflera. ONE ,reen velour bed davenport, ono oak ohlrronler, one mahotany maelo cabinet and other houaohold fooda. Walnut 630. 401 Dome. ' STOVES. ALL KINDS. See u flrot. Price. rlfhL City Furniture Co., 107 S. 141b, Loyal Furniture Co., Itl N. llth St. BUY a Little Client Ironlnf table. ItTlTM abeolute aatlaxactlon. Tno Little Ulant MemifactUTtn, Co.: Omaha. STOVES, furniture, ruae. bedding and linen of all kind. Open; till t p. m. Dolgoff. last N. 14th St. HOUSEHOLD furniture for aale at a aaorl- flca. 1007 St. Mary'a. Stores sad Office Fixtures. PLATE OLASS ahowcaae, 4 ft., mahogany rinlah, almoat new, big bargain If taken at once,. Halnea, the jeweler, 1231 Far nam St.' Jewelry, Diamonds snd Wstches. BRODRBOAARD'S "Lucky Wedding Rlnga" at lita and Douglae Bta. Billiards and Vocket Tables. FOR SALB BILLIARD TABLES. Brand saw, carom and pooket, with oompleto .utSt, llSfti aeoond-hand table, at re duced prloea bowling alley, and ,upplles', aay paymenta. Cigar atorea, drug, dell oatenien and aoda fountain Sxturoe. THB BRUNSWICK-BALKU-COLLBNDBH CO., 407-403 South 10th St. . BARBER shop and poo. hall., Will sell pool tables separately. Lang, 1807 Far nam St. Red 7230. ' i Machinery and Engines. NEW AND BICCOND-HAND MOTORS. EXPERT ELECTRICIANS AND MACHINISTS. ' LB BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS, ii-io m. inn at., umana. . ONE Powers' 6-Inch motion picture ma chine. In good condition. A. bargain. J. H. Steyer, Carleton, Neb. t BOILERS, steam, electric, gaa engines. pipes. Gross wrecking Co., 1810 Cuming. Printing- and Office SuDD.iea. COMMERCIAL Duplicating Co., also publto Steno, Phons for prices. Douglaa I -01, 640 Paxton Blk. GET our prices on Job printing. UNITED STATES PRINTING CO. Bee Bldg. Doualaa int. WATERS-BARNHART Ptg. O. Co.. quality printing Tel. uoug. mo. ii a. llth bl Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needles and parts of all lowing machines, MICKBL'S NEBRASKA CTCLB CO.. 16th and Harney Bts. Doug. 1661. Typewriters and Supplies. NEW machlnea sold the same as rent; $1 per month. Bee us before you buy or rent. Shipped any place on ten days' free trial. Butts Typewriter Exchange, 16 8. 16th, Omaha, Neb. REMINGTONS. Monarchs and Smith Premiers for rent; sent anywhere. Rem Ington Typewriter Company. D. 1 S 6 4, TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver Typewriter, t months for II. Central Typewriting Exchange, 1)06 Farnam. C A RBON paper, l a box and up; second sheets, 10c a ream. MIDLAND CO., Doug. XI 4T. NO. 10 Visible Smith Premier, practically new. Will sell at bargain. Phone Doug laa t6I or Red 1166. SAVE 10 per cent oi, your typewriter eup- pnes. jau Miaiana uo., i; hit. , Miscellaneous. PECANS FOR SALE One hundred pounds tnin sneu selected pecans, rorty aoiiara. Sams quantity, run of orchard, twenty Ave dollars. Smaller quantities same prloe per pound. We pay express. Remit with orders. Simpson Simpson, Nsw port. Ark. Who's setting the pace now? In the flrst ten months of lilt THE BEE gained 47,640 Paid Ada. EXCEEDING the COMBINED GAIN of the other two Omaha papers for same 10,000 PAID ADS. Good Results. Good Rates. Good Service.! DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelving. etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co.. 414-16-16 S. 13th. Doug. 1714, OMAHA PILLOW CO. Felt and hair mat tresses made over In new ticks at half the price of new ones. Phone us for sample of ticking. Mall orders filled. 1007 Cuming St Douglas 1467. ALEX JETTES LIQUOR HOUSE, -rnineenin ana uoudea. Bottled In bond wonky, lie, l.M, 11.11. full quart. MT hlslt atandard of quality will be main. tained; quart, ox uid irontenello whleky. 1.36; bottled la bond. Henry Pollock, mall order house. 1ouk. ' 7161. 111-134 N. llth St. Home-made ,rape -wine, $1.25 PER GALLON. Sunajst port, full quart, 60 cents. Old Taylor'whlsky. full quart. II oenta. CACKI.KT BROS. DBT KINDLING WOOD. ACMBJ BOX COMPANT. i HARNGT UST WANTED TO BUY GUTTMSN Paya Highest Prices for - Furniture. Ruse. Clothes, Pianos, Office Furniture. Trunks. Shoes. Douglaa 1071. Res., Webster 4204. DESKS DESKS DESKS New deslu, used desk,, bottsht. Mid and traded. J. C Reed, 130T Farnam. P. N 1 TN S p" mn.est price for I liil il O clothes, shoes, trunks, etc Red 3317. Res.. Douglas 8633. OMAHA Metat aV Rubber Co. want baled mixed paper, will pay good price. Call lloudea 3436. WANTED TO BUY DIAMONDS .Tnm' HOLM tea pays your price for second-hand clothes, shoes and hats. Webster laze. ANNOUNCEMENTS Tour moot convenient printer. THB PK1NT1NO HOUSK OP MA ITER. Phone Doug. 7744. I at Farnam St. AUTOMOBILE storage; dry and clean, 1 Sfl per month. Keys Bros., Council Bluffs, la. BRODKOAARD'H "Lucky Wedding Rings" atisin and uouglae Bta. Accordion Pleating. ACCORDION Side. Knife, Box Pleating. Cov. Buttons, Hemstitching. Neb. Pleating ana Button Co , 431-2 Paxton Blk. R. 4943. Accountants. JOHN M. CATHRAB ft BON (INC.) Chicago. Racine, New Orleana, Public Accountante and Auditor. Syateraatliera, Efficiency Knglneera. Buelneae Counaellora. Omaha OfSce, 1233-24 W. O. W. Bldg. H. L. Bray. Realdent Manager Attorney st Lsw. FRANCIS MORGAN, (13 Bee. Dougla, 4063. Amusement!. - MRS. WEST, aoelety entertainer, palmlatry ana carae. ror engagement Tel. Ty. zsri, Bakeries. . CAKES, paatry and fancy bakery good, eupplled to partlea, lodgea and entortatn- menU. Z H. Reeder, 1(06 N. llth. W. 1137. ORTMAN'S NEW ENOLANB BAKERT. 213 N. 14TH ST. BRANCHES PUBI.K.' MARKET AND IIATDEN BROTHERS. "OUR MOTTO" BUTTER BAKED OOODS. LET US PROVE IT. Baths. DB. BENDA Sulphur, eteem. Modern Turklah BATHS AND MABHAOE). Prlyate apartmenta for Udleo, with lady atfend anta. 1113 Farnam. Phono Doug. 6877. BLbCTRIC, ehower and tub hatha. Maaeage of all kinda. Staat'a Inatltute, 1606 Har ney St, Doug. T097, la. m. to 1 p. m. RITTENHOUSE Sanitarium: all klnda bathe. 110-314 Balrd Blk., 17th and Douglaa. Buttons snd Pleating. VAN ARMAN Dreaa Pleating and Button Co., 336-7 Paxton Blk. Doug. 1103. Accor dion, knife, aide, apace, box, aunburat and combination pleating, hematltchlng, pleot edging, pinking, niching, covering button,; all atylea and aliea. Price llat free. Brass and Iron Foundries. Paxton-Mltchell Co., 37th and Martha Sta, Caterers, AN EXPERIENCED CATBRESS, excellent cook: apeclal attention to partlea and Sun day dinner,. Price, roaaonable, Har, 4160. Cook., bak., prepare eandwlchoB. Wal. 1388 Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment Dr. Burhorn, Rose Bldg. Palmer achool graduate. Doug. 1347. Dr. Fra:ice, Dawaon, 603-1 Roae Bid. T. 1361. Dr. J. C. Lawrence, Balrd Bldg. D, 8461. 1 Chiropractic. Dim. Johnaton, 1836 W. O. W. Bid,. D. 6631. Caroentera snd Contractors. Loaaard i Son, 1,04 Capitol Ave. Tyler 1611. Clesninat snd Presalns. SUTTS preaaed, 16o: cleaned and proaieS, 11. pan oroenatono. 1406 Harney, Red 1761. Costumes. THEATRICAL gown,, full dree, autta, for rent. 801 N. 17tn. John Faldman. D. 1111. Detectives, JAMES ALLAN, 118 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all caaea, Tyler 1136. Interstate Detective Asa'n. 481 Ramga Bldg. Dancing Academy. Til? T TTYhDan Tues., Thura., Sat., J-fEl JjUACisun.. mat. and eve. school. Monday and Wednesday eve. D. 1441. Academy for Kent Friday Evenings, KEEP DANCINQ ACADEMY, 16th and Far- nami class Hon. and FN. svo. Assemblies Wed. and Bat. ova Private lessons. D. 716,. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury, No pain. Ill W. O. w. Bldg. Taffa Uenf. Kma 801 Roio Bldg. D. 1111. Dressmaking. ART OF DRESS CUTT1NO SCHOOL. 60 oents a lesson. Satisfaction or money returned. 1013 N. llth St. Web. 7816. SBWINO of any kind well done. Reason- able prlcee. 3631 Spencer Bt Web. I486. FOR STYLE, reasonable prloe In your fall see Atkinson Co.. 1601 Farnam. GOWNS and suits a specialty. Work cvar anieeo. vveosier ...v. SEWINO by op. dreaamaker. Harney 7T. Dreaamakln., reasonable prices. Web. 6111. D-maklns by the day. 3104 Devon. D. 7708. Bap, drsmkr. Child's olothes. spoo'ty. D. 1017. Terry Dreasmak'il eolleveVsOth and Farnam. OOWN8 800 Balrd Bids. D. 1706 Express Companies. Anywhere 25c. Web. 2104 TWIN C1TT Express Co., 1611 Caae St. 1717. Heavy hauling a apeolalty. Hair Dressing. IDEAL Hair Parlors, 10T Balrd Bldg. Menl ourlng, toilet article. Douglaa 1186, Everything tor Women. ACCORDION, aide, knit., sunburt, boi pleating; covertd buttons, .11 also, .nd styles, hemstitching; plcot edging, em broidery beading, braiding, oordlng, eye let cut work, buttonholes, pennant.. ' 1HSAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO., 100 Douglas Blk. Dougla. llll. SWITCHES from combines, II up. Dyed, Me. Mrs. V. Brlllh.rt, ill Paaton Bldg. Fixtures snd Wirini. TlTTPVTM Blectrlo washing machines, JVUIVAVIA, electric Iron, and readlag lamp. 8311 Cuming St. Douglaa 1611. Furnace Cleaning. Bomeman, fur., chlm. cleaning. D. KLSAS9RR, furnace cleaners; work guar. anleeil; beat prices. 1,31 B. llth. D. 6436. Exp, chimney and furnace cleaner. R. 6608. Job Printing. OATB CITT Printing Co., mgh-gr.d. print Ing. 1611 N. 14th. Phons Web. 1617, iustices of the Peace. A1BOHNE. Ill Paxton Blk. Red 7401. Notary Public; deposition, stone. C. W. BH1TT. 101 Barker Block. Hasseures. MISS HARWOOD, expert maaaetM. and therapeutic operator. Staat'a Institute, Douglas 7017. Solentlfle massage; baths. II 81 Farnam St MAH8AUK and chiropody, iio Balrd Bldg. , Osteopaths, inderaen, 606 Bee Bldg, Dr. Mary Patents. i PATENTS nrocured. bouent and Bold. Inter. national Patent Co., 683 Brandels. P. l Patent Attorneys. H. A. 8TDHOEB, 610 Brandels f h. D. 1461. 1 Pianos for Rent 11.1, per mo. A. Hospe Co.. 1511 Ponglea. Rug Manufacturers. FLtTPP rugs from old crpst.: rag rug, a poolalty oleanlng and alteratlona. Peer, Rug Faotory, 1421 Cuming. Red 114a. Shoe Psriors. HEN'S, WOMEN'S, SHOES Shlned. Cleaned. Omaha Shoe Hospital, ' 1131 Farnam. Towel Supplies. OMAHA Towel Supply, 807 8. llth. P. 681. Wedding Stationery. WEDDINQ announc.mente and prtntlar. Douglaa Printing Co. Tel, Doug. 644. SWAPPERS' COLUMN IF TOU have anything to trade, make up a little ad and run It tn thta column (or seven days It only costs lio and So per answer. This offer Is good only In Omaha, and exeludea Real Batata, cash offers and Buelneae Properties For Bale or Trade These, as well aa mall ordara for use of Swapper's Column, must pay regular ' rates. One or two answers are sufficient to make your trade and the whole trans action only costs about 10c Try tt HAVE a No. I folding Bllckensderfer type writer with caae, also I Blackatone mas ease machines, will exchange for rifle, shotgun or good camera. B. C 104, Omaha Bee. l-TON Ford truck, 19 J 4 model. In good condition, Inside seat, not used retry long. What have youT Address 8. C. T03. Bee. WE swap or buy kodaks, films developed free; one-day service. Kaae Kodak Studio, Neville Blk., Hth and Harney. ART Garland hard coal heater, change for any thing I can use. -8. C, 1T Bee. will eiUdreas, A L1TTLB AD in this column will bring about noma remarkable exchanges. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE. WTD 1,000 men and women to eat chicken dinner Sun. The Dutch Mill, llll Harney ! Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Success. BUSINESS CHANCES WE HAVE CUSTOMERS EVERT DAT FOR OOO D BUSINESSES, GROCER T, BAR BER AND POOL, DRUO STORES AND OKN. MDSE. ' LIST WITH US IF TOU HAVE ANT- THINO TO SELL. OUR MODERN METH ODS GET RESULTS. INTER -STATE REALTT CO., "v. ?2-30 City Nat l. Dour COME UP OR CALL UP TO DAT. A GOOD OP K NINO. For an active man who deelree to learn the real estate and Insurance builneea can cure an Internet In one of the beat quipped In the city. Althouffh newly eetabllehed, It haa superior advantages and uaeurpaeeed proapecta and opportun ity. One of the partners deilrea to go south on account of his health, and hie Interest can be purchased for Ifioo cash. Htgheet bank and commercial references turn lined. Investment secured, SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., 4B2& S. 14th St. Phone Bo. 1247, DO YOU WISH TO SELL YOUR BUSINESS AND TURN IT INTO CASH? Wo are buying all kinds of tnerohandls atoeka In Nebraska, Iowa and surround lnr territory, paying cash. If you want to ell out your business and get oaah for It without delay, writs' us, giving all details., No stock Is toa large for us to handle, AU oorraaponaencer strictly confidential. OMAHA SALVAGE COMPANY, 7t0 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Omaha, Nebraska. AN ESTABLISHED manufacturer wants general sales manager to open office and manage salesmen, 300 to 700 capital necessary. Money-maklnc un limited. Will pay expenses to Chicago If you are man ws want. Acme Brass works. Inc., 10H Republic Bldg., Chicago. OWNER of new and second-hand harness anop, located 1112 Cuming, must sell be cause of sickness, complete- stock; low rent, good business; living room In con nection. Wonderful opportunity for young man. Call at Loyal Furniture Store, fit N. 16th. Who's setting We pace nowT In the first ten months of ltlS THB BEE gained 47.140 Paid Ada. EXCEEDING the COMBINED GAIN Of the other two Omaha pat for Mm period by more than - 10,000 PAID ADS. Good Results. Good Rates. Good Servloe. . A ."ANTED Agents throughout Iowa and Nebraaka to ael SPRING OILERS for autea. Every ear needs them. All auto distributors, garages, ate. . recommend them. $14.60 will handle large county. Money refunded If can't make good. G. I W. SPRING OILER CO.. OMAHA, ' IS1 Brandels Bldg." V DESIRE te meet three young men, not afraid of hard knocks, having a few thousand dollars each, to join me In or ganizing a farm and live stock company In Nebraska. For particulars address Boa 1418. Bee. NEVER better -opening than now for live man with atock of men's clothing, fur nishings, shoes. South Platte county seat town. Address, T 691 Bee. FOR SALE Confectionery and cigar store. This is bargain for a live wire and can be bought tight. This Is a live proposition. Address Boa 171, Ldveland, Colo. FOR BALE No traders, l-table billiard hall and cigar fixtures all Bruniwlck-Balkes. new stuff. Owner leaving stats. Live business town of 7,000. Write T 601, Bee. EXCELLENT opening for a dentist In live lows town, good chance for a good man. Address Box 826S. Omaha Bee. MOTION PICTURE MACHINES. Mew and rebuilt bargains, - supplies. Omaha Film Exchange. 101 f). 14th St. WILLIAMS, established It years. To buy or sen Dusinees see mm. til Mci;ague Bldg. Reference, U.-8. National Bank. YidWD Sale and Auction Co., Omaha, have eioaea out mors mass, stociu man any other firm In U. S. Write for terms. FOR SALB Good, clean atock of hard ware, live town, central Nebraska. Good reason for selling. . Be quick. Address T .67, Bee. . IF TOU want to sell or buy a business or rooming nouae can on Busch Ik Borgbofr, 710 World-Herald Bid,, phone D. lilt. WB BUT, w. Mil motion pletur. theaters, machine., future fllme. Co-operative Film and Supply Co.. 110 Bromley Bldg. FOR SALE! by owner, drug store, dwelling and .took; aqu.r. do.!. Addrea. wn.r. Ill West 6th Ave., Denver, Colo. - QANOE8TAD, 411 .Bee Bldg. Doug, 1477. OUARANTT plan; gat In or out business. AU .t.tes. F. V. Knlest. Bos Bid,., Om.h.. Rooming Houses. BOOMING HOUSES, .11 .lies, grsat bar lain. 411 Bom Bldg. Phono Tyler 1417. SITUATIONS WANTED WEBKLT BATH, 150 PER LINK. Day work or business ads, regular ratee I Unas one week ...I0o I line ens week ,.. ,4M Each extra line 16c per week Male. RELIABLE firm of accountants, making a specialty of opening and dosing small seta of books and doing' bookkeeping work; audits and systems Installed; charges reasonable. Address Bee 8Ht, Bee. FIR8TCLASS grocery cterk.4 years' exper'-' , lenoe aa general mdse clerk. Have had experienced as window trimmer. Can furn tsh the best of references. Address Box 42 1. Alma, Neb. WANTED .Position as salesman, 10 years' experience selling retail and jobbing trade, man of clean character and ability. Address 4101 No. 13d St., or call Colfax 414. JAPANESE young man wanta Job drive with private family; -experienced; good references ; may consider other work for winter. Harney I8H7. RELIABLE help .of all klnda cart" ha ob talned free of charge from Raymonds Labor Agency, Ills Douglas. Doug. T37C RELIABLE help of alt kinds can bs ob tained free of charge from Raymond'! Labor "Agency, lilt Douglas. D. 7370. POSITION wanted by thoroughly experi enced lady bookkeeper. Address P. O. Box It, South Side Station. Efficient exp. salesman, wishes change Jap. 1. Drug line preferred. Box 1844, Bee. . TOUNO married man wants position doing paper hanging or painting or kalaomlnlng; good workman. Phons Red 4441. ' .REGISTERED druggist; position wanted aa manager or clerk. : ference. 634 Associa tion building, Lincoln. Neb. .- - EXPEIUENCBD carpenter and woodwork man desires work; references. 4121 S. 16th. Phons South 3261. COLORED man wanta work of any kind In private family or porter work tn or out of city. Box 1311, Bee. TOUNO man wants place U board while attending school, lege. Doug. 1666. work for Boylea Col WANTED Work aa janitor, middle-aged man with best of references. Webeter 1874. SITUATION wanted In abstract office by an experienced man. Box 8884, Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED chauffeur and mechanic wanta position References. Box 83411, Bee. RELIABLE colored man w tehee janitor or porter work. Phon Douglaa'631. TREE grapes trimmed, and house oleanlng. Call Allen. Webeter 7418. Females. NEAT colored girl wanta light work of any kind or tight place to keep house. Call Web. 4761, Mlsa Jackson, 1708 N. Hth. WANTED Posit Ion as housekeeper by middle aged lady tn small family, atra. B. F. West, Omaha, Neb.. Oen'l Delivery. GRADUATE nurse of rvftnement and cheer ful disposition wishes to care for elderly person or couple. Address T 686, Bee, THE BEE charge for "Situation ads" la lower than any other form of advertising not enough to cover the east of printing. SALES LAD T with I years experience, wants position tn general atore. Beat of ref srences. Addreaa T 43, Bee. - ' POSTION wanted ' as' ' tTousekeeper by re fined middle aged lady for refined gentle man. Doug. 1811. - TOUNO woman wants position as house keeper, small houaohold. Experienced, mo Davenport Bt. , COMPETENT stenographer desire position, catl Miss Phillips (forenoons), Red 6674. COMPETENT colored girl wltnea general housework. Phone Harney 1406. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi tion. Walnut 2788. CHILD'S nurse wishes position; encea, Tyler 1S8. SITUATIONS WANTED Laundry and Day Work. BUNDLE washing; piece, work; lace cur talne; work guaranteed. Webster 2104. PLAIN and fancy clothes carefully laun dered. Web. 4282. 1ST-CLASS I'ndry w'k. Day w'k. Web. 6321 Bundle wash, or day work, Harney 8117. Bundle wash; 1st class laundress. H. 024. Colored woman wants day work. Web, 2061. DAY work of any kind, exp. Doug. 6130. A 1 laundry wk., 12.10 day. W. 3284 after . Day wk.. bndle. wash, stain rem'd. W. 2167. DAY work, wanning and Ironing, Web. 6344. Ex. col, worn, wants day wqk, ref. D. 1016. Wanted' day work from to 4. BoutnisT FOR DAY work oFbundle waeh. Web. 8886. Chamber, day or laundry work. Har. 2166. BUNDLEwahlrig wanted. Webster 1877. House Cleaning, laundry work. Harney 8464. Qood Indnm. Bundle wash, home. Web. 136. Uiun'y wk. Call Del.. Reaa. Guar. Web. 4837. Flrst-clana laundress w'ta day work. H. 4408. 18T-CLAS8 laundry and day wk. W. 4720. FOR good laundress. Please call Web. 2817. EX. LAUNDRESS, bundle wash. Web. 2041 Exp. washwomen want day work. Ty. 13154. DAY work wanted. Call Harney 4678. Experienced lady wanta day work. Har. 126 Hotels and Restaurants. RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 1610. Davenport St. Douglaa 1864, Headquarters for hotel help. HELP WANTED MALE Stores snd Offices. IF ACTUALLY QUALIFIED. For .aecutlve, manufacturing or tech nical position, carrying a salary of 11,100 and up, communicate with undersigned counsel, who will negotiate strictly con fidential preliminaries for such positions. A SERVICE OF UNIQUE CHARACTER. F. L. SPENCtf, 1016 City National Bank Bldg. CITY SALESMAN.. $100 IMP. SALESMAN (INVEST) 8160 DISTRICT INS. AGENT t 8176 STENO. 76 BOOKKEEPER i 876 BOY OFFICE WORK) ' $36 THB (J A NO AGENCY, 600 BEE BLDG, GENERAL office cleric, one who can use typewriter to good advantage: -position out of town, permanent Prefer single man, who Is willing to be transferred rrom one point to another. Balary, $76. western Reference m Bond Ass n., Inc( 768 Omaha National Bank Building. AN .experienced, un-to-date carnst salesman. mssi do an exceptionally good man, capa- oie or earning at least into per montn. Western Reference ft Bond Ass'n, Inc., 762 Om ha National Bank Bldg. WANTED Single man for collecting; age .u to xs years; must be able to secure surety hond and one not afraid of work; give full Information In first lettsr. Ad- dress Box 6387, Omaha, Bee. STENOGRAPHER and clerk for small office. not mucn snonnana, mostly typewriting. saiary, & ana otner allowances. Western Reference A Bond Ass'n, Ino. 761" omana National Bank Bldg. ATTENTION, STENOGRAPHERS We have more positions than v.e can nil; sal aries. i7t to fso. Bee us at once. WATTS REF CO.. 840 Brandels Theater. WANTED Energetic young man with $8,000 caxn to lane position or office manager. Salary fl.OOO. See me for details. J. A. ABBOTT, Rm. 6, Patterson Blk. Professions and Trades. WANTED A young man 26 or 30 years of age. Married, who thoroughly understands packing and shipping. Must write a fair hand. Also must be a hustler. Good opportunity to the right man. Salary to start, sod a month. Address box 8410, Bee. Drug Positions All States CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. 1016-10 City National Bank Bldg. WANTED Barber; young man preferred; no booser need apply; good wages. Ad dress, C. B. BIGGS, Potter, Neb. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN WANTED To sell SAL- TUN J K, direct to larmers, also at whole sale to dealers. SAL-TON IK, the medi cated condiment (salt nnd pepper). 60-lb. block, for all farm animal; the worm destroyer, disease preventive, and con ditioner, "as solid aa a rook." no waste. no overdosing, requires no feeders, no trouble at all; the stock 'take their medicine" by -licking the block, and "doctor themsslvea automatically.0 Pre vents disease In farm animals. The only thing of Its kind; In big demand everywhere; an easy seller. Commission proposition, with liberal weekly advance ment on oommlsslon. A big field. Write at once for our sales-producing broad side circular and complete Information. Guarantee Veterinary Company, Stock Yards, Sioux City, la. NEW YORK house haa exceptional open- ins tor Kitjariiovn. xaust oe wen oressea, good talker and have ability to present a first claaa proposition to business and professional men. Call Immediately. See llr. Ballard, Hotel Flatiron. 10 to 13. 1:80 to 4. AND OLD ESTABLISHED COMPANY . WANTS A CITT SALESMAN. PREFER A KAN WITH EXPERIENCE AND ACQUAINTANCE IN THE, CITY. BOND REQUIRED. 101 NEW BAIRD BLDG. WE HAVE A FEW FINE OPENINGS AS COUNTY AND DISTRICT MANAGERS IN DEVELOPED DISTRICTS IN NE BRASKA; ' EXPERIENCE UNNECES SARY. GREAT WESTERN ACCIDENT INSURANCE CO., NEW BAIRD BLDG., OMAHA. READ THIS B. Fredr.cka made 361 this past week -ceiling spring oilers for autoa In one Nebraska county. Many agents making $4 to $10 per day; no ex perience required. A GOOD POSITION for thla winter with a steady Income. $60.00 Investment required, which Is well secured. Bank references as to our re sponsibility. Dpt O. N., G. L. W. SPRING OILER CO., Brandels Bldg., Omaha. WANTED I active jnen with selling abtl- ii j w especial iaj un ouininuiiii;. inn noser Bros. 1847 silverware, sold on the easy payment plan. Now la the time to get In on the Thanksgiving; and Christmas orders, a good opportunity for the right man. Call -at S3 S. 16th St SALESMEN to sell new line 1018 advertising caienaars, tans, sign, leatner, ciotn, cel luloid, aluminum, lead pencils, pennants, ate. Make contracts reserving you terri tory at once. Liberal commission, exclusive territory, - M. F. SHAFER ft CO.. Omaha, Neb. .'ANTED Young men with imagaxlne ex perience. This Is a regular proposition put out by a large corporation, extending over the entire country. Splendid oppor tunity for advancement. 316 Neville Blk. WANT K 15 TEN UP-TO-DATE STOCK SALESMEN. STANDARD SECURITY A INV. CO., Suite 6 Wead Bldg. WANTED Several experienced magaslne solicitors. Excellent opportunity for men willing to work. . Apply 138 Brandels Theater ' Bldg. Hotels and Restaurants. COOK wanted. Commercial hotel Springe, Neb. Boys. 8 OR I BOYS Good nay, steady work. OR 8 BOYS, steady work, gooT pay. Omaha Box Co., East Omaha. Trade Schools. WE WANT MEN TO LEARN THE BARBER TRADE. Few weeks qualify to run shop or work for others; years of apprenticeship saved by our method ; we have placejT graduates . In leading positions everywhere; com para -.lively ne expense; catalog mailed tree. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE, i US 8. 14th St.. Omaha. Neb. (Established 1613.) AUTO MECHANICS. , EARN BIG MONEY. Never Idle Big Demand Easy to Learn by Our Methods. NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING A8SN. SBlf N. 30th St.. Omaha. ' Send for Free Catalogue. LEARN barber trade; be Independent, more than maxe your expenses wnue learning. Wsgea or percentage. We won't ovar. charge yon to begin: 1408 Dodge St. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. ' HELP WANTED MALE Trade Schools. GOOD MEN WANTED. To learn auto work for the many po sit Ions now open. .Fine training .work li auto and electric starting system. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, 2063 Farnam, Omaha Neb. Miscellaneous. ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES. MEN v ANTED Able-bodied unmarried men ttnder age of 16; clUsena of United States ef good character and t. operate habits. WD can speaK, reaa ana write tne mum llsh lauguage. For information apply to Recruiting Officer, Army Blag. 16th and Dodge Sts., Omaha, Neb.; 134 N. 10th St., Lincoln, Neb.; 82T 4th St Sioux City, tuwa: zqi etn Ave.. Dee uolbee. urn. - The Bee carried 47,040 MORE PAID Want Ada first 10 months of 1016 than same period 1816. This figure EXCEEDS THE COM BIN ED GAIN of the other two Omaha papers by OVER 20,000 PAID ADS. Reason: Better Results. Better Rates. WANTED Names of ambitious men, 1$ to 46, wisning to become Omaha mall car riers; commence $67 month. Address T fl8i, Bee WANTED Toung men aa railway mall cieras; sts per month; sample examine' tlon question free. Franklin Institute, vepi. S3 1 , Homester. . r. OMAHA railway mall clerk examinations cording, $76 month. Sample questions free. Write Immediately, s Franklin In stitute. Dept. 221 W. Rochester. N. Y. COMMON laborer, white or colored. Union actno Store; good wages: steady work. ?all at Cass st gate, ask for store-keeper. WANTED Companion for male convales cent, three months travel In south, $36 .a- month and all expense-. Doug. 3983, WANTED Chicken pickers. Paying 4 cents straignt. ajoatrom Bros., ilarcus, a. MEN wanted to enlist In Signal Corps at once; report at Lincoln. AGENTS AND CANVASSERS WANTED House-to-house canvassers. Splendid new kitchen necessity. Sells like hot cakes; 60 per cet profit. Give rmerences ana experience, , box 144, lows uuy, xowa. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. STENO., $40; cashler-steno $44); $66; steno. and bkkpr., $60 CO-OPERATIVE REF. CO.. 1016-16 City Nat. Bank Bldg. AN experienced collector or retail firm permanent position; salary, $60. -Western Reference A Bond Ass'n., Inc., 762 Omaha National Bank Building. AN experienced dictaphone operator, up town office, $86. - . Western Reference A Bond Ass'n., Inc., i9 vmana wationai JanK Building. IF you are a competent stenographer, see as at once, we can niace you. THE MARTI CO., 1327 W. O. W. Bldg. COMPTOMETER OPR $76 CASHIER and Ass't Bkkpr., $66. WATTS REF CO., 840 Brandels Theater. WANTED Office girl. Taylor-Jenkins Op atutai ,o., arnnaew i neat re mag. Professions ana Trades. WANTED A mature, well groomed woman witn some experience as a nurse for Dr- manent position; must be free to leave town ana be nnanclally responsible. Ad dress or call upon Lillian R. Heussler, nuiei punteneiie, noom zi. WANTED -Girls with common school edu cation, between 18 and 23 years, to take up tocai ana long ante nee telephone work. C. F. Lambert, 1817 Douglas St. Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED Photo solicitor. Douglas 3648, Household and Domestic. WANTED At once, woman for olaln cooKing; must do neat and saving. Per manent position ; good wages. Address g-remont uonege, Fremont, Neb. WHITE or colored girl for general house work In family of 3 adults. Small house. Call at once at 114 North 80th St. WANTED A competent girl for general nouseworu. Mrs. a. M. McClanahan, Wal nut 1402. WANTED Middle-aged housekeeper for smaii lamuy: no washing, xizs corby. RELIABLE young glrk to assist with house- worx. iit, a. tad st.- walnut 1071 COMPETENT white girl for general bouse SCHOOL girl to assist with housework. $1.60 Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED GIRL FOR KITCHEN WllKK' SH BT H 111 TP C A1T GOOD PAY; WLL PAY CAR "Mil if JrAKl i o 1 AY5 FOUR MONTHS. ALSO NEED ONE FIRST-CLASS DINING ROOM GIRL. WRITE PARK HOTEL, AUDUBON, IOWA. ( EDUCATIONAL BOTLES COLLEGE. DAT SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day ts enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, stenofype, typewrit 4ng, telegraphy, civil, service all oommer eta. and English branches. Catalogue free, BOYLES COLLEGE, Douglaa 1646. 18tb and Harney Sta. JACQUES BRANDEIS, graduate University . oi raris; proiessor or Bpanisn, university of Chihuahua, Mexico; French and Span ish Instruction; classes or private lea. sons. Address 784 Brandels Buldg., Phone Douglas 8230. VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. DAY AND EVENING SCHOOLS. Second Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg., r,nirance, aiti. Douyias au. THB SCHOOL OF MODERN LANGUAGES. Class and private Instructions, native teach re. 8110 Lake St. Phone Web. 6654. Y. M. C. A. Day and Night School. Musical. HarpfLlmlted number pupils accepted com- mg season; sariy annttcatlons xavorodv Harps fur. Loretta De Tne, 30 C Lyric Bid. BOURICIUS MUSIC STUDIOS, 1511 Dodge. We show the pupils how to study musle In the right way. D. 2471. PERSONAL PILES, FISTULA CURED Dr. E. R. Tarry cures plies, flsttla and ether rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on ree tal diseases with testlmonlala. DR. E. r. TARRY, $40 Bee BJdg., Omaha, Neb. THE Salvation Array Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga alnea. We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4126 and our wagon will valL Call .and Inspect our new home. 1110-1H2-1114 Dodge St. ' MASSAGE, Baths, Manicuring. Staats In stitute, 1606 Harney St. Miss Frieda C. Staats, Prop. D. 7007. Open evenings until 0 p.- m. MISS NASH, MASSEUSE. Hours, dally, I a. m. to 7:30 p. m. ; Sunday, a- m. to 11 m. 20$ Karbach Block. V I I I I P W Successfully treated with AvUi; 1 UAVJ-J0ut surgical operation. Bldg. MEN treated and cured by Dr. Burke, vnMLum man speciaiiei, at sis Crounse Blk. Opposite P. P., east. MISS WEST Manicuring, facial and scalp iriiu u, irnora patronage invited. Con tlnental Bldg. Douglas, cor. 16th, Rm. 14. MAE BRUGMAN, M. T. Scientific masseuse baths. 803 Karbach Blk. Red 2727 EAT HOME-COOKED MEALS WBW DELICATESSEN. 1806 FARNAM. MISS L. LILLY Bath and massage. 1332 Farnam Bt. 2d floor. Phone Doug. 2410. German nurse, massage and bath. R. 801, nevuie Bin., id floor, 16th and Harney. MISS WILSON Bath aud manicuring. No. I Davidge Blk. Phone Douglaa 1761. FOR RENT ROOMS ATTENTION. ROOM HUNTERS! If you fall to find ths room yo desire among these ads, call a? The Bee office for a Room Llst-llvet complete detailed description of va cant rooms In all parts of the city. If more convenient phone The Bee Want Ad Dept. and give your name and address and a list will he mailed to you at once. New HsU axe Issued every week. . Furnished Itooms. ELEGANTLY furnished connecting rooms. In private family, suitable for one or two gentlemen; strictly modern; select neighborhood; walking distance, tele phone Harney 3893 GENTLEMAN with furnlehed aparynent. alone for the winter, will rent room with use of kitchen, cheap to comanpionmble gentleman. Box 8037. Bee. PRIVATE ' home, one comfortable front room. 2411 California. D. 1462. Jrutt KiriNT Steam -heated furnished room for men only, at the Sunsblne apartments. Rates. 12.60 and up per week. Office, COS M. 17th St. t NICELY furnished room In strictly modern home, walking distance, or convenient to Farnam car; reasonable. Harney 4061. IN Bern Is Park district, one lovely roomj private home; every convenience; 1 block to Harney car line. Harney 6886. CALDWELL ST., 261ft Two well furnished rooms; private family; modern; every thing cosy. Call Webeter 3686. WILL give pleasant room for light work, mornings, evenings, to gentleman 60 to 60. Colf a x 2236, Omaha. ; THREE large furnished rooms for gentle men; .private home. 206 N. 23d, FOR RENT 2 nice furnished rooms; 320 N. 17th St. TO a gentleman of exceptional taste. In a home of exceptional qualities and conven iences; West Farnam district; walking distance. Phone Harney 6103. HEAT and light furnished, modern, up-to-date housekeeping rooms, very reason able. 2012 No. 18th St. CHICAGO 26 10 In private home; largo south front room with alcove; also aide i oom. LARGE south room, private home, two clothes closets. . four windows, fireplace. Webster 116. Steam heated rooms, 12 per wk. Also rooms with kitchenette. Ogdon Hotel. Co. Bluffs. FOR RENT Front room, furnished, private J dlred. 2181 Douglaa. Doug. 1741. N. 22D, 321 Cosily furnished modern room, with or without board. MODERN room for rent In private family. Call Webster 4302. - TWO fine large .front rooms for rent. 673 N. 20th St. FOR RENT ,17 th Bt. -1 well furnished room. 320 N. ONE cosy room, private home: line Breakfast served. H. 3402. Housekeeping Rooms. 3417 CAPITOL AVE. Two clean modern rooms, well heated and reasonable, front ground floor, walking distance, D. 0491. HEAT and light furnished, modern, up-to- oaie nouseKeeping rooms, very reason able. 2011 N. 18th St. . 26TH ST., 313 -Two or more connecting rooms, new furnishings, plenty of heat; near Farnam St. SUITE of clean, nicely furnished, heated housekeeping rooms. No children. 2902 Dodge St. FRONT room; kitchenette, furnished coru- plate for housekeeping. 2407 Capitol Ave. TWO unfurnished rooms, light housekeeping. 9io; heated. Bis No. 19th St. Sherman ave., 2010 Two modern, with gas and heat. , Phone Web. 2180, FARNAM, 2822 3 nice housekeeping rooms, electricity, gas range. Board and Room. $10 NEWLY-FUR. room In small, warm flat. Strictly mod., respectable, perma nent, gentlemen only. Board and car close. 712 N. 22d St 11 FURNISHED room for two young men; down town; strictly home cooking. Doug las 1741. EXCELLENT board and modern well heated room; private home. Harney 4703. Rooms Wanted. YOTT PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS, CALL THB WE IE W AJ T-AJJ JJJStT. and DTld ODt all about the FURNISHED ROOM GUIDE. It's a plan that Is helping many people rent their rooma. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and Houses, Apartments. FURNISHED or unfurnished apts., 1, t or 4 rooms; ztn ana jrarnam, or zttn ana . Harney. 330 up, Ernest Sweet, P.. 1472. LEE APT. 2 Apt., each 2 rooms, furnished. new, all modern, walking distance, in N. 19th. Call Webster 4003. ' SACRIFICE Quick sale, 2 rooms, bath. Lafayette apartment 13. Low rent, beau tiful new furniture, $16. Call after 6. A SUITE of rooms, furnished or unfur nished; strictly modern, in aesirame iocs tlon. Phone Harney 2230. FINE 6-room apartment In the Potter. Tel. Har. 3021. Houses. 7 ROOMS and sleeping porch, all modern; beautiful home, completely furnished with piano, etc. $40; worth $60. Walnut 1243. PERSONAL NOAH and Charles write to your brother, Frank Chrletle, at Seattle. Wash. LUELLA WEBSTER, masseuse, 611 Paxton Blk., 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. Red 2400. MISS CLARK, manicuring, 1802 St. Room 3. Douglas 8761. SCIENTIFIC massage, 620 Bee Bldg. Phone MASSAGE girl wanted. Room 301, Neville Block. FURNACES cleaned, $1. Central Tin Shop. Manicuring and mass. 1633 Farnam. Rm. . MAC Massage. Phone Doug. 3761. ' FOR RENT HOUSES West 3303 HOWARD ST. A 2-story frame, 7 rooms and sleeping porch. New furnace. Room for one car In garage If desired. House rent, $30. ALFRED THOMAS, $ 03 First Nat. Bit. Bldg. FOR RENT Six-room house, modern except - heat. Three-quarter basement. 8008 Web eter. Inquire next door. 8-ROOM 2 baths. West Farnam Phone Doug. 2947. 84G.0O. North. DECEMBER 1, All modern 6-room house. newly decorated, hardwood lloors up and downstairs, full cement basement, good furnace. 2803 Burt. Apply H. B. Boyles, Douglas 1666 or Harney 2933. 11-room house, all modern, A No. 1 heat ing system, oak waxed floors, large barn, extra large yard, all In best of condition. 2210 Webster. Red 4846, FOR RENT Modern building, 3504 Blondo, flS montn. inquire. HiecK, j. Famous' sa oon, 12th snd Douglas, 1616 GRANT ST. 7-r., conm., modern, $2t. T. F. Hall, tzi Bamge Bldg. Doug. 7408, WARM house, 6 rms., strictly modern, :017 N. 26th. Phone Harney 8001. 6-ROOM house, newly decorated, $18. T16 . 38d Bt. Tel. Harney 6344. R. house, modern. 118 No. 27th Ave., $26. South. BARGAIN FLAT 668 Bo. 28th St., 6 nice rooms, all newly decorated. This strictly modern flat has gas inge and Is very economi cal to heat; good neighborhood, and within easy walking distance only $26. OILBERT C. LOOMIS, 105 McCagoe Bldg. Tel. Dong. T0. 1109 S. 33d St. v $40 8 rooms, quarter-sawed oak floors upstairs and down, newly decorated and In very good condition. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 3002. 010-20 City National. SIX ROOMS Modern except heat. 2437 8. 16th., good house, on car line and In good condi tion. $21. Hastings A Heyden. 1614 Har. Ty. 10. 701 Georgia avenue. 13 rooma, modern $66. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO Doug. 2716. 1010 Omaha Natl. Bank Bids. VERY DESIRABLE. S-R. flat, strictly mod. and tn good lo rn, tlon; nicely decorated; water paid. 1614 Wool worth. $28.60. . Hastings ft Heyden, 1614 Bar. fy. II, -ST- V t