8 A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE : OCTOBER 15, 1916. GERMAN WOMAN BOAT COMMANDER Government of Worttemburg Recognizes Fair Sex at Friedrichshafen. Geneva (Via Paris), Oct. 14.A woman has beei. lummisioned by the governmen to' Wuertlemberg as sec ond in command of a small gunboat on Lake Consta.ice which Is employed in guard duty at Friedrichashafen. where the Zepplin works are located. She has been given the rank ana uniform of a lieutenant Women employed on south German railways, according to a new order, must wear uniforms, consisting in part of loose trousers and gaiters. Robert Bacon Resents Insinuation Made by President Wilson New York, Oct. 14. (Special Tele, gram.) Replying to the attack made uDon him bv President Wilson in the course of his sperch at Shadow Lawn last Saturday, Kobert tsacon nas aa dressed the following open letter to Mr. Wilson: "Sir In your capacity of candidate for public office you have seen fit, in a public address, to criticise more than 140,000 citizens of this state who hon ored me with their votes at the recent primaries, with the intention of mak ing it appear that my candidacy for the republican senatorial nomination was supported by men who would in volve this country in war. You spoke of me as 'a man whose avowed posi tion in, respect of international affairs was unneutral, and whose intention was, if he became a member of that fjreat council upon international af airs at Washington, to promote the interests of one side in the present war in Europe,' and you argued that if the republican party should suc ceed, Oiie 'very large branch of it would insist upon a reversal from peace to war.' "The statement that it was my in tcntion, if elected senator, to promote the interests of one side in the present European war, and thereby violate my oath of office, is beneath con tempt. My respect for the office of president of the United States pre vents me from characterizing such a statement as it deserves. I leave the judgment of its falsity to the public. Either you have not read what I have said many times publicly on the sub ject of our neutrality, or you have deliberately misstated my attitude in an attempt to raise a false issue. With the accurate, carefully considered ar raignment of your foreign.policy by Mr. Hughes, Mr. Roosevelt and Mr. Root, I am proud to agree, In your anger and desperation as The ring of truth closes in upon you, you seem to be trying to make a false issue. "You say that your re-election mnt nar anH that Mr HllffhpV election means war. bf course, noth ing could be iurttier irom tne iruin. It is inconceivable that a president of the United States should so insult the intelligence of the American people. The statement that a large number of your fellow citizens, because they con demn your weak, vicillating policy, wish to plunge this country into the horrors of war, is preposterous. The contention tnat you or ine democratic administration have kept this country out of war is specious and unfounded in fact Vacillation, timidity, weak ness in asserting our rights, inability to perform our duties, confusion of words, a constant change of attitude, threats unsupported, cannot possibly keep this nation or any other out of war. It is the fear of those who will vote against you that such conduct of our foreign affairs will inevitably lead us into war. Strong, determined, clear policy can alone preserve for this country the respect oi other nations, which will insure peace. It is un worthy to assert that a large number of vour fellow men, Americans of un divided allegiance, of whole faith, of sublime trust in the honor and right eousness of their country, would seek to plunge the United States into the horrors of war. Such a statement you must know to be false. If a million votes weie- to be yoursMor making such misstatement, if you believe it to be the only way to win a desperate cause, you should scorn to misrepre sent the people of a country which has elected you to its highest place of tru.'t. , "The issues of this campaign are vital to the welfare of the nation. I appeal to you, sir, as a candidate for the highest office, to present the is sues squarely and fairly to the people and abide by their decision'without stopping to inflame the prejudices of one class against another, or unworth ily to impugn the motives or to insult the patriotism of loyal Americana who may differ with you. The American spirit, the spirit of our fathers who believed in plain words backed by deeds, who stood for fair play, justice and courage, has always been the safe guard of Americans. The democratic party and the republican party need not be afraid to trust to this spirit now and to state the issues clearly lith honest speech. I have the honor lib be, sir, very truly yours. "ROBERT BACON." Omaha Might Soon Be Bis: Oil Center Prospecting for oil wilfsoon begin in Dawes and Sheridan counties, Ne braska. Through John L. McCague of O naha, the Midwest Oil company, the leading oil development concern in Casper, Greybull and Thermopo lij. Wyo.. has leased 30.000 acres of i oi lands in Dawes and Sheridan coun ties. If oil is struck in expected quanti ties the possibilities of a pipe' line into Omaha immediately leap into new life. A pipe line from the oil fields of Casper, Wyo., has, long been talked of, but thus far nothing definite has been done. The industrial commit tee of the Commercial club is keenly interested in the development and es pecially in the pipe line to Omaha, where refineries could be established. i A Bevy of .Splendid Bargains Offered Buyers in October Sala3 Here Monday New Silks in Our Daylight Silk Section Complete Assortments of Satins, Taffetas, Georgette Crepes and Novelty Silks Chiffon Taffetas, just as popular as ever and the most practical dress silk for all occasions; very fine qualities. Lustrous, soft chif fon finish ; they give excellent wear and satisfaction ; 36 inches wide, at $1.10. $1.50 Extra Special $2.00 Georgette Crepet, $1.35 100 pieces of this most fashion able silk that other stores ask $1.75 and $2.00 for, you will find here Monday, in every wanted street and evening $1.35 shade, at 50 pieces of imported English cor duroy, medium size cord,' iiy navy, burgundy, brown, taupe, green ; specially priced Monday, at 93 New Satin for street wear and evening gowns; choice qualities that give satisfaction. Heavy weight satins for suits as well as the medium weights for gowns and dresses; every new fall color represented; fully 33 13 less than regular prices; 36 in. wide, $1. 40 inches wide. $1.50. $1.98 Velvet Velvet Velvet Silk chiffon velvets, fine imported quality, the richest of all velvets for gowns or wraps, a full line of the new fall colors; a regular $6.00 quality, Mon- 1 $1 CQ day, at ... " Fine imported and domestic vel veteens, 36 to 44 inches wide, beautiful high luster qualities, soft chiffonfinish ; every new and scarce color, at 91.75 to $3.50 IH1AYDEN U Hj6 TP DODGE" DOUGLAS STREETS Black Silks at Bargain Prices Compare Our Qualities and Prices. You Find Them Much Lower Than at Any Other Store. Will 86-inch black chiffon dress taf feta and satin messaline, 7Cp 1.00 value, at 36-inch black taffeta suiting, a heavy, handsome qual- 1 ? ity,-$2.00 value 36-inch black imported Swiss satin de luxe, rich, heavy qual ity, worth $2.00, $1.45 lit 40-inch black dress satin, worth $1.50,. very QC special, at 36-inch black satin Duchess, high luster, firm qual- tl ftft ity, worth $1.50, at. , 1'v" 40-inch black satin charmeuse, satin meteor and chiffon taf fetas, regular $2.00 CI AC values, at New Dress Materials in Our Daylight Dry Goods Section Here you will find the scarce and wanted weaves Monday at no advance in price. Buying early enables us to quote prices that you will not find elsewhere. French serges, broadcloths, velours, gabardines, poplins, wool taffetas, etc., etc. 200 pieces of all-wool broadcloths that will wear well and give satisfac tion. Already sponged and shrunk. Owing to early buying, we can offer these fine broadcloths at the old prices ; 54 inches wide, 98c, $1.98 and .' $2.50 100 pieces all-wool French serges 300 pieces of new fall dress goods and epingles, plenty of the scarce and suitings, including all-wool colors, including blue and black ; serges, poplins, novelty plaids medium weight, just right for the and mixtures, granites, armure new styles of dresses. Monday, 40 suitings, etc., worth up to $1.00, . to 56 in. wide, 85c, $1.25, $1.50. - at 35c, 58c, 68c 54-inch all-wool French velours $0 Skirts Made to Measure $0 and worsted suitings, in the new- u A perfect fitting skirt made est fall colorings, checks, plaids to your individual measure. New and plain colors, at $1.98, $2.50 fall styles for your selection. Ev 2,500 yards of strictly all-wool ery skirt made in our own shop, suitings, chudda cloth, gabar- First class work and satisfaction dines, poplins, serges and novelty , guaranteed. Price for the mak suitings, worth up to $2.00, at 98c ing $2.00 Laces and Trimmings at About Half Regular Prices $2.28 Flouncln. 98e Oriental and chantilU flounc ing, 18 and 27 inche wide, many dainty patterns for fancy waists, special, yard. . . .98 'Flanncinfa, at 39e Yard Filet and oriental frouncings, 18 inches wide, also black orien tal flouncing, Winches wide, worth $1.00 yard, sale price, yard ., ..394 $1.80 Net., 49c Silk nets, 42 inches wide, in all shades, worth up to $1.60 yard, sale price, yard.. 49 $2.28 Chiffon Flouncing, 98c Chiffon flouncing 18 and 27 inches wide, in all white, also embroidered in colors, at less than H regular price, in this sale,, at, yard. ......... .use ChantilU, Oriental and chif fon edges, 8 to 10 inches wide, many pretty patterns, used for collars and jabots; sale price, yard ..15 Filet edges and insertions, French and German vals, many in matched patterns; worth to 20c, sale price, yard. .. . 7Vi A very good assortment of Bamam lace and , insertions, used for curtains, in white and ecru j also French and German vals in matched patterns; spe cial, at, yard . . -5C $1.00 Braids, 2Se Fancy braids, in all colors, 1 to , 4 (riches wide, worth up to $1, at, yard ... 25 Beaded and silk medallions, many pretty patterns for dress trimming, worth up to $1.00, sale price, each 50 $18.00 Roket, $8.00 Chiffon and black spangled robes, for 85.00 Fancy dressytrimmlngs, worth I tip to fZ.OO, sale price, tne. Jyard ,. ........... 4? A gOOa line-'OI xuncy uresa. , buttons, per doz. .15 to 50 Coat and suit buttons, per dozen . . . . . . .50 to 81.RO Pearl buttons, dozen... 5 Fancy pearl buttons, dozen for 15 One lot of odd buttons, at, dozen .v -2 Narrow Venise edges and bands, at, yard 5 Linens, Tpwels.Beds each Featuring Table end DMoratWe Linens, Towels and Special V.ilves hi Bed Spreads and Sets Pure Linen Satin Damask, silver bleached, 70 inches wide. This value cannot be replaced at less than $1.60 to f 1.76 a yard. Our sale price, while, this (1 flfi lot lasts, yard Pure Linen Drawer Scarfs, hemstitched, 18x60 size; this fine quality, at 1 QQ each ....... j.-...... '0' Bad SpreadiTarge size, 80x90, hemmed, crocheted. This Broad way spread on sale J J Bed Spread and Bolster Cover to Match,, large size, satin fin ish, scalloped and cut corners, the set Pure Linen Silver Bleached Napkins, 20x20 size, hemmed, worth $6.00 dozen, here, at dozen v.. Satin (68x68 Pur Linen, Circular, Damask Table Cloths scalloped); $6.00 t0 CA values; each JJ.OW Pur Linen Cuest Toweli, fig ured huck, at, OC. ............ $3.95 Bleached hemmed, $3.50 Here's a 7 v . Splendid Suit Bargain Opportunity 87 Handsome Tailored Suits just received that cVtnnl1 iava Vioon in ctnplr ton lava arrn All nioh P class garments, made to sell at fcom $45.00 up to n m m f r il 1 1 1 . $oo.uu, togeiner witn iuu sample suns, go on spe cial sale Monday. Your choice. of a very superior line of new models in Velvets, Bolivia Cloths, Velour Checks, Whipcords, Men's Wear Serges and other popular suitings, all at one price Monday; your choice, at . . . . . . . . r: Suits made to sell at $45.00, $50.00 and $55.00 $35 Blouse Special Monday A wonderful assortment or new blouses in crepe de chines, radiums and pussy willow taffetas in all shades and sizes ; worth to $5. CO Qft Monday .... V" Sweaters Greatly Underpriced A new line of wool sweaters in the latest and niftiest styles, in all the leading shades." Worth io CC QO $8. Our Drices. $5 and'. .... wO More Fox Scarfs Jast Received tor Monday at $15, $19.50, $25 $35 Up to $75 Hundreds ofiew Coats Jast Received for Monday An Endless Variety of Nobby Styles Shown Monday at $19.59, $25.00, $29.75 Other Classy Coats at $45.00 Up to $100.00 OVER ONE HUNDRED BEAUTIFUL NEW DRESSES Nearly all manufacturers' samples, made to sell up to $45. Beau- . i . i i j j . i . . j . liiui anemoon ana ainner aresses, uauuy uaiicmg frocks, in fact, designs for all occasions, in the season's P most desirable materials and colors. Your choice of the entire lot Monday. .... 25 Savings and Satisfaction Evident in Pur October Sale of Furmturp Bed Davenport, ' Du'ofold style, in m -eni-'t Xs October Sales Specials That Combine High Quality With Surprisingly Low Prices : All worsted Wilton rugs, 9x12 size, superior quality, $5.00 value, tale price '. $45.00 " All-wool seamless Wilton rufrs, made from selected long wool yarn, strong line of patterns, 9x12 size, $45 value, sale price $34.50 'Body Brussels rugs, t splendid quality at popular prices, 9x12 sis, $48.50 value, sale price....... 831.00 . Seamless tapestry Brussels rugs, 9x12 size, big line of patterns for selection, $20.00 value, sale price...., 316.50 : Reversible Scotch rugs, extra' heavy quality, size 8-3x10-6, value $10.60, sale pric $3.75 Extra heavy seamless Velvet ruga, complete line for selection, 9x- .12 size, $30.00 value, sale price ..-$23.98 Felt back Unoleum, 6 feet wide, big line of patterns, at, square yard 506 Best quality machine opaque Window Shades, 7 feet long, all complete to hang, at ,..,,.,, .50t Seamless Axminster rugs, 9x12 size, with a wide range of pat. terns; $27.60 values, sale price . ................ .$21.98 27x84 bevy Velvet rugs, at ..,............;.. ..,,..$1.98 86x72 Axminster rugs, t v. $3.98 You'll See the Range Par Excellent When We Show You the Range Eternal Specials in House Fur rushing Section. Round Oak heaters, ut from, each .... -....'.88.50 No. 8 copper bottom wash boil er for $1.39 No. 9 copper bottom wash boil er for $1.59 targe size galvanized tubs 8i)t Medium size galvanized tubs for 79 Small size galvanized tubs 6!) Any full size wash board. 35 Folding ironing boards.. 98 t 5-foot plain oasswood skirt k- boardfor 69 -piece set Mrs. Pott's sat , iron for . .79 We Want the Opportunity- Soon to Demonstrate to You the THIRTY SUPERIOR POINTS of "Range Eternal" Excellence. The tinside walls are made of heavy gauge special copper-baaring range steel and will not rust Oven bottoms are a quarter inch thick and will not warp. We have them in all styles and sizes up from. .$55.00 Other steel ranges up frdm $25.00 Renown, black nickel finish cast ranges, up from $50.00 Other Renown cast ranees, up from $32.50 Cook Stoves, up from $12.50 . DRESS FORMS AT GREAT SAVINGS ' We have just been appointed exclusive Omaha a Tents for the Simplex Adjustable Dress Fonr.3 and to introduce their good qualities, we are offering them, at unheard of prices. The Simplex is unquestionably the most satisfactory and serviceable Dress Form made, end measuiement of neck, shoulder, waist, waist length and bust can easily be obtained. 1 The various changes in the fashions of the day will not affect usefulness of these forms in any da gree as separate adjustment of each and every part enables ?ou to change proportions and shapes as you uesiix. EXTRA SPECIAL SlmDltx K-Seetlon. A vary Mehly Bitlt- factory DrtM torm. Th mott Uttetf form. Thin is poai'ivety the lowtit pric vr mad on a 12-aection rm. Ill 8 value t S6.9S Simplex 2 8 -Section. Th very Utont development in new Idem in ttrtM Form, Ptrfeet in adjustment and cona. ruction. 118.00 value, at . ,11130 Simplex 16 -Section. An neretaary to the women wbosew ai to the professional dxeaemaker. llG.ftO valu. . . .t... .$11.00 Brc-uiAlj simplex -ecuon. Automatically rajaoie ana ii, admirably fill requirement of the h me sewer bo denim I k perfect meaMiremenU of neck, waist, bust and hbi of frar fu ', ments. tT.60 regular $3.9S j l1 Best Jersey eovered bust forma. Well na4e and perfect meas urement. $1.5 value, at 96c High -trade Dress Form, Jersey eovered but, with steel rein forced k.rt form, adaoted to home sewer who needa only cri sis. Regular S3.0S. Special, at Jl.QS' sjra i i 1.111 the fumed or( gold en oak; Spanish, for ..$29.53 Large, new Pillows, art tick, pair. . .$1.25 Leather Seat Dining Chairs, each. . .$2.50 Two-inch Post Vernis Martin Beds. . $5.50 Felt Cbmbination Mattress, only. . .$5.00 Large, round-top Dining Table, 45-inch, only ........... . ... . . ...... $10.50 r. $1.25 Articles, $1.25 Children's Arnj Rockers, Reed or Wood; Fumed Oak Baby Walkers, High Chairs, Nursery Seats, Nursery Chairs, Bath Stpols, Bdster Rolls, Pillows, pair; Tabarettes, Pedestals, Mirrors, Sewing Rockers and Dining Chairs. : Wall Paper Our New Fall Stock of Wall Paper Now In Decorate Your Home Tastily. You can easily do it if you give the selecting of your wall papers proper consideration, for that is by far the most im portant part of the home beautiful. Our assortment of explicit designs is almost without limit, making it extremely easy for you to tastily decorate. You will be surprised to know how small the cost will be. Select your papers here and your home will reflect credit on your good taste. - Specials for Monday. Our domestic oatmeal papers, all colors, regular price 25c per roll, go at, per roll. ' Q With nice cut-out border. Border cut out free dur ing this sale. Attractive Values in New Fall Curtains and Draperies , Marquisette, 38 inches wide, all colors, 35c value, 9C yard Sciim with fancy edge, 36 incli nes wide, colors ecru, white and cream, 30c value, 20c Couch covers with frincrc, all shades, $2.50 value, 1 QQ sale price yl.ViJ Bungalow net, 45 inches wide, ecru, cream and white, "iKg. at yafd, 65. 50c and Novelty lace curtains, 2 yards long, $3.60 values, 2 50 Oneable Nottingham lace cur tains, ecru and white, $2.00 pair value, sale ff 1 A pricepair Marquisette curtains, ecu and white, hemstitched and lac" ,'rf"-ns. at pair, CI S5.98 to ..tuar and matting boxes, from ?02f:t?.f !!.".. . S2.50 ipl mm Sunfast materials for over drapes, 6J) inches wide, at 7C yard. 81.25. 95. and I JC Kice clotn tor curtains, with colored figures, 36 inches wide, 35c value; sale price,' OC yard WORTH-WHILE SAVINGS DRUGS AND TOILET IN WANTED ARTICLES $1.50 hand mirror a in re 3 or blck buck Bc $1(10 I- madi rafetjr Titm , . . . . .59e 75c best bristle, bandied b:h broahea for 59c 50c bent bristle clo hei bra hei.35c JOc Rubberet shaving brushed. . .35c 2lic hand brushe . ... 15c 15c ce luloid soap box? 5c 26c Mnnn'a or -JerKen't Week-End toilet kiU..s . 15c 18c blaek shoe Shinola 7 1 Oe ?eaun unp.r..d H irem O I, bottle 5e fiOc battle Ttolet perfumed Sea Salt 35c Four 10c bars Perox de or Lan-Oil Sp i '..25c Four 10c rolla crepe toilet paper. .25c 10c Requa'a m-nicurtmr sen 5c $1.60 Aturea or Le Tre.lt pjwder.OSc 26c auto apungea. ...loc It Pays TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST-It Paysb