Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 04, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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    - Nebraska
Special Meeting of Nebraska
Press Association Will Be
Held at Lincoln Nov. 18.
Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 2. (Special. )
With two entire revisions of the con
etitution of the Nebraska Press asso
fl3tinn frkf rri-lcir4rotinn Innlre nc
though this organization was to have
p. very busy business session at
meeting at Lincoln November 18 for
the purpose of making an entire
change -in their bylaws.
President Perkins and the program
committee held a meeting here yester
day and made up the program, which
will take up the entire day, commenc
ing early in the morning and lasting
through an evening session. It is pro
oosed to out a field secretary in of
fice, whose duties' will be to look after
the interest of the publishers of Ne
braska. The program as outlined to
day ts as follows:
Meeting called to order In Commercial
piuu rooms, Lincoln, on saturaay morninn,
November 18, at 9 o clock by rresf den
Clarke Perkini of the Aurora Republican.
AotKHntment of Buccial committees:
Paper "Should We Increase Our Subnorlp'
tlon Prices?' Anna A. Hunt, Ponca Advo
cate. Discussion led by C. B. Cass, Ra
Venn a. News.
Papei- "Bargain Days Do they pay the
Publisher ? Do They Pay the Mercnant t
How to Conduct Them," C. H. ifruhle. Leigh
World. Discussion led by C. G. Carlton.
Oakland Indenendent.
Address "Are Nebraska Newspapers
Meeting Their Opportunities 7 w hat Most
Need." W. R. Watson. Omaha World-Herald.
Paper "The Itinerant and Ills Ad
Scheme," Frank Brown. Kearney
Discussion led by W. C. Israel,
Paper "The Cost System TTp to Date,'
Rav Hammond. Fremont Tribune.
Address "Our Legislative Needs," H. M
Davis, Ord Journal.
Paper "How to Get and Maintain an
Adequate Advertising itate, j. t. we outer.
St Paul Phonograph. Discussion led by A.
D. Scott. Edtrar Sun.
Paper "Foreign Advertising and How to
Handle it," Lioya swain, uoiumous -reie-gram.
Discussion led by E. R. PurcelU
Broken Bow Chief.
Address "What a Field Secretary Could
o for the Publisher," O. L. Caswell, field
secretary Iowa Press association, Denni
on. Ia.
Business session: Consideration of revised
const itptlon for association; report of secre'
tary -treasurer; report of special committees
Water Case Decided
In Favor of .Minden
Minden. Neb.. Oct. 3. (Special)
Judge Harry S. Dugan of the district
court yesterday decided what is
known as the Carrico water rate case
in favor of the city of Minden,
F. L.- Carrico refused to pay his
water rent for two years or more
claiming that he would not pay until
those in offices, such as lawyers and
and dentists were compelled to pay.
His water was shut off and he was
compelled to pay to get water.
Mr. Carrico then commenced an ac
' tion in mandamus to compel the
mayor to enforce the ordinances by
collecting water rentals irom omce
people and others, contending that
they were served free water although
all water was metered. The Mayor
contended that the ordinance had re
ceived such construction for more
rhan nine years and that such admin
istrative construction was sufficient
to give the interpretation it had been
The court decided in favor of the
mavor. H. P. Andersen. J. L. Mc
Pheely, M. D. King and F. L. Carrico
appeared as attorneys for relator and
(.. tf. Anderberry tor the mayor,
Notice of appeal was given.
Lincoln County
Baby Scores 98,5
North Platte, Neb., Oct. 3 (Spe
tial) One girl baby who lacks but a
point and a half of perfection, and one
boy baby who is lacking only two and
a half points have been found in Lin
coln county. The girl is Helen Ed
wards, who was named grand cham
pion girl of the county in the better
babies contest at the Lincoln county
fair, and the boy is Kussell Eastman
Glines, grand champion boy. The
champions received loving cups and
medals, while the second place babies
were given smaller cups. Five others
in each division received certificates of
perfection. The following list was
made public by the judges:
Helen Edwards, 98.5: Velma May Shapp.ll,
98; Edna Belle Olfford, 97; Minnie Irma
Humphrey, 97; Marlon lone Stamp, 97; Dora
Oeatrlch, 99; Luclle Swope, 95.6; Russell
Eeaitmaa alines, 97.6; James Cauren Beck
man, 97; Cleo Morris Patterson . 96.6; Gar
den Benjamin Layton, 96.6; Keith LaVerne
soper, 96; Horace Eugene Crosby, 96; Da.
aid Ford, 96.
. Madison Girl Baby
Scores 99.5 Per Cent
Madison, Neb., Oct. 3. (Special.)
Irene Elyira Morton was adjudged the
champion baby girl at the Madison
county fair. She recistered 99.5. Ar
thur Sunderman, the champion boy,
registered y.5. lhere were titteen
babies entered in the contest.
Are Tour Boweli Kegnlar?
Dr. Klnr New Life Pills will, keep bow
la regular and overcome constipation, re
lieve indigestion and sick headache. 26o.
All drugglsta. Advertisement. x
Plattsmouth Man Seriously Hurt.
Plattsmouth, Ncbr., Oct 3. (Spe
cial) J. W. Lowthers, who is employ
ed on the farm of Charles Troup, four
miles south of here was urobablv
fatally injured in a runaway near Mur
ray Monday morning. I he team he
was driving became frightened at an
automobile which struck the buggy,
and started to run. Mr. Lowthers was
thrown out and his skull fractured.
He was taken to an Omaha hospital
for treatment.
Cured of Indigestion After Twenty
Years of Suffering.
"After suffering for over twenty
years with indigestion and having
some of the best doctors here tell me
there was no cure for me, I think it
only right to tell you for the sake of
other sufferers as well as to your
, own satisfaction, that a twenty-five
cent package of Chamberlain's Tab
lets not only relieved me but cured me
within two months," writes Jul. Gro
bien, 508 Henry St., Houston, Texas.
Obtainable everywhere. Adv.
Hearing . October 16 in Omaha
Will Determine Jurisdiction
of Rate Controversy.
Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 3. The injunc
tion suit of the Nebraska Railway
commission against the railroads of
the state, prohibiting them from put
ting into effect a schedule, approved
by the Interstate Commerce commis
sion, was argued before the supreme
court this evening, and the case taken
under advisement. A temporary re
straining order, issued a week ago
against the roads, and which expired
this evening, was continued by the
court. The case is an offshoot of the
hearing in the federal court at Sioux
talis, t. D., last Saturday, in which
three federal judges decided they had
jurisdiction, but delayed a final ruling
until a further hearing was held in the
district federal court at Omaha the
16th of this month.
The railroads objected to the juris
diction ot the -ebraska supreme
court, and the ruling continuing the
injunction is interpreted to mean that
whatever decision is reached at Omj
ha will end the case, so far as the
state court is concerned.
Bible Study Course
' In North Platte
High is Popular
North Platte, Neb., Oct. 3. (Spe
cial.) Bible study is proving attrac
tive to many students of North Platte
High school. An even larger number
of high school students than were ex
pected by the school authorities have
registered for the course. When the
registration closed for the new course
that has been introduced in the high
school sixty-seven pupils of five de
nominations had enrolled. Eighteen
chose the Christian church in which to
study, sixteen the Presbyterian, fif
teen the Methodist Episcopal, four
teen the Lutheran and eight the Bap
tist. The ' pastors of the different
churches will conduct the classes.
Ihe Bible as a whole is to be taken
up for study during the first semester.
Its authorship, the various forms of
composition, the classification of the
books, the principal points of differ
ence between the old and new testa
ments. The work for the second sem
ester has not as yet been mapped out.
Wilson Tout, superintendent of city
schools, hopes to obtain the accredit
ing of the course in the schools of the
state, and has a letter from State Su
perintendent A. O. Thomas sueeest-
ing his co-operation in arranging for
the installation of such courses all
over the state..
Notes of Beatrice
And Gage County
Beatrice. Neb.. Oct. 3. (Soecial l
Don Brown, formerly a member of
the Beatrice club in the Nebraska
State league, and who has been play
ing part ot tne season with the fhi a-
delphia Athletics, arrived in town yes-
teraay ro spend tne winter.
C. F. Flickenger. for the fast fortv
years a resident of Firth, died yester
day morning, aged 78 years. He was
tne lather ot Mrs. c. A.Auman of this
bam Bivens, escaped convict, who
was arrested here last week by Chief
Hayden, was taken back to the Lin
coln penitentiary yesterday by Guard
Wilds. Bivens was serving from one
to seven years in the penitentiary for
forgery, and after being paroled made
his escape.
Larl Stevenson, a pioneer of Gaee
county, died last week at his home
east of Blue Spings, aged 82 years.
nt is survivea Dy tnree xnnuren.
Some of the stock taken from the
hardware store of Nispel Bros, at
Plymouth by theives last week was
recovered here last night. The offi
cers have a clue to the guilty parties
and arrests are lakely to be made at
any time.
Farmer Kills Self After
Son is Found Dead
Lincoln. Neb.. Oct. 3 Paul Wi irm
27, a .'armer living two and a half
miles west of Prague, a small town
about 15 miles south of Lincoln, killed
himself this morning with a shotgun,
after his nve-monthVold son- was
tound dead in bed. The coroner is
investigating the death of the hahv
No motive is known for Wurm's sui-
Columbus, Neb.. Oct. 3 fSneciall
Mr. Adolph Luers and Miss Nina
Miessler, only daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. C. F. Miessler, were married
Sunday afternoon at Trinity Lutheran
church. Rev. F. G. Meissler nffiriatfH
The bride was given away by her
ethr Tl,. . .
.... biuuui w aucnuea ny
he bride's brother Herbert. Misn
Alvina Luers, sister of the eroom
acted as maid, of .honor and Misses
Adelle Miessler and Elsa Luers were
the bridesmaids. After congratula-
10ns were received a sumptuous four
ourse dinner was served at the hnmn
of the bride's parents. Immfdiatclv
thereafter the couple started for an ex-
ended wedding tour in the east.
Shenandoah, la-, Oct. 3. (Special)
Miss Mildred Medlev of Council
Bluffs was married at 7:30 nVlnrir
Saturday night to George McCool of
Omaha, at the home of her aunt, Mrs.
M. tl. Watcher, ihe ring ceremony
was performed bv the Rev. W. H
Jordan, pastor of the First Presby-
irnan cnurcn oi snenandoah. Mr.
McCool is employed by a film com-
pany of Omaha, where thev will make
their home. The bride has often
visited at the Hatcher home.
Obituary Notes
MRS. EDMUNDS, wife of W. TT
Edmunds, for many years a promi
nent banker at Yankton. 8. r.. died
suddenly, aged 64, after thirteen
years' illness. Mrs. Edmunds, who
was the daughter of General W. P.
Hewey, deceased, very prominent In
territorial days, is survived by her
husband and her mother.
first of the Ak-Sar-Ben parades for the current year passed on Tuesday afternoon, and was
watched by multitudes. It was the Industrial parade, and was notable for the impressive
and beautiful floats shown. The upper panel shows one of the floats at Sixteenth and Far
nam streets; the lower panel shows the Boy Scouts passing the same intersection.
(SiPpPK " II
Tabloids of Politics
LittU Items About the
Proereis of the Campaign.
Warreri G. Harding, chairman of
the last repuHican national conven
tion, will speak in the Brandeis theater
Tuesday evening, October 10. Sena
tor At.. J. Beveridge of Indiana will ap
pear in the Auditorium on the even
ing of October 27. Arrangements for
his Omaha date will be made by the
MCKiniey ciud.
The democrats and their tariff "have
paralyzed the fruit and lumber indus
tries of the Pacific Coast," is the
charge made by George O. Sanborn,
Los Angeles woolen goods merchant
and recent visitor to Omaha.i In-Los
Angeles alone, he says, there are
25,000 empty houses, due to the
exodus of persons whom the Under
wood tariff laws threw out of work.
He avers that Hjighes is the west's
The latest information received at
republican headquarters indicates that
Charles E. Hughes will speak in Oma
ha on October 16. He is due to leave
New York next Monday on his third
speaking tour.
' Local republican leaders are con
tinuing their efforts to get Theodore
Roosevelt here for an address. There
are reasons to hope the Volonel will
be heard in Omaha.
National Committeeman Howell has
gone to Lincoln to confer with State
Chairman Beach and the state com
mittee on various matters in connec
tion with the campaign. He goes
then to Chicago and perhaps on to
New York.
A Chicago newspaper man who at
tended the address of T. R. at Battle
Creek, Mich., referred to that speech
as the first of a series of "Eat 'em
alive speeches."
Richard L. Metcalfe of Omaha is
soon to go to Missouri to assist in
the democratic campaign there in the
interest of the re-election of Senator
James A. Reed. He has received a
telegram asking him to come and do
some campaign stumping. Mr. Met
calfe accepted the invitation, and the
dates are to be arranged later.
Matsonis Making
Campaign Speeches
Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 3. (Special.)
Charles E. Matson, a Lincoln attor
ney, who has been making some splen
did republican speeches during the
past few weeks, left today on a speak
ing tour under the auspice's of the re
publican state committee. His dates
are as follows; Tekamah, October 3;
Oakland, October 4; Hickman, Oc
tober 6; Hallam, October 7.
Republican Candidates
Make Speeches in Clay
Clay Center, Neb., Oct. 3. (Spe
cial.) A good sized audience last
night listened to speeches by three of
tliA f-KAlAw Castn.
Shumway, candidate for lieutenant
governor, outlined his record as a
legislator and the platform on which
he stands at present. He was followed
by Senator Reynolds, candidate for
state treasurers
The principal address of the evening
was delivered by. Robert W. Devoe.
candidate for attorney general. He re
lated with telling effect the history
of the democratic national administra
tion, calling particularly the attention
of the audience to the Underwood
discriminatory tariff, the broken plat
form pledges and the domination of
the democratic party in Nebraska by
Arthur "Mullen.
Mrs. J. Evans Qowles and Mrs.
Carrie Chapman Catt Each
at Hastings,
Hastings, Neb., Oct. 3. The annual
convention of the Nebraska Federa
tion of Women's clubs was opened
tonight with addresses by Mrs. J
Evans Cowles, national president, and
Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, head of
the equal suffrage movement.
"I find conditions favorable to wom
an suffrage nearly every where I go"
declared. Mrs. Catt. "As far as I can
learn this is true in Nebraska at the
present time. Even in the conserva
tive east conditions are becoming
more tavprable to tne question. (
"We are asking that Nebraska co
operate with the national suffrage as
sociation, in the matter of submitting
the question to a vote of the people,
the question to a vote of the people
groups oi stages, ir ienrasKa is pre
pared. for the question the state will
be grouped with a few other western
states in the fight for the question.
Co-operation among the states will be
possible during the campaign."
Question of Campaign.
The question whether a campaign
shall be made for suffrage in Ne
braska in 1918 was discussed this aft
ernoon and it will be canvassed fur
ther by Mrs. Catt with the state
executive committee tomorrow.
The decision will be made by the
national council, in conference with
Mrs. Catt, who is expected to make
a favorable recommendation.
Officers of the Nebraska Suffrage
association were elected this after
noon as follows President, Mrs. W.
E. Barkley, Lincoln; first vice presi
dent, Mrs. Z.(T. Lindsay, Omaha;
Second vice president, Mrs. G. J. Ack
erman, Ainsworth; corresponding sec-
Piano Buyers
If you are looking for a chance
to purchase a high grade piano
or player piano at a -iving of
$100 to $150 this is your oppor
tunity. Terms $1 to $2 a Weak.
$225 Hale, upright $ 45
$500 Chickering, upright, $ 75
$350 Haines, upright....! 95'
$450 Knabe, upright. ... .$145
$350 Haines & Co., up
right '....$125
$500 Steger & Sons,
upright $175
$450 Kimball, upright $210
$750 Steinway, upright. .$290
$400 Wing & Son, upright $165
$500 Decker Bros., up
right $100
$1,000 Chickering, grand, $175
$1,100 Steinway, grand.. $350
$450 88-note Player $195
$500 Gerhardt Player $235
Our guarantee goes with every
Free Stool and Searf.
Visit our phonograph depart
meat on tho main floor.
Free Concorta Every Hour.
Schmoller & Mueller
Piano Co.
1311-1313 Fmrn.m St.,
Omaha, Neb.
4. 1916.
retary, Miss Ida Robbins, Lincoln;
recording secretary, Mrs. M. Brugger,
Columbus; treasurer, Mrs. W. E.
Hardy, Lincoln; first auditor, Mrs.
Corrick, Culbcrison; second auditor,
Mrs. E. S. Rood, Omaha.
Winside Store Robbed
Of Valuable Silks and Linens
Sioux City, Ia Oct. 3. The Sioux
City police have been notified pf the
robbery of Fleer Bros.' store at Win
side, Neb., this morning by automo
bile bandits. The men stole silks val
ued at-$1,500 and linen worth $600.
Visitors Welcome!
j We make good clothes at very
moderate prices. We use fine
1 woolens and durable linings.
1 Every garment guaranteed pcr-
feet in fit and style.
R Suits and Overcoats, $25 to $45
j MacCarthy-Wilson
Tailor Comfort Clothe
315 S. 15th St.. Elk's BldS.
Tn;tti ftriiiijirrriiitiifiinTiMiEijirjtTiiiiiiTsrMfMififfiiLtic.fMijiiiriftMifTrrriiiri-ijiTiiitjiiijNiiJiTiirztii
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One packago
proves it 25cat all di-uggists.
A Simple Way to
Remove Dandruff
There in one sure way that has never
failed to remove dandruff at once, and that
is to dissolve it, then yiu defray ni''n'
To An this, just get about four ounces of
plain, common liquid arvon from any drug
store (thin all you will need), apply ft at
night when retiring; use enough to moisten
the scalp and rub it in gently with the finger
By. morning, most if not all, of your
dandruff will be gone, and three or four
more applications will completely dissolve
and entirely destroy every single sign and
trace of it, no matter how much dandruff
you may have.
You will find alt Itching and digging of
the scalp will stop instantly, and your hair
will be fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky and
soft, and look and feel a hundred times bet
ter. Advertisement.
A pretty dancer whon facn and frumn are
familiar to all th'-uter-goers Is constantly
Hiked the quentlon: "How d you kep your
,.we,v ii ui irouuitinr winn arne ir I do any
thing at all out of tho ordinary, such as
walking, standing or dancing more than
usual," And here In thin little dancer's pro
scription: "I always havo a package of Wn
Ne-Ta on hand and always after working
hard on the stago I batho my fet In hot
water in wnicn j oiflKoive two or three tab
ids of this preparation. I naver havo trouble
ar this tcavea my feet rool, comfortable Mid
huppy." If your drugKlst can't supply you
'1th Wa-Ne-Ta, don't accept a worlhluia
substitute he may havo an Interest la re-uonam-Mln,,,
but send 10 cent and wu will
mail ioij riepald a sample package if this
wondorlul foot relief. You can ise W.i-No-Ti
with delightful effect In your body ba h
I enves skin soft and antlsnptl.ially fj.-an
Tho ngulai size packages aHj or 25 com
h. C. Landon Co., South Bond, Ind.
Fine- for Company
Drivers Have It For Sale
Douglas 409.
That Wonderful M.n's Hat
Exclusively at
WOLFS 1421 Uouglw Strei-t.
Arrangements Made to Protect
President in Qase Jupiter
Pluvius Tries to Interfere.
All parades will be lield this week,
rain or shine, according to announce
ment made by the board of governors
of Ak-Sar-Ben.
And the president and his party
will view the parade Thursday, rain
or shine. While the committee is ex
pecting fine weather for the histori
cal parade the members have pre
pared for an emergency. In case of
rain Mr. Wattles has arranged to turn
over the United States National bank
room at Sixteenth and Farnam street
for the use of the presidential party.
The bank has arranged to close at
noon and the use of tne windows had
been granted to the employes, but
in case of rain the employes will give
up their rights to President Wilson.
President Wilson will not have to
walk from the reviewing st-nd to the
Hotel Fontenelle after the parade and
arrangements have been completed to
do away with that. When President
Wilson alights from his auto at the
reviewing stand the machine will be
driven to the driveway inside the
Douglas county courthouse so that
Your teeth can be only as good as
you keep them start a good habit
today by asking your druggist for
Of. LyioiuH's
Powder Cream
Send 2c attunp for a ftmrout aampla of tither .
Dr. Lyon'i Perfect Tooth Powder or Dental Cram.
LW.LfnSoai,lM, 577 W. JTtk St. Haw Yh Qtf
... I5I3-I5I5
Will 9av You Money
Get the
while' so many pretty patterns are on the
floor to select from atpur Every-Day Low
prices." , .
IZ8.75 mt . T
Chiffonier, Bed and
Dressing Table to
Queen Ann Dresser as
pictures. Black Walnut,
at $28.75
Iron and
for the '
1 'ljl
Don't spoil the effect of a beautiful gown by
wearing slippers which are not appropriate. Con
sult us. We are showing the largest line of fine
garty Slippers we have, ever had in kid, bronze,
patent, satin (beaded or plain).
Mail orders will be given prompt attention.
We pay parcel post.
, 352 to 1092
Drexel Shoe Co.
1419 Farnam.
at the finish of the parad . he wilt
pass to the 'ear of the stand, enter
the court house, where his auto will
be waiting. Autos for the other mem
bers of the presidential party and es
cort will have to be parked as nearby
as possible.
The Nebraska Telephone company
has arranged to install telephones at
every point whee the president will
stop, at the reviewing stand, at the
Commercial club and at the Audito
rium for use in case of emergency.
Boy Smothered to
Death in Sandbank
Alma, Neb., Oct. 3. (Special)
I. on, the U-year-old sou of Paul
Kuhurt, was instantly killed this after-'
noon by being buried in a sandbank
about a mile northeast of town. Ap
parently the lad, in company with a
younger brother and another school
mate, left school shortly after the noon
I our and went to the sandbanks to
dig a cave, when it caved In, bnrying
the oldest boy under two feet of sand
snd the younger boys about waist
deep- The two boys extracted them
selves and went to Lew Prettyman's
place, where they picked up a nmall
shovel and started back, when Mrs.
Prettyman called asking what was the
matter. When informed of the acci
dent she called hfr sons, Clarence and
Marion, who went to the scene of the
accident and soon uncovered the un
lortunate lad, but too late to save his
life, as he gave two gasps and expired.
The efforts of a physician to revive ,
him were futile. The boy was 1J
years old on the day of his death.
Thefc's A Reason
This Oalc Dresser,
42-ln. base, French
beveled mlrror.7.75
This Oak Dresser,
42-ln. base ....$5.75
Steel Beds
Similar 4o Illustration
- $3.75, $4.75, $6.75, $7.95 '
Look over the new style steel beds in
the various wood finishes.