Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1916, SOCIETY, Image 19

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8 B
Council Bluffs
Social Notes
Mr. E. C, Downs, who has the con
tract tor building two fine houses in
Sioux Citv, la., for G. T. Karges of
this city, left Monday for Sioux City
and will be followed shortly by his
family. They are planning to make
their home there.
Mrs. W. F. Hogarty has returned
to her home in Lonemont. Colo.
after a short visit at the home of
her mother. Mrs. E. Schicketanz, anil
other relatives.
Mrs. Fred Brostsch has returned to
her home in Rochester, N. Y., after
a ten days' visit at the home of her
nenhfw. V. W. Rice. .
Mrs. J. Greer, accompanied by Mr.
and 'Mr. Charles Greer and two chil
dren of Parks, la., spent the first
of the week with Mr. and Mrs. J.
Kinney at Crescent.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert McCreary of
Norfolk are the proud parents of a
thirteen-pound baby girl, whom they
have named Ruth Adeline. Mrs. Mc
Creary was formerly. Miss Lena
Mehling of this city.
F. H. Kelly, formerly publisher of
the Mondamin Enterprise, was in
Council Bluffs Monday, arriving here
from a two weeks' visit in New York
Mrs. M4 A. Hayes has returned
from a three months' visit with her
daughter at Farragut, la., and with
relatives at Burlington, Kan.
Mr. T. J. Shack has returned from
an extended visit at Denver. Colo
rado Springs and other Colorado
Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Hayes and son.
Grover. of Wathena. Kan., are vis
iting Mrs. M. A. Hayes.
Mrs. : J, F - Marshall has returned
to her i home in Chicago, after a
week's visit with relatives and friends
here. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Georee McMahon
left' Tuesday for Oskaloosa, la.,
where they will visit relatives. Mr.
McMahon is cashier for the Ameri
can Express company.
Mrs. Flovd Ressev of Montana is
visiting with Mrs. Joseoh Stroehete.
en route home from a visit with rela
tives at Ipswich, S. D. .
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. George
Dalton and Mrs. E. W. Uowens, all
of Missouri Valley, drove here and
were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs.
C. Gowens.
Mrs. Wi A. Campbell of Fairhooe,
Ala., is a truest at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. H. B. Watson on Washing
ton avenue.
Mrs. S. E. Bowles, who has been
. visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. O
W. Butts, left Wednesday for her
home in New York. I
Mr. and Mrs. P.'M. Pryor left
Wednesday for a trip to Colorado and
Jran points.
- Dr. E. A. Merritt has gone to Chi-
xago to attehd an X-ray convention.
A nartv of Sidnev people came
to Council Bluffs Tuesdav evening
nv auto. Kev. and Mrs. I. P. Tnomas.
Mrs. Sarah Gordon. Miss C. Wilson
and Rube Travis made uo the party.
More than 100 people attended the
' annual dinner and thank offering
rneeting Tuesday evening at the First
Congregational church tinder the
lusnires of the Women's Missionary
society. A - delirious dinner was
.served, after which a program was
given, including short talks by the
missionaries from Rrazil and Japan.
A most delightful birthdav nartv
was given by Mrs. Swanson in honor
of the birthday of her son. Hugo.
Games, music and dancing furnished
the entertainment and a most dainty
luncheon was served. Those present
were Miss Edith Carroll. Miss Ger
trude Carroll, Miss Grace Davis, Miss
Clara Davis. Miss Marie Shulz, Miss
Edith Srheef. Miss Irene Lueke, Miss
iosie Doudle. Miss Rose Swanson.
fiss Carrie. Whalev. Miss Marguerite
Maloney, Miss Esther Weik. Miss
Lillian Swanson, Hugo Swanson,
Chester Lane. John Stenrud. Don
ald Clark Fred lohnson. . Willard
Nelson, Clifford German and Gale
Mrs. Forest Smith entertained St.
Paul's General guild at her home
Monday afternoon. Reports from the
. committee in charge of the-, work at
the carnival were given and proved
that the week had been -a most suc
cessful one.
The Monday Night. Dinner club
held the usual meeting at the Grand
Monday evening.
The opening meeting of the history
and literature department of the
Council Bluffs Woman's clvh. sched
uled for October 5, will be held Octo
ber 12. at the home of Mrs. F. W.
Miller. The change was made be
cause of the historical pageant in
Omaha and of President Wilson's
speech. .
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Stillman and
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Haas entertained
the "Juveniles," an organization of
married folks, at the first dance of
the season.
A very pretty home wedding took
place Saturday evening at 8 o'clock
at the home of the bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. K. Buchanan, near
Neola, when M'ss Harriet C. Buch
anan was married to Mr. A. P. Dor
land of this city. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. D. D. Buchanan
of Casey, an uncle of the bride, and
was witnessed only by the immediate
relatives. The bride has been a
teacher in the Council Bluffs schools.
Mr. and Mrs. Dorland left for a short
honevmoon trip.
Friends of Miss Margarette Lemen,
who recentlywent to Boston to enter
the New England Conservatory of
Music, will be interested to know that
she passed the entrance examinations
with high grades and has been regis
tered as a 'member of the junior
Miss Clara Hart left Wednesday
for -Wellesley, Mass., where she will
- resume her school work at Dana hall.
The Leschetizky Music club met
Saturday afternoon, at the home of
Miss Freda Kenady and organized for
the winter season
. Mrs. Thomas Metcalf. sr., enter
tained the members of the Garden
club Tuesday evening, the occasion
being a veritable flower show, with a
gorgeous display of asters. Prizes
had been offered to the members
making the best display. Mrs. Henry
i Cutler won first with a beautiful
basket in shades of pink and lavender
combined with the white. Mrs. Dray
ton Bushnell won second prize with
a pink basket filled with asters of
the same shade and tied with a pink
tulle bow to match. Mrs. Bushnell
also brought two other beautiful
baskets of asters, one in the coral
shade, combined with maidenhair
ferns, and the other in the shades of
lavender. Mrs. F. Meyers and Mrs.
Louie Squire also had beautiful
baskets of asters. Mrs. John G.
Woodward did not enter the competi
tion, but brought from her garden a
lovely basket of rosea and heliotrope. I
t x5w CVT
Jlrs.Josiah Evans Cowks
A most enjoyable game, "A Romance
in the Land of Flowers," in which
blanks in a little poem were to be
filled in with the names of flowers,
furnished much entertainment. Re
freshments were served by the
hostess. The club will be entertained
October 10 by Mrs. Bushnell and
Mrs. E. P. Schoentgen. Mrs. Squire
will read a paper at that time. The
club is planning a showing of chrys
anthemums later in the season, and
expects to' have flowers until early
in November.
Wednesday at the Boat club, Mrs.
R, B. Tubbs won the trophy donated
by Miss Reed of Kansas City for
low score on putts, and Mrs. B. O.
Bruington made the low medal
score, winning the prize given by
Mrs. E. A. Wickham. A picnic
luncheon, served at noon, proved a
great success and the same plan will
be adopted next Wednesday, when
an eighteen-hole round will be played
tor a prize donated .by Mrs. ti. U
Messner The game will' begin
promptly at IU:JU o clock
The South Side kensington met
Wednesday afternoon at the home
of Mra Everett Grimes. Various
games were enjoyed and prizes were
won- by Mrs. Will Arnold and Mrs.
N. A. Johnson. The club will meet
October II at the home of Mrs.
Frank Nelson.
Mrs. Charles Osborn entertained
at a miscellaneous shower at her
home Wednesday evening in honor
of Miss Louise and Miss Gertrude
Dowd, who will be married next
week. Monday evening Mrs. Mildred
bdgar entertained at 7 o clock din
ner in honor bf the Misses Dowd and
Friday evening an Orpheum party
will dc given in ineir nonor.
Society Notes
Miss Alice Duval entertained at a
kitchen shower Friday afternoon at
her home for Miss Louise ttedwell,
who will be an October bride.
Mr. James W. Hamilton returned
the first of the week from a short
visit in Denver, Colo.
Dundee people having dinner at
Happy Hollow last Saturday were:
Mr. and- Mrs. E. O. Hamilton. Mr.
and, Mrs. G. W. Wickersham, Mr.
and Mrs. Guy Liggett and Mr. and
Mrs. J. V. Yeiser.
Mrs. H. G. Bosworth of Chicago is
the guest of her sister, Mrs. George
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Cooley enter
tained ten guests at the Country club
last Saturday evening.
the Dundee circle of the Child
Conservation league held its first
meeting Monday afternoon with Mrs.
Miles ureenleaf.
Mrs. D. L. Johnson addressed the
Business Woman's council Tuesdav
at the court house.
Mrs. I. S. Leavitt gave a stereooti-
con talk in world masterpiece paint
ings luesday at the Young Women s
Christian association.
The Mothers' club, of which Mrs.
E. 0. Hamilton is president, met at
the home of the outgoing president,
Mrs. George Mickel, Wednesday.
1 tie Dundee woman s club held its
first regular meeting of the year with
Mrs. U. (j. Ouinter. Caliban of the
Yellow Lands" was the subject under
Mrs. D. L. Johnson's Bible class
met at her home Thursday morning
to begin the winter's course of Bible
study. ,
Mr. and Mrs.'G. W. Updike enter
tained a bridge party Wednesday eve
ning in honor of Mrs. W. G. Temple
ton, who leaves soon to spend the
winter in California.
Mrs. W. W. Hoagland and daugh
ter. Helen, left Wednesday evening
for Wellesley. Mass., where Helen
will attend school at Terrace hall.
Mrs. George Kedick entertained at
luncheon at the Country club Monday
for Miss Katherine Torrance of Los
Angeles. Covers were laid for ten.
Mr. and Mrs. A. b. Lurry had eiKht
guests at dinner at Happy Hollow
Tuesday evening.
Dundee people having supper at
Happy Hollow last Sunday were O.
P. Goodman, with two guests; G. R.
Durkee, three, and W. F. Milroy, two.
Mrs. C. E. Corey entertained at
Brownell Hall Girls to Study Farther
HA) $&rr , X
Adelaide Fo&&
luncheon at her home Thursday, fol
lowed by an Orpheum party for Mrs.
A. E. Kreable of California.
Mrs. Chester Parks and daughter,
Mary Jane, of Chicago are the guests
for a few days of Mr. and Mrs. James
Palmer of Dundee.
Mr. E. E. Kimbcrly has fully recov
ered from the effects of an operation
tor appendicitis and J hursday eve
ning gave a dinner at Happy Hollow
club, of twenty covers, for the men
who showed him attention during his
Miss Catherine Conrad entertained
a box party at the Orpheum Monday
tor Miss Helen feycke, who leaves
'soon for .Vassar, and Miss Mildred
Khoades, who goes to Smith college.
Mr. and Mrs. George Brandeis and
Mr. and Mrs. Norris Brown enter
tained parties at the Orpheum Mon
day evening.
Mrs. Ezra Millard gave a bridge
party Wednesday afternoon for Miss
Dorothy Dunlap.
The Dundee Catholic Women's cir
cle held a social meeting Wednesday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. John
Mr. -and Mrs. I. M. Gilchrist gave
a dancing party Tuesday evening for
Miss Helen Peycke and Miss Mildred
Mrs. J. M. GilchVist had eight
guests at luncheon at Happy Hollow
Thursday and Mrs. W. F. Milroy had
three guests.
The members of the Ladies' Bowl
ing club entertained their husbands
at the annual contests and planked
steak supper Thursday evening at
Happy Hollow club. Covers were laid
for forty. Cuff links and buttons were
awarded as a prize to the highest gen
tleman bowler, Mr. A. W. Bowman.
The Chautauqua circle opened its
session for a new year with an elab
orate luncheon at the Commercial
. TJr. Charles O'Neil Rich has re
turned from Rochester, Minn., where
he spent a week attending the male
. Mr. and Mrs. W, B. T. Belt have
returned from Kenosha, Wis., where
they left their daughter, Dorothy, as
a student at Kemper f hall.
j son was corn lasr. weex to m
and Mrs. Stanley Rosewater at Birc
Knoll sanitarium.
Social Circles
Mrs. J. W. Welch and daughter re
turned home Monday from a visit in
Mechanicsville, la.
Miss Ruth Robinson returned home
Wednesday from a visit in the west
ern part of the state.-
Mrs. John Herbst Is entertaiqing
her brother and wife from Missouri
during the Ak-Sar-Ben festivities.
Mrs. K. C. Maginn and son, wh(,
were guests of Mrs. A. S. Ruth, left
last week for their home in Pitts
burgh, Pa.
The North Side Bible class was re
organized last Monday at a meeting
at the home of Mrs. B. G. Ruffner,
Mrs. M. A. Stearns was chosen as
leader for the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Wyant are enter
taining a house party.
Mrs. E. CHodder entertained at
dinner last Sunday, when covers were
laid for ten guests. .
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Oleson en
tertained the Augustina choir at their
home last Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. A. S. Ruth entertained the
Five Hundred club last Wednesday
m honor of her sister.
Miss Johansen Roos of South
America was a guest of Miss Mar
guerite Liljenstolpe last week.
Mrs. J. N. riorton and son, James,
will leave for San Diego, Cal., on
Wednesday to spend the winter.
Miss Kathryn Walson of Chicago
is spending a few days here with rela
tives. Mr. and Mrs. J. Miller and grand
daughter left last Wednesday for
Pittsburgh, Pa., after a visit in Ben
son. The Benson Baptist Missionary
circle will meet Thursday at the home
of Mrs. J. Linder.
Mrs. Harry Ryan left Wednesday
for a week's visit with relatives in
Des Moines.
Miss Helen Jorgenson returned
home Monday evening from a week'a
visit in Red Oak, la.
The members and friends of the
Methodist church held a reception
Tuesday evening for Rev. Mr. Cal
vert at the home of Gorton Roth.
. Mrs. Joseph Dodgen of Seattle,
Mrs. A. W. Whistler of Council
Bluffs and Mrs. W. Hannah of Den
iiiMMMiimi) yyrwfyw
First Children's Class Saturday Afternoon. October 7th, 2;30 P. 1VP
-Class meets regularly Tuesday, 4 P. M. Saturday 2.30 P. M. Applications should be made early. Now
open. High school class, 13 to 17 years of age, every Saturday at 8 P. M. Adult Beginners every Monday
at 8 P. M. Adult advanced every Tuesday at 8 P. M. The latest and best ballroom dances taught In all
classes. Arrangements may be made for private lessons day or evening.
Harney 5143 ' 28th and Farnam Street
a Mil nmiJU
ver visited at the E. J. Whistler home
last Thursday.
Wash., spent the last week visiting at
the C. Stiger home.
Mrs. C. H. Stephens left last Tues
day for an extended trip to Salt Lake
City and San Diego, Cal.
Mr. and Mrs. James Walsh have
returned from Seattle, Wash., where
they spent the summer.
A "reunion" party was given last
week at the L. Van Cura home in
Omaha in honor of Miss Ethel Mor
gan,, who is visiting here from Cali
fornia and who formerlv lived here.
. The Methodist Sunday school board
met last Monday evening to elect
teachers and officers. Mrs. E. M.
Bowerman will succeed Mrs. M. Sear
son in the primary department as
Miss Maud Forney was hostess for
the Katherine chapter of the Guild
at a social meeting on Monday eve
ning. Mrs. J. L .Corbaley entertained at
dinner Sunday. Covert were laid tor
Miss A. Mayers of Seward, .Neb.:
Miss Julia Krissell of Lincoln and
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Simpson of Flor
ence. Social Affairs
of the South Side
Mr. and Mrs. A. Rasmussen have
as their guest Paul Smith and ion of
Randolph, Neb.
Mrs. M. E. Bailey is now recovered
from her recent illness. '
Mrs. P. A. Barrett and Mrs. Mer
rifield have returned from a week
spent in Fremont.'
Mrs. Leonard Link, formerly Miss
Clara Elster, is expected this week to
be a guest at the, home of Mr. and
Mrs. C. Christiansen. V'
Mrs. Albert Noe haa returned from
Yutan, Neb., where she was called
by the illness of her mother, Mrs.
Manly.' Williams. ,
Mrs. C M. Day has been called
home from her visit in Illinois by the
accident in which Dr. Day had nis
rm broken when his auto plunged
ff a bridge in Sarpy county. He
as been taken to his home from the
ospital and is doing nicely.
The Misses Martha and Christine
arsen have returned from Quamba,
if inn., where they spent the summer.
Miss Pauline Faulkner has re
turned home after a summer spent in
Miss Margaret Fitzgerald is ex
pected home from Ca)ilornia this
Mrs. William Berry goes to Has
tings the first of the week to attend
both the state suffrage convention and
the state convention of women's
Mrs. G. W. Copper is recovering
from her recent serious illness.
Mrs. William Greenway and daugh
ters of Fremont are guests of Mrs.
Virgil Smith.
J. W. Cartwright of Mt. Pleasant,
la., is the guest of Ray Casteel. Mr.
TO neglect
1 time in the destruction of your
youthful looks. Why grow old?
Nice, luxuriant hair is merely a
matter of car and cultivation. The ex
perience) of thousanda has proved the re
liability of NEWBRO'S HERPICIDE for
saving hair and and increasing its natural
beauty. The intelligent use of of HERPI
CIDE eradicates that annoying cause of
moat hair troubles, dandruff, and prevents
the hair from falling out
Hamad? tor Dandruff. ' It poaaaaaaa an axaufelta
fraamnoa, oontaina nosraaaa, doea notatain ordarkan
tba hair and U withal a daintar, dalia-htful hair-draaa-lac.
It Itopaltcbllifaljiioat Instantly.
AppBcaUona at the better barber shops,
(waranbied by The Herpicide Co.
SeM everywhere.
Cartwright is an exhibitor at the
National Swine show.
The Ladies' Aid society of the
United Presbyterian church was en
tertained on Thursday by Mesdames
Bruce McCulloch and Milton Smith
at the home of the former. Miss Es
ther Johnson gave a very interesting
talk on her work in the juvenile court.
Miss Lottie Schroeder entertained
her Bible study class on Tuesday
afternoon, when plans were made for
the winter.
Chapter M of the P. E. O. society
net Saturday afternoon at the home
Df Mrs. E. M. Rohrbrough in Dundee.
The Young Peopl's Christian En
'eavor of the West Side Interdenomi
national church were entertained at
he home of Mr. and Mrs. Garland
Vice on Fridav evening.
Mrs. Roy Dennis- is spending some
time in Detroit, Mich.
The Thursday Whist club was en
tertained this week by Mrs. C. A.
Cline. Three tables were placed for
-ards and prizes were won by. Mes
dames Routte and Saufclt.
. Mrs. J. Northrup will entertain the
Monday club this week at her home,
39'0 South Twenty-fourth street.
Miss Opal Hartman, who will be
married October 11 to Harry Swan
son, was given a surprise kitchen
shower on Wednesday by the girls
with whom she worked at Thompson
Belden. On Monday evening Miss
I uella Kalhorn will entertain at a
china shower in Miss Hartman
honor, when about fifteen guests will
be present.
A wedding of much local interest
took place Saturday, September 23,
when Miss Ann Robertson, a well
known South Side girl and former
public school teacher, and Ralph
Bragonier motored to Fremont and
-were married by Rev. Sisson of the
Methodist church at his residence.
They were accompanied by -Miss
Alice Virgia Davis and Miss Hazel
Camery. Mr. and Mrs. Bragonier will
make their home in South Omaha.
Miss Maragret Miskel and James
Grace, were married on Tuesday
morning at St. Mary's church by Fa
ther Mugan. Both are well known
to South Side young people and will
make their home here.
is Going On
in Society Circles
(OntlnmJ from r Two.)
resigned from the army some time
since and is engaged in business in
Pittsburgh, Pa., where he and his
bride will be at home after October
I at 1211 Beachview avenue.
urMlnar r.arti nf the Week.
Cards were received ' this week
from Captain and Mrs. William
Greenough Doane for the marriage
nf their daughter. Marsaret Eliza
beth Rustin, to Arthur Brandon How
ell on the afternoon of Thursday,
October S, at 2549 Dwight Way,
Captain Doane will be unable to
be present at the wedding, his tour
of duty at Schofield barracks, Hono
lulu, beinff lengthened by the con-
rlitinn nn the border. Miss Lois
Howell, sister of' the 'groom, left
Tuesdav of this week for Berkeley,
Mr.' Howell and his bride will be at
home here after December 1. .
Colonel and Mrs. James B. Er
win have issued cards for the mar
riage of their daughter. Henrietta,
and Archibald Bruce Tinning on the
evrnino- of . Wednesdav. October 11
at 4349 Westminister place, St. Louis,
Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Tinning will De
at home after November 1 at Mar
tinez, Cal. ,
Colonel Erwin is stationed with
hia regiment on the border, so the
wedding is taking place in St. Louis,
which is Mrs. Erwin's old home.
Miss Henrietta Erwin is the youngest
daughter and was only a school girl
when Colonel and Mrs. Erwin were
stationed in Omaha some years ago.
Childs-Hammond Engagement,
- Mr. and Mrs. William B. Ham
mond, 1609 North Front street, Har
risburg, Pa., announce the engage
ment of their daughter, Helen Good
win Hammond, to Charles Everard
Childs of Philadelphia.
' Miss Hammond was educated at
the Seller school and the Oldsfield
school of Glencoe, Md. Mr. Childs
is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Lowrie
Childs of Omaha, Neb., and is in the
employ of the Midvale Steel com-
your hair is to aid
pany. The date of the wedding has
not been announced.
Mr. and Mrs. Childs are at present
in the east, where the latter has spent
the summer at her mother's place at
H udson-on-the-H udson.
Russian Dancers' Program.
The Tuesday Morning ' Musical
club's series of concerts will open at
the Brandeis theater Wednesday even
ing, November 2, with an entertain
ment given by the Russian dancers,
Andreas Pavley and Serge Oukrain
sky, who will be assisted by : Miss
Margaret Jarman, dramatic contralto,
and a complete company and sympho
ny orchestra. ' This ballet is com
posed of the two principals, Pavley
and Oukrainsky, and seven young
woman dancers. The program will
consist of solo and ensemble dances,
toe dancing, Grecian and Oriental
Mr. and Mrs. Pardee Here,
Mr. and Mrs. John Herbert Pardee
of New Ydsk spent Monday and
Tuesday here, the latter on her way
to the Philippines to vist her daugh
ter, who is an army officer's wife at
Jolo. Mrs. Pardee was formerly Miss
Grace Perrine of this city and it is
over twenty years since she left Oma
ha. Mr. Pardee accompanied his wife
as far as Helena. She sails next
Thursday from Vancouver on the
same boat with J. H. Millard and Miss
Jessie Millard. Mr. and Mrs. Par
dee were, entertained a great deal by
old friends during their short stay.
Sorority Honors Bride-Elect. '
Omaha chapter of Alpha Phi so
rority gave a handkerchief shower
for Miss Mary McCague at the home
Office and
School Shoes
Lou) Comfort heels
and toes, sturdy leath
er for service, yet soft
and pliable for comfort
BUDD Prices Are Not
$2-50 Ar
$q:Mm - II?
It it the
Budd policy
to give you
It he benefit of
ii sm
the early -
Budd contract placed before the
spectacular raise in leather. Later
these shoes will cost more. .Now
y ou should prepare.
Lincoln, Nab.
Dtntn, Colo.,
Tabor Grand Block.
. Mail Orders Promptly Filled. , 5nof
"The House
Rooms With Detached Bath
One Person. $1 Up.
Two Persons, $1.50 Up.
Rooms With Private Bath
One Person. $1.50 Up.
Two Persons. $2.50 Up.
Cafe Prices Moderate
Cafeteria Prices.
Automatic Sprinklers. A. D. T. Patrol.
Complete Safety From Fire.
Management, Rome Miller
16th and Jackson Sts.
of Mrs. H. G. Masburg, Friday after
noon. Silver and bordeau, the so
rority colors, were used . in . the
decorations. Eleven guests ' were,
present, -'i
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Miss Adele Cullen, who has spent
the last two months in Chicago and.
Detroit, returned home Saturday,
morning. , 3 .
Mrs. Frances Artel! returned Sat
urday to Lincoln, after visiting her
daughter,' Mrs. C. E. Hunter.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Coles returned
Saturday from six weeks spent in the
east ' v . ... -"
- ;
Musical Note! $
Taa racular fait tann of tha rjlckarmaA.
Bohoot of Voloa, Acting and Expraaalon wllf
open Ootobar t. Harry poran. who grado
atad from tha aohool tn ltot. haa tan an
rased ae aaelitant director of tha draJf.
matle department Seven years of prefea .
elonal work have liven Mr. Doran eiperv
enoe In the portrayal of a wide range oC .
parte. Mildred Stepp, eoprano. will aleo dw
aae.etant work In the vocal department.
There will be evening dramatic o!aesa
Wedneaday and Saturday .avenlnga of eactt'
week, with makeup claaeea on Tueaday even-f ;
Intra. Mr. Dlckerman will alio oonduct a
Monday evening claaa tn expreaaton, tlie '
memberehlp- of which will ha limited. Tha'
course of study will Include voice plactng ,
building, general technic of the speaking?
voice and melody In speech. Tha newlv;
remodeled quartera In the Arlington bloch-
1(11 Dodge street, with its "Little Thea-
ter," have proven especially desirable for.
monthly recitals and the pupils' ooncsr$
series, as well aa tha playa by tha dramatla
classes. i . . ' . , -.
(Additional society news wilt be found aa
page IS of tha Mala News section of tola,
L 1 'HMU-,
&3f M:
Black fun talf name),
' Una cloth upper, lot
httl, button boot 92.50
4fo In erome potent, button,
In patent- lac, ' all leather,
with white rubber sof. t3.Ofl
In gun calf, lace, all leathers,
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Omaha, Neb.
2d Floor Kote Btdg. i
to Near ft Stot. I Prepay t ostagi,
of Courtesy"
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Jk . Csa!