Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 24, 1916, SOCIETY, Image 18

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is Going On
in Society Circles .
Columbus Clnb.
The Columbui club entertained at a
dancing party Thursday evening at
Hanscom park pavilion. The follow
ing were present:
llieafe MtWM
Sarah Oleon. Betty Hoffman.
Mattia Farmer, Marie Rnllly,
Ir.aa O Nelli, Margaret Nofaii.
Clara Tracy.. Ruth Uentlemau.
Tree. Morlarity, Irene Kinny.
Margaret Ball, Ul..n O'BrK-n.
Mary Keller. Catherine Donatio.,
Ann Metier, ISdlth Huitln.
Meesra Mewn
O. J. Aumin. .1. Hutmnka.
C. J. MiHonald. 1'. B. Nail.
B. J.Rellly. V, J. Colllna.
kfairln Holbrook Oearge Keyeor,
H. J. OLon, J. J. McCarthy.
P. K ft.r.mlnke, .1. E. rilapalrlck.
P. C. Kelly, w. A. Lviry.
r. J, Wallace. .
't Happy HoUi
Mr. and Mrs. i
tertained at dim
Hoilow Club.
Clifford F. Welter cn-
. dinner at Hauov Hollow '
club last evening, their guests were: I
aaeeaie. ana Meeaamea
Uobert Dempeter, U H, Wallace.
J, w. Wlckeraham, Ufa, Allen.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Walrath gave a
dinner party at tne club last evening.
Decorations were in asters. Covers
were laid for:
Meaara. and Meadamee
il. H. Howland. H. I. Adam.
' 51. Dowllns. B. V. Hherwood.
Mra. A. L). Havana of Alklnaon. Neb.
Ulaa Craneton of Vermont.
Mr. Pred B. Walrath.
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Sherman gave
a large dinner party at the club last
evening, jneir guests were:
Meeeera. and' Meedamea ' ' -
Charlea O. MeDonalUC. B. Moaer.
A. W. Carpenter, B. O. Hamilton,
T. J. Jumper, John W. Robblne.
Mliiea , . . .
Ruth Carpenter, ... Dorothy Bharmen.
Callle HcConnell, Katherlne
Mra. Kuherla. LeBarL
At the Field Club.
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Morrill enter,
tained at dinner at the Field club last
evening. Autumn flowers made an at
tractive table decoration. Those pres
ent were: - ,
Meeera. and Maadamea
K J. Harrington W.H.Murray,
H. H. Flab. , H. O, Krana.
Mra. Thomas Kelly of Baa rranal.ea.
Ulaa Blale Van Camp, at. Thomaa, N. D.
Mrs. John Harvey entertained I
party of eight at the Saturday even,
ing dinner dance.
Dming with H. S. Mann was a
party ot six, and with Mrs. G, H.
rraii, lour.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Wahl had
twenty guests and Mr. and Mrs., T.
n, uieman had a party of ten.
At th Country Club. ' .' '
Miss Esther Wilhelm entertained a
party of eight at the Saturday evening
uinncr-aance lor miss cieanor Kock-hill.-
Mr. and Mrs. Tames Love Pa xtnn
entertained at dinner at the club last
evening, i heir guests were:
Meedamea Meedamea
w. K. Allen, Ellaabeth Blahop.
Mlaaea Mlaeee
Marjorfe CaverS, Welah.
Mr. J. A. Cavera.
Other dinner parties were with: R.
F. Anglin, four; John W. Redick, six;
B. A. Smythe, eight; F. H. -Gaines,
four. - ...v .- .- ,1 .....
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. C, Johnson had
a party of fifteen; General George H.
Harries had ten eurata: Mr mri Mra
A. J. Cooley had ten in their, party!'
..... u rata. JUIUI .AlClllOp, JT Ol
Council. Bluffs had fourteen guests,
and Mr. Cedric Potter had six guests
in honor of Miss Marguerite Colcord,
who is the guest at the D. C. Patter
son home. ,
;.'-"' '-i i'-'f I I MA! 1
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IjOWSE Kellogg Iemo
At Carter Lake Club. ' '
A large carnival en masque will be
the feature of the closing dance at
Carter Lake club Saturday evening.
No one will be. pcrmitte"d on the
dance floor from 8;30 until 9 o'clock
unless masked. Prizes are being of-
tor me most novel costumes.. "
The .Women's Bowling club met
Friday at the club. Mrs. L. P. Hee
ney won high score. ....... V ,. ,
Asteroid Club. . 1 , ',
The newly-organiied Asteroid club,
composed of members of the Eighth
grade of Park school, met Thurs
day, afternoon at the home of Miss
Ruth Stuben. Plans were made for
weekly meetings at which musical dis
cussions and kensington work will oc
cupy the time. Officers elected were
Miss Anna Craig, president; Miss
Ruth Stuben, vice president, and Ethel
Beech, secretary. In addition to the
officers those present were:
Mlaaea Mlaaea . . f
Orethol Buoher, Irene lianas.
Evelyn Vosel.
Caldwell-Vinsonhaler Wedding."
Tuesday.November 14, has been
chosen for the marriage of Miss Is
abel Vinsonhaler and John Caldwell,
tnus adding one more to the interest
ing weddings of the autumn.
Miss Vinsonhaler graduated from
Dana Hall a year ago last summer
and made her debut in November of
that year, while Mr. Caldwell, who is
the oldest son of the late banker,
Victor Caldwell, and Mrs. Caldwell,
finished his law course at Yale in
April, 1915.
The wedding is to take place at
All Saints church in the evening and
will be followed by a small reception
at the Vinsonhaler home on Harney
street. Mr. Caldwell has taken one
of the apartments in the new Ade
laide apartment on west Dodge street
for his bride and it will be ready for
them upon their return from the wed
ding trip. ,
Trips to the Orient.
Senator J. H. Millard, accompanied
by his dauKhter. Miss lessie Millard.
and his grandson.' Willard Millard.
leave here this week for Vancouver
to sail October S , on the "Empress
v. ..ufl.i- IVI I " W 1(119' II IJJ IU
China, Japan and the Philippines. Mr.
miiiara ana miss niiiiara nave aiwavs
made it a, rule to take a trip to Eu
rope every year or so, but this will
be their first vovaae over the Pa
cific . Willard Millard's brothers, Jo-
senn ana Kay, made Hie trio to Ja
pan mis last summer. 1
Mr. and Mrs. G, VV. 'Megcath; and
Miss Mary Megeath and H. G. Tor-
dan are due to land in San Francisco
Monday from Honolulu, on the "Mat-
soma, and will reach (Jmaha the end
of the week, ,
Residence Changes.
Mrs. Joseph R. Lehmer gives up
her apartment at the Hamilton the
first of October to go to the Black'
Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Hull this week
sold their home on Harney street and
leave Friday for three weeks in
New York. Upon their return they
will probably live at the Blackstone.
Mr. and Mrs., D. C Stapleton gave
up possession, ot their home on M.
Mary's avenue Monday and are at
tne ronteneue until their departure
for Washington, October 1.,
Mrs. Herman Kountze expects to
give up her home , to Mr. and Mrs.
C. B. Keller this week and will be at
the Colonial until her departure for
the east. Her daughter, Mrs. Magee,
will be with Mr. "and Mrs. Howard
Baldrige for a few weeks.'
Penfleld-Bacon Wedding.
Attendants at the Penfietd-Bacon
wedding will be Miss Harriet Smith,
Miss Margaret Greer Baum and Miss
Anne Gilford.. Little Miss lane
Stewart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.
T. Stewart, 2d, and Jean ; Redick,
daughter of Mr, and Mrs, George
Kcdick, are to be. the flower girls,
while Master Jamie McMullen will be
tne ring bearer.
Tohn Barrett of Waehinctnn. heaH
of the Pan-American union, who was
to have been one of Mr. Penfield'i
attendants, was called to Europe un
expectedly last week, and Charles
Hamilton, another of the ushers, will
not be back from his border service
by that time. As far as the men are
concerned, therefore, the wedding
party is not yet entirely complete.
Mr. Penfield arrives the morninir of
the Ak-Sar-Ben ball, and that evening
wtiss narnct mitn gives a dinner at
tfts Umaha club, preceding the ball,
for the wedding party. After the
ball they will be Miss Gifford's euests
at supper at the Omaha club, Sat
urday" evening, following the Vail-
jaquitn wedding and the mask ball,
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Bacon will en
tertain at the Fontenelle. and San
fay evening Miss Baum irives a din
ner at the liotel for Miss Bacon and
Mr.' Penfield.
Among the Washington guests in
vited to the wedding are Vice Presi
dent and Mrs, Marshall, and there is
a possibility of their being able to
ancna,wice uctober y is the date
Set for tire vice orestHenf'a innnr.
ance in pmalia. to speak at the Audi
Bridge for Miss Torrance. : .
Mrs. U. C. Bradford entertained
informally at bridge Wednesday
afternoon for Miss Kathryn Torrance
of . Los Angeles, guest of' Mrs.
C. t. MeU. The olavers were
miss J orrance, Mrs. C. E. Metz,
Mrs. A. V. Kinsler, Mrs. Edwin
Swobe. Mrs. T. . F. KenneHv. Mr
Will Schnorr, Mrs. Eva Wallace, Miss
Clare : Helene Woodard and Miss
aiane woodard.
Wedding Guests to Arrive.
i Miss Lucile Green of Indianapolis
and Miss Alice Roberts of Cleveland,
who will he attenrlanta it tit B:i
jasmin wcuaing uciooer , are ex
pected tne middle of this week to be
the guests of Miss Alice Jaquith. Miss
Green visited here last year. Enter
tainments for the bride-to-be are helH
awaiting the arrival of the two out-of-town
Mr. EllSS Vail, the brideirrnnm ar.
rives from Poughkeepsie, N. Y Octo
,rer'i .Hl mother and sister, Mrs.
Vail and Mrs. James Harrino-tnn are
coming for the wedding and will ar
rive two or inree days before. ,
enty-five couples present. The ensem
ble or "circle" dances met with a par
ticularly joyous reception.
Arrangements are being made for a
series ot special teature parties dur
ing the season, including the usual
Halloween, New Years, Washington's
birthday and St. Patrick's day parties,
as well as other novel affairs, which
will be announced at the proper time.
Betrothal Announcements.
Mr. and Mrs. P. H. McMahon an
nounce the encatrrmrnf nf their
daughter, Anna Patricia, to Mr. John
v-narics i-unningnam, the wedding to
take place the middle of October.
Mrs. Julia Lrowley announces the
engagement of her daughter, Cather
ine, to Mr. Burt Edmond Shaffer inn
f Prof, and Mrs. J. A. Shaffer, Glen
Rock, Pa. The wedding will take
place in Buffalo, N. Y., October 4,
Guests for Ak-Sar-Ben.
Miss Gertrude Hull of Salina, Kan.,
will spend the week of the Ak-Sar-Ben
ball with Mr. and Mrs. N. H.
Miss Fanny Schibsby of Minne
apolis arrives next Saturday to be
with Judge and Mrs. William A.
Redick for Ak-Sar-Ben week.
Miss Cecile Andrews of St. Paul,
Minn., will arrive soon to be the guest
of Miss Lula Houck. She will be one
of the out-of-town maids at the Ak-Sar-Ben
ball. ' .
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Kountze
are expecting as their guests for the
Ak-Sar-Ben ball, Mr. and Mrs. W. R.
sweatt and Mr. and Mrs. Wirt Wil.
son of Minneapolis.
Miss Helen Clarke will h ave at
her guests durins: the Alt.Sar.Ben
festivities Miss Louise Lewis of De
Kalb, III., and Miss Marion Thnmn-
son of Minneapolis, who visited her
this summer. In their honor Miss
Clarke will give a luncheon at the
Omaha club Tuesday, October 3.
Percival-Hamilton Wedding.
A children's romance will, have it
culmination in the marriara nf Xtica
Jean Hamilton and Rev, George Al
den Percival, former Omaha young
people, Saturday, September 30, at the
nome ot tne brides parents, Mr, and!
Mrs. j. n. Mammon in feoria, III.
Miss Hamilton and Rev. Mr. P errt-
val, who is the son of W. D. Pereival
of The Bee editorial staff, graduated
from the Lake school, Central High
and the University; of Nebraska in
the same classes. Miss Hamilton then
did post graduate work at Northwest
ern university, while Mr. Percival was
graduated from Auburn, and this
spring was called to the nastnrate nf
the First Presbyterian church at Cape
Vincent, N. Y., where the young
couple will make their home. Mr. and
Mrs. Percival, the bridegroom's Bar
ents, and his aunt, Miss Eva Beach of
umana, will attend the wedding.
Jf'ss. AnneBtoicky
Photo by Rlnehardt & Steffena.
futt and Miss Virginia Offutt and
Miss Martha Folda also expect to
be most ot the winter.
Doyle-Lewis Wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Lewis an
nounce the wedding of their daughter,
Louise Kellogg Lewis, to Mr. J. Wal-
ter Doyle will take place Monday eve
ning at 7:J o clock. , the younp
couple will leave for a short trip east
and will be at home at 3010 Dewey
avenue after October IS.
Friday Night Dancin Cluh
The Friday Night Dancin? rlnl,
gave its second weeklv
cvcu...g mi utuiq nan, witn about sev-
ftotcs of the School Set.
Channing Jordan returns to school
at Fairibault, Minn., Monday for
his senior year.
Miss Marie Riley leaves next week
for New York to take a course at
Columbia university.
Miss Anne Blotcky will leave Sat
urday to enter the Ward-Belmont
school at Nashville, Tenn.
Denman Kountze has returned to
school in Cleveland, where he at
tends the University school.
James Reynolds left Wednesday
afternoon for Lafayette college at
tasyon, fa., where he will begin
course in chemical engineering.
White of Berkeley and Miss Ruth
Harrison of San Francisco. The wed
ling will be a small affair with a re--eption
for about 100 guests following.
Winter Cruise to Panama.
Mrs. Howard Baldrige has received
in invitation from her brother-in-law
nd her sister, Colonel and Mrs. Ben
Garland, the former an official of the
United Fruit company, to accompany
'hem on their yacht in January for
a ninety days' cruise in southern wa
'ers, touching at many interesting
ports where Colonel Garland's wide
acquaintance will mean many social
entertainments for him and his party.
3tork Special.
News comes from Toledo, O., of
the birth of a daughter, Alice, to Mr.
and Mrs. Clement Edwards Chase
Wednesday evening.
Social Affairs Planned.
Thomas Sievers of Gothenburg, Neb.,
and Miss Marguerite Scoutt.
Mr. and Mrs. Sievers will be at
home after October 15 at Iliff. Mr.
Sievers is a graduate of the Creighton
School of Pharmacy.
Personal Mention.
Mrs. J. F. Dale has returned from
Kankakee, where she was called a
month ago by the illnes of her
mother. "
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Eckman-and
Mr. J. Clarke Coit of Omaha are
guests of the Elms hotel, Excelsior
Springs, Mo.
Marv. the little daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Denise Barkalow, is in the
Clarkson hospital, where she is re
covering from an operation on Friday
of last week.
Miss Lora Power, daughter of ex-
Sheriff John Power, who has been
spending the summer with Miss May
Sullivan at Lone Beach. Lai., returned
to the city yesterday.
Mr. and .Mrs. Warren Switzler ar-
vi -c r.n o.a;. :..A. A i u
eon Monday at the Country club for i"dJ'ome- Vd"e sda." evening from
miss h.atnryn lorrance, guest oli, . 7. . i . -
Mrs. C. E. Metz 1 ' sunereu a severe sprain or
Mrs. Oseood Eastman will enter- " a.nK,: .a ,ew weeks ago, is still .on
tain at bridge Saturday afternoon for
Miss Lucile Bacon.
Besides the large bridee luncheon
at the Fontenelle planned by Miss
uertruae Metz tor her guests, the
Misses Norma and Harriet Mack of
Buffalo, on October 4, Mr. Philip
Metz and his sister have invited about
thirty for supper at the Omaha club
after the Ak-Sar-Ben ball. The Mon
day following Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Metz onen their beautiful new home
for a dance in honor of the Misses
crutches, but is improving.
Mr. George B. Hoover and daugh
ter, Miss Elizabeth, of Gadsby, Can
ada, who have been spending seven
months touring the United States, left
for their home Saturday morning after
spending two weeks with Mr. and
Mrs. T. L. Combs.
To Winter in New York.
Miss Mildred Roirers leavea Tnee.
day for two weeks in Chicago, visit
ing Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian Hinton
iid Mr. and Mrs. George Harris,
Iter which she will ioin her mother
in Portland, Me. Mrs. Rogers -does
ot leave here until Thursd av for
Portland. After a month nr turn
there they will be at the Gotham in
New York, where Mrs. Charles Of-
Notes at Random.
Mrs. J. de Forest Richards spent
tne week m Lhicago, returning bat
Mrs. Pryor Markel arrived from
Houston, Tex., last , week, and is vis
iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
ivitcnen, at tne raxton.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex lameson of En
glewood, Colo., who were guests of
tneir niece, Mrs. A. L. Keed, and Mr.
Reed, left Thursday,
Mrs. Harry Doorly and children,
who have been at the J. X. L. ranch
in Wyoming for several weeks, will
be home next Saturday.
Mrs. George Paterson returned
Wednesdayfrom a summer spent at
Casco Bay, Me. Mrs. faterson is in
CouncM Bluffs with Mrs. J. J. Mon-
neii at present.
Wilbur Haynes is entertaining Les
ter Stephens, a former frat brother at
the University of Nebraska, now in
the sophomore year at the Annapolis
naval academy.
Reception' for New Students.
tne annual reception Kiven bv the
old students for the .new students of
Bellevue college was pronounced a
brilliant success bv the 200 alumni.
faculty, students and friends of the
college who gathered in the college
gymnasium Friday evening. The au
ditorium was decorated in the school
colors, purple and gold combined
with masses of autumn flowers.
The program of .the evening was
opened with a grand march led by
President David R. Kerr and Miss
Chapman Rumsey, a member of one
of the upper classes. The companv.
divided into seven groups,' contrib
uted various forms of entertainment
throughout the evenina". the most
popular being the singing of old col
lege songs by a quartet of alumni,
Gossip of Visitors.
Mrs. George Brandeis has her sis
ter, Mrs. Harry Bosworth. of Chi
cago, as her guest.
Mrs. John L. Kennedy expects her
aunt. Miss Hanscom, of New York,
to visit her next month.
Ben Cotton arrived Monday from
Wyoming for a few days with his
mother, Mrs. Herman Kountze.
Mrs. L. A. Porter of Minneapolis
arrived Thursday and is the guest of
her brother, E. M. Morsman, for a
week or so.
Miss Marguerite Colcord. who has
been visiting Miss Eugenie Patterson
for a week, leaves Sunday for her
home, Oklahoma City.
Miss Dorothy Dennison Dunlopi of
Providence, R. I, arrived last Sat
urday to visit her aunt, Mrs. Oscar
B. Williams, for several weeks.
Mrs. Charles Remsen of Atlanta
arrived Monday to spend the week
with her cousins. Mrs. Miriam Bovce
and Miss Patterson. Mrs. Remsen
was formerly Miss Elizabeth Patter
son of Dcnison. Ia.
Miss Clara Bull of Pasadena is vis
iting Mr. and Mrs. Herbert French
at Baton Rouge, La. She will arrive
in Omaha the middle of October with
Mrs. French to visit Mr. and Mrs.
Isaac Congdon.
Mrs. E. J. McFerren of Hoope-
ston, 111, and Mrs. Donald McFer
ren arrived Tuesday in Council Bluffs
to remain until the end of the week
with the tatter's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles T. Stewart.
Miss Juanita Hector of Logan. Ia..
who was to have been the guest of
Miss sybil Nelson until bundav. was
unexpectedly called home Fridav
evening. Affairs nlanned for her dur
ing the remainder ot her stay were
Miss Eleanor Rockhill .-' of New
York, who was the guest of Miss
Esther Wilhelm the early part of
the week, is spending the week-end
with Miss Caroline Barkalow. She
goes back to Plattsmouth today to
finish her visit there.
Pleasures Past.
The Fontenelle Card club was re-
organized Tuesday afternoon at the
I home of Mrs. Frank Sheets, when
prizes were won by Mesdames N.
Ames. August Wessman, J. N. N.
Benish and Charles Winquest. Mrs.
Winquest will entertain the club in '
two weeks. ,
Social Gossip.
Mrs. J. M. Metcalf is spending the .
day in Lincoln with her brother,
Judge Cornish, and his family.
Miss Martha Sharp returned Sun
day from Estes park.
Mrs. K. N. Conner returned last
week from three months in the east,
where she divided her time between
(Continued on Page Four Col. Two)
Howell-Rustin Weddinir.
Mr. Brandon Howell left Sunday
in nis car, accompaniea oy Mr. tes
ter Baker, to make the run to Berke
ley, Cal., where his marriage to Miss
Margaret Kustin is to take place
Thursday, October S. Mr. Baker is
the best man and Miss Lois Howell
will be maid of honor. The girls
who will assist are Miss Helen Leete
of Piedmont, Cat.; Miss Ruth Dog
gett of Springfield, Mass.; Miss Ruth
Front Lace Corsets
Do they interest you?
If so, you want a
Redfern Front Lace Style
, you can get it at a high class store.
You will like the
' Redfern Front Lace Models.
The same accuracy that has made the
name Redfern a standard for corset style
and comfort characterizes every Redfern
Corset, be it
Back Lace or Front Lace
$3 and up
. ... . -' , i . -
My M til -r
Back Lace ' Front Lace
(The Protecting Tongue nd the Soft Top Clajp)
at once removes all the dust and srerms of travel and
restores to the hair its natural luster and fluffiness. It Is
the ideal hair-dressing for motorists.
HERPICIDE strikes at the verv root of most hair tmnhloa .
eradicating the germ that causes dandruff, itching scalp, and falling of
the hair. In fact, perfect sanitation of the hair and aealn ja ilmmt im
possible without NEWBRO'S HERPICIDE.
Buy a bottle on your way home. ! You will be delighted with It nrf
quickly note the improvement in your hair.
Application at the hatter barber ahope Guaranteed by The HerpicM Ca,
Send IS eenU to The Rarpiclda Co.. Dept. MOB, Detroit, Mich., for aamsla bottle
Wedding Announcement.
1 he daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Wil
iam Wolfe was united in marriage to
Mr. Anton Sievers of Iliff, Colo., on
Wednesday evening at the home of
her sister, Mrs. H. F. Janssen, in this
there were no attendants, except
Miss Marguerite Scoutt of Kearney,
Neb., who played the Lohengrin wed
ding march.
The out-of-town guests were: Mr.
and Mrs. M. A. Sievers, Edith and
2d Floor, Rose Bldg.
16th and Farnam
Monday is Velvet Day
Just received, new shipment
of the scarce Lyons Chiffon
Velvet at a saving to you of
$1.10 a yard from department
store prices; greens, plums,
taupes and French blues are
the ultra fashionable shades.
Regular price f 5.95, 42-inch
the yard
Imported Chiffon Costume Vel
vets, regular price $2.50 and
$3.25, very special, at
the yard
Monday only 43 different
shades of the regular $2.00
Georgette Crepes
the yard
faOnrf Peauiifu! Hair- Do far1L "nmi0V
1872 You Want It?
Valeika Suratt Reveals How Stage
Beautiet Secure and Preserve
Their Wonderful Hair. Any
Woman Can Do It.
TWO or three mlnutei a day (or a little
whil U all tht time any woman needs
to secure a wealth of hair that is long.
soft and beautiful. This isn't guesswork.
I've dona it. Thousands of women all over
tht country have done it. So can yuu.
Simply throw away all your "tonics," and
patent hair growers, and do as I say. Go
to any good drug store and buy an ounce
v- I,!, yourself in half a
pint of alcohol and half a pint of water, or
vuse a full pint of bay rum instead of the
water and alcohol. This makes a hair tonic
that not only grows hair as does no other
on earth, but keeps the hair soft and lus
trous always. It costs less than the ready
made tonics, and, best of all, it will work
wonders with your hair in a mighty short
one of the marvels for skin defects. It
gets rid of blackheads- in minutes where
other methods take weeks and montha. No,
a diet is not necessary. Apply a little pow
dered neroxin to a wet sponge .and rub this
over the blackheads. You'll see them dis
appear almont as though you were simply
washing away a soiled spot on your face.
You can buy neroxin at any drug store.
MRS. N. T. R. That's exceptional. Any
drug store can supply you with the sulfoso
lutlon, that wonderful superfluous hair-remover
or hair dis solver. However, if 'you
can't get it, just send the price, which is
one dollar, to "Secretary to Valeska Su
ratt, Thompson Bldg., Chicago," and yon
will be supplied at once. 4
MISS FORM I'll tell you how a good
many of my friends have developed their
bust. Of course, this is something nobody
can absolutely promise to do. But get two
ounces of ruetone at the drug store and mix
in a half pint of water with a half cup of
sugar. Then of this, take two teaspoonful
after meals and at bedtime. I've known
a development of many inches a month to
occur as a result. This is safe, of course.
I wouldn't use mechanical contrivances at all.
A. D. L. I do not believe in "ready made"
shampoos. I make my own, 10 can you.
Dissolve a teaspoonful of eggol In a half
cup of hot water. That's all there ia to it;
but it makes the only shampoo in the world
which "gets" the dandruff and removes the
excess scalp grease and oil without injury
to the hair. Do not use soap. You can
get enough eggol at any drug store for a
quarter to last you for months.
S. S. O. You'll be able to wear those
short sleeves all right without being humili
ated by the presence of thick hairs on the
arm by dissolving them away. Ever hear
of dissolving hairT It's the only way. Or
dinary hair removers burn them off, leav
ing a spot or irritation. Just apply sulfo
solution to the hairs, and you'll wonder at
the way they shrivel up. You can get sulfo
solution at anv drusr store. Trv it In th
arm pit and feet, too. It Is remarkable in
its action ana in tne way it leaves the skin
soft and smooth. It's a sin to use the
"burners' commonly sold. Don't use them.
MISS PITY Presto. ehan! That's th
way this formula acta on blackheads. It la
MRS. B. T. L. Yes, that's just the way
"It goes. It's just one "wrinkle" eream after
another for years without result. I've been
through it, too. Now, do as I tell you, and
you'll find in a mighty short time that even
the deep wrinkles will be surely disappear
ing, as well as the crows' feet and lines of
age. What a change you will seel Every
one raves over this formula of mine. Here
It is: Get two ounces of eptol at the drug
store and mix with a tablespoonfu) of glycer
ine in a half pint of water. Don't be spar
ing, but use it liberally every day. It costs
less than any other cream, and I'll promise
you a revelation if you use it faithfully.
MISS MUDDY m tell Tm right now
yon're waatlng roar time uinj the com
plexion eream you mention. In fact, there1,
only one thing on earth I know of that po.l
tively make, the akin clear and beautiful
and doea It ouickly. Th.fa my formul.
mad. by mljing one ounce of aintone and
two Ubleapoonfula' of glycerine in a pint of
water. This it certainly magic Every apot
diaappeara and the akin become, clear aa
marble. You ill aee the difference in only a
few day,. You can get the aintone at any
drug .tore. Mix It yourself at home, that',
one of the eecrete. too. And it's eroncniical.
Itll make you aupremcly hy. Ad..