Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 17, 1916, Page 10, Image 10

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. Excellent Demand for All Ge
retils Bulei Market -Re-
- - ceipti Very Heavy. '-
,:t- . a t ;
Omaoa, October H.'Itlt.
v Dicpli il all intol mM trap ea
today ati tltero nl n excellent aemand
for everythln on tne list. The Demand lot
wknl waa espeelallr acllre today, and wltn
the rkt ruHnf from itad; to He '
r, th eellera arere mo Inclined to let go
. ' ' of their sample, anil only tew
" poor uimy: whnt. wr Held over. The
. talk of the wbMt ae a wry loo quality
and ended No. 2 and 1 hard, the No. J
. J-artl selllm ewerelly t 11.14 W
the bulk of the, No. I iiti( at tI.H4JI.l4.
A promlura wu paid for durum wheat or
mllrtiw quality,, the No! 1 eelHnt; a
and the No. t from 11.14 to 11.11. Bprtn
whsat eold t tl.ell.le, ac! the mis.
wheat trading No. t .no. t Mid from 11.11
The demand for corn -wu food, hilt prlcas
. n.n.uiu ior. and on accoant
of l hie decilM the ealeaof hls coreal wrU
i rather lliht. No, - yellow corn at, tic
and the white -and ml.ea corn oi .
trade eold around n(l. "'"'
The oat market waa -outto aetire and
-.prices for the cereal were-practically n
'chanted. Standard and No. i white oats
eold at 4f44!4c and the No. t white .sold
' at 41 44 1 44c. The poorer trade of oate
i were ilow solleti, the No. brlnftM 4Mc
and the aample 4Jc. " ... ....
- The trade In ryo wsa Mtcellent and the
.market waa ateady,- No, -1 Militia- at
and No. t at U.17ttl.ll. '
Barley Wai quoted .Heady and there waa
a fair amount of trade In thla train all the
' prevailing market ptlees. : . . -., ','
-- . mnortad :tOdaV: '
"wheat No. I hard winter! 1 car,;
I care ll.ltH- No.- I hard winters 1
car. .1.11 ; I- car.. i '" f. ".
4 care. 11.141: 11 care, till-
hard winter? 1 car.. ll.MHl It oara, J1.I4;
to can, tl.tHal " H": i1"
winter: 4 l-l car., $l.0; 1 car. 11.41. "am
ple hard (Winter: 1 car, 111 1 '
IMIHI ' W.l ""
oary .ttf I' car. No. I aprlM:.
'car, JlSll 1 car. No.. Y""'', Jto. t durum: car, 'tl:
cars, It.ltl car, tl.4. So. t inldi, I
rare, H.Hl car. tl.IT: t can, tl.tli I
.. aar. .!, tl.Mtti .
I ' cat, No. jt .mlaod: l-t car..
tl.Mi-1 car, tMI; 1 car, ,fl-4T.- :
B-n". 1: .t car No. : , I t-S
care,; t-t car, tl.HH. ' ' '
Barley No. t: t ear.-twt 1 car, ttel l-t
ear. Tic ' No. 1 oar, W4, Hojectedl; , I
oar, ttc ' . i-., . ,
Corn No.' I whiter ' care. Kite, No. I
( white: 1 car, 110. No. 1 yellow: Im,
I liuo. No. t yellow: t care. Its., wo. I
yellow: 1 aar. ttc. No. t yellow: 1 car,
tlo. tample fellow: 1' car, 70c. , No. I
mued: 4 iarJilHo.. Na. t mld: J car.,
tic. Sample mixed: 1 car, lu; i car,.
"oat-No. 1 white: i ea'r, 44Ho. Stan
dard: 1 car, 44140: t car, 44o. No. t white:
t cara, 44e: 17 care, 4lc , No, 4. white:
t cara, 411,0. Sample whlta: ' t cara4o.
Clearancae wefe: , Wheat and Jour equal
to IJ4.00 bu.: corn, none; oate, 42J,on bu.
. Uvorpool cloae: Wheat, .Lady; corn,
Prlml"' wheat receipt ier. t,t4M hu.
, ' and eblpmenoi 1,074.0 hu.; ataln.t
of t,ttt.Mt bu, and ahlpmenta f 1,477,000
'' ""fTto'rJ'Voni receipt, war. Jtl.OOt to.
' ' ana ehlpment. ttt.OOO b., atalnjt receipt.
of ITfttOO bu. and ahlpmenta. of hu.
"primary oat. wceipt. w.r.
an ehlpment. t04.00 bu., atalnat receipt,
of I.01MOO buahela and ahlpmenta of T6M00
-rSaiwiBmt '
. i- -Wheat, Corn. Oate.
Cltlcafo- . ...... ; r 4"
VlnneapoU. ......;;
Omaha "!! V, ?! !
Kama. City
St. Loot. ,
Wlnnlpet .......,."
Chlcato Ca4rPrlc wheau no. a narq,
II 4H.H; No. I hard, ll.tttyi .! no,
4 hard, tl.4701.
an. No .urine-. 11,6101.41;
Nft I eprlnt, tl-ttOtrtt); No. t durum, tl.
Uti No. i durum, Corn; No.
S white, !9lo; no, a wun "J
No. 4 white, tlllHol No. 1 white, 04
81c: No. I white, M9M1.C! No- ,":
t!OI5!4ci No. t yellow, IH,9l2ci No. 4
ralTow. llttOltc; No. t yellow, llfSJo: No.
t veltiw, toeilc; No- lMi
No. I mlied. tllo: No. 4 mUed. MH9
tlo: No. t mlied, 0Jllo; No. I railed, Tt
10c OaUK No. I white. 4444Hc: atandard,
while, 4194810. Barley: , Maltln,w0oB Nvad, Copp,P"
(I I7 tt'i
while, 4ltao. uari.y, ,., "w Nevada copper HH IHi JIM
aj.oo; .No. I feed.70flIOo. Rll, No, N. I, Central ,11,100 lot , 10714 108(1
Il.lll401.iei no. e, iiaw''"' a., . ,w ei
I . , Oaula nauraa. .. Ivtr tBAirin ana
Oaaaha rvturaa.
, ; . oraaharOctober, 14, lilt.'
. ThlAocat wheat market opened a frae-
tien higher today, out in.
bearlah tendency and decUned about Ko
ahortly aftey'tha opening. ....ia.'
The Argentina attuallon- waa practically
the aame, but aiport offer, were not very
good and many of the trader, were not In
clined to the buying aide on account of the
preeent dullneaa ef the market, ahd are
waiting for a break before taking the long
i "Vh. government report on corn waa fa'
vorabl. an compared with that of Beptem.
ber. bat In eomo eectlon. of llllnoi. and Ula
auurl toe reporta are wry dlecouraglng.
rn opened ateady on December and tic
lower oa May, bet the December option re
raalned practically unchanged, while the
May advanced Ho from the opening prloea.
Oate had a bearlah tendency In eympathy
with wheat, and opening price, were frao-
i' tlonally lower.
local range of prlMa;
'" Art. I Open"! High, jlow.l Cloae. gafy.
Hon on hoge. 6fferlnga of lard wen)
notably acarce, t
Chicago Caah Prlcea Wheat: No. 1 red.; No. t red, 11.191.47; No.
1 hard. Il.t091.6t; No. I hard, II.t5l.0,
Corn: No. t yellow, ttl49H14o: No. 4 yel
low, amende; No. 4 white, ttlic. Oala:
No. I white. 14c; etand.rd, 4I9
471,0. Rye: No, t, tl.M91.UM. Barley:,
7SC9I1.14. di: Timothy, JJ.IOSS.IS;
clover., Prorletona: Pork, tl.tO;
lard. 116.171,: rlba, tli.H 914.0.
nutter Steady; creamery, 109s4lio.
Bgge Steady; recelpte, 4,744 Oaaeai Urate.
!0V4931c; ordinary Aral.. tHtl!,o; at
mark, caaea Included, J!142Hc
poutoeo Steady; tlmneta and Dakota
Ohloa, Il.i091.l0i Mlnnnota and DakoU
white, 11.2091.10; Wlaoonaln . and Jllehlgan
white, 11.0(91.20, V
Poultry Alive, , higher; fowl., 17c;
aprtnga, 17c, .
LCattle Beceipti Largest on Bee-
ord and Prices Sharply Lower
Sheep Are Stronger.
- ... .,' ,
Prices Open at Substantial
Oains In Many Leading
V.-s ';-v Issues. ..,
Nrtr Tok, Oct. H. Evnt of thi wk-
nd, or mon tth 4fr the iMn of -untoward
dvetrfmitu, conirtiutil to the
confident ton displayed by today's market
which wu ' eharaoteHie'd Jby vnuaual
Prlcea opened at tAatant1a1 galni In
many leading laeuea, theaa betnff forfaited
In part durlnf the mldaaaaon, but at the
final hour, tha moit active of the day,
fresh buying, under lead of United States
Hteel, Mercantile Marina, coppers and aqulp
meata, forced quo tat ions-vto hlsheit levels
and served further to effaoa the mora
serloua reversals of tha presiding week. .
Several new records were scored, Norfolk
A Western rising t, to 11,; Oenitral
Motors 164, to 771', and 4 tnr- Atlantic,
Oulf Jr Veat Indies, to 17. Much of the
belated- advance waa made at tha espense
Laf a stubborn short Interest, which had, reg-
tsurea us opposition to DUiiien revival Dy
persistent pressure upon, steel and other
leaders. "
Total transactions' wore slightly In 'ex
cess of 1, 000,000 shares, the last hour sup
plying over one-third of ' the whole, and
Steel, which made an extreme gain of
4 pftlnts, to 11 J, furnishing about 29 per
cent. - Bethlehem Steel made a gross ad
vance of 1, with 3s to t points In other
Industrials, equipments and munitions,
Mercantile Marina preferred's net gain
was I points, with 4 .for Atlantic, Oulf it
Weet Indict. - International Paper led tha
minor specialties at an advance of 9,
and coppers, slno and motors rose Irregu
larly, but substantially.
ah tna coalers kept pace with Norfolk
A Western, strength being most, marked In
(leading and Chesapeake A Ohio, at gains
of 1 each. Pacifies were higher by 1 to
almost I points, and secondary rails, like
Rock Island, Western Maryland. Kansas City
Southern,- and Southern Railway, partici
pated to a Ilk extent
i Bonds were strong throughout on free ab
sorption. Total sales, par value, (6,170,000.
United States bonds were unchanged on call.
Number of sale and leading quotations
on stocks were as follows:
Hales. High. Irow. Close.
6.300 SB B7U flfl
4, 00 . 60
1,1100 61
3,1110 7K
Moo it
.. 400 4?
12,000 A3
1,300 106
r.400 4
1,700 87
' 209 as
1,100 9U 2tt
. joo jsil 3a
SOU 178 175
1,000 71 V
Am. Beet Sugar. U
American Can.....
Am, C. A F
Am. Locomotive , .
Am. 8. A R. ......
Am. Sugar Kef In..
Am. TeC A Tel....
a. a. L, A S
Anaconda Copper.
Atchison ;
Baldwin Loco.
Hal. A Ohio
Brooklyn H. Tr..,.
Butt A S. Cop..,.
Cl. Petroleum ...
Canadian Paolflo. .
(Jen, Leather .
i 10
Cbes. A Ohio. . .... 11,100
C . M fit ' SAA
ar. ix eati
1, 100 SIS 81 !4
t.iot 41 H . SI
1,600 II i II
17,100 ttfi tou
1.800 44 4244
C, M It
C. M.
C, R. I, P. Br..
Chloo Copper
Colo. P. k I
Corn Prod. Ftefln..
Crucible mael
Die. Bectlrltlae ....
Erie 10,100 ll
Oan. Sleotrie ..... 1,100 171 H
Ol, No, Ore 01(1... 1,500 41 41U
Iltlnol. Central ... 2,300 101 ,107 4
Inler.Con. Corp... 600- 17lTU.
Inspiration Copper. 14,100 -4H, ' II
inter, nar., n. d ...
InL M M. p(d etf, 41,100 111
K. u. Houtnarn.... 0,400
Kenneoou Uoppw.,
U 4k N , , . ,
Mei, Petroleum
,1 1 1 0
litu 10111 iisu
35 I7 S7
if-i ui 12
Miami Cooper
M. X. a t. pfd...
Mo. Pantile
Montana Power .,
National Lead
,loo 10m 10IU 7oii
1,100 II 17 i 37
Moo, n,' 1 1
Deo. 1 I4H
Mar ,H
Jul pi 17
Hay I ,TS
i1 ,' !
Deo, ' . 4t
-J May 41
I t4H
i 64H
,1 17 Vj
: 7!H
. 784
- 4114
71 H1
1 t4S 1"(4
1 tTStillTU
71 H 71
tStal 7IH
"Chicago oloalng prlcea, furntalii-d The Bee
by Ugan m Bryan, nwi a'" ""V
ill south Blxleenth atreet, Omahai
AM. I Open- I 'th.
: Deo. 1 IIH 1 MH
.'Bay' 1 1 "H
July 14 t 44
, 7tw
.May 7140 714(0
4I47 tlW
Ma. ., aiJjT)
Pork. - i
, ' Deo. - -tt, It M
Jan. II' Jt -M 10
. vizard, , .
Dea. 14 17H 14 40
Jan. II IIH II. tt
SSt,': 11 tt II tl '
Jan. ,S 1 73H
Ijw.r Oloee, 1 Sat.
II 10
14 17
It tt
II t!
it io!
1 17
1 17
1 II
I 71
. M
It to
14 40
it tiu
11 it
II tl
14 If
II 10
It 17
13 to
. u.aa HMaaamU and niM'mi m
' Crgie 4a HalMeh Ton. ta Wheal.
ri.i.tfo. Oct. ll.-Bulllsh foreign pondl'
inHirdln. a derided (ailing oft la
' norld ahlpmenta, mad. wheat price, range
" hlaher today, although a llberaf Increaae
... ih. unlud 8tate rlalbl. aupply total
wought aboat .ow.lhlng of a inaction late
In the day. The- aloe, waa uneetrled at
4o to c net advance, with December and
May both at 11.17. Corn finished c
down and oala off e c Provlalona scored
gain. to to in . - l
: Unrlri ahlamMlU f Wheat ShOWed a d.'
crees. of t.0000,106- bushels, aa compared
with last 'week, and of l,000,0t"'buehela
.., the porresnondlnr time as. 1.1s.,
nttn.n or these figures, as viewed by
the bulls, waa much acoutniated owing to
the fact that auppltea on vaassgo had
,MAn iMnd 4.140.000 -bushels m th. last
' wer h aa against an IncreaM f 0,104,000
0i'al.ts last year. Besides, reports xrora
' Argentina told of a eontlnuano. of the
' d'-ovigth -and referred to uninterrupted en.
isrgement of crop damage there, ttmall
" ites 0 spring wheat recelfla at Minneapolis,
Iuluth Jin& WHfnlpeg counted further
ugalnst the hara, and a. too did aapott
y sala eetlmated at 1.0000.900 buahela, said
tw be -chiefly of .lite British and Dutch
governmeata. - ' -: - " --
Notwithstanding thai tlte announcement
k of the United Dtate. Ttalbl. supply total
1 was--followed by tha chief decline of the
day In the wheat market, the aotback did
'' not overcome all 'of th. prevtoua gains, and.
there waa a rally In progress when the
final going 'brought trading to a halt. It
1 waa noticed that A the - breaka aoma f
th. IbuvKig of juture dellverlea aptwared
ttfToc r European account.- '
Cera was- dapreaeed by af-lllnarfrom apec-
- -ulatcrs. who St the Has time were buying
oMs who contonded'that, despite big stocks
data were at too heavy a discount under
othr grain. The' visible supply figures.
t-r,wcvr, seemed In the end snore than the
1 osik market could stand. x -
With sbundant foreign buattuws In sight,
yhe provision trade Ignored lowar . quot..
Wo. Pacific
Pacific Mall . .
I'acina 1. a T.... . ... -.
Pehnsrltanla ..... 4,100 Hi 17
Rav non. CJnnnar. T.1A& Ifiu IK
-eaanig .,t ii.tou losf. lot
SB..1. at sa.ioo 74
Mat. Arli. Con.T... 700 II
Ho. Faolfle ,. 4.700 101 100
nn. nauway 17.100 31
tltudebaker Co, 4,1100 llivi lit
Tetinesaee Copper
rexaa company ...
Union Pacific! ....
Union Paclflo pfd.,'
u. a. ina, Aiconoi,
117 141 lit
lllii 111 : ill .
IS' 30 21 '
.01 101 ,
Omaha,' October 17, lilt.
Reeolpt. were
Rstlmste Monday .
Sam. day last year.
Ha me t weeks ago..
Ham. I weeks ago.,
nam. 4 weeks ago. ,
Same day last year.
Hon 8hep
2,100 13,000
3,403 31,101
1,114 34.114
1.304 41.000
4.701 10,141
, 1,171 -3,
M.r.lnla and dlanolltlon of live stock at
the Union stock yards, Omsha. for twenty
four hour, ending at I o'clock yesterday: ,
Cattle, nogs, oneep. n a.
M. St. P..,.
Missouri Paclflo ,
Union Paclflo
C. tt. W., east..
Q N. W.. weet.
C. 8t, P., M. O.
B. .. ..St.
B. il., west.
, 1
M0 .
. 3
. 3 .
C K. I. P.. esst. II
c, R. 1. ft v., west, t
Illinois Central .... 31
Chicago O. W...... It;
Total receipts ...154 '
, "t 17 '
10 , It
' .
" ii ' ' ii
. -1 -t.
. nt
" Catties lioas. Sheep.
,. 7f3 I 1.601
,,1,201 401
1, l.tat
. 1.330
Morrla A Co
Swift I eo. .......
Cudshy Packlng Co,
Armour at Co
Schwarls ft Co....
J, W. Murphy .....
Lincoln Packing Co;.:.. 17
Hunlger Oliver - 341
W, u. Vaasant Co 171
Benton,' Vansant ft Xush. 102
lllll 4t Son.......;....., 343
P. B. Lewis............. lit
J. B. Boot Co: ,' 30
J. H. Bulla.. " 407
7.. F. Hues. . : 113
Rosenalock Ilroa. 244 .
F. O. Kellogg '.. tit .
Werlhelmer ft Degen.... 143 .
H. r. Hamilton... 411 .
Sullivan Bra. 2S.
Hothschlld 4V Krebs.,... lit 4.
Chrlirtt. '.. 136 .
Hlgglaa , t .
Huffman.,. 11 '.
Uoth II .
Meyera 10 .
Baker .,.......,.' 30 .
Uannsr Btos. 4t .
John Harvey 1,11 ,
Dennla ft PrancU. .'...',. 348 ..
Jensen A Lun.ron. ...... - 177 .
fother buyers ........... 1,327 .
,.11,811 3,044 10,341
1.100 IS
000 331 331 . 121
13,000 lit 143 14lj
zoo gs Ra .
4,600 .117 lit
V. B. Steel V.I14,400 111, lot
17. 8. Steel pfd.,,. 400 180 180
Utah Copper ...... 4,100- 14 I8
Wabaah pfd B..., 1,600 10 71 M
western Union 1,800 101 a
West. -Electric 1.000 IX
Total sale, for tlx day, 1,700,000 shares.
Now, York Mw Market. ; , v
-Prim. Msroantlle
New Terk. Oct. II.
Papers I per cent.,
Sterling Euhange llity-day Wile,
4 11U, daman.. IStRSL, Mhl.iJ 11 U
Franca: Demand, ts.lf; cables, 60.3. MgfkaiJsNo, av. ' Sh. Pr.
mand, 11 1-160; .oablea, it l-llc. Oullders:
Demand. 40c; oablea, 410. Llreai De
mand. 11.41: cablea. 18.41. Rubleai De
mand, II Wo; cables, llei . ,
silver Bar, 4lo; Mexican dollara, llo.
Bonds Oovarnment, , . ateady: railroad.
strong. . - , , .
Tlme'Loana Steady; sixty days, IOI
per cent days, ltj)l per cent! all
montna, sievs per cent. . . ,
Call Money steady; highest, t peroant:
lowest, 34 per . cent! ruling rate, 3 per
fcent: last loan, 3 per coat, .losing bid,
3 psr eenll offered at 8 per cent. - -Closing
ouotattons on bonds today weraV
U. R. '. 3s, reg.. IIVjK. So. r. is.. 08
do coupon .... It l-.4 N. unl.-4s.; 14
U. 6. Is. reg,...100( , k, ft T. let 4a 77
do coupon ...too.Mo. pec o. la. . .101 44,
Cattle Receipts were the largest on rec
ord, III cars being reported, as sgalnst 716
cars, the largest number over before arriv
ing at the yards In one day. Other market
points' were heavily loaded, 00 that prlcea
everywhere broke eharply. The market here
was around lovibo iowsron moat every
thing,, except possibly a few very desirable
klnda. That means that laat week's advance
was prstty much all wiped out. Many of
th. trains were Iste In arriving, so that the
market waa slow In opsnlng, and It waa tats
befors anything like a clearance waa made.
-Quotations on cattle: .Good to choice
beeves, 110.00911.00; fair to good beeves,
88. 76010.00; common to fair beeves, I0.E040
1.60; fancy heavy graasers, tt.OOiflO.OO:
gooM to cholc. arses beeves. 18.00 01.00: fair
to. choice gross beeves, t7.26tTt.00; common
to fair, grass beeves. 0. 004J7 00; good to
oholco heifers, 11,7617.261 good to choice
oowe.- t0.007.00; fair to "good cowa,..t6.00
4JO.00; common to fair cowa. 14.0001. 00:
good to choloe feeders, 17.1091.00; fslr to
good fseders, IT.000J7.60: common to fair
feeders,!O.00Q7.OO: good to choice stock
era, 17.6001.00; stork heifers, 11.1107. 85:
atock cowa, IS.I6O0.60: stock oalvea, 17.000
1,00;. veal oalvea. 18 00O10.50; beef bulla,
stags, ota, 16.2601.71.
Av. Pr, No. 'Av. Pr.
,,,,1111 7 71 7. .......1030 II 00
....1301 t II '
: - : CALVES.
....Ml I 00 .-.
iTOWS. ""' -
.... I6IK t 61 , 7 1O0I
...1070 I II 1 138t
T). Hanna Nebraska.
6 steers: .1044 7 10 12 steers. .1074
- Hogs Tho markst was a sway-barlted af
fair, opening. 1O016O lower, later becoming
a big 16c lower, and then closing up strong.
Local rwrelpta were not large enough to war
rant any break, and most of tha ''other river
point, were also moderately supplied, but
Chicago had enough for all, reporting In
the - neighborhood of 60,000 head, and pre
dating a 16026c break. 1
Here shippers bought what few loads they
wanted on a U0O16. lower baslo. Packer
trade opsnsd aboQt.the a.m way, but they
were vary bearlah, fcnd bought most of the
early arrivals on a big 16c lowor baakt. About
a third of tho supply did hot get lb until
after everything else was told, but Instead
at enforcing still further! breaks, at they ex
IMcted' to do, packer, had to pay better
prices than early for tha late arrivals, Ihs
close being Aetlve, and'no more than a dlnfe
hMlnw laat Wek'S olosS. i - -
x Improvement on provtslsns and tha fact
tnat Part OI in. early oreaa was maameo
on Chicago's close were the main factors
In the belated strength. ' gere. onipper.
also helped out by operating more freely
than they had early and packet, who had
unfilledorders had to take some hogs that
wera pot over a nickel lower to All put their
buy. , -v. .
fho averags marttet waa no mors than
10O160 lowsr. Early tt was largely a, 11.80
A8.8I affair for packing grades, but ' later
In the day soms of the same sort of stuff
sold at II.8&BI.4I. Several loads oTd at
the lop, It. 60, but, aa was the oasa Saturday.
there war. no real cnoico noga onereo. -
Cattla Unsettled, Hogs Strong, Sheep
Chlca.n. Oct. 14. Cattlsl Receipts. 21.000
head; market unsettled; nptlvo beef cattle,
t0.S0OH.40; western steers, 14.1009.26;
stockers and feeders. 14.70(77. 66: cows and
heifers. I3.40O0.20; calves, I7.ootyll.oo.
Hogs Receipts, 60,000 head; marKet
strong at 10c under Saturday a average;
bulk of aales,; ngnt. as. rav
0.86: mixed, 0. 10O10.00; heavy 11.160
1.16; rough. tl.06OI.20: pigs, 86.6098.00.
Sheep and Lsmba Receipts, 34,000 head;
market firm; wethers, I0.76OI.30; ewes,
I3.I6O7.I0; lambs, ll.00O10.60.
Kansas City JUUw Stock Market.
Kanass City, Mo., Oct. 10. Cattl. Re
celpte, 4,100 head; market lower; prime fed
ateere, I0.60O11.00; d essed beef steere. 17.00
C.0.2O: western steers, lO.OO'B's.zO; nelters.
I0.00O0.I0; stockers and -feeders, 16.60
1.10; bulls, IS.00O0.40; calves, !fi.O0ttl4-60.
Hogs Receipts, 1,000 neaa: maraet toc
ISO lower; bulk of. sales. I0.36OI.70;
heavy, IB.60O1.I0; packers and butchers,
IO.SOOt.80l light, II.2SO..0S1. plgs,.I.IO
1.00. -
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, head:
market hlghjr; - lambs. 0. 40O10.30; year-
nnga. sj.auut.av wsiners, , s,.vvys.uu;
owesj! I0.7SO7.3S. . -., ,
Rloul City Live Stock Market. '
filoux City, la., Oct. 10. Cattle Receipts,
1,600 head; market steady; bee steers, 10.36
-08.00; butchers, 16.3606.76; oannereM3.7S
04.701 Blockers . and feeders,,;
bulla, atags, etc., 6. 0006-71; feeding cows
and heifers, 15.1607.00. J ' -
Hogs-Recelpts, 2, son head I market
stesdy; light, ll.16ftl.26; mixed, 19, 2b
0.20; heavy, IO.J04JI.IO; bulk of sales, I0.1O
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 7,100 hesd;
market steady; iwn, 2.60OI.I0;. lambs,
18.164)1.76.. , - . - ,, -
V ' St. Louis Uvs Stock Market, ' '
St.Loull. Oct. 16. Cattle Becelpta. 12.-
100 head: market lower: native D?ef steers,
47.60011.00; Vsarllng steers and belfere,
II. 80010.76: cows, IS.60O7.60T stockere and
feeders, IG.80O7.S0; prime eouthern steers,
.00Ot-00-cow. ahd heifers, I4.50O7.60;
yearling steers and heifers, a7.sooo.u0; na
tive calve. I0.00O11.75., , , . . .
Hogs RecelpU 10,100 4iead; - market
I to
7 00
7 10
V. S. Is, r.g.,.110 Mont. Power Is. 10
do coupon ...110N. T. C. d. Is. .,114
Am. Smelt. ts..lllN. T. City 4s..l00
N. H.
A. T. ft T. or. 'N.
lUa ...... ...11JU. . H
An.-Krench 6. ., OSIiNo. Pacific 4s... II
Atch. gen. I...., 13 do I III!
Bal. Ohio 4s.. Il HO. s. I r. Is.... Il
3. Steel r. to..., 101 P. T. ft T. la... 101
Can. Paclflo Is.. IOPsnn. con. 4s..l0S
C. ft O. cv. 4a. 16 do gen. 4Vss..102
C. B. ft Q 1. ta..- tlReadlnt gen. 4a.. IS
C. M, 4V Bt f P. S. U S. F. r 4a 12?
t-v. Is ........107 80. Par. ov. Sa,.los
C. R. 1. ft P. V It 70 do ref. 4i...r, 00
C. ft S. r. Is.. ISSo. Railway Ss..U3
1). ft R. O. e. 4s. tOlaPnlon Pacific 4s. 07
KMe .an. -4s 784a do ov. 4....... S4tl
(len. Electric ls,losU. S. Rubber ts..l02t,
Ot. No. let 4s. IKS I" S. Steel 6s. ..lot
111. Cen. ref. Is.. 11 'West. Un. 40.. II
Int. M. M. 4Hs,,100W. Kleo. o. 5.,. .121
.Bid. , V. of O; It!!.;.. 101
11. b'llver Bar,
' London,
per ounce. -1 ' .
Monoy I per rent.
'Discount Rates Short bills, 101 Pe
oent; three months, 106 per oent, .
Bui, ctaanaa.
Omaha. -Oct. 10. Bank clearings . for
Omaha today wera I6.IST. 111.00 and for the
corresponding as laat year 14, 117. Ill 11.
ttlaasapous Orila Market. '
Mlnneapells, Oct. -II. wheat December,
11.1191.1.: May, 11,16. ! Caah: No. 1
hard. 11. 7001. It: No. 1 horthern.
11.700112; No. I northern, fl.ttSO
1.71. ' i .- .
Corn No. S yellow, IIOITe. v
Oats No. t while, 4lt)4ll4c, '
Flaxseed 13.434-2.17. .
Flour Lnr-henged.
Barley I3ooll.ll.'-, ' ' ' ' -. .
. ' Hye 11.1001.11. 'V-
Uran 1:3,1033.61.
No. AV.
66. .101
36. .361
Sh, . Pr.
... It S8
.... t 86 '
110 t 16
61.. 271 ,sao 0 SO
03.. 341 200, t 31
57. .31 t tt
84.. Ill 40 I 51 --
. . PlOft. I
101. It ... t 06 a
Sheer) There wefe' no big runs anywhere
this morning, and early proppeots here were
for fully steady to If anything stronger
prices, Chicago- wires having a good firm
tone. A few feeders thst sold on the early
forenoon aessiou were anyway steady, ae
wore tho earlier sales of fat lambs. Oood
feeders, brought ft. 10. whtlo pretty decent
lambs ,anded around 110.00, and) a string of
Ike Wood Lle 4ttock company lambs sold
by mid-forenoon at 110.26, tha sepia, prloo
liter Droucni lasi -atonasy,
. .When the bulk of killer offering, moved
It was at figures that were fully steady
with what Tew lambs were hire Saturday,
or generally 10016c above last Friday, Moat
of the decent to good offerings sold at 110.00
010.16. Most of the fat stuff had been
cleaned up well before noon.
-The further the feeder trade want tfte
The New York
Curb Market I.
The Secoad Largest Stack Exckaage "
f . Ikoarld.. ,- ,,.,., '
Wo have just issued a booklet, that
tells all about its organisation, functinne
and scope ot operations something thst
every investor and trade); should know.
Sent Upon RtgvtsL -C-
: Aak for tjooklet Na. B3.
Harvey A. Willis & Co.
' -s - (EaUMIahsat ltOl) '
M Broadway. ( , Now Yark.
mora varlerf were tha oplniona reardlnit U.
Most of tha frajfers were satisfied to call
It a food flrfiTmarKet, although hara and
thar someone quoted prfes as mucb as ,19
to Ho hlfher, hn spots fc least.- ni uvmr-
H,tite feedins; stock was, scarce again toaay.
Best lambs her brouht $.t0, and'wlMle
they wera ot a rood kind, buyers expressed
themsolves as willing to give $10.00 for the
right sort. .
Feeder sheep wars bo. overir picnii'i
and looked ''firm Co, If anything, bignr.
Muttons sold on abou steady oaais, no
ewes going abova I..t0. '
Quotations on sneep ana iamna' L'mnf
good to choice, lfl.0Ol.2; lamba, fair to
good, $9.7k9H.0Oi lambs, feaders, .00S
IU.9V, yoanings, gooa i cnoice, ,,nutja.v,
yearlings, fair to good. ItSOrT-biT; year
lings, finders. $7.0il&8.00; wethers, fair to
choice, .40i7.7.V; owes, Kona to choice,
I6.7&06.9O; ewes, (air to good,;
ewea, plain to culls, H.00fi.0; iwm, fend
ing. 14, 50ft, .Zb; swes,MDreeaers, an ag,
J, 263.00. t - , . .
Webster 202
By Ml Steves, McCraartjr -The
Pagaant Drama of tha Ago. ,
California History anoTRananco.
Prtcoat Mata zSe to Sli .
. . . Niihta. 2So to tM.
' The Best of Vaudeville.
,. Daily Malinaa, t.:l6-Rvery Night. Silt
, This Week . ' .
Bajikeff a) Girlie, with Madelabis- Harriaan
and. Corps do Bullet McKay oft Ardinei Wo
Connell A Simpson: Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Wilde; Mary MaWillc; S Du For Boys; Leo
Zarrcll ft Co. : Orpheum - Travel Weeklv.
Pleas: Mafineei, Gallery, lOo, best seats
lexcept'saturaay anu aunoayj, ioc, im ignis,
10e, 26c 60c and 75c.
- vnuinn a r
Daily Mate., ll-tt-Ma.
Kvao'gs, It-tt-M-loa.
A new Show Under an OK Till. X
Arthar Msyer, Jaalr niintsiav Barry M.lton,
Elt. Josms. ' MnWay J... Collin.
Special Vaudeville Features ; Three Builowa
Girla on tho Sliver Wire and The L.berty
Four,' Beauty Choral Cho-r. Sea VPunko
Pueko," and laugh Vouraelf weak. 1
(Final Performance rridiy Nlte.) "
Ladies' Dim. Matinao Every Week Day.
DllVfl Matinaaa. loo to 15c '
UU I la Nitee, 25o.3Sc-S0c.75c.
Toalay,4iSS and Tonight, tha Play That
la Dear to tha Heart, of Milllaeia .
Demrnan Thompoon'a
Ev.ry Night Eacl Saturday.
M.tinee Tuss, WedU, Thura, Friday.
to.oo046: plsa, I8.00$t.0t;
, I9.?t,vv.v-; goou ncavy,
lower: llrhta,
mlxrd and butchexo.
SS.H03B.I&: bullc of aales, 10.0041 0.30.
Bheeo and Lambs Itoceiuts. 4.1H bcttd:
market higher; lanb. l7.C0ti?l.60; slauph
ter ewes, I6.00ty7.3t; bleatipg e ta.S'.'O
0.60: yearling eteeis. l.03a.7S; owes,
Un toek In Sight.
Ftccelpt. of live stock at tho five tllin.
cipal western tnarKeta;
Kaneaa City...
Omaha ......
St. Louis
Sioux City.,..
Totals ..
Cattle.V 7a-s.
.... 30,000
..... 1.101
Cltyr Grain Market.
- Kaneas City, Oct. 10. What Ho. 1 hard,
ll.S761.85; No. 3 red, Il.t7tyl.t0; Decem
ber. tl.l3i May, tl.63. j
Corn No. 1 mixed, 15080c:. No. 1 white,
80c; No. 3 yellow, 80c; iJecembor, 74140;
May, Tltio. -
0.ts No. I white, 47c; -No. 1 mixed. 41
047c. , "
Butter Croampry, i3tac; flrsta. 31c; sec
onds. lOVic; packing, 171s0. ;
Bggs Firsts, 3M.c. v ,
Poultry Hens, Utt'c; roosters,-, lltac;
broiler ltitc ,
Evaporntsd Apple, and Dried Fruits.
New York, Oct. It. Evaporated apples
Dull, but -firm; fancy, 7Hfi)3c; choice, 7
7ic; prlmo, IH0
Dried Fruits Prunes, strong; Callfornlae,
74iCllta(rc Oregons. 7llc. Apricots firm;
choice, 13c; extra choice, llct fancy, 14Hc.
Peaches, flrmi choice, otfcc: extra cnoice, 70;.
fancy, 714c Raisins, strong; looss musca
tels, 7ty7o; choice to fancy seeded, !140
lltgo; seedless, lltj13c. -
New Tork, Oct 1. Flour Firm: spring
patents, 8.4Stl.7l; winter patecta, 11.15
8.10; wlnur straights. 7.fiOff.7l.
' Wheat Spot, stesdy; No. 1 durum.
ll.ltH; No. 3 hard. II.TIH; No. 1 northern.
Duiuth, 11.10 ii; ts'o. 1 norvhern. IfanHoba,
11.7m. f. 0. b.. New York.
Corn Spot, ateady; No. I yellow, tie, 0. I.
f., New Torkrf '
Oats Spot, easier: standard. 13 5to. .
Hope Ijtesdy; state, common to choice,
lilt, 464103c, 10U 1010c; Pacific coast,
1110, 140 17c; 1015, Itftjllc
Hldea-lrm; Bogota, IttlSSoi Central
America, 14e. ...
Leather Firm; hemlock firsts, 41c; sec
onds, lie. ...
Provisions Pork, firm; mess, tlt.104
.31.00; family - 3.00tS4.00; short clear.
37.0oe31.00. Beef, firm; mess, 131.509
33.00: lamlly. l24.OO025.lrt. Lard, steady;
moderave west. 111. 40615.60. t
Tallow Firm; city, OHo country special,
tKtylOUjo; special,, 10 tJlOHo.
Butter Firm; receipts, 1,020 tubs; cream
ery, higher than extra, at !5Vjt?!!e.
- KggM Weak; receipts. 1,146 cases; fresh
gathered extra tine, 18t?3tc; extra firsts.
36437c- firsts, 32034c; seconds. 31081c;
nearby hennery whites, fine to fancy, 569
60c. .
Cheese Essler; receipts, '1,801' boxes:
state, fresh specials, 314)31Kc; state, aven
age fanoy, 30ts930o.
Poultry Alive, uncertain; no prices set
tled: dressed, firm; chickens, 18035c; fowla,
17 0 34c; turkeya. 35016c.
Uvorpool Grain Market. '
. T.lverpool, Oct. II. Wheat Spot, No. 1
Manitoba, ICS 4d: No. 3, 16s Id; No. 3, 14a
llHd-; No. 3 hardwlnter, -14a 7d. .
, Corn Spot, American mixed, new, 10s 116V
Flour Winter patenta, 47a.
H" In London (PaclSc coast), ft lie
ii 16a.
r k
SnrlcTg Fwnoiis Hotta
Oppcoitg Ccotrnl Park
tt J9tbStraet . .
Uott tt All rheatfel gad
v , , Shopt -
ltd 6utttoor Tanrttetl
Coot and ReiWiiRf Pltctxto
Dine;.; y
FRED -STEJUtT Maaaitt Dirottof
t Days Cammaticinr TaaUy
Gaorga Hamilton Grcan .
Roval Italiaa Saxletto
Three Lordona -Lef(lnirwll ttGala .
Special Comedy Photoplay Program
"A Touch of Hlsh Lif.." Review
of Ait-Sar-Bco Pageant Pictures.
Frank Keenam in
"The Thoroughbred."
Thuraday only, Clara Kimball Young
Tha Caamosf Law
Bluebird and
Paraawunl Pkttn-aa.
The Victory of Conscience
, AJs. "Torpedoed by C.pld." .
.' H. . WARNER la t
. !'SHELL43"
- Patko Nowa and a Caaaedy.
V - . Cotton Marmat.
New 1fork,--Ortu U. Cotton Futures
opened steady,- October, IT.IIc; lcber.
IT.t.fl; January, ll.tCc; March, l7.t7c;Uay.
It .7l!i July. 17. see. . '
Spot, ateady; middling uplamli, 17.l0o;
Al-a. 10ft tMlea. f-
Tha cotton markat today, dloead very
ateady at a jiet advance I If to 10 points.
biverpBQl, Oct. J, Ntton flpot, itrvng;
good miartllrrt. l.43d; middling. 10 ltd; loft,
middling, Jtt.lJd; aalea, lw.000 batea,
Tlrad, Acbiag Muaclaa lWled,
flloaa'a Unlreenk lightly applied, a little
reat and your ioranam dtaapiraara like
magic. Oat e 36c bottle today, dill drug
glata.MAdvartlaemaii)L -
A modern story revolving around the invention of an X-ray gun which
the United States refuses to buy. Mitt Ulriob, as Countess Soma
"Varnli, an international spy, foil ita purchase by another govern
ment. , Though the inventor loses his gun throufrhj the destruction
' of the modeU-ha wins more the heart of the girl he loves.
No One Should Miss It at tho
I The Prohibition Promise i
Delusion: y
"iebraska Dry" A
': Do the Deoble of Nebraska know and under
stand what the promises and pledges of the advo
cates of prohibition are?, '::.r , - -
X: y
: y Many intelligehtand well-meaning citizens, deceived and
milled, by the prohibition cry "Make Nebraska Dry," believe that
v the adoption of the prohibitory amendment will make Nebraska
, "dry" and banish alcoholic beverages from the state. s
; i ;
That thii belief u a delusion and unfounded in fact is
w proven by the official promise and ttatemente of the y
organization which framed the Nebraska prohibitory - .
v v amendment and is leading the campaign for its adoption.
y ;'yy:, .. - A., :..v.?. :, - y y-.V',;
Jhe "Nebraska Dry Federation" in its official argument in
- support of the amendment filed with the Secretary of State says:
'The proposed amendment does not ATTEMPT TO DEAL with
the HABITS AND APPETITES of our citizens." y '
This is an astounding statement coming from the
organization which is imploring citizens to "vote
.Nebraska dry" ahd endeavoring by every means
to persuade citizens to believe that the adoption
of the amendment will "make Nebraska "dry."
, ' . The prohibition advocates admit that the amendment is not
intended to reduce either the USE, or the ABUSCof alcoholic
beverages,. It is not intended to keep alcoholic beverages from
' the drunkard nor the boy. But it is A PROMISE that under pro
y hibitioh every person may USE or ABUSE these beverages in any
' , degree so long as they follow the "MAIL-ORDER PLAN" and'
v send their money OUTSIDE THE STATE '
'. . . -r .v f ,. . - -., ' ,- A .. .- -'-k' -',.--;
.v.-' ..-,'-', -..' r- 't.'A.."'. -:.-,--'..-
The statement deserves jrepeMtiug: "NO ATTEMPT TO
ZENS." Cm anyone be deluded into the belief that this will make
Nebraska '"dry?" that -it will improve conditions and foster tem
perance when its only command is "Use all ou want-4ut buy
it qutside the state?" , "" -
' 1 Kansas has tried this method" and has suffered
the penalty of increased intemperance, increased
crime, juvenile delinquency, pauperism and in
1 creased taxation. " The result of this system of
j "mail order" and "alley joint" distribution of alco
- holic leverages in prohibition states is forcibly
illustrated in the following extract .
From the Wichita (Kan.) "Beacon" of September 20, 1916.
The "Beacon" says: - '':''
' - "A young man suffering with t severe back strata called at
" ' the office of a Schweiter building physician a few days ago for
treatment. While the doctor was attending him he told how he
' was injured. 'I work in one of the railway freight warehouses,'
he said. 'Last week we got a little behind with the unloading ot
liquor, cars. .We unloaded one a day that week and this left us
with three cars fo unload Monday. J was hustling along with the
- other workmen and strained by back trying to lift a barrel ot
"whisky.'' The workman told the , physician that the railroad
- for which he worked brought from seven to ten carloads of beer
and whisky to Wichita every week." , ,
These conditions are offered to Nebraska by the advo
cates of prohibition, not a "dry" Nebraska but a Neb
raska flooded with an unrestricted supply , of alcoholic
beverages tqr the intemperate and the minor as well as
all others. - ' -
The Nebraska Prosperity League,
President, L. F.;CROFOOT Treasurer, W. J.COAD ' Secretary, J. B. HAYNES '
Send for oar literature. 1 : ' 7 OMAHA, NEBRASKA
tt if
n, . ..... . v ,
t' - -' - 1 ' '' '' ' i' '' .' '. . ' .' ,' '- ''. '
. . . "y t l . 1 '
T -i " . '.y 'i "' v " v y 1 '"
- A-a-jW.'- W.-. -''