Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 28, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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SIX -ROOM home for Bale by owner. One
block from car. Uood term. Bos (32s.
ROOM houae, modern except beat; oe
ment walks and garage; food lot; cheap
at 12,100. 4744 8. 13th St Douslaa 1118,
Oak floors throughout oak
finish In living and din
ing rooms, large, light
white enamel bedrooms;
good location; reatrlcted
addition. A bargain at
IS. inn. Easy terms.
Paaton Block- Iiouglas 171S.
nma on price, 11.100, being 8 houses. 6
moras each near high school and
relghton college. Also few bungalows,
I20 down, and S rooms, $88 down, bal
ance monthly.
Brandels Theater Bldg. Tyler 1014.
REAL ESTATE Unimproved
T,"OT for al In Clairmont addition or will
trade tor lat modl auto. Ownr leav
inp city. Call Wolpa, Douifia -2740.
I LOT, 40x130, on proposed car line in Fon-t-nello
addition; fine location for real
d?nre. Colfax 1261.
On 66x130 feet, haa 7 -room houae, brick
(ta rage, 66 teet weal of 16th and Cali
fornia St
6. O. NORnQUIff?. - Neville Block.
I dandy vacant lota. H block to car
Una; cut to 11,000 caah for quick aal.
Dourla 1J.U. Cltr NatL Bank Bid
77x186 ft. on N. 80th St., near Laurel
Ave. Paved, aewer and water, A bar-
gain for lomt builder. Web. 8782.
Druid BIU. $2.00 down, fiOo per week.
Douglas 3382.
Bancroft, and 26 th, either under or
level with viaduct; lota abutting on Bur
lington R. R., $660 to $1,000.
GEORGE O. WALLACE, 614 Keellne.
A GOOD lot for 171.00. & good lota for
176.00 each. Clone to a car line. $1 down
and 60c per wek. Box 6036. Omaha Bee
Go out to Lynn weed today and aee the
beautiful lota we are aelllng from 1460 to
Phone Doug. 69S 1807-$ W. O. W. Bldg.
llt.tO down and $10.00 per month; price
1360 (,0- Haa, lUilM; located on Locuat
St., between Clark and Bum ham, rot
far from achool and car Una. Geo. R
Wright. Be of'ice. Omaha.
FOR SALE In Bellevue, S lota, 6-room
hwuae. Good barn, chlekea house, well
and cistern; frutt and shade tree. Three
. blocks from car line, onet from public
school and four from college. Price $2,600;
: part caah. balance monthly payments.
Phone Bellevue 43. Postofflce Box St.
it-ROOM bungalow in Dundee, all stucco.
for sale by owner, $4,750; brand new; $200
' cash, balance like rent. Box 4768, Bee.
South Side.
6-ROOM residence, South Side, $1,600; $60
: caah.' balance 116 pr month. Doug. 6226.
"" Miscellaneous. ' r
TRY. Highly improved; within 800 feet .of
- good paved road . leading to the city-;
located 6HI miles north and 2 miles
nt rhu nninhsi Tinntoff Ica Tri
110,000; auk fns detailed description and
pictured folder; we will be pleased to
show this place by appointment at any
1 Doug. 2715. 1016 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg.
80 ACRES, 21 miles from Omaha, $100.00
--per acre; terms; some exchange. Archer
Realty, 680 Brandels Bldg.
6 -A. Blk. In Falracrea; new Browncll Hall
r district. C, J. Canan, JlcCague Bldg.
RESIDENCE lot; North Side; want 1916
Ford or first payment. Call South 1386.
WANTKU To exchange dealrahle rtwiderce
properties in Grand Island, and NebraaKa
land all clear, well secured- first mort
gage and cash, tor a good brick busi
ness property Id a growing and well es-
' tabllshed otty tn Nebraska. U. & Land
tnd Loan Company. Bos 604 Grand
Island Neb
GOOD farms, well improved, well located,
priced right, good terms, in Lyon county.
Minnesota, and vicinity, 60 mtlea from
the Iowa line In the bt corn, clover
and slfalfa section of the itate. Give fun
particulars tn your first letter as to what
you have and what you v. ant,
Marshall, Lyon County, Minn.
FOR SALE or exchange; 210 acres, south
eastern Nebraska; rich, level, tnd always
produces bljf crops; improved, price
$31,600; Incumbrance $6,000; want $16,
000 cash and cheap land or merchandise
for balance; will assume. Livingston,
Nebraska City, Neb.
'.'00 ACRES, level farm, southeast Nebraska;
crops always good;, price $26,000; Incum
brance $6,600; equity $18,600; want Kan
sas, Missouri or western farm or cash
and Income. Livingston, Nebraska City,
FIRST-CLASS farm; eastern Neb.; exchange
for first mortgages on good Income prop
erty or farms. Livingston, Nebraska City,
t0 ACRES, Keith county, Neb.; 160 In
crop, balance hay and pasture; In rain belt;
crops good; rents well; price $16,000;
mortgage $4,000, 4H years; equity $12,
00ft ; want small Missouri or Kansas farm.
Address, J. Huffman, 413 Bee Bldg.,
Omaha, Neb.
J34 ACRES, S. W. Iowa; nu buildings; price
$130 per a "re; mortgage $14,800; equity
I i,120; want Income, or what have you?
dress, Huffman, 413 Bee Bldg., Omaha,
BKfJ' Want-Ads GAINED 19,680 MORE
.'AID ADS than any other Omaha news
paper gained in first seven months 1116.
Good results at loss
cost Is the reason why.
KliiMT CLASS eastern Nebraska farm for
fust mortgages or good Income property.
'hII or address 641, Wellington Inn.
I2-K. mod. residence; paving paid; want
ti-r mod. bungalow as first payment; bal
ance easy terms, Morgan. Doug. 4171.
KOK EXCHANGE New brick stora for
western land. Colfax afiog. Owner.
REAL ESTATE Investment.
We havs a desirable piece of
dose-in income property, paying
over 12 per cent gross on $20,000
. This price will take It if sold this
week. Can make terms attractive.
F. D. WEAD, '
310 8. Uth St. Wcad Bldg.
Wil COLFAX. Ids Kaeiine Bldg.
iteal ffat. city property, large ranches
KOR SALE 1MHII. face thrM streeto:
near nsw Ford building; splendid manu
laclwtu site. Address. B-IIL, Be
!H A., sightly. (M and C.rovsr. ti.000; t',
A., on paved St., 11,000; 1 A . (3d and
Pacific. 12,000 cash. Doug. :;.
REAL ESTATE Other Citie.
ARB you looking for an almost modern
house and. a few acres, just the right
distance from town? If so, write E. W.
Trans, Plattsmouth, Neb.
PORTLAND residences for Nebraska prop
erty. Hilton R. White, Columbus. Neb.
WANTED 4, 6 and roomed houses that
3a n be sold for $10i cash; balanoe $11
per month; give complete description first
1320 Parnam St Tel. Doug. 1014
OUR specialty handling property for out-of-town
HAVE buyers for s.nall houses and lots In
North Omaha. Writs 6061. Be.
Real Estate, Loans, Mortgages.
15, M0 MORTOAOR, bearing t per cent
semi ann. : secured by property valued at
S2&.500. Talmage-Loomls lnv. Co., w. o.
W. Bldg.
S PRB CalNT to I per eeot on best olaas city
reeldemiee In amounts $1,000 op: also
arm loans. Reasonable commissions.
PBTHKB THt'HT CO., tlfl r-ernrm It
OMAHA home East Nebraska farms.
1016 Omaha NatL Phoa Douglaa 1714.
MONEY to loan on Improved farm, and
ranches. We also buy rood farm mort
gages. Klolcs lnv. Co., Omaha.
REAL ESTATE loans. per cant, gee
II Omaha Natl. Bank.
CITY and farm loans, 4, 6H, I per cent.
J. H. Dumont A Co., 414 Keellne Bldg.
MONEY on hand for city and
farm loana. H. W. Binder, Cltr
"Natl. Bank Bldg.
FARM and city loans, fi.Stt and 4 per cent:
W. H. Thomas. Keellne Bids. Doug. 1449.
914 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg.
FARM loans, 5 and 0- per cent. D. 4707.
Toland A Trumbull. 448 Bee Bldg.
1100 to 110.000 made promptly. F. D. Weed.
Wead Bldg. 18th and Parnam Bta.
Abstracts ol Title
Gliaranfoo A6" Co. Ws can bring
Uol allied down your abstract on
abort notlie. R. 7, Patterson Bldg. D. 1847.
Tnm, Title, Guarantee and Abstract Co.,
Xveil 05 s. 17th St., ground floor.
Bonded by Mass. .Bonding and Ins. Co.
REED ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract of
fice In Nebraska. 104 Brandels Theater.
NOW "is" tiis proper time for your birds to
shed feathers. "Song and Moulting Food,"
16c per box. Is what he needa now. Max
Gelsler Bird Co.
PERSIAN Anorgan kittens at 4323 S. ISth.
Tyler 1162.
FOR SALE Airedale pupplea. 3012 Leav
enworth St.
For Sale Live decoy ducks. Call Colfax 3050
Colorado Lands.
" of 80 acres In San Luis Valley, Colorado.
Improvements consist of good 4 -room
' house, barn, hen house and out buildings,
the whole Inclosed by a hog-tight fence.
. 22 acres In alfalfa. Ideal conditions for
raising hogs and sheep, No drouth, plenty
of water when you need it. Price 70
per acre. Would exchange for property
in Omaha, or vicinity or phone Benson
843-J. -
DON'T fall to Join Nethaway's Colorado
land excursion on Sept. J. Florence 228.
SNAP Sec. 23. Twp. iVRange 4rcheyenne
Co., Colo., elegant perfect section, It., 800.
Mortgage. $1,600 takes equity. R. Bettes-
worth. Cedar Rapids, la.
Minnesota Land.
40, "80 OR 160 ACRES GOOD, HEAVY
soil, well settled part of Todd county,
Minn., good roads, schools and churches;
price $16 to $20 per acre; terms $1.00 per
acre caah, balance $4.00 per acre a year;
6,000 acres to select from. Agents wanted;
will make a low railroad rate to Inspect.
Schwab Bros., 1028 Plymouth Bldg.. Min
neapolis, Minn.
274 acres, 60 miles south of Minne
apolis; two sets of buildings. Can be di
vided. Will sell separately. Black ioam
soli.' Practically every acre tillable. No
stone -or swamp.- Low price, easy terms.
Johnssn Land Co., 324 Andrus Bldg.,
Minneapolis, Minn.
Montana Lands.
CAN locatu ' three people on good home
steads of 820 acres each; location fee $100.
Address B. G. Farnsworth, EH (ton, Mont
Nebraska Lands.
6 H A., very choice land, just N. W.
Benson. Belongs to bank. Must, sell. A
bargain. See me for price and terms.
J. A. ABBOTT, 4 Patterson Blk.. City.
B40-ACRB wU Improved farm. Kimball Co.
Price, crops of wheat delivered. Writs
w. -y. Young, jr.. Kimball. Hub.
TOWN farm. 250 a., alfalfa valley land, ad
joining Hershey, Neb., at $63. Writs D.
C. Patterson, Omaha, Neb.
100 AC, well Improved, on mil of county
seat town, east Nebraska, $185.
Keellne Bldg.
160 ACRES 1 mile from town; level, bent
of soli; good Improvements. Price $126.
W. T. Smith Co., 914 City Nat. Bk. Bldg.
10 .ACRES of good farm land near Omaha.
Price is right. 3. P. Bostwick & Son, 200
Bee Bldg.
South Dakota Lands.
DAIRY FOR SALE Two mlleu from town.
800 acres deeded land, 43 cows, 20 horses,
milking machlno, cream separator, waRtine,
farm machinery, auto delivery truck..
First class trade. Must sell because owner
is with militia on Mexican border. Write.
Cold Brook Dairy, Hot Springs, South Dak.
Wisconsin Lands.
UPPER WISCONSIN Bfst dairy and getT
era! crop state tn the union. Settlers'
wanted; lands for sale at low pries on
easy, terms; excellent lands for hock
raising. Ask for booklet 86 on Wisconsin
Central Land Grant; state acres wanted.
If Interested In fruit lands, ask for book
let on Apple Orchards. Address Land Com
missioner Boo Railway, Minneapolis, Minn.
GET literatut snd maps on the cheapest
good land In United States.
10th and Do-g las Sts., Omaha. Doug. 1188.
BEFORE you buy look tnese cars and prices
over. It will pay you well:
Chalmers Rosdster
I Overlands
Studebaker-0 $460
Mets y- 161
Cadillac ... ISO
A Fords
Chevrolet Roadster 160
1916 Indian Motorcycle, good as new. 176
310 Farnam. Douglas 681.
MITCHELL truck $260
Ftulrk roadster, "" 1700
Overland six 160
Overland light five $460
Bukk light Ave $360
Maxwell light five., $376
Pope-Hartford racer $600
3047 Farnam St. Doug. $20.
SJ09 Farnam. Douglas 2210.
Fiird Roadster $176
Cole Touring 660
Overland Touring 276
Bulck B 36 Roadster... 426
Firs and theft Insurance on new Fords
812-14 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2811.
60 h. p. car, speedster type, newly
painted and all gears. Tires In fine shape.
Tire irons for extra tire and trunk In
rear, 1 have held it at 360, but a rea
sonable offer accepted. See It at 1700
BEE Want-Ads GAINED lft.608 MORE
PAID ADS than any other Omaha news
paper gained In first seven months, 101.
Uood results at less
coat Is the reason why.
1814-18-18 Parnate. St.
t SOUTH BEND lathe, 12-Inch awing. 8-ft.
bed, full equipment, $200.
Regal under lung. $210 cash.
Crosstown Garage, 316 B. 24th. D. 4443.
WE will trad you a new Ford for your old
one. -
20th and Harney. Doug. 6261.
FOR SALEA ttre rack, will hold 200 tires
displayed nicely. Omaha, Garage, 20 1Q
Auto Livery and Garages.
DON'T throw away old tires. We make on
new tire from 2 old ones and save you 60
per cent. 2 In 1 Vulcanising Co.. 1616 Dav
enport St.. Omaha. Neb. Douglas 2014.
EXPERT auto repairing, "service car al
ways ready." Omaha Garage, 1010 Harnsy
St. Tyler 666.
-Auto Tires 'and Supplies-
$6,000 STOCK of Pennsylvania tires, guar
anteed 4,000 miles, for sale at reduced
prices by Duo Tire Co., 1611 Chicago.
SEE us fur bargains In standard makes.
Expert ttre repairing. Zwlebei Bros., 2618
Auto Repairing ana Painting.
$100 reward for magneto we can't T repair.
Colls repaired. Baysdorfer 310 N. 18th.
NEB. Auto Radiator Repair Service and
prices right. 218 S. ltb St. D. 7280.
Motorcycles and Bicycles
galns in used machines. Victor Roos, "The
Motorcycle Man." 2701 Leavenworth.
Butter No. 1 creamery, In cartons or
tuba. 20c; No. I, 38o.
Cheese Imported Swiss, lb., 46c; domes
tic Swiss, 86c; block Swiss, 26c; twins. 17;
triplets, 17 Vic; daisies. 17 c; Young Amer
lea. 19 He; blue label brick, 18Vic; Itm
berger, 20c; New York white, 20c; Rocque
fort, 6 Be.
FRESH FISH Halibut. ISo, atflah,
mall, 17c; ratflsh, large steak, 15c; rd
salmon, 14r; fall salmon, 11c; whltcflah, su
perior Selkirk and other northern stock, 16c;
trout. No. 1. 17c, yellow pike. No. 1. 16c;
bullheads, 16c; carp. No. '1, 9r; black ba.
22c; -'cjcppples, medium, 16r; pickerel,
dressed, fanry, 12c; steak codfish, shore
fish, 13c; tlleflsh (new), 6c; rod snapper,
13c; Spanish mackerel, 16c; Lake Erie, Jum
bo whiter inn, 22c; flounders, fancy sUck,
lie; fresh headless shrimps, per gal., $1,26;
fresh reeled shrimp, per gal., $3.0d.
Beef Cuts Ribs: No. 1. ISfec; No. 2.
17c: No. 3. 18c. Loins: No. 1. 226c; No.
2, 19c; No 2, 16Hc. Chucks: No. 1, 124c;
No. 2. 12c; No. 3, 10 Sc. Rounds: No. 1.
16c; No. 2, 1014c; No. I. 12ttc. Plates:
No. 1. 10c; No, 2, OMic; No. 2, 9c.
Fruit and vegetable prints furnished by
Gillnsky Fruit Co
Fruits Oranges: 96s, 100s, 324s, 360s, boi,
$4; 126s. 288s, $4.60; 150s, $6; -176s. 200s.
216s, 26,0b, $6.26. Lemnis: Golden Bowl.
300s, 860s, box, $9.60; Hill's Reds, 300s, 360s,
$9. " Apples: Gravensteln, box, $2.36; Bell
flowers (due 19th), $1.76; cooking apples,
tabl., $3.
Decldious Fruits Peaches: " Elberta, Cal.,
crate, $1.26; Carmen, Colo., extra, $1.06 ;
Carmen, Colo., fancy, $1; Carmen, Colo.,
choice, 96c. Grapes: Malagas, crate, $2.
Pears: Cal. Bart let ts, crate, $3.6- choice
Cal. Bartlstta, $3.26; Colo. Cittpps $2.60,
fancy 6-tter $2.26, choice K-tler $2.25, choice
3-tier $2; Colo. Bartletts $2.76, &-tler 2.fc0,
fancy 6-tier $3.60. Watermelons'. Lb., H4c.
Cantaloupes; Standards, orate, $3; ponys,
$2.60; flats, $1.26; Mission Bell, 30s, $2.26.
Bananas: Bunch, $1.76 to $2.60.
Vegetable Sweet potatoes, hamper.
$1.86; Cat., 100-lb. crates. $4.26; potatoes,
bu., $1; Spanish onions, crate, $2; Cal.
onions, lb., 24c; tomatoes, basket, 86c;
Michigan celery, dos., 40o; peppers, basket,
60c; peas, basket, $1; head lettuce, dos.,
$1; corn,, dos.,-16c; garlic, lb., 20c.
Poultry Broilers: 144 to 2 Si lbs.. 18r;
broilers, over 2H lbs., l6o; hens, over 4
lbs., 14t; hens, under 4H lbs., 13c; roosters
and stags, 101 10c; geese full feathered tat,
10c; young and old ducks, full feathe.-ed,
fat, 12c; turkeys, any else over 8 pounds.
14c; turkeys, less than 6 pounds, half price;
old tome, 24c: capons, 9 lbs. and over. 21c;
guineas, each, 2ftc; squabs, homers, 14 on.
each, per doe., $4.00; squabs, homers, 12 cz.
each, per dos., $i,00; squabs, homers, 8 oi
&ach. per doz., $1.60; squabs, homers, under
8 os, oach. per dos.. 6oc; pigeons, per dot.,
Miscellaneous Crackerjaok, cornpops
and checkers, case, $3.60; half rasas, $1.76;
peanuts. Spejlai No. 1, lb., 6 a; Jumbo
peanuts, 8c; popcorn, case, $2.60; honey,
new, case, $3.76.
Wyoming Lands.
Vt SECTION, n,-ar the Black Hills, partly
Improved, good farming or grazing land;
good water. Box 6246, Be.
SEND your name today. Receive offers
from land owners, agnnts, everywhere.
United Realty Associates, Jollet, 111.
ACREAGE to 6-A. tractg on car Una.
Easy terms C. R Comb), 811 Brandels
Thea Blda Doug 89 It
statement of Clearing House Banks.
New York, Aug. 26. The statement of
the actual condition of clearing -bonne banks
and trust companies for the week enow
that they hold $126,390,800 reserve In ex
cuss of legal requirements. This Is a de
crease of $2,202,860 from last week. The
statement follows:
Actual Condition
Increase. Ixsns, discounts . , .$3,243,902,000 $11, 190,000
Reserve in own
vaults (B ....... 466.330.000 6,402,000
Reserve In federal
reaerve bank 167,871,000 M, 210,000
Reserve in oLher de-
) post tur lee 64.287,000 1,231,000
Not demand deposits 1,4:12,144.000 46,632,000
Net time deposits. . 179,670,000 29,9 19.000
Circulation " 31,139,000 83.ono
Emeus reserve .... 125,390,360 2.202.NS0
IB) Of which $386,249,000 Is specie. De
crease. Aggregate resnrvt. $678,488,000.
Summary of state banks and trust com
panies In Greater New York not Included
In clearing house statement:
Loans, discounts, stc. .$713,888,800 $1,710,200
Specie 68,606,400 a26.100
Legal tenders 8,722,400 67,700
Total deposits 874,882,200 3,136100
' Banks: Cash reserve In vault, $11,881,000.
Trust companies; Cash reserve In vault,
I 6-passenger Ford touring car.
I 6-A 4-cyllnder, 40 h. p. Cartercar;
quipped with electric lights and starter;
extra tire, with four practically new tires
on ths car; paint In A-l condition.
1 1918 (-cylinder 7-passenger Enger;
equipped with electric lights and starter.
. 1 6-cyllnder, 6-pansoi.ger Interstate;
quipped with electric lights and starter.
1 1916 Chalmers Master His, (to h. p.,
(-passenger, equipped with electric lights,
tarter; tires practically new.
All these cars In exceptionally good
condition and will be sold at a bargain.
Doug. 6082. 3211-13 Farnam St.
Kansas City Grain Market.
Kansas City, Aug. 20. Wheat No. 3
hard. $1.49 1.66; No. 2 hard red, 81.63&
1.61: Stptemb'ir, $1.46 H 1.46 H ; Decem
ber, ; May. il.EI
Corn No. 2 mixed. 82$ 82c; No. 3
white, 82 c; No. 2 yellow, 83c; September
mc; December, 7474'4e; Way, 77Hc
Oats No. whits, 474048c; No. 2
mixed. 48SM9r..
Butter Creamery, 28c; firsts, 28c; sec
onds, 26c; packing, 23 4c.
Eggs Firm. 36c.
Poultry Hens, 16c; roosters. lHc; broil
ers, lite.
Metal Market.
New York. Aug. 2C Metnlrv The copper
market has shown continued firmness. Quo
tations for electrolytic today ranged from
$l!7.60 to $28.00 for delivery up to the turn
of the year, and while offerings for the first
quarter are reported ranging down $26.60,
Rome of the larger dealers are quoting
(27.004p27.60. Iron was unchanged.
Cash Wheat Reaches New
Level When' Market Scores
Three-Cent Advance.
Omaha. August 31. 191$.
Caah wheat reached new high prlcw
level today when the market scored a $
cent advance and boosted the price of No
3 hard wheat to $1.61. The cash demand
was excellent and although the wheat sales
were quite heavy there were several cars of
this cereal held over for Monday's mar
ket. The bulk of the No. 3 hard wheat sold
at top prices and the No. $ hard sold gen
erally around $1.48 and $1.60 and a car of
choice dark wheat sold at 11.61 V
The corn market generally was quoted
unchanged, the only advance being white
corn, which ruled about He higher for the
best quality, There was a good demand,
however, for all grades of this ceraal, and
the receipts weis moderately heavy.
Osts receipts were very heavy and the
demand for this article was quit active
st prices ranging from Ho to le higher.
Standard oats sold as high as 46o and the
No. 3 white sold from 444c to 44 He
No. 4 white sold at 43 H 044. and th
samples grades sold from 4Io to 44c per
Hye was quoted nominally le higher and
barley rufod from 2c to So higher.
Liverpool close: Wheat, 10 td higher;
corn, HSHd higher.
Primary whent receipts were 1,480,000
bun held and shipments 1,177,000 bushels,
ft r Inst receipts of 1,187,000 bushels and
shipments of 812,000 bushels last year.
Primary corn receipts were 616,000 bush
els and shipments 327,000 bushels, against
receipts of 362,000 bushels and shipments
of ISM HO bushels last year,
Primary oats receipts were 8,112.000 bush
els and shipments 879,000 bushels, against
receipts of 1,707,000 bushels and shipments
of 1,232,000 bushels last year. (
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
ChtcsVo 170 97 660
Minneapolis , 239 ... ...
Duluth 89
Omaha 168 8 14
Kaiioss Clty- $39 46 $7
HI. Louis 161 61 S3
Winnipeg ,.. 323 ... ...
Wheat No. 1 hard winter: 2 ears, $1.61.
No. 9 hard winter: 14 cars, $1.61; 1 car,
tl.BOH: 3 cars, $1.60. No. $ hard winter:
1 car, $1.63; I rar (dark), $1.61 H : 1 car,
fl.&OH. 3 cars, $1.60; 8 cars. $149; 1 car,
I1.48H; 8 cars,- $1.48. No. 4 hard wtnter:
2 cars, $1.47; 1 car, $1.46; 2 rare, $1.46; 6
oars, $1,44; 8 can. $1.43. Sample nard
winter: 3 cars, $1.40; 1 car, $1.30. No. 2
durum: 1 car (new), $1.44. No. 2 durum
mixed: 1 car, $1.43, No. S durum mixed:
1 car, $1.42. No. 3. mixed: 1 car, $1.49.
No. 4 mixed; 1 oar, $1.41.
RyeNo. 2: 1 car, $1.20- Nd. 3: 1
car. 81.20H. '
Barley No. 1: 1 car, $1.00. No. 4: 1
car, 86c.
Corn No. 1 whits: 1 car, llo. No. t
white: 1 car. 80o; 4 cars. 80HJ- No. $
white: cars, 80c. No. 4 white: I cars,
79 H No. he white: 1 car, 79c. No. f
white: 3 caro, 78Hr.. No. I yellow: 4 cars.
80Hc. No. 8 yellow:' 1 car, 80Hc; 1 car,
80c; 4 cars. 80. No. 6 yellow; 1 car,
80c; 1 car. 79Hc No. 8 yellow: 1 car,
T9c; 2 cars, 78o. Sample yellow: 1 ear,
78c. No. 2 mixed: 2 cars. 79140. No. 8
mixed: I cars. 7814c; 9 cars. 79Hc. No. 4
mixed: t cars. 79H: I car. 78c. No. I
mixed: 1 car, 78c. Sampls mixed: 1 car,
Oats Standard: 1 cars, 46c. No. 8 white:
19 cars. 44Hc; 1 car, 44Ho. No. 4 whits:
1 car (barley mixed), 44c; 1 ear,48H. fim"
ple: 1 car 44o; 2 cars, 4$c; 1 car, 43o.
Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 hard.
$; No. 8 hard, $1.4891.68: No. 4
hard, $1.431.47; No. 2 spring. $1.6001.66;
No. 3 eprlng. $1.48(fpl.62; No. 2 durum. $1.43
ljl 44; No. 3 durum, $1.4001.42. Corn: No.
I white. 80Hi80c; No. 8 white, 7914
80p; No. 4 white, 7979H": No. 6 white,
78H79c; No. t white, 7807BH1: No. 2
velk.w, 80480Hr: No. 8 yellow. 8O80Ho;
No. 4 yellow. 79 H 080c; No. 6 yellow, 79
80c: No. 6 vollow. 78079c; No. 2 mixed, 794
(&)7!tc; No. 8 mixed, 7907914c; No. 4
mixed. 78tP79Hc; No. 6 mixed. 7H0
79c; No. mlxf-d, 78078HC. Oats: No. 3
write, 46?46Hc; standard, 44H06c; No.
3 white. 44044Hc; No. 4 whlto, 43H0
44c. Barley; Mnltlng, 96c$1.06; No. 1
feed, 77086c. Rye: No; 2, $1.2001.21; No.
:l. 31.1901.20. .
Omaha, August 26, 1916.
Trading In the wheat pit was moderately
active today, but there was not much Inter
est In corn or oats.
December wheat carried the bulk of the
trading, and closed about I hie lower.
The May and September options held up
well, and closed He higher on May and He
up on September.
September corn closed at yesterday's prices
and the December option ruled about c
Oats were rather bullish, and showed frac
tions I gains on sll the options. September
closed steady. December advanced c and
Mrv Hdvanced about Ho.
Oman closing prices on futures for this
Art. I Open. High. Low. Close, j Tes.
Wht. f r
Sept 1 47H 1 47 147H 1474 147H
Dec. 1 61 1 61 149 149 160
May 1 63H 1 3tt 163 153 168H
Corn '
Sept 80 80 80 80 80
)eu. 7014 70 70H 70 70
S-pt 444-45 46 44 46 44
Dec. I 47 48 47 46 47
May ' 60 60 60 60 60
Chicago closing prices, furnished Tha Bss
by Logan & Hryen, stock and grain brokers,
316 South Sixteenth street:
Art. I Open. High. Low. Close. Tes.
Wht. I I
Sept 1 54 1 64 181 1 61 168'
Dec. 1S6-H 1 66H 163 1 63 166
May l6S-67j 1 68 166 1 66 168
Corn I (
Hept I 8H- 86 85 88 8H
Uec 76-76 78 74 78 74
May I 79- 79 78 78 79
Outs 1
Sept I 47- 47 46 46 47
ec. 60- 60 49 49 60
Msy I 63- 62 63 63 63
Porli J
Hept 27 IS 27 86 27 06 27 06 27 27
Oct. 3 06 26 80 26 90 26 10 26 06
Dee. 23 60 23 60 23 26 23 26 22 40
Sept 14 25 14 27 14 12 14 16 14 23
Oct. 14 80 14 33 14 15 14 20 14 37
rec. 13 86 18 86 13 60 13 66 13 b'i
Sept 14 40 14 40 14 $7 14 40 14 37
Oct. 14 12 14 12 14 10 14 16 14 12
Tun. 12 62 12 80 Vj 62 12 80 12 62
Wheat Opens Irregular, But Soon Sags Be
cause of Profit-Taking,
Chicago, Aug. 26. Fear of a railroad
Ktrlke wan among the Influences which sent
the wheat market down for net losses of
from c to 2c today. Corn declined o to
1c, and oats o to c. December and
January lard were exceptions to weakness
In the provision pi.
The wheat market at the opening dis
plrtyed a hit of strength on the export elt
uttliim, but It was short lived. A brief re
covery punct-jated the subsequent decline,
but It failed to hold and prices sagged
and closed close to the bottom. The Can
adian Northern railroads report showing
Home wheat where only desolation had been
reported; the possibility of a railroad strike;
weakening of cash premiums on Pennsyl
vania wheat at the seaboard, and the de
sire to even up trades over Sunday, were
among the bearish Influences. The spread
between September and December widened
from lc, where It s.arted the session, to
2c at the close, a development which re
stricted buying. It wan said that the
Oreek government hsd finally placed its
orders tor 1,200,000 bushels of durum.
There was a lot of long corn for sale
today, and the weakness of wheat di:tarr-t
new Investment In ths coarser cerenl for
the time being. The selling pressure was
particularly severs on December, which de
clined 1 He from the top and showed a
net loss at the end of thu session of c tn
Ic. Showers over Illinois and Iowa, with a
forecast of more, helped depress the price,
Oats declined with wheat and corn and
closed at the bottom. Export business were
buyers of September. The weekly move
ment of the crop was the largest in years,
2,760,000 bushels more than a year ago at
this time.
Purchases of December and January tard
by eastern shorts sent those deliveries up.
September pork dropped 30c and Decmber
16c. September and October Inrd declined
7 a, while nearby ribs managed to sur
vive the day with a gain of 2c. Decem
ber lard advanced 26c, and January ribs
17" Packers were said to be sellers of
the near deliveries.
Csh Prices Whent: No. 3 red. $1.68;
No. 3 red. $1. 6101.64 I No. 2 hard, $1.6(i;
No. 3 hard, $1.6.1 01, 6fi. Corn: No. U yel
low. 87H88c; No. 4 yellow, 8687c;
No. 4 white, nominal. Oats: No. 3 white.
47048r; st.andr.rd. 4?ty4flc Rye: No.
!, 1.2K01.VOH' Barley: 88r0$l.lO. Seeds:
Timothy, nominal; clovtr, $7.0fiiff 14.00. Pro
visions: Park, $27.10; lard, $14.20; ribs,
Butter Eoany; receelpls, 10,714 tubs;
creamery extras, Sic; extra firsts, 30c;
firsts. 28020"; seconds, 26027c.
Cheese Steady; daisies, 16016o;
Poultry Alive, easy ; fowls, 11 0 17c ;
springs, 3O03Oc.
Kggs Firm; receipts. l,4l eases; firsts.
35t26r; ordinary firs la, 23033c; at
mark, cases Included, 18 0 24c.
horns, 14 017c; Amsrloaa, 17 0 1 7 H 0 ;
twins, 1601le.
Potatoes Higher; receipts. 30 can; Jer
sey, bulk, cobblers, $1.8001,36; Minnesota
and F.arly Ohio. $1.08 01.10.
Important Stocks Under Pres.
snre at Opening of Day's
Brief Session.
v, s. Steel falls back
New Tork, Aug. 14. Important stocks
were under moderate pressure at the open
ing of today's brief session, over-night de
velopments In th railway labor situation
providing the professional short Interest with
an excuse for renewing Its attacks against
ths more speculative issues. Ralls, like
Reading, Union Pacific and Norfolk A
Western, receded a point, wltlt reversals of
ss much more In coppers, Crucible Steel and
obscure Industrials.
I'nited States Sts1 also fell hack almost
a point and Bethlehem Steel was 16 points
lower at one time, but rallied IS points In
the final dealings. That period witnessed a
general recovery In all quarters of the list,
many shares closing at actual net gains
on urgent covering of contracts.
Trading was exceedingly contracted,
United States Steel, Reading and a few old
time favorites making up fully 60 per cent
of the total turnover of 362,000 shares.
Oeneral news, whll mainly ravorapis, ex
erted little influene. Trade reports referred
to contlnusd activity In various lines or in
dustry at higher prices, shipments of dry
goods and similar merchandise showed a
large Increase over the same period .an
year and bank xchangss of the country
disclosed a noUworthy gain, ths increase
among local Institutions reflecting tha re
vival of stock market activity. ,
Clearing house Institutions showed only a
slight expansion In actual loans and dis
counts and a nominal cash increase, but
demand deposits Increased by over $46,00,-
000, with ft moderate deoreass in excess re
serves. .
Today's bond market showed slight Irreg
ular changes in soma of . the active issues.
Total sales, par value, wars $1, 080,000.
United States coupon 8s declined pr
cent on oall during the week.
Sales, High.
1,000 89
$.100 80
1,900 62
4,600 77
8,60$ 99
Am. Beet Sugar,.,
American Can...,
Am. Car A Fndry
Am. I-ocoiuotlve. .
Am, Smelt. Jt Rf
Am. Sugar Rig..
Ab. Tel. A Tel...
Am. Z.. I. h. 8. . .
Anaconda Copper. 19,600
Baldwin Loco
Be HI more A Ohio.
Brook. Rapid Tran.
B. A S. Copper....
Csl. Petroleum. . . .
Canadian Pacific. .
Central Leather. . .
Cheea. A Ohio
C, M. A St. P
Chicago A N. W..
c R. 1. A p. Ry..
Chlno Copper
Colo. Fuel A Iron. .
Corn Prod. Retg..
Crucible Steel
Diet. Sscurltisa....
General IClentrto..,
Ot. Northern pfd..
Ot. No. Ore Ctfs. .
Illinois Central....
Int. Con. Corp
Inspiration Copper 11,800
Int. Harv., N. J . .
I M. M. pfd) ctfs..
K. C. Southern. . . .
Kennecott Coppor,
Louts. A Nash
Mex. Petroleum...
Miami Copper
M, K. A T, pfd...
Missouri Pacific...
Montana Power.
Low. Close.
98 86H
68 69
41 . $3
' 10
1,100 4TVt 4H IT -
,00 17T44 ITT 44 1171,
1,000 47 IT IT
400 14
1,100 10J4 104
1,100 o 7IH
700 17 14 H
.... Ill
17H 17
4m 41
.... 14
74 77
414 11
31& 17
3 101
100 171 171
100 117 117
100 la
300 101 u 101
41 10
. . . . 114
7,400 11 11 II
1,400 10 41 10
10,400 10 101 1084,
1,000 11 11 11
TOO 4 4 4
Natlnnil Lead 05
Nevada ('opner
N. Y. Central
.N. T N. H. H . .
Norfolk A Western
Northern Pacific..
Peclflo Mali
I'actflo'Tel. St Tel.
Pennsylvania .....
Key Con. Copper. .
Rep. Iron A Bteel.
tihattuck Ails Cop.
Hcuthern Pacific.
Southern Railway.
Studehaker Oo. . . .
Tr nneasee Copper, .
Texas Company . . .
Union Paclflo
U. 8. Ind. Alcohol.
V. S. Rterl
U. 8. Steel pfd....
Utah Copper
w,hnh Pfd. "B".
Wester:! Union....
Wesllaa-hntise T5I.O.
1.400 11 11 11
3,100 104 1V, 10,
400 40 11 41
100 111 110 110
oo ii' V 11
1.(00 14 24 31
2.400 104 104 104
4.100 14 II 11
400 20 1 11 ia ia a
1,100 23 11 31
3.700 117 111 111
1.10.1 37 37 17
200 1S3 111 na
7.100 141 140 141
1,100 111 111 111
50,100 17 11 17
100 111 117 117
1,400 43 II II
400 17 37 IT
1,400 40 11
Total oalos for th. day, 363,000 aharas.
New Tork Honey Market.
New Tork. Aug. 10, Prima Mrcantlt.
Paper 801 per cent.
sterling Exrhanfs Sixty-day bill.,
14.71: demand. 14.71: cabin, 84. Tl 7-14.
Sllvei, Bar, 86c; Meilean dollara, 80o.
Bonds Government, steady; railroad, Ir
regular. II. S. ref. 2s, cotl.ll L. N. tin. 4s. . . .14
do coupon II M K. A T. 1st 4s.T4
U. a. Is. reg.,.110Mo. Pac. con. Is. 101
do coupon 100Mont. Power 5s. ..17
U. 8. le, r.g 100 N. Y. C. deb. 4... 111
do coupon 110 N. Y. City 4B
Am. Smelters Is. 101 (lt4) 101 u
A. T. A T. c.4s,.110N. T.. N. H. A H.
Anglo-Frsnch Ss.,15 ov. 4s 111
Atchison gen. 4s..92No. Pao. 4s 11
B. A U. 4s IONo. Pac. Is 15
Beth. Steel S. L. ref. 4s... II
Cent. Pac. 1st. ...II Pac. T. A T. 5s. 100
C. A O. cv. 4s..BIPenn. con. 4s,.104
C, B. A Q, It. 4s. II do gen. 4s...l01
C, M. A St. P. Reading gen. 4a. .11
cv. Is lllSt. L. A S. P.
C, R. I. A P. Ry. rsf. 4s 7801
rsf. 4s ....71So. Pac. ev. 6a. .104
C. A . ref. 4...ll do ref. 4 aa
0. A R. O. con. 4s.74So. Ry. Is 101
Krle gen. 4s 71 Union Paclflo 4s, .14
Gen. Kl.0. 5s 104 do cv. 4s 11
lit. No. 1st 4.. II U. S. Rubber la. .101
1. C. ref. 4. IS U. 8. Steel la... 101
I. M. M. 4s....l0aWsst. Union 4s.ll
K. C. S. ref. ls...l0Wsst. Tilsc.
Bid. Offered. I). A R. U, ref. 6s.. 47
Local Stocks stud Heads,
Quotatlone furnlshsd by Burns, Rrlnkar
A Co.. 441-51 Omaha National Bank build
ing: Stocks Bid. Asked.
Avery co. common 10 II
Cudahy Packing Co., T pet pfd. .104 106
Deere A Co., pfd. .I-dlv 10 II
Fairmont Cry. Co., T pet. pfd. .108 ..
Beatrice Cry. Co., T pet pfd.. .100 107
Uooch M. A K. Co., 7 pet. pfd... 11 100
Lincoln Tel. A Tel. com. T pot. . 84 II
Mt. States Tsl. A Tel. Co Ill 111
Omaha A C. II. Ry. A B. pfd II
Omaha A C. B. St. Ry pfd.... 71 Tl
Peters Mill Co., pfd 81 101
Hulzbcrger A Sons, pfd II 100
Swift A Co 144 141
Union Stork Yards 6 pot ex-dlv. II 100
Updike Grain Co., common 101 ,,
Amer. Foreign Securities Co., I
pet gold notes, 1111 (7 II
Booth-Ht. I.oul, 4s. 1131 88 100
Denver a. A E. 6s. 1841 11 II
la. Port. Cement Co. la, 18I4-84..II 100
Fort Dodge, D. Molnea, Sioux Cy. 13 13
Kan. City Railway first Is, 1144.. 17 II
Omaha A C. B. St. Ry la, 1131.. 16 17
SuUhergor A Hons, Is 11 100
Hwlft A Co. 6s 100 100
Tork, Nab. gen. Imp. la, 18C0 ..100 103
Trenton, Neb., tSlec I., 1830- 11.104 104.31
Ht Louie Live Stock Market,
St. Louie, Aug. II. Cattle Receipts, TOO
head; market steady; native beef eteera,
17. 00010.75; yearling steers and heifers,
l. 00010-86; cows, 16.6007.76: stockers and
feedera, I6.80OI.00: southern ateers, I6.10O
4.60; prim, .outhem st.ers, la.00 91.00;
cows and heifers, I4.60OI.00; prim, year
ling ateers and heifers, I7.60OI.00; native
calves, 16. 000 11.76.
Hogs Receipts, 1,000 head: market high
er; pigs and lights, I7.60O10.I0; mixed and
butchers, 110.100 11.10: good heavy, $11,000
II. 10; bulk of ssles. II0.70OU.00.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 400 head;
market ateady; lambs, I7.00O10.I0; .laugh
ter ewea, I6.00O7.36; bleating .we., 11.000
10.00; yearling,, I4.00OI.60.
Cattle Lower for Week Sheep
Steady. Fat Lambs Lower
and Feeders Higher.
Omaha. Auvust tl. I"-
Cattle. Hots. Sheep
Official Unnday 11,049 8,186 38,41
Official Tuesday 8,848 8,961 16.18:
Official Wednesday 4.911 1, 80S 80,74b
Official Thursday 8,018 (.899 18,126
Official Friday 8,098 4.467 12,480
Estimate Saturday ... 170 9.000
Total this week 99.808 80,080 99,684
Total last week 87,180 46,988 06.972
Total two weeks ao, . 10.987 46.799 74,499
Total three weeks avo. 18.646 68,148 48,979
Total four Weeks airo.. 11,491 46,197 119.983
Total one year asjo...SI.866 44.817 109,786
Receipts and disposition of live stock at
ths Union stock yards, Omaha, for twenty
four hours ending at 8 p. m. yesterday:
Chleavro LIT mock Market.
Chicago, Aub;. 16. Cattle Receipts, 700
head, market dull and weak; beeves. 16.60
9 10.80; cows and heifers, 13.1001.90; stock
nrs and fenders, 84. 767.66; western. 16.16
08.60; calves, 18.60 11.76.
Hosjk Receipts, 1 8.000 head ; market
ttrotif to shade higher; bulk of sales, 10.46
111. no; light, fio.toeil. 114; mlxd, 910.16
1211.10, havy, 910.001PI1.26; rough, 810.00
tPlO.26; pigs, 17.4009.60,
Hhnop end Lambs Receipt 1.000 head;
market wak; sheep, t6.1607.7O: lambs,
Rlgln Butter Market.
Klgln, ill., Aug. Z6. Butter lower; 64
tubs at llo.
Bee Want Ada Produce He salts.
Missouri Pacific 4 1
I'nlon Paclflo. , , l 8
O. A N. W., cast 4
C, A M. W.. west 1 10
C. St. P., U. A 0 8
C, B. A Q., west 9
C, R. I. A P., east 8
C. R. I. A P., west I
Total receipts 6 48 4
Morris A Co io
Swift A Co 122
Cud hay Packing Co 498
Armour A Co 818
J. W. Murphy 871
Tout disposition , 1,174
Cattli There were no frssft utn of nny
eonsequrni In sight today but for ths week
receipts s mount to 19,808 head, being th
largest of any week for a long 11m back
and larger than a year sjto by 1.000 haad.
Tha tremendous slump In price at Chicago.
umountmi io son ai,a from that im in tn
11.18 per hundred on some kinds gave
iincoM m an oinnr markets downward
tendency during th latter half of the
week. A rnsult the market at th close
of th week I now 86 06Oe Iswer on eern
fd steer than on week ag. Rang hv
Ar 86 lowsr than best cows, and heifer
10016c lower and th medium and common
gnafia bdbjisc iowr.
Stockers and feeder have hmn mIaw ati.
rs during th latter part of th week and
ar jogiio lower.
fx - Shipper had tolerably broad or
der and despite that there were no eholo
hog hr they bought half of th receipts,
paying prlc that wer uneven and any
where from a dim to 16c higher. A good
shar of thtr purchases were of th sort
of hogs that only paokor would buy on
ordinary day and they wer a good del
hlghsr than they looked en paper. Ther
was absolutely nothing toppy her, some
pruitr oa iignu rcning 919.66.
On th general run of eiuff IaHk' n
ket la almost as high as at the vmAr'm hlah
spot Tuesday, but owning to the abaeno
sf toppy kind th high pries lack a dim
of equaling th year's record. A compared
with the close of last week price ar fully
40o higher, and In some cases ar vn
mer than that. Th market this week
ha been a peculiar affair. In that while
none of th Missouri river markets hav had
a single heavy run liberal runs at Chicago
enabled packer to break prlc sharply on
vu miaweeK iraae.
Representative aal:
No, Av.
78. .899
67.. ass
68.. 164
87.". 186
Sh, Fr.
40 18 00
80 10 IS
40 10 IB
40 10 40
No. At. Sb, Pr.
10. .176 ... 10 10
II.. 178 49 10 80
66. .819 160 10 80
14. .101 80 10 66
Sheep Heavy receipts at th start of th
week enabled packers to break lamb price
36060c In three day. Sine Wednesday
values hav ruled steady. Most of th break
haa been on the beet lamb, and th spread
In prioas ha narrowed a good bit. medium
and half -fat kind not bel.ig mora than
16086o lower for the week, whll but
grades ar 40060c below last Friday. A
keen demand for feeders, and th fact that
feeder buyer hav been taking lamb that
only packer wr buying last weeek ar
largely responsible for th narrowing of th
spread. Best lamb ar now Quotable at
110.86010.60, though nothing has sold above
119.41) for th last two days. Medium to
plain kinds ar selling downward from
110.81, nothing that klllsrs ican us being
quoiaoie unaer iio.oo.
Th continued advance in feeder has
been th fsatur of the weak, prices tn sll
Kinas or reeaing sturr having been th high
st In history during the last six day. On
a 160160 advance bulk of th desirable
feeding lambs moved up to 110.16010.60,
or right on a par with fair grades, while
most third outs ar selling at 10.00, with
some of th plainest kind down to 9,69. A
record of 110.90 was sstabllslted Tuesday,
but only on on day did top go above
110.10, and at th elosa of th wk It was
a 110.16 market, that prlc buying nearly all
th desirable feeding lamb here. Feeder
sheep hav continued strong, feeding ewes
selling from M 0006.16 on beet kind on
down, and feeding yearling moving largely
at IT.IO and up, a new record of 17.11 hav
ing been hung up oik Thursday. Breeding
ewe sold all the way from I6J806.6O for
some that were little mors than feeder to
18.60 for young stuff, and as high as 19.00
Is still quotabl on yearling wes, though
ther have been non nsr in a long time.
No feeding wether ar coming, only n
bunco, saving oeen nere inie season.
Otty Lit ttoek Market.
Kama City. Aug. 16. Cattle Receipts,
100 head; market steady: prime fed steers,
19.60010.71: dressed beef steers. I7.60O
9.16; western steers, 16.7609.00; cows, 4.60
07.00; heifers, I4.OO01O.SI; stocker and
fesders, $6.6001.00; bull, $1.1601.76;
calve. $6.60011.00.
Hogs Reeelpta, 600 head) market strong;
bulk or sale,; heavy, 910.000
10. id; p setters ana nuieners, sio.lCQlo.70
light, 110. 90010.651 pigs, 18.6009.76.
Sheep and Iamb Receipts, none: mar
ket steady; lambs, $9.76010.80; yearling,
$7.1609.00; wethers, $6.7607.10; ewes.
Minneapolis Oratn Markot.
Minneapolis, Vina., Aug. 86 Wheat
September, Vi ; December, $1.67 l -Cash.
No. 1 hard, $1.65 ; No. 1 northern!
ll.IO01.4IHi No. 1 northern, $1.16 U a
I.6IV1. W
Floui- Unchanged
Barley T4c$l. 08.
Rye $1.1901.89.
Bran $80.10011.60.
Corn No. 8 yellow, 1609V
Oat No. $ w fills, 4OUj04Te.
Flag fletd $2.1601. 18.
Omaha Hay Market. s
Omaha. Aug. M.Reclpts on the Omaha
flrm mfkt w" talf- Th market was
Ifay Cholc upland prairie: Iioaas
10.60; No. 1. $10.00010.60; No. U, $8 000
9.00; No. I, $6.0008,00. No. J midland
prairie: I8.SO06.6O; No. I, $7 0008 00
Choice lowland, prairie; $7.00; No 1 ft aa'
No. t, 14.0006.00;; No. I, $1.0004 00
Alfalfa Choice. $18.00; No 1
12,60; standard, $9.00011.00; No. I. 98 00 a
9.00; No. I, $8.0001.00. W'
t. Joseph Llv stoelt Market.
fit. .Tnatknh Anav S r. ..i. .
- -- m.,w neceipts, 100
head; market steady; steers, $4.60010.60'
011 00 00010.00; calve, $7.00
Hog Receipt, 1,400 head ; market
steady; top, $10.40; bulk of sale. $10100
Bhsep and Lamb Receipt, 500 head
market steady; lambs, $10.00010.60- ewes'
Frsident Beal of Young Men's
Hughes Club Appoints ,
Men's Hughes and Fairbanks club
last evening announced appointments
to the membership and educational '
committees of the club which he took
meeting a week ago. 1 hese commit
tees will organize the work on a pro
gressive basis during the next three
weeks, after which time the affairs of
.l t j II
Mil UUU Will UC I 1CU Ull HI .Ull
Louis Dolozel was made chairman
of the membership committee.
Hugh McLulloch and Cecil 1'ayne
were appointed the other two mem
bers. A personal recanvassing of the
city will be taken up immediately by
the committee and every member or
prospective member of the club ad
vised as to issues which the club wilt
sponsor during the campaign.
un tne education committee, ivan
Lee was anrointed to the chairman
ship. Guy Kiddoo and C. L. Bowley,
jr., are the other members. Kiddoo
and Lee have had experience as
scholastic and collegiate debater!.
Bowley is a clerk in the office oi the
county treasurer. Thu committee
will have the constructive worn oi ine
club largely in hand.
The big get-togetner meeting oi
club members will be postponed for
perhaps a month yet. The club will
work in co-operation with the South
Side Republican club. President Mar
tin of this club and President Beal
have met and decided on general
plans. It is thought the two clubs
may aeciae on a common ncaaquai
ters. Body Identified.
The body discovered In the Mis
souri river in the vicinity of Btaha'e
crossing south of Child's Point, was
identified yesterday afternoon as mat
I ,. O T 1.. -J 7 .....nM v .
Ul juilll x. mihieii fc- J."' v.. jv.-....-
man who disappeared from hit home
Tuesday morning at 11 o clocK. Mra.
Lawler identified the body.
ty, took charge of the body but later
turned it over to Undertaker Heafy.
Police are dubious as to whether
Lawler committed suicide or drowned
accidently. He had been despondent
for several weeks over the death of
his father only a short time ago. He
left no word to his mother on the day
he disappeared as to where he wa
going. ...
The funeral will be held thu after
noon at 2 o'clock at the residence at
Twenty-seventh and Monroe streets.
Interment will be made in the Grace
land Park cemetery. ,
Carnival Cornea Monday. ( :
A carnival will be m the city Mon
day evening," Ray Waters, chairman
of the committee of the Clover Leaf
club, which brought the attraction to
the city, announced last evening..
"We are sorry to say that four prop
erty owners along the South Side
have started an injunction against the
carnival along a certain street, but air
grantified to see that- no more busi
ness men entered the protest. It is
certain that the majority of the busi
ness men do not object."' ;r
Registration Under Way.
Attendance of students at the South
High school will extend well toward
the 400 mark, if registration up to the
present day can be taken as an indi
cation. More than 300 students are
registered, according to figures given
out at the office of Principal Hu-
Magic City bowlers from the three
local bowling leagues will meet this
morning at 11 o'clock in the office
of the South Omaha Ice and Coal
company at Twenty-fourth and M
streets. The fall and winter schedule
of bowling matches will be discussed
.and decided on if possible. Commit
tees for drawing np the complete
schedule for the three ' leagues
Classes A and B ' of the Magic City
league and the Stock Yards league,
will be appointed by the new presi
dent. Made Cltr Ossein.
For Rent, Sli-roem meders eel lag.
Twenty-fourth etreet between rj u4 H
A Daughter of the Cltr" Is the title f
the five. act . and A. film that oomee ta
tne passe tomorrow artsrnoon and erenlnf.
Tuesday you see "Husband and Wife."
five-set Brady-mad. feature. Today Mlee
Ivy Cloae. the famous Hnilleh eomedlenaav
Is booked, ae also la "Sttntarea.1 The
Burlington Pushing Its
Efforts to Keep Tracks Clear
Through newspaper advertising and
by placing caution signs along its
lines, the Burlington is carrying on a
campaign to discourage walking on
the railroad tracks. Along the entire
Burlington system, employes from
president down to section men are in
the campaign. It is educational and
in every way possible, persons are be
ing induced to keep off the tracks.
Literature is being scattered broad
cast calling attention to the danger
of track walking and the risk that at
tends the practice. The latest efforts
are being directed toward the manu
facturers to induce them to assist in
the campaign being waged.
Dr. Klnc'e New Life PUIa.
Regular bowel movement Is essential to
your h.allh. Take Dr. Klnrs New Life
PUIa and hava a. dally movamsnt. tie. Ail
druggist. Advertisement.
Teamster Hurt
Fatally as Street
Oar Hits Wagon
Joseph Schmldbauer, teamster f&r
the Omaha Cooperage company, will
in all probability die as the result of
injuries received early yesterday
afternoon when the wagon upon
which he was riding was struck by
a street car at Twelfth and Douglas
The big wagon was loaded with
barrels and the force of the collision
scattered them all over the street.
Schmidbauer was thrown clear of the
wagon and alighted on his head,
cracking his skull and fracturing his
L. B. Kingery and Glenn Miller of
315 North Thirty-eighth street, picked
him up and carried him to police
headquarters, where Surgeons Losey
and Fhilbrick gave him medical atten
tion before sending him to the. city
ward of St. Joseph s hospital.
Former Bellboy Is
Stabbed During Fight
WIIK.m Vavanaimh 9118 Tl..,..
port street, former bell hop at a local
hotel, was stabbed several times dur
ing a fight at the Palm hotel, 1205
Douglas street, last night. He was
taken to a hospital in a serious con
dition. u ua.l,ll -li, ., t,- k...l.
Jessie Harris, 2583 Harney street:
Margaret Sumner, Palm hotel, and
H. L Harris, 1810 Chicago street,
are being held by the police as state's
Seed Merchants
MebnaU City, Neb.
Timothy, Rani Clew, Alfalfa,
Saed Cera, Millet.