Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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Society Notes : Personal Gossip : Woman's Work : Household Topics
Works Behind Counter That Sick
Sales Girl Might Have Needed Rest
Jfaomt y' i ' ?3v I
77?e Art of fled Maw
"Beautiful society girl worki it rib
bon counter. Forsakes cay locial
whirl and takei $6 a week job to per
Imit tick salesgirl to have a tnuch-
eeded vacation.
This is not a title taken from Laura
ean Libbey, neither is it the headline
or a yellow movie. It is the truth.
Miss Naomi towle. tamiliarly
nown as "Mona," youngest daughter
i Mr. and Mrs. John W. Towle of
the Country club set and a graduate
fof Bradford academy last June, is be
.hind the ribbon counter at Burgess
Nash store this week, taking the place
t one of trie girl clerks who could
lot be spared, in o. der that the might
ake a rest.
When Miss Towle heard of the
ase, she immediately applied to Su-
enntendent Kedmond tor permission
jto take her place tor the week.
Attired in a simple shirtwaist and
Sdark skirt conforming to the rules
Cool Weather Gomel Juit in
Time to Justify Milady's
Fall Wrapt.
By MELLIFICIA-Auguat 22.
At last there is justification for the
fad of the summer futv Of course
everyone admitted that thev were
beautiful, but it did seem so ridicu
lous to appear in hottest July weather
with the rich, warm pelts swathed
snout one s neck. nut never were
furs more beautiful or appropriate
than today at the opening session of
the Omaha Driving club races at the
ppeedway track. : Omaha's beautiful
Women enhanced their beauty by ap
pearing in smartest tall garments and
omtortable scarfs ot tur. in the att-
rnoon sunlight, mellowed by crisp1
air, they enjoyed thoroughly the per-
ormance oi tne excellent norses as-
embled for the occasion.- .
Society women are very modest
bout their interest in the races, and
nanv do not intend to occudv with
parties the boxes which Mr, Promi-
pent Business Aian nay provracu, uui
hey were among the interested look-rs-on
at this afternoon's event, many
n their auto. They will also be seen
La the week progresses, for the horse
is to be with us during tne rest ot
he week. Among the prominent wo
men who wilt attend during the week
Ire Mrs, H. H. Wheeler, Mrs. T. C.
tyrne, Mrs. N. B, Updike and Mrs.
Mrs T. I. Donahue entertained a
party at luBehon a' the Fontenelle
nd at the races this aiternoon. in
of the store, this young girt, who has
adorned many a social function in the
younger set this summer, is attending
strictly to Business now.
After receiving her instructions she
started in with a vim and was rapidly
filling her salesbook with accounts of
many a ribbon sale.
"If this ribbon is mailed out im
mediately, do you think it will reach
this out-of-town customer by morn
ing?" she inquired of a fellow clerk.
Miss Towle's fellow workers are
delighted with the manner in which
she has taken hold of the "job" and
her avidity to learn. It bears out a
reputation Miss Towle has among
her friends for energy and ability.
Miss Towle was expected to make
her debut this winter, as far sister.
Miss Marion, did last year, hut this
individualistic young woman decided
to nostpone her debut and to spend
another winter studying in New York.
As the Indian names scattered
by thousands throughout Ihe United
States give a tone to American
geographical nomenclature, so Indian
art, as exhibited in color combina
tions, ornamental designs, weaving
bradwork and pottery, has a similar
influence on our art products.
One may spend many delightful
and instructive hours in the Ameri
can Museum of Natural History
studying the collections represent
ing the red man's achievements in
the expression of hit ideas of beauty
and proportion. The utilization of
these as suggestive aids in the de
velopment of a more distinctvely
American style has only just he-
?:un, but it can evidently be carried
The character of the Indian shines
forth in his art. It is grave, re
strained, simple, and yet bold. It
accords with nature, but reproduces
her underlying, motives rather than
her superficial appearances. It is
not imitative of details, but it catches
the broad spirit of its model. Its
conventional forms show both im
agination and a sense of harmony.
As Miss Esther A. Coste points out,
the Indian artists showed themselves
very versatile in their use of so
limited a material as that at their
Religious symbolism was the basis
of most of their designs. When we
HWiui riwiwiiiiMi iii-t iii r"'il I I li 11 I ' I
S i a v? 1
l ' " V- I
1 '
T. J. Our
ier party were;
r. K. Ouaieekef
Chicago, ,
liiasee 'I
itella Murpfcy.
(S1U Hurphr,
t the Country Club.
Reservations for the Wednesday
veiling dinner dance have been made
iliy E. A. Wickham tor sixteen and
,'v O. C Redick for eight guests.
'Votes at Random.
lj Or. and Mrs. A. R. Knode have re
turned from an- eastern,- automobile
lour of two weeks.
! Miss Margaret Butler, who ' has
wen in the east on business is now
i pending two weeks at - Atlantic
Vedding Announcement
The marriage of Miss Gertrude
Xander and Mr- Harry B. Wiseman
f Grand Island took place Sunday'
vening at the home of the bride's
arents, Mr- and Mrs. Ssmuel Olander.
labbi H. Grodinsky officiated. The
oung couple will make their home in
,rand Island. ; -
Out-of-town guests at the wedding
ere Mr.: and Mrs. Louis Levine of
astings, Mr. and Mr. Max Brown,
orton Brown and Mrs. I. Berko
Htz of Grand Island, Mr. and Mrs. I.
' rasne of Fullerton and Mr. Samuel
jlandtr of Triumph, Minn.
vial Gossip.
t Miss Dorothy Pettis of Lincoln is
e guest of Miss Margaret Wright.
Miss Frances Paine of Aberdeen,
ash., will arrive August 30 on her
.urn to Miss Simmon's school in
Boston, to spend a short time with
Miss Marjorie Poote.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huff and Dr. and
Mrs. E. H. Bruening will motor to
Colfax, la., for the week-end and will
spend next week at the Dcs Moines
State fair. Mr. and Mrs, Huff re
turned last week from a' motor trip
to Minneapolis and Duluth.
Mr. and Mrs. K. O. Lawhead are
the guests for several weeks of Mrs.
Lawnead's sister, Mrs. C, R. Jewell.
and Mr. Jewell,
Stork 8peciaL . ,
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Shrum announce
the birth of a seven - and one-half-
fiound boy. Mrs. Shrum was former
y Mist Katherine Krug.
Luncheon for Miss Williams.
For Miss Roma Williams of Grand
Island, her . hostess, Miss Mary
Mitchell of Council Bluffs, entertained
at luncheon at her home today.
Twelve guests were seated at a tabl:
decorated in yellow and white. These
present were: , t
Mio ' MlaMt
OsraldtiM Johnson Iftrv .HilHman.
of Omaha, Vlrg-lnta Mtubba,
Anita McConnoll, ' , ' Clara Hart,
Otraldtna Hm, Haudo Clark, . .
Heton Walker, ' Anfala ahugart
Marlon Turner-- i-
On the Calendar. .
Mrs. Luther Kountie will entertain
at luncheon at her home Thursday
the members of the Original Cooking
club who are now in town.
At tha Field Club, I
Those who had parties at luncheon
at the club today were Mrs. n. A.
Cameron, Mrs. Stors, Mrs. B. F.
Thomas, Mrs. W. H. Herdman, Mrs.
lohn Battin and Mrs. H. A. Wahl.
Two hundred fifty retail credit men
will be entertained at the club this
evening. - .
Personal Mention.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Detamatr n?
turned this morning from Colorado.
Miss Betty Ringwalt it spending
ten days with the Harry Burkleys at
Lake Ukoboji.
Miss Jessie Towne has returned
after spending the summer on a farm
in Richardson county. -
Mr. and Mrs. L , S. Overpack and
Mr. Ren field are among the Iowa
guests attending the races. They are
with the William Fraziers. ,
Mrs. Wayne Watlman of Great
Falls, Mont., is visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. McLafferty.
Mr. George McLafferty will go east
this fall to enter the University
School of Commerce in New York
Citv. '
Mrs. M. Newman and daughter,
Bertha, have returned from an ex
tended trip through the south and
west and are at the home of Mr. A.
Miss Helen Kirby of Momence, III.,
is visiting with Isabel Shukert. The
two were schoolmates at Rockford
Miss Mildred Rhoades returned
this morning from the Y. W. C. A.
summer camp at Lake Geneva. Miss
Louise Curtis and Miss Avery re
turned also.
The Misses Lucile and Anne Mc
Hugh of Cheyenne, Wyo arrived
Monday morning to Spend two weeks
as the guests of Miss Maude Murphy
of this city.
Miss Ruth llgen Frits of San Diego,
Cal left this afternoon after a short
stay with Miss Grace Gibson. The
party which Miss Gibson was to have
given for hr guest this afternoon has
been cancelled because xif her Je-parture.-;-
, .-.. ; ' . .",-.-
The design on the pitcher of black spikes upon a bright
yellow ground was obtained from a Pawnee skin coat,
decorated with quill bands on tne shoulders and down
the front. This folding raw-hide bag made by the Hid-atsa-Mandan,
is decorated with straight and curved lines
in shades of green, orange, black, brown and blue. These
photographs are reproduced by permission of the Amer
ican Museum of Natural History.
hear the legends explaining some of
these we call them childish, but the
designs themselves are not affected
by that judgment, since we appreciate
them for their own qualities as ar
tistic creations. The soft, subdued.
admirably harmonised. colors awaken
admiration in and for themselves.
The shapes and figures excite the
fancy as do the quaint designs cov
ering an oriental rug. For us the
religious ideas that inspired the mak
ers, and the original possessors of
these things have evaporated, but the
Sugar bowl decorated with
motive found on a beaded
belt made by Sarsi Indians.
beauty, harmony and proportion they
retain are as effective as ever.
A great collection of Indian art is a
storehouse of ideas, motives and sug
gestions, and the use that can be
made of it is shown in the photo
graphs herewith. Not only are these
designs suggestive for all woven
work, textiles and needle work, but
decorators and painters of every kind
may find them useful. Miss Coste
says that some of the tribes had a
fretwork as beautiful as the classic
Greek form.
There are hundreds of designs that
can be imitated with splendid effect
in border work, enpeheting, embroid
ering, etc, The beauty of the Navajo
blankets is known everywhere, and it
is a great credit to a tribe unfamiliar
with white civilization to have pro
duced a form of art work that white
men have set themselves to imitate.
Such imitation is a kind of apology
to the original artists for having
called them barbarians or savages.
Many of the Indian weaving pat
terns are very beautiful as well as
original. The red artists have shown
the depth of their genius in adapting
the mechanism put into their hands
by the whites to their artistic ideas
instead of adapting the ideas to the
machines. Indian bead-work is fa
mous all over the world. Pueblo
pottery is another form of native In
dian art that comes to us like a seed
full of germinal power. Both the
shapes and colors employed are val
uable models.
Among the uses that have already
been made of these suggestions from
the red man's mind are the decoration
of tableware, parlor tables, stands,
cups and saucers, bowls, pitchers,
candlesticks, work tables, trays,
mugs, match boxes, pepper pots, bed
room furniture and many other
things. We are doing a little belated
justice to the original possessors of
our continent when, with proper ac
knowledgment of its source, we turn
the current of their artistic tradition
into the broader channel which our
life affords.
It is an inheritance from them
which we are just beginning to appre
ciate. It will give the tinge to our
art, as the Susquehanna river takes a
tittle richer color from the darker
waters of the Lackawanna.
Be an Individual in the Race of Life
Animals huddle together for warmth
or protection, but human beings have
to meet their crises alone. They have
to, whether they like it or not The
Scotch say: "Each of us maun dree
his ain weird." And there lies the
whole matter in a nutshell.
Our sorrows, our joys all of our
experiences, in fact befall us as in
dividuals and no one can share them
with us.
A little girl I know used to say
whenever she was told, "Children
don't do that," and "Little girls al
ways do this." , "Yts, but I'm a per
son." '
A wonderful bit of philosophy the
child had if she had followed it far
bach of us ought to remember
that he or she is an individual "a
person." But besides being an in-
Tested Recipes
Pineapple Marmalade.
. After paring the fruit and remov
ing the eyes, grate and preserve the
iuice. To each pound of grated fruit
allow three fourths of a pound of
sugar. Cook slowly, and when It
jellies pour into glass jars and seal.
Peanut Sandwiches.
Spread the very best peanut butter
between slices of bread. Mix peanut
butter with cottage cheese and spread
lor variety.
' Rebecca Pudding.
Oen-quarter cup corn ajarch, one
quarter cup sugar, one-quarter cup
cold milk, pinch ot salt, one-half tea
spoonful vanilla, whites of two eggs.
Mix the corn starch, sugar and salt,
dilutt with the cold milk and add to
two cupfuls of scalded milk, stirring
constantly until it thickens, then' stir
occasionally. Cook fifteen minutes.
Add flavoring and the whites of eggs
beaten stiff. 41 ix thoroughly, pour
into a mould, chill and serve with the
following sauce:
Two eggs, one cup powdered sugar,
three tablespoonfuls wine. Beat yolks
of eggs until light and pale yellow,
beat in half the sugar; beat whites
stiff, add gradually the rest of the
sugar; combine the two mixtures, and
add the wine. This is a very nice
sauce for cold puddings. Yon can use
sherry, brandy er Jamaica rum to
flavor the sauce.
Raspberry Juice.
One quart black raspberries, one
cupful sugar, one cupful water.
Wash berries carefully, then cool all
three ingredients together for fifteen
minutes. Strain and cool Serve very
ld with a slice of lemon.
Fig Sandwiches.
Soak dried figs over night in cold
water to cover them, then simmer
over a slow fire until tender. Add one
half cup of sugar and the juice of one
hall' lemon to each pound of figs dur
ing the cooking. Chill thoroughly and
chop to a paste and spread on thin
white bread or slices of pound cake.
dividual there must be the conscious
ness of all the other individuals who,
for social and great natural reasons.
have to be banded together Into
groups. One has simply to be con
scious of the two things and not to
subordinate one to the other.
There is no better illustration of
this than the foolish way we all "hud
dle" in the cars. People come rushing
along and crush and scramble and
endure the utmost discomfort just be
cause it doesn't occur to them to sep
arate themselves from the crowd.
Watch for yourself some dav. See
one man or woman after another run
ning down the stairs and attaching
himself or herself to the fringes of
the central group waiting in a subway
station. A few people walk to the
forward or rear end of the platform,
but most individuals seem almost
magnetized into attaching themselves
to the central group.
In life the Deonle who oret on. who
amount to somthing, are not those
who are lost in tne central group of
the ordinary and average, but those
rather .who have the courage to sep
arate themselves and seek out places
where they can assert their own per
sonality. One doesn't gain success by
trying to find a foothold on the ladder
of success at the exact point where a
group is already struggling.
The ladder of success is wide. There
is room for numberless people there
on, but they have to find their own
Studying yourself as an individual,
finding your own points of difference
and seeking progress along individual
lines separated from great mass
movements, is the real way to assure
yourself of success in forging ahead.
Remember that "you are a person"
that your experience may be similar
to everyone else's, that your desires
may be simply ,world-old repetitions
of human nature, that your sorrows
and tribulationa are oft-repeated
stories but that in spite of all this
they are for the time being yours I
This means that you haven't the
right to force a description of them
on anyone else and that you cannot
expect anyone else to enter into them
and share them fully.
' You are an individual. You must
go through your own experiences.
You must work out your own salvation.
taxniYi iKcirc ah::ie seme
. -v-t - y ;..'
Fruit and Vegetable Pickle
in spite of the good quality of all
kinds of manufactured preserves, most
housewives cling to the idea that
home-made preserves are the best.
The following recipe for a delicious
fruit and vegetable pickle is easily
prepared. "
Peel, . core and cut up twelve
medium-sized apples. Remove the
stones from a pound of dates, and
boil the two in a quart oi vinegar
until tender. Then add three cups
of brown sugar, one-half ounce of
ground ginger, two cloves of garlic,
six medium-sized tomatoes, one cup
of seedless raisins, one teaspoonfui
of salt and mustard, and one pound
of dried apricots. The apricots should
be soaked and cut into small pieces
before they are added. Put in jars
while hot, and cover when cold.
Tomorrow Roast Capon with Cream
.... Gravy.
After Treatment of Infantile Paralysis
,There are disadvantages in being
young as well as in being old. One
of the most perplexing and pitiable
things about the after-treatment of
infantile paralysis is just that it is "in
fantile," that its little victims are
young, very young. This means that
they have completed only about a
fourth of their growth and a tenth of
their muscular education, and paraly
sis at this stage means not only loss
of power, but deformity and grave dis
turbance of balance.
In fact, paradoxical as it may sound,
the most serious cause of trouble in
some cases is not that the palsied limb
or paralyzed muscle will not grow, but
that the opposite limb and the other
groups of muscles will keep on grow
ing along with the rest of the body.
For instance, one little leg is para
lyzed, or half paralyzed, so that it can
only move about half as actively and
vigorously as the other; the little one
walks with a limp, and for several
months, even if no improvement oc
curs, get about fairly well. Then sud
denly one day the parents notice that
the limp seems to be getting worse,
although the paralyzed limb is no
wgaker, and when the tape measure
is placed alongside it is discovered
to be half or three-quarters of an inch
shorter than the sound limb.
This, of course, is not because th
weakened limb has shrunk or grown
shorter, but simply that it hasn't
grown at the same rate as the healthy
limb. And, unfortunately, the older
and taller the child grows, the more
marked becomes the relative shorten
ing of the crippled leg. A pitiful il
lustration of the bitter scriptural para
dox, "Unto him that hath shall be
given, but from him that hat not,
shall be taken away even that which
he hath." So that ultimately the poor
little victim has often to add to the
legitimate labor of the half-paralyzed
muscles the weight of a box-soled,
"club-foot" shoe, or even steel stirrup,
or other mechanical apparatus for
lengthening it to match the other
Or if one group of muscles only in
an arm or leg is affected, those that
straighten it or extend it, for instance,
then the undamaged muscles which
Advice to Lovelorn
By Beatrice Fairfax
You Did the Bight Thing.
Dar Mlsa Fairfax: 1 have met and had
business dealings with a cashier In a bank,
but have not beon Introduced to him, bul
nave met him about a dosen times In all
Last Sunday while taking a sail with three
frlenda 1 met this man and bowed to him,
but did not speak to him. Now, please tell
me did I do wrong In noticing him, er
should I have Ignored hlmT My friends
think X acted In an unladylike way In bow
ing to a man to whom 1 had never been
Introduced. He simply lifted his hat and
smiled In return. Al.ICG R.
What you did was the proper and
courteous thing. There was nothing
undignified in it, and no man with the
instincts of a gentleman could possi
bly have misinterpreted your attitude.
Any man with whom a woman has
continuous business dealings is an
acquaintance and she should always
recognize him when she meets him on
the street This applies to employes
in your office and clerks who wait
upon you over and over again, as well
as to a man you meet through deal
ings in a bank.
Tour Friend la Wrong. '
Dear Miss Fairfax: It happened that I
had occasion to ba at my attorney's office
and he asked me to lunch with him. Will
you kindly tell me If It waa wrong, my case
that he la handling being a dlvoros action.
Ho haa never asked me to go any other
plaoe with him.
Will you kindly advise me in the -matter
as a friend of mine says It la not at all
Thera waa absolutely nothing Improper
In what you did. Lunching with your at
torney in public could scarcely rouse Just
criticism from even the most formal minded
people, since even they would recognize the
probability that you were discussing bus
iness matter. Your frlend'a attitude Is
evil Winded this does not mean .that X
am advocating your going about socially
with your lawyer but that under the clr
oumstances there was no need ot your re
fusing to lunch with him. '
bend the limb will over-pull the
weakened group opposing them and
gradually bend the limb in their direc
tion until it becomes permanently
crooked and drawn up. So that the
problem of combatting the paralysis
is not merely that of keeping the
paralyzed muscles alive and moving,
but also that of preventing the un
paralyzed muscles or fellow limb
from pushing or pulling them over to
one side or outgrowing them.
This is only one illustration of the
many complexities and perplexities of
the after-treatment of poliomyelitis.
Whoever undertakes to treat it must
l:ave clearly in mind a perfect and
accurate picture, first, of the exact
damage done and the point in the
cord involved; second, of the chan
nels through which repair and im
provement may be hoped to come,
and third, of what the natural growth
of the rest of the limb and body
will do to the damaged muscles in the
way of overgrowing thein and dis
turbing them and disturbing the bal
ance by racing ahead. '
FranUy, it is no job for a family
physician or a general practitioner;
it requires an expert knowledge and
training, such as can only be fairly
expected of a specialist in children's
diseases, expert assistants and nurses
to carry out the treatment, which is
largely "by hand." by that best of
all orthopedic appliances and "batter
ies," the skilled human fingers, and
a considerable equipment of ex
pensive apparatus, gymnastic, electric
and therapeutic. The health depart
ment is overwhelmingly right in de
claring that hospital treatment is the
only adequate and most hopeful care
for the at least three to five thou
sand little cripples who will be left
in the wake of this epidemic, and
the admirable movement of Mr.
Hearst to found and equip a special
hospital to take care of these little
human derelicts will be a public serv
ice and a clear-sighted humanity of
the highest timeliness and value.
Especially in view of the fact that at
least nine-tenths of the little victims
are from a class which is utterly
unable to afford the consultations
and skilled nursing and month, and
even year-long, after-treatment and
attention which this disease abso
lutely demands.
You need
never worry
about results in
baking if you use
It has been a stand
by for a quarter of
a century. Guaran
teed under all
pure food laws.
Ounces for
ball tar uarMrt
Successful, Prosperous,
going manufacturing insti
tution, now enlarging buei
neas, desires m few compe
tent, capable, honest sales,
men. See us today. Salary
and commission.
11th and Capitol Ave.
A for and t. ta
lAS&UtHAauaMfWOrriaaHOlU i
A small sum,
weakly or
monthly, makes
you tha owner
of splendid
Dlamand or
other article of
high grade Jewelry.
UvrHndant, ar Regular Vtlthf
I ISO Bracelet e.n be entirely detached,
so watch ean be worn as a pendant, or as
a regular watch. Fine gold filled, small
popular site. Full ll-Ruby Jeweled nickel
"'!. pendant set, either white or
gold dial. Guaranteed SO years. Bracelet
o anjusieq to any alaa. as aaih
una is detachable. W. hive t pal CC
ine price to "bed V I sv
rook." and offer this latest
modal Wrht Watch
Z?5 Diamond
Blng, 14k solid
(old, Loftls "Per-
reetion '
SI a Week.
Oh Daily Tiflom.
N. 4 Men's DU
mond Rlna, 6 prong
tooth mounting, (CC
14k lolid told..0
96.60 Month.
Call or writ for llluitrated Catalog No.
vu. rnon uougui 1444 and our salt
man will all.
lyr TI5 "j
miimwiwbiNf mm mnm