2 D HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHER $75 . 00 BTENO., (BEGINNER) 0.00 STENOGRAPHER 70. o CASHIER $36 BD. RM. HOTEL CLERK (Out town). $26, Bd. ft rm. JUNIOR OFFICE CLERK $4fc.0O TTPIST fOUT TOWN) 40.00 THE CANO AOENCT, $09 BBEBLDO. ABST BOOKKEEPER, bright young man, $4$-$&0; Invoice clerk. $71; three stenog raphers, $6S-$S0; comptometer opr., $80. THE MARTI CO.. HIT W. O. W. BLDO. VPANTED At once anA-l grocery clerk; must be thoroughly experienced and well recommended. Washington Market. 1407 Boogies St. ?OONQ man for general work In flrst claaa atore. Must be trustworthy and In dustrious. Box IS17, Bee. ' Professions and Trades. WANTED Good all-around butcher, Ger man or Bohemian preferred. Good wagea and ateady work for right man. Write or come at once. Addreae C. A, Wagner, Parker, 8. D. WANTED First -claaa Job compositor; must be expert and have good references; per manent position at high wage to a suit able man. Thomas l. Murphy Co., Red Oak, EXPERIENCED storeroom man; must un deretand keeping set of books, also hand ling wine, groceries; bring references from previous employer. Bupt. Omaha Club. """ DRUG POSITIONS A LL STATES. CO-OPERATIVE REFKRENCB CO., .Nebraska's Greatest Employment Bureau. lJli-11 City National Bank Bldg. TOUNO MAN, Study law; EVENINO down town SESSIONS. UNIVERSITY OF OMAHA law department. Sec'y Thorn- ten, 40$ Omaha National Bank. WANTED Architectural draftsman, expert eared in detail of factory building con struction. Steady position for right man. Bog HOI, Bee, . BE AN automobile expert in six weeks; our big book tell yo how. Rahe'i Automo bile School, $91 E. 11th BL. Kansas City. Mo. CARPENTER Want to hear from young, active carpenter who likes and can TALK Florida. Address S 80S, Omaha Bee. WANTED To" employ a good' tinner for two months' work. Welhv Abbott -Nleman Co., Schuyler, Neb. BARBER wanted, no student. $14.00 guar antee. Wire $V phone S. P. Varney, Ansley, Neb. BHOWCARD writing taught evgs. by wurk Ing expert, romp let lor $1$. Addrss Bos 4 MI. Uee. EXPERIENCED man to set up stoves. Howe Furniture Co., South awe. BUTCH ICR'S helper wanted at one. H. Lin coln, istn ana Leavenworm. AN ALL-AROUND blacksmith wanted at once, 441S Podge. WANTED Bus he Unan. 411 S. Uth, rhone Douglas 1!. OORDON press feeder wanted. Ralph Print- log CO. t)RUO store napa; Job. Knelst Pee BldT Salesmen and Solicitor. TtNERGBTfc and earnest men to call at home and tak order for oor nun graae hoelery, underwear and tweeter, eetab Ilahed trade, protected territory, liberal commission, permanent position. Advance ment to right kind ef men. Our sales men with small capital are making from $1,104 to $1,600 annually. We have some splendid territory open. Writ today If you are looklnc for a permanent and growing business and willing to work for L Kroesk ait-Direct mui. lac, r, v. ata ' tjon X Nw York. ' WANTED Two iperienoed road machinery salesmen. On for northern Nebraska, and no for South Dakota, To Introduce a new complete line of th finest and most up-to-date road grader In America. Also id lino of east Iron and corrugated cul vert, steel bridge, road drags, and com plete tin of good road equipment. Ap plicant must be able to give satisfactory reference a to character and ability. No fcooser need apply. Exclusive territory to the right men. Address Y. tS7, Bee. WERE YOU EVER OFFERED A GROCERY STORE T OUR PROPOSITION ID BETTER. Let va tell you how you can handle flour, canned goods, provision n tire line of groceries, as well a paint, roofing, stock roods, autumooii ana ma chinery oil and graaaes. No ren4 to pay. n Investment In stock, Larg order taken from samples. Good of guaranteed and proven quality. Belling experlenne not necessary. Very profitable work for "worker," Address R. B. Hill. President, Bltcheoek Hill Co., Chicago. Reference Any bank or xpre company. STATE andtooal ls mansger wan'ei to distribute a wonde-tui invention, con vert every eeok stove Into a ga stove. Ga from coal oil (kerosene) at lee than so r l.ttoo feet, brlnr a ch-ir substHrjt for coal or wood to million who are without convenience of city ga 10 to $1,000 capital required. Libera) contract, profit enormous. Acme Bras Work, 1431 Carroll Ave,, .Chicago. SALESMEN WANTED For several choice . territories. Can atart work now or Jan v nary 1st We make very rellgbi line advertising, specialties. Calendar. f sign, leather goods, pencils, stc. Our Un ell ntlr year. Exclus v territory a. signed. Liberal contract with unusal op portunities enered. Give age, selling ex perience and reference In nut letter. Terra Haut Advertising Co., Terr Hauls, i Inrt. SALESMEN Connect now and hold terrt tory for HIT seaJioB, No dull period with our line, fluece assured to real workers, Sign, leather goods, calends-, special ties. Very liberal agreement. Old house with modem method. Th Winter Co., Spring' flnlrat Ohio. .' SlFO. want traveling sa teamen on"oom- v re lesion. Hog itii. Litcnnem, 111. ADVERTISING specialty and calendar salesmen wanted for bale no this year and HIT. Well known Crtiver line of celluloid. Mather, fait and metal special '., tie for ad vert leers; also high else art . nd biielneee calendars. Batista? to-y com' I missions. Weekly advance, liberal 00- aperatlon. Gly full experience. General naie Manager, quiver i. v;e., unicago, ALES MEN WANTED Exp rienee unnecao- aary. earn while you learn. WrU for larg . iiat or opening ana testimonial rrom hundred of ear student who urn $101 to $9 a month. Address nearest office. Dept. 419, National Salesmen Training Association, Chicago, New Torn, Ban Fran- Cisco. bXi.SMN.' live side" line. omhlng new, f ; Nine mlnntea' time pay you 99. Pocket , . sample. Prompt commissions, fitat ter ritory covered. El wood Mfg. Co., 111$ t Mlrhgn Ave. Chlraxo. SALESMEN selling restaurant, hotel, cafe. Igar, pool, d ug. general stor trad, can ' So big business with our new Up pocket 14 tin. All merchant, towns 109.090 and under, want Hi $$ commission each a). No collecting. N xpenee or risk to merchant We tak back all unsold .'. food. Canfleld Mfg. Co., 199 Slgel St., cmcage, i. TRAVELINO salsemen wanted. Beet side line on earth. Something newi entirely diff-rent; 9$ remmlsslon on each order , . and repeats, pan Mfg. Co., 9969 Ootug Grove, Chicago, WANTED Punch board aaleemenT '"xcii'l lent side line. Easy to place tn every town. Big oommlsston. New, attractive asut-tsaenta of desirable merchandise. Brown Novelty company, Denver. Colo. HOW would 9$$ extra per week took to you? You ean make It selling our art advert Is - Ing fans during spare time; sell to every line of business. Writ us now for our offer. Pan Dept., United BtaLea Calendar Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. SALESMAN Excellent permanent position open Oct 16th; capable salesman In Ne braska; staple line for genera) retail trade. Liberal commissions; $1$ weekly advance. Rice Co., 4MI William Bldg., Detroit. Experienced rooTspeclstty or paint !- . elalty aaleeman to sell the manufacturing trad on alrry or commission, with lib oral drawing account; give full detail, with reference: all Information strictly . confidential. Standard Paint and Lead Works. Cleveland. O. ' mGH-GRADE stock leman to all pre- ferred stoek of a going company. All ap plicant must furnish reference with reply , and record 01 result Obtained in past Address. Treasurer, Kaya Store company, Milwaukee. Wis. WANTED Salesman to ' handle "side nnee selling saslly to bank in Nebraska, Kan oas and Oklahoma: exclusive proposition. Mitchell yubiiamng t;o.. ncne. 9. u. hFVBRAL traveling men can add $59.99 weekly to their aalary without detracting 1 front ineir preeen emptoyment. no earn- unlaw. Call On dealer only; confidential. Writ) or call. Omaha Western Sales Com- pany. Sterling Manufaotunng Co, puildtog, Hth street viaduct. Omshs ' aN aaeerlenced traveling flour aaleeman. None other need answer this advertlse r went Exceptionally good opening for th .. right man with experience, lowa terri tory. Box 9911, Omaha Be Talesman, capable earning larg Income. building permanently on quality. Weekly trip. Advantage, meaning a brilliant1 future. Isdustrlon share our pro flu. Mfra.. l?ol ijuebee Ava cwvoland, O. JIELP WANTED MALE Salesmen and Solicitor!. 87,60 COAiMI&SIt N earh sale and repeat orders ; traveling naiKsmen inoni gen eral mercantile trad; every lata; weekly settlement ; no competition; pocket umpU. Toledo Cable Co,, !34 Pa via Bide., To ledo, O. SALKWMAN Cayuhle si-eclalty man for Ne braska. Staple line on new and excep tional terma. Vacancy now. Attractive commission contract. $11 weekly for ex penrea. Mile V. Bliler Co., 821-41 Car tin Bldg.. Cleveland, O. FIVE bright, capable tad lee to travel, dem onstrate and sell dealers; $! to $50 per week; railroad fare paid, Goodrich Drug Company, Dept. 40$, Omaha. Neb. WANTED Bali-am an te sell blankets and comforte on easy payment plan. Call C. F. A da ma Co.. 68$ So. 16th. STOCK and nord sal'-sman. STANDAhf BBC. IMV CO.. Iftl7 WOW. Bled SALESMEN Big money for builneaa get ters. Call at 117 W O. W Bid. WANTED Stock aaleeman. We have the best selling stock proposition In Omaha. Call 1011-14 W. O. W. Rldg. WANTED tialesnian 10 at.ll blanket and comfort on easy payment plan. Call C. F. Adam Co., $ H. Hth. Boys, WANTED Boys and girt to earn Christ- mil money, without interfering with school work. Ne selling. No Investment. Address Overland Watch Co., 4627 N. Francisco Ave., Chicago- WANTED Boys, over 14, In our bottling de partment, willow springs utsuuory, 4ta and Pierce Sts. BOYS wanted to learn trade; must be 14 year of age. Gordon -Law lee Co., itn and Podge. FINE chance for good boy, who want to team a good trade. Room mag. EXPERIENCED delivery boy; reference. Prospect Hill grocery, lid and Charles. Two or three boys, ateady work, good pay. Omaha Box Co., Ksht Omaha. WANTED Strong VrrandTboy, t A. Medlar CO., 41 ft 14tH. BOY WANTKD Pfttisen Bros., Florist, 1714 Farnam. Trade Schools, WE WANT MEN TO LEAUN THE BARBER TRADE. Few weeks qualify to run shop or work for others; yea. of apprenticeship saved by our method; we have placed graduates In leading positions everywhere; compara tively no expense; catalog mailed free, MOLEK BARBER COLLEGE, 110 8. 14th St., Omaha, Neb. (Established im.) LEARN telegraphy, railroad and commer cial, also typewriting, uooa salaries. Dig demand, hort hou , easily learned. Day and evening olasse. Enroll now. Three month' course. Nebraska Telegraph Col lege, 149 0. Thirteenth St., Lincoln, Neb. GOOD MEN WANTED To learn auto work for the many ! Hlon now open. Fine training work auta and electric starting system. AMERICAN AUTO COLLkJGB, 101$ Farnam. Omaha. Mem. AUTO MECHANICS. BARN BIO MONET. Kwver Idle Pig Demand. Easy to Iarn by Our MethoSa. RATIONAL AUTO tRAlNINU i HIT N. loth St., Omaha. Bend for Free Catalogue. LEARN harbor trad; be Independent, more Wage or percentage. W won't over charge you to begin; 1499 Dodge It TKI-CITY BARBER COLLEOBJ. Miscellaneous. ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES, MEN W. ANTKrs ABie-MHIiea onnurrxi mn under ago of 16; lttn of Untied State ol good character and temperate hablta who can speak, read and write th Eng. tlsh lauguage. For Information apply to Her rolling officer, Array Rlug, 16th and podge St., Omaha. Neb.; 119 N. 19th St. Lincoln. Neb.; II' 4th Bt. Sioux Cliy. Jowa; I0T th Ave,. Pes Mot nee, low LABORERS WANTED 01 man wanted for common labor, cor cleaning op an re building on account of recent Are. Also for miscellaneous packing house depart ment work. Wage 33 H cents per hour. Apply at one at O Bt. entrance to pack ing house In South Omaha, MORRIS COMPANY. UOOb money mads at home knitting hos- lory. Machines furniansu on time, ne kuv or eeii your aoods. Easy and con stant work. Wheeler Co. (Inc.), tT Madl- aan. Chloaso. HUSTLE KB 130 to 910 mad weekly dls- trlbuttng circulars, urn pies, laeaing no, to, Advertiser' National Agency Dept. 9xt. Chlraso. 0, 8. Government wants clerks $100 month; Omaha examination comma ovuni mmm' pie questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. til T, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Young men a railway mall clerk; 971 per montn; asm pi examine tton question free. Franklin Insltiuia, Pept M R, Rochtr, N. T. MAN to handle meat, connection with a 4rocry, th new location; ire reni. mm furnish fixture. The Park Orooery, $141 N. $4th St. PhonColfa 130. rau m Kna attkntioM. We furnish real farm hai,d tree ot hraa Writ or phona Square Bm ploymant Agry., 191 S 19th, Omaha, Nab. W A NT B rv Name of ambit toua men, 1$ to at tttiemna- io Become uniin hum car rier Commsnce. $67 month. Address Y 610, He. W ANTE Bhlcken plckr; 9 o straight 1 teadH work, Com at one, a. B. Hlglsf company, Mason City, Iowa. WANTED Experienced freight handlers. Union Paolflo Frelfht House, lib and MEN wanted to ntlt In Signal Cprpg at nee; report ai binooia. AGENTS AND CANVASSERS doMETHlNU absolutely new; automatic ainva and rurnaoo uamoeri iiwranmoi gaves SO per cent of fuel) keepe even fir automatically Juat at tern per tur you wlah: anvane can DUt It on In flv min ute! every horn a ouetotner right now) low priced; 909 per oent profit for agent; prompt shipment 1 exclusive territory; tntarhnrmieh Traatlon Co. of New Vork use thl automatl aam.-r In their $09 station at a aavlng of 9$ 1-9 par int of coal; you sell It every tlm you show U. W. H. Protiman of Washington sold .909 In ten day; you ean do this; your profit over 9960 cash. P. W. Leo, also of a llttl Iawii In Washington. Sold t In 99 minute. Hlggeet. qulvkeet, cleanest money-maker of tn age ror sgenii, enerai asvnta. dlitrict manager; 960 week to 97.609 m yean territory now being assigned; get your county free, now. Write today. Ar nold Damper Co.. $09 Damper Bldg., 917 w. sent iter bu, unicago 111. OMR THOUSAND DOLLARS REWARD If thla ts not th greatest money-making. house-to-house proposition. N. R. O. Little Wlaard Labor Saver wash clothe la 19 minute, without rubbing contain no lime, lye, paraffin wax or other Injurious chemical and cannot possibly Injur the flu the or hands: nothing like It on th market; positively the wonder of the age; aells for l&o, snougn ror nv lamuy washlnm wo supply ons fr aampl with very package you buy and guarantee the aale ot same. Just leav th free sam ple with tn housewife and when yon call again h I eagerly awaiting to become your steady customer. Secure territorial right at one or you will re gret It A le postal card bring aampl and full particular. Farquhar-Moon Mfg. Co., Dept. G 44, 149 w. van Buren Bt. Chicago, ill. RanreoentatlvM wanted In fifteen west' em counties of Iowa to handle distributing depots for speedoitne. Every owner of aa automobile, motor truck or gas ngin consumer, Any live man can clear from 94U9 to Vlto per tnontn, Bpeedolin le sold on a guarantee produce the following results or money refunded 1 per cent to 40 per cent in crease tn mileage, absolute elimination of carbon, greater power, ir starting, longer life to machine, Spoedollno endorsed by leading firms and business men In all part of th country. Beware of imitation. Mak application for territory at one, and eatatmea yourself In a permanent profitable business. Speadolln Sale Co., lot west Locust at, i4 Molueg, la. EVERY HOME ON FARM, IN SMALL TOWN or suburb needs and will buy th wonder' ful Aladdin kerosene (coal oil) Mantle Lamp. "lv times aa bright as oloetrle Tested and recommended by government and 14 leading ualversltlea Awarded Oold Medal. One tanner cleared over 9600 In $ weeks, Hundreds with rig or auto earning 9100 to 9309 per month. Ne oaoi tal required. W furnish goods on tlms to ral table men. Writ quick for sample lamp for fro trial, distributor's proposi tion and secure appointment In exclusive territory. Mantle Lamp Co., 911 Aladdin Bldg., Chicago, III. AOENTSX-To advertise our goods by dli trlbutlng free samples to consumer. Ninety cents an hour, write for full particulars Favorl Co.. j 43 tteg Bt.. arta. 4A THE OMAHA AGENTS AND CANVASSERS AO'tlNTS--New reconl-ij'rLakirig cmn g tor; seniatien of 1(16; tvautirui u-yier-toilet article set selling tike bUzta at $ up with $1 carving eet fre; gofgous $ piece set sellinK at $1. with mitgnlflceni silverware premium free; enormous cash profit. IjO per cent up. uoroati, new man, made $5 first wek. Everybod. buys; tremendous Christmas money makers; great opportunity; represent bU manufacturer; permanent or temporary territory going fast; act quick. Pierce Co.. 87 Pierce Uldr.. Chicago, GART8IDES IRON RUST BOAP CO., 4054 Lancaster Ave., Philadelphia. Pa. uart side's Iron Runt Soap (Trade Mark, Print and Copyright registered In the U. 8. pat ent office) removes iron rust. Ink and all un washable stains f nm clothing;, marble. etc. Good Belier, )lg ma rx I tin, agents wanted. The oriajinal. 2Cc a tube. Be ware of Infringements and the penalty fo making, setting and using, an Infringed rtlcle, AN OLD established reliable company wants' live, successful, branch managers to ap point agents. Branch managers making $60 to $109 weekly. Agents, $40 to $60 selling Warner's Hog Fat num. Guar anteed to give an added welgnt or e to 10 lb, par hog per month. Htrong sale co-operation, exclusive territory. Warner Remedy Co., 70$ W. VanBuren, Chicago, III. AGENTS Big hit. Our (-piece aluminum set I all th rag. Cheaper than enamel 'war. Bells like wild fire. Guaranteed 20 year. Retail value $6. Yu sell to housewives for only $1.82. Biggest seller of the age. Nine sura sales out of every ten shown. Others cleaning up $10 to $20 a day. Answer this quick to secure your territory. Division 1076, American Alumi num Mfg. Co., Lamont, III. BIG TEXTILE MILLS want ambitious men and women everywhere to show latest drees fabrics, neckwear, hosiery, under wear and sweaters. Four hundred style Easy sale. Value beat stores. Many making over $30 weekly. All or spar time. Complete sample outfit start you Steadfast Mills. Dept. K-I0. Cohoes, N. Y WANTED active men to sell Simplex Gas plant. No experience required, can make $300 to $600 per month. Others are doing It, so can you. Address Simplex Ua Plants Co., 164 Whiting St., Chi cago, ill. WANTED Exclusive state agent for thr most useful household article Invented Hi ten years; big seller and large profits; w want a hustler who. understand selling and ean handle sub agents. Don't an swer unless you mean business. Grout 4 Hall, Ti North Jefferson St.. i:nicago. in AGENTS A winner, used In every home; easy seller, good profit; write ns. The Walter Sals Co., U Omaha Nat. Bank. Omaha. Neb. LARGE manufacturer wants representatives to sell shirts, underwear, hosiery, dresses, waist, skirts, direct to homes; writ for free samples. Madison MUU, 680 Broad way, New York City. AGENTS Free catalogue and samples, photo medallions, crystal weights, mir rors, watch fobs, Jewelry, leather goods, makes $6 to $16 dally; no experi ence. Cruver Co., Jackson and Campbell, Chicago, HI. AGENTS 309 per cent profit; wonderful mue article; sometning new; sens iikc wildfire; carry right In pocket. Write at once for free sample, E. M. Kelt man. Sa le Mgr., 9H Third 8t., Cine Inna ll. U. AGENTS wanted; own your own business. Sell Flitch's Vegetable Soap. Writ fur free- sample. J. A. Fritrh. St. Louis. MO. PORTRAIT msn t I ship print, finished work or frame in 34 hours; nave go ariisis; writ ior catalogue, no pens, 1480 McOee, Kansas City. AGENTS wanted In vr town for Pay kerosene burners, for cook range. Weei m McLb, iB7 Leaven wort n. umana AGENTS 600 per cent profit. Free sam- ote. Oold sign letter for store and or flee windows. Anyone can put on. Metal lie Letter Co., 4 N. Clark, Chicago. WANTED Rollable person to distribute cir eulars, free goods to consumers, employ agents, gooa pay. reopie rrouuvta, nan a city, ho. YOUR nam will bring a "copy of money. making Idea th great agent and mall dealer magaslne. Chucked full of good thing. Don t mis it writ now uon i delay. A. H. strati,. Kraus Bldg., Mil waukee wis, CHEWING GUM Sell "Grape Juice Gum to all storekeepers, new flavor, novel pack age. Good profits mad qulok. Writ to day. Tn Helmet Co., Cincinnati, AGENTS mak $06 per cent profit selling our auto monograms and initials, window sign tetters, changeable signs and show cards. 1,900 varieties, enormous demand. Suiuvaa Co., 1199 VanBuren St, Chicago. III. AGENTS $10-11$ dally veiling presidential candidates attract! v art panels; send 6c for aampl; act quick. Platt-Maschek CO., 1611 g. Western Ave., Chicago. BIG PAY and automobll fre to agents placing new necessity with automobll owner. orolO Mfg. Co., Ioulsvllle, Ky. AGENT Calling on oandy, cigar, drug or notion iior; w nav a on iae line ror such man. B. R. Pllll Co., 9$ Santa Rosa Ave., nan rranciaco, cai. AUENTI5 If you are looking for the best offers on msgasines w can supply you with th most attractive deals ever given. Write Sherlock Circulation Agency, 709 Toungermau tttag., lies Moines, la. SELL Mexican diamonds In your spare time: beautiful pocket sample oose makes sales on slghtt have rainbow fli-e of genuine diamonds; fool experts; aland teat, Writ today. Mexican Diamond Importing Co, Box B 41. 70, Las Cruces, N. Mex. AOBNT8 WANTED 100 per cent profit sell. ing userui specialty; used in homes, ho- tal. store and by auto owner: nood re peater, ampl fre. Auburn Specialties Co., Pept 141, Auburn, N. Y. AOS NTS Don't neglect a wonderful oppor tunity! earn 960-179 weekly selling made tQ-moaaure raincoats; no competition; cheapest prices; 1919 outfit free. Amer. Burop. Raincoat Co.. 179 B. Broadway, N. T. DOSK 144. SELF-M AIR-DRYING comb, just patented. tnoi eieeinoaui moat wonderful article vr Invented for women; drle the hair lna few minute 1 109 par cent profit; 90 sale per day easy; no competition, Vnus M,S' Co., 417 Jackson Blvd., Chicago. AGENTS Responsible. vry state, to han- ) in greatest gaaoiin oonomisr ever invented for Ford cars; exolustv terri tory to reliable agents; must be able to Bnano themselves; big profits, Write for particulars. The Gasoline Economlser Sales Co.,' 9 I. Lake St.. Chicago. 111. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. ATTENTION, STENOGRAPHERS If you are out ot work, or would consid er a better poaltun, us Monday morn-ins- WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 949 Branded Theater. STENOG., 979. Stenog., wholesale, 979; etenog. and Bkkpr., 900 to 9?o, menu., wholesale, $SI; Bleno , g, 990 to $ti0; typist and clerk, $40, typist, out of town, $40. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 949 BRANDE1S THEATER. TTPIST, (OUT TOWN),, 940 i HTBinUUKAf rlKKS 0-0U OFFICE CLERK- (BKOINNER) $30 THBCANO AOENCT, $09 BEE BLDO. TYPIST (OUT TOWN)..,...,,,,; 49.00 Ift.SO BTENO.. (OUT TOWN).... THE CANO AOENCT. 900 BEE PLDO. WANTED Stenographer at one. Vaahing- ton Market, MOT Pougia Bt. Professions and Trades. GIRLS to make house dreeaea and aprons machines are driven by electric power and .equir no exert Ion larg, light and clean workroom private lunch hall 1 exoellent wage ana permanent position: ax pen need operator preferred, but a few be ginner win be welcome, ask ror nr. An derson, M. A Smith Co. Factory en trance, itu ana Douglas sts. WANTED, GIRLS Both experienced and appprcntloe girl to work on power ma chine making overall; good wage, toady employment, pleasant surround ings: working hour from 7:30 to $ o'clock. Apply at one. Byrne A Hammer Pry uooa co., itn anonowara tit U1ULS for finishing coats; xprlenci nsoea- aery; pleasant working condition tn a clean and modern factory; good wage and permanent position. Be Mr. Ander son, M. 93. Smith A Co., factory entrance. itn ana uougias bus. WANTED 109 girls to latwl and pack SKINNERS Macaroni Products, Apply factory ittn ana jacKsen Bt. WANTED Lady pressor on women's work. Kanouse Shoemaker, fiZlt N. 14th Bt. 99 OIRLS wanted at one to pack Macaroni Omaha Macaroni co,, 10.6 f'imim. LEARN halreTrBseing at Onpenhoim ParTora Household and Domestic COMPETENT for general housework. 4149 X04g. SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER HELP WANTED FEMALE Household and Domestic. 1RL for general housework, on who can cook small hous4, small family; keep sec ond girl and washerwoman good wagea; references. 701 rVuth 37th St Har. 1410. WANTED An exeprlenced second girl with good re t fences. Apply Airs. w. u. Cord. Un Cass St. COMPETENT" girl for general housework; small family; good wages. 123 b. Jid Ave. Harney 3'5'. WANTED White girl for general house work; four In family. 2222 Charles at Web. 3413. WANTED Girl for general housework, 2 adults tn family. Call Hunday. 1 WANTED Colored, girl for general house work; liberal wages. 3172 Dodge. H. 1141 CUMPETENT girl for general housework; In family, good wages. Herneyiois. GOOD girl for general housework, references require:. zb;j t;apnoi Ave, uoug. is GIRL or woman for general housework In rami 1 y 01 two, rnone unuat 101, WANTKD- Girl for general housework. 1933 Park Ave. Tel. Harney 141. A COMPETENT girl for general housework. Wal. 1403. WHITE girl for general housework; washing. Phone Walnut 70 no WANTED A good girl for general house work. Walnut 3L-33. WANTED A girl to aselat with housework. Harney 1549. , Saleswomen and Solicitors. WOMEN WANTED Full time salary $15, selling guaranteed hosiery to' wearer; SSc an hour spare time. Permanent, ' exper ience unnecessary. Wearproof Hosiery, Norriatown, Pa. $160 SALARY for 90 days' work paid woman in each town to distribute rree circulars, and lake orders for White Rib bun Concentrated Flavoring, J. 3. Zelg-l-r Co.. Chicago. SEVERAL ladles to travel, demonstrate our goods and sell dealers, $20 to $41) weekly, we pay railroad fares. Experience un necessary. Duchess Co., Dept. Ill, Minne apolis, Minn, Trade Schools. W A NT ED Ladles to learn barber trade ; special rates and Inducements. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. 1403 Dodge St. Hotels and Restaurants. LAlJlES of good appearance to cam from $5 to$lO a day selling toilet articles; no traveling necessary. 1001 W. O. W. Bldg wXNTELWGlrPtb work In kitchen, also dining room girl. German preferred Park Hotel. Audubon, la. COOK wanted. Hill's Place. Good wages. Kant Omaha. Colfax 1910. Miscellaneous. WANTED AT ONCE Film Inspectors; those having experience preferred. Leeramle Fltm Service, 1199 Farnam Bt, WANTED Girl and boys to earn Christ mas money, without Interfering with school work. No selling. No Investment Address Overland Watch Co., 4927 Fran cisco Ave., Chicago. WILL pay reliable woman $25 to distribute free (not to sell) 200 pkgs. Borax Boap Powder among friends. No money re quired. Ward Company, 731 Franklin Bt., Chicago. W ANT KD-Types of all kinds for motion pictures: experience unnecessary; full de tails, ricture proauco icxcnang, box nw, Los Angeles, Cal. EARN $2S weekly, spar time, writing for newspaper, magaslne. Exp. unnec. ; de tails fro. Press Syndicate 149 St. Louis, Mo. WANTED Person to color art picture at home, easy work; no experience; good ,Py; sample free. wbeoir Co., 117 Maui- Chicago. WANTED At once, experienced lady dem onstrator for pure food exposition. Address T 834, BO WANTED Idy pl.no player. Addreu Cha. Lewi, abow., IImooI. Nebrajka. HELP WANTED MALE AtfD FEMALE. WANTED Experienced salesmen and saleswomen to sell In house furnishing, hardware and china depts. splendid op portunity for advancement to right party. Apply to T. P. Redmtmd, General Man- BURGfiSS-NASH CO. EDUCATIONAL GETTING BETTER POSITION Did It ever occur to you that th mat. ter of getting a BETTER POSITION is merely th matter of preparing for It. Th WORLD Is anxious for poop) who can DO thing particularly wall, epeclat ly th buslnas world. W bar calls every day for thoroughly trained bookkeepers. stenographers, sttnotyplsta, penmen, ac countants, telegraphera, etc-, and we ar unable to fill many of these position be cause w do not hare young poopl ready to take tham. It you are AMBITIOUS and are willing to work It will PAT .you to begin our Complete Business Course , at th EARLIEST POSSIBLE momat, either In th day school or night school. Bend for a oopy of our free catalogue. which will tll you all about our work. BOYLES COLLEGE H. B. BOYLES, PRES., BOYLES BLDG., SSth and Haroe, It. Omaha, Neb. Do,la 11,1. X. M. C. A. Schools Day ' Bu.ln.Mh, Ban kins, Rhorthantf. TwllUnt, snflUB. Night SPECIAL CLASSES BEGINNING OCT. 9TH. Commercial Law Electricity German Plan Reading and Estimating Public Speaking Show Card Writing Vocal Culture and Sight Reading Salesmanship (Oct 23). ASK ' FOR CATALOGUE. ENROLL ANY TIME. ROOM 318, Y. M. C A. UmiKICUia UUSIO STUDIOS 1(11 Dod, vocal, violin, plan.. A llttl. bu.r .vary 1 da, la ear aim. Xioutlaa S4T1. "van'sant "acHobibfTitmtNEat DAT AND BVKNINO KHWU, ImmI Floor OmahaNallonal Bank Bite. fiatrano. lit. iusia ... 8, 1916. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLrOB. DAT SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL Every day la euruilment day. Book keeping. horthnd. stenotyp. rypewrittng telegrapny. civil service all commercial and UngHah brancbe. Catalogue fre fiOlLbtj UULLWIt;, Douglas Ut&- ISth aud tiarney Sta INSTRUCTIONS In Grman given by com petent instructor, m. uituv,Rj, jui- verslty of Nebtaaka school or aieqicine. Musical. Harp Limited number pupils accepted com ing season, eariy applications iivomu Uaips fur. Loretta ue ione, oe t.yrio 01a PERSONAL PILES, FISTULA CURED Dr. B. R. Tarry cure pllee, flstula and ether reeUl i diseases without surgical operation. Cur guaranteed and do money i paid until cured. Writ for book on rec tal diseases with testimonial DR. E. B. TARRT, 340 Be Bldg.. Oman. Nftb. Greatest Sewing Machine SALE Ever Held in Omaha MONDAY 100 Used Bargains Many as Low as $5.00 MICKEL'S Nebraska Cycle Co., 15th and Harney Douglas 1662. I CURED''pryaeif'"o"Ttibercu Free booklet describes afflicted druggist's ex periments on himself until he found "Ad dlllne." Every sufferer should know this great home Tuberculosis treatment Simple, soothing; relieves cough quickly; ease suffering. Strong testimonials prove merit. Cost little. Write today. Addl llne, 1148 Capital Trust Bldg., Columbus, Ohio. ECZEMA Is only skin deep. No Internal medicine will cure eciema. only by trie application of Crnone can the eciema microbe bo destroyed. You pay us no money until you say you are cured. Write today. Mill Chemical Co., 200 Milt's Bldg., G I rare, Kansas. THE Salvation Army Industrial horn u- Uclts your old clothing, fun.tturs, maga sine. Wo collect. We distribute. Pbore Doug. 4126 and our wagon will calL Call and Inspect our Dew bom. 1110-1113-111 Dodge St DTT TJ'PTT'D L"4uccessfully treated with IV U L A UAVXJ0Ut a surgical operation. Call or writ Dr. Frank U. Wray, 3vl Bee Bldg ) NEW HAMILTON CAFE New Management. Home-Cooked Meal. Mod, price. Hamilton Apt.. 24th k Farnam. RITTENHOUSE Sanitarium. Baths of all kinds; massage and chiropody. 110-3M Balrd Blk.. Utb and Dougias. D. B4&S. FAT How to reduce It. Full particulars mailed iree. Hall Chemical Co., tept. AS0, St. Louis, Mo. EAT HOME-COOKED MEALS NEW DELICATESSEN. 1,0, PARKAM. UAH BHUGHAN. M. T. Selentlnc masseuse baths.. SOS Karbach Blk. Red STST. SWITCHES from combings, $1 up. Dyed, A- Uh W Rrlllhart 191 Pavtnn RMi CORSETS made to order. Prices $3.90 t i,n Ail tr N ln Mn.RiiM fnM SHOD. rl uuaiB uwvi-. MISB L LI.Y-r-Batb and massage. Wit Farnam t.. 2d floor, rnono uoug. io MISS WILSON Bath and manicuring" NoT 1 veviag sun, rnww wmm ' LUE'LLA WEBSTER, masstusc. IU Paxtos Blk.. is a. m. to p. m. u. hh. PRIVATE homo for ladles; obstetrical cases specialty. 3011 Miami. wn. SCIENTIFIC S29 Be Bldg. PhQ Dt uglas ssTg. Manicuring and ma. 121 Farnam. Km Ir Mies Leo. Massage. U02 Far St. Rm. No. S. FURNACES cleaned, SI. Central Tin Bhop FOR leji advice call Douglas A PRIVATE maternity homa 4411 IS. 3Bth St. Phone Colfax gotz. FOR RENT ROOMS ATTENTION, ROOM 'HUNTERS! It you fall to find the room you desire among these ads, call at The Bee office tor a Room List Gives complete detailed description of va cant rooms In all parts of th city. If more convenient phone The Bee Want Ad Dept. and give your name and address and a list will be mailed to you at once. New list ar Issued every week. Furnished Rooms. Cool." With or with RESTFUL ROOMS ' AT REASONABLE RATES, POPULAR WELLINGTON INN. out bath. Publl showers and tub each floor. Hot and cold water. Circu lating lcs water. El evator and phone. I Dally. Weekly and 1 monthly rates, most tor money. V-a--n at 1 tth R. p. McFaddan. Mgr. iAFETY FIRST Worklngman's hotel and restaurant iur vin -u - cooking. Beds SO cents and up. Heals 19 Northiitn t. lyier .n. uimtf.t u- Iafc.it trvtnt mttm. mndern. de BiraDie neinuurnuu, pii- ii"'ji walking distance or convenient to Far nam car. mi. , it in a., --- a-, -. room, etri-iij muu-iii, vv-.u, ... vat family; eultub'.e for married coupl east rnm, tn I. very convenience; reasonable terms. Wal nut -us. FOUR furnished rooms. 1 per week; also Otner atriciqr moaern run in- i n IS per Ween, svis n. ia nt. SOUTH S6TH AVE., ISO New, modern room pnvni muy, num. priv, --, Hea isss. THREE nicely furnished rooms In modem Horn! ta DIOCK io .un air--i vbi sis Kountse Place, cai wr( STRICTLT MODERN front room, prlvat nome. nui-anie or two, imunuaw for etudeot. StOS California Bt. ia-" n M A U Large east -front living room; steam heat and electric. A pt T. Sd floor. P. 7574 IT N. 18TH Beautifully furnished, co-y all modern conveniences; prlvat family neo i-ib. JONES, Sl-7 Prlvat family. Tylr I6I-W or Douglas 7i aner p.m SEMI-BASEMENT rooms, clean and dealr NICE elean, airy, light housekeeping rooms; walking distance. HH Douglas. TaCELY furnished rooms, with board, for four in moaern nome, ssj- ui-e v. Cnltex 302b. NICB modern rooms; ground floor; $10 per month, 1001 N. 2ld BL Phone Web tr 4 ROOMS Private house, nicely furnished, Including plsno, Si 8 per montn. 2904 Oraco Bt. Fhon wepeter 7J. S FRONT room, newly furnished; modern FRONT room in modern private home walking distance. Poogias J. no. 1 LARGE room tn new private residence, near to oar line, south part of city, very desirable. Colfax 1877. BEAUTIFUL front room, all conveniences. 12 .0 per week. Tyler 70. 1&4S South ifltn at. ONE sleeping room for two men, $4 week One light housekeeping room. IMS Capitol 1 WELL furnished front rooms, modern: prl vat family. S5t 8. th Av. Doug. S10S. FIRST-CLASS mode:n room from fl to IS per week. Colonade Hotel. S4T4 Harney at, A LARGE furn front room, suitable tor two ladle. Caldwell. Weoater SSIS. COMFORTABLE sleeping rooms; modern la private family. 7g & ssth BL FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms, CHICAOO tl 10 In private b -me ; large room. BKAUTIFUL newly furntahed - front room. 3uOS Farnam St.; reference wanteo. LARGE, well-furnished front room In pri vate home; modern. Call Harney esse FOR RKNT Front room, furnished, privet bath if desired. 1121 Douglas. Doug- im HANSCOal PARK Pleasant room In mod- ern noma; car nnee. nunn; ' FURNISHED room in private family; every thing homollko. 221 N. S. 29TH, 102 Nice front room, modern name, pnm igwiiT n-iu v. NICELY furnished room In modern homo. tf'i.u Lass, f no ne giarncy FURN. room In mod., prtvat horn, on car line, can h. 3976, FURNISH KD rooms for rent. Colfai 1368. Housekeeping Rooms. LARGE mode-n front room for housekeep ing, or wouia rent mr --.. """'r FURNISHED apartmenU for light houss- keeplng can be ttaa at us o, D- Harney 6S10. MODERN housekeeping rooms, J41i Sher man Ave. 2 MODERN, gas range, adult, $26. 422 Board snd Room. BEAUTIFUL furnished room in new modern Home; every convenience; suuame wi also single room; horn cooking, Tyler livw. id o. sua ot 1016 PARK AVE. A large front room, wen xurmsnea, mww i,- lent, on car line, reference exchanged. Ha-ney 8195. MORfTROFT. 123 8. 26TH AV 2 south rooms en suite; large west room; private entrance; good tame, xyier -w. hit x i !TTH"tTT. frt.nt"rAnm for two: excellent board ; reasonable terms; warning dis tance. 2i9 Dodge at. WANTEDTwo ladles to room and board; references required. Cal weosier isas AHGK well furnished room; private home- board if desired. Harney It. 131 S. 25TH ST. Room and table board team heat; ana up. uougias euea. LA ROB front room, all modern, board If preferred, eoutn Rooms Wanted. REFINED young couple want room with breaKiast ana evening uunt , thoroughly modern and prefer steam heat Wltn running water; wimin tanoe. Address, with full particulars and terms. Give phone number. Box 6811, Bee. yon FhJOFLE WHO RENT KOOI'S. CALl THE BKB W An I -aij utiri. ai b u m -ail about the FURNISHED BOOM OU.DS It's a plan that la helping msiy peoplt rent ineir rootna YOUNO lady having best of references de- slres steam-heated room wunin wanting distance to downtown, write to uox oaiu, Omaha Bee. REFINED lady wishes room In desirable home; exchange companions nip. tsox 6812, Bee. YOUNO LADY desires room, with break fast: must be close in. Aaareas ii. uee ROOM and board, also light housekeeping. Phone Webster Z04. Unfurnished Rooms. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. , (d and 3d floor at 316 8. 16th St. 14 rooms. CITT TRUST COMPANT, ISth and Harney Sts. Phone Dong. 78. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 2d and Sd floors at SIS 6. 16th St., 14 rooms. CITY TRUST COMPANT. 16th and Harney Sta. Phone Doug. TBS. FOR RENT t or I nlc unfurnished rooms; io car line, nirna TWO unfurnished rooms for light house keeping; heat. SIS N. lUt BL FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments snd Houses. Apartments. CHOICE S-r. apt. with built-in bed, 8711 Dewey Ave., close in, 137 sum., 9V win ter. Hastings A Heyden, 1414 Ha.aoy. Ty B0. STOP AT THE SUNSHINE Steam heat J! rooms, hot and cold water, bps w. umut. ST. CLARE. Hth and Harney, S-r. fur, apt Har. 4T. Houses. S-ROOM bungalow; strictly modern, and all furnished. 2868 Corby Bt- Tel. woo. sots. S30 month. Phone Douglas St0. S-ROOM modern, to couple without chil dren, by owner, who neelieg to board wltn same. Call walnut uza, S-ROOM house, completely furnished, one block from car line. 1S01 Binney. Web ster SS4. 1 FOR RENT HOUSES West. FINE MODERN 8-ROOM HOME, GOOD NEIGHBORHOOD. RENT ONLY $25. The blKcest rental bargain In the city completely modern; oak floors; eight fine rooms; on paved street, one block from car; located at 70S N. SOth St. See this at once. PETERS TRUST COMPANY 1S9S Farnam St. STEAM HEAT AND JANITOR SERVICE FURNISHED Beautiful, new. brick residence, eight rooms, mod-rn throughout, 41 oi rar nam St, Call Walsh Bros. Co. Tyler ISS. At 1S17-1S City Nat Bank Bldg. S ROOMS, hot water heat $40 Doug. S71S. 101S Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg, S-ROOM S bath. West Farnam district 26, 7-r. bouse. Also 4-r., SIS. Closs In. Appiy i0i tapnoi v- 1 North. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. $1S S41S Temple ton av., 7 rooms, modern except heat. $16 971 N. 17th st, partly modern. Sio 3221 Isard, S rooms. I . 26 H N. Slst 8L, S-r., mod. ex. heat, 1S 1S10 N. 27th St., S. r., mod. ex. heat 1822 Farnam St. Doug. SSS. FOR COLORED. US. 00 2123 Nicholas. S rooms. PETERS XHUOT UUMf APIT, 1S22 Farnam. Douglas 898 fi.nnoM modern cottage, except heat, larse rooms and convenient, sis. 33iT unaries St. 5-room cottage modern, except heat, 240S N. 20th St.. 15. call Harney iisg 1814 MIAMI ST. 4-room house; gas, elec tric Hgni ana ram, eia.uw. n. . rw ford. Webster 3&ti 7 -ROOM, modern, on "Prettiest Mile," S01S Florence Douievsra. r ine view, mono Colfax 300 ISIS GRANT ST 7-r. conni!.' modern, lie ElOHT-ROOM nouse. all modern, with gar- . -... AC A M.trth -17 fh t. BRICK residence, 331S Lincoln Blvd. Call Doug. 20!. C. E. Mutcnina South. vtiw Run r low. S rooms, all on one floor. $2T.6, with garage SSO. Vacant Oct IS. S66f fierce ai. tteq "ai, 6-R. COTTAOE. mod, ex. beat. fc44 a list, GOOD t-room house on car line. Walnut SIS. IllS PARK AVE. 7-r. mod, brick. n'oriM .11 modern S321 Bo. Hth St..' 121 H I ATT UU., Sa vn. :'u- Kit OAK 6T. 4 rooms with toilet gas and water. R. S841. Miscellaneous. 1S17 CHICAGO St.. S-r., md. . hl.-HOO" j bill aiaainun n.wm., -i ...... ii.vu S3 N. Slat St.. 7-r.. mod SS.SO ha an,.ae at., t-r.. mod 17. fin ICS Blnaey St., 4-r 18.09 S81S Decatur SL, 7-r., mod 26.00 SIS N. loth St, 10-r., mod 17.60 -ni rallfarnla. S-r.. mod 17.10 S41SU S. ISth St. S-r.. mod. ex. ht.. 1S.SS S70S Burt Bt, up, 4-r.. pan md.t cel. oreo tSSS Cap. Ave., l-r.. colored.. 14.00 McCAGUE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 150S Dodgs St. Doug. 418. FOR RENT, ISS.60 7-r., modern except heat 1111 Willis Ave, $21.00 8 -room modern BRTCX house. corner, ista ana uoroy. W. H. GATES. S47 Omaha NaL Bank Bids. D. 124. FOR RENTHOUSES Miscellaneous. HOUSES MODKBN. ,-r., 5127 Vinton, new bungalow, l-l-,-r 2875 Maplo, n.w, !5- 5- r.f 2102 Miami, vac. Oct. Is. 6- r Jitt So. 26tn. .nap. ! 6-r.. Hit Maple, nlc. cottag., 1.2.60. 6-r S06 ts. lllh. with are, op.i to day, 226. 6- r., 2102 Spatter, wal.r paid, 226. f-r., 2210 No. 2 Ht, aood location, water Paid, 125. ' 7- r., 1721 (Xort-la Av. vary food. 3P. 7-r., 3481 lATlmor., new furnace, 12,. 7-r.. 4302 Er.kln., good condition, 220. 7-r., 2240 Franklin, .nap at I22..0. 7- r., 220 N. 23d, Beml. park, 130. l-r., 113, Qwrila Av... with larace. 130. 1- r., 1620 Spancr, baaatlful bom., ,r.n.-. 145. 8- r., 1401 Evana, .nap at 111.50. 2- r.. 3304 Davenport, rood location. $40. HOUSES MOD. EX. FURNACE. 4- r., 3319 Taylor, down.talrs, very rood, 114. 5- r., 1021 Mand.n on. aood con., I11. 7-r., 2431 So. 21. t, clos. to car born. lis. l-r., 1510 Madlaon, aultabl. for 2 famUle. 120, HOUSES PART MODERN, l-r. 1225 Uaradlth Av.., toilet, electric llfht. water, (aa. 110. l-r., 1004 & Uth. upstair., (aa, water, wat,r paid. 111. l-r., 5101 N. 24th, electric light, water, 112. 5- r., Slat and Walnut, n.w, .loclrlo light, W.IU 114. -r., 514 N. ISth. water, (a, toilet, 111. l-r., ,01 8. 17th, water, ga,, lit. FLATS MODERN. 6- r., 2614 Woolworth, very choice, water paid, 128.50. 6-r., 20, Paxton Court, new, batwaea 26(h and 26th, Douglas, and Farnam, very choice, $36. E-r.. 2306 Dewey Ave., close In, 126.50. FLATS MOD. EX. HEAT. 4-r., 2822 S. 21th, over drug ator., water Paid. 110. 6-r., 107 N. 2 1st. close In, $21.60. We have oth.ra Send for our weekly printed U.t befor. renting. Omaha's Largest Rental Agency. HASTINGS ft HETDBN, 1614 Harney. Tyler 60. PAYNE & SLATER CfO., "OMAHA'S RENTAL MEN" HOUSES AND COTTAGES. PARTLY MODERN. " . 6- r.r-210 South 2th St., Mat front, 'easy walking dlatanc. $10.00 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. l-r. 606 South lath BL, n.wly decorated throughout 26.00 7- r. 2112 California St. .close In... 20.00 7-r. 3868 Seward St., nice neigh borhood, south front 20.00 ALL MODERN, l-r. 220$ Lincoln Blvd.,' dandy ; cottage, south front, beautiful surroundings, close to ear 18.00 7-r. 4024 Nicholas, hot water heat. 15.00 l-r. 1501 Hamilton, 4 bedroom,, south front, fln. yard, bargain. 22.60 DOUBLE HOUSES AND TERRACES. 6-r. 60, 14 South Uth St., dandy Sat, built-in features, close In. 112. 60 6-r. 1201 South 10th St, neatly decorated throughout, cloae to depot, and downtown business center SI. 60 l-r. 168 South 28th SL, dandy Hat, neatly decorated throughout. east front, walking dlstano... 86.00 We have other. 8ee our complete printed list before renting. PATNE ft SLATER CO.. 611 Omaha Nat'l Bldg. Ph. Dong. 1016. HOUSES ALL MODERN. Stio s. 16th St., I rms 111.71 lios s. Hth St., I rms ', 11.76 111 I. list St., I rms 12.50 ,20 S. 21st St., 6 rms ,,,,, 16.00 2627 Charle. St., I rm.. .......... . 16.00 1720 "B" St., So. Sid., J rma $6.00 1103 Park Ave., I rms 12.60 S220 Burt St, 7 rma ,. 10.00 112 8. 25th Ave.. I rms. 25.00 2401 St. Mary1! Av.., I rma 86.00 41(0 Wak.l.y Bt, .leaping porch, rm, .un room 41.00 101 S. 18th St, I rma , 10.00 111 8. 23d St, I rma TI.OO HOUSES PARTLY MODERN. 2906 Charle. St, I rma 111.00 2(31 Saratoga Bt, 6 rms 16.00 160, N. 24th St, S rms 11.00 II N. 12d St, 4 rma 11.00 4134 Hamilton Bt, colored, I rma. and stor. S0?60 FLATS MOD. AND PARTLY MODERN. 2901 Leavenworth, I rma 112.10 1468 a Uth St, I rma., 80.00 1623 Cas. St., 10 rma 16.00 MODERN APARTMENTS. $12.66.127. 60 Twa rooms and bath. Th. Bosworth, $217 Howard St., fur . alshed and unfurnished. Walking dtetance. ARMSTHONO-WALSH COMPANY. Tyler 1691. Rose Bldg. WE HAVE WHAT TOU WANT. HOUSES AND COTTAGES. PARTLY MODERN. 4- R 1401 Mapl. St I f .00 7-R. 4014 No. 424 Bt... 16.00 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. , 5- R. 2904 Saratoga Bt 20.00 l-R. 1811 No. 37th at (for colored) 16.00 7-R. 8708 Seward St 11.60 STRICTLY MODERN. l-R 4213 Seward St.., ... 10.00 I- R. 4113 Farnam St 86.00 4-R $17 So. 86th St (Flrst-eleee condition, very close In)........ 25.00 7-R. 3906 No. 18th St 80.00 $-R. 8901 No. 17th St 80.00 $-R -1717 Park Ave. (Good brick dwelling newly decorated Inslda and out ftrst-claas residence dis trict) $5.00 II- R. 2621 Harney St. (Larg. brick dw.lllng well, arranged for keep ing boarders and roomers, eloae In) i. 40.00 FLATS. l-R 169 So. 19th St (Choice ft Loots flat very eloae In) $$.60 PORTER ft BHOTWELL. 808 So. 17th St. Doug. 6013. FOR RENT. r FLATS. 821 8. 19th St., 10-r., city water. 136. 1607 So. 26th St.. 7-r, modern, 916. 62 1 8. 29th St., 4-r elty water, $12. 1214 So. 17th St.. 6-r., city water, 111. 2214 D St., So. Omaha, 4-r.. city water. II. DETACHED HOUSES. 1541 So. 29th, 7-r., city water, gaa, $28.10. 1341 So. 27th, 4-r, modern, 122.60. 2998 No. l!d. l-r., modem. 110. 114 No. 18th, 7-r., bath, 130. 2211 Seward, 4-r., city water, gaa, $17. '901 No. 26th. 6-r., city water, gas, $20. 219 No. 35th, 4-r. city water, gas, $11. 712 So. 22d, l-r., city water, gas, bath, $11. Ill So. 19th, l-r.. city water, $11. 2619 Davenport 9-r city water, bath, 116. 3411 Lake, l-r.. well, K.40. GARVIN BROS., 245 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. HOUSES APARTMENTS FLATS. 113.00 4-R. Sat, 2612 N. llth St, modern except heat $12.10 l-R.. 1622 Clark St, nod.nl ex cept heat. 111. 6-R., 1816 N. 10th Stt part modern. $23.19 4-R, 4812 Underwood AM., mod. $8,.0e l-R, $241 8. llth St.. modern. $10.00 10-R., 214 a 20th St., modern. $32.50 l-R, 530 Park Ave, modern. $35.60 7-R, 1908 Corby St, modern. 336.09--10-R, 210 8. 20th St, modern. $42.60 l-R. Apt,, The Harold, 27th and Jackson Sts. $50.00 l-R, 8816 Lincoln Blvd.. modern. 880.00 l-R.. 623 N. 61st St.. DundM, mod. GEORGE ft COMPANY, Phono P. 766. 908 City Nat'l Bank Bldg DETACHED. Splendid 7-r., new brlek house on Lin coln Blvd., near S2d, Bemls Park, garage If desired; this Is very choice, SSO-Sjt. 117 Davenport, s-r., all modem, good neighborhood, 130. 334S Boyd, S-r.. well water, eloctrlT light and gaa. US. 2718 N. tith St, S-r, partly mod., tiz. ATTACHED. 340 Jonee, S-r. and sleeping porch, all mod., very desirable, Sl. A. P. TCKET BON, Fhon Pong. S01. 1S.T-S W. O. W. Bldg. 2SSS Charle, S-r.. modern 7 barn..l8.0) ibii Harney, 6-r., part moaern U.t t 1414 N. S9th fit., 4-r., part modern... IO.ci SSiO Caatelar, S-r., part modem.... 10. o S10S Blondo, 4-t, elty water f.O 433S N. Stth St.; S-r.. well 3337 Emmet, S-r., well , t.M 1738 Lake, S-r,, wall s.4 CREIGH, SONS & COMPANY, Douglas 109. . SOS Be Bldg. 10.00 ISIS Woolworth Ave, S-r., pt merf. 2S OS S67S Poppleton Ave... S rms., mod. 8 17. SO 4307 Dec tor Bt, S-r., very good. SSO.oo 4S1S Seward St.. T rms., modi 140.00 ISO N. Slst Av., T rms., mod. 84 5. 00 21 S Dodge St S rma., mod., ga SSO.OO 1109 B. 33d Rt, S rms., mod., gar, 860.00 S30 S. S2d Av., 7rm., mod., gar 80.003340 Harney BL, S rms., very gonO. S7S.00 t rms., furnished, West Farnam OLOVER A SPAIN. Douglas SOS 3. 818-30 City Natlentl I2S.0O ilil Clark St-, all mod. bungalow? S-r. 818.00 180S K. SOth Bt, all mod. flat S- 111.50 SSS t. SSth St., all mod.. O r H. A. WOLF, B14 War Block. Doug. kOSfc 'I 1 r