Want-Ad Rates m x . CASH WITH ORDER. . r P word eh Ineertlen V , (get aolM e dleplajr.) , Ada Paragraph or Bet In Dleplar ""I ia per im... :.M.;iSI 1 per Una tl" coneecottv. tin" (Const aU word to the Una.) CRABCB KATIES. te ! r Una Una ....three cenaaeotWa tlmaa (Count alx worda to too Una.) Jpmlsl Batest Farm an Ranch lam. It oar lln thre. coneecuUr. tlmaa (Count all worda to too Una.) r-ORElON ADVERTISINO TTNDER AOKNTS OR HBLP WANTBD CLASSI FICATIONS. , oar word ona lae par word.'." .'.'.'.'.'tliraa oonaeeutiw Ura XO AD TAKE FOR IKM TJBAW TOTAL OF Ma OR LESS THAN tOe A OAT. CARD OF THANKS. DEATH AND FU NERAL NOTICES. 10 par i"""0" (Mlnlm.-m chare. M MONTHLY RATH FOR BTANDINO ADS (No Cham of copy allowed. One Una ""i.'.M'ei two Unea or mora Pf l" " (Count six worda to the Una.) (Contract ratea on application.) THB BBS will not be reaponalMa for mora than one Incorrect Ineertlon of an adrer (Isement o-dered for mora than on. time. ADVERTISERS ahould reuln recelpta lren by The Bee In payment for Wanta Ada, aJ no mlatake can be rectified without them. USB THB TELEPHONE if you cannot con veniently brine or aent In your ada. Aak for Want-Ad Taker, and you will re ceive the aama rood service aa whan e llvertni your ad at the office. , FHONB TTLKR I00. WANT-AD COLUMNS CLOSE. . EVT5NINO EDITIONS "A? 'I S' MORNINO EDITIONS : r . MOYIE PROGRAM Csjrmt afferlnia af the beat Madia. Platan Taeatars hi paaaha. , (Chaagoal Dally,) Downtown. FARNAM, .... y M" "MAN FROM BITTER ROOTS" WITH TH. FARNTJM. T.17-H DOUQLAS PRINCESS, (o PRESENTED HERB FOR to A FIVE-REEL RED FEATHER FEATURE "THE DEVIL'S BONDWOMAN" WITH DOROTHY DAVENPORT and EMERY JOHNSON. North. CLIFTON BILL. 42TH AND BURPETTB "THE HEART OF A FOOL" FEATURING WM. DAVENPORT YELLOW MbNAV.iv 24TK AND LAKE "LIBERTY NO 14" ANIMATED WEEKLY "SAFE IN THE SAFE- ORANIi. 16TH AND BINNEY SHIKt.DINO SHADOW NO a" ''. ' - . KKYHTONB COMEDY "AS YE SOW" A 2-RBKL DRAMA. HIPPODROME, 22TH AND CUMING ONE GOOD PICTURE I AND EXCELLENT COMEDIES. LOTHROP, ... 4TH AND LOTHTIOP CLEO RIDQELY and WALLACE REIR, .'s : in . 'THB HOUSE of the GOLDEN WINDOWS BRADY CARTOON CUM RUT. XEW STAR, SHERMAN AVE. LOCUST ! ", " BESSIE LOVE. In "THE GRASP OF EVIL" THB BURGLAR." COMEDY. 8outh- APOLLO. J 22TH AND LUAVKN WORTH . ' WM.-RiJSSELL, In t Reels. "TH E TORCH BEARER"- ONE REEL COMEDY. BOULEVARD. 23D AND LEAVENWORTH i: LIONEL BARRTMORM, In '" "DORIAN'S DIVORCE" THEIR DIVORCE" t , ' Featuring Tha Drewa. (ROHLrF, li&l LEAVENWORTH HENRY B. WALTJIAI.L, In "PILLARS OK SOCIETY" ' "NEARLY A HERO," DRAMA 1 West ' DUNDEE, 21ST AND UNDERWOOD DOROTHY PHILLIPS And LON CHANHY In "THB PLACE BEYOND THB WINDS' "SWHDT, THE JANITOR" MONROE, 2S5S FARNAM "SUPREME SACRIFICE" WITH '. " ROBERT WARWICK. OMAHA, 40TH AND DODGE "THE MASKED WOMAN" "ANIMATED WEEKLY" "A POLITICAL TRAMP" South Side. ORPHSUM, 1 24TII AND M f BESSIE BARRiSCALE and CIIAS RAY. lu ; "HOME" 'DEATHS & FUNERAL NOTICES . FLODE-loacph, aged 24 ysara. Funeral Sunday at 1 p. m. from resi dence, 2102 Burt atraet, to St, Cecelta'a - church at S. Interment, Holy Sepuluher cemetery. Auto aervtce. FLOTH Joaeph. aged 24 yeara, at real. dence, 2102 Burt atraet. Funeral notice later. . FUNERAL DIRECTORS. UUKFY A JOHNSTON, ambalmera and fu neral directors. Tit 8. lth. Tyler 1212, ' MULSH tt RIUPEN, undertakera and belinera. T01 8. ltth St. Douglaa 1212. FLORISTS. uurr ouautv cut flowers planta. Art Combtnatlona ahlpped every. where. Exoellent service to our oustom era Jn past yeara recommanda. HESS A . BWOBODA 1412 Far nam St, Doua. 1201 LARGEST ASSORTMENT of fresh flower., delivered or snipped anywhere, u, HslN' derson. loif Farnam St., Doug. 1322, 1'onteneitV TjEE L. LSRMON 1114 Douglaa. ' Doug, 2244. PARKER rtower Snop. 411 S. 10th. P. $10t. Xlj6.NAd7roa lrHarney 1001. "BATH." Florist. 1004 Farnam St. D.2000. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Permits lo Wed have been Issued to the following: Name and Residence. Age. Carl E. R. Swaneon. Florence, Neb...,,. 24 Lillian Nelson, Omaha 20 Clarence Stevens, Omaha..... ..a...., ., 82 Agnes Selgren Omaha. ... ,.,,', 22 Claude M. H utter.' Omaha $0 Waoma M. Hamilton, Omaha... 0 John Jacobsen. Omaha,,,,,. 97 Eva Agnew. Omaha... ...... ........... 27 , John A. Larson. Omaha..,.,, to Anna Kamrad, Omaha..........,..,.,., 26 Carmen Mathews, Omaha.; , fi Julia Knypers, Omaha................. n Atflo Pari, Omaha..,.,,,,,,......,.... 14 Kunalatsv Siena. Omaha.,.,,.. , i TTIpln a. Mitchell, Cumberland, la...... 21 ' Ha rah Blaln, tft. Madison, I......,,... 22 Adolph R. Mennlng, Omth,,.i.,, ...... 22 Adell E. Wendell, Omaha 10 Erlo Johnson, Omaha...,,.,,,,..,.,., 44 L'rluka Erlckson. Omaha......... 21 BUILDING PERMITS. Enoch Johnson. 3061 Myrtle avenue, frame dwelling, $2,600; Charles Horn. 0402 Barker avenue, rrame owemng, i,ov; uoanes .Morn, 4412 May berry avenue, frame dwell ing, I5.SO0; Ctutrfe Horn, 441$ May berry avenue, frame dwelling, 12,000; John K. flack, 3?ot North Jforty-nfth, frame dwell inir. $1,400: John K Plaek, 3741 Norlh yorty fifth, frame dwelltngv $1,800; John K. riark. . 443$ ttnaulding, frame dwelling. 11,400; John F- riark, 2021 North Forty- fourth, frame dwelling, ueorgo u. 1 Vlack, Stofi Camden avenue frame dwelt , in. :,000. i. . BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Ri.th. rianfla I., and Bertha F. Arm. stront, ill South riftjr-fourtn, bar: Harry and Rosa Prank, 8341 South Thlrtr-nfth av enua. boy: Abraham and Roaa Malta, 121 North Twelfth, boy; Adolf and Julia Ver vacaka, 4111 South Siath, boy; Thomaa W. and Edytho Croaby, 6008 Underwood avenuo. boy; Albert and Maria Ptlku, 402 South Thirty-fourth, boy. Deaths cnnatlna M. wenir, z. year. hospital; Jamea Barnett, 42 yeare, 1224 North Twenty-nrat: Roaa Mary Fenwell, 42 yeara, I0IS South Twenty-third; Rebeka 8. Mandereon. 77 yeara. si. Bouth Tniriy- elchth; Joaeph Madlaon, 22 yeara, Twenty sixth and N; Mra. Martha Benson, 42 yeare, hospital. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS IF you loaa anythln and will advertise It here, you will aurely recover it II rouna by an honest person. Remarkable recov erlea are brought about ovary day through thla column. THB LAW People who and loat ar. tlclea are Interested In knowing that the atate law la atrlot IB requiring them to aoek tha owner through advertlaement and otherwise, and that a failure to do so. if aame oaa be proven. Involve a ae rloua penalty. OUAHA A COUNCIL BLUFF'S V9RBET RAIL WAT COMPANY. Penona having loat iom. article would Jo well to call up the office of the Omaha Council Bluffi fttreel Railway company to aacartala whether they left It In the treat car. Many artlclea each day are tornad la and the company li anxious to reatore them to tha rlfbtful owners. Call Tyler 100. , FOUND An rial Fcuntaln. ORKEN-S PH ARM ACT, Iflib and Howard. LOST -From wagon Monday, package ad dressed M It ton Darling; suiianie rewara, return American Express. COLLIE puppy, loat, strayed or Monday evening. Reward. B. 3919, LOST Gold rim spectacles, with string and rubber band attached. Call Harney -6 us. LOST One-eyed gray mule; weight about 1,302 lbs. Call Webster 40K. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods, FURNITURE BARGAIN. ' 1 fine storage dining suite, oonalatlng of one combination china cabinet and buf fet, one extension table, 2 dining cbalre, worth 1100. On aala for 244.20. STATE FURNITURE CO., Cor. 14th and Dodge. Phone Pong. HIT. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity; contenta of beautifully furnished bouse practically new. Sell all or part. Investigate, T. 2142 J. BUT a Little Olant Ironing table. It glvea abeolute aatlaraetlon. Tna tattle uiani Manufacturing Co., Omaha. STOVES, furniture, ruga, bedding a linen of all klnda. upon Ull I p. Dolgoff. 1282 N. 24th St STOVES, ALL KINDS. See in first. Prleee right. City Furniture Co., 107 B. lain. Loyal Furniture Co., 222 N. 12th St EXCEPTIONAL opportunity; 2 rooma of furniture; practically naw; will aell Ml or part; reasonable. 1212 Chicago St LARQB hard coal atove, 24: alao ona for 12; delivered, Have . furnace, usual 2604. 1 WASHING machine and gasoline engine for sale; almost new. Tyler 751-w. NEW Radiant Home hard coal burner. Call Colfax 212 for Information. LAROB baeeburner for sale cheap. 17BC. Pianos and Musical Instruments. FOR SALSr-Planola attachment and reo- orde. Harney 479, PIANO player or organ. tf Tel. Har. 4711. lewelnr. Diamonds and Watches. BROeORUaAARD'S "Lueky Wedding Ring?7 at nth ana oougiaa bi Billiardi and Pocket Tablet. FOR SALE BILLIARD TABLES. Brand new, carom ana pocket, with . complete outfit, 913; second-hand tables at re duoed prices; bowling alleyi and supplies; easy payments. Cigar stores, drug, deli catessen and soda fountain Qxturss. THB BRUNtiWlCK-BALKU-COLLENDUH CO., 407-400 South 10th St BARBER shop and pool hall. WtU sell i07 Far- pool tables separately, Lang, nam St. Red 7210. Machinery and Engines. MBW ANDOKCOND-lfAN D'iCOTORfc EXi'KKT ELECTRICIANS AND MACHINISTS. LE BHON ELECTRICAL WORKS. -Sit-so B. ltth St, Omaha. FOR SALB l-horsepower gasoline engine. flrat-elans condition. Western Wheeled Scraper Co., 014 Kern am St BOIL GRS, steam, electric, gaa engines, pipes, arose w reciting co.. nit uuming. Printing and Office Supplies. COMMERCIAL Duplicating Co., also public stano. Phone lor Drtcea. uoualaa iiol H0 Pa I ton Bik. UUT our prices on Job printing. UNITED STAT KB PRINTING CO. Bee Blrfg. tougtas 1171 WATER8-BARNHART Ptg. O. Co., quality printing Tel. Doug. ua. oa a. lata at Sewing Machines. SKWXNO MACHINE PRICES SLASHED. 810 SALB SATURDAY. Singers, Domestics, Whites, New Homes, . Standards, Wheeler. Wilsons. Greatest bargains ever offered In thla tore. A, fins drop-head Singer, only. ,.,.$12.7$ A fine drop-head New Horn for,. 7.00 A hall bearing $62 White for,..,.. 21.80 A real good Standard, only,.,.,.,, CIO A good reliable Domestic, for..,,,, 1.00 A $S0 value Standard goat for...,,. 11.00 A $&$ nearly new Singer, only,,,,,. 27.10 A $60 fine Singer tor 13.00 A $31 new New Royal, lomi bargain 17.00 Wa have many others, several drop heade. will go for $T.S0 each. MICKLE'S, Neb. Cycle Co,, ltth and Harney. Open Sat. sight till 0. SEWING MACHINES Wa rent, repair, sell need lea and part. ( .11 aewln. machine. . hickki.'S nkbhaska uxc'ld co.. ltth ant Uara.y Bta. Coui. 1141. THE BE1S: FOR SALE Miscellaneous Typewriters and Supplies. NEW machines aold the same as rent; l per month. See us before yon buy or rent Shipped any place on ten days free trial. Butts Typewriter Exchange, S16 8. lith, Omaha. Nek REMINGTONS, Monarch and Smith Premiers for rant; sent anywhere. Rem ington Typewriter Company. D. 1814. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver Typewriter, s montna for B. Central Typewriting Exchange, 1005 Famam. WIS BUT, sell and exchange typewriters. Guaranteed tpyewrfters, 110,00 up. Write for list. Midland Co., Bee Bldg. SAVB SO per cent on your typewriter eup- pllea. Call Mia land Co.. uougiaa a in. Miscellaneous. PECANS FOB 8ALK-On hundred ponnda thin ahelt aetected pecans, forty aouars. Same quantity, run of orchard, twenty. Ave dollra. Smaller quantities aame price per pound. We pay expreaa. Remit with ordera. Slmpaon Himpaon. ISew port, Arte. Who's setting the pace now? In the first ten months of ion THB BEE gained 47,840 Paid Ads. BXCHBDINO the COMBINED GAIN of the other two Omaha papers for same 20,000 PAID ADS. flood Results. Good Rates. Good Service. LE3KS, aafes, acalea, ehowcaeos, ahelvlng. etc. we ouy, eeu. uroana naiure x (Supply Co., 414-16-18 a 12th, Pout. 273. OMAIJA PILLOW CO. Pelt and hair mat tresses made over in new ticas at nair the price of new ones. Phone ua for sample of ticking. Mall ordera Oiled. 1807 Cuming- ot. jjougiaa uni, aTex iettes liquor house, 'rhlrlodtnlh Bairl DnUBlal. Bottled in bond whisky, 86c, fl.00, 11.15. full quart. MT high standard of quality will be main tained; 4 quart of Old jronteneue wniaxy. 3.25i bottled In bond. Hnry Pollock, mall order house. Doug. 7U2. 122-124 N. 15th Ht, Home-made grape wine, $1.25 PER GALLON. Bank 1st port, full quart 00 cents. Old Taylor whisky, full quart, 18 cents. CACKLEY BROS. ELECTRIC washing machine, good aa new; alao peony bulbs, 4 vane use, rnona Flor ence 140, ' . DRY KTNDLINO WOOD. ACME BOX COMPANY. HARNEY 1837. FOR SALE Second-hand furnace and lady'a bicycle. Call 4456 Famam, FOR BALK Toung girl's bicycle, cheap. Call Webeter pa. j WANTED TO BUY nTTTTM AW Py Higheat Prices Rugs. uu x for Furniture, Clothes, Pianos, Office Furniture, Trunks, Shoes. Douglas 8871. Res,, Webatar 4204. , U. B. NAVY RELICS WANTED. The Navy department has sent an ex hibit to Omaha which la on display at the navy offiee, Continental building, 15th and Douglas atreeta. If any ex-aervice men have relics or souvenirs of any hind which would be of Interest to the public we would be glad to show them. Call offi cer In charge, Navy Recruting atatlon, F, O. Bidg. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used deaka, bought, aold and traded. J. C. Heed. 1207 Famam. JV M V T M C! Pays hli-hest price for tl A 1 11 O clothes, ahoea, trunka. etc. Red IMT. Res., Douglaa ,031. OMAHA Mate! A Rubber Co. want baled mixed paper, will par good pnee., call Douglaa 2484. ISO SHARKS of Federal oil stock. Address Joa Worth, Lock Box 4, Marahalltowu, 7a. diamonds .rftr00- HOLMES pays your price for second-hand clothes, shoes ana hats, webater szzo. ANNOUNCEMENTS SOME people make a record by talking Into a pnonocrapn. nine was maae ny giving "the beat for the money and a square deal to all." Suits made to order. Prices to ""' H. LIVINGSTON, MERCHANT TAILOR. Phone Douglaa 01. . 101 8. nth St. Tour moat convenient printer. THB PRINTING HOUSB OF MAUER. Phone Doug. 7744. 1419 Farnam St. AUTOMOBILE atorege; dry and clean, !.S per month. Keys Broa.. Council Blufra, la. BRODEGAABDS "Lucky Wedding Rings" at lata and uougiaa ms. Accordion Pleating. ACCORDION Bide. Knife. Box Pleating, cov. Buttona.Bmatltchlng. Nett. piaaung and Button Co., 481-j Paxton Blk. R. 44. Accountants. JOHN II. CATHRAH SON (INC) Chicago Racine, New Orleana, ' Publlo Accountants and Auditors. Systematlaers, Kfnctency Bnglneera, Bustneea Counaallora. Omaha Office. 1223-24 w, O. W. Bldg. H. L. Bray, Resident Manager B, A. DWORAK, OP. A., T. a. KINNBI, I3S Ramge Bldg. Phone Doug. ' Attorney at Law. FRANC18 MORGAN, til Bee. Douglaa 4061. Amusements. MRS. WEST, aoolety entertainer, palmletry and carda. For engagement Tel. Ty. 2491. Bakeries. CAKES, pastry and fancy bakery goods supplied to parties, lodges and entertain ments. Z II. Boeder, 1600 N. 18th. W. 2027. ORTMAN S NEW ENGLAND BAKERY. 212 N, 16TH ST. BRANCHES PUBLIC MARKET AND HATDEN BROTHERS. OUR MOTTO" BETTER BAKED OOODS, LET US PROVE IT. Buttons and Pleating. VAN ARMAN Dress Pleating and Button Co., $30-7 Paxton Blk. Doug. 1100. Accor dion, knife, aide, space, box, sunburnt and combination pleating, hemstitching, pteot edging, pinking, niching, covering buttons; all styles and sites. Price list free. Caterers. AN EXPERIENCED CATBRE8S, excellent cook; special attention to parties and sun day dinners. Prices reasonable. Har. 1200. Chiropractic. Dm. Jottnston, 1325 W. O. W. Bldg. D. 6521. Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment Dr. Jiurnorn, Kose bidg. Palmer school graduate, Doug. 6347. Dr. Frances Dawson, 603-8 Rose Bid. T. 2268. Dr. J. C. Lawrence, Balrd Bid,. D. 1461 Baths. - DR. BRNDA Sulphur, ateam. Modern Turklah BATHS AND MASSAOK. Private aparunenta for ladles, with lady attend' ajtte. Ill, Farnam. Phono Dour. ,877. RITTENHOUSE Sanitariums all klnda hatha. ZIO.,14 Balrd BIK., I7tn and Pouglaa. Braaa and Iron Fbundries. Pmiton-Mltchell Co., 27th and Martha Sta Carpenters and Contractors. Lessard as Son. 1404 Capitol Ave. Tyler U. Cleaning and Pressing. SUITS pressed, 3.c; cleaned and preaaad, $1, Phil ureenstone, 1404 Harney. Hod ,741. Costumes. THEATRICAL town., full drees suits, tor rent, 204 N. nth. John Feldman. D. 31IS. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN, SIS Neville Blk. Bvldenee secured In all case. Tyler - 113,, Interstate Detective Aas'n. 43S Ttamge Bids. Dancinc Academy. TIL1 T TTV 17 Dance Tuea.. Thura.. 8at, UiU JJUaias,: mat and eve. achool. Monday and Wednesday ev. D. S44S. Academy for Rent Friday Bvenlnss. KKKP DANCING ACADRMT. SSth and Far- nami olaaa alon. and Frt eve, Aaaemnllea Wed. and Sat eve. Private leaaona. D. 7 Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No patn. tit W. O. W. Bldg. Haft's Dent. Rms.,"$08 RoaeBldg. P. 5130. Dressmaking. ART 01 DREH8 Cl'TTINO HCHOOL. 10 cents a lesson. Satisfaction or money returned. 1013 N. 18th 8t. Web, TH6. FOR 8TTLR, reasonable prion In your fall dresses ; sea Atklneon Co., 130$ Farnam. GOWNS and aults a specialty. Work gu anteed. Webster 4040. SEWING by eap. dressmaker. Harney 607T. Drew making, reasonable prlcea. Web. 911. p. making by the day. 1104 Paven. P. 7708 Eip. dramfcr. Child's clothes, spec'ty. PIOIT. Terry Drcssmak'g coilege. 10th and Farnam. SEWlNOjiranted by the day. South 1840. GdWN9266"Balrdibldg. D. $700. Ksir Dressing. IDEAL Hair Parlors, 101 Balrd Bldg. Want curing, toilet articles. Douglaa 011a. Umah. it UV EMBER . 191b. ANNOUNCEMENTS Everything ior Women. ACCORDION, aide, knlte, sunburt, box pleating; covered buttons, all eises and atylea, hematltchlng; plrat edging, em broidery: beading, braiding, cording, eye let cut work, buttonholes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND .fLEATINli CO.. 200 Douglaa Blh. Douglas 1131. SWITCH E3 from combings. $1 up. Dyed, OOe, Mrs. M. Brlllhart. 330 Paxton Bldg. Express Companies. Anywhere 25c. Web. 2104 TWIN CITT Eipreaa Co., 1(122 Caas St Douglaa 1717. Heavy hauling s specialty. Fixtures and Wiring. JnTTTTrTTP Electric washing machines, U U XVJVli J electric irons and reading imps. 2223 Cuming St Douglaa 2610. Furnace Cleaning. BLSA88ER, furnace cleaners; work fumr- an teed; beat prices. izi a. inn, v. etas. Bomeman, fur., rhlm. cleaning. D. 7220. Exp, chimney and furnace cleaner. R. ISOO. lob Printina. (JATE CITT Printing Co., high-grade prtnt- tng. 2h2l w. 24tn. rnone web, ibst. Justices of the Peace. H. H. CLAIBORNE, fill Paxton Blk. Red 7401. Notary runne. qeposmon, aieno. C. W. BKITT. 201 Barker Block. Masse ures. Scientific maaeage; baths. 1221 Farnam St MASSAGE and chiropody. 210 Balrd Bldg. Osteopaths. Dr. Mary Andersen, 006 Bee Bldg. P. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter national Patent uo., oa uranaeia. u. sssi. H. A STUIIOIS, 630 Brandeta Th. D. 14 0t. Pianos for Rent t.B0 per mo. A. Hoape Co.. 1511 Douglas. Roofing. Gravel, Tile, Tin and Composition Applied or Repaired. MEDLOCK ROOFING CO., We Underbid All Competitors. Patchwork Guaranteed Three Years. Phone Douglas 3201, 401 Ware Block. Reference First National Bank. x Rug Manufacturers. FLUFF ruga from old carpets; rag rugs ft penalty cleaning ana alterations, reery Rug Factory. 2422 Cuming. Bed 2342. Shoe Parlors. MEN'S, WOMEN'S, SHOES Sained. Cleaned. Omaha snoe Hospital, nza rarnam. Towel Supplies. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 S. 11th. P. I2. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements and p tinting. Douglaa Printing Co, Tel. Doug. 044. SWAPPERS' COLUMN IF TOU have anythtSg to trade, make up a little ad ana run it in wis column zor seven days It only oosts J6o and 3o per answer. This offer Is good only In Omaha, and excludes Real Estate, cash otters and Business Properties For Sale or Trade. These, as well aa mall orders for use of Swapper's Column, must pay regular ratea. One or two answers are suffteteLt to make your trade and tha whole trans action only costs about 3 Of Try It. EXCHANGES. $160 phonograph and records for dia monds (ladles' ring) or other property. $75, 6-diamond, man's ring, for shotgun or good typewriter. fl.OOft Cheyenne Co., Kansas, SO-a. farm clear, for autoa or cigar or grocery busi ness. $2,009 house, S apartments; rent $11; mtg. $080; beat repair; full lot; for cheap western land or small store. Addreaa OWNER, Bos 8180. Bee. Omaha. 3oob 100-lb. Ice box, hard coat burner and sewing machine, for small safe. or what have you? Box S. C. 624, Bee. ONE 6-ft John. Van range, perfect condi tion; 1 forty-gallon hot water tanit, one 14-Inch gas broiler, almost new, worth up wards of $200. What have you? & C, 618, Bee. STEVENS' single barrel shotgun and leather case, nearly new; will trade zor coirs or Smith and Wesson revolver, aide action, 6-Inch barrel preferred. Box 8. C. 033, Bee. ICE box, gas range and porch awing (0 toot) to swap; each aa good as new. Used less than two months. What have you? ' Addreaa Box 8062, Bee. - v WANTED, VICTROLA RECORDS. ' Have a beautiful mahogany lamp to ex change for any kind of records. Address B. U, 388, Bee, ADDING MACHINE Burroughs adding mi chine; perfect condition; will trade for typewriters, office furniture, pictures, or what have you? Box S. C. 62$, Bee. 1-TON Ford truck, 1016 model, In good condition, Inside eeat, not used very long. What have you? Address S. C. 703, Bee. WE swap or buy kodaks; films developed tree; one-day service. Kaae Kodak Studio, Neville Blk., 10th and Harney. WILL SWAP modern home, walking die tance, tor car as part payment, or will rent for car. Tyler 179 4 -J. A LITTLE AD In thla column will bring about some remarkable exchanges. ONE large else Presto-Lite, will trade (or anything i can use. box b. u. se, uee. BUSINESS CHANCES DO YOU WISH TO SELL YOUR BUSINESS AND TURN IT INTO CASH? We are buying all kinds of merchandise stocks in Nebraska, Iowa and surround ing territory, paying cash. If yon want to sell out your business and get cash for it without delay, write us, giving all details. No stock is too large for us to handle. All correspondence strictly confidential. OMAHA SALVAGE COMPANY, 760 Omaha National Bank Bldg. . .. Omaha, Nebraska. 1 HALF INTEREST IN GARAGE. Wanted Man with about $4,000 capi tal to take half interest in garage in town of about 1,400. Good-paying prop osition for the right man. Capacity business; owner has more than he can handle. 'Well worth Investigating. Ad dress or call at 6-3 Castle Hotel. A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY to Invest from $100.00 up in ono of the best paying propositions In the country. Oet in now, for It won't last long: an exceptionally fine chance for the shrewd Investor. We have never offered anything like this be fore. Don't delay, but write at once for particulars. Address Box 886?, nee. Who's setting tne pace nowT tn the first ten months of 1010 THB llKia rained 47.040 Paid Adfl. EXCEEDING the COMBINED GAIN of the other two Omaha papers ior aame period by more than 20,000 PAID ADS. Qoed Results. Good Ratea, Good Berries. WANTBD -Agents throughout Iowa and Nebraska te sell SPRING OILERS for autos. BvM-y car needs them. All auto distributors, garages, etc, recommend them. $14. $0 will handle large county. Honey reiunded if can't make good. G. U W. SPRING OILER CO., OMAHA. $8$ Brandets Bldg; RESTAURANTS, lunch rooms, confectionery stores: list them with me Wltnout X&ll, aa I have buyers watting bow. I will how vou Immediate results. F. M. Mills, 031 Brandels Bldg., Douglas $700. Har- ney 124S In evenings FOR SALE A good lmolement business all new stock, and doing a cash business. Now is vour chance. Write or call. W. H. Gibson, proprietor of the Farmers Imple ment Btore, Dodge, Neb. FOR SALE General mdae. store, good, clean stock; good location, in central Neb.; heavy trade; Invoice about $0,600, Address Y 681. Bee. . EXCELLENT ooenlna for a dentist In live Iowa town, good chance for a good man. Address Boa 0306. Umana Bee. 1 WILL sell to a responsible woman growing business for $300. if taken at once. Bo 826ti, Bee. TO GET in or out ot business, call on GANG EST AD. 433 Bee Bldg. Doug. 1477. GUARANTY plan; get In or out business. All stales, f. V. K rites t. u?e Biag.. umana. MOTION PICTURE MACHINES. ' New and rebuilt bargains, supplies. Omaha Film Exchacga, 101 fl. ltth St WILLIAMS, eetabllahed 10 yeara. To buy or sell business sea him. 411 McCague Bldg. Reference. U. B. National Bank DOWD Sal and Auction Co., Omaha, have closed out more mdae. stocks than any other firm In U. a Write for terms. KOlt RAl. Ifi flood. el?sn stock ot hard ware, live town, central Nebraaka. Good reason for selling. Be quick. Address T 10T, Bee. IF TOU want ta sell or buy a buslneas or rooming house call on Bunch Borghoff, 730 World-Merald Bldg. Phone D. aais. WANTED Law partner, who can take over office In a year. Address i Mf, ties. BUSINESS CHANCES WB BUT, we sell motion picture theatera. machines, feature films. co-operative Film and Supply Co., 210 Bromley Bldg. FOR SALB by owner, drug store, dwelling and Btock; square dea.. Address owner. Ill West 0th Ave.. Denver. Colo. WANTED Party with $8,000 to Invest in sure paying proposition ; will etana in- vesication, box oef. DOCTOR Do you want to exchange loca tions, or buyT Write Y-oss. wee, Rooming Houses. ROOM 1 NO MOUSES, all sites, great bar gains. 41i Rooe mag. rnone lyier aeei. MONEY -MA KINO PLACE I rooma, mod ern, full of roomers. 600 . leth sc. SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE, 15c PER LINK. Pay work or buslneas ads, regular ratea. 2 lines ona weok., ......... .....10c $ lines one week ....40 Each extra line 16c per week. Male, JAPANESE young man wanta Job drive with private family: experience.; goon references; may consider other work for winter, jriarney oi. EXPERIENCED Colored chauffeur would like to have steady position; con ao an repair; have good references. Call Har ney 1200. PHONE D. 7370. Raymond's Labor Agency. for reliable help or an ainaa, ro w charge. TOUNO married man wants position doing paper hanging or painting or Kaieomining; good workman. Phone Red 4441. WANTED By man and wife, work In pri vate family, apartment or porter ana miu In hotel. Phone Webster 1210. REGISTERED druggist; position wanted aa manager or clerk, i terence. ot tlon building, Lincoln, Neb. BLOCK watchman la open for employment Has worked in urewery ior wu Address 1410 N. 28th SL POSITION wanted aB chauffeur, private car or truck. Can give reierencea. i. i nomas, phone Doug. Q14Z. TOUNO man wants place to worn for board while attending acnooi. itoyies col lege. Doug. 1690. WORK by man and wife on dairy or cattle feeders larm. otate was". Douglas, wen. TWO young men, 21 and 2S, want posi tions, steady jobs prererrea. van vuu- las 5uH. EXPERIENCED colored Janitor wants posi tion; married, wen. was. MAN with team desires labor of any kind. Call Webster 4100. Female. TOUNO, respectable Oerroan lady with child, I yeara old, wisnes a position aa houm keeper, with widower without children; full charge in a nice, respectable home Red 7880. 1500 Bo. 2Bth Ave. EXPERT typist dealres permanent of temp orary position, win tatce copy wora noma. Assistant bookkeeper, cashier, Addreaa Miss Olmstead. 2218 Howard. GRADUATE nurae of ruflnement and cheer ful disposition wisnes to care xor eioeny person or couple. Address T 085, Bee. THE BEE charge for "Situation ads" Is lower than any otner iorm oi averuuin not enough to cover the noat of printing. EXPERIENCED competent stenographer der sires position; expenencea in naauiuis mall order work. Call Douglaa 4088. POSITION wanted by bookkeeper experi enced In managing omce ana credit ae partment. Phono Harney 20S4. - - WANTED Work by the week by reliable colored girl, uau weoater aaao. WANTED Copying and typing work by ex perienced atenograpner; cnargea reaaon able. Box 8041, Bee. RELIABLE and experienced baby nurae wanta good position, i'none narney ions. COMPETENT stenographer desires position, call Miss Fhtlltps trorenoonsj, rtea POSITION as chambermaid or other work. colored woman. Mrs. uuroi. weo. aj-io. A COLORED lady wanta work as general house or chambermaid, wepeter ibbe. COMPETENT colored woman wanta cham bermaid work. Phone wen. COMPETENT colored girl wishes general housework. Phone Harney leuo. Laundry and Day Work. BUNDLE washing; piece work; lace cur tains; work guaranteed, w coster giu. COMPETENT white woman, laundry work. References, coirax nee. EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS wants bundle washing. Webster ami. PLAIN and fancy clothes carefully dered. Web. 4283. 1ST-CLASS 1'ndry w'k. Day w'k. Web. 5823. Bundle wash; 1st class laundress. H. 024. hcolored woman wanta day work. Web. 3051, DAY work of any kind, exp. Doug. 6130. A-l laundry wk.. $2.10 day. W. 3204 after 0. Day wk.. bndle. waah. etaln rem'd. W. 2167. DAY work, washing and Ironing. Web. 5344. Ex. col. worn, wants day work, ref. D. 9015. Wanted day work from $ to 4. South 2426, FOR DAY work or bundle waah. Web. 2885. Good lndras. Bundle waah, home. Web. 1350. Laun'y wk. Call Del.. Reas. Guar. Web. 483T. Flrst-claaa laundress wts day work. H. 4408, 1ST-CLASS laundry and day wk. W, 4720. FOR good laundress. Please call Web. 2317. Exp, washwomen want day work. Ty. 1354. DAY work wanted. Call Harney 4071, Experienced lady wants day work. Har. 1200 Hotels and Restaurants. RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 1010 Davenport Ht. uougiss ooo. Headquarters for hotel help. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. FOR ENGLAND MECHANICAL ENGINEER. General manager for large engineering wnrka In Rn eland, must be a good organ iser, good general practical training with thorough knowledge of machine tools and mechanical engineering, complete cnarge, responsible to board only, permanent proposition, salary depends. Do not call personally, but write letter of application giving experience in xuii. Western Reference ft Bond Ass'n. Inc. 75$ Omaha National Bank Building. nKNRRAL office clerk for email office, as sisting some on boouxeeping, aitnougn vnairinncn is not necessary in this; pre fer some one with some general office experience; salary, 112-31 per week, with chance of advancement. Appiy at onuo. Western Reference ft Bond Ass'n. Inc., 762 Omaha National Bank Bldg. BOOKKEEPER Between the ages of 23 to 86 for large Insurance company; ex-nn-unftn lon a- this line not essential must have high achool education; able to furnish first class references. Salary $75 to start aa the future Is unlimited. Ad dress 8363, Bee. SEE THE MARTI COMPANY for a high class commercial position. owwi TuiRH' tcx EXPERIENCE In placing help. NO FILING FEE, only SO cents to Inves tigate references. , THE MARTI COMPANY, - 1327 W. O. W. Bldg. GENERAL office clerk with some experi ence in credit department oi wnoiesaw house, to act as assistant to credit man, handling collection correspondence, salary $76. Western Reference ft Bond Ass'n, Inc., 762 Omaha National Bank Bldg. OFFICE MANAGER Between the age of 26 to 28. For large insurance company. Position offers field In .which party will come in contact with diversity of busi ness; reasonable salary to start; advance ment unlimited. Address 8862, Bee. STENOGRAPHER who has executive abil ity, can take rapid dictation ana is speeay on typewriter; commercial experience pre ferred, salary, $00. WATTS REF. CO., $40 Brand. Thea, Bldg. AN experienced railroad loss and damage freight claim inspector; cannot iuee any one without experience; salary, $75. Western Reference ft Bond Ass'n, Inc., 752 Omaha National Bank Bldg. STKNO., $86 to $00; bookkeeper, $66 to $75; office clersv 3o; omce ooy, gooa ntture, $26. WATTS REF. CO., 840 Brand. Thea. Bldg. finnKKiCRPBR (rrocery) $80.00 R. R. CLAIM CLERK 60.00 STENOGRAPHER 16.00 THB CAHO AUiaWJl, ev ucj. amm. ORDER clerk, wholesale house, young man. 18 to 11 years or age, tao-Mv. Western Reference ft Bond Ass'n, Inc. 731 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Professions and Tradea, Drug Positions All States V.O-0 F K K A T 1 V Jb. Ktf . lu, IU16-1S City National Bank Bldg. WANTED Experienced pressfeeder. to time keeper. Hotel Fontenells. HELP WANTED MALE Salesmen and Solicitors. HIGH CLASS STOCK AND BOND SALESMAN WANTED. A middle west corporation of several years' standing, and with rapidly ex panding business, requlrea several ex perienced salesmen who have good char acter, who are aggressive and enthusias tic, to travel In Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and Missouri. , Prefer men at lesst 35 years of age, who have had promotion or bond-selling experience, although such experience is not absolutely essential. The positions we have open are the same kind aa are enabling other men tn our employ to earn from $5,000 to $8,000 per year. : If your record will stand careful scrutiny write us, giving brief outline of experience In strictest confidence. Ad dress Box 8018. Bee. WANTED SALESMEN. If you are a salesman of more than average ability. If you can approach peo ple and Intelligently present facts, keep ing In mind that our proposition requires no coloring or misrepresentation, you are the man we want. We require above qualifications and good references. This la a commission, proposition with liberal expense advance. We have men who, even though they have had but little previous experience, are earning from $3,000 to $5,000 per year. Write for appointment. Address Box 8011, Bee. READ THIS E. Fredericks made $61 this past week selling SPRING OILERS for autos in one Nebraska county. Many agents making $4 to $10 per day; no ex perience required. A GOOD POSITION for this winter with a steady Income. $00.00 Investment required, which is well secured. Bank references as to our re nponslbillty. Dept O. N., G. L, W. SPRING OILER CO., Brandels Bldg., Omaha. SALESMAN to sell new line 1018 advertising calendars, tans, signs, .earner, ciom, cel luloid, aluminum, lead pencils, pennanta. etc. Make contracts reserving you terri tory at once, .Liberal commission, exclusive territory. M. F. SHAFER ft CO., Omaha, Neb. 7K need the services of 2 good men who are capable of developing men In our sales organisation. Man must be willing to go out and show us that he has the ability to sell goods himself. Good salary. India Tea Co., 2710 Leavenworth. NEW YORK house has exceptional open ing ror a salesman. Must oe well aressed, good talker and have ability to present a first class proposition to business and professional men. Call Immediately. See Mr. Ballard. Hotel Flatiron, 10 to 12, 1:30 to 4. WANTED Two young men for specialty worn. Those who nave sales ability and willing to rustle between now and the holi day sApply Manager, 312 Balrd Bldg. COUNTY and atate representkUves to han dle our modern tire remover, exclusive territory. H. C. Ryan, Her Grand Hotel. WANTED Salesman, good opportunity. Apply National Music Supply Co., 4718 S. 24th St.. Omaha. SALESMEN Big money for business get ters. Call at 1017 W. O. W. Bldg STC-CK and bond salesman. STANDARP O. W. Bid. SEC. ft INV. CO., 1017 W. WANTED Salesman for live side line for dry goods and general stores; liberal com mission. Felt Embroidery Form Co., Dept. O, Marengo. 111. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED An all around kitchen man. 1210 Dodge. Boys. BOY wanted with a wheel. Florist, 1804 Farnam. OR 1 BOYS, ateady work, good Omaha Box Co., East Omaha. Trade Schools. AUTO MECHANICS. EARN BIG MONEY. Never Idle Big Demand Easy to Learn by Our Methods. NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING ASS'N. 2817 N. 20th St, Omaha. Send for Free Catalogue. GOOD MEN WANTED. To learn auto work for the many po sitions now open. Fine training work in auto and electric starting system. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, ' 2053 Farnam, Omaha Neb. , , WE WANT MEN TO LEARN THE BARBER TRADE. Few weeks qualify to run shop or work for others; years of apprenticeship saved by our method; we have placed graduates In leading positions everywhere; compara tively no expense; catalog mailed free. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE, 110 8. 14th SL, Omaha, Neb. (Established 1883.) LEARN barber trade; be Independent, more than make your expenses while learning. wages or percentage, we won't over charge yon to begin; 1402 Dodge St. TRl-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. 1 Miscellaneous. ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES. MEN WANTED Able-bodied unmarried men under age of $5; cltlsens of United States Of good cnaracter ana temperate nabita, who can speak, read and writs the Eng lish lauguaff. For Information apply to Kecrultlng Officer, Army Bid., 16th and Dodge Sta.. Omaha. Neb.; I3v N. iota SL, Lincoln, Neb.; 82T 4th St.. Sioux City, Iowa: 207 6th Ave.. Des Moines. Iowa. The Bee carried 47.80 MORE PAID Want Ads first 11 months of 1010 than same period isle. This figure EXCEEDS THE COM BINED GAIN of the other two Omaha papers by OVER 20,000 PAID ADS. Reason: Better Results: Better Rates. WANTED Names of ambitious men, 18 to 46, wishing to become Omaha mail car riers; commence $67 month. Address Y .882, Bee WANTED Young men as railway mall clerks; $7$ per month; sample examlna tlon question free. Franklin Institute Dept. 221 R. Rochester. IN. T. OMAHA railway mail clerk examinations coming, $75 month. Sample questions free. Writs Immediately. Franklin in stltute. Dept. 221 W. Rochester. N. Y. CHICKEN pickers wanted, highest pay, longest season, best working condition, steady work. Swift ft Co., Iowa Falls. la. COMMON laborer, white or colored. Union Pacific Store; good wages; steady work. Call at Casa st. gate, aak for store-keeper. SHOVELERS and yard laborers wanted, good wages, steady work. Sunderland Brothers Company, 24th and Taylor Sts. SHOVELERS and yard laborers wanted good wages, steady work. Sunderland Brothers Company, 42d and Izard Sts. WANTED Chicken pickers, pay 4c for dry picking hens and springs. Aaron Poultry ft Egg Co.. Creaton, WANTED AT ONCE Chicken pickers; B. Par- plenty of birds; good prices. W, rott Co., Onawa, la. WANTED Experienced chicken pickers paying 4c on aprlngs. SJostrom Bros., Marcus, la. MEN wanted to enlist In Signal Corps at once; report ar Lincoln. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE. WTt 3,000 men and women to eat chicken dinner sun. Tne jjutcn Ainu iis naruey HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. STENO. who has executive ability, capable of doing private secretary worn, ma is a. high grade position and will pay A-l salary to right party. WATTS REF. CO., 840 Brand. Thea. Bldg. CASHIER for wholesale house, must have experience along ima uw; $60. Western Reference ft Bond Ass'n, Inc., 752 Omaha National Jianit aiag. STENO., $8$; Steno., good at figures, $65 to $75; steno. and bkkpr., $50; stcno, for Smith Premier. $40. WATTS REF. CO., aw Hrnnq. rnea, mug. COLLECTOR for retail firm, must be ei pcrienced, $40-$50. Western Reference ft Bond Ass'n, Inc., 753 Omaha National Bank Bldg. TWO experienced comptometer operators at once, positions out of town. $66-$fi0. Western Reference ft Bond Aas'n, Inc., 752 Omaha National Bank Uldg. STENO. Bookkeeper, $K5. Steno.. $56. Steno., $60. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1015-16 City Nat. Bk. Bldg., Omaha. stenogrTphrr $5oToo COMPTOMETER OPR (out-of-town) 75.00 THE CANO AGENCY. 600 BEE BLDG. GIRL to assist In. housework, whito pre ferred, small family, good wages and home. Walnut 3686. 4805 Underwood. Persistence Is the Cardinal Virtue in Advertising. HELP WANTED FEMALE Professions and Trades. Vtr aM In usual nf faaw arnod I experienced In hand aewing on um material. Good pay. Apply at one tt K. L. Hiatt, manager drapery work room, Orchard ft Wllhelm Co. . WANTED -Girls with common school edu cation, between IS nnd 23 years, to up local and long distance telephone work. C. F. Lambert, 1817 Douglas SL Household and Domestic GIRL WANTED. For general housework in small family. In Wyoming country town, six miles from railroad. Girl between 18 and 26 pre ferred. Must be competent and fond ot children. To auch a girl the place will be permanent. Reference with reply. Ad dress Fred Burlew. Byron, Wyo. A GOOD, competent girl for housework in family of z; uerman ok oweu pre ferred; warm, attractive room and easy position for right girl with good wages. Call Harnay sum. WANTED Competent girl for general housework, family or iwo, gooa no laundry work; references required. Mrs. H. H, Fleh. 3811 Woolworth. Ave. Phone Harney 2480. WANTED Experienced white girl for gen eral housework; private Data; goou ws Walnut 802. 420 N. 48th St. WANTED Girl for general housework, good pay to right party. 0611 a. asm eh-, b Omaha Grocery store WANTED A good cook, $10 per week, Tel, Walnut 626. Mrs. John L. Kennedy. WANTED Experienced white girl for gen eral housework; references required; iam lly of 2. Harney 2116. WANTED Experienced colored girl tor general housework. 3017 Farnam. Tel. Harney 4040. ' WANTED Girl for general housework; must be good, clean cook, small family. Harney 5292. WANTED A girl for general housework; reference required. Harney 1671. las a. 36th Ave. WANTED Girl for general housework. Mra, S. Goetx, 1683 Park Ave. Tel. Harney 1401. COMPETENT white girl for general house work. Phone Walnut 37. GOOD white girl for general housework; small family. H. 6083. Miscellaneous. WILL sell to a responsible woman, a growing business for $300, if taken at once. Box 8260, Bee. ; PERSONAL PILES, FISTULA CURED Sr. a. B. Tarry ctxrea plies, fistula and other rectal diseases without . surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and do money paid until cured. Write for book on rec tal diseases with tespmoniala. DR. B. . TARRY, 240 Be Bldg.. Omaha, Nek, THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits Tour old eiouung, iurniture, maga- Doug. 4125 and our wagon will call. - Call and Inspect our new boms, 1110-1112-1114 rtniia-a EM BASSAGE, Baths, Manicuring. Btaats In stitute, 1500 Harney tn, aim jmena u. Staats, Prop. D. 7007. Open evenings until 0 p. m. DTTDTTTP "F Successfully treated wtth IvUri U XV Xj out a surgical operation. Call or write Dr. Frank H. Wray. $08 Bes Bldg. ' MEN treated and cured by Dr. Burke, Omaha s men's specuiiat, at a vrounss Blk. Opposite P. P., eaat MISS WEST Manicuring, facial and scalp treatm ts; refined patronage invited, uon tlnental Bldg. Douglas, cor. 16th, Rm. 16. MAE BRUGMAN, M. SciesHQo masseuse baths. 208 Karbach Blk. T. Red 272T. EAT HOME-COOKED MEALS NEW DELICATESSEN, 1808 FARNAM. MISS L. LILLY Bath and' massage, 1311 Farnam St. sa rioor. rnone xwug. etiv. MISS WILSON Bath and manicuring. No. $ Davldge Blk. rnone uougias sin. Persistence "Is the Cardinal Virtue la Advertising. NOAH and Charles write to your brother. Frank Christie, ai peanM. wasn. LUELLA WEBSTER, masse use, $1$ Fasten Blk., 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. nan ziev. MISS CLARK, manicuring, 1803 Farnam St Room 3. pougiaa sre. A PRIVATE maternity hots, 441$ N. I$tta St Phone uoirax im SCIENTIFIC massage 620 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglaa cbtx. MASSAGE girl wanted. Room $01. Neville Block. MASSAGE BATHS B. 801. NeTUlO Block. FURNACES cleaned, $L Central Tin Shop. Manicuring and mum 1023 Farnam. Rm. 1. MISS MAC Massage. . Phone Dong. $75- EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COIABG& DAT SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day la enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, atenotype, typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service a.0 commer clal and English branches. Catalogue tree. BOYLES COLLEGE, Douglas 156$, lth and i JACQUES BRANDETS, graduate University of Parts; proiessor oi opanun, unireniv of Chihuahua, Mexico; French and Span ish instruction; classes or private les sons. Address 784 Brandels Buldg., Phone Douglaa 3230. VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, DAY AND EVENING SCHOOLS, Second Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg. Entrance, 220. Donrlas $800. THE SCHOOL OF MODERN LANGUAGES. Class and private Instructions, native teach ers. 2110 Lake St Phone Web. 5564. Y. M. C. A. Day and Night School. Musical. Harp Limited number pupils accepted com ing season; early applications favored. Harps fur. Loretta us jjoqw. v j-nu p.w. nnirRTrirrs MUSIC STUDIOS, 1611 Dodge. We show the pupils how to study muslo in the right way. P. 2471. MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, storage and mov ing. 210 N. 11th St phons Douglas 894 METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO. Careful attention given to orders for moving, packing or storage. Office at Ray mond Furniture Co., 161$ and 151$ How ard St. Phone D. 5624. . FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving; packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., $02 a 16th St, Douglas 4163. Globe Van and Storage Co. v. For real moving service) try tit. Large ' S-horae padded vans. Storage, $1 month. Satisfaction guaranteed. We move you QUICKER. CHEAPER AND SAFER. rnone Tyler .so or Douglas esss. FIDELITY Jervicb FREE Phone Douglaa 288 for complete list of vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage, moving. 16th and Jackson Sta. . Maggard SX' ' Van and Storage Co., Moving. Packing. Storage and shipping. Phone Doug. 140$. J. C. REED Express and Moving, packing and storage. 1207 Farnam St Doug iaa - FOR RENT Surburban FOR RENT Chicken ranch, at 60lh and Hickory, over I acres. Call Harney 8944.