6 A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 24, 1916. LODGE ROOM NEWS OF GREATER OMAHA rythian Knights Prepare to " Work In Two Dep-eei Mon day Evening;. ACTIVITY IN ALL LODGES Harmony council So. 1480 of the KnighU of Pythiat will hold regular weekly meeting Monday eve ring at 8 o'clock in Myrtle hall. There probably will be work in the first or second rink. Light luncheon will be served following the meeting. Grand Chancellor Ben A. Ander son, member of No. 1, reports that the lodges throughout the state are in fine condition. He expects to go to Wayne this week on lodge busi ness. He is planning a visit to all the lodges in hit domain this fall. Mr. Drift of No. 1 wishes to extend iiis thanks to all Knights for their generous key offering of the last few weeks. Mr. Taylor went to the Platte last Sunday on a fishing expedition. He reports his catch as one frog and one bushel of potatoes. KnighU of Security. Knights and Ladies of Security, Harmony council. No. 1480, will hold installation of officers Wednesday evening at Seventeenth and Howard streets. Oak council, No. 1332, will give a dance Friday evening in Moose hall. Fraternal Aid Union. Mondamin lodge, No. Ill, Fraternal Aid Union, gives a dance October 27 and will hold an open meeting Octo ber 13 in Labor Temple hall. Order of Scottish Clans. Clan Gordon, No. 63, Order Scot tish Clans, met last Tuesday and one new member was added to the roll. One application was handed in. After business a pleasant hour was ipent with tongs and stories. A good pro gram it promised for October 3. ,- Woodmen of tht World. Coraenius camp, No. 76, will meet Saturday evening in Meti hall, Thir teenth and William streets. Vac Vomoea, the clerk and deputy, has promised an evening's entertainment. South Omaha, camp, No. 211, will meet Tuesday evening in Woodmen of the World hall, Twenty-fifth and M streets, for initiation. An enjoyable entertainment wat given by Druid camp and Welcome grove latt Monday evening in Druid nail, A tpecial program wat given by the grove, in which many of the women took part. It wat followed by dancing and at the close refreshments were terved. The regular meeting of Zitkuv Dab, Ko. 115, wilt be held Sunday next in Turner hall, Twenty-firtt and U streett. These meetingi are neigh borhood gatherings to djtcutt cur rent events. . I'aderewski camp. No. 522, it mak ing rapid strides along the linet of incretsed membership. It promises to be the leading Polish camp of the citr. ,'.. Tile new camp recently organized :imong the residents in the neighbor hood of Benton and north of Krug park is making great progress. More than thirty new members have been : secured, vith many more in light. It it organised on the plan of a social settlement organization and ia prov ing very popular. Druid camp. No. 24, will meet Mon day evening in Druid halt. Twenty fourth and Amet avenue, for the pur pote of conferring the protection de gree. Omaha Seymour camp, No, IS, meett Tuesday evening in Woodmen of the World ball. Crounte block, op posite the postoffiee. The change of date of meeting from Monday to Tuesday hat proved popular. Alpha camp. No. 1, will give an ath letic entertainment on Tuesday eve ning for members and invited guests. Refreshments wilt be served. American Yeomen. Lett Wednesday evening Omaha Homestead 1404, Brotherhood Amer ican Yeomen, initiated candidates. It wat decided to hold the Yeomen chil dren's festival Wednesday, October 25. This entertainment will be free to the public and any child may par ticipate in the exerciset. Wednesday evening Omaha lodge will give the next dance of the winter tenea in itt hall in I-abor Temple. Tribe of Ben Hur. A number of the supreme officer! of the Tribe of Ben Hur will be en tertained at a banquet at the Hotel Rome at 6:30 o'clock next Thursday evening. After the banquet there will be a class of candidatei initiated in the hall. Speakers will be preaent. Slaty-fifth Anniversary. Belle Rebekah lodge of Benton cele brated the aixtyJifth birthday anni versary last Friday evening after ita regular session, with a musical pro gram and refreshments. Woodmen Circle. Alpha grove, No. 2, Woodmen Cir cle, meets the second and fourth Tuesday evening of each month. Members are invited to the next meet ing for a social time and refresh ments. Grain Men Leave for The Baltimore Convention " ). B, Swearingen, J. A. Linderholm, T, W. Holmquist, Frank Brown and Ed P. Peck, all of the Omaha Grain exchange, left last night for Balti : more, where next week they will at tend the annual meeting of the Na tional - Grain Dealers' association. The Omaha exchange is member af this association. Wyoming Guard is Enroute To the Mexican Border Th Wyoming National Guard it being moved to the Texat border, the destination being a tecret, to far at the railroad people are concerned. On . two special trains over the Union Pa cific the citizen soldiers are enroute : t'rom Cheyenne. The train consists of 500 men and their itnpedamentia. hlM Mm. T'i Dr. BH' PM.-Tar-llo.ey Ur that haektat ftlrhl flouf hi tt atop. Ik. oeuth and ,-ot up. I6. . All eruvfffetN. -Adv. - Methodists Will Honor Coming of Bishop H, C. Stuntz Bishop Homer C. Stunt, of the Omaha Methodist diocese will be the guest in this city Thursday evening at a reception held in his honor at the First Methodist church. Dr. U. G. Brown, who has ju?t been reappointed superintendent of the Omaha district, will act as chairman. The receiving committee has pre pared the following program; Prelude by ortran. Hymn, "Come Thou Fount." X'rayer, Rev. C, N. l)won, V. D. Address, T. W. Jeffrey, It. D pastor St. Paul's church, Lincoln. Anthem, "Flight Wide the Oatea," Stalner. Flret church choir, directed by Prof. J. E. Carnal; Ulna Nora NeaU onanist. Address, A. F. Siryker. Address, J. F. Poucher. Anthem, "O Tante and Bee," John Oosa. Response), Bishop Homer C. Stunts Bonf, "Blest Be the Tie." Reception, E. D. Hull, D. D., chairman. Husband Burns His N Socks in Platter, Wife Asks Divorce Because he placed his socks in al cohol in a platter, touched a match to them and later accused hit wife with serving him food from the dirty dish, Hattie V. Hayden, wife of a druggist at 3002 North Twenty-fourth street, has filed a fiery petition asking di vorce and a division of the property. Hayden is now in the county jail charged with drunkenness after spending some time in a sanitarium at Lincoln. The couple was married at Stanton, Neb., May 1, 1902, and three children have been born. The wife alleges that he has a valuable drug store and that his pertonal property should be divided with her, She all-) asks the custody of the three children. Two Boys Sentenced To Sunday School For Auto Thefts Continuation of taking the joy out of the livet of boisterous boyt at pun ishment looking to their change of heart, wat pursued by Juvenile Judge Leslie when .Russell Burton and Ron nelly Lemon, charged with stealing an automobile, were sentenced to at tend Sunday tchool regularly, keep up their atudiea at tchool, report to their parenti before 8 o'clock every night, break up the gang of which they have been membert by thunning former companions and refrain from smok ing cigarettes. On promise of the boys to follow the dictates of the judge they were saved from the state indus trial school and paroled to their par ents under suspended sentence. City Loses Part of Old Market Street Dr. Harold Gifford and the Hyde Investment company have won k vic tory over the city of Omaha fn the legal tangle involving a portion of the old Market street at Twentieth and Farnam, according to the de cision handed down Saturday morn ing by iJistriel Judge Day. The de cree holds that Dr. Gifford hat been recognized as the owner of the valu able property for more than thirty years and that the city has no legal claim. He enjoins city officials from molesting the title and forbids further annoyance to owners. Lovelace Says Price of Land in Wyoming Goes Up R. V. Loveland, connected with the land department of the Burling ton, Is back from Wyoming, where he ! attended half a dozen of the county fairs. He asserts that Wyoming it on the top wave of prosperity and that into the state there has never been such a rush of land seekers as now. i "All through the central portion. of' Wyoming, where agricultural pur suit! art carried on. farmers have raised enormous cropt and top prices have been received for the products. Land is advancing in price and gov ernment land everywhere it being filed upon." Pedestrians May Be Asked To Wear License Number State licentet and numbers for pe destrians it the lateat proposed legis lation offered for the consideration of the city commissioners.' The promoteri of thlt peripatetic propaganda are keeping their iden tity cleverly ob.cured, but their ac tivitiet are none the less evident. The plan is to require pedestrians to carry license numbers on back and chest, so thai when they get in the way of an automobile the motor ist may get the number and report the careless earth-being. RUPTURE EXPERT HERE iUr, Who 'Has SupplUd U. S. Arny and Navy, Raeallad to Omaha. F. H. Seeley of Chicago and Phila delphia, the noted trust expert, will again be at the Paxton Hotel and will remain in Omaha thlt Monday and Tuesday only, September 26 and 26. Mr. Seeley aaya: "The Spermatic Shield aa aupplied to the United Statea Government will not only re tain any cam of rupture perfectly, but contract the opening in 10 days on the average ease. This instru ment received the only award in Eng land and in Spain, producing results without surgery, injections, medical treatments or prescriptions.' Mr. Seeley hat documents from the United States Government, Wash ington, D. C, for intpeetion. All charity cases without charge, .or it any interested call, he will be glad ti show same without charge or fit them if desired. Business demanda prevent stopping at any other place i in this section. P. 8. Ewy .taLn.at ia this ad. 1 Trtii.m.at baa bma verified before the Fadoral aad Stat. Courts. F. H Sooloy. LANSING AND BAKER DISCUSSVILLA RAID General Scott Says Ho Has No Reason to Question Report of General Bell. MEXICAN REPORT NOT IN Washington, Sept. 23. Secretaries Lansing and Baker today discussed various phases of Mexican affairs, in cluding the renewed activity of Villa and the possibility of his again be coming a military factor. While awaiting official versions from the C . .1.. - 1. iarranza government oi tne iigni at Chihuahua City a week ago, officials said the report of Brigadier General Bell at El Paso was the most reliable yet received. "I believe Villa is alive," said Ma jor General Scott, chief of staff. "We have had numerous reports of cir cumstance corroborating such belief." General Scott said he would not ask General Bell the source of his in formation regarding the Chihuahua City fighting and that he had no rea son to believe it was not reliable. Dr, Cutter's Mother Dies at Lincoln Mrs. Fannie A. Cutter, aged 71, wid ow of the late Charles H. Cutter, died Friday night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. L. E. Mumford, in Lincoln. She is survived by three tit ters, all living in New England; one brother, W. H. Prescott of Lincoln; one daughter, Mrs. L. E. Mumford of Lincoln, and one son, Dr. Irving S. Cutter of Omaha, dean of the Uni versity of Nebraska college of Medi cine. Mrs. Cutter was born and reared in New Hampshire. In 1882 she came to Lincoln with her family. The funeral is to be held at 2:30 this afternoon from the Mumford residence, Thirty-seventh street and Sheridan boulevard, Lincoln. Oklahoma Postmaster Gets First Recruit Washington, ' Sept. 23. The first rewards of $5 for regular army re cruits secured by postmasters under the new national defense act, the War department announced today, have been paid to Postmasters William J. O'Donley, Utica, Okla., and Joseph M. Sitman, Greensburg, La. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Success. One Boy to Detention And Another Paroled Failure of his parents to appear in his defense sent 10-year-old Dan O'Connor to the Riverview detention home when he appeared in juvenile court charged with truancy. Dan has refused to attend school and was tak en in charge by Truant Officers Car ver and MacAuley. On promise of L-roy Taylor and pledges of his mother that the lad will be forced to attend .he Park school he was paroled. Mil Tfack rfTnhU Water" "The World's Best Table Water" TOME SWEET TOME "Heme. Sweet Home" Is la all rebabUltles ssaaUad's nest familiar ane Bopaiar meteor becaate It dealt with -Home the shrine at which we all warship, All banaalty answers to the wholesome appeal of a real kerne which It the very eoraerstoae of civilisation Itself. These days year home need not he "even to humble" as la the o. m r wi jntata- Ton can hare for the mere ask ing at beautifully famished a home as yon wish Hartmaa will show yoa the way. And If you add to your home so wonderful and versa tile a musical instrument as the Columbia firafonola" yon have In deed a real home; Its benefits are great Its cost Is small, Investi gate what the world's greatest home furnishing organization has to offer. 0V ' 1 ' ' "ii" , , ,, 1 Special Easy Monthly Payments Gladly Arranged on Any Purchase If Desired COLONIAL DESIGN CHIFFEROBffl Circassian walnut finish, roomy wardrobe section, 6 large and roomy drawers, wood drawer pulls to match, massive colonial : scrolls, French bevel plate mirror, sliding coat and trouaer hangers In ward rone. Hpeciai price i Tor tnis wceK, only ere in w,ra $24.50 MAGNIFICENTLY Correctly finishd fumed, A 64-INCH BUFFET 5 roomy drawers and 2 cup boards, S French bevel plate mirrors, all drawers fitted with elegant braas $24.75 DESIGNED ADAM PERIOD SOLID OAK DINING BOOM SUITES offered specially for this week at the following low prices: A 48-INCH TABLE that extends to ( feet, made with tapering legB, dainty period carvings, legs fitted with brass caps, a mar velous value, at $18.25 A N ATTRACTIVE 44 INCH WIDE CHINA CLOSET Adjustable shelves and elegant grill work ornamentations, a very artistic (A I design, only. J FULL QUARTER-SAWED BOX SEAT DINING CHAIRS Genuine Span ish leather upholstering, full slip seat, 3-slat back, heavy legs, . 1001 Other Big Bargains. mm- AN ATTRACTIVELY DESIGNED BANDED SATIN BRASS BED Made with heavy 1-inch potts and 10 heavy 1-inch pillars, trimmed with broad Co lonial caps, attractive mounts, full also only; specially priced for thlt week only or until the quen- 01O fl" price, vauiww tity ' thlt price. AS EXCi..iNOl.T ATTRACT! i - co lonial P.rlod 41-tnch Top Library Tbl Built or a.ltta Am.rlc.n auirtor-aaw.a Imitation oak, flalih.4 arold.n, has two h.vy sctatton pillars, top fitt.d With licrit ar.w.r, wall mad. and tronrlv con- (() OA tructid, an ioeptlont SO. Oaf v.lu.. at v A SOLID OAK WWTtNr rESK MM. ! HlKt. wood, a snuln. qurtt Mwd oak front, flnlah fumd or sold. h nntf, handy dk ooni p.rtm.Bt. lore dr.w.i and roomy comptrtmtr mtd with t Utt.r nv juit th. thins ror ti.m. .( nc. WQTK, otdally yrlood We Carry a Complete Slock ol the World-Famous "Columbia Grafonola" In Every Size and Style-Prices Ranglnj from $15.00 to 350 COLUMBIA NO. IS In ton., Quality and construction I. In .very way a Columbia, which m.ana that except tor It. .la. It la a. high grade an Inatrum.nt as a costlier model, ha. non-vibrant motor, quarter golden oak oabln.t, metal parts heavily nlckle plated, (tl.tO M m AA per month), for tOlO.UU only , wwwr JIO MONEY DOWN IF YOU BCY rOVH RECORDS FOB CASH. A "Columbia" makes your home twice as interesting as it was before. It adds the irresistible charm of music to the comfortable coziness of your rooms, it makes a fascinating, interesting and versatile entertainer. There are very few possessions which will be enjoyed by all the family as much as the "Colum bia Grafalona." It places at your tttstant disposal all the music or the world operas, popular, band and orchestra and the world's greatest vocal and Instrumental soloists, music like this devel ops the best In children, its ed ucational value Is not to be over looked. Taken In all, the "Colum bia" Is an Instrument no real home ahould be without. FRtE Lally Concerts w crry a compltU tock of Columbia doubt d!c records from Ko tarn and up, tho vary Utost rocordi aro now on hand, you aro cordially Invited to drop in and hear them. mil FT We 111 oat rate here our COLUMBIA NO. 71, a marveloue Instrument In every way, beautiful mahoffany, aatln walnut or quartered oak can, non-vibrant motor, playe 4 recorda with 1 winding, case holda 78 recorda. has wonderful tone control adjustment, 300 assorted needles, 4 needle cups, etc, price $75.00 A.aa CASH, ttVaa A MONTH. ANITA RT PORCELAIN SLIDING TOP KITCHBN CABINET Mads with a new sliding roll front door and quipped with large cake and bread box, silverware drawers, kneading board, etc, entire top white enamel lined. Entire cabinet made of selected olid oak, wax finish, complete with Individual aiass swlnclne sugar con tainer ana run set or glass spies Jars, very special at oniy $25.75 Hartman't I 1 ft Prlca i 1 11! First. I I J! MASSTVTS 1-INCH CONTINUOUS POST STEEL, BED Fitted with t heavy 2-Inch pillars and 1-Inch cross rods, beautifully vnameira in v.rnt. aiarun, all site.. mo.i unuiusi raiu. in a m.tal bed that la fully worth doubl. our low prlca of Catalog Mailed Frte to Out-of-Tcum J rode $9.48 KM SH7. 4 OIL V f . -AaBwtftflBW ar csr-awMawET' -tw 3 p - i j- ilSrl LBT HAKTMAN -'FUAIHER . fhm( all i BEAUTIFUIXT MADE AND ARTISTICALLY DESIGNED LIBRARY SUITE lsi 111 (', lirkl)M S Three extra large pieces, built entirely ot solid oak, finished fumed, chair I H iitmn SOLID COMPORT RECLINING BACK PLATFORM ROCKER Offered In solid oak and finished golden, back and .eat are upholstered In guaranteed Imitation leather, steel aprlng- construction below seat, complete with sliding foot re.t a. shown In Illustration, back can be ad justed without leaving seat, O MB a most comfortable piece of nrl4l furniture, only JU HANDSOME COLONIAL DRESSER Base has lull swell front, heavy plank top, 42 inches wide, French bevel plate mirror measures 24x28 Inches, Circasston walnut flu sh, offered for this week for only $17.75 THE WORLD'S RENOWN COLE'S COMBINATION HEAT ER AND RANGE Will bake, cook and heat at the same time with one tire, saves the cost of two stoves, saves the expenae ot keeping two Area, only one fire to build each winter, Holda fire and cooks breakfast with last night's fuel, perfect baking In large unitary oven, if you are looking for value here It la. Introductory aale price only sj e. (wk. n ee . V BEAUTIFUIXT MADE AND ARTISTICALLY DESIGNED LIBRARY SUITE Three extra large pieces, built entirely of solid oak, finished fumed, chair and rocker upholstered In guaranteed Imitation Spanish leather, steel spring construction below seat, table measures 3mi inches, ntted with stationery drawer and handy bookshelf end, entire three pieces at, only fl 60 Csn; $1.50 a Moth $15.98 t nere u $31.50 a M ERICA'S 6IUATEST H0H1 Fl'KXISHEBA ffiKDUflS l.ti4 -.16 - IS DOUGLAS ST. OUR NEWLY DESIGNED AND ELABORATELY N I C K L E TRIMMED BASEBURNER Made with large size firepot, heavy duplex grate and a great economizer of fuel, the nickle parts are unusually plain, doing away with the unnecessary or namentations, a heater that wi) add to the beauty ot any home, our troductory price. .. S.1.M rfc. M.M Mak I- $35.0,