Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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Entarad at Omaha pnttoffloe aa aaaond-alaaa aaattar.
. BrCarrlar B Mail
Bar month. Parraar
toallr am) Smear ". ..
IDalra without Smear i zz
Bwnlm and 8ondar 40a
Kranina without Sunday tta J!!
Sunday Bar only . JO;.... V,
Daily and Sunday Baa. throa Tears In esaanea. IIO OO.
Sand aotiee of ebanca of addreai or Irramlaritr la oa
lliaara to Omaha Baa, Circulation Daoartmant
I. . . ... j n.MMt atamna
lnemil ny oraxi, vxpraaa or pwwi . : , .
ftakan n paymant of amall aeaonnta. Paraonal ehackj, aa Omaha and aaatara awhanga. not aeaaptod.
s Omaha Tha Baa Balldlnf.
. ... . South Omaha MIS N "treat
2 ConneU Bluffs 1 North Main atraat.
" ' Lincoln S2 Llttla Building.
.is- v Chicago 118 People's Gas Building.
Naw York Room , Fifth avanue.
"' St tool. 80S Naw Bank of Commarca.
Waahlnaton 111 Foartaanth atraat. N. W.
Uddraaa aommanieatlona ralatlnt to nawi and adttorial
anattar to Omaha Baa. Editorial Department.
55,755 Dily Sunday 51,048
. . ., ' 11. Rata,
I D wight willhmH, eircumipon nniBr
tPablishing company, bsing duly worn.
L Zi ia i . tk MMth nf AuaTUftt- 1911. WU
m Tcrai(j ucuh'jvh . -
fcS.756 daily. nd 11,041 Snnday.
Subitnhad In my ereaanea and aworn to kafore me
HUNTER. Notory Pnblla.
Subscribers leaving Ik city temporarily
should ham Tha Baa mailed to thorn. Ad
dreas will ka ehaniad aa often a raqulrad.
Credit to whom credit ii due. Nebraska
farmers put the bulge In the bank vault.
Still, even detective! can't alwayi tell. Some
imei the unexpected perambulator caiti sun-
learns before. , .
There ii no evidence that Pel Moinei aolicitl
luslnen for its calaboose.. If people insist, how
ver, a live entertain,mept becomes a city of live
An educational expert figures that a child
ara d rmtv dav nent in. ichool. -The .claim
acks the slight detail of handing" over the pay
nvelope. ;
. Th York critic of Chicago's speculative
,A ahnuU Include nrivate bank-mar In his ac-
faaations. An indictment In that direction would
t'rike a sore spot and stick.
I! Villa's little celebration wound up wiJh an ex
'ensive funeral at Chihuahua. That was the In
intion, but the selected victims managed to se
are substitutes without upsetting the program. --
i "You tau't control the price of wheat," de
tares the head of Chicago Grain exchange. No,
jpt as a steady job. But Chicago speculators
tave fumed the trick and usually raked the pot
j The new premier of Greece, M. Kalogeropott
ps, promises to maintain an attitude of benevo
fnt neutrality toward the allies."; Promise spells
ierformance in this case, else the gun may go off.
JJ . I-, aaaaaaaWaaaaaawilaaliajaaaaaaaaaaaaiiai ,V
t Nearly $100,000,000 In- deposits in Omaha na
jonal banks and ; only $57,000,000 at work as
Vans. The welfare board should give immediate
Mention to this growing class of financial hoboei.
1; Chicago railroads are coming across with
ijrmmals worth while. The Omaha end of the
met . remain neglected and smothered with
.time. A modern station will dome when Omaha
ts vigor in its drive. ' ' i; ; . ' .'
Another wrestling match between the National
ive Stock association and the packers is pro
fosed. The main Object is to take a fall out of
lie buyers. ' No matter .whose shoulders touch
he mat the meat consumer will furnish the gat
oney-. : ' -" '' ' "'
i j DemocraU are asked by their democratic ,or
,ln to believe that, despite the jolt in Maine, the
tcospects for the re-election of President Wilson
"it "roseate." Wonder what adjective would
lave been used if the democrats had won in
Jainet ' ',' -.
Vy; The socialist candidate for president is "all het
Vp" 'over the alleged" smuggling of tlie word
draft" into the army bill. The discovery is use-
ul as a means of reminding voters that Hughes
nd Wilson and Hanly are not the only ones' in
iht race.' , "
i. Rarely does Gabriel't trumpet sound the high
Jiote and recall it as that experienced by the pas-
rngrf who was awakened by a rail driven through
he foot of his berth In a sleeping car. The per-
onal whim of reversing the ordered position of
peeping made for safety. The joy of escape la
jjurthec emphasized by the certainty that the
thrilling incident will not be featured among the
cenie. wonders of the route. : o. ..
Nebraska Political Comment
! M-inrltn News: lust at the oresent time the
JemocraU are making a great fuas about lowering
he tax levy of the state and saving the people
J whole lot of money. The best proof of whether
Jir not this is so is for the fellow who pays his
iih to comoare his receiDt with those of the
preceding years. This will prove whether or
aot our democratic friends are telling the truth.
Grand Island Independent: Judge Sutton of
Omaha, the republican nominee for governor,
jook the pains to announce at Aurora that he sup
ported the republican platform plank with refer
ence to the regulation of railway rates a plank
Which needs no defense. It had -been felt that
'Mr. Sutton rejected this plank and the Aurora
Republican called attention to the matter. Judge
button, we think, will have strengthened his posi
tion with many republican voters by Having maae
7 he declaration.
I Blair Enterprise: The audience that turned out
uttnear tnc atanaara uu senator on iaai xaca
Jav wu in atranee contrast, in numbers and in'
Tense interest manifested, to the multitude that
Assembled to hear W. J. Bryan just previous to
Jie primary election last spring, when they filled
:he citv hall to its caoacitv. the streets and inter-
'cctions adjacent thereto, and waited during a
Jownpour ot rain, over the dinner nour, lor more
Mian two hours for him to arrive.
" Newman Grove Reporter: The Ord Quiz says
'axing farmers to win the votes of union labor
jiay look like good politics to President Wilson
,nd to certain congressmen, but it may not prove
,mt that way on election day.
. ' Beatrice Express: Arthur Mullen appears to
live been promoted from the general manager
ship of the democratic party in Nebraska to chief
'pokesman for President Wilson in the central
Vest. A fact which will undoubtedly be received
Way Not Tell the Whole Story?
The Child Labor bill, which forbids inter
state traffic in goods turned out by factories
or mines employing children under 14 years
of age or working persons between 14 and 16
more than eight hours a day, is a fine piece
of humanitarian legislation. By making it a
federal law congress, thanks to the insistence
of President Wilson, has done something most
of the intelligent people of the United States
have desired for the last twenty years. Col
lier's Weekly.
But why not tell the whole story and say
that the Child Labor bill is in Its origin a re
publican measure which would never have been
enacted except with republican support and that
its most determined opposition came from demo
cratic senators representing states of the solid
south, which form the backbone of the democratic
Why not tell, also, that the need of such a taw
is not because of conditions in republican states,
all of which already have laws regulating the
labor of children, but because of conditions in
a few democratic-ridden southern states which
have time and again defeated every effort to
curtail the employment of children in their fac
tories. ,
Why not tell, too, that a "joker" has already
been discovered in the bill which may leave the
door open for evasion of its restrictions in the
democratic states where child labor is lawful and
still tolerated, if not encouraged?
. Finally, why not ask why President Wilson
remained deaf to the demand for this fine piece
of humanitarian legislation for nearly three years
and a half of his administration and became active
for it only on the eve of his campaign for re-election
in which he wanted to throw out this hook
for votes to make republican progressives believe
tie was with them for progressive measures all
the time?
Seth Low.
When Seth Low died an end came to a useful
life. This will be his recommendation to poster
ity. A man of parts, endowed beyond the com
mon run of men with foresight and capacity for
planning and achieving, he gave his services al-
rnost wholly tp his fellow men. In an age where
genius is commonly directed to serving selfish
purposes, to enhancing private fortunes, and to
setting up individual interests, he was a notable
exception. As mayor of Brooklyn and mayor of
New York, as president of Columbia university,
and as one of the founders and president of the
National Civic Federation, he found employment
for ability of high quality, and to the very end of
his days was interestedly engaged in helping
others. His career may welt be studied as an ex
ample of what a man may do for humanity.
Greece and tht War! 5
Greece Is not to enter the war immediately as
an active participant. , On the contrary, the new
premier announces, it will maintain an attitude of
neutrality, very benevolent as to the Entente Al
lies, and its attitude to others to be determined
as events develop. In the meantime, the Gre
cian army is to be demobilized, and an election
held as soon as the soldiers are settled in their
pursuits of peace. This solution of the grave
situation has some advantages for Greece. The
country wilt not be put to the enormous expense
of actual participation in the fighting, and may be
able .ro save its face when the ultimate settlement
day arrives. Its territorial rightl 'were long ago
destroyed by the belligerents, who crossed Greek
Soil, at will, and set aside protests witn no con
sideration. vThus, willy nilty, tne Greeks have
had to passively take part In the strife. The na
tional dignity of the country has been as thor
oughly outraged aa if it had been overrun by hos
tile troops, while its home affairs have been kept
In turmoil by reason of the conflict between fac
tions concerning the course to be pursued. Now
it has met the fate of the clay pot that went to
swim with the brass pots. "The glory that was
Greece" la becoming ateadily dimmer.
British Trad Restrictions.
Recently published notice of extensions of
regulations to apply to traffic between neutrals
lead to the conclusion that John Bull intends to
push his So-called blockade of Germany to the
very limit In the newest of announcements priv
ileges heretofore granted the Overseaa Trust of
Holland, especially formed to comply with the
conditions of the "Order in Council," are cut off,
and Holland Is to b put "on rations," at are
Norway, Sweden and Denmark. While the
United States Is not yet limited at to what it may
import, its export sales to the Scandinavians and
the Dutch are to be determined by the British,
Meanwhile, American firms affected by the
British blacklist and those whose private letters
have been intercepted, failing to secure relief at
Washington, are going to London to beseech for
the right to do business In the open markets of
the world. Efforts to arrange for hearings are
under way, and the firms concerned will under
take to convince the British trade minister of the
injustice he has done.
From Washington we learn that Secretary
Lansing is watching the situation, as he has been
for weeks. The trouble is that "watchful wait
ing" doesn't seem to accomplish any more In the
direction of protecting American rights from
British interference than it did in 'Mexico. The
apineless foreign policy of the administration is
in keeping with its career In other ways.
Memory of Beecher Island.
Five men gathered at Beecher Island to cele
brate the anniversary of "Sandy" Forsythe'a fight
there against the great band of warriors gath
ered under Roman Nose recall that there was
written one of the most, thrilling chapters in all
the records of the west No other tale surpasses
it for keen command of all that makes the white
man proud of his race. It was here that the
power of the red man broke in futile dashing
against the authority of a superior breed. A hand
ful of scouts, surrounded on a tittle sandy island
in the ahallow Ariekaree, for three days and nights
held off thousands of the best fighting men the
Indian ever produced, under leadership of one of
the greatest of their war chiefs. The shot that
ended the fighting days of Roman Nose hastened
the pacification of the Indian, and the establish
ment of the white men in safety on tne great
plains. General Forsythe and his volunteers per
formed a great service there, and the story of their
three days should not be forgotten. - It is one of
the turning points in the history of the west
British trainmen rest demands for. increased
pay on a genuine grievance. War prices and war
conditions cut almost in two the purchasing power
of their earnings, which rarely equals SO per cent
of American trainmen's wages. The authorities
no doubt appreciate this and will exert their power
to effect a satisfactory settlement .
As to Riding a Free Horse
-Takamah Herald -
There is no other product that people expect
to get for nothing except publicity. It seems
impossible to make people understand that puu
llcity, circulation and space, is all the newspaper
man has for sale and that they cost him good
money, just the same as the merchants sugar,
calico and hardware. Why should the publisher
be expected to give away his goods any more
than any other business man?
Mr. Carson, of the Anti-Saloon league, re
quested the Herald to grant him free space for
a lot of plate. We wrote him that we thought
that the newspapers were as much entitled to
pay for the space as the newspaper unions were
for the plate. . That we understood that a fund
was provided to bear the cost of the campaign
to carry the amendment and we thought it unfair
for them to absorb it all for salaries among a
favored bunch, and then beg for free space in
the newspapers. We are just as much in favor
of the amendment carrying as Mr. Carson or any
of his paid bunch, but we do not propose to take
"thank you ma'ams" is pay for space. If we were
on the other side of the question we could get
regular rates for all the space they desired. We
think any publisher is liberal who will run the
Carson plate free and permit a few in charge of
the cause to put all the money collected down in
their "jeans."
Greece and the Greeks
MvthnWv derived the name, Greece, from
an ancient king, Graecus. .
The Greeks are fabled to have been the pro
geny of Javan, fourth son of Japheth.
Athens, the Greek capital, has -a popultion
about equal to'that of Toledo, O.
Agriculture is the chief industry of Greece,
and the principal exports are ores, wines, fruits
and olive oil. , '.
The national flag of Greece consists of nine
stripes, alternate blue and white, and with a white
cross in the blue field. .
Education is compulsory in Greece between
the ages of 5 and 12, but a large proportion of the
population is illiterate. .
Greece is an irregular-shaped country, w th
an area of 24,528 square miles, or slightly smaller
than the state of West Virginia.
The Greek Orthodox church, governed by a
permanent council called the holy synod, is the
state religion of Greece, but complete liberty ot
worship prevails. , - .
The Greek army consists of 60.000 officers and
men on a peace footing, about 150,000 on a war
footing, but with reserves it can put in the field
about 450,000 men. ' ,
The Greek navy includes four battleships, two
of which were purchased from the United States
and renamed. In addition there are several cruis
ers and lighter craft. ' , Lun
The total population of Greece is about 2,600,
000, or less than half the populaton of Greater
New York. Millions of Greeks, however, live out
side the limits of the kingdom. , . ' ,
Greece won its independence in the struggle
of 1821-29, after centuries of subjection to Tur
key, and was in 1830 declared an independent
kingdom under the protection of Great Britain,
France and Russia. ... , llai,
In the war with Turkey, which arose in 1897,
out of Greek sympathy with Crete, Greece was
defeated, and had to pay a heavy indemnity and
to submit to a strategic reconstruction of the
frontier in Turkey's favor. .
Under the Greek constitution of 1864, revised
several years ago, the executive power is vested
in the king arid his responsible ministers. The
legislative authority in th hands of the Boule
or house of representatives elected by manhood
U(Thet'present king of Greece Is Constantine I,
who succeeded to the throne after the assassina
tion of his father in 1913. The mother of King
Constantine was the Grand Duchess Olga of
Russia and his wife was the Princess Sophie of
Prussia, sister of the present German emperor. .
The 'king and queen of Greece have six chil
dren: Crown Prince Georgios, born, 1890, un
married; Prince Alexandres, born 1893; Princess
Helene, born 1896; Prince Paulos, born 1901;
Princess Irene, born 1904, and Princess Catherine,
born 1913. The king has four brothers and ont
sister living.
Odds and Ends
The English language la spoken by more than
150,000,000 people. , ' . . ' ,t
Five million mail bags are used by Uncle
Sam in transporting the maila. , . .
' In four years Grayson county, Virginia, has
paid more than $2,000 in bounties on hawk scalps.
It is just twenty-five years since the song,
Ta-ra-ra-boom-de-ay," was all the rage in this
cUAtrpositive destructive chestnut
blight is claimed to have been discovered by a
chemist of York, Pa. ,
The extreme breadth of the United States from
Quoddy Head, in Maine, to Cape Flattery, in
Washington, is 2,720 miles. .
. -Members of the Illinois legislature are the
highest paid of any In the country, receiving an
annual salary of $3,500.
: In consequence of the war the receipts of the
Suez Canal company for 1915 decreased by more
than $15,000,000 as compared with 1914.
The great wall of China is the largest de
fensive work in the world. It is thirty-nye feet
high and twenty-one feet thick and its original
length was 2,250 miles. '
The little house near Calumet. Mich., where
Horace Greeley lived one winter while directing
copper mine operations in tne vicinity, nas re
cently been demolished .
The flag of Denmark, which may be sup
planted in the West Indiea by the Stan and
Stripes, is a plain red banner bearing on it a white
cross, and is the oldest national flag now in ex
istence. 1 v ' "
The rose is the emblem of secrecy in Greece,
and was formerly hung over the table where
o-iieata were entertained in token that nothing
heard there was to be repeated. Hence the ex
pression "sub rosa.
Millions of dollars of American capital are
to find an outlet in a vast scheme to render the
Grand Canal of China fit for navigation and at
the same time to reclaim large areas of water
which might easily be confined within definite
limits. ; '
Shafts Aimed at Omaha
York News-Times: We are at a loss to under
stand why Omaha should want a free bridge
across the Missouri. Anyone who is foolish
enough to want to go to Council Bluffs certainly
ought to be made to pay a small toll charge.
Hemingford Ledger: Nebraska i planning for
another strong man in the United States senate,
and we believe she will have him in the selection
of John L. Kennedy of Omaha, who is the re
publican nominee for that position this fall. His
opponent has not "made good" In the minds of
a great mass of the voters, as a real servant of
the people. v
Newman Grove Reporter: An Omaha man is
trying to have a young woman sent to the insane
asylum because she wants to marry him. If that
is the kind of a man he is she must be insane.
Plattsmouth Journal: That Omaha man who
has brought suit against a young woman, because
she insisted on making love to him, n.itt be a
very queer specimen ol humanity, besides being
a reortilar wrjman hater.
Kearney Hub: Omaha newspapers state that
Omaha wholesalers have been placed at a disad
vantage by the flat distance scale ordered to go
into effect October . very sorry, out mere
are. and have been, others in the same boat. In
terior shipping points have felt the same disad
vantage but did- not ; receive - or ' expect - any
sympathy or assistance from the city of Omaha.
Thought Nugget for Today.
Many a dangerous temptation comes
to us In fine Kay colors that are only
skin deep. Mathew Henry.
Ope Year Ago Today In the War.
Russians continued to stem Teutonic
advance on Rovno. ' .
Bulgaria mobilized and announcea
an armed neutrality.
Germans began a vigorous bom
bardment of the Serbian frontier.
Both French and Germans claimed
minor victories in the west
In Omaha. Thirty Years Ago.
D. Haas, the well known florist,
took twenty-five premiums on his
floral exhibits at the state fair last
J. H. Hendricks, a prominent busi
ness man of Peru, Ind., Is in the city
and contemplates locating in Omaha.
C. T. Mouffer, M. Sachs and A. Hel
ler of Adler & Heller of this city, have
gone on a grand hunt, to continue
about a week.
Robert E. Llvesey has left for Cin
cinnati to attend a convention of the
National Bricklayers' association.
Graham P. Browne, who owns the
Jerseyville stock farm Just southwest
of Omaha, won six first prizes and one
second prize on Jersey cattle at the
state fair.
A telegram was received from Pat
Sheedy, manager of John L. Sullivan,
asking that arrangements be made for
an exhibition of the "manly art" be
tween. Sullivan and Charley Mitchell
in this city early in October.
The Bohemian Catholics have de
cided to abandon their old church on
South Thirteenth, and will erect a
new structure at Fourteenth and Lane
to cost f8,000. Plans have been
drawn by Cleves Bros., architects.
The cutting down of the hill on Six
teenth street immediately south of
Brownell Hall, to make way for the
viaduct, has so far progressed that a
person standing on Harney and Six
teenth can have a view of the latter
thoroughfare as far south as Vinton.
Sixteenth street will soon be in ap
pearance, as it now Is in fact, the
longest street In the city.
This Day In History.
1739 General ' Andrew Pickens,
who at the battle of Cowpens led the
militia which for the first time in the
revolution returned to action after
being once defeated, born at Paxton,
Pa. Died at Pendleton, S. C, August
17, 1817.
1808 Robert Emmet the Irish
patriot oonvicted of high treason,
executed next day.
1820 First general assembly of the
state of Missouri met at St. Louis.
1856 Convention met at Topeka to
form a free-state constitution for Kan-
1881 James A. Garfield, twentieth
president of the United States, died
at Elberon, N. J as result of shots
fired by an assassin. Born In Cuya
hoga county, Ohio, November 19,
1893 Suffrage granted to women In
New Zealand. 1 ' -
1895 The National pant on the site
of the - Chlckamauga battleground.
Tennessee, was dedicated by a great
gathering of. union and confederate
veterans. '
1901 Last services were held at
Canton, Ohio, over the remains of the
lute President McKlnley.
The Day We Celebrate. ,
G. A. Llndquest merchant tailor, Is
celebrating his seventieth birthday
today. He was born In Sweden, com
ing to Omaha in 1869 and going Into
his present business In 1874.
Ira O. Marks, traveling salesman
for Marks Bros. Saddlery company,
was born September 19, 1877, at Ack
ley, la. He has been on the road
since he was 22 years old.
Thomas W. Burchmory (before his
decease), chief clerk of the Wood
men of the World, was born Septem
ber 19, 1882, In London. His par
ents brought him to this country
when he was seven years old.
James W. Hunter, president of the
Hunter Realty company, was born
sixty-seven years ago today at Mari
etta, Ohio. He had been In the serv
ice of the Chicago & Northwestern
railroad for twenty-five years and
was retired recently.
Key Plttman, who has been re
nominated by Nevada democrats for
United States senator, born at Vicks
burg. Miss., forty-fourv years ago to
day. Anthony Flala, noted as an Arctic
explorer and writer, born at Jersey
City Heights, N. J., forty-seven years
ago today.
George W. Wickersham, attorney
general In the Taft cabinet born in
Pittsburgh, Pa., fifty-eight years ago
uev. George C; .Morse, general In
ternational secretary ot the Young
Men's Christian association, born at
Hudson, N. Y., eevsnty-five year ago
John P. Mclnnis, first basemau of
the Philadelphia American league
base ball team, born at Gloucester,
Mass., twenty-six years ago today.
Timely Jottings and Reminders.
Thirty-five years ago today ocurred
the death of James A. Garfield, twen
tieth president of the United States,
and the second president to die at the
hands of an assassin.
The navy's civilian advisory board
Is to meet in Washington today to
consider questions of organization un
der the new naval appropriation bill
and the construction of the proposed
$1,500,000 experimental laboratory.
Subjects In connection with the mer
chandising of the dry goods and de-
Cartment stores of the country will
e discussed at a convention of the
National Retail Dry Goods association
to open today in New York City.
' A busy program has been prepared
for Charles E. Hughes' second visit
to Illinois today. At noon he is sched
uled to address the republican state
convention at Peoria and several
hours later he Is to speak at the state
fair at .Springfield.
Two contests certain to attract wide
attention to tne New York state pri
maries today, when nominations are
to be made for all offices to be filled
at the November election, are those
between Robert Bacon and William
M. Calder for the republican nomi
nation tor United States senator, and
between Oovernor Charles S. Whit
man and Judge Samuel Seabury for
tha progressive gubernatorial nomina
tion. The summer home of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Letter at Beverly Farms,
Maaa, is to be the scene of a notable
wedding today, when Miss Francis
Williams of Washington, sister of Mrs.
Letter, will become the bride of John
Ballentlne Pitney, son of Mr. and Mrs.
J. O. Pitney of Morristown, N. J., and
a nephew of Justice Pitney of the su
preme court of the United States.
Leading representatives of the life
insurance business throughout ,the
country ore to assemble at St. Louis
today for the annual convention of
the National Association of Life Un
derwriter The convention will con
tinue several days. -
, ' .
Beginning of Playground Movement
Omaha, Sept 17. To the Editor ot
The Bee: Omaha papers frequently,
In commenting on the history of the
playground movement, name certain
persons as having had much to do
with the founding of this spirit here,
from whom I would not detract one
ounce of credit, but seem utterly to
neglect others who are even more en
titled to credit if enthusiastic and J
raltmul nara work count tor anyming.
Among them the late Frank Heller,
a well-known and able attorney,
whose memory is as fresh today as
then amongst those who personally
knew this big-hearted and whole
souled character. .E. A. Benson Is
another, but in these later Items re
ferred to above, his name occurs.
Then there is Judge W. W. Slabaugh,
also another whose name the writer's
modesty forbids mentioning.
It is only fair to add that no four
persons gave more time, thought and
earnest work against great obstacles
and a lassitude of public interest than
these. v
Please keep these names In mind
when In the future referring retro
spectively to the playground move
ment in Omaha, especially to Its
earliest history, its very inclpiency,
and oblige many besides,
He's Coming Back, All Right
Beemer, Neb., Sept 18. To the
Editor of the Bee: I have been read
ing The Bee for over twelve years,
and I want to say I was disappointed
in you quitting the Jlggs comic, and
I know several of your subscribers
who are of the same opinion. Try
and open your heart.
Science and the Sun.
Belleview, Neb., Sept. 16. To the
Editor of The Bee: I would like to
answer the last communication of El
liot Loomls to The Bee, in which he
wishes to know what temperature a
ray of sunlight would have after pass
ing through 93,000,000 miles of space
at 273 degrees below zero. I answer
him, none at all. To explain: An
etherial "ray" . (either of light heat,
or electricity) Is the direction of
energy-flux, or It may be considered
as a labeled disturbance which en
ables the eye to fix direction (In the
case of light). The simplest wave is
expressed by the equation: Y-A sin
(X-VT). It Is an etherial wave dis
turbance and a wave has no tempera
ture. A molecule vibrating, say In
Sirlus the Dog-star, sets up etherial
vibrations of the same frequency, and
If this frequency is such as to produce
heat the ether, carrying not the heat
but the vibration which causes the
heat will, If It meets a substance of
appreciable density (the earth, say)
set the molecules ot this substance
vibrating in unison with the molecule
in the Dog-star, and the phenomena
of heat will be produced. So the tem
perature of interstellar space makes
no difference.
Violent storms do not cause the air
to become apprec. ably heated, (1)
because storms move large bodies of
air and not Individual molecules, and
(2) because cooler air from regions
not agitated by storm comes in and
nullifies the results. The same Is true
of water.
The ruddy appearance of the planet
Mars is easily explained. ; A red ob
ject reflects as red the complex white
light that falls upon It; a blue object
reflects blue, etc. Now three-fifths
of tha total surface ot Mars is com
posed of reddlsh-ochre tracts, pre
sumably desert regions. These pre
dominating, the planet reflects red
light This ruddiness disappears when
a telescope Is turned on Mars, aa then
Its disc Is seen and the various re
gions are differentiated.
Mr. Loomhr Illustration of spheres
of different volumes which he desig
nates absurd, appears very reasonable
to me if the fact that heat decreases
with the square of the distance is kept
In mind.
The earth has been In existence
hundreds of millions of years. Now
It a superhuman being had visited the
earth at Intervals of 1,000,000 years
from Its beginning, he would not have
found evidence of life in probably
1,000 visits. Only within the last 100
visits would he have discovered life,
becoming more complex at each visit.
Now does it seem reasonable that
the eight planets and the asteroldes
of our system, of such widely varying
densities, sizes and temperatures,
should all be Inhabited by beings of
equal intelligence and race develop
ment? And if each sun ..i space has even
one planet revolving around it, each
planet, according to Mr. Loomls, has
life of advanced Intelligence upon it.
If this were so, evolution wou'.d not
be possible and the race would be
stationary. An electrically heated
earth and an electrically radiating sun
remaining the same throughout the
ages (for" he makes no mention of
change) would mean our destruction.
For it Is change change In en
vironment climatic, barometric, or
otherwise that characterize evolu
tion, and makes for an advancing or
a retrogressing development of the
germ of life.
When Copernicus advanced his
theory of the revolution of the earth
around the sun there was one fact
he could not account for which well
nigh destroyed his theory. If the
earth revolves around the sun, the
stars, by reason of this motion, would
seem to describe small orbits In the
opposite direction on the celestial
sphere. ' The, further away the star,
the smaller would be the orbit Coper
nicus, with the best Instruments of
his time, could discern no such stellar
displacement and by calculation he
showed that to explain this fact the
stars would have to be placed at least
200.000 times the sun's distance
away. The contemporaries of Coper
nicus were aghast at this result and
vigorously denounced it They said:
"God would not permit such a waste
of space as Is evident in the vast void
between the stars." And so the revo
lution of the earth was never fully
proven until between 1835 and 1840.
when Bessel, Struve and Henderson
almost simultaneously discovered a
star whose parallax was sensible.
Even the nearest star has a parallax
of less than one second. 1
Now this claim by the ancients of
waste of space is no more absurd to
me than the claim of Mr. Loomls
when he says that the heating and
lighting of uninhabited planets is a
waste of energy. It is not, for it
brings about those conditions In the
worlds which render life possible.
Teachar A nomad Is a peraoit who movea
about a great dal never remains long In
one place. Johnny, name some tribe of
Johnny Cooks. Boston Transcript.
"I don't see why Jones Is complaining; so
much about his work. It Is extremely light,"
"What does he do?"
"Works In a ha tr-dressing place bleaching
blondes." Baltimore American.
I Receded a iftiek to.
A little girl who had been Instructed not
to talk in church because It was very rude
was very thoughtful after the service, and
when questioned she said In a horrified
voice :
"Oh, mamma! I think It was just awful
for our minister to show off so rudely In
church he talked all the time." New York
Hearing a crash of glassware on morn
ing. Mrs. X. called to her maid In the
adjoining room: "Norah, what on earth are
you doing?"
"I ain't doin' no thin", mum," Norah re
piled, "it's done." Boston Transcript.
"Mr. Jones came horns last night and
raised a racket about the dessert his land
lady gave him."
"I suppose It was stewed prunes again."
"No, the prunes weren't stewed;- he was."
Baltimore American.
Rifle and Pistol
When you gd to buy car
tridges for your rifle or
pistol, you want to con
sider that you're buying
something "sight un
seen." In other words,
"you don't know what's
in 'em." That's the very
reason why you should
buy a reliable make. The
reputation of Winchester
cartridges is sufficient for
you. They are always
reliable. They are made
for all kinds of rifles and
pistols, and you'll be sure
to get this celebrated
make if you ask for
vith pleasure by the Bryan democrats in tit
iraska. I?