Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 31, 1916, STATE FAIR SECTION, Image 18

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Lincoln as a Railroad Center
A a railroad center Lincoln has '
few equal in the west Five big rail
roads, the Chicago, Burlington &
Qnincy, the, Union Pacific, the Rock
Island, the Northwestern and Mis
souri Pacific, .diverging from the cap
ital city makes the latter a hub from
which the spokes of the wheels in
steel rails run in every direction. Six
lines of the Burlington run out of
Lincoln in different directions; two
of the Rock Island's to the east and
southwest; two of the Union Pacific's
to the north and south, while the
Missouri Pacific to Kansas City
makes a rail service that few cities
of the size of Lincoln enjoy.
The passenger traffic in and out of
Lincoln last year amounted to a few
dollars short of a million, while the
total freight and passenger receipts
amounted to over three million and a
half. It was natural that the Burling
ton should do the bulk of the business
because of its location and the many
roads which run in all directions. The
figures for freight and passenger traf
fic of the several roads were as follows:
As an indication of the passenger
traffic and how it was divided, the
Lincoln Trade Review gives the
above and the following in its sum
mary of railroad business for 1915:
When Lincoln gets its new union
station, for which it has been contend
ing for many years, and which at this
time appears to be an assured fact,
the city will be better able than ever
to take care of the passenger traffic.
At the present time each railroad,
with the exception of the Northwest
ern and Missouri Pacific, which have
a union station, maintains a separate
station in different parts of the city,
but with the union station idea carried
out much of the inconvenience which
comes from having different stations
will be entirely overcome.
The big Burlington shops at Have
lock, a suburb of Lincoln, five miles
away, adds immensely to the impor
tance of Nebraska's capital city as a
trade center and with the large addi
tions which are expected to be made
within the next year will increase the
efficiency of the Burlington and add
materially to the business interests of
How te Reach the State Fair.
The train service to the Nebraska
state fair is unexcelled. In years past
it has been the custom of the railroads
to run special trains into Lincoln on
all lines, reaching the city in the mid
dle of the forenoon and leaving in the
evening. This, with the regular train
service, has made it easy to attend
the fair and return the same day.
In this day of the automobile, while
thousands of people ride to Lincoln
in their own cars, the railroads have
not given up the special train idea and
notwithstanding the people have ac
cess to their own method of trans
portation, the railroads appear to have
just about as many passengers and
the extra trains are crowded.
After reaching Lincoln, provided
that trains passing the fair grounds
do not stop and let off passengers,
which is done in some instances, one
will find getting to the grounds from
the city an easy solution.
First, the Lincoln Traction com
pany has a aouoie track- io ine
grounds, starting from Tenth and P
streets, and cars run as often as the
needs of the occasion demand. The
Burlington also runs a-shuttle train
from its station directly into the
Swk lalaail
Calm Paalfla...
MlMMOrt Faclfla.,
rtJiwatrB . . ,
Baf Itaftea
Bark bland... .
t'nloa PaeMe. ,
Xarthwaattrn . .
Mlaaourl Pacific
grounds and with a fiye-minute serv
ice gives the state. fair visitor quick
transportation to and from the
grounds. Then, too, there is the auto
mobile transportation, which is an
other way to reach the fair grounds.
Beatrice Creamery
- The Beatrice Creamery company
started as a small concern in Beatrice
and moved to Lincoln in 1898, and
has since grown from the little acorn
to the mammoth and wide-spreading
business oak. Annually it sends out
7,000,000 pounds of its famous brands
of butter. Its product goes to every
corner of the United States and into
other countries as well, this only
faintly showing what the Beatrice
Creamery company is to the state of
Nebraska as a part of its manufac
turing and dairy business.
And so as one visits the Nebraska
state fair this fall, failure to see the
great exhibit of the Beatrice Cream
ery company will mean that you have
lost an opportunity to see something
well worth while. Do not forget it.
He Taught Them How to Milk
v. ; ;
A lot of broken down old .milk
cows that eat up twice as much as
they turn out in the lacteal fluid, form
no criterion by which to judge the
dairying possibilities of this state.
Prof. J. H. Frandsen of the Mate
Agricultural college staff says so, and
he ought to know.
"The dairying industry," says the
professor, "is very much on the up
grade in this state, but there is plenty
of room for improvement The big
problem is to get the farmers and
dairymen to see that they are losing
money by keeping low grade cows.
wnen inpy uu mat, uiuiuamr n
doesn't take long to convince them
that they improve. For no man will
throw money away when he knows
it and they are shown to be throw
ing money away when they keep cows
that eat more than they return to
the owners."
A few steps taken during the last
two or three years at the insistence
of Prof. Frandsen, are worth while.
He has had most striking exhibits at
the state fair and has shown farmers
who have visited him that there are
vast differences between some of the
cows which to all intents and purpos
es look altke and which ought to re
turn money in the same proportion.
There were farmers who disputed
him and who thought that he didn't
know what he was talking about.
One of them who lived a few miles
from Lincoln was insistent during a
study of the professor's tables, and
when he got back home declared to
his county demonstrators that neither
he nor Frandsen knew anything about
The result was that a test was ap
plied to the old mooley and very
much to the surprise of the farmer
she did not show up at all well in it.
She was losing money every day she
stayed on his place. It was as if he
had tossed so much money in a rat
hole each day.
He didn't lose much time in sepa
rating her from his payroll. He then
ambled meekly over to where Prof.
Frandsen works and asked him what
kind of cow to buy and why and
followed the professor's advice quite
as eagerly as if he hadn't pretended to
know all about it in the first place.
"This state is a most excellent place
for the dairying industry to flourish,
Prof. Frandsen contends. "There are
facilities here which some of the
Fnrnntan countries, like Denmark and
Switzerland, would give everything
for. Yet we get less out of them by
far than they do. When we begin
to avail ourselves of our opportunities
to the same extent that they do then
we will begin to make dollars where
we now make cents and farmers will
h nivninor interurban lines through
their districts instead of merely being
contented to ride about in small cars
of a popular make.
The Wright Cafe
"The Right Place to Eat"
, New Location, 129 S.' 12th St.
All Old and New Customers Are Welcome
ERNEST F. WRIGHT, Proprietor
. "Old Man Wright It Still on Top"
N. S.
139 South Eleventh
Lincoln, Nebraska
Occupied Exclusively by a Department Store
Every foot of the more than THREE and a half acres of floor space in the NINE floors
of this building is devoted to some department of the store.
Fixtures of artistic and practical design, are of American walnut throughout,Carpet
inga and floor coverings in harmony. Decorations are in Ivory. y
Acres of glass admit SUNLIGHT to practically every nook and corner of the store.
When artificial light is needed, the latest type of indirect and semi-indirect lighting is
used. .
Fresh air washed and cooled in summer (heated in winter) is forced through the store. Tem
peratures are controlled by automatic electric regulators. A complete system of vacuum cleaning
keeps the building free from dust and dirt.
Four electric passenger elevators, of the most modern type, serve to convey our patrons to ev
ery floor, quickly and safely. A large electric freight elevator operated independent of the pas
senger elevators, takes care of all incoming and o utgoing freight.
A double spiral package chute extending from top floor to basement, and endless belt con
veyors, deliver parcels from every floor and from every counter on the street floor and in the base
ment, to delivery room in less than TWO minutes.
A complete Cold Storage plant furnishes refrigeration for the Fur Storage Vaults, for the Tea
Room, Kitchen, the Candy factory and wherever else needed in the building. '
ment store, we believe, in Nebraska, or for 'that matter, in the central west. This is the store to
which we invite you when you come to
Visitors to the Fair are invited to see Lincoln from the Tower of this building 158 feet
above the street a wonderful view.
There are 37 Distinct Departments
with many subdivisions for the accommodation of various lines of merchandise.
This is one of the most important departments In
the store, occupying almost the entire second floor. One
of the largest, most perfectly lighted and best equipped
departments of the kind in Nebraska. Here you will find
splendid stocks of carefully selected garments for Wo
men, Misses and Children, in the most approved FALL
and WINTER Btyles. Besides Coats, Suits, Skirts,
Dresses and Waists, you will find Kimonos, Petticoats,
Sweaters, Corsets, Underwear and Babies' Goods.
Women's, Misses and Children's shoes will be found
on the second floor. The selection of up-to-date, well
chosen shoes is unequaled. Every care and attention is
given to proper fitting. MEN'S SHOES will be found
in the "Men's Corner" on the first floor where both pop
ular priced and high grade lines of men's shoes are shown.
The lower priced lines of Men's, Women's and Children's
shoes will be found in the Basement
The greater portion of our third floor is devoted to
the display and sale of Silks, Wool Materials and Wash
Goods in the latest weaves, patterns and colors, for suits,
coats, skirts, waists, dresses, etc. The lighting of this
section is IDEAL you can SEE shades and match colors
without difficulty. A dark room with special lighting, is
provided for showing evening shades and materials.
Pictorial Review-Patterns.
A complete Jewelry shop, where you may buy the
best grades of plated table silver, Sheffield plate, Sterling
Silver pieces, up-to-date jewelry novelties, Watches,
precious and semi-precious stones set artistically and
moderately priced.
In this section, on the first floor, will be found a
' carefully selected showing of up-to-date hand bags, shop-
Sing bags, purses, bill rolls, music rolls, card cases, etc.
ere will also be found a very complete selection of
French Ivory toilet articles, Thermos bottles and elec
trical novelties. - , ""
This is a store complete in itself devoted to the
lower priced lines of merchandise. Here you will find
practically all lines represented Ready-to-wear Goods,
Millinery, Shoes, Silks, Dress Goods, Domestics, Wash
Goods, Hoisery, Underwear, Draperies, Men's Furnish
ings, Notions, Toilet Goods, Linens, White Goods, Corsets,
etc. The economically inclined may purchase depend
able goods at a decided saving in the BASEMENT.
The entire sixth floor is devoted to Carpets, Rugs,
Drapery materials, Made-up Curtains, Linoleums, Shades,
Vacuum Clearners, Suction Sweepers, Cedar and Matting
Boxes. You will find the products of the most reputable
manufacturers shown in a splendidly lighted, well ap
pointed salesroom.
Here in one of the most accessible locations in the
ton you will find grouped the things of interest to men.
. Men's Shoes, Haberdashery, Rain Coats, Umbrellas, Bath
Robes, etc Boy's waists will also be found in this sec
Another corner of the Main floor is devoted to
Books of every kind and character. Over 15,000 vol
umes in stock. We can supply either from stock or will
order for you -ANY book in print There is also an up-to-date
line of stationery, paper novelties, dinner cards,
personal cards, etc. You may also order high grade en
graving and printing in correct social forms. A LEND
ING LIBRARY of over 200 new books, enables you to
read the late fiction by paying 2c a day.
A large section of the main floor is devoted to the
best grades of Table Linens, Fine White Materials, Tow
els, Fancy Linens, Art Linens, etc.' We strive to show
at all times, complete lines of both foreign and domestic
A complete and up-to-date candy shop in the base
ment, in connection with a beautiful new soda fountain,
where all the popular drinks and light lunches are served.
We make practically all the candies we sell, in our own
sanitary sunlit candy factory, where only pure and
wholesome materials are used.
A well appointed perfectly lighted splendidly
ventilated room, on the fifth floor, accommodating over
800. Service is maintained throughout the day, from
8:15 a. m. to 6 p. m. with special menus at noon and for
afternoon lunches. The kitchen is modemly equipped
much of the cooking being done by electricity. An av
erage of 600 to 700 people take lunch here every day.
' This large, well lighted section of the store is de
voted to the display and sale of Household goods, Fine
Chinas, Cut Glass, Pottery, Statuary, Laundry Supplies,
Paints, Polishes, Cleaners, Wheel Goods, Electrical Goods,
Dinnerware, Glassware and many other useful household
Here you will find a perfectly appointed Millinery
shop where the latest creations of eminent designers are
shown in advance of the season.
This section also includes the department of Furs,
where handsome garments of beautiful furs in the latest
styles may be purchased ready-to-wear or to your order.
Art Needle Work and embroidery materials will also
be found on this floor in most complete assortment
You will find the newest ideas and the latest novel
ties displayed here first
Pictures and picture framing, anda. complete stock
of VICTROLAS and Victor records fill the balance of the
A large section of the basement devoted to the show
ing of a very carefully selected stock of dependable
trunks and hand baggage, including both popular priced
and High grade lines.- We are the Lincoln retailers of
INDESTRUCTO Wardrobe trunks, Steamers, Dress,
Trunks, Hand Bags and Suit Cases, all of which are fully
Just from the women's' rest room on the second
floor, will be found an up-to-date, perfectly appointed
Hair Dressing department, where muady may have her
hair coifed, nails manicured, scalp treated, face massaged
in the latest and most approved manner, by experts.
Children may have hair bobbed or nails manicured with
the same care and attention.
Besides those departments already mentioned, there
are sections devoted to Laces, Trimmings, Embroideries,
Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Neckwear, Toilet Goods,
Ribbons, Notions, Buttons, which are carried in remark
ablely complete assortments at all seasons. 1
We have endeavored to provide every convenience
consistent with good business, for our patrons. On the
first floor, will be found Free Telephones and Free Check
ing stand for parcels, hand baggage, wraps, umbrellas,
etc. Here is also located the "Lost and Found" window,
where you may ask for things lost in the store and recov
er them if they have been found. On the second floor
is the Women's Rest Room, with every modern conven
ience at hand,. '.