"7 rr TRASHES FROM PH OTO PLAYS FO R. OM AH A -DEVOTEEJ- r" n "The Social Secretary" is Strand's Offering for Today With three clever at well as charm ing feminine star holding forth at the Strand this week an enjoyable program is on tap for all who attend. Commencing today the offering is Norma Talmage in 'The Social Sec retary," a story of a fascinating young lady who could not secure employ atent on account of her good looks, and who was forced to assume the disguise of a spinster lady, with the : natural furore it caused when her true indentity was discovered. A Key stone comedy and Pathe weekly torn plete the program. Tuesday till Thursday yomes the Triangle's first vampire picture, said to be the greatest production of its kind ever staged, featuring Louise Glaum and Charles Ray. A Keystone comedy and Pathe weekly are also programmed. Friday anil Saturday comes the well known vaudevillian and musical com edy atar, Valeska Suratt, in her latest acreen appearance, "The Straight Way," staged in the usual picturesque fox manner. "Shielding Shadow" Will Be Shown at Many Local Theaters "The bmelding bhadow, the latest Pathe serial, the story of which is running in The Bee in scenario form, will be shown in many Umaha thea ten. Star tins the 11th the first show tng will be at the Besse in the South Side. Following the showing at the Besse it is at present billed td start at the Gem, October 24; Rohlff, Oc tober 30: Diamond;, October 31 Co lumbia, November 1 j Suburban, No vember flj Grand, November 3 i It is also booked for many of the theaters out in the state. ' The Shielding Shadow By GEORGE BRACKETT SEITZ, Author of "Tin Iron Clme," Etc. Epitode 2, "Into tht Depths." j V (Note to aeadatni Tha alary of "Tlia KhMdlnf Shadow" wlH ha ! Ill aoMlarto form, anaw aoauwla will ha pubUahed aaah Jarry Canon, tha haro. .RALPH KBLIARD L.Un. Watt EDAkMOND 8" W..!'.W.f"!,HWy,MOSTTN Sabutiag Navarro, tha yllllan.LEON BART 0 IP Lou to SSSTttM Oonvicttd on etrcumiitiittiil vlcUnca of thm dMth of Do Nftvwro, Jerry CrKn Iim tn condemned to life Iraprlionment. buitlaa Navarro, nnwnatbt (or the forted document that eauaed the fight be tweon hu brother PIo and Jerry, which reeulted In Diefo'a death, i Jerry t dan eroue enemy, and rival for the hand or ' Leontine Walcott, Jerry eweetheart. .Only ene outeider known the details of lejo t death, and ho ! ono Ump Louie, oonfed ente of Navarroa, and the man who m.A .irrv-m nama tn the lnertmlnatlnv document Ieontlne lovee Jerry, though her faiher, Bteveit Walcott, a ruined merchant, would like-to eee an alliance between hit daughter and Bebaattan rtavarroa V. aflah om with th Htorr. ; f SBOtltto. HaTlng been found alone In the . room with the dead body of Dlefo Navarro, Jerry Careon, a younf Amerh - ; arHtr im aonuaed of hta murder, CiTOumatancon point itronfly to bit " soeni!ttrff Cuban eourt room filled with i, officiate, apectaiore, eio. i Ht.n Walcott elt totether. C ' x.huiian Navarro in the crowd. One i in htrnk Mat. Jury flies In, . Judge epeaka to the foreman of the Jury, who rleep and aewera: Broken UUet "Wo flud tha prlaoner guilty aa charged." A , ' Continuing ftcenet Juror apeako out above, tu... a. Hhnv ftirua fni-aaround of Jerry, Ho ganes before him and hta face grows hard-and white. flowia a. Bhow very ahort ftaaM close fore v . ground of Debaatlan. Bla face reglatera a. Rhaw cion forearound of Leontlne. Team oome Into her eyea and she bowa her head. w ft. Pull set Excitement People filing out oi court, une Mmp ot suae vr m ftAbtuitlan Navarro. ' . Corner of corridor omeme or couti room. Sebaatlan Navarro oomea in 101 y inwnd ninMiv tav One Lamp Louie. One lAmp Louie atepe up close beside 8e- - bastlan, who turns ana nonoea nun. ftaokw title t "I m the killing and know just how It happened. If I open my - mouth young Canon goo free. Ce tinning aeenoi He flnlehea apeaklng out above, making subtle algna indicating he wanta money, oeoaeuan rrv tltloualy about eliding hie hand Into lila pocket . tecve V. Show cleao foreground of Sebaa , tlan'a hand paealng money Into hand of One Lamp Louie. PMlUei Months later aa opldemlo to dis covered in the prlaon. ' 8cm I. prison hoepltal. Trusties, Jerry among them, doctora. nureea in picture about cots; Doctor examlng patient In foreground. Turns to other doctors, hie face eerlous, Bpeaka. pohoM tltlet "Cholera I Isolate overyono who haa been In contact with him." CemtlnviRg; aeanet Doctor epeaks out above. l.anf anal Othflra am BelSOd. - SiAttslet Deciding' to set apart all who have oome In contact with the stricken prisoner, a snip eeia mi ior n iawim iiianrf nm dtatanee off the coast. eesne t. Aftordeck of a -mail steamer at Kawarai orison officials and trusties ' on deck, aatlora, ate. Jerry busy at some ' task, happens to (nova up urwera me Kv rail. ie M. Show foreground of Jerry by life Vwt Ha urreDtlllously taked out small package of provision from under his coat and thrusts same who me poau Kxita out of loregrouna. m 1L. Bmall hospital wara on oieamer. Bhow foreground of two surgeons, nurses a trust about the cholera priso ner's bunk. Prisoner la dead. Doctor regiater same and put blanket over hie face, uraera wusiy w aw " mu aa tn cnffln. " It, Hpot between decks at foot of . companion way. Ship's oarpentsr busy making vocrm-llKO boa, alaaillTh&t Nichl. poawi IS. As last. Bhlp"s carpenter and an other man finish putting body of chol era victim In box and closing lid on . aame. 0mm 14. Aftardeck as before. Show fpra- Filmland Stars to Be Shown on Screens of Omaha RVv hlV X- A vul Nl )J Wia.S.Hart At MtPunSee f round of Jerry sneaking up to life boat, gating about ana turrepiutoutiy start- , ins- to lower same. IB, Bridge oc steamer. Foregrouna oz several officials. One gasee aft. Dla oovers Jerry. Calls attention of others to same. Bends sailors after him. Bail ors rush out of picture. If. Aftflrdeek as before, jerry has lowered boat to water and li about to let himself down after It. Bailor jumps on him. They struggle. Jerry knocks aatlor out. Ruehee down companion way. 17, Between decks aa per Been is. Jerry comes rushing In. Oases about. Bees hiding place near coffin, Hides. Several setlora oome Into picture look ing for hlm.v Pass him by and exit, to 19. Deck of steamer. Foreground oi captain and prison official. Prison of flclal speaks: Bpoken title i "It's time to got that cholera body overboard." Full Mti He finishes speaking out above. Captain orders sailors to bring.up oox fln box. Bailors exit. lv, Between decks as per scene is. Bailors come In. Look at coffin box. Note the lid Is rather loose and tie rope around box. Pick up box and exit with ii. 80. Dock of steamer. Bhow foregrouna of eallors, captain, chaplain and others about rail. Bailors oome In with coffin. Captain gives command. Bailors lift oof fin to rail. Chaplain aaya tew words and eoffln Is dropped Into water. 11. Under water. Coffin has been weighted and goes down. A knife la bub to work Its war between two join' Ing boards and out the rope binding the ltd on cornn box, jerry appears ana swims toward surface. Scene 18. Surface. Jerry oomeg to gurfaoa and swims away. Subtitle -Two weeka past., 1 Scene XS. Walcott library. Leon tine and father In picture, Leontlne, sad-eyed, reading paper. Inner close foreground of article In paper. Prisoner attempts daring eeoapei Climbs into cholera vlotlm'o coffin and Is burled at eea. feett 14. Pul set; Leontlne lowers paper and is overcome. Father oomea to her. Tries to oomfort her. Speaks. Spoken title i "Your Jerry la dead, dear, and to mourn longer Is foolish. I would not Influence you unduly, but a marriage with young Navarro would save your old dad from ruin. Is there no way V Continuing srenei He finishes speaking out above.- Leontlne gases at him and haa an Inward struggle. Finally tin-gives up and bows her head. Speaks. Bpoken title i , "Tell hio to come and see mo."' Continuing awnot Mho ipeaka out above. Walcott klsaeo her and exits. Subtitle i And so, later, when Jerry stole back and saw hte sweetheart embraced by his rival, It turned the gold of his heart to Iron. Soma &, Garden location. Sebastian Na varro embracing the resisted Leontlne. The buiihee part and Jerry's face Is seen registering anguish. The buinea close again.. . Subtitle t And ao Jerry left that land and made his way to Jtavengar e Ledge in the South Atlantic, where he believed the shipwrecked adentlat was, and the hidden treasure f Sir Henry Morgan, buccaneer. - Seeae St. Ravengar'g Ledge. A high though small rocky island, jerry cornea into picture readlnx parchment. Insert close foreground of water-stained Journal In Jerry's hand. Bern reada: Erlo Matthewson, dentist. Hla journal. To whom It may concern: Be it known that here on the ledge of Revenger there are two treasures: one of gold. the other of far more value. The first I found It la that of Sir Henry Mor gan, buccaneer; the other I have made. In tha, skeleton hand that penned this note you have found Itthree black pellets. To the finder they mean power beyond all dreams of man. 17. Beach ss before. Jerry warns erer to large boulder at water's edge and sits down Oases Intently at the throe black nelleta In the palm of his band. to IS. Close-up of rock on which Jerry sits. The tentacles of an octopus ara seen to creep over the rook making certain in the direction of the Ihoujht. absorbed Jerry. - w. Bhow very close foreground or Jerry reading. The octopus' tentacles come stealing Into picture and quietly twine thftinselv about Jerry. He dls rovers thtin. Drops parchment. Screams snd flihts with octopus. Struct Una madly, he Is drawn Into water and dUauDfara. Subtitle i Walsh for Tha Shielding Shadow. I'll .- . I wk 1 "The Torchbearer," a Politic Drama, On Joday at Muse "The Torch Bearer." a nolitical dra ma, In which a patriotic and square -- - - . J . nnn:na. llCWSpapcr CUllUl guta ...uia. mv gang and wins out, is the picture showing at the Muse today. William Russell plays the leading role. The climaxes come rapidly and with in terest, giving Russell a full opportu nity to demonstrate his abilities. Tuesday, Wednesday and inurs day Marie Doro will be presented in a new Paramount production, "The Lash." 1 Miss Doro plays the role of an appealing young - woman, the daughter of plain fisher folk on Brit any's storm-swept-shore.'who marries and is taken to Fans by her wealthy husband, where she is placed in the center of a maelstrom of social ac tivity, deceit and jealousy. If life ended all happily and lovely if girls married millionaires despite OMAHA if nd V TODAY "Stmewhara an tha Battlall.M "A CHARMING VILLIAN" "THE ETERNAL WAY" Pan and Inking. In and Around Jaruaalam.. BURT THEATER TODAY MARY P-'KFORD ta 'HEAR', "FT" Alaa Camady. Norma Talmadge -IN-- The Social Secretary GRAND THEATER 16th at Blnney St. : Extraariflnary Anrtouitceniettt Starting today tela theater will alter a new lina-op of featuraa in cluding all tha bast productions ay TRIANGLE KEYSTONE f WORLD and FOX Fvw Subvrbui houMa In th Wm mm a (far auct, ib 'nCsMM ' tieaal list ol tha irarltl's bnt phottpUy . TODAY - DOROTHY GISH IN "The Little School Ma'am" Alae Keystone Camady. HEAR EDWIN STEVENS PLAY our sruLNUio rirt; ukuw jWsjMMTfV te ..fe,awGil During Week Ztidisan difficulties it would be some world, wouldn't it? But this does happen in "The Storm," featuring Blanche Sweet, which will be seen Friday and Saturday. HIPPODROME TODAY . ' "THE DESERT RAT" ; "ELIXER OF LIFE" "BATTLE OF CHILE CON CARNE" "LIBERTY" I A Rastaurant Whar. You Will Enjoy tha Food in Congenial . Surroundings. "Movie Inn" Tha Pictures of tha -"Mori ' Stars" Adorn tha Walla. "Scraan Club" Headquarters. Brandeis Stores HI DD ,!lk Haraay Sta. r Good Show. Always World Series Ball Scores Br Direct Telegraph Erery Game. TODAY AND MONDAY CLEO MADISON In Ra Ingram'. Tragic Story of Frultl... Lova and Sacrlllca , "CJIAUCJEOJORROWr "TUESDAY WEDNESDAY MARY PICKFORD "POOR little"peppina" THURSDAY HELEN ROSSON, in , "THE LIGHT" Powarful Drama of Lave Myatary " FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ANNA LITTLE aid FRANK BORZAGE, in "THE LAND O' LIZARDS" A Story el Rugiad Ufa la the Cold Hille mmm COMMENCING SUNDAY "CONVERGING PATHS" Featuring VIRGINIA KIRTLEY and ROB ADAIR .dtTV W am mm . mm m gher .etasF' " eVtfy'- Besse Love in "Stranded" Rohlff Offering for Today Today the Rohlff is offering Bessie Love in "Stranded." a theatrical story of more than ordinary interest. With this, drama is Faddy McUuire m "Paste and Politics." For the bal ance of the week the Rohlff offers "The Grip of Evil," eleventh chapter, entitled "Mammon and Moloch." Tuesday and Wednesday the bill is William S. - Hart in "The--Captive God." Thursday Mabel Taliaferro in "The Snow Bird." Friday Dorothy Bernard in "Sporting Blood." . Sat urday is Laff Day with Charles Mur ray m "Pills of Peril" and William O'ticr in "Never Again." PALM THEATER 14th and Douglas Su. TODAY "IN THE HOUSE OF THE CHIEF" "THE C1RL FROM MEXICO" BurUsoua and Comedy Sktchw Be ALWAYS Cc n. ORPHEUM South Side TODAY WINEFRED GREENWOOD la "DUST" Alt Exupuonilly Good Vmdnilk Act. with HERMAN THE GREAT LOTH ROP THEATER TODAY William H. Thompson "The Eyo of the Night" SUBURBAN xilla a. TODAY MOLLIS KING kA ARTHUR ASHLEY, k ' "THE SUMMER GIRL" Alaa TRIANGLE KEYSTONE COMEDY FARNAM THEATER TODAY WILLIAM t ARNUM, in "The end of the trail- Monday BETTY NANSEN, in "SHOULD A MOTHER FORGIVE" , . TUESDAY WM. S. HART, in "THE BARGAIN" WilWiiiiM'iffiiSffl HOME OF f PARAMOUNT I FEATURES K Parlormaneaat " 2i00, 3.45, -5:30, 7i4S and 9:00 WILLIAM RUSSELL 1 IN - ' I THE TORCH BEARER I WEEKLY COMEDY "iii'iiininBiiniiipiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiniii"i'H"i"'"i""im';i' Apollo Theater Four Performances Today 2, 3:45, 7il5 and 9 ' W. A. Brady Presents Robert Wanvick V ' and All-Star Cast in "Friday the 13thM Watch Tins Space Far BARGAINS In Moving Picture Tha. tar Equip moot. ' One Brinkerhoff Concert Grand, 1476.80 Piano, used St days, $175.00. Guaranteed. One IM5.00 Model Simplex, com Plata with motor end lenaaa, used 8 weeks, $313.50. Powers No. S, and -A Edison end lfotlograph second-hand ma ehinas always ,ui stock. The Western Supply Company ISth end Haniay 5ls Omaha, Nak. FOR MOVIE NEEDS, SEE "VAN" 4 A at - -Xi a. "KIIIC FROM THE DEEP" FtaturlRi JOYCE MQORE C3: dhli jiO & tiuimiIb. I (diamond I TODAY I m oiiti iiu nuecci f ka A WILLIAM RUSSELL. In i "THE HIGHEST BID" GEORGE OVEY. In I "Jmr and tha Blackhanderi" LYRIC THEATER TODAY MURIEL OSTRICHE - .-in v "BY WHOSE HAND"? :, Alao Camady COMFORT THEATER TODAY "THE DEACON'S CARD" "PASTE AND POLITICS" REEL LIFE and - v THE WEEKLY ROHLFF THEATER TODAY AT 2, 3:30, S, 6:30, , 9 JO BESSIE LOVE, In "STRANDED" Alia PADDY McGUIRE, ill r "PASTE AND POLITICS" , ALAMO THEATER TODAY' - ' THE BROKEN SPUR" "RIGHT CAR, BUT THE WRONG H BERTH" , . M -LlObKll" no, a r "WLHIERE ARE RIY CHILDREN" A Moring Picture Revelation Dealing Plainly With tha Question-of BIRTH CONTROL"'.-. A smashing, daring aubject handled in a amashing, daring way. Endorsed by Superior Paulist Father of the United States; John J. Hughes, Dr. U. ii.' rarKnurst ana social workers. , . T ni ...t. mm am .UinV and thinlr .look before they leap. It will act a a warning to the young. It r will let Omaha and Council Bluff, agog. It is tha sensation of sensa tions. It will impress every living soul who sees it. It Is an arraign., ment against those guilty of the pre-meditated slaughter of the Unborn. ... . . . . 1 ... . ; It Is a master production, written by Louis Weber, tha genius of tha screen, who produced "Hypocrites," "Scandal." ate. It is . acted with impelling force by ' , TYRONE POWER . - ( and All -3 tar Cast, Including . sanaaa MARIE W A LC A MP u Four Days Beginning Today This origirtal birth control picture should not be confused with "Where Are Your Children," previously shown in Omaha. MAJESTIC THEATER Council Bluffs ADMISSION 25 CENTS . More Baffling Than THE LAUGHING MASK ' More Thrilling Than THE PERILS OF PAULINE V PATHETS The SHIELDING SHADOW The Wonder Serial lTURING . GRACE DARMOND LEON BARY RALPH KELLARD . WAIT FOR THIS WONDER SERIAL . Coming Soon at the better theatres ' Prodnced by Astra mm Corporation Directed by Louis J. Gasnler and Donald HacKctale , . Released by Pathe Exchange aiiliiliiliilr!llliiliiliilliinlNl"l'l"l"",l"l,"""",ll DUNDEE THEATER I TODAY I WILLIAM S. HART an i HOUSE PETERS, in B "BETWEEN MEN , 7 S Alaa Imp Comedy. S "A DESPERATE REMEDY" a inliiltiliiliiliiliiliiliiliiliiininltiluliillil """aiiao lliili.lEli.iillll!illlllllitliH:!l"liH"l'"'ll'll'i"n,ll,,,,l,,"J : Boulevard Theater i TODAY HELEN HOLMES 3 In v 5 . s. Fiva-Raal Maaterplelura - "JUDITH OF THE CUMBERLAND" g .iiiitaiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiitiiiiitniiiiiiiiDinn PARLOR THEATER 1408 Doufla. St, ' - TODAY i ' HARRY BEUMONT an GERTRUDE CLOVER, In "HIS LITTLE WIFE" Al.o Two Comedi.. PRINCESS THEATER TODAY i "PINKEY'S BULL'S EYE" : 1 GALE HENRY, In "FATHER GEIS IN VntONG" "LURED, BUT CURED", - L-KO Camady jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! 11. BESSE I TODAY 5 HELEN GIBSON, In s S ' "DEFYING DEATH" ' 3 Al.o "THE RAIDERS" . S E "RIVAL ARTib'lo" I S "THE WEB OF GUILT" S t Illinium iiiiiinnniiiiiiiiiiiunumig - nunareas oi ciergy, uucmn ' ' ' . lisril. II; will make men - '3, ...Jtf,., - V it ,1', N