THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, "SEPTEMBER 14, 1916. Brief City News "T.p n4a for 8paHta Goade.- . nu, mvsiww aw, meat IJfkttac Ulleae. Bargee. -Oranaen Co. Half bnil White Pbuowad I7S Bdholm. Mrs. H. M. Eck Is now connected with the millinery department ot i. L. tsranaeis Bon. "Tods' Morle Prucrun. classl (led section today. It appears In The Bee exclusively. Find out what the various moving picture (Dealers oner. H. P. Cad Lumber Co.. W. O. W. building, haa a tine jme near Lake street tor sa.- at a price or iz.suu, which is not i..uch over hull what it cost Investigate immediately. ReceDtlon to Freshmen A recep. tion for the benefit of the freshmen at the University of Omaha will be given by the students ot the Young women's unnsuan association as sisted by the students of the Young Men's Christian association Thursday night In Redlck hall. Alumni of the university are also Included in the in vitation. Railroad Trafflo Increases With the summer tourist business over for the season, the railroads are not ex. periencing any letup, so far as travel is concerned. Instead, it is increasing. For instance, during the period from September T to 14 and after the hur - rying home in anticipation of a strike of the trainmen had passed, passenger travel on the Union Faciflo was up to last year and 36 per cent better than during the corresponding period of Floe Fireplace Goods Sunderland., Hog Sheds for the Swine Show Ready On the eve of the National swine show, which will be held here at the local yards,s October 2 to 7. the big nc steel and concrete hog sheds will soon be completed, according to an' nouncement at the exchange building yesterday. Oeneral Manager Buck ineham of the vard9 company is con- siderably elated over the compliment given the- new sheds, when but partly completed, by Assistant secre' tary of Agriculture Carl Vrooman, who recently paid the vards a visit. Mr. Vrooman, it is the 'delight of Buckingham to repeat, called the new hog pens "hog parlors," in preference to "hog pens, as they were re ferred to in description. Last rivets are now being driven in the steel braces and it is expected that the en tire job, involving an expendtiure of $IUO,l)W, will be completed before October I. With the new three-deck sheds, the capacity of the hog division has been increased from 287 to 612 carloads per day. This increase has made it practically impossible for-the hog division to be overcrowded or even overworked during a rush period. The sheds are so constructed that they can De used at times as sheep barns. This combination idea is the personal thought of Mr. Buckingham. It is estimated that the hog sneds have a capacity that will outmeasure the largest day's run of hugs yet recorded in the history of the yards by 212 carloads. , . "TV. ' 1 i T 1 rresDvtery ueciaes xu nocy JL gugi a HUH A petition to dissolve the" federfaion of churches at Columbus, Neb., was presented at the second day's session of the fall meeting of the Omaha .Presbytery, which was held at North Fresbvtenan church. Twen ty-fourth and Wirt streets. After a lengthy discussion it was practically decided that the federation will be continued. . The meeting, attended by delegates from all of the churches of Presby terian denomination in- Omaha and contiguous territory, concluded yes terriay afternoon. Satisfactory reports were, made by tne ditterent branches ot the presby tery, tine 01 ine nome mission churches telling of much oroeress in the last six months. Substantial gains in the firifts to.foreisrn missions were - reported by the foreign missions com- . minec. A laymen's meetinn held Tuesdav evening gave evidence of the interest by elders and trustees in the work of the prebytery. Much of the evening was taken up by a discussion of the men s movement in the local presby tery. . .. I In the neighborhood fo 200 dele gates attended the two days session. rtev. u. rv. Miner 01 eaar niuns, beb., presided as chairman. The next meeting of the Presbytery will be held in, Umaha tn April. Reckless Auto . s Driver Is Fined " Hundred Dollars G. E. Newcomer, 4112- North V T'lirty-fourth street, who struck and injured Miss Irene. Callahan, 2820 North Thirty-third street, while driv ing his vehicle at Sixteenth and Har ney streets, was fined $100 and costs, the maximum amount for reckless driving. William Melvin, 4112 North Twen ty-second street, .whose truck col lided with a vehicle driven by John Johnson, iww Bin? -y street, was bound over to the district court with bonds fixed at $750. Johnson, whose condition is critical, regained con sciousness at at. Joseph s hospital Tuesday long enough to recognize his mother. He is the sole support ui ncr anu iwo utile sisters. D. Spechtor, 1616 North Twenty fourth street, was fined $7.50 and costs for reckless driving, while loe Duffy, Eighteenth and Cass streets, was taxed $5 and costs, and John .Strehle, 314 South Twenty-sixth street, $2.50 and costs: P. Kiewitt, 372' North Twenty-second street, and F. J.- Stack, Twenty-fourth and Harney streets, were discharged. , Negress Shoots Man With Whom She Had Been Living Because Anderson Mitchell, with tvhom she lived, had been in the habit of beating her, Emma Wilmore, 1114 South Ninth street, shot and instantly killed him at their home last night Both are colored. The woman was arrested by Patrol Chauffeur Harry Buford as she was running to the Burlington depot. At the station she made a confes sion. The couple had been living to eether for three veara. i V Dr. Bell'a Plae-Tar-Honi-r. Fot roar oold end bronchial cough, use Dr. Bell'. Puie-Tar-Honer. It cute the phlegm, relieves congestion. Only 25c. All druggists. Advertisement. , - - HAPPENINGS IN v THE MAGIC CITY Japanese Youth Given Fare well Reception by Christian Church Congregation. t LEAVES FOR JAPAN FRIDAY Armed with a set of religious books presented him by the Christian Endeavor of the First Christian church and ten years - of schooling and experience among the American people, K. Furumi, Japanese student, who has been an 'active member of the local church for six years, will sail for JaparN Friday morning. He leaves for the coast some time today and will board vessel Friday. Furumi was a model young man in the eyes of local church people. He was employed at Union Pacific head quarters. He attended American schools and became well educated,. He leaves far Japan at the call of his aged mother and father, who live in his native country.1 One of the re ligious laws that bind parent and children among the Japanese is that they always stand by each other in time of need. 1 Members of the Christian church enU.-tained the young man at a re ceptionist the home of one of the members Monday evening. He was presented with a set of religious books and sent on his way with the piessings or me congregation. Kev Albert N. Porter, pastor of the cnurcn, was a speaiccr at tne recep tion and banquet. About 100 persons were present. Marshall Narrowly. Escapes,. Arthur. W. Marshall. Atkinson. Kan., narrowly escaped being man gled to death last evening at 6 o'clock, when he jumped from the too of moving freight car in the Missouri racihc switching yards at Twenty eighth and K streets. T. J. Mayfield, telegraph operator, who has a station nearby, rescued the man as he at tempted to crawl across an open track over which a switch engine was rapidly approaching. rolice say that the man was ill at the time and when he jumped from the car he escaped death by a mere chance. - Recruits Answer Call. Twenty-seven men turned out for the foot ball practice of the year yes terday atternoon at the city lot at Twenty-fourth and O streets. Coach Patton assisted by twol or three alumni, put the squad through pre liminary stunts tor an hour and a half. The material, althousrh in the majority very light, is excellent and he predicts great toot ball elevens for South High in the future. The coach ordered a,n additionaLten foot ball suits to supply at least a part of the remaining recruits with apparel. inose who turned out tor the lirst practice are: Dewy Curtie. Fay Card, Jlmmle Nestor. Lyman Corr, "Bill" Qraham, Wayne Emigh, Harold Helmn. John O'Connors, George Baker. Earl McMahon, Ben Dworak, Beno Sullivan,: Wilbur Shainholtz, Harold Ban ner, Roy Wilson, Harold Hunter, Harold Caldwell,. Clifford Anderson, Sidney Miller, "Dutch" Hopkins, Mose Redmond, . Art r eteraon and Clarence Anderson. A "number of veterans, including Ted Korbmaker, Gust Rugie, Fritz Kastner, Van Arthurton and Joe Dworak, did riot show up. but will be out in suits before the end of the week. ' y . - Magic city Gossip. The West Side Athletic club will gtve a dance this evening at the Rushing hall at Twenty-fourth and J streets. The opening meeting of Chapter M, P. . O., will he Saturday afternoon at the home of -afrs. A. L. Sutton, 2216 South Thirty-eecend avenue. I Nebraska lodge No. 227. Ancient Order of United Workmen, will hold a smoker at the McCrann hall at Twenty-fourth and O streets, Thursday evening, Soptember 14. lr. M. 1. King and family have returned from a three-months trip toV the Pacific coast, and Canada. They report-an excel lent time. The doctor lg back with his patients, The vscant property In the rear of the High school will be graded within the next two weeks and made over Into a gridiron for the foot ball team, ft will be used mostly as a practice field; , ' fv The Ladeis' Aid society of toe Interde nominational church will meet for an all day quilting bee Thursday at thexchurch at Twenty-eighth and Q streets, Mrs. Wells and Mrs. stlckley win be hostesses. Thursday the Big Pathe Oold Rooster superfesture entitled "The Shadow of Her Past," starring Una Cavalerel and Luclen Muratore, will be shown at the Besse theater at usual admission prices. Luclen Muratore appears soon at the Auditorium 'Carmen." See him first at the Besse. Starting v Out TAFFY FOR SORE CONSTITUENTS FWHfWSo'iPEECH FOR DIE BOSS "THE ROADS WERE BY NO MEANS AS BAD AS ANTI CIPATED, ALTHOUGH -RATHERSUPPERVV WOBlD-HfRMD SEPT. 12 feW3B FREIGHT RATES HURT OMAHA'S BUSINESS s Flat Distance Scale Cripples Local Jobbers' Power to , ' Compete for Trade. NEIGHBORS "TO BENEFIT Omaha dry goods jobbers will pay 12 cents more in freight to get their goods to the retailers of O'Neil, Neb., than will the Sioux City houses under the flat distance scale of freight rates to go into effect Octdber 25. Omaha hardware jobbers will pay 10.2 cents per hundred, more to ship their hardware to O'Neill merchants than will the Sioux City jobbers. Omaha grocery jobbers will have to pay 7.2 cents per hundredweight-more to get their goods to O'Neill than will the Sioux City job bers. In the above O'Neill is merelv chosen as a representative point at which Omaha and Sioux Citv wtll meet in competition for business. The discrimination holds in a greater or less degree' all along the Northwest ern line in northern Nebraska. I Lincoln Has Advantage. ' .Xmco'ln has an advaMap nvr' Omaha in competing for business at Hastings, for example, on the Bur lington of 7 cents Der hundred-weinht on dry goods. . Fremont on the Union Pacific line has -an advantage over Omaha in competing for business, for example, at neutral Lity 01 o cents on ory goods, 1.8 cents on hardware and o of a cent on groceries. Fremont, however,' has few large jobbing houses handling these vari ous commodities, so that the result will be that Omaha houses will probably establish branches there, and-that Fremont will be made more of a distributing point than it has been in the past of these commodi ties. Lead on Kansas Jllfy. Though Omaha jobbers, are some' what lamenting these conditions they are pleased to know that they beat Kansas City in competition for south ern Nebraska business by about 16 cents on dry goods, 13 cents on hard ware and a- dime on eroceries. - Similar advantage is in Omaha's favor as against St. Joseph. These cities formerly cut in heavily on southern Nebraska business. For example, Kansas City, to Supe rior: . New rate Old rate Orooerles. Hardware. Dry Oeods. ...... .444 .! . .74 SI V .411 V .SI Omaha to,Stiperior: ' Groceries. Hardware. Dry Ooeda Old rats SO ,4SS .11 New rate I4S . v .4i , ' Lincoln's advantage over Omaha in rates to Hastings follows: " Groceries: Hardwars. Dry Goods. Lincoln-Hustings . .253 - .7 . .4! Omaha to Hastings .124 .4(t ,t Discrimination ' against Omaha. .022 .OSt .07 Policeman Guy Wright ' Enforces Old Ordinance In spite of the fact that copies of the city ordinance relating to ex pectorating are conspicuously posted in- all street cars, Patrolman Guy Wright yesterday noon scored a unique record by arresting Charles Roseman for spitting on the floor of a street car. The ordinance has been in force for many years, but old police offi cials say 4hey cannot remember an arrest ever being made for such an offense, even during the "anti-spit" crusade of a year ago. Houszki Impersonates Army in Night Attack Clad only in a thin shirt, which covered him but scantily, Policeman Tom Baughman last night found William Houszki, 2523 Hickorv. in' front of the home of Charles I Con nors, 3515 North Twenty-ninth street, where he was amusing him self by hurling rocks at nearby win dows and at pedestrians. Mr. Con nors, narrowly escaped being, hit when he ordered him away before calling a policeman, be said. He would not tell where he had-left the remainder of his clothing. .At the first sign of skin trouble aooly Resinol That natch of i'iaBeriouimattisrt Evenfnsevere, . w. wu-bauo, worra or similar affections, Resinol ymtment and Kesinol Soap usually re lieve the itchincr at emr anA atMM, tftercomethtMiYinhl. rnmn!fli UAU "much more, then, can this simple, in expensive treatment be relied on to dis pel akin trouDies in their earlier stages, S ifil (inan .m4 I'll.. a 11 J I 11 Jru.sH.I. Vn, .k 1 . - mis, 11 m, will If) Ptpt, 1-R, RtMiBol, Bavltimo, Md. The Very Newest Fall Shoe Styles Are Ready for You at Beddeo's ; , ... "jwe,.-, v 0cuuev Bnoq department, has just returned from a buying trip to St. Louis, and while there he purchased a won derful assortment of the newest styled fall shoes for women. ,...,. ) They come in all the popular color 'combinations, including champagnes, Havana Browns, Greys, and, in fact, all the new shoe novelties for fall and winter wear. They are priced from 50 in SI DOE 1417 DOUGLAS STREET Ask Any Of My Patients ; are uwuonui as w me Honesty of my medical and sureleal practise are Invited to ask some of the ARE' A? "sov PR?f-Kr," lf I"- MY PATIENTS AKE ALSO MY FR1LND8 as they have lent me manr - new eases. Many of my eases have treated for years E'?,t,.f,it.?r? I,nd reslise the difference In my plan. HUNDREDS OF MEN AND WOMEN sr. somlng to m. JjJy E NO SPEC! ArTr-ir!! A mMrBt ' 1 j, 1 wo SPECIALTY as I do s general practice of medicine and surgery based on nearly twenty years of should know of the help you can resolve at small fss, WOMEN with diseases and disorders of their ses are In .tr,..,,.elL,',.,pcUI treatment. Your secrete held rirmK'j nfld,'U1- " G". QUACKERY OR GUESS SO. Just en honest and square deal at a smsll cash price. Consultation 1.0. Examination or office ONLY"1 Medicine free. OFFICE PRACTICE DR. J. C. WOODWARD 301 Rose Building. Office hours I te S Phoma Tvlev SIS Evenings' ejid Sunday by arpentment. UNIFORM OR NOT FOR SCHOOL GIRLS Discussion is Started as to Whether Some High School Girls Overdress. BOARD MEMBER SAYS YES Is there need of dress reform among the girls of the tlrree public high schools of Greater Omaha? Do some of the daughters of well-to-do parents embarrass other girls by wearing up-to-the-minute and expen sive clothes? Will the adoption of a uniform solve the problem? Uniform for high school' girlsl That is what some of the School board members are considering. The same proposition is now before the Board of Education 'of Kansas City, Mo., and is a live issue in educational circle. Uniforms for high school atria lias hmiA in, years ago. but at that time the school oiuciais aiu not Deueve puonc senti ment supported the idea. One Member or It "Yes, indeed, I am in favor of the uniform plan for our high school ffirls. T annnArteit th n,ni ninj years ago and will support it again. Some of the High girls wear low neck dresses, others wear short skirts almost to the degree of immodesty," said Dr. li. Holovtchiner of the Board of Education.- The doctor re ferred to compulsory uniforms .or hisrh school enrla in Knrnn Ma views with alarm the tendency of some high school girls to display their wealth in the form of dollies in the class rooms. He says this sit uation has a tendency to establish a rivalry aninno th crirl. anA u,.Pt.a against the democracy of the public hiah .fhwil Wants Modest Dress. Mrs F Ml ,,(,, nr..u.. t .1.. Omaha Woman's club, said, "I ap prove or a simpler and more modest - o.w, 11 13 . um am not ready to indorse the uniform idea. -1 know that finishing schools ior gins urge simple dress among their attendants." R. F.'William. nnnlher marnk.. -f the Board of Eduratinn. airl "I h,,.. been discussing this matter with my wiic snu we agree mat a little mure modesty in dress would improve the esprit du corps m our public mgn schools. I am considering the uni form proposal." Paint on Their Faces. According to Principal Masters of Central High school, the problem at his school is more a matter ot tacial decoration than of bodily adornment "I believe there is room for dress reform at our high school, although my observations prompt me to state that Omaha High school girls are more sensible in the matter of dress than other cities I have visited. Some of our grrls, however, seem to think that copious annhcatiohs of paint on their face will add to their particular types ot beauty, and it is our aim to educate them away frorrt painting their faces, while we encourage the painting of landscapes and other scenes on paper, stated Principal Masters. Gets Service On Company Through Insurance Board Soliciting business by mail and ac cepting business secured through members places the Iowa Traveling Men's association of Des Moines, la., within the jurisdiction of the Nebras ka courts, although the company has not complied with the state law re quiring the appointment of an agent or representative on whom legal serv ice may be had according to a deci sion handed down by Judge Troup. The company has been sued by Margaret J. Hughes, widow of a Ne braska traveling salesman who car ried a $5,000 policy in the company. Payment has been declined and on special appearance before Judge Troup the company, through Attor ney A. A. Mclaughlin, claimed it was not doing such business in Nebraska as to place it within the jurisdiction of Douglas county courts. In order to secure service on the company -the papers were served on the secretary of the Slate Insurance board and in turn forwarded to the Des Moines office. The hearing of the '$5,000 ease win be continued before Judge lroup. Street Railway Company Pays Even Funeral Bills Judgment for $2,000 and an addi tional $200 for funeral expenses has been awarded Jasper E. Goodwill. executor of the estate of Jasper J. Goodwill against the Omaha & Coun cil Bluffs Street Railway company by District Judge Wakclev. Goodwill was accidentally kille'd while in the employ of the company and settle ment has been made with his widow. W.C.T.U. Expects . Boole and Bryan Arrangements for the state Wom an's Christian Temperance union con 'vention, which opens at the First Christian church Tuesday, will b completed at a meeting of the com mittee - of arrangements. Thursday morning . at the Young Women's Christian association. " Over 300 dele gates are expected. Miss Ella Boole, vice president of the national temper ance union, will be the chief woman speaker, William Jennings Bryan is counted on to add to the oratorical pyrotechnics. . .. a . ,;. The West Side Woman's Christian Temperance union will give a chicken dinner Friday evening to raise funds for the prohibition campaign. It will be given at Jennings Methodist Epis copal church, Fifty-first and, Center, between 5:30 and. 8 p. m. -' 11 .... : Motorman Fined for Speeding Street Car Fortf Worth, Tex., Spt. 13. The police campaign against speeding ex tended to, street cars today and a motorman was taken from his car, and fined $25 for fast driving. - How To Get Rid Of Catarrh, Catarrhal Deafaea otr Head Noise. . . If you havt catarrh catarrhal deafnni head ooiata oauMd by catarrh, or If pbjesm dropi In your throat and has enicd Mtarrh of the itomach or bowels, yotx will ba glad to knew that thM, dlitretitn lymptoma can b onUrtbt ovareono Id many Uatanooa by tho following treatment, which yon on wily praparo In your own homo at llttla eoit Stouro from your drucrlat 1 ovnoa of Pare, la t (Dovbla Strength). Thla will not edit you mora than Joe Take thla noma asd add to It H pint of hot water and 4 onneea of trannlatcd aagor; atir an til dlovat Taka ono tableapoonfuj four tlmaa a day. A aaeiaou unprovetnun ia omanniM notcif after the first day'a treatment. Breath inc becomes amsy, while tha distressing fcoadl noises, headache, dullness, cloudy thinking, etc., gradually disappear under tha tonie ae tion of tho treatment. Loaa of email, tut. defective hearing nnd moras dropping In tne oaoK 01 ini mroa are outer symptoms which suggest tha nreeenco of eatarrh which are often overcome by this efficacious treatment. Nearly ninety per cent of ail oar troubles are sale, to bo directly oaased by eatorrh. therefore, thero must bo many peo ple whoea bearing can bo restored by this simple homo treatmnt Advertisement. - iStore Hours: 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Saturdays Till 9 P. M. BURGESS-NASH GOIIEUIT ; Distinctive Burgess-Nash TAILORED SUITS -r . "';.' Among which w feature special assemblages at $25.00. $35.00 and $50.00 With others up to $100.00 , VELOURS N BOLIVIAS VELVETS . BROADCLOTHS and the ever wanted Serges and Poplins in Autumn weights. Fabrics that vie with their colorinsrs in diver sity; for high in favor with fashion creators this season are many color innovations Mohawk, Raisin, Bordeaux, Blueberry, Rubber Gray, Purple, Santiago; as well as Navy, Green and Black. Our assortments are notable for their at tractive pricings. , , ' The "BURNASCO" label possesses merit be- yond the ordinary. , ' Frocks Unmistakably New QPECIALLY chosen from the masters of de sign ; for naught should be more unimpeach ably correct than your first Fall Frock be it of Serge With Embroidery or Braiding Fur Trimmed and Bordered Broadcloth Satin Combined With Serge y Broadcloth Plus Satin Plus Fur Among many reproductions of recent French creations we feature new models from JENNY and LANVIN, exponents of the serge frock de luxe. ' v i Inexpensive Frocks for Street Wear $16.50 to $29.50 ' Tailleur Street and Trotteur Frocks , , $45.00 and Up Individual Models A Special Feature at $75.00 to $150.00 Frocks of Satin EMBELLISHED in the mode, with fur and the new collars and cuffs that autumn de mands. In street and afternoon types, they're moderately priced at V Upwards from $25.00 With Individual Models at Pleating Prices. Evening Gowns of Jet and Tulle, or Tulle, Georgette and other airy fabrics, including a number of HARRY COLLINS' latest creations Newly Arrived Consistently Priced ' Burgess-Naih Co. Everybody's Store 16th and Harneyg nrrHTu-rr, 1 1 mil (0 rvrA-. r-r IV.7 il r 0805