Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 07, 1916, Page 16, Image 16

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Beef Cattle Active and Strong,
Feeders Slow, Weak Some.
- Lambs Up, Some Down.
. '''"v.v . , October , lilt.
Reeelbts were: Cattle. Hoirs. Sheep.
Official Monday.. ....11,717 S,E?4 it.Ut
jfllclal Tuenday ,....U.s7 7.S67 26,08
Official Wednesday ... M 1.47
Official Thursday...., Mi 4,786 St.,344
Kstltnate Friday...... 2,600 1,400 11,000
Vive days this week..4o,m 16.4
Kama days last vnK. 47.411 85.417 164,720
jtarue days 3 wka. ago, 44.976 28,81? 147.I6K
atatie days S wka, aco. 11,768 47.62 131.143
Ham day 4 wka. ago. 18.846 8.074 18.861
Ham dayt last yaar..J9.3S 18,216 213,861
RecPlyt and disposition of live stock at
Use Union Stock yard. Omaha, Neb., for
twenty four- hours ending; at I. t. m, yea-
' .' it': RECEIPTS, t
Cattle. Hog. Sheep. Hr"e.
tabath .. 1 '
Mlnfreurt Pacific ... I
Union Pacific ..... 60 11 21
C W east..- J
A X. W., wwt S
B. east.. X
... B, A Q., wait.. 11
.Illinois Central .. 2
Ckicag QU Wlt., 3
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Morris A Co.
Ehrlft 6 Co. ......
Cudahy pack. Co
Armour Co
Schwarts Co
3. W. Murphy
Lincoln Pack. Co, . . . . .
Cudahy, Denver
Swift, Denver
W. B. Vanaant Co. ..
Benton, Vanaant A I
Huinyer ft Oliver ..
r. a Lewis
J. B. Root ft Co.
J. H. Bulla
r. O. Xellof ........
Werthetmer ft Degea
H. F. Hamilton ....
Sullivan Broa
Rothschild, Krebe ,.
Cart. tie ,
Baker ...............
Banner Bros. ........
John Harvey ........
Pennla ft Francis. . .
Jensen ft Lnogrett
Other buyers
36$ 868 76
v faU! .3,821 2.681 10,407
Cattle Receipts war moderate as usual
on a Friday, only ninety-five fresh . cars
being reported In. Th tota) for the Ave
daya thla week foots up 40,021 head, the
smallest sine throe waeks ago. out slightly
larger than a year ago. There was a
sraod active demand for killers of all kinds.
cattle of that description changing hands
in gooa Mason in tn morning, me prices
paid were stady to strong Stock cattle
ana readers were slow ana wee.
Quotation mi cattle. Uood m hole
beeves, 2l0.60O10.66i fair to good beeves.
M.MOjio.oti common to raw aeevea, vv.eso
t.M. a-nodr to eholoe era beeves. 37.60O
2.20: felr'ta food grass beeves, 1.e7.6f;
common to fair gra beeves, 34.0007.20;
food to faelfere, 36.70tf7.00; good to
choice cow. 36.3IOI.T2t fair to good cows.
86.6006 6; vommon to fair oowa s..ob
.Ml good to oholc feeders, 37.06OT.7t;
fair to food feeders. 86. 690.00; common
to fair feeders, .e02-i food to oholot
stechers. IV.Mtl.M; otock heifers. 31.720
BlQCl BOW, H.1V,7. mwvm,
T.P03 89i veal, calves, 21. 40311. M; best
bulla stag, eta..,H( Boiosnn ouiia,
Sa.26O8.20. -
v Aw. P. No. "-Av. fr.
llttooro.. 6T 97 10 4 heifers. 312 St t
16 steers.. 1312 3 26 7 steers. .1122 I 30
38 steers.. 1128 7 32 16 steers. .1181 133
Hog With so anall a ran hr and
shara advance all around th circuit.
price registered another halthy advance
this morning, th market being 13o higher
than yoeterday'e average. What hogs ship
per bought were anywdy 180 lo higher,
while th packer trad, which opend on a
1016c higher boat, improved steadily,
a me hogs selling a much as 30c higher
at the best tlm.
Th vIom waa var irimllar to trdy'a
A lata train carrying nine or ten lead did
not gt In until vrything else was cleaned
up, and a th last of the early arrivals
had seld at th bwt Urn of th day, set I em
x pec ted a still further advance on these
last few loads, racuere went aoeui owyina
the at tuR la a very leisurely manner,
howevr. and In no eaa were prlcea any
better than steady with earlier trade, while
seme salesmen had to mak nlckl eon
eeaaion. and did not call their late stuff
any mor than a dim, abov yesterday,
Three .or .four ocatterlnf loads had not
Tha bulk of th hog sold dt 83.ft0O2.10,
with only aoattsrlnf under th hllL Th
top rehed 33.33. A compared with
fast wk' cloee, currant raluu ar almost
TOo lowor. 'The trad has reacted om
what tn th last counla of day, though.
today market being around 1 6c higher
than the low day wannasaay.
No. Ar. Sh. Pr. No, At. Sh. Pr.
14., 163 43 93 83 44 . . Ill . . . 86 30
93.. 224 140 2 33 32. .262 40 9 00
32. .193 133 9 33 '38. .238 40 3 10
71. .243 ... 3 19 19. .112 110 9 19
ft. .129 3 .3214
19.. SIT 9 93 ...
Sheea Pat lamb trad showd continued
strength at all point thla morning. Hers
offering mad vp rather small share of
th whol supply and very thing waa
cleaned up early, moet of th stuff telling
around 98 7803.33. Quality of th run was
emparatlvly poor, no good lambs being on
oxrer, ana oosts wer anyway 1910 signer.
Something good would have easily brought
93.30, and som of th trader quoted a
nominal top or on oest lamna. un
paper price or 10O13a higher than a wek
Nothing of oona.uonoo In th fat sheep
lfno waa offered and th market was called
about steady. A few head, of wa brought une in iamo rai snp are at least
130130 higher than last Friday, as th good
we are selling around 93.7606.83. with best
yaarllngs at 83.83 and wether a high as
97.73. Hardly enough of lthr of th latter
glass so or coming to malt a market.
Many of tha feeder which were expected
to veil lower on yesterday's afternoon oes
si oa did not find a buyer at all, and were
tarried over for today, while thos that wer
oashed looksd a little lower than th pre
vious day Thla morning th demand was
lack again, and with almost n cholc stuff
her, such a sold steady early yesterday
Utti was don up to a late hour tn th fore
noon. When offering finally did start to move
It waa at figure that were a I moet steady
with yesterday Sine th high tide Wednes
day the market has slumped a good deal In'
pets, and it la weak to as much a 26c low
er. In other worda, fvedlng lamb valuee are
Just about where they were at th cloee of
fast week, some of th real cholc stuff sell
ng at 33.1603.88, but moat of th desirable
offerings going at 38-6308-36, and the bal
ance on down to 38.00, feeder sheep have
rarovered a little of last week's decline and
ere around 26o higher than last Friday.
Quotation on sheep and lambs t Lambs,
ifoott to choice, 92.76O3-30; lambs, fair to
oed, 32.60O6.76; lamb, feeders, 88,300
3.26; yearling, good to choice, 97.8803.00;
yiarllnge, fair to good. 97.00O7-30; year
Ungs, faedere, 83 80O7.73; wethers, fair to
rhfjre, 36.60OT-T3; ewes, good to choice.
II 4C 6J4 60: ewes, plain to CuUs, 94.8606.63;
"xs. feeding, 94.30O3.22; wa, breeders,
ell age, 26.2603.00.
.No, r. '-..-. l. , xvt Pr.
-4S Wyoming fder tamha,k... 34 . 9 80
U2 cult feader'amb 36 8 60
til Wyoming feeder lamb,.,,. 88 . 9 86
ICt Wyoming yearlings 64 . 8 00
ill Wyoming lantba 84 8 66
Wyoming breeding ewea..., 1C3 t 40
572 Wyoming lambs 88 ' 3 30
IvT cnU lamb 78 . 9 96
sUsuas City Uv HtMk Market.
Ranaas City, Mo., Oct. 3. Cattle R.
wlpta, 1,230 head; market steady; prima
f-d steera, 92.60016.73; droned beef steers,
97. 306.22; weetern steers, 84.0008.00;
uow. 84.6007. 16; half re, 93.3008.80; stock.
r and feeders, ll.28O8.80; calves, 98.800
11.30. I
Hogs Receipts, 8,839 hesd; market high-1
rt bulk, 98.36 0 8.43; heavy, t 10OI 71;
packer and butchers, 88.a602.78: lichL
3.08.r6; pica, 88.6003.00. j
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, ' 8,608 head"; 1
market htthor: lambs, 33.60Oi0.00; year.,
itmrs, 87.60O3.23; wethera, 97.00O7.T3; ewe.
96.167.33. " '
- Iivo New tn Might.
"ma ha
mwux City
St. Louis . .
1.860 .
..... .2,109
, 1,208
. .3,200 90,809 46,600
Humors of Peace Parleys Effec
tive in Depressing Markets
in Wall Street.
New York, Oct (.Rumors of a renewal
of peace negotiations, which seemed to re
ceive credence in nurh financial quarters,
were effective In depressing prlcea In the
stock market dealings today, after much
pre'lous uncertainty and hesitation. Values
declined 8. 2 and even 8 points from top
levels of the forenoon, the selling being the
most precipitate of any recent seanton, with
some nominal rallies at the clone. Tota
transactions amounted to 1,870.000 shares,
of which 80 per cent occurred in the first
Prior to the final period, the list had
shown numerous cross-currents, former lead
ers losing some ground, with areater activity
in minor rails and a few Industrials of re
cent prominence, such as the sugar group,
Central Leather, and American hide and
leather preferred, fertilisers and chemical
snares and rubber stocks.
In fact, the most Interesting develop
ments apart from the sharp reverses at
the end of the session, was the extraord
tnary diversity of the dealings. More than
260 different stocks were traded In during
me first nail nour. this number belna- con
siderably augmented later, and establishing
a record for many years.
Extreme gains in secondary rails and
some of the specialties referred to ranged
from 2 to 4 pu Ints, with Denver ft Rio
Grand preferred, Western Maryland pre
ferred, Chicago ft Alton, Chicago, Great
western, Wabash and Kansas City Southern
preierrea, tne most conspicuous features.
New maximums were supplied by Central
Leather, at 22, and American Beet at
par, nut other stocks of that class, and
some of tn utilities attained hlahest auo
tatlons of the las yean only to be sacrificed
in tn sweek of the last slvty mluutes.
Those who regarded tha foreign exchange
market as an Infallible barometer of peace
ove! extracted little comfort from that
quarter. German remittances, which should
strengthen at the first signs of peace, were
slightly heavier, and francs Iso shaded
wun no cnange in rates to London.
Bonds were strona most of the day, but
eased with stocks toward the end. Tout
sales, par value, 16,436,000, United States
oonas uncnangea on call.
Number of sales and onotatlnna on l1.
Ling stocks were:
sales, man. low. Close,
Am. Beet Sugar..., 7,200 100 87
American Jun if. 000 e&u 63 4
Am. Car Foundry 8,600 71 'I 62 I
Am. Locomotive... 10,300 211 80
Am. Hmelt. Ref.. 18.200 WfL lioat
Am. Sugar Ref,.., 12,800 114 112U
Am. Tel. ft Tel.... 800 133 44 UsS
Am. Z-, L. ft fl. . .. 14,100 43U 46
Anaconda Copper. , 21,200 06 14
Aicnwn e.iao 107
ifaia. Locomotive.. 17,200
Baltimore ft Ohio,, ,200
TOO 8644
a, at b, ' uopper. ,
Cal. Potroleum.
16, 0J 68
. 200 AIM
1,800 Ul
41,400 23
Canadian Pacific.
Central Leathel...
Cheeapeake ft Ohio
8,800 88
Chicago ft N. W.. .
300 J30
h. 1. f. ny,4
Chlno Copper 2,400
Colo. Fuel illrnn.. 37,700
Corn Products Ref. 3.600
Cruclbl Steel 28,400
Distiller' Mecurftlea 3,200
16,600 40
3.600 182
1,400 120
6.200 46 U
General fflectrki...
Great NO. pfd....,
Great No, Ore ctfs
Illinois Central...
9.600 108
Inter, Con. Corp.
lneptrallos(.'opper, 16,0Q 37
Int. 21. M. pfd. Ctfs. 16,300 130
116 118U
n, v. noumirn e.zoo 37 h
Konnecott Copper.. 20,600 66'j
Louisville ft Nash.. 404 138M
MflXlnan Petroleum, 13,200 liaf
133 1U6
113 110 U
3 32
Miami copper. ....
M K. ft T, Pfd.., 400
Mlaftourl Psclflo.. l.AflA
Montana Power,,,. 600
National Lead 1,100
Nevada Copper..., 2,100 32
New York Central. 13,600 112
N. Y., N. H AH. 2,400 t)2
norxoia n nstern 1 6,0 'JO J4
Northern Pacific... 1,900 114
1,900 114 113 113
300 36 26 26
200 26 96 24
racuic Man
Pacific Tel. ft Tel.
Pennsylvania 9,000
Ray Con. Copper... 9,000
Reading .......... 47.600
1 e
' 264 8S
1 114 111 m
Rep. Iron ft Steel.. 20,700 80
Hhattuck Arts. Cap. , , . ,
Southern Pacific... 4.200 103
Southern Railway., 23,300 27
Studebaker Co...., 20,600 1SH
?nnese Cop par. . 2,600 23
exas Company..,. 2,800 234
union racmc ki,4oo iai 14
Union Pacific pfd., ' 600 82 82
U. B. Ind. Alcohol.. 3,000 123 126
0. meet ,...311,600 118 116
fl. Steel ofd....- 1.10A 121 lift
Utah Copper 18.000 8fl 85
Wabash afd. "B".. 14.800 sou 2BJ ssu
Weetern Union..., 2,100 102 loo')oo
Westtngheus Blea. 32,600 66 84 64
ivi in. any, 4,eiv,vuv enare.
Quick Time Marching Order la Nearly
Kvcry lino.
ew Tork. Oct. 3. Brads treat's towinrrn
wiu say:
Quick time aotitlnues the marohlnsr order
In practically every line of endeavor with
new and higher levels being attained to th
tuna, svare, of soaring prices, penalties by
th why, Of superabundant prosperity In 'the
face f abort crons or strala-ktenad sunniiu
of raw materials. Th cry is that ther are
not enougn cars to naui eemmodttles, that
insr is not enougn laoor to hasten produc
tion, and ther are not enoush aooda to aim.
ply insistent demands. Wants, apparently
ar Insatiable, current demand being for
present needs fory winter, for the holidays
and nsxt spring. Consequently current ie
ports merely accentuate those regarding
pt uiiTiir, ana u m eriaem tnt Jobbing
trade, mall order business and distribution
by retail dealer la of record proportions.
fveeaiy nana cieannga 9,l43,006l0o9,
Kow York Money Mnrkai.
New Tork. Oct. 0. . afe.tiia. xmk
Hteri tia Exrhana kui.
94 7318 d,rand' M3 11-13; abls
Bllver Rar. 33o; Mexican dollara, 33o.
iiunui uuTarnuranu nuay: raiiroBii
Tim Loan Flrmi slxtv and nlnt
803 per cent; u months, t03 per
Call Money flteadvi hleh lu
low, 2 per cent; ruling rate, 2 per cent;
last loan, 2 per cent: closlna bid. iu n,p
U. S r. 2s, reg.. 98 L. A N, tin. 4st.. 86
do coupon .... 33 M K. ft T, 1 4, 74
U. S. 3. reg,..100M. P. con. 6s 101
-do coupon ,..100Mont. Power 8s. 63
U. S. 4s. reg.,.108N. T. C. deb.-0..iii
do coupon ....110N. T. Cltv 4Ua. us
Ant. Smelt. 9S..113N. T.. N. H.
j., . ,
el. H. ov, 6s 111
..118 No. Pacific 4e... 93
. 96 do 3
aftun u
aih. 4ei, ei xvi. n. ov,
cv. mi
Analo-French 3a,
A ten. gen. 4S.... So (ire, S. L. ref. 4s 84
ft O. 4 33 Pac. T. ft T. 6... 101
th. St. ref. 6s.l07Penn. con. U.. .inu
Central Pau. 1st. 90 do gen. 4a...203
C A O, cv. 4s. 91 Reading gen. 4s, 9614
C-, B. ft Q. Jt. 4s 88Ht L ft fan ST.
v., ja. m mu r. rr. s 0
ev. 6a 10T fin. Par- v IL mm
C, H. 1, ft p, Ry, do ref. 4s 31
ref. 4s T58o. Railway Ss,.101
C. ft 8. ref. 4s. St Union Pacific 4s. 97
it. m n, u. c, is, if no cv. s 84
Erie gen, 4s 73U. 8. Rubber ..10!il
Gn. Blec. 6s....l06SU. S, Steel 6s. ..106
GL No. 1st 4a. 99 West. Union 4a 94
'Int. M. M. 4s.llOUIom. of r lsxi ieea?
K. C, So. ref. 6s.. 90 Bld. , .
Local Rtoeha and Bond.
Quotations furnished by Burns. Brlnker ft
Co.. 443-32 Omaha National buildtna-.
BTOCftS Hid. Aalrerl
Cudahy Pack Co. 7 pet pfd. ...104 103
Dougles Hotel Co , ,. 60 78
Con, Casualty Co ,,..l.40
Fairmont Creamery Co, con,, .,148 ; .....
do pfd 7 PCt 103 107
Oooch M. ft I! Co. 7 pot pfd.. 99 100
Hupp Automatlo pfd , 36
K. C. Rya Co. pfd . 88 "76
Lincoln T. T com. 7 not.... 6a iab n
Monuntain bis. t. a t. uo. ...Ill 112
O. ft C. a Ry. ft B. Dfd...... .0 sa
a ft C. B. St. Ry pfd .... 74
O. ft C. B. Ct. Ry. com. ,,...,. 43 92
reiers siiii pia , ft . &q
Packard Motor Co. pfd 100 103..
Updike Grain Co com ..,.108
mion Bloc 11 Tarda not at oca. 100 . 11
Swift A Co stock ..,....,181 182
Armour ft Co. 4. 1331 33 92
Amer. T. ft T. note ....,100 10
Booth St. Louis 4s, 1881 Mil aiu
ChL N 8. ft Mil. R .R 3a, 18U.. 81 92
Chi. Tel, Co. 1st Ca, 1922, .'..101 102
Comw.-Edlson Co. let Sa 1943.102 103
Cudahy Pack. Co. .1st 6 1934.101 103
win. ui lid. mm, 1 v4 xuu 100
la. Ptd. Cem, Co. 0 1-318-23., 93 100
K. C. Ry 1st 6. 1344 A 97
Los. Angels Ry. 8s, 1044.,-... itu. xiu.
O. ft C B Ry. 6a. 132..,..... 66 37
Pee. Gas, A EL fcs, 1943 67 6ft
Swift ft Co. 8s, 1944.. 100 100
Trenton, Neb. EUc 6a. 1931-86.104 80 le&.Ci
(.nivenniy tiua ... ; .... ff
Wtleon ft Go. 4s, 1941. ,101 183
Wx.-dlv. .
IS 7!
101 101
26 26
134 184
28 23
231 221
83 T
Trade in Wheat is Slow lie
spite Active Demand
Traders Holding.
Omaha. October 6. 1912.
The receipts of wheat were Quito large
today, hut with prlcea sllrhtly lower the
trade In thlf cereal waa rather slow
Th demand for wheat, however, was
active enou.h at the market prices, but
seller were Inclined to hold out for bet
ter pries.
The wheat market generally was quoted
from 101o lower, the No. 2 hard selling
at 91681-68, while the bulk of th No.
1 grnde geld at 91-69.
No. 3 hard sold around 91-6701-68 nd
the No. 4 and sample grades, which were
slow sellers, ranged in price from 91.630
The demand for corn was excellent today,
and with receipts of this cereal very light
the market ruled from steady to lo higher.
The bulk of the samples were of the
commercial grades, and yellow corn, which
wo at a premium, sold from l02o above
the other varieties. No 2 yellow corn
sold at 82084c, and th No. 2 mixed sold
at 82c
Ths oats run was fairly heavy and th
demand for this cereal waa quite active.
The bulk of the samples were of ths No, 2
white grade and sold at 46 c.
The best grades of oats sold at 46 0
46c and the poorer samples brought from
There was a fairly good demand for rye
and barley, rye being quoted from c
lowur and barley lfljlc higher.
Clearances were: Wheat and flour, equal
to 109,000 bushels; corn, 111,000 bushels;
oats, 67,000 bushels.
Liverpool close: Wheat, steady to 2d
higher; corn, d lower.
Primary wheat receipts were 1,806,903
bushels and shipment 1,164,000 bushels,
against receipts of 2,126,000 bushels and
shipments of 1,706,000 bushels last year.
Primary corn receipts were 194,000 bosh
els and shipments 478.000' bushels, against
receipts of 637,000 bushels and shipments
of 241,000 bushels Mist year.
Primary oats receipt wer 1,261,000
bushels and shipments 1,188,000 bushels,
against receipts of 976,000 bushels and ship
ments Of 76M.OOO bushels last yeart
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago 80 . 164 223
Minneapolis 2T8
Duluth 90 ..
Omaha 178 Si 66
Kansaa City. 194 27 41
Ht. Louis 118 8-' 64
Winnipeg ...80S - ..
Th sales wer reported today: ' j
Wheat No. 1 hard win ten 3 cars, 91-68'
1 car. 21.66. No. 9 hard winter: 14 care,
91-68; 214-6 cars, 91-68. No. 3 hard win-
ten 1 car, nam, si.ti; 1 cars, 1.01; e cars,
61.67t 2 cars. 31.67: 1 oar 91.66; 1 car,
91.86. No. 4 hard winter; 2 cars, 31.64; 2
cars, 91-84! 18-6 car, ll.Hl 1 car,
Sample hard winter: 1 car, 9163; 1 oar,
81.62. No. 8 spring: 8-6 car, 60c; 1 car.
31-63. No. 2 durum: 4 cars. 81.62. No 9 du
rum: 3 car, 31.S2; 1 ear, 6i-6f. no, 1 mixea:
2-6 car, 91-61. No. 9 mixed: 1 car, 81-68;
1 car, 91.66. No. 4 mixed: 1 car 91-43. No.
3 mixed durum: 1 car, 91-83.
By no 3: 4 cars, 91.20. Sample: 3-7
car, 91-10.
Barley No. 2; 1 car, 9107. No. V. 1 oar.
91-04. No. 4: 1 car, 91.02; 16 car, 91o; 3-7
ear. 90c. Rejected: 1 car. 79c.
Corn No. 1 white: 1 car, 84c. No. 2
white; 2 cars, 84o; 1 oar, 83c. no. 8 white:
2 cars, 88 c. No. 4 white: 1 car, 9So. No.
3 white: I car 83e. No.. 8 white: 1 car,
82Ci 1 car, 79c. No. 9 yellow: 1 car, 36o;
1 car, 86o. No. 4 yellow: 1 car, 84c. No. 3
ml ted; 1 oar, 83o. No. 3 mixed: 1 car,
S30! 9 oars, 880. No. 9 mixed: 2-8 car,
Oats No. 2 white: 1 ear, 48c. Standard:
4 cars, 46o, No, 8 white: 88 cars, 46 c
No, 4 white: 2 ear. 46c. Sampl whltat
4 3-3 ears, 44c; 1 car. 44c.
Omaha Cash Prices Wheal; No. 2 hard
91.6701.69; No. 2 hard. 91.66 01.6,8 ;'
No. 4 hard, 91.3301.64; No. 2 spring, 31-88
01.64: No. 8 spring, 91-68 01.61; No. 2 du
rum, 91-6101.63; No.v 9 durum, 91.69 01. 32.
Corn: No. 2 whits, 8S034c: No. 3 white,
8S0B8e; No 4 white, 82tt032c; No. 8
white, B20B2a; No. 3 white, 78082o;
No. 2 yellow, 86036c; No. 3 yellow, 14
088c; No. 4 yellow, 82 034c; No. I yellow,
83tf98c; No. H yellow 62088c; No, 2
mixed, 88U02et No. 9 mixed, 22082c;
No. 4 mlsed, 8'J0S2o: No. 6 mixed, 810
llct No. 8 mixed, 80031c. Date: No. 2
white, 46046et standard, 46046o; No.
3 white, 4B046tli No. 4 Whit, 44046c.
Barley: Malting, 94c091-97t No. 1 feed,
Rl)66c. Rye: No. 3, 91-19 01-20; N. 8,
911801.18. .
Wheat futures wer rather unsteady todav
and the opening prices on this article were
fractionally tower.
Ther was A onartt rally on th buvtne-
sld about noon, but It did not last and the
market sold off, th December reaching a
low point of 11.64. tha May 81. 1411 and
July 91-38. ,:
This drop in th market was caused In
some, degree by hedging sales and profit
taking by the longs.
There was an activ interest In corn. De
cember ruling lo lower and th May Arti
cle gaining o,
Tne range on oats was very narrow and
I her waa very Utile local Interest tn this
market, . , " .
Local rang of option; .
un. 1 High.
Low.l Close. I Tea
1 96
1 63
191 j
1 66 184 1 34 166
1 88 164 1 64 166
1 1 138 1 98 131
13 Tl Tl 78
T4 71 74 78
4T 47 47 47
43 43 49 49
Chicago closing prices, furnished The Rm
by Logan ft Bryan, stock and grain broker,
Bio Main euxieemn street, umaha
Art. j Open. High. I Low. Cloee. Tee.
Deo. 1 80 S 167 I 87 160
May 1 60 1 80 167 1 67 H 163
July 1 36 ; 34 181 1 137
Dee. 78077 T9 T T6 78
May 78078 78 77 78 73
Dec. 49049O 49 49 49
May 830 61 62530 32
Pork, j I
Deo. 28 00 28 86 U 26V 22 73 S3 87
Jan. 89 18 33 60 'lit 03 28 IS 23 00
Lard i
Deo. 13 83 13 97 18 86 18 87 13 82
Jan. 18 43 13 47 18 37 13- 44 13 37
Oct.' 14 03 14 10 14 32 14 07 14 07
Jan N 13 62 jlf 40 12 46 12 40
Chicago, Oot. 8. Peace rumor and bear
ish advlcee regarding the Argentine crop
outlook, resulted in a series of downward
swing In the valu o Wheat today. Th
market cloaed heavy, 3c to 6c net
lower, with December at 81.67 to 31.87.
and May at 91.37 to 91-67. .Corn fin
ished o to lc qff, and oats down 0c.
Provisions scored gains ranging all the way
from a shade to B60l?e.
nuggnstions or a iikeiinood of showers In
Argentina made th wheat bulls uneasy
from the start, as heretofore no sign had
been reported of a breaking up of th
drouth, which has been forcing Europeans
of 1st to enlarged busting In the United
state. Lower quotations at Buenos Ayr
tended to further bears and too. did a
decline In vessel rate from South America,
with conaeqeut Increased shipments. Selling
her, however, did not attain unusual pro
portion until th final half hour of tho
session, when gossip as to a new attempt
negotiations for peace added to the
pressure en th market, and resulted In
the summary closlna; out of numerous hold
inereduality as to th truth of th pao
rumor prevented wheat from breaking
much beyond ordinary limit. xcpt In th
case ef July opltno, In which trading as yet
1 relatively light. For a brief interval July
was down Just 8 cent a bushel. Rxport
buying on th setback appeared active, but
It was said th British government and Ha
allies would not hereafter give out any In
formation regarding purchasea of broad
stuffs, x -
Corn sympathised with he weakne of
whea. Som of yesterday 'a largest buyer
were conspicuous on th selling side. Cen
tral Illnol advic indicated a tberal arly
movement of the new crop. Oat, although
at first displaying Independent etrength fin
ally shadetn th depression of other grain.
Kariy nrmn waa naeea cnieny on th
relative cheapness of oat, as compared with
Diminished -ncelpto of hog tended to
llfht provision. Tha liveliest demand cam
from shorts.
Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No ft red.
91-4101.41; No. red, 31.67 01.38 ; No.
i nam, nominal: no. i nard, 11.0101-63
Corn: No. 2 yellow, 39g96ct No. 4 yel
low, Sft08e: No. 4 while. Sic. Oate: No.
t white, 48049c: standard, 49049a
Rye; No, 1. II :S. Barley, T6c091.13. feeds
Timothy. 98,6094.76; clover, 311.00014.00.
V "
Provisions:. Pork, 922.03; lard, 914.82; rib.
14.00 V11.7&.
Butter Firm; creamery, 2O034c.
Kaa Receipts. 4.642 Casee: unchanged.
Potatoes Firm; receipts, 36 cars; Jerseys,
si.zovi.ev; unios, ii.ibvji.ze.
Poultry Alive, unchanged.
QvwtatlNM of tho Day on Various Leading
New Tork, Oct 4. Flour Unsettled.
Wheat. Hnor weak: No. 1 durum. II 6: No.
3 hard, 91.76; No. 1 northern, Duluth, iq. i nonnem, sasniioo, fi.oin
t. 6. b. New Tnrk.
Corn Spot weak; No, 2 yellow, 31-00,
Oats Spot firm; standard. 63064c.
Hay Quiet; No. 1, 81-06; No. 2, 96c: No.
2, 90c; shipping, 760&6c,
Hods Steady: state, common to choice,
1916, 46963c; 1616, 8016c; Pacific coast,
1916, 14017c; 1916. 9$13c.
Hides Firm: Boaota. 22fi2fic: Central
America, 33Q35c.
Leather Firm; hemlock firsts, 29c; sec
onds, 37c.
rrovisions rorir, unsettled; mess, sa.uuw
31.00; family, 90.00024.00; short clears,
827.00&29.00. Beef, firm; mess,- 926.260
27.60: family. 223.60ft24.60. Lard, steady:
middle weet, $16.10 26.16.
Tallow steady; city, 9c, nominal- coun
try, special, 9011c; special, 10c.
ouitor iareiy uieaay ; receipts, is, bed
tubs; creamery, 26037c; firm, 84$
36c; seconds, 88034c.
Eggs Irregular; receipts, 13,922 cases;
fresh gathered, extra fine, 390400; extra
firsts, S7$26c; firsts, 34&S6c; seconds, 210
Cheese Firm; receipts, 4,162 boxes: state.
fresh specials, 20 021c; stal,e, average
ranc-y, nozoc.
Poultry Alive, steady; broilers, 21c:
fowls, 17 0 20c; dressed, quiet; chickens, 190
30c; fowls, 17023ci turkeys 2f02Oc.
Butter No. 1 creamery, tn cartons or
tabs, 34c; No. 8. 22o.
. Uv Poultry Broiler, 1 to 2 lbs., ale;
broiler, over 3 lb.. 18c; ben, over 4 lb.,
lflo: hens over 4 lb., 16c: roosters and
stags, 10c; geese, full feathered, fat, 12c;
young ana old aucics, tan leathered, rat.
18c; turkeys, any site over 8 Iba, 24c: less
than t lbs., half price: capon. 9 Iba. and
otfr, 24c; poultry,-poor and thin, not
wan tea; fuinta. acn, zoo; guineas, young,
ach. 25c; squabs, homers, 14 ox each, per
dosenv 84: auab. homers, 12 ox. .eh. per
doaen, 83.60; squabs, homers, 3 ox. each.
par doaen. 31.60; squabs, homers, under 8
ox. ach., per doson, SOo; pigeons, psf
doxon, 91
Chs quototfon by Urlan A Co.
Che Imported Swiss. 46c t domestic
Swiss. 38o; block Swiss. 80c; twin cheeao.
21c; triplet. 31 c; daisies, 21 o; young
America. 22o; Blue Label brick. 26c; lim
ber gar, 23c; New York .white, 22c; Roqufort.
66a .
Beef Cut Ribs: No. 1, 13c; No. 2, 16c;
No 3, 130, Loins: No. 1. 23c; No. 3, 18c;
No. 3. 14o Chucks: No. 1. 12c; No 2. 8c:
No. 2. 9c Rounds; No. 1. 17o: No. 2. 14c:
No. 2, 12c. Plate: No. 1. 9o; No, 2,
8c; No. 3, So.
Oysters King Cole Chesapeake standards,
81.40; King Cole Chesapeake selects, 31-36:
King Cole northern standards, 81.80; King
Col northern selects. 92-00; King Cole north
ern countB, 92.26,
Fish Pike, 13c: halibut, 13o; bullheads,
16c; catfish, 17o; pickerel, 11c: red salmon,
13o; fall salmon, 12c; whttefiah. 16c; trout,
16c: black bass. 22c; headless shrimp, 91-86;
peeled shrimp, 91.76; kippered salmon, 17c;
smoked wblteftsh, 14c.
Fruits Oranges, 96s, 100s, 9! 4s, 94.23 box;
126s, 96.00 box; 160s, 36-26 box; 176s. 288s,
86.40 box; 30 Pi, 216s, 260s, 96.76 box.
Lemons Fancy 300s, 860s, 97.60 box; choice
300. 240s. 87.00 box; 370s Bio 60o lens
Grapefruit Market price. Apples O rimes,
Jonathans, 94.00 bbl.; Ben Davis, Missouri,
93.00 box; Grimes. Golden, Washington. 91.76
box; Jonathans, Colorado fancy, 92-00 boi:
Jonathans, extra fancy, 93,00 boy; Oregon,
odd varltles, 91-33 box. Grapes Michigan
New Tork, 28c basket: Tokays, 31-86 crate
Emperor, future, 94 00 keg. Pear Colo
rado or Washington, fancy 3 tr., 92.60 crate,
Keifers, bushels. 91.40 bu.; Keifers, boxes,
Colorado fancy, 91-78 box. Prunes Italians,
91.(0 crate. Cantaloupe Standards, 92.60
crate; pony 92.00 crate; flats, 90c crate.
Peach Boxes, 91.00 box; In Ills, 96c box:
clings, 86o crate.
Ve get biee Potatoes, market price. Swett
potatoes Virginia, bbls., 38.60 bbl.; hamp
ers, 91.86 hamp. Onions Crates. 83.00 crate;
red. yellow, 8 ID. Tomatoes Basket. 76c
basket: California lugs. 91.60 lug. Cabbaae.
lo lb Celery, Michigan 40c dox-t Colorado
jumoo, 6o dos. Head lettuce, 81,00 dos;
leaf letunce, 40c dos. Garlic, l&o lb.
Honey 93.76 case.
Cranberries Barrels 99,09 bbl.; boxes.
Nuts California No. 1 walnuts. 18 U a lb.
Miscellaneous Cracfcarjack. vornpupa and
cnecsers. case, ss.eo; nan case. Si.To; p sa
lute. Special No. 1. lb.. 9o; Jumbo pea
nut. 8o; popcorn, cos, 83.60; honey, new
eaa. 3.73.
Minneapolis Grain Market.
' Minneapolis. Oct. 4. Wheat December,
closed at 81.61: May. 81.64: No. 1 hard.
91.76; No. 1 northern, 9l.7101.73; No.
a norinern, i.eei vi.71 .
Corn-No. 9 yellow, 8909Oo.
Oats No. 2t white, 46046c.
Flaxseed 92-42 02.46.
Flour Unchanged. v"
Barley 43C031.O4. , N
Rye 31.3301.13.
Bran 923.00024.60.
Kansas City General Market.
Kansas City. Oct. 6. Wheat No. s hard
91.8701.66; No. 9 red, 31-6601.62; Decern-
ir, e'.oi; stay,
Corn No. 9 mixed. 3414c: No. I whit-
86o; No. 8 yellow. 36 0 86c; December,
78c; May, 76076o.
Oats Unchanged; No, 2 whit, 49o; No, 2
mixea isgtic,
St. Loot General Market,
St. Louis. Oct. 6. Wheat No. 2 red, 91.44
vi.oij nu, m nam, ei.ta m n i.ei a : Decem
ber, 11.66; May, 91-66OT.68.
Corn No. 2. 92c: No. 2 white. SSnt n.
eember. 76c; May, 77077c.
'-'i" v. e, ec; o, t, wniie, esc.
Liverpool Grain Market,
Liverpool, Oot.- 8. Wheat Spot, No. 1
Manltnha. IKe 9A- Mm 1K 1 A . xi i -
3d; No. 9 hard winter, 14s 4d.
vuTit opui., American mixea, new, ids
Coffee Market
New Tork. Oct. . Lower Rnilltin mar.
keta and bearish vleible aunnlv flaurea.
seemed to Inspire some scattered selling
In the market for coffee futures today, and
price maae new low ground lor tne move
ment In most Instances. The onenlna- waa
at a decline four to eight points, and after
holding around the initial figures during
the morning, prices eased In the late trad
ing, with March selling off to 8.60c, end
May to 8.66c; under offerings which seem
ed to' come partly from aouthern sources
and . partly from Wall street. The close
was 11 to 18 points lower. Sales 32,600
bags. Closing bids: October, 6.66c; No
vember, 1.54c; December, 3. 53c; January,
8.660; Februray, 8.67c; March, 3.69c; April.
8.63c; May, 6.47c; June, 8.70c; July, 8.74r;
euRuii, a.isc; nepiemner, s.szc.
Spot coffee, quiet; Rio Ts, 8o; Santos
4s, 11 c. The few cost and freight offer
received wer delayed and about unchanged,
a compared with yesterday's. The world's
vleible supply showed an Increase of 1.048,
20 bags for September, against 243,208
bags lent year, making the visible as of
October 9, 778.696. The official cables re
ported declines of 76 to 100 rels in the
Braslllan markets.
Omaha Hay Market.
Omaha, Oct. 6. Hay Prairie: Choice up
land, 810.00011.00 must be extra choice to
bring 911-00); No. 1, 99 60010.00; No. 2.
37.0009.00; No. 8, 36.0007.00; choice mid
land, 39.60010.00: No. 1, 39.00O9.8O; No. 9
37.0009.00; No. 8, 86-0007.00: choice low
land. 97.4008.50; No. 1, 94 6007.60; No. 3,
36 . 60 0 6 . 60 ; No, 9, 8 4 . 00 0 6 . 00. Straw :
Choice wheat. 36.00$ 3.60; cholc oat or
ry, 96.6001.60. Alfalfa: Cholc. 913.600
14.60: No. 1, 912.60012.30; standard, 910.60
fttl.oO; No. 8, 919.00010.60; Nd 3, 93.600
8.30. . . -
Kvaporated Apple and Dried rrults.
New York, Oct. fl. F.vsporated Apples
Quiet but steady; fancy, 70So; choice.
8c; prime, 64 07c.
. J)I,?d.Fnit,r!mi' nm California.
T0Uc; Oregon. 7011-. Apricots, in bet
ter demand, but Inactive; choice, 13c; extra
choice, 14c; fancy, 13c. Peaches, glow;
choice, 4c; extra choice, Tc; fancy, 7c
Raisins, steady; loose muscatels, 708c
cholce to fancy, seeded, 7fiuC; seed leas
19012e; London layers. 2176. "ai,M
Owtnha Hid and Tallow Mark.
Quotations furnished by Boll ft Rogers,
613 South Thirteenth street:
Htdca-M. fl,; N0.-I, 18oi No, t 1T0
Ores No. 1, 14,c: No. 1. 16, O. 8
bulla: No 1, 16o; No. 14 c. Deaoone.
each, 91.26. Horse: No. 1, 86.30; No, 3
94.60. Ponies. 33.69. Sheep pelts: Large.'
81.36078c;-medium to email, TIC 860,
Tallow No. 1. He: No 2. 7a
L Metal Market.
New Tork, Oct. 4. Metals Lead, 97 000
T.10. Spelter, strong; spot East St. Louis
dellvsry, 910.09 bid. Copper, flrmj electro
lytic, 927.26023.60. Iron, steady and un
changed. Tin, Arm; spot, 936.76O40.00.
At London: Spot copper, 120 10s;
futures, CUT; electrolytic, 4142. Spot tin.
1177 6a; futures. il77 10s. Lead, 20 16
Spelter. 264 10.
1 Dry Good Market.
New iTork, Oct. 4. Amoskeaf tickings
of all grade wer advanced a full cent
a yard today, to a beats of 7 cant for
oa. standards. All cotton goods wer Arm,
with a rising tendency. Tarns also were
firm, with buying confined to spot lots
and nearby deliveries. Silks were steady.
(at tie, Steady; Hon, Htronf; Sheep,
. ttrm.
Chicago, Oct. 6. Cattle Receipts, 2,000
heed; market steady; native bef, 96.600
11.36; western steera, 86. if.!. 40; stockers
and feeders, 84.7607.75; cows and heifers,
93.6009.40; calves. 9S.OO01S.6O.
Hogs Receipts 16,000 head; market
strong, 20c to 26c above yesterday's average;
bulk of sales, 39.3C09.&5; light, 39. 10010.0ft;
mixed, 39.00010.06; heavy, 9.T0:"O6;
rough, 38.9009.16; pigs, 36.7609.26. I
Sheep and Lambs Recelpte, 26.000 head;
market firm; wethersT tiM&T.SU 6wdu,
$3,S67.60; lambs, 97.00010.30.
St. Lonls Live Stock Market.
St. oLuis. Oct i. Cattle Receipts 2.100
head; native beef steers, 97.50011.00; year
ling steers and heifers, 38.50'ff 10.6u; cows,
96.5007.60; stockers and feederr, 3.!U(tf
7.60; prime southern steers, 98.000 K. 00;
cows and heifers, 94.6007.60; prima year
ling steers and heifers, 27.0009.00: native
calves, 96.00011.76.
Hogs Receipts, 4,700 head; market high
er; lights, 99.36 09.90; plge, M0l.00;
mixed and butchers. 99.2610.00; good
heavy, 99-0010.00; bulk, 99.GO09.fO.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,000 head;
market steady; lambs, 97.00010.25; slaugh
ter ewes, 86.00 25; bleating ewes, 98.500
9.60; yearlings, 38.OO08.7S. -
- Cotton Market,
New Tork. Oct 6. Cotton Futures
opened barely steady; October, 16.90c; De
cember, 17. 01c; January, 17.05c; March,
17.14c; May. 17.28; July, 17.28c.
Cotton futures closed steady. October,
16.86c; December, 17. (19c; January, 16.9Rc;
March. 17.15c: Mav. '17.38c. Soot cotton.
quiet; middling uplands, 17.00c; no sales.
rne cuuon inaratt Closed ma ay witn
prices 1 point higher to 12 points lower.
Liverpool, Oct 6. Cotton Hpot, eteady;
good middling, 10.07d; middling. 9.92d; low
middling, 9.77d; eajes, 4,000 bale.
Sioux City Live Stock Market.
Sloox City, Ia Oct . Cattle Receipts.
I,6u0 head; market steady; beef steers. 36.75; canners, 83-7606.00; calv. s, ij.60
10.00; bulls, stags, etc.. 86.25 6.00: feedtnx
cows and heifers. t4.7S''atf.b6.
Hoks it ocelots, 2,600 head; market!
steady; light K. 908. 98; mixed, 98. 9609.00; 1
heavy, IA.00fri9.35; bulk of sales, 9-9b&9.26. !
sheep and Lambs Rccei uts. 2.600 heail: 1
market steady; lambs, (8.90. , j
Ht. Joseph Live Htock Market.
Bt. Joseph, Oot. . Cattle Rncolpts, 900
head; market steady: steers St. GO 4t' 1 0. 50 :
cows and heifers, 4.2C$t.7&i calves, 17.00
VH. bu.
Hogs Receipts, 8.000 head:, market 15sJ
10c higher; top, .0; bulk of sales, 19.26
Bheep and Iamba Receipts, 2,000 had;
market steady; lam be, 9.2610.00; ewes,
liOndoa Stock Market. S"
London, Oct. i. American securities were
active, with coppers the firmest,
Silver Bar, 32Hd per ounce.' -Money
4Vi per cent.
DHcount Rates Short, bills. 5$5 per
cent; three months' bills, 6H6 per cent.
Kuanr Market.
New Tork Oct, . Sugar Raw. steady. I
centrifugal, CO 2c; molasses, 6.12c: refined, I
steady; fine granulated, 6,907.00c, Futures
opened steady on covering, prompted by tht
sieaainess oi me spot mantel. At noon
prlcea were about one point higher. . , , . i
Here's line Gpeattestt
Siuiil s 0 veFCoall Vatae
, Quality, Style and Price Considered, There
Is No Better Suit or Overcoat to Be Had
Pencil Box
Boy's Suit
Men's fancy drsa
Msle and police
styles, in neatest
pattern; ' strong sec vaiue
New Fall showing
of famous black,
tun Hoae, or white
f oot- 1 5c ().
value, at
Union Su ts
Great values; per
fect fitting Bal
brtarsans and fin
Ribbed SulU; all
at sea; fl.tO Qor
value, at.....''C
For faftrdav
Regular 35o value
Hundreds o f
beautiful patterns
to select from.
All pure silk and
guaranteed . to
wear. Don't miss
this : wonderful
special. .
i5c is 71 ff rn
,,, 188;
Windows in Train Broken,
One Passenger Hurt
Logan, la., Oct. 5. Some object
presumed to have been projecting
from the west bound freight, struck
the east bound passenger, between
Missouri Valley and Logan, last even
ing and smashed out a number of
windows, throwina the class over the
passengers in the car, striking William
Canty and others, the company
surgeon removed, the glass from Mr.
Canty's eyes. ' ' .
Omah. H.y Market.
Prairie Hay Choice upland, $10,009
10.60: No. 1, IS.0049.SO; No. 2. 17.106800;
No. J. ,.90S7.00. Midland, No. 1, 9.00
.60; No. i, ,7. 00O8.00. Lowland, No. I,
I6.00(i7.00; No. 3. t(.Ol)S.OO; No. 3, 13.00
. Alfalta Choice, 14.00; No. 1, 12.00B
13.00; .tand.rd, 19.5011)10.50; No. 2, H.0O
f.00; No. 3, 6.00.00.
Straw Oat, ffi.00.50; wheat, S&.00
Oil and Roaui.
Havalinah, Oa., Oft. t. TurpentUid Mar.
ket arm; 43 04; galea. 167 bbl,; receipt.
2i3 bbla. : ahlpmentu, 16 but.. ; Block 23,247
RoslnMarket Arm: Hale, 1,231 bbla; re
ceipt., 1,469 bbl..; (shipment,, l'bbl.; .tork.
87,011 bbls.. Quote: A, B, C, D. E. 16.00;
P, O, .i0; H, I, K, M, N, 16.21; TO,
6.40; WW, 16.50. f
Hank ('learlnxs.
Omaha, Oct. S.Bank clearing, for Oma
ha today wore 14,444,398.62, alid for tho
corresponding day last year 14,184,411.53.
The Screen's Supreme Sovereign
Captivating, Fascinating, Winsome
v Clara Kimball Young
In Robert Chambers' Widely Read
"The Common Law"
Special Music, Stage Setting aad
"Proper" Atmosphere.
11 1 DD 1 5th nd Harney Sts.
rlirr Always a Good Show
OPEN 9:30 A. M. TO 12 P. M.
World Series Base Bsll Scores by .
Direct Telegraph.
tJIIIlL I Websler 202
Never before in, our history have we
offered such bargains in Men's Fall
Suits and Overcoats as at this sale, To
sum it up in a few words, it is just the
sale you have been waiting for. Think
of it! A Fall Suit or Overcoat, strictly
Mn and Young Men,
this new line of Pure Wool
Fall Suits shows what su
perior quality The Pal
ace 's Guaranteed Suits of
ferthe Styles and Pat
terns are wonderfully ap
pealing Men' sNew Fall Suits
There's an extraordinary
meaaure of value in these
new Fall Suits, so correct In
style, perfect fitting and of
Guaranteed New Fall Suit
Ten should see these new rairOaasameree
and Worsted for remarkable values: siss
to 44 waist; strongly tailored. J
HatehlM. off.r of
nptlonallT fin. Shlrta
piwwl Fall
and Mter- OQf
eSa $8.50
jnnr Xosiidi luu,
gaaoln. laatb.r, black
or tan, lac or hnttn.
.(( Talw.
WhIU Sl.vw, and Vic. Expo.l.
Charli. Chaplia in MTh. Count."
Tw. Big Fsatur. for On. AdmiMlon.
Continuou. Irom 11 A. M. to II P. M.
tAjm.irtTl uu Mu'- U-U-tOe.
JAMfyCtf E.en'ira. IS-M-W-7SC.
Billy Wtson's Beef Trust Bu.
Mountainous assemblaa-e of avoirdupois
comodiennes, Pereheron-sisa maidens by the
ton. World's largest beauty chorus in
weight, not in numbers. Stage shored up to
support 'era. "SAFETY FIRST."
(Final Performance Friday Nite.)
Ladies' Dime Matinee Every Weak Day.
Last Two Time. Current BUI '
c&taTn Tonight, 8:15
rami. nrnving iaie rvui not do aeaieu
During First Act.'
Refined VaudeTille
and Photoplays, Featuring
Ak-Sar-Ban Visitors
Mil C P Paramount and Metre
w 9 Ftrat-Rua Pictures.
Performances 2, 3.45, 5:30, 7:15, 9.
Theodore Roberts, Anita King, fat
Last Chapter.
Genevieve Hauflaire
Assembly Every Thursday Evenin
2&th 41 F.ra.m Formerly Chamber,
Experienced Advertisers
Always Use THE BEE
high-grade and made in
the latest style from the
best materials ; in blue
serge, brown, black, blue
and black chalk stripes
novelty effects, only-
A Style,
Size and
lor Everyone
Boys' Norfolk Suits
These are the finest Nor
folk styles, i designed for
Fall 'and Winter wear.
They are nobby and good
for school. All' the colon
that boys like, and ihey
fit perfectly. fZtA
All sizes. Eeg- V V
ular $5.00 value . afar
Boys' Overcoats
Good heavy Boys' Over
coats. All sires and styles.
Extra quality. Regular
$5.00 value,
Raamlar eoatom fit. fer assa
and young mm, . tm haadsemeet
Tall all-wool 4T Jiff
fabrics 4. .TII
Men's extra value Ba
hriggaa and Egyptian
Ribbed Shirta and
Drawers. kft ,
garmant ,,. iO