Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 28, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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State Bourbon Committee Ap
parently Has Little Hope of
Carrying Nebraska.
(From Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Aug. 27. (Special.)-That
thed emocratic state committee has
little hope of winning the election in
Nebraska is apparent by a pall of
gloom which seems to hover around
headquarters at the Lincoln hotel. ,
In the words of democrat who
usually has been able to dope condi
tions in advance, "We won't elect a
candidate on our ticket," may be ex
pressed the fueling deep down in the
hearts of those who are conducting
the campaign.
It is an open secret that the demo
cratic state committee is not getting
very much cheer from reports coming
in from out in the state. In fact,
there is much complaint, so it is ru
mored, that in places where the com
mittee would like to get reports none
is forthcoming, and this is to some
extent why the "great gobs of gloom
hang so thickly about the headquar
ters. Namei Executive Committee,
This was made more apparent when
Chairman Langhorst of the commit
tee, after taking a long time to con
sider the matter and after conference
with democrats, appointed aij execu
tive committee just twice the size of
that of the republican committee, se
lecting two men from each congres
sional district, instead of one, to as
sist in the work of bolstering up the
declining democratic campaign.
The democratic cheer leaders are
kept busy inventing new yells and
practicing new songs in an effort to
wake up the faithful. They search
republican papers frantically and
earnestly in hopes to find a line here
or word there which can be con
strued in such a wry that it will look
like a criticism of some of the repub
lican candidates and when they find
it a messenger boy ts sent skurryirrg
to the local democratic paper with
the glad tidings of great joy and then
appears the story of how so and so
has been criticized by Editor So. and
Things They Don't Like.
That State Chairman Ed Beach of
the republican state committee has
already got their goat is apparent.
They don't appear to like the way
the republican chairman is going
about it. Neither do they like the
atmosphere of victory which hangs
about republican headquarters over
at the Lindell hotel. They don't like
the way in which former factions of
the republican party are getting to
gether and the air of confidence
which- is. displayed by the official
heads of the republican and progres
sive parties after one of these con
ferences is had. 1 They don't like the
way Chairman Beach is getting in
touch with county chairmen all over
the state and the reports which from
time to time leak out Jrom jepuhli'
can headquarters as. to Jilt way the
work is coming on out in the state. :
In short, the democratic state com
mittee is up in the air and has just
about as much hopes of carrying the
inuvcniucr riccuon in neDrasKa trom
president, as they have that Iowa
will go democratic.
Anselmo Man Killed
1 . By Fall From Train
. Anselmo, Neb., Aug. 27. (Special
Telegram.) Forest E. Ray, young
business man of Anselmo, was in
stantly killed by falling from a mov
ing freight train at 4:30 o'clock this
morning. It appears that, in com
pany of some friends; he came to the
railway station and, in a spirit of reck
lessness, boarded the moving train.
He fell betwen two cars, fairly across
. the tail, and his body was cut in
two. Ray leaves a wife and young
hild. He was a member of the
Independent Order of Odd Fallows
and Ancient Order United Workmen.
WWl Hellio Xetae. , '"'
OrenS laland. Ana. sr. (Special.) Mra.
Bqoklee haa returned after a thlrtrUy
lilt with relative, and friend, at Sioux
City, la.
. lira. Blair tu oeoa tan ooBflneS to ker
mi lor we mi tnreo wmii,
- lira. Kenny la ladiapooetL theuah mt
aortottalr III.
Mr. Butar, ma of the rary ated mam
ton of Ika Rama, ha returned from a
Jeoeph Keathlay haa punhaaed a new
motor car, and on fhuraday waa buay Uk
Ibc hla frlaada for a ride.
CommandenW and Una. Walsh 4r now
nicely loeatad la their newly remodeled
noma. .
lira. Siena. SS ya or ava. In nnil
falmnd yeatardar moraine In aaa the ctrcua
parade. She waa In the company of lire.
Statue Rhode, who le acting matron In the
weat hoanltal aurinf Mra, Muwoll'a et
, ease.
Mr. Jay ef Orand laland, haa received the
oen tract for moving- the Ice houae. f
Culls From the Wire
ria has been stricken by ap
oplexy, and his condition is
grave. He is seventy-one
years old. . . He married the
Archduchess Marie Therese
of Austria nnd ascended the
throne of Bavaria in 1913.
He was appointed a field
marshal in the German
army last yenr and viaited
the Bavarwiii troops on the
battle line in France last
Writers Accompany Oerrit
stone National Park,
Fort on Trip to Yellow-
Senator -Ahead Despite Oppo
sition of German-American
Element.' :r .
The American eectlen of the Theoaoahlcal
octet ir, In session at St. Louis, elected the
ioiiowtng tmiceri: rreaiaent, a. r. war
riBglen. Hollywood, cat.; vice president, Ray
V. Warden. Seattle; treasurer. August P.
Knudson. Hollywood. Cal. Trustee... Mm
A. Roes Reed, Akron, O. ; K. C. Stow, Nfw
jot; u. r, noiiann, .ee ngeiee. Lai.; Hob
art K. Walttr, Hollywood. Cal.
Th publishers of th Durham IN. C.i
Hon. afternoon newsntner. announced that
because ot th ararotty of news print paper
ineir OBnirasvy euiuoa wouia O aUCOOtinuta
8eDtembr l.
Th Federal Trade pommltaton at New
York tamed an order directing th Circle
v uk arviapanr er iniiaa,pma to (tucon
, Mnwe using tha word "ell-" in reference to
any oi us proaurte otnor man in real allk
In ronnectlon with aelea. trademark mnA
advert lain t matter, Tha nomnunalon held
that th use of tha word "citk ' (or products
ad of mercerised 6ea laland oolton thread
waa aarvajuva.
Lieutenant Sir Urn cat H. flhackietnn, tha
Aniaroiir vapiorar, .en ruenie Arenas, mile.
on ine amp raieo on a tntrd attempt to re
cue members or hla expedition marooned
en iipnaai istana. -
' Sand Her Diurhter'i Llf.
Chtinberlain Colic, Cholera and
.UUrrhoca Remedy taved my da ugh
ter'a life when she had cholera mor
bus at the aire of 14 months. She
vomited every few minutes and we
were unable to keep any medicine
down lone enough to benefit her un
til we gave her this remedy. The
doctor bcina at our hduse. I asked
him what he thought about our using
it, and he said as he wss unable to
do the child any good. I had better
use it. The second dose she kent
down and in short time the bowels
were checked and she improved ran
idly after that, writes Mrs. Jenmi
Moyer, Lima, Ohio. Obtainable
. every where. Advertisement.
f ';
0)1$ JT?
Dallas. Tex.. iAur. 26. Virtually
complete retarns from practically all
Texas counties in the democratic sen
atorial run-off primary today gave
Senator Culberson 146,507, as against
former Governor Colquitt with83,457.
Less than 30,000 votes remain to be
accounted for.
Senator Culberson is known as the
Wilson candidate.
A notable fact, from the returns re
ceived, is that the former Texas gov
ernor carried practically every Ger
man county in the state, u was in
these sections he received such a vote
as to enable him to catch up on the
nparently overwhelming majority
given his opponent by . tha larger
counties and cities.
'resbyterian Pastor
Dead at Minneapolis
MinneaDolis. Aub. 27. Rev. Thorn'
R. Cleland. D. D.. nastor of Knox
Presbvterian church, died today. He
was 73 years old. Recently he Was
afflicted with a stroke of paralysis.
Dr. Cleland was one of the leaders
in the establishment of the Presby
terian church west of the Missouri
river and a monument bearing his
name and that of Rev. Sheldon Jack
son, now of Alaska, has bejn erected
at Siqux City, la.- , ,
. Funerahservices will b held Mon
day jud the body will be takM' to
Danville, Ky, lor burial. , ', ..
Both Married and Single
" t-mployes Get Full Pay
Some weeks aso the Pierce-Arrow
Mntnr Cir'eomnanv announced that
members of the National Guard in its
employ, when called for duty at the
Mexican border, would be paid by the
company during their absence on the
basis ot tun wane to married men ana
half wage to single men, subject to de
duction of the sum received from the
Federal government. In addition,
their former, positions were guaran
teed them UDon return. "
At a recent meeting of the Board of
directors, it ivas further decided to
make no distinction between the mar
ried and aina-le men. so that the latter
will now receive full. Instead of -half
wage, with the deduction noted above.
The salartniirl about eighty fierce
Arrow employes are now being psid
each month to those to whom the en
listed soldiers have requested their
earning be gives. J.r v
Say Wife Left Husband
Because of His Cruelty
Jacob Friede's suit for $10,000 for
the alleged alienation ot the affec
tions ot his wite, tluabeth, Mas been
answered by Lloyd A. Magney, attor.
ney tor Max and nsther venxer, par
ents of Mra. Friede. Friede aued on
July 26, alleging that hia wife had
dccu inuuceu 10 leave nomc wun
their baby and return to her parents
at Genoa, Neb. The answer asserts
that Elizabeth left home May IS with
the baby because of cruel and barbar
ous treatment. The Veneers declare
that after their daughter a marriage
they loaned money to Friede to build
home ana buy siotmng aim sup-
Temperament clings ever lo the
literary genius, even when he is
bounding along on a Pullman on the
way to Yelowstone park, with all ex
penses paid.
So temperament was with Kmerson
Hough, novelist, of Chicago, and
Ring W. Urdner, sport writer for
the Chicago Tribune and special
writer for the Saturday Evening Post,
when they rolled into Omaha at 10:15
Sunday morning, as guests of Gerrit
Fort, pas3f tiger transportation man
ager of the Union Pacific. Fort is
to take these temperamental fellows.
long with other guests, to the Yel
lowstone park.
Temperament had been with them
all night. They argued about models,
about paintings, about sculpture.
They disputed about plots, and
whether a denouement should have
two legs or four. They battled over
whether the edefinitc committal to
action should occur in the first act
of a drama or in the second. They
quarreled on the point as to whether
a maximum consummation should be
cubical or hegagonal.
Stepped Off Wrong.
Then Emeraon Hough stepped off
on the wrong foot. He argued that
Pcrcv Hammond, the Tribune's
dramatic critic, waa not a good critic.
Well, at home. Hammond and
Lardncr fight like night prowlers of
the back-yard fence, but away from
home, Lardner leaped to the rescue
of Percv.
bay, look-a-nere, said urdner to
a friend in the party, this man says
Percy Hammond ain t got the wallop.
Now no man can say that in front
of me and aret away with it. When
any man says Percy Hammond ain't
got the wallop, there's going to be
murder committed on this trip, and
you know the Yellowstone park is an
awfully big place to commit a
So the battle raged on.
In Omaha the guests were shown
about the city for a few hours, and
then entertained at luncheon at the
Omaha club. Besides Mr. Hough
and Mr. Lardner there were in the
party. Eugene CoWles, noted singer,
and brother-in-law of Mrs. Uerrit
Fort, and A. D. Lasksr, vice presi.
dent of the Lord & Thomas Adver
tising asencv.
From the too of the Woodmen ot
the World building the visitors ex.
Dressed their astonishment at. the
wonderful growth of Omaha. "I've
passed through Omaha dozens of
times," ssid Lasker, "and this is the
first time I have ever been away from
the depot. I m certainly repaid tor
this trip."
Mr. Houghs reminiscences took a
different turn. He looked long and
hard over the citv. His eyes rested
on the flee building. He stared a
while and then remarked:
"When I got out of college in 1881
Omaha waa the first place .1 struck,
I went uo and struck Edward Rose-
water for job. i He looked me over'
carefully, and said, 'Nothing doing.
Today I commend his good judgment."
Tom Marshall, famous trap-shooter
and sportsmsn, who was to have ac
companied the party, was unexpect
edly called back to New York. He
is to join the party later. .
Prominent Omaha railroad men
and newspaper men joined the party
at the luncheon at trie umana ciuu
The party left for the west at 2
o'clock over the Union Pacific.
. (OmtlmMl Frem Fa Oae.)
that woiird direct the commission to
lies, and that her deuarturc from
ome was caused, solely by cruel
Opening of Geneva Chautauqua.
Geneva. Neb.. Aug. 27 (Specials-
Friday was opening day of the Chau
tauqua. John t. Curtis fa social man
ager; Theodore Sauer, platform super
intendent, i ne lecturer lor tne day
was George Cosjon, attorney general
of Iowa. . ' - -; K!
Deptrtaaee OrSen.
Weehlnaten, Aua. IT.ISnettal Telea-ram.)
Penelona granted: Mecaie A. Parker.
Sjwlna, Nab., til. -
Jamea McHanua haa Seen appointed peat,
maater at Carter, Tripp count?. Booth rjt.
keta, vice (leorve H. Wldner. reelfned.
A poetofrioe haa been eatabllehed at Slide,
Lincoln county, .Wyoming, with thtrlea
Lammoa aa poatmaatar. , . '
' Bloaaa Liniment applied to a aore, out.
wound r bra tee preveaaa tafeetlen ad blood
lie, All animate. -Ao-
grant another increase.
The executives sppear confident
that public opinion will be with them
in their insistence upon the principle
of arbitration and their opposition to
an eight-hour day.. ' - .''
The executives' reply . will be
statement of their position. Their
statement will show that they do hot
accent the eight-hour day with cay
for ten boura ss demanded by the
men; that thev maintain this demand
realty is one for an increase of wages
and that question of a wage in
crease is a matter of arbitration and
for settlement in no other way. It will
suggest the creation of s commission
to arbitrate thia wage question or
delegation of power to the Interstate
Commerce commission to arbitrate.
It would make the - arbitration re
active and the roads would pledge
themselves to create a fund to care
for back wages if increases are ap
proved ny tne aroitraiors. - v
Three Things Citedr :
Three things are cited by the execu
tives to back un this position. The
first is that many of the big shippers
of this country have declared them
selves opposed to an abandonment
of arbitration and have insisted that
an eight-hour day must not be
granted. A second is s conviction
that to give in to the men under pres
ent conditions would undermine dn
cinline on the roads to a serious ex
tent and would leave far-reaching the
after effects. The third ia that no
matter what assurances are given
they feel thry cannot expect a rate in-
tm.;. f.-i: ii
crease. xnis icrmiK in cxuiauicu
with the statement that the roads
have not forgotten the way they were
attacked when the 5 per cent case
was up and that they do not now
care to lose the position' which they
feel they have gained with the public
by risking another attempt.
The attitude of the executives to.
night was in marked nmtiast to that
of a few days ago. Apparently dif
ferences of opinion have been swept
away and they are facing the situa
tion witn a united iront ana are
ready for what may come.
Leaders Will Remain.
Brotherhood leaders ssid tonight
that departure of s large number of
the six hundred and forty representa
tives for their homes during the day
should not be interpreted ss an indi
cation that the men were breaking off
negotiationa or had abandoned nope
of a settlement. Manv more would
leave tomorrow, the leaders ssid, but
the heads and vice presidenta of all
the brotherhoods would remain and
would have sufficient anthority to
deal with any development.
It was understood that the chief
reason for the exodus of labor men
lay in the fact that they were anxious
to keep in closer touch witn tne
unions they represent and want to
make sure of their ground in that di
rection before taking adverse steps.
Thev will canvass sentiment very
carefully among the rank and file of
the brotherhood men.
After President Wilson s confer
ence with Senators Newlands and
Kern. Senator Newlands discussed
the situation with Senators Robinson,
Saulsbury, Lewis and other demo
cratic members and Senator Cum
mins, a reoublican member of the
commerce committee. Senators were
retice.nt, but the whole situation, is
said to have been laid before the
democratic senators just as it stands
for them to think over and if possible
to find some means of satisfying the
demands of the roads.
May Meet Monday., hTaintana cai1 tl hat lint
called s meeting of the commerce
committee and did not know whether
it would meet. It was regarded as
nrnhahle. however, that a meetinE
might be held, Monday.
Informal conterence ot oemocranc
members probably will be held dur
ing h n.v, fu, ilava tn ri1therate
on the proposal. At any rate, no im
mediate congressional action is amici-
..-. .t .nil mn r in fltlthnritv WHIlId
state whether the railroad crisis would
operate to prevent adjournment oi
congress next wee.
Senator Newlands said congress has
power to direct the Interstate Com
merce commission to increase rates
Uww hm A eiiiro'f.attrtn has
been made, it was reported, that con
gress mignt pass me penning uiu iu
increase the membership of the Inter
state Commerce commission trum
seven to nine and attach to it an
amendment expressing the sense of
congress that the railroads should
have an increase in freight rates if
they accept the eight-hour day. Such
an expression by congress practically
would amount to directum
:nM n,,nl an increase. Whether
such action would satisfy the rail
roads. Senator Newlands said ne nan
no idea. -
"a. . miirr nf fact the law now
specifically states," said Senator New
lands, that in nxmg raurou ,o
the Interstate Commerce commission
must take into consideration all
operating expenses and an increase
of wages attendant upon a shorten-
: nf h railrrtarl work dav WOUld
amount to an increase in operating
Regardless of the outcome of
n :j.H urilmn'd nflrnriattnns. it
was indicated tonight that a few of
the brotherhood leaders proDaoiy
would remain here longer than Mon
day. Heads of the four brotherhoods
and their vice presidents .nuweve ,
. ...HI lAGni1v If
proDaoiy win ,,uv..,..v. ..
.i.- ..i.mnt nt th disnute is not
reported soon. The head of each
organization met with his vice pres
idents tonight, and oiscussca icnia-
?r. e atrilr. The manner
in which the federal government has
l. it almnil imnrative. It IS
thought that should , there be any
strike, It would be deciaea irom ncrc.
Two Things to Prevent.
A a the brotherhood men saw the
situation tonight, only two steps
could prevent a walkout. These are
r- !.. ,;i,A9i tn withdraw their
insistence upon arbitration for all the
demanda ot the men. or ior me gov
ernment Ito take over tne ranroaas
for operation during the strike. Lit
tle confidence was expressed that the
railroad heads woi'ld recede, but the
. HVA(aaarf ,f, a,, o-pfat hones of
government operation of the lines
to congress, just what these hopes
were, based upon was not apparent.
If a strike should come, it was
learned tonight, it probably will not
I AnAralivD frtf ahnllt & Week.
The brotherhood men, while they
have the rtgnt to aeciare a sinxe
from Jiere, probably would not do so,
..-.:i rft-cntative Iravinor
today and tomorrow had talked the
situation over wun meir iocbi cum
mittess. Some of them could not
u in iaa tnan nve aava.
r...;..;nD th atrain under which
they were waiting, the employes rep-
..,, urre rpmarkahlv calm
today. No demonstration occurred
at any ' Ot tneir meetings, i ney
promised to call at the hall if they
i I MM tha Whit Uniia httt
failing to hear, they did not go near
it nor communicate wun m m
there. . .. . . ;
TU. kf-ntharhnnd nffieiaU Were
almost as much at sea as the men.
They expected tne president wouia
see the railroad heads and, receive
their plan during the morning and
talk with them about noon. They
had no comment to make on devel-
opmenta. except to say tney were
"inst waitinir'; for word from the
White House.
St. Louis Man Wins Consola
tion Event After Tie With
f 16-Year-01d Lad.
St. Louis, Aug. 27. The seven
teenth annual Grand American han
dicap of the Interstate Association o
Trap Shooters, closed here toda
with the shootoff of ties for places ir
the Grand America nhandicap, which
was won by J. F. Wulf of Milwau
kee, Wis. The consolation handicap
resulted in a tie between H. E .Fur
ness of St. Louis, shooting from six
teen yards, and W. E. Phillips, jr., of
Chicago, shooting from eighteen
yards. Furness won on the shoot
off of twenty targets, 17 to 16. Phil
lips is 16 years old.
Third place went to Mrs. L. C.
Voget of Detroit, Mich. The purse
in the consolation event was $8s0.
During the week 227,25 Otargets
were thrown and naturally the same
number of shots were fired. The
purses for the different events total
led $20,000. R. A. King of Delta,
Colo., was the greatest money win
ner, his winnings totaling more than
$1,000. He placed in nearly every
Hats for Women.
Hats were awarded to the women
shooters. Mrs. L. C. Voget won the
first hat in the Grand American han
dicap with 87, and Miss Harriet D.
Hammond of Wilmnigton, Del., was
second with 84. Miss Hammond was
the only woman to break twenty
straight in the handicap.
The hats awarded were won in the
following rotation:
Mrs. L. C. Voget, Detroit. Mich.;
Mrs. r. A. Johnson, Philadelphia
D. T. Dalton, Warsaw, Ind.;
H. D. Hammond, Wilmington,
Del.; Mrs. Harry Almert, Chicago;
Mrs. H. P. Potter, Madison, Wis.;
Lucille Muesel, Green Bay,
Mrs. C. Edmiston, Des Moines,
la.: Moss Emma Wetleaf, Nichola, la..
and Mrs. H. F. Foster, Kansas City,
"Now children," said tha teacher, "I have
been talking about cultivating a kindly dis
position, and I will tell you a little etory.
Henry had a nice little dog, .gentle a a
lamb. He would not bark: at the panerby
or at itrange dDgs, and would never bite.
Wtlllam'l dog, on the contrary, was always
fighting other dogs, or flying at hens and
cats, and several time he seised a cow.
He barked at strangers. Now, boys, which
dog would you like to own Henry's or
The answer came instant!. In one eager
shout, "William's!" Everybody's Magazine.
Pushing Dry Campaign. '
17MM Wk Alio 77 l'Wfial.,l
At a meeting of jthe Dodge County
Dry federation tiere yesterday plans
for raising a iuna oi m prow
cute the campaign were outlined. W.
T. Thompson, state chairman, and L.
n Tnnpft. financial asent of Lincoln,
.addressed the meeting.
residents of Nebraska
registered at Hotel
Astor during the put
SingU Room, without Sola, '
aaxe is avaa
Doubts : fveessfeo
," ' Soils boat, with bath,
'. ' ' fooote feao
..DouUs eWoet tH
Parlor, Btdtaea tad boaV,
io.oo to f looe
th enwt ef New York's loaal anl
titlinaiaiiiiiiiai InckMpteoaanyot
all faitwey tormmak. ...
Tell Others How They Were
Carried Safely Through
Change of life.
Durand, Wis. "I tun the mother of
fourteen children and I owe my life to
Lydia. E. fmkhsm s
Vegetable Com.
pound. When I was
46 and had the
Change of Life,
friend recom
mended it and it
gave me such relief
from my bad feel
ings that I took
several bottles. I
am' now well and
healthy and recom
mend your Compound to other ladies."
Mrs. Mary Ridgway, Durand, Wis.
A Massachusetts Woman Writes:
Blackstone, Mass. "My troubles
were from my age, and I felt awfully
sick for three years. I had hot flashes
often and frequently suffered from
pains. I took Lydia E. Plnkham's
Vegetable Compound and now am well."
Mrs. Pierre Cournoyer, Box 239,
Blackitone,' Mass.
Such warning symptoms as sense of
suffocation,hot flasbea,headaches,bsck
achea, dread of impending evil, timidity,
sounds in the ears, palpitation of the
heart, sparks before the eyes, irregu
larities, constipation, variable appetite,
weakness and dinineaa, ahould beheeded
by middle-aged women. lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound has carried
many women safely through this crisis,
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. Onepackage'
proves it 25c at all druggists.
with a Flavor I (
ll" tajr Flavor is not expected of
1 1 ordinary soda crackers. . But
Uneeda Biscuit are extraordinary soda
crackers and have a distinctive appetizing
Buy Uneeda Biscuit because they are
soda crackers with a flavor, but, above
all, buy them for their crisp goodness,
5 cents everywhere
P polarine 1
1 Upkeep
JTS.irrjiA.nD on coMBSjrr H , 1 -jVrt
IT'S not the initial expense, but the upkeep
that' 8 the significant figure about your car,
POLARINB keeps your car up to scratch.
Staves off depreciation. Reduces wear and tear.
Prevents carbonization. The Standard Oil for
AH Motors.
ISMi aad Caaa Street
29tfc aad Haraer Street
3th aad !
45ta aad Grant Street
Sltt Street ead Dodie Street .
24th ead 1 Street, So. Sid.
'.: . , ' OMAHA
Tou have -swollen feet and hands! Stiff,
achy Joints! Sharp -shooting rheumatic pains
toj-ture you. You have aching back, pain in
the lower abdomen, difficulty when urinat
ing! took out! These are danger signals,
Trouble Is with your kidneys. Uric acid
poisoning,' In one form or another, haa set
In. It rnay lead to dropsy or fatal Bright'
disease If not checked.
Get Home OOldD MKDAL Haarlem Ol!
Capsules immediately. They are an old pre
paratlon, used all over the world for cen
turies, combining natural healing oil and
herbs, well-known to physicians and used by
thousands In their daily practice. The Cap
sules are not an experimental, make shift
"patent medicine," or "salt," whose effect is
only temporary. They are a standard rem
edy, and act naturally, gently and quickly.
But when you go to the druggist, Insist on
getting the pure, .original Haarlem Oil In
Capsules. Be sure the name GOLD MEDAL
Is on the box, and thus protect yourself
against counterfeit. Advertisement.
The nervea of the human body are ao
closely Interrelated that a shock to any
part of the body la echoed In the hraln.
This Is particularly true, aa every foot ache",
pang of pain or-discomfort shocks the whole
nervous ajVetn and Jolts the brain like a
blow. That la why foot sufferers are so often
unable to do themaelvea Justice and why so
many employwe will not accept an applicant
for a place who1 Is' a foot sufferer. Foot
troubles, however, are easily banished. A 2ft-.
I Oem paOKage ui v n-nri-1 minis iuwi
troubles and brlna- relief almost Instantly.
Two or three tablets dropped In a pan of hot
water will 'furnish a foot bath that will
wash away ' th .pangs and aches of tired,
sweaty, burning, sore and tender feet. Ex
cellent when used for general bathing, leav
Irg skin soft and sanitary. If your druggist
hasn't Wa-Ne-Ta. send us 10 cents and we
will gladly mall you a sample package. L.
C, landon Co., South Bend, Ind. AdvL
Era? Kind Pricoa Vary Low'
' Over five hundred machines to
select from. Rent applied on
purchase. . ' ,
Central Typewriter
Exchange, Inc.
1905 Farnam Si.
Phone Doufla 4121.
Deug. 494.
Dally Matme 3 tl Every Night SilB
Cranberries, Libonita, Huth
Budd. Willing. Ben tie v ft
Beeman ft Anderson, . Orpheum
r)evrtt to
i Brilliant Mustcaf Burlesque
Barney Gerard, JsZlTiA-
gi atjaoBf. : Featuring the Not
aDIHE able vaudeville haao
lln.r of "The Wlae
SHOW" Gr" " "i'iano
"' Mover" lame. I
And a Large Cast. Including
- . . 'rnt ,B Bimey
Gerard show, should be Up enough for tou.
He never chests. You've Imiihod at Ert
mond Hires' 15 -minute sketch In riude
Tllle; just Uilok of beini euteiulned by him
throughout the .perfnrniMicei He does it
here. V. U JOHNSON. Mgr. Osyetr.
' Evenings and Sunday Matinees,
15c, 25c, 50c and 75c.
W Mats. 15c and 25c l'
Chew gnn If yon like, but no smoking
Haby carriage overage m the Lobby.
v ui m a,
Travel Weekly.
Prices Mat., gallery 10c; beet seats (except
Sat and Sun.) ZKe; nights lOe, S6c, S0e. Ipe.
Webster 202
Loot Tiaaa Today
Ethel Clavtoo and Holbrook Btlnn
Alwava lOe Admlaalon.
Lake Manawa 1
E Fox Featare Photoplay. Ertrj s
S , Ereniag FREE
v . In I
Dancing, Boating, Bath- z
ing, Riding Devices and
Other Attractions.
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