Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 31, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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Willcox Estimates Republican
Candidate Will Eeoeive at
Least 314 Votes.
Senator- Hitchcock Submits
Items and Receipts for
Senator Beads Letter From a
Boston Man Corroborating
Bailey's Remarks.
Bartender Found Dead in
His Room at a Hotel
Dennis O. Houlihan, 55 years bid, a
bartender, went to the Victoria hotel,
registered and told the clerk, S. Slo
bosky, 'that he wanted to be called
early, as he intended to do a little po
litical campaigning on the morrow.
When the clerk went to call Houlihan
the guest was found dead In bed. A
gas jet was open. Police believe that
the man's jieath was accidental.
Deportment Ordon.
WuhlBgtott, Oct SS. (SpooU! Tolasxam-)
.Ponalono srantodi Nebraoho. Mary B.
Buehntr, Lincoln, fit; Jonnlo 8. Harrins
Ion. South Bloux Ay, S20j Anns B. Mor
gan, Hebron, $12. South Eaknta, ElUabeth
Moore, Mobrldse. :0: Roy ralfel. Kapld
City, fts.
Rural latter carrion appointed: tfebraaka,
Campbell. William Harper; Orafln, Roy V.
Dawioa, Iowa: ejwea City, Samuel Warbur
ton. High Cost of Wilson
New York, Oct 29. (Special Tele
grm.) "The campaign li practically
ended and there ii nothing to it but
the election of Hughei," said William
R. Willcox, chairman of the republic
an national committee at republican
national headquarter) here today.
"When the yote are counted on the
night of November 7, it will be found
that at least .314 Hughes and pair
banks electors have been chosen and
it may be considerable number
more. I look for an old-time victory.
Everything points that way.
"Remember that this is a republican
country. There are more republic
ans in it thati there are democrats.
The repblicans outnumber the demo
crots in normal timet by more than
a : million. They . outnumber the
democrats in many states, and the
aggregate of the electoral votes of the
sure republican states is much greater
than the aggregate of the electoral
votes of the sure democratic ttatea.
New Deal Thia Year....
"It Is only when the republican party
is suffering from some untoward cir
cumstances sucn al operated against
. it four years ago, that the democratic
have any chance to win a national
election in this country. - The trouble
with the democratic managers in their
extravagant claims for victory this
year is that they are still thinking
and talking in terms ot 1912,. whereas
this is 1916. .The republicans are
actini. together this year and they
very much outnumber the other fel
lows. ..... .
"It is perfectly obvious that Mr.
McCormick and bis colleagues, in put
ting out their extraordinary claims,
figure the states which gave their
electoral vote to Wilson in 1912 as
democratic, but the fact is that there
were no more democratic states in
1912 than usual. Mr. Wilson carried
only fourteen states four vears asro.
the same old solid south and nothing
more. They were: Alabama, Arizona,
Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky,
Louisiana, Mississippi, North Caro
lina Oklahoma, South Carolina,
Tenh essee, Texas and Virginia.
"Those are the only states in which
Mr. Wilson secured the majority of
the popular vote, and it is only those
states which he can be said to have
carried. Every other state in the un
ion voted against him,
"Mr. Roosevelt secured the electoral
vote of six states, California, Michi
gan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, South
Dakota and Washington, and Mr. Taft
two states, Utah and Vermont The
remaining twenty-six states gave
their electoral votes to Wilson, but
in each case by a minority vote,
in each case against the expressed
preference of the, majority of those
who voted.
.1 be electoral vote of these twenty
six states aggregates 281, or more
than a majority of the electoral Col
lege. These states alone, all of which
voted agsinif' Wilson four years ago,
can elect his successor. These states
are Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware,
Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas,
Maine, Maryland, MassachSsetti, Mis
souri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada,
New Hampshire, New Jersey. New
Mexico, New York, North Dakota,
Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island, West
Virginia,' Wisconsin and Wyoming.
.' How Nineteen 8tooA
"In nineteen of these states the ma
jority adverse to Mr. Wilson was sub
stantial, running in some cases up into
the hundred) of thousands. In the
other eight cases it was not so large,
but that group of eight includes four
statea which not even Mr. McCor
mick would think of putting into the
Wilson column Maine, New Hamp
shire, Rhode Island and North Da
kota. The other four of them, Mary
land, Missouri, Nevada and New
Mexico, are all close and doubtful,
"Mr. McCormick has been amusing
himself, by claiming Connecticut
where the majority adverse to Wilson
in 1912 was 27,892; Illinois, where it
waa 245,014;. Massachusetts, where it
was 134,768; Michigan, where it was
216,077,: and Minnesota, where it was
83,764, The democratic managers put
, New York in the list ot their claims,
despite the adverse vote of 189,974
that it gave four years ago,, and de
spite the fact that twice since 1912 it
has gon republican -by more ' than
100,000. In Ohio, which they are
vociferously calling . their own this
year, they hav - to overcome an ad
verse majority 6J,141. . ' . .. vu
."lows, and- Kansas, both- of which
have been listed, by Mr. McCormick
and his rainbowjchasera as 'doubtful,
gave 93,305 and 51,392 against Wilson
in 1912. And-so .it -goes through the
whole list Even slight consideration
of these figures gives a clear idea of
the kind of mehtal exercise Mr. Mc
Cormick has to take In order to work
'himself up to the kind of claims he is
putting out." .
No Change of Sentiment
"Nothing hair, happened- since 1912
to change sentiment in these states in
favor ot Mr. Wilson and the demo
cratic party. On the contrary, much
has occurred to increase the feeling
against him. The democratic man
agers are loudly claiming that Mr.
Wilson's obvious courtship of the la
bor vote will be reflected in the re
turns. I do not believe it The labor
vote of this conutry is not a class vote
and cannot be delivered in bulk. And
for every vote that Mr. Wilson wins
by such methods he will find that he
has alienated at least one other vote
from the laboring men, who are not
caught by his schemes, to say nothing
of the independent voters he has lost
by those methods. I repeat, this coun
try is republican, and it is going to
elect a-republican administration and
congress next week. Every test that i
has been made and every, count that
has been had shows the result. Charles
Evans Hughes will succeed Woodrow
Wilson as president on next inaugura
tion day."
' Traveling Man Found Dead.
' Beatrice. Neb., Oct 30. (Special
Telegram.) James Trout, traveling
representative for a Fremont nursery,
was found dead in a barn at Wymore
today, where he had received a ship
ment of trees for, delivery. The' cor
oner decided that heart failure was
the cause. '. Trout was 50 years old
and his home was at Springfield, O.
(Contlauod from Fast Om.)
of the German pledges to the United
Nevertheless the first reports, In
complete and transmitted by the
American consul .'"as provisional,".
caused some uneasiness. ' .
-.The report on the destruction of
the Marina refers to the ship as "a
British horse transport" If it turns
out that it was, in fact, in the trans
port service of the British government
it may be found that the mixed crew
of British and American horse tend
ers could claim none of the immunity
against attack without warning that
attaches to a merchant ship. '
Orders were dispatched at once to
gather all information to determine
(the status of the Marina and its crew.
Although no American lives were
lost in the attack on the Rowanmore
and the ship altered its own status
if it made an attempt to escape of
ficials were disturbed by the report
that the boats were shelled after they
had cleared from the abandoned ship.
The facts are expected to be deter
mined by investigation, which was or
dered begun at, once,
t British Horse Transport' H '
The following Is a summary of
Consul Frost's dispatch: '5-
The British horse transport Marina,
with a mixed crew of British and
Americans Was reported sunk
without warning by a German sub
marine gun fire at 3j. m. October 28,
100 miles west of Cape Clear, in an
official report received at the State
department today from Consul Frost
at Queenstown. Thirty-four of the
crew of 104 have been landed at Crook
Haven, while seventy others, presum
ably those in boats I and 3, are miss
ing, consul frost ssys his informa
tion so far is purely 'provisional.' "
Life Boats Fired Upon,
Survivors of the British freighter
Rowanmore. sunk bv a submarine
after nearly an hour's chase, were
shelled after they had taken to their
boats, according to another official
dispatch from Consul . Frost No
casualties were reported.
The freighter was bound from Bal
timore to Liverpool with a mixed
cargo and was attacked by the sub
marine on the 25th, fourteen miles
southeast of Cape Clear, and after
fifty minutes' attempt to escape had
its steering, gear shot away. There
upon it stopped, the report ssyi, and
signalled' that it was abandoning ship
The submarine shelled the boats after
they had cleared the ship. The ves
sel was torpedoed at 11:30, sinking at
2:40, :.,..
Seven Americana were on board.
including five Filipinos and two na
tive Americans, George Murphy Of 740
Jefferson avenue, Brooklyn, and Al
bert Seasler'of 42 Sharon street, Bos
ton. ' '
The Marina, which has been en
gaged in transatlantic service, was a
vessel of 5,204 tons gross, built in
1900. It wan last reported as having
arrived at Glasgow on October 10,
after having ssiled from . Newport
News on September 21. ,
Tints Your Hair
In i Minute
Preferred to Slow Acting Dyes
Tht ttralffhtcst road and the ihortont cut
to thf certainty ot an attractive and beauti
ful apeMunnea la tht uta of "Brawnatona"
i Hair Stain.
This DrttDaratlon will
Instantly ehanff gray,
atraakca or faded hair
to vtht lofttet and
richtat golden brown,
maxl suiii. rfork hrawn
? Juet comb or bruah
it IPTfc1 into our h,r-
tlon, will not rub or
wash oft, and nteda
ratouchim only aa Uw
hair growi out.
'Brownatone" hair
ataln la far euperior
to "dyea." and Is ab
Boluteljr harmless in
very way.
Sold by all dravrilta.
In two aim. 2&a and
1.00. If you are offered a aabstitute. aava
annoyance by refuaing It and ordering
''Brownatone" direct from the makeri.
inaiat on "Brownaton" at your balrdreaa
er'a, "
A trial bottle and totereatlnr booklet will
be mailed for 10 centa. Mention shade de
aired. Address The Kenton Pharmacal Co.,
629 B. Pike St.. Covins ton, Ky.
Sold and guaranteed ,n Omaha by Sherman
ft MoConneQ Drug Co. Store, and ether lead
ing dealers, s
. . (From Stair Correspondent.) '
Washington, Oct 30. Special Tele
gram.) A number of interesting, not
to say peculiar items are found in
Senator Gilbert M. Hitchcock's sworn
statement filed with the secretary of
the senate under the "corrupt prac
tices" act which requires that candi
dates for federal office and the com
mittees of political parties shall file
ten days before election an itemized
account of the contributions received
and their disbursements.
Mr. Hitchcock gave a dollar to the
switchman's ball, A. L. Short, being
the solicitor. He gave several sums
to certain persons because he was so
licited, but these sums are small, ex
ceedingly small in comparison to what
Mr. iHitchcock gave to the national,
state and county committees, Mr.
Hitchcock received in the way of con
tributions $247,50, as follows:
H. M. Davis, Ord, $10; B. B. Brew
ster, Chadron,. $5; W. A. Cameau,
Chadron, $25; Eben D. Warder, Chad
ron, $25; J. F. Coad, South Omaha,
$25; W. P. Dunning, Spaulding, $10;
j. P. Robertson, Broken Bow, $50;
Charles Krumbach, Shelby, $2.50; C.
Weber, Spaulding, $5; T. R. Porter,
Omaha, $5; R. L. Duckworth, In
dianola, $85.
What He Has Spent.
Mr. Hitchcock has spent up to date
$.1,481.84 and he has given his word
that he will spend $1,371.52 additional.
He therefore accounts to the secretary
of the senate as having spent, up to
the time of making up his affidavit,
$4,853.36. He paid the World-Herald
$750 for printing the poll list. He gave
$1,000 to the state national commit
tees. He gave $250 to the Nebraska
state committee, $250 to. the Douglas
county committee, $100 to the Lan
caster county democratic committee,
$50 to M. L. Corey, president of tire
Young Men's Democratic clubs, $100
additional to the Lancaster county
democratic committee.
What he promises to spend In the
$1,371.52, which appears in large type
on his formal statement of receipts
and expenditures includes $250 for
Douglas county democratic commit
tee, $809.54 for advertising in county
newspapers and $168.59 for plates in
a ready news print with headquarters
in Omaha. ' '
Mr. Kennedy's statement of his ex
penditures had not been received up
to 2 o'clock today. The law provides
that the format statement of receipts
and expenditures oh the part of can
didates for federal office shall be
mailed not later than midnight on
the tenth day preceding election.
Congressional Expenses. ,
Tabulation of expenditures of can
didates for representatives filed in
clerks office of the house, shows the
following: - '
First district: Maguire, $491.35;
c tgq 7n c.m.j .ii...:.... t .
beck, $224.50; Baker, $346.50. Third
district: 'Stephens, $305; Warner,
$312.25. Committee, $246. Fourth dis
trict: Stark, $161.98; Sloan, $323.
Fifth district! Shallenberger,, $800.
Barton, not receiyed. Sixth district,
McDermott, $234; Kinkaid, $36989.
The national republican congress
ional committee reports that it c6n
tributed $500 to the First district,
$1,500 to the second district, $1,000 to
the Third district. $500 to the Fourth
district, $1,500 to the Fifth district.
1 inz national gemocraiic congress
ional committee makes no report,
satisfying itself by stating that all
disbursments in the way of "help" for
congressional candidates, was made
through the national committee of
that party. . '
For Competitive
Naming of P, JO
(Is Hughes' Answer
New York. Oct. 30. Legislation
providing for competitive appoint
ments of postmasters has the en
dorsement of Charles E. Hughes, re
publican nominee for president, ac
cording to a statement issued here
tonight by the National Civil Service
Reform league. The league announced
that a communication on the subject
also had been sent to President Wil
son, but that no reply had yet been
received. In a letter to Oeorge 1.
Keyes, secretary of the league. Mr.
Hughes is quoted as ssying:
Un account of my absence on cam
paign tours it has been impossible to
give your letter of September 25 ear
lier attention. You say that the
National Civil Service Reform league
has entered unon a eamoaiira for
legislation, which will provide for the
competitive classification of first, sec
ond and third-class postmasters, and
you asx wnetner l would tavor or
oppose legislation to accomplish such
extension of the classified service.
1 beg to say that I favor such
legislation." .
r-c -rv a good
Trunk, Bag or Suitcase
Should Com From
Freling & Steinle
"Oaaha'a Boot BotfOfo BuUdere"
D. Wamuaoe., Dm Uowaa, 104
Fitchburg, Mass., Oct. 30. Senator
Henry Cabot Lodge, in a campaign
speech here tonight, read a letter from
John Temsjle Lloyd Jeffries of Bos
ton, in which the writer stated that
Henry Breckenridge, former assistant
secretary of war, had several times
made to him remarks similar to
those attributed to him by Dr.
Charles H. Bailey of Tufts college,
concerning the alleged elimination by
President Wilson of a weakening
postscript from the "strict accounta
bility" note ot Germany.
'A letter by Dr. Bailey regarding
a conversation he had with Mr.
Breckenridge on the subject aws read
by Senator Lodge at a public meet
ing Saturday night and the senator
in his address tonight said he pre
sented the letter from Mr. Jeffries'
additional information.
Letter From Jeffries.
This letter follows:
"Dear Senator Lodge: I have noted
in Boston papers your remarks con
necting President Wilson with a
postscript to one of the so-called
Lusitania notes. According to the
papers you state that the effect of
this postscript was to vitiate the force
of the note or purposely to Inform
imperial German government that
vigor displayed in earier parts of the
notes was designed for Anglo-American
consupmtion only. According to
the press accounts this postscript was
added rather surreptitiously and un
der star-chamer proceedings and was
withdrawn only because the few
manly members of the. cabinet hap
pened to discover its existence by
luck and later threatened to turn the
government upside doWn.
,"I assure, you1 sir, I deeply regret
being drawn into this affair; but I
cannot sit idly by and see you called
a liar when I know your statements
are true. , ,
Made Similar Remark).
"My friend, . Major Breckinridge,
ssval .times made to. me remarks
similar," to those reported by Prof.
Bailey. I cannot swear to every mi
nute detail, for my memory is only
human; but the general substance of
your statement is correct to my per
sonal knowledge.
"As I have telegraphed to Major
Breckinridge to tell him of my pro
posed action, and as his remarks were
not secret, and as Prof. Bailey has
already !involve.d .the major, I feel
obliged to state that I know your
statement is true. With regard to
Major Breckinridge, he is one of the
finest examples of the American gen
tleman, jjnd his distinguished family
has been famous for its chivalry in
the south for years. His statement
also is unquestionably , true beyond
any possibilit yof doubt.
"Believe me, dear Senator Lodge,
i' "Your truly,
"John Temple Lloyd Jeffries. ' .
s i Can't Be Cohtroverted.'
' "The writer, of this letter, Mr. John
Jeffries," Senator Lodge said, "is a
member of a very, well known family
in Boston, a gentleman of honor, and
of the highest character and well
known to me personally. The evi
dence that Mr. Breckinridge made the
statement attributed to him above the
postscript I therefore think cannot be
successfully controverted, and if Mr.
Breckinridge made the .statement it
can be absolutely believed. . : -
"Mr. Breckinridge has sent one or
two telegrams in which he refer) to
Dr. Bailey and myself in a very angry
manner, which is not important but
he characteriies his own conversation,
which Dr.,Bailey reported, as 'back
stairs gossip.' He does himself a
great injustice by this because he waa
a member of the Wilson administra
tion and a most excellent secretary of
war. He denies that there was i any
threat 6f resignation by Mr. Garri
son or others, but he entirely fails to
deay the essential point, which was
that the postecrip was written and
that he and Mr. Garrison saw it
No Statement to Make.
''Mr. Garrison said yesterday in
Washington: 'I am not being inter
viewed on any subject,,. I have no
statement of any kind to make.' So
that he also refused to deny the ex
istence of the postscript, which he
certainly would have done if it had
been a mere fabrication by Dr. Bailey.
Dr. Bailey Is a gentleman f the high
est character and standing and ver
acity. I have no doubt that he stated
the conversation in substance with
absolute ruth," ' '
Oot any thins rou'S Ilka to iwopt Via
th"SwRgpgro' Colttmnwa v lmmmm-mmm
In the death of anyone who earns
more than he consumes there ia a
direct money loss. How shall this loss
be met? It may be mefin one of two
ways; First: By a life insurance com
pany if the deceased has been
thoughtful enough to have taken in
surance on his life. Second: By his
family if there was no insurance. If
met by his family, often times it ia
(1) through a lower standard of liv
ing;. or (2) through denial of educa
tional advantages to the children; or
(S) through increased toil by the
widow and daughters; or (4) possibly
threugh charity. ,
Is it not much better o meet the
loss through insurance?
The Midwest Life
ol Uraln, Nobraka
N. Z. SNELL. Prooldoat
Guaranteed Cost Life Insuraae.
GEORGE CROCKER, Cootral At out, .
Ciqr Notionol Built Bids. Omuio. .
Coal Prices Are Soaring
' ' Buy your COAL now, as it it be
yond our control to regulate
Coal is bound to go up bowauio
of itt scarcity and a SHORTAGE
FIT to take advantage of PRES
PATRONIZE THE FIRM whooo nlotonw
ROSEWOOD Hard coil lor nirnaeo an
hot watar plaatt. 'V1U hold liro 24
boon without attoatton. For tJQ QQ
RADIANT All almc Boat Franklin
Sr..?...!" ..,$6.50
NOVINGER Fancy l"o, koaaV
CHEROKEE NUT The tonuiao lor to
domoaua oia. C Cfl
Par ton..... I. J.JU
SPECIALTY AU aioaa, hood- (4 7C
aaroonod. For ton..... ft. I J
This Week Commencing Wednesday y
We Celebrate Our Thirtietli Birthday
- 1886-1916
! v
We feel proud of this achievement. Thirty
years under the guidance of the same men who start
ed this store, founding the business upon the princi
ples of honest goods, courteous attention to patrons'
wants and fair prices. t l N
Sales of unusual importance will
make this occasion one long to
, be remembered by all of Omaha.
Announcement of Particulars Tuesday
Br andeis Stores .
Maia Alalc Mala Fleer
.1 '
An Impressive Display
of Closed Automobiles . -
for Winter Driving
V 1
THE FIRST exclusively closed car exhibit ever held in
the Unjted States will open at 8;30 o'clock Wednes
day mqrning at the Brandeis store. y
All that is new in .winter styles of automobiles will be
shown. It is the desire of the Omaha Automobile Dealers
to introduce tb the public the winter models for the season,
and they have decided upon this novel plan for bringing
, them to the attention of those interested. The exhibit will
i j ,
Limousines Landaulets Broughams , ,
Sedans Coupes Cabriolets
The most complete showing of enclosed cars ever staged.
You will learn what is offered in motor car refinements
and luxury for the winter season by a visit to this unique
Brandeis Stores
Wednesday Thursday f Friday Saturday
Afternoon and Evening 8:30 a. m. to 9 p. m.
Omaha Automobile Show Association
.- Admission Free v
"V"K .