Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1916, Image 1

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    Ii Payi to Advertise
Advertising par the 4nrtbr
who ulm it pari 4 tha surast
way of making il pay fa to put tins
drartfaunamt la THE BEE.
The Omaha Daily Bee
Fair; Warmer
On Train, at HntoU.
ISewg Mjvurii, tr., flc.
Fight Is Between R. H. Poin
dexter and H. V. Wright
for Presidency of
Ftae Directors Will Also Be
Chosen During Session
This Morning.
R. H. Foindexter of Nashville,
Tenn., and H. Victor Wright of Los
Angeles, will have to settle differ-'
ences today as to who is to be presi
dent of the National Retail Credit
Men's association for the ensuing
year. They are the two nominees
placed on the ballot Tuesday after
noon at the convention held in the
Hotel Fontenelle.
C. F. Jackson of St. Louis was
nominated for vice president, C. E.
Corey of Omaha for treasurer and A.
J. Kruse of St. Louis for secretary.
Five directors are to be elected to
day. Twelve candidate's for the five
J laces were nominated. They are D.
. Woodlick of St. Louis, E. A. How
ell, Denver; B. G. Voight. Los An
geles, W. V. Sims, Colorado Springs;
W. H. Taylor, New York; J. W. Met
calfe, Omaha; E. W. Nelson, Lin
coln; W. R. Bryan, Louisville, Ky.;
M. J. Solon, Minneapolis; W. G.
Schmus, Cleveland; Ed S. Malone,
Omaha, and F. SF. Hagerman, St.
- Want New System.
The credit men in the afternoon de
clared themselves in favor of a sys
tem which would make it possible
for the sender of a registered letter
to learn the address of the man who
signs a receipt for that letter. This,
they believe, will help them to locate
certain debtors who move or change
their residence without notifying
their creditors. It was suggested
that the matter be taken up with the
senators and representatives, but
first a copy of the resolution is to be
sent to the postmaster general to see
if he cannot put such a rule into ef
fort without snecial legislation.
The convention also declared itself
in favor of 1-cent letter postage.
By a special resolution introduced
hv I. W Metcalfe of Omaha, the pro
prietors of retail stores in Omaha
are invited to attend the sessions to
day, since the program, it is said, will
Oe OI especial interest lu uiciii. . v.
lowing is the program for today;
Sensational Racing Marks the
Opening of Great "Western
Circuit Races.
HiW JL M. Reconvene.
f HftAiiitinru committee.
" "What la a Baals Cor Granting Retail
Credit?" A dlicuMlon by all delegates un
r the direction of M. J. Bolon, Mtnneap-
..11. mr,A f D TtU&KHl. Bt. LOlllf.
"How to Follow Up Account and Get the
Money." A general aw cum ion uy um-t-atea
led by Sir Wolfert. St. Louis, and
"Should Interest be Charged on Paet Doe
Accounts." A general dlacourte of all dele
gated, led by B. G. Votght, Loe Angelea, and
Charles Nolan, Dulutn.
"How to Open an Account and the Limit
to Put on the Same." uenorai '"
ld by G. A. Lawo, Memphis, and w. T.
Snider, St. t-oule.
Election of officer. n niBoa for nxt meetlnK.
Wednesday morning the women will be
taken to the Llnlnger art gallertee and to
the plant of the Alamlto Sanitary Dairy
company, where lunch will be tervea.
Wednesday bvhu
Lake club.
Two Boys Confess
Murder of Ranchman
Boise, Idaho, Aug. 22. Lynn and
Harold Lovelace, brothers, 11 and 12
vears of age, have confessed twice
. ,h authorities at Twin tails, Ida
ho, according to reoorts received here
tonight, that they murdered r. i nom
as Hamilt, a teacher from Larson
Nev., whose mutilated body was
found at his lanch south of Twin
Falls last Thursday. The lads, first
i,Wn into custody as runaways, were
found in possession of Hamill's horse,
wagon, pocketbook, provisions and
eight guns and a revolver. The kill
ing, according to the reputed con
fessions, occurred when Hamill sur
prised them robbing his cabin.
Three state records went by the
board in the sensational harness rac
ing that marked the opening of the
famous Great Western Circuit meet
ing on the Omaha turf yesterday-
meeting in which locally-owned
horses of big time renown breezed
away with firsts in the classics on the
first day's card.
It was a great day for Omaha and
Omaha horses.
Classed against a dangerous field of
pacers which have been figuring in
successful campaigns on the Grand
and Great Western circuits, Ben Earl,
a bright star of the Edward Peterson
stables, behaved like the royal speed
merchant that he is and won the 2:12
event, the Luxus purse of $1,000,
puncturing the Nebraska state record
in the curtain-raising heat when the
hot breath of the great Lillian T. was
wafted upon his pilot s neck.
Lowers Hal McKinney's Mark.
In neeotiatinir the speedy half-mile
oval in 2:06'i, the worthy son of The
Earl clipped a half second olt ot the
state pacing record, held by another
Omaha turf champion Hal McKin
npv. owned bv Tom Dennison, who
came by the title with a performance
this season in :W,
Turfmen and horsedom m general
anticipated a battle roval between Ben
Earl and Lilliam T. and it was
staged in a degree of thrill-producing
racing to satisfy the most exacting
tastes of the reddest-oloodea lover oi
the "sport of kings."
When they came to the wire in the
first heat the Peterson horse, despite
Lillian T.'s formidable Grand and
Great Western Circuit record and her
line of past achievements, ruled the
favorite with the holiday crowd that
assembled for the Omaha Driving
club's premier on the west's foremost
racing loop.
Makes Great Start.
Marvin Childs, sitting in the
driver's seat of Ben Earl's sulky,
gave his charge the word right at
the jumpoff, and before the field had
wheeled into the quarter it was ob
vious that Peterson's traveling brown
clHinir was out for a record on the
local SDeedwav track; it was also
plain to see Lillian T. would have to
pace a super-animal to dethrone the
Omaha favorite.
Offering the best she had, and
with her nose in Child's pistol pocket,
Lillian T, came down the home in a
hrarKhreakine attemot to get OUt in
front of Ben Earl. Not-so far in be
hind the two leaders was Deputy
Sheriff. Henrv THoimw Up, who
showed a spurt that left Lee Dale and
Strathtell, respectively, in fourth and
fifth positions.
Ben Earl and Lillian T. staging a
beautiful finish, came under the "wire
with the former a clean-cut winner,
and with the state pacing record an
nexed to his string of turf victories.
Ben Earl dashed off the last quarter
in the first heat in thirty-one seconds.
Ben Earl paced consistently in the
second heat, tasing oui mio
British Gain Hundred Yards Oi
German Trenches, Accord
ing to London Official
War Report.
Berlin and Athens Announce
Capture of Koritsa and
Kastoria by Invaders.
London, Aug. 22. The British have
made a further advance between Mar
tinpuich and Ba2entin, where they
captured 100 yards of German
trenches, says a war office statement
Paris, Aug. 22. The allies have
captured a series of heights west of
the Vardar river on the Saloniki front,
says a war office statement tonight.
On both wings, advance detachments
have fallen back before the counter
offensive of the Bulgarians.
The Weather
THE) WEATHER aldlefll. 02
For NtraHKa rair; wbihwi.
Omaha Yerterdar.
Hour. Da.
. 6 a. m t
MMTj jt5:E:::: S
I p.' m '. '. '. 71
. 5 p. m "6
r ' ' 8 p. m 70
Comparative Local lie cord.
1B16. 1916. 1914. 1913,
Hlgheet yeeterday .. 75 31 100 74
Lowest yesterday ... l f3 73 68
Mean temperature .. 7 12 86 64
I'roctpltatlon 00 .ii .00 ,00
Temrxtrature and precipitation departures
from the normal:
Normal temperature 73 for the day 6
Tutal excess since March 1 275
Normal precipitation 13 inch
Deficiency for the day 13 inch
Total rainfall since March 1. ... 11,35 inches
Deficiency since March 1 9.63 Inches
Excm for cor. period, bj men
Deficiency for cor. period, 1914.. S. 40 Inches
Reports from Stations at 7 P. H.
Station and State Temp. High- Raln
of Weather. 7 p. ra ent. full.
Cheyenne, clear 70 74 .00
Davt-nport, clear TO 74
Denver clear 74 7
Des Moines, .clear 73 76
Dodge City, clear...... 70 76
Lander, Hear 70 7ft
North rUtte, clear..... 7 78
UiimKa, tf-ar 73 7b
Vui1o, clear 70 72
Jiapid nty. clear 78 BO
Halt L-tke City, clear.. 80 82
niiltt Ke, cloudy 66 74
Sheridan, clear SO 84
Sioux City, rlear 74 7
Vtt.enilne, clear 76 78
Indicates traco of precipitation.
sV A. WELSH, Meteorologist.
(Contlnned on Page Two. Column Three.)
Hughes Makes Short
Talks in California
On Hurried Journey
Tal Anff. 22. At the turn
of his transcontinental trip, Charles
E. Hughes was speeding north today
from Los Angeles to Sacramento
with fourteen scheduled stops and
brief speeches in the San Joaquin
vallev. Here at Fresno he made a
ten-minute talk. The other addresses
were two and three-minute affa'rs
from the rear platform of his train.
On his way through the valley, the
nominee talked chiefly of his convic
tion that the country needs a protec
tive tariff to enable American eater-
prises to meet tne competition m
Europe when peace comes. Before
reaching Fresno he had spoken to
station crowds at Porterville, Lindsay,
Exeter, Visalia, Kingsburg and Sel
ma. His program, after leaving here,
called for addresses at Madera,
Merodes, Turlock, Modesto, Lathrop,
Stockton and Lodi. Tonight he will
speak at Sacramento.
Mr. Hughes nursed his throat dur
ing the day, making his speeches as
brief as possible. His speech at
Portersville was devoted largely to an
explanation why he could not speak
for a longer time.
"It is a very difficult thing," he
said, "for a man so early in the moan
ing to make a speech after such a day
as they put me through yesterday.
We had a meeting of 25,000 people at
San Diego yesterday afternoon and in
the evening one of the greatest meet
ings that Los Angeles has ever know,
and the result is that my voice is a bit
husky and I have got to take care of
it through the day in order that it
may come back properly." 1
House Puts Articles
of War Up to Senate
Washington, Aug. 22. Without the
revised articles of war, to portions of
which President Wilson and the War
department objected, the house today
repassed the army appropriation oiu,
The senate is expected to insert a re
vision, and the house is expected
later to accept it. President Wilson
vetoed the bill because of portions of
the revision.
Sixty Men Recruited
Into Army This Month
Sixty men have been recruited ror
the army at the local station this
month. Eleven went into the in
fantry, twenty-two to the coast ar
tillery, four to the field artillery, twenty-two
into the cavalry and one into
the medical division.
Members Go Over Situation
Fully and Believe Employ
ers Will Accept Propo
sals Made.
Gommitte of Eight, Headed by
Holden, Is Drawing Up
Counter Proposition.
SYKU. to PUtiMptto (nafej 1.
Berlin, Aug. 22. (By Wireless to
Sayville.) Official announcement is
made by the Sofia war office that on
August 18 the Bulgarian left wing be
gan a general offensive, advancing in
the btruma valley, occupying uemi
Hissar and establishing itself on Ihe
left bank of the Struma after repulsing
the British and trench near ieres.
The seizure of the road between
Fiorina and Koritsa. as well as that
between Koritsa and Kastoria is also
announced in the statement which
bears the date of August 20.
All the Serbian positions on the
Matka Niezeplanina, east of Banica
on the Macedonian front, have been
captured by troops of the central
powers, the war office announced to-
he French, adds the announce
ment, have been driven over the
Stuma between Buthkova and Tahi
mos. Bulgarians Take Two Towns.
Athens, Aug. 22.--(Via Paris.)
The occupation of Kastoria and
Corytsa by the Bulgarian troops is
confirmed. News from an official
source says that the German field
marshal, August Von Mackensen is
with the Bulgarians.
The military movements of the en
tente allies-are hindered by the flight
of the civil population before the Bul
garian advance.
"Kastoria is twenty-five miles south
of Mnastir, on the extreme left of
the entente front in Macedonia. It
lies about thirty miles southwest of
norma, and its occupation indicates
that the Bulgarians are pressing
southward their movement on the al
lied left flank.
Field Marshal von Mackensen was
reported at Kovel in July to direct
operations against the Russians in
Action Becoming General.
Paris, Aug. 22. The fighting on
the Saloniki front is becoming more
general, says a Havas dispatch mailed
vesterdav at saloniki. In the JJoiran
section Serbian troops have captured
torts Kaimakadar and Uicurlu.
The heaviest fighting is on the front
northeast of Saloniki, on the left bank
of the Struma river, from Kaviala to
Barakli. On the western end of the
line hostilities are confined for the
most part to artillery.
Roumania May Join Entente.
All the morning newspapers com
ment at length on the possibility of
Koumania joining in the war. Ihe
meetings that are in progress in
Bucharest are taken to mean that all
the various developments in the situ
ation are being seriously considered
and the general tone of the comment
is that the decisive moment for Rou
manian action has arrived.
Operations of the Bulgarian arm
ies in Macedonia are interpreted in
some quarters as having been under
taken solely with a view to influenc
ing the decision of Roumania. On
all sides it is agreed that a new phase
in Balkan history is opening and the
discussion by the press of the various
diplomatic phases of the Roumanian
situation is followed by an examina
tion of the strength ot the Rouman
ian army.
The statement is made on good
authority that the number of Rou
manian troops that can be mobilized
exceeds 800,000, and that the army is
iq the best of condition after long
Greeks and Bulgars Fight.
London. Aug. 22. Greek troops
have been fighting the Bulgarians in
the vicinity of Seres since Sunday
morning, says an Athens dispatch to
the Exchange Telegraph company.
The Greek commander at Seres has
called to arms all the reservists in
that locality, says the dispatch. That
the fighting is of a stubborn charac
ter is indicated by the fact that a
large number of Greek soldiers have
been killed. J
It was stated in a Paris dispatch
yesterday that the Fourth Greek army
corps had fallen back from Seres as
well as from Kavala and Drama.
Seres is an important city of about
30,000 population, forty-five miles
northeast of Saloniki.
Murderer Given
Life Sentence
and Thirty Years
MarshalltbWn.'Ia., Aug. 22. Rob'rt
Williams was given thirty years im
prisonment in Fort Madison after at
tempting to murder Wendell r. roote
of Dillon, on the night of July 20,
and life imprisonment for the murder
of Mrs. Matilda C. Steward at the
same time -today. Williams has con
teased to both crimes. He is 28
years old.
Son of Former Commissioner
Writes Letter Telling of
Fierce Fighting.
War Summary
Hastings, Neb., Aug. 22. (Special.)
How the Canadians fought in the
third battle of Ypres, under wnat he
speaks of as a rain of tens of thou
sands of tons of metal from Ger
man guns, is vividly described in a
letter from Paul Ragan, son of for
mer Commissioner John M. Ragan
of the state supreme court.
Some years ago Paul Ragan en
gaged in the ranch business in Can
ada, and he enlisted soon after the
war began.
In the sanguinary action of early
June, all but 275 of his battalion of
700 were killede.
"My steel helmet saved me from
shrapnel more than once," he writes,
"and I was knocked down by the
concussion of a high explosive, but
not hurt"
The men had been promised relief
in twentyfour hours after recaptur
ing a trench, but they had to fight
all that day and the next day',' too,
with nothjng to eat or drink except
whafthey had in their kits, and what
they could get from their dead com
rades. '
He said he wouldn't have missed
the experience "for a million," but
he doesn't want to go through
another like it.
The writer speaks of the nomina
tion of Hughes by the republicans,
gives his opinion of the political at
titude of Roosevelt and makes other
references to current evnts, all in
dicating that the mail service between
the trenches and the outer world is
surprisingly prompt. Referring to
this, he concludes:
"It is wonderful how they handle
the mails out here. We get letters
aand parcels right in the trenches,
and a parcel will be delivered
promptly and safely if securely wrap
ped and properly marked. I am sure
I have never had a piece of mail go
astray. How they do it is beyond
As an insieht into the system fol
lowed, young Ragan gives this as his
full address: 434219 A Comp., 49th
Battalion, Third Canadian Division,
B. E. F., France. '
Italian King Enters
Gonzia Under Fire
of Austrian Guns
Undine, Italy, Sunday, Aug. 20.
fVia Paris. Aug. 22,)-King Victor
Emmanuel entered Gorizia today un
der the fire of the Austrian forces.
Luninio bridge, which he crossed to
enter the citv. continues to be the ob
ject of relentless shelling by the Aus
trian guns, but, unmindiui ot danger,
the king determined to make a per
sona visit to the captured city.
The king went to the city hall,
where he inquired regarding the meas
ures which have heen taken to restore
the civil life of the city.
Girls working in the vicinity learned
of his presence and improvised a man
ifestation, which was interspersed
with shouts of "Long live our king,
long live Italy."
News of the royal visit spread
throughout the city and there was a
demonstration as the king's automo
bile passed through the streets.
full win with Bosnian troop arriving
In Saloniki to flint with th. rntonto
forrf anr! Ronmanla reported ahout realty
to entr the war on the ilde of the alllea.
Lanrtlnr of Italian troons 1 continuing;
and an unofficial dlnpntch reporta Greek
troopi engaged Bulgarians In the vlrlnlty
of flerea.
ATI1KNS ADVICES Indicate that Rnulan
troope have been In the Balkans more
than three weeks, the contingent having
apparently arrived at Saloniki some time
previous to July St, the news having been
Just released br the entente eensorshlp.
TODAY'S DIHrATTHEH regarding develop.
ments cm She Macedonian front Indicate
that the engagement Is beeomlne general
all along the 1 AO-mil Una. Serbian troops
are reported to have captured two forts,
while on the western end of the tine the
Bulgarians claim notable advances.
fronts are overshadowed by thoee In the
Balkans. The entente offensive however,
Is proceeding uninterruptedly ea both
these fronts. The French and British to
day both claim progress th Soranio
Red Fleet Convoying Invndiijg
Army Will Try to mane
Landing on East Coast.
Washington, Aug. 22. A "red"
enemy fleet of great strength, convoy
ing thirty transports laden with an in
vading army, arrived within 600 miles
of the Atlantic coast at 6 o'clock this
morning and the greatest war game
ever undertaken by the navy oepari'
ment began.
Within an hour the twelve battie
hin nf the "blue" defending fleet
were snecdine to sea behind a far-
flunff line of destroyers and scouts,
intent upon locating ana acsiroying
the enemy before he approached the
shore. t
Admiral Mavo commands the "red
fleet of the fifteen battleships, six
swift destroyers, representing the
scouting line and six other navy craft.
representing the fleet of transports
and other ships. Rear Admiral Helm
has seventeen destroyers and seven
light cruisers as his scouting screen
and close to snore are titteen sun
marines as a last line of naval defense.
Rear Admiral Knight, president of
the naval war college board the
super-dreadnought Pennsylvaniaj will
umpire the game in which seventy
seven fighting craft are engaged. The
reserve battleships forming the blue
fleet main line are manned by naval
mihtamen and civilian volunteers
Admiral Mayo has until September
1 to evade the blue tleet and etlect
a landing at any point between Cape
Hatteras and Hastport Me. The
sphere of action extends 600 miles to
sea between those points.
Candy Barred From
Women's Army Camp
Lake Geneva, Wis., Aug. 22. Can
dy has been barred from the national
service school camp, where 150 wo
men arc receiving military instruction,
in an official ruling today. More
than 100 pounds has been returned to
its senders. The women have asked
for a camp manicurist and hair
Statement He Will Veto Imml
gration Bill With Literacy
Test Brings Five Into Camp.
Washington, Aug. 22. President
Wilson let it be known today that he
would veto the immigration bill if it
came before him again with the liter'
acy test, and with that information
the senate defeated the motion to
take up the measure and reurned to
consideration of the revenue bill.
The president's announcement,
which settled the question, arrived
just when the democrats were con
tinuing their party tow over the
action of the ten revolting demo
crats, who' refused to be bound by
the caucus which decided to let the
bill go over and the leaders of the re
volt were making caustic replies to
the reproaches of senator atone.
On the president's word that he
would veto the bill five of the revolt
ins democrats turned about and
voted against the motion to take it
up. They were Senators. Beckham,
Chamberlain. Culberson. Lane and
Overman, they made the vote 32
to 23. .
Senators Ashurst, Hardwick, My
ers, Smith of south Carolina ana
Vardaman, all democrats, however,
turlr In their voles to take it un.
The senate action means that ef
forts to consider the bill at this ses
sion probably will be dropped.
Editor of The Bee
On Republican
Advisory Council
New York, Aug. 22. William R.
Willcox, chairman of the republican
national committee, made public to
day the personnel of the advisory
committee to the national committee.
The members arc:
R. Livingston Beeckman, governor
of Rhode Island; Theodore E. Burton,
former United States senator from
Ohio: Charles G. Dawes of Illinois,
president of the Central Trut com
pany ot Illinois ana former comp
troller of the treasury; A. O. Eberhart,
former orovernor of Minnesota;
Charles W. Fulton, former .United
States senator from Oregon; Frank
H. Hitchcock of New York, former
chairman of the republican national
committee; Raymond Kobins ot uit
cago, chairman of the national pro
gressive convention; Victor Rose'
water, editor of The Omaha Bee
John Wanamaker of Philadelphia,
William L,. Ward ot wew xorx, ana
lames Wilson, former secretary of
Russian Troops at Saloniki
Cause Sensation at Athens
Athens, Monday, July 31. (Via
London, Aug. 22. Delayed by Cen
sor.) An initial brigade of Russian
troops has arrived at Saloniki to join
the entente allies in the fighting in
the Balkans.
The arrival of the Russians has
created a profound impression here.
Even the royalists, who have con
sistently opposed participation in the
war by Greece on the side of the en
tente . allies, seemed almost stunned
by the news that Russian troops had
arrived to take part in the campaign
which, under other conditions, might
have been taken by the Greek army.
The general feeling here is that the
bringing in of Russian troops has
dispelled definitely the dream of a
sreater Greece which was conceived a
year ago by the thrn Premier Vcnize
llos, who carried Greece well on the
way toward entrance in tlie war with
the entente allies.
It is regarded as possible that the
presence of Russian forces in Mace
donia will effect a change in the at
titude of Bulgaria.
In some quarters irritation is dis
played at the recent foreign policy
of the Greek government, which is
said to have overlooked the interests
of this nation.
After a conference of the British,
French, Serbian and Russian com
manders at Saloniki today it was de
cided that the newly arrived Russian
forces should take up positions with
the Serbian troops on the southern
frontier of Serbia. The Serbo-Rus-sian
force was placed under a com
bined staff of which Crown Prince
Alexander of Serbia is the nominal
commander. The Russian General
Friederictsz is in actual command.
U. S. Takes Step to
Help Armenians
Who Are in Persia
Washington. Aug. 22. The Amer
ican embassy in Constantinople was
instructed by the State department
todav to make representations to the
porte in behalf of Armenians, who
are threatened by the Turkish ad
vance into Persia.
The representations call on the
Turkish government "in the name of
humanity" not to permit any mas
sacre of Aremenians in Persia. The
purpose is to forewarn Turkey
against any such situation as pre
vailed in Asia Minor.
Britons Attack Big
German Battleship
London, Aug. 22. A British of
ficial announcement this afternoon
says it is believed that a German bat
tleship of the Nassau class has been
sunk by British submarine E-22.
The announcement follows:
'The submarine, E-22, Lieutenant
Commander Robert R. Turner, which
returned today from the North Sea,
reports that on the morning of Satur
day last it made a successful torpedo
attack upon a German battleship of
the Nassau class. The commanding
officer reports that while the ship
was being escorted by five destroyers
back to the harbor in a damaged con
dition, he attacked again and struck
it with a second torpedo and believes
it was sunk."
Washington, Aug. 22. While the
railroad presidents' committee worked
on the counter proposal, the other
presidents had conferences among
themselves. While outwardly the
railroad executives maintained their
attitude of resisting the eight-hour
dav there was a feeling among ad
ministration officials that they finally
would agree to some proposal includ
ing it.
six hundred and forty of the men
met Vice President Marshall in the '
senate office building.
You are here, said the vice presi
dent, "at the invitation of the presi
dent of the United States, to prevent
what would be a disastrous strike. I
trust that you have the same confi
dence in the president that I have.
I shall not attempt to say anything
that might interfere with his efforts. ,
Brotherhood officials issued a state
ment, attacking the sincerity of the
railroads in insisting upon arbitration;
They pointed out that ahout seventy
five small lines, which they declared
are dominated by the larger systems, -;
the managers have refused to include
in the negotiations.-- the reason for
this, the statement said, is the com
paratively small number of men em-
d loved on these lines and that de
mands on these properties do not con-'
stitue a menace as they do on the
larger properties."
Washington, Aug. ZZ. While the
railroad executives were working to
day on a counter proposition to Pres
dent Wilson's plan for averting the
threatened railway strike, the cabinet
went over the situation fully and con
fidence was expressed by members .
that in the end the railroads would
accept the president's plan. What
assurances the cabinet had to go on
for such a conclusion were not disclosed.
The counter proposal is expected to
be the next step, but there wis no
outward indication today of when it
would be taken. '
Sixty Presidents In Washington.
The answer of more than sixty rail
road presidents, including those of
western roads, newly arrived, to Pres
ident Wilsons proposed plan 'tor
averting the threatened strike was
formulated today. Early utterance of
the railway heads displayed opposi
tion to the president's suggestion, but
it was considered possible a counter
proposal acceptable to the employes
would oe made as tne oasis ior iur .
ther negotiations.
A committee had in charge the
framing of a reply and it appeared
doubtful that it could be finished to
day. The employes' committee of 640
continued to mark time.
At 10 o clock this morning the men
went into a meeting which was at
tended by the leaders of alt four
brotherhoods. No special purpose
was attached to it and the leaders
said it was just to keep the men to
gether. A statement in reply to the
arguments of the railroad executives
on the question of arbitration was be
ing prepared by tne leaders and prob
ably will be issued for publication to
morrow. Ihe brotherhood officials
described the situation as unchanged.
Committee Framing Reply.
The railroad executives made an
announcement that consideration of
the situation had been turned over to
a committee of eight and that no con
clusions had been reached. The fol
lowing were announced as members
of the committee which willtwork on
President Wilson's proposal and make
a report to the assembled executives:"
Hale Holden, Burlington; W. W.
Atterbury, Pennsylvania; Fairfax
Harrison, Southern; Robert S. Lovett,
Union Pacific; E. P. Ripley, Santa Fej
A. H. Smith, New York Central;
Frank Trumbull, Chesapeake & Ohio;
Daniel Willard, Baltimore & Ohio.
Executives Consult Boards.
While the subcommittee was work
ing, the executives got in touch with
their boards of dilectors. It wa un
derstood that a reply might be ready
for President Wilson tonight or to
morrow morning. In administration
circles it was said there was hope for
a settlement. The nature of the pro
posal to be submitted to President
Wilson was not revealed, but trom the
fact the executives were in com
munication with their boards of di
rectors the conclusion was drawn
that it concerned the concession ot
the eight-hour day. t
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