Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 03, 1916, Page 8, Image 8

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Copjriffht. 1916.
International Ktwi Serrie.
Drawn for The Bee by George McManus
( ) f ,!J "P f 1 VHAT-S THE .SVS0" UJ ( WUZ PLKYIW I I VELL -WHAT'S M ( utr.. 1KI ) J E "
P ' iTT I SXr- JlL
j " 1,1 "
Take First Game from Boston
and Lead in League and
Drop Second Tray.
Standing of Teams
W. L. Pet
.19 677
.(7 tl Mr,
.71 11. Hi
Philadelphia, Oct 2. Philadelphia
enjoyed another brief stay in first
place. in the National league race to
' day, the home team ousting Brook
lyn from the lead by winning the
first game from Boston, 2 to 0, and
then dropping back to second place by
losing the second contest, 4 to I, while
Brooklyn was shutting out New York.
In the opening game Alexander
Qulpitched Ragan, who worked for
seven innings, and Allen, who twirled
one inning. Alexander held Boston
to three hits and registered his six
teenth shutout of the season. Only
one visiting player got past first base.
Whitted scored in the second inning
on his double, Cravath't sacrifice and
JLuderus' double. Killifer scored the
other run in the fifth. He doubled
went to third by beating Ragan's
,. tnrow to smith on Alexander bunt,
and tallied when Byrne bunted and
was thrown out by Kagan.
' Demaree Opposes Reulbach.
In the second game Demaree op
posed Reulbach for seven innings and
Bender twirled the last two, the In
dian not being scored on. Reulbach
pitched better ball than Demaree, but
errors by the latter a teammates
helped the visitors to two of their
runs. In the first inning, Snodgrass
, singled and Maranville was safe 'on
Stock's fumble. WilhotVt liner to
Stock resulted in a double olav.
Konetchy singled, sending Maranville
to third, and Maranville scored while
Konetchy was being run down be
tween first and second. Philadelphia's
run was made in the second inning.
Whitted walked, took second on Cra
vath's single and scored on two force
out plays at second base. Boston took
the lead in the sixth when Snodgrass
scored on his single, Marnaville's sac
rifice, Luderus throwing to second too
late to catch snodgrass, an out and
Konetchy's single. With two out in
seventh, Gowdy walked and Reul
bach was hit by a pitched ball. Snod
gress got a single when his grounder
bounced ovr Mock s head, Gowdy
scoring, while Reulbach crossed the
plate when Whitted threw wild to
third base.
. Details ol First Game.
First Inning.
Boston Snodgrass singled to cen
ter and went to second on Maran
ville's sacrifice, Luderus to Niehoff.
Wilhoit out, Niehoff to Luderus,
Snodgrass taking third on the play.
Konetchy but, Alexander to Ludurus.
No run.
Philadelphia -Paskert out, Ragan to
Konttchy. Byrne singled to left.
Snodgrass dropped Stock's easy fly,
but Recovered the ball in time to
throw out Byrne at second. Stock out
stealing, Gowdy to Maranville. No
run. .... 1 ,
Second Inning.
Boston Smith ont. Stock to Lud
erus. Alexander threw out Chapelle.
Whitted made a shoe-string catch of
Egan's liner. No run.
Philadelphia Whitted doubled to
center and went to third on Cravath's
sacrifice, Ragan to Egan. Whitted
scored on Luderus' double to center.
Niehoff reached first on Maranville's
fumble of his grounder, Luderus tak
ing third.' Killifer grounded to Mar
anville, who tossed out Niehoff, and
Egan completed a double-play by
getting Killifer at first. One run.
Third Inning.
Boston Gowdy flied to Niehoff.
Ragan out, Niehoff to Luderus. Snod
grass out. Stock to Luderus.
Philadelphia Alexander out. Mar
anville to Konetchy. Paskert .flied
to Snodgrass. Byrne walked and took
second on Stock's single to right
Whitted flied to Snodgrass. No run.
Fourth Inning.
Boston Maranville flied to Whit
ted. Niehoff threw out Wilhoit. Ko
netchy hit a hot one, which Stock
could not hold, and got a single.
Smith forced Konetchy, Byrne to Nie
hoff. No run.
Philadelphia Cravath out, Smith to
Konetchy. Luderus grounded out to
Konetchy. , Smith threw out Niehoff.
No run.
Fifth Inning. ,
Boston Chapelle flied to Paskert
Egan struck out. Killifer took Gow
dy' s foul fly. No run.
Philadelphia Killifer doubled to
W. L Pct.1
Brooklyn . , 12 Kt .sol Bnaton .
Phil so fit .nnnrhkeao
Boston ..., 2 .tsllDelrolt .
New York ..iSSt .STo'llt. Louli
Chlceso ,.,87 It AU New Tr.rtc..7l 7 ,S17
Pittsburgh. . s !2lwihlnion.7 7 M2
St. Louis ... 1 .Ifi'Clevelend ..T7 77 .toll
Cincinnati ,.0 ( .Itrphlla St 117 .S!C
Yesterday's Results.
New Tork, Brooklyn. S.
Boston, t-ti Philadelphia, 1-1.
Philadelphia, 1: Boeton. 4.
Washington, li New Tork. S.
(lames Today.
' National League New Tork at Brooklyn,
Boeton at hPlladolphla.
American Laafue Weahlnfton at New
York, Philadelphia at Boeton.
Sport Calendar Today
floreo Shows Opening f aaanal anew el
Brecktoa, Mae. ., ,
teelne OpealnaT of antnwin SMetuur of
Tereate Urtvlai club at Tosaate.
HeitnfIrUh Pater Cltna alalaet Yeuna
Va honey, tea round a. at keulh Bethlehem,
Pa. Al lauhert agelaet Yean- Brltt. twelre
ranede. at Beetoa. Mel Coojaa aealaat Fste
Hartley, twelve rounda, at Beetoa. Jew
center. Alexander bunted for a sacri
fice. Ragan threw the ball to third
but Killifer was safe at third on a
close decision. Paskert flied to Smith.
Killifer scored on Byrne's sacrifice,
Ragan to Konetchy, Alexander taking
second. Egan threw Stock out. Oqe
Sixth Inning. 1
Boston 0 Byrne threw out Ragan.
Snodgrass sent a high fly to Killifer.
Maranville flied to Whitted.
Philadelphia 0 Whitted out, Mar
anville to Konetchy. Cravath struck
out. Luderus flied to Snodgrass.
Seventh Inning.
Boston 0 Wilhoit out, Alexander
to Luderus,. Konetchy out, Niehoff to
Luderus. Byrne threw out Smith.
Philadelphia 0 Niehoff flied to
Snodgrass. Killifer and Alexander
Eighth Inning.' 1
Rnatnn ft Chanr,!! flin in Pat.
LA., rVnMAltl, hkt,t fn t7a - n
flied. to Niehoff. Collins, batting for
Gowdy, was safe on Stock's fumble
of his grounder. Magee, batting for,
nagan, was inrown out oy cyme.
i Philanotnhia n AlUn In a
pitch for Boston. Blackburn went in
to catch and FiUpatrick played sec
ond. Paskert singled to left and
went to second on Byrne s sacrifice,
Smith to Konetchy. Stock flied to
Smith. Pakrt arnl fhirrl Ah,tn
fouled to Konetchy.
Ninth Inning.
to Luderus. Niehoff also threw out
Maranville. Wilhoit was safe on a
hit to shortstop, but was forced out
at , second, Stock to Niehoff, . on
Konetchy's grounder. Final score:
Details of Second Came.
First Inning.
vv.ut. wiiwugiaaa av, ail 'UIIICIU
single. Stock fumbled Maranville's
grounder ana snoagrass toox second.
Wilhoit sent a line fly to Stock, who
doubled Snodgrass at second, Niehoff
taking the throw. Maranville went
to third on Konetchy's single to right.
Knnot-hv atart.l n ..J
white he was being run out Maran-
vine scored, itonetcny was out, stock
to Luderus to Niehoff tc Luderus.
One run.
PhiUUlnhia Pa. I,.. n.A
v . sank. UUI
to Egan. Byrne flied to Chapelle.
Stock flied to Wilhoit.
Second Inning. '
Boston Smith out on a trreat atoo
and throw by Byrne. Whitted took
Uiapelles fly. tgin died to Stock.
Philadelphia Whitted walked anrl
advanced to second on Cravath's sjn
gle to right. Luderus forced Cra
vath, Egan to Maranville, Whitted go
ing to third. Whitted scored when
laiehoif forced Luderus. Maranville to
Euan. Killifer bunted alone the Irft
field foul line and Niehoff sprinted to
third, while Reulbach waited for the
ball to roll foul, but it did not cross
the line. Killifer stole second. Dema
ree flied to Snodgrass. One run.
Boston Bvrne threw out both
Gowdy and Reulbach. Paskert took
Snodgrass' fly.
Philadelphia Paskert flew to Snod
grass, Smith threw out Byrne. Stock
singled to right. Whitted flied to
Fourth Inning.
Boston Maranville lined out tn
Byrne. Wilhoit walked. Knnetrhv
flied to Paskert Smith flied to Stock.
PhiladelDhia Cravath arritrfe At
Luderus flied to Wilhoit. Niehoff got
an inneiu single, egan tnrew out
Fifth Inning.
Boston Chapelle Out, Niehoff to
Luderus. Egan went out the same
way. Gowdy singled to left. Niehoff
threw out Reulbach,
Philadelphia Demaree gro u n d e d
out, Reulbach to Konetchy. Pa.kert
fanned. Maranville threw out Byrne.
- ' Sixth Inning.
Boston Snodgrass singled to cen
ter and reached second safely when
Luderus picked up Maranville's sac
rifice bunt and threw to the middle
bag. Wilhoit forced Maranville at
second. Stock to Niehoff. Snodgrass
scored on Konetchy's single to right.
Konetchy was thrown out trying to
stretch his hit into double, Cravath
to Byrne to NiehofL Smith flied
to Whitted. One run.
Philadelphia Stock out, Konetchy
to Reulbach. Whitted flied to Snod
grass. Smith fumbled .Cravath's
grounder and the runner was safe.
Luderus flied to Chappelle.
Seventh Inning.
Boston Chappelle went out, Stock
to Luderus. Niehoff threw out
Egan. Gowdy walked. Reulbach
was hit on the right arm by a pitched
ball. Snodgrass' infield hit bounded
over Byrne's head for single and Gow
dy scored. In trying to catch Reul
bach at third, Whitted threw wild and
Reulbach came home and Sndograss
went to second. Maranville flied to
Whitted. Two runs.
Philadelphia Smith threw Niehoff
out. Gowdy muned Killifer s high
foul fly, but a moment later Killifer
flied to Konstchy. Cooper batting
for Demaree, singled to right. Kelu-
bach threw out Paskert. Bender be
gan pitching for Philadelphia in ht
Eighth Inning.
Boston Wilhoit reached first safe
ly on a slow infield hit and wen: to
second on Konetchy's sacrifice, Ki'
lifer to Luderus. Smith lined to Nie
hoff, who tossed the ball to Stock,
doubling up Wilhoit.
Philadelphia Byrne out on a line
drive to Smith. Stock fouled to
Konetchy. Whitted flied to Chappelle-
Ninth Inning.
Boston 0 Chappelle grounded out
to Luderus. Egan was thrown out by
Niehoff. Gowdy singled to left.
Reulbach fanned.
Philadelphia 0 Cravath singled to
left Duev ran for Cravath. Luderus
grounded out to Konetchy. Dugey
iook seconu. mcnou nica to onoa-
grass. Maranville threw out Kilmer.
Final score:
SnMl'e.ef 4 14 1 0Ptk'rt,c( 4 1 J 0 0
Mar'vll.ea S I S 110 3 0
Wllh'lt.ft 4 10 0 elStock.ea 4 1111
K'etchy.l I 111 I sWhltMf. 4 110 0 S 0 I S sCreVth.rt I S 0 0
Chap' I 0 0 ftLuderua,! t 1 14 1 0
Ktiii lh 1 e a a eNIhofr.2b S S 4 T A
fritan' a A A a AKHIIfer.o S 1 1 e a
Oowdy.o S S 1 aAJexndr.p I t S S 0
mi kd rn.o ooooO
Rttan.p 2 0 0 10 Totala..!! S 87 17 1
Allen.p 0 0 S 0 0
Conno!ly 1 s A a a
Conine 1 0 0 0 0
'Maae 1 0 0 0 0
Totala.. to "I J4 Ts"I
Batted for Etan In atfhth.
Batted tor Oowdy In el.hth.
Batted lor Raian in tlfhth.
""'on j..e o o i o e e
Philadelphia . .0 1 0 0 l o 0 o !
Two-baee hlte: Whitted. Luderue. Killifer
... ownuDi niie: Maran
ville, Byrne (2), Cravath, Aleiander. Double
plays Maranville to Etan to Konetchy. Left
uwatu,, ,,; i-nuaaejpnia. a. Flret
baee on errora: Boaton. 1: PhlladelDhla. 1.
Daee on ballet Off Rasan. 1. Hlta and
rune: urr Kataq, S hlta Sruna In
eeven Innlnta; off Allan. 1 hit. 0 run In one
out: ay navan, Sr by Alex-
ander. 1. Umplreat O Day and Eroallo.
Score, eeeond kame:
Sn' 4 1 4 ' ;pk'rt.ff ' O t'o' i
wTtK... a ; . X " 4 o al 4 0
K-'cVv-f. i !Kf..3.. i I I I '
Smith, Jb toil Icrav'th.'rf 41010
wZZZ ik ! uuaerua.l 4 0 13 1
aZSil till jNlfhoff.Jb 4 1 S 7
22JiC ill I ill'.
- " 'umirMiP i o d g u
...... ..... uoopr iiwoo
'Dugey 0 t) 0
TOU1...H 27 It 2
Btta for Dmar In tftventh.
Htvn (or Crtv&th In ninth.
Boston :.i o o o o i a e o
Phlldlphi ..0100 0 0 0 0 01
BtoUn bai: Kllllffr. Saerlfloi hlti: M
ranvlllo, Konttchy. Doubl pUyi: Stock to
Niehoff (S). Baaci on b!H: Off Reulbach.
1; off Demaree, t. Hlte and earned rune: Off
Reulbach, 1 rum off Demaree, f hlti, I runa
In aeven Innlnra; off Bender, I hits, 0 run
In two Innlnva. Hit by pitched ball: By
Demaree, Reulbach, Struck out: By Reul
dacH, 3: by Bender, 1. Umpire.: O Day and
Pitches Shutout Ball and the
Brooklyn Team Gains Half a
Game on Philadelphia.
Mabel Trask Wins
The Walnut Hill Cup
Lexington, Ky Oct. 2. The Wal
nut Hill cup, $J,000, was won by Ma
bel Trask .in straight heats here to
day. Azora Axworthy was second
and George Summers, third. Best
time, 2:074.
In the futurity for 2-vear-olds,
purse $5,000, The Real Lady (Mur
phy), won; Mary Coburn (White),
second; Bertha McGuire (Ackerman),
third. Best time, 2:07.
The Real Lady broke two world's
records. She trotted the first heat
in 2:07)4, beating the 2-year-old rec
ord held by Volga of 2:07. She
then trotted the second heat in 2:07,
making a new record for the 2-year-old
fillies for a single heat and a
autn PtAsoov tvea incamkcu
Brooklyn, Oct. 2. Combs pitched
shut-out ball today and beat the
Giants 2 to 0, and Brooklyn gained
half a game on Philadelphia. In only
the first inning was the veteran twir
ler in danger. Then with the bases
full and two out he faned Kauff.
A sensational running catch by Cut
shaw with Holke on third in the sev
enth with two out, saved a run.
Schupp was effective until the
fourth, when Daubert scratched a
hit to Fletcher, stole second, and
scored on Wheat's single. With An
derson pitching in the eighth, Brook
lyn got the bases full with two out.
A wild pitch scored Miller.
It was Rucker day, the tenth year
of the veteran pitcher's affiliation
with the Brooklyn club, being cele
brated with a drill of the Fourteenth
regiment, recently returned from the
border. Detailed play:
First Inning.
New York Burns flied to Wheat
Herzog singled. Robertson also sin
gled. Herzog going to second. Zim
merman flied to Myers, Herzog going
to third on the catch and Robertson
holding first, Robertson stole sec
ond. Fletcher walked. Kauff struck
out. No runs-
Brooklyn Herzog threw out John-
. . t . . a: . ' i ' . - n
stun. ictiuBTi - mcu uui iu urnji
Myers also flied out to Burns.
Second Inning.
New York Miller tossed out
Holke. Rariden popped to Mowrey.
Schulte sent a high fly to Myers.
Brooklyn Herzog tossed out
Wheat Cutshaw walked. Mowrey
hit into a double play, Zimmerman to
rlerzog to noike.
Third Inning.
New York Burns went out,. Cut
shaw to Daubert. Olson threw out
Herzog at first. Robertson line flied
to Mowrey.
Brooklyn Olso fanned. Miller
singled to left. Miller stole second,
t,nd when Fletcher dropped the ball
Miller tried for third, but was thrown
out, Herzog to Zimmerman. Coombs
struck out.
Fourth Inning.
New York Zimmerman singled
over second base- Fletcher popped
to Olson. Kauff flied to Johnston
Zimmerman was out stealing, Miller
to Cutsliaw. ,
Brooklyn Johnston flied to Kauft
Daubert singled through Fletcher.
Myers struck out. Daubert stole
second, Herzog dropping the ball.
Daubert scored on Wheat's hot sin
gle to left, Cutshaw flied to Robert
son. One run.
Fifth Inning.
New York Holke singled. Olson
threw out Rariden, Holke going to
Gtants' Luck Changes
AB. R.H.O.A.E,
Burns, If 3 0 0 3 0 0
Herzog, 2b 4 0 1 2 4 0
Robertson, rf 4 0 1 1 0 0
Zimmerman, 3b 4 0 2 2 1 0
Fletcher, ss 3 0 0 0 4 0
Kauff, cf 4 0 0 2 0 0
Holke, lb 4 0 2 7 0 0
Rariden, c 3 0 0 7 0 0
Schupp, p 2 0 0 0 0 0
Anderson, p 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lobert 1 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 1.32 0 6 24 9 0
AB. R. H. O.A- E.
Johnston, rf 3 0 0 1 0 0
Daubert, lb 4 1 2 9 0 0
Myers, cf 4 0 0 4 0 1
Wheat, If 3 0 1 2 0 0
Cutshaw, 2b 2 0 1 3 2 0
Mowrey, 3b 3 0 0 3 2 0
Olson, ss 3 0 0 1 3 0
Miller, c 3 1 2 4 2 0
Coombs, p 3 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 28 2 6 27 9 1
Batted for Schupp in eighth.
New York 00000000 00
Brooklyn 00010001 2
Stolen bases: Robertson, Daubert,
Miller. Double plays: Zimmerman.
Herzog and Holke. , Bases on balls:
Off Schupp, 1; off Anderson, 1; off
Coombs, 2. Hits and earned runs:
Off Schupp, 4 hits and 1 run in seven
innings; off Anderson, 2 hits and 1 run
In one inning. Struck out: By Schupp,
5; by Anderson, 2; by Coombs, 3.
Umpires: Kigler and Byron.
Omaha Grappler Will Lock
Horns with Dodge Lad as
Feature of Fall Festival
second. Schupp popped to Mowrey.
Burns flied to Myers, "
Brooklyn Mowrey fanned. Olson
also fanned. Miller flied to Kanff. -Sixth
Brooklyn Ccombs fouled out to
Zimmerman. - Herzog threw out
Johnston. Daubert" flied to Burns.
New York Olson threw out Her
zog. Robertson went out to Daubert,
unassisted. Zimmerman fouled out to
Seventh Inning.
New York Mowrey threw out
Fletcher. Kauff fouled to Miller.
Holke singled to center and Myers
let the ball go through his legs, Holke
going 10 inira. nariacn inea to cut
shaw. Brooklyn Fletcher threw out My
ers. Herzog threw out Wheat. Cut
shaw scratched an infield hit. Mow
rey forced Cutshaw, Fletcher to Her
zog. Eighth Inning.
New York Lobert batted for
Schupp and flied to Wheat. Burns
walked. Herzog fanned, Robertson
flied to Myers.
Brooklyn Anderson v"ent in to
pitch for New York. Olson fanned
for the third time. Miller singled over
second. Coombs went out to .Holke,
unassisted. Johnston walked. Daubert
scratched an infield hit, filling the
bases. On a wild pitch Miller, scored.
Johnston going to third and Daubert
to second. Myers tanned.
The Oreateet Fain Killer,
8loan's Liniment toes riant to the aeat
of pain, elmply lay It on you do not have
to rub. SSc. All drusslata. Advertisement.
The city of York is looking for
ward to some big doings Wednesday
afternoon. For at 3 o'clock on that
afternoon Joe Stecher,. the famous
farmer boy wrestler from Dodge,
Neb., will clash with Big Bill Hokuff
of Omaha in a finish wrestling match.
The wrestling bout will be the big
feature attraction of the annual fall
festival which is being held this week
at York. It will be staged in an open
air pavillion capable of seating com
fortably several thousand people, and
the York business men who are be
hind the match anticipate a capacity
The York men looked far and wide
for an opponent for Stecher and final
ly selected on Hokuff. Big BUI, it
will be remembered, trained Stecher
for his bout with Strangler Lewis in
.Omaha July 4. Bill learned a lot of
Stecher's tricks while working with
the Dodge boy and believes he has
developed a defense which will puz
zle Joe. At least Bill promises to
make it a battle-
Hokuff has been training faithfully
for the event in Gus Tylee's gymna
sium and goes to York in perfect
physical condition. He has under
gone a rigid course ot training and
has worked out every day with the
best wrestlers he could find. As
there are quite a number in Omaha,
Bill got plenty of workouts.
, That Stecher realizes Hokuff is
likely to make trouble is evident by
his close application to training at his
Dodge home. Word from there is
that Joe has been working out as
hard as he has for any match in his
York is going to make Wednesday
a gala day. Business will be sus
pended for the afternoon and a crowd
that will be almost as big as the
crowds which have seen .Stecher
matches in Omaha is expected to find
its way into the pavillion where the
bout will be held.
Give Banquet for
Pa Rourke at the
Rome Next Monday
A banquet in honor of W, A.
Rourke, owner of Omaha's pennant
winning base ball club, will be held at
the Rome hotel at 7 o'clock the eve
ning of October 9.
Business men of the city are re
sponsible for the banquet, which is to
be given for Rourke as, a mark of
Omaha's appreciation for his cham
pionship ball club.
The committee on arrangements
consists of Joe Kelly, chairman; Ben
Gallagher, Lester Drishaus, T. P.
Redman, Tom Quinlan, Jack Byrne,
Roy Moore and Don Lee. B. W. Jew
ell, Otis Smith, Morris Griffen and
Dick Grotte are on the committee on
tickets, and Joe Kelly and Rome Mil
ler make up the banquet committee.
tickets, which will sell at $J a plate,
can be procured from members of the
committee or at the Rome hotel. The
public is invited.
Ain't II Aarfnl!
The prohibitionists are so conscientious ,
that they deplore the neceeelty of nominat
ing a full ticket Boston Tranacrlpt
Dixon's motor graphite
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A special kind for
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all contain this rare
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Joseph Dixon Crucible
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Dixon Labricatmi Chart
STAR ((.
A.. 1 !;
e-a araguuauiaj
to have visions
of sncceaa. and
Baseball Fan, every
where, are anxious for
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out of the Great National Game. Their vitality
is gone to smash and their enjoyment is seen
only m visions. Get out of that class I In nearly
all cases where vim and vigor are lacking the fault
can be traced to an impure condition of the blood
this can bo corrected by setting the blood cor
puscles to work throwing off the impurities. There
is one remedy that can be depended upon for results at
such a tune. That remedy is 5.S.5., the Great National
Blood Tonic, purely vegetable. It has stood the test
for fifty years, and has been the means of setting
thousands on the road to health. Every
person should take S.S.S. occasionally as
a tonic Buy a bottle of SJJ. frota voar drag-
gist today and gat ia sbapa to tola tha happy
and Tigoroow crowd at tha femes. Kataoni-
bar only tha lanuiaa 3.3.3. will da tao
work. So bewara ot subatitutas
Don't lot vieionl answer for
tha Real Grata Gat yourself
In ahapo by using S.S.S.
If your blood trouble haa be-
one stubborn, medical ad
vice will be given
you without
This Is i
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.THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. U Swift Bids. Atlanta, Ga. .