Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1916, Image 1

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    Women Prefer
fwo Women's Pages
Every Day.
The: 'Omaha Daily Bee
-? VOL. AI.VI JNO. 56.
imrtiirn cnrrninn
nuunu onxuiiui
Republican Nominee Makes
frive Speeches From Rear of
His Oar as He Goes to
San Francisco.
Talks of Loyalty to the Flag
and to Principles of Insti
tutions of the U. S.
Medford, Ore., Aug. 17.-Charles E.
Hughes, southbound on his thirty
five hour ride from Portland to San
Francisco, talked of the tariff and the
national honor today to crowds which
assembled at the stations along the
ray. From the rear platform of his
ear the nominee made addresses at
Riddle, Roseburg, Grant's Pass, Oak
land and here. In each he summarized
bis stand on preparedness, protection
of American rights and industrial co
operation. At Riddle Mr, Hughes asserted that
"a decpreciation in American repute
due to a "policy of vaccilation," had
brought the -country nearer to war
than it would have been had a firm
and consistent policy been main
tained. .
"Those who think we are decadent
and weak and have not got the old
indomitable spirit are very much mis
taken," said Mr. Hughes.
"They do not represent the coun
try." In his address at Grant's Pass, Mr.
Hughes defined "dominant Amer-
"We must have a srood drive ahead
and there is no reason why in this
country with its ability and natural re
sources we should not have perma
nent prosperity. To do that we must
look after our own. That is what I
mean by dominant Americanism
able to take care of American inter
ests. "In addition to that, we want also,
and you cannot have much of a na
tion without it, an intense regard for
our national honor and a disposition
to maintain it. I am solicitous to
preserve peace and good will.
"We want the friendship of all tht
nations of the world. They are very
friendly disposed to us. But if we
re to keep out of trouble we must re
spect ourselves and others must re
spect us. There is no safe guarantee
of peace avnea . other-begin ' to see
bow much they can trifle with you
nd yo decide you won't stand it.
They have got to know you mean
what you say, and- in the things
Which vitally concern you that you
re prepared to maintain them. That
is good Americanism, It wilt give
Us peace with honor. That is what
America wants."
In his address at Roseburg, Mr.
Hughes said:
Loyalty to the Flag.
"You must have loyalty to the flag
and unswerving loyalty to the prin
ciples ot our institutions, you must
have a keen -aDDreciation nf what
what you must do to preserve it. You
must preserve it by encouraging
every American achievement; you
must be sure we do not leave unused
On Tralna. M Roto!,
Mw Ntsu.sU, He., e.
(Crattmed on Pare Two, Column Three.)
.W.Y.Morgan Will Be
Western Publicity
- Director for 6.0. P.
Chicago, Aug. 17. W. Y. Morgan,
publisher of the Hutchinson (Kan.)
News, and lieutenant governor of
that state, was appointed today as
chief of the publicity bureau of the
western campaign headquarters of the
republican national committee.
Alvin T. Hart of Kentucky, man
ager of the western headquarters; an
nounced that Fletcher Maddox of
Great Falls, Mont., had , been ap
appointed chief -of the Speakers' bur
eau. They entered on their duties
The Weather
For Nebraska Fair and continued
Jvarm. ,
Temperature at Omaha YettertUr.
fMSSL i ?
VUMM ? a m ?6
Stff t a. m 80
J 10 a. jik.'.W'..." 84
"irt ay iJ11 m""
Vj!ll : - s ! m. si
l JW.": 4 p. m 96
V 6 p. m 9&
A,. P. m 93
mm-kr'' 7 p. m... 90
i "" - 8 P. m." 86
ComparUre local fteoordi,
191 R. 1811.. 1BH. 1918.
Rlrhent yesterday .,..9 71 ,100 94
Lowast yesterday 7 ; 6S : 7 74
Mean temperature ....96 60 Hi E4
precipitation IbQ ' .00
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omafca alnee March 1,
and compared with tne last two-years:
Normal temperature 76
Excess (or the day.- 11
Total excess sface March 1 237
Normal precipitation ....... .11 Inch
Deficiency (or the day .11 Inch
Total rainfall sine March 1.. ..11.32 Inches
Deficiency sine March 1 8. 97 Inches
Exceu for cor, period in 1916. .... .76 inch
Deficiency for cor. period In 1914. 4.11 lnchea
fparts Trvm Satloaa at. 7 P. M.
Station, - , Tempera-Htvh-Rain-iJ-jt.
tufe. . est. Tall.
Cheyenne, cleaf :..... 7ft 7S .00
Davenport, clear ; to 94 , .00
Denver, clear .,... 82 .
Des Moines, clear...,,.. 10
nder. eiear
Omaha, clear ....
Pueblo, cloudy ...
Rapid City, clear
Salt Lake, clear..
Santa Fe, ratnlnj.
Sheridan, clear ..
Sioux City, clear .
.Valenune, cw
. 66
. M
Evangelist Addresses Audience
of Four Thousand at
North Platte.
U A. WELCH, Uaturoloalit.
North Platte, Neb., Aug. 17. It
was the same "Billy" Sunday who
swayed vast audiences during the
meetings in Omaha, who by turns
amused four thousand persons here
this afternoon or caused them to
shudder at his word pictures of the
ravages of the liquor traffic. At the
close of his lecture on "booze" at his
solicitation, at least thirty-five hun
dred persons were on their feet pledg
ing themselves to aid in the fight to
make Nebraska dry.
Sunday was met at the train by a
large crowd and it was to the music
of a welcoming band that he climbed
into a waiting motor car that was to
take him to his hotel.
A roar of applause greeted him at
the big tent where the meeting took
place, but the greeting was tame com
pared to that given "Ma" Sunday
when she was called to thep latform
of her husband.
For an hour and forty-five minutes
Sunday paced his platform pouring
a storm of denunciation upon the
liquor traffic and its supporters.
At the end of that time while he
was still on the table upon which he
had leaped, he merged into one of his
characteristic closing prayers and
closing the prayer waved good bye
to his audiece ad runshed to a wait
ing motor car which took him and
his party to the special train that was
to carry them to Grand Island.
Machinists in
Big Arms Plant
About to Strike
New Haven, Conn., Aug. 17. Union
machinists employed by the Winches
ter Repeating Arms company are ex
pected to strike today to obtain an
eight-hour day without wage reduc
tions and other concessions requested
by a shop committee yesterday. Seven
members of that committee are no
longer on the payroll. They claim
to have been discharged. The com
pany in a statement made today as
serts that the men voluntarily gave up
their positions.
It is estimated that the Winchester
company has 2,500 machinists among
the 18,000 employes. The machinists
expect other metal workers to act
sympathetically with them. These
workers number about 10,000.
At the Winchester plant earlv to
day there were no outward signs of-
troupltv " -tj' ' "
China Disputes
Right of Japan to
Enter Mongolia
Peking, Aug. 17. Chinese officials
assert that the clash on August 13 at
Cheng Chiatun between Japanese and
Chinese soldiers was caused by the
resistance of Japanese arms peddlers
whom the Chinese endeavored to ex
pel from Mongolia to prevent them
from selling weapons to Mongolian
outlaws. The right of Japanese
troops to enter Mongolia is denied by
the official.
The casualties in the encounter to
talled fifty among the Chinese and
fifteen among the Japanese, ten of the
Japanese having been killed.
The first visit paid by Baron Hay
ashi, the new Japanese minister at
Peking, to the Chinese foreign office
was for the purpose of discussing the
Cheng Chiatun affair.
Alleged Leaders
Of Band of Auto
Thieves Arrested
Chicago. Aug. 17. Era Bond, a
Minneapolis investment broker, and
his associate, R. F. Hawley, arrested
at Davenport, la., yesterday, were
to be brought to Chicago today in
connection with the recent daring
automobife thefts extending over the
middle west and northwest The men
were arrested upon oTBers of the Chi
cago police. In a salesroom rented by
Bond, it is charged, five automobiles
were found.
Detroit Bandits
Hide Stolen Cash
In Rooming House
Detroit, Mich., Aug. 17. The De
troit News printed a statement today
by Miss Jessie Noltie, a stenographer,
declaring that the robbers who looted
the pay car of the Burroughs Adding
Machine company of $32,000 or more,
on August 4, hid the cash in local
rooming houses, escaped with their
loot last Saturday. Miss Noltie-said
she knew one of the alleged bandits.
Eight Deaths Among
Troops Along Border
Washington, Aug. 17. Eight
deaths from sickness among the regu
lar and National Guard troops on the
border during the week ending Aug
ust 12 are disclosed in statistics made
public today at the War department.
Medical officers regard the death rate
as exceptionally low, since it covers
a total force of approximately 140,000
in field camps.
Printers Will Meet
I At Colorado Springs
Baltimore, Md., Aug. 17. By unani
mous vote the convention here of the
International Typographical union se
lected Colorado Springs, Colo., as the
place of the 1917 convention. Scran
ton led the field for 1918.
Party Leaders in Senate Get
Together and Agree Upon
Passing of Shipping
and Revenue Bil!
Called -Fate
j, But Its
Washington, Aug. 17. Adminis
tration senate leaders, confronted by
the determination of Senator Owen to
press his corrupt practices bill at this
session of congress, made an agree
ment with the republicans today,
which, they believe, will clear away
for passage of the shipping and rev
enue bills, now temporarily blocked.
It was agreed that Senator Owen
might move to take up his bill at any
time and that enough democrats
would vote with the republicans
against the lmotion to defeat it.
Kor hours today, while the shipping
bill was being discussed to empty
seats, democratic and republican lead
ers consulted over the legislative
Won by Republicans.
It was said tonight that .enough
democratic promises to oppose Sen
ator Owen's motion had been se
cured to assure what the republicans
earnestly desired, a postponement of
action on the Owen bill until the next
session. A vote on the shipping bill
probably will be perfmitted by the
republicans tomorrow, or Saturday
under this agreement.
The day's developments had served
to renew hope for an early adjourn
ment of congress, when advocates of
the immigration bill injected a new
disturbing feature. Senator Borah,
in the course of a speech on the ship
ping bill, referred to the need for im
mediate immigration legislation and
the resulting discussion revealed evi
dence of another democratic revolt.
Not Bound by Caucus.
Senator Hardwick announced that
it was the intention of Chairman
Smith of the immigration committee
to call up the measure before ad
journment and Senator Ashhurst, an
other democrat, said he hoped such a
moition would be made soon and that
There was, however, no authori
tative information on that subject.
Naval Bill Finished.
Mention of immigration diverted at
tention from the shipping bill for sev
eral hours. Senators Dillingham,
Works, Brady and other republicans
urging passage of the immigration
"We should pass this bill even if
the president does not intend to veto
it again," said Senator Gallinger, the
repulbican leader.
The day passed without progress
on the shipping or revenue bills.
Senate and house conferees on the
naval bill, however, put that measure
into the final form in which it will
be sent to the president for his sig
nature. .
Berlin Reports
Repulse of the
Russians in East
Berlin, Aug. 17. (Via London.)
The Russians are attacking fiercely in
eastern Galicia in an attempt to over
come the resistance of the Austro
German forces in the region of Zal
ocze. They have been repulsed com
pletely, the war office announced to
day. The statement follows:
"Fierce Russian attacks continued
into the night against Batkow and
Harbuzow, west of Zalocze. They
were repulsed completely.
"On the front of Archduke Charles
Francis the enemy made fruitless ef
forts north of the Dniester, near Tus
tobaby and Konszani. We took 154
prisoners. In the Carpathians Etar
awipczyna Heights, north of Capul,
has been captured."
Ask to Cut Free Time
, 0n,Large Freight Cars
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Aug. 17. (Special Tele
gram.) Nebraska railroads, presum
ably in an effort to handle the car
shortage, have made an application to
the State Railway commission to re
duce the free time allowed for unload
ing and loading freight cars of 60,
000 or greater capacity from sixty
hours to forty-eighty hours. Under
the Banning demurrage act, the roads
are required to give sixty hours.
Under the law the railway com
mission is given the power to tut
down the lime, if it sees fit, and as
most of the cars in use now are of
60,000 pounds or more capacity, the
request, if granted, will cover most
of the shipping of the state.
New Theater Building
For City of Columbus
Columbus, Neb., Aug. 17. (Special
Telegram.) William Swan of the Ly
ric theater of this city, this morning
awarded a contract to John Brock
for the building of a new $20,000
structure on Thirteenth street west
of the Friedoff store. It will be fire
proof and will be one of the best and
most up-to-date theater buildings in
Nebraska. 44x110 feet. Work on the
new building will be started early
next week, - . ,
trench on the western front hortly after it was captured by the Hies, The; tentinel U
earnestly watching for sign of a counter attack by the Germans. :
Tt -Vn "SIT
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! J"
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Pacific; Coast Wins its Fight
for Battleship Construction
Yard on Pnget Sonnd.
Washington, Aug. 17i As the naval
bill finally was perfected today the
Pacific coast won its fight for a big
battleship construction yard at Puget
Sound, but lost the appropriation for
a submarine and torpedo boat base on
the Columbia river. The' latter was
dropped out pending the report.-O- a
commission. battleshiD; construction
cratic caucus, which ynSm tiT'PA, Norfo k. ! i v,.ider. SeVeri
the measure until December.
During the Hay there was gossip
among democratic senators that
President Wilson might not veto the
bill if it should be presented to him.
Sofia Reports Repeated As
saults on Bulgarians Near
Lake Doiran Repulsed.
London. Anar.. 17. (12:40 t. m.)
f Heavy fighting on the Balkan front
is reported in an official Bulgarian
statement received here today from
Sofia. ' The allied forces delivered
strong infantry attacks,: but, the
statement says, were repulsed. . .
' ' The fiahtina occurred imths reaion
of Lake Doiran, northwest el Sa.
The $500,000 item for deeoenlng the
channel to the New York navy yard
so as to float the greatest warships
at any tide Was dropped out of the
bill, despite urgent requests by Presi
dent Wilson that it be retained. :
All the disputed items now are
cleared up and the bill, with the big
building program, the greatest in the
history of the United States, already
perfected, is ready for the president's
Attachments Are
Placed onEomes of.
Striking Moulders
Bridgeport, Conn., Aug. 17. At
tachments were placed on about a
dozen homes of striking moulders by
manufacturing moulders of the
Bridgeport Manufacturers' association
today in an action alleging $50,000
damages by reason of a strike of em
ployers and the picketing the plants'.
The actual plaintiffs in the action are
the Pequonnock foundry, the J. A.
Taylor company and the Monumental
Bronze company. The suit is based
upon the decision in the Danbury Hat
ters' case.
When the papers were filed in su
perior court it was ascertained there
were four suits, aggregating $200,000,
with the officials of local No. 110, In
ternational Moulders of North Amer
ica, as the principal defendants. The
plaintiffs, including damages, alleged
that union men have conspired to pre
vent the foundries from doing busi
ness, that by means of pickets they
have threatened employes who wished
to work and deterred others from
seeking employment.
Automobile Bandits
Rob Six Saloons
Chicago, Aug. 17. Four young
masked automobile bandits, one
armed with a rusty revolver, started a
series of saloon robberies in the south
west side of Chicago last night and
vanished on the north side, after hav
ing held up six saloons and obtained
small amounts of money within an
hour. In one saloon seven men were
driven into a refrigerator and told by
one of the bandits to keep cool.
Greene Will Command
Division of Militia
San Antonio, Tex., Aug. 17. Gen
eral Funston announced today that
Brigadier General Henry A. Greene,
in command of the Eagle Pass patrol
district, has been ordered to San An
tonio to command the division into
which militia troops here are being
formed. Brigadier General Frederick
W. Sibley, whose nomination as - a
general officer' was confirmed by the
senate yesterday, will succeed Gen
eral GreeneattaglePass. .
Infusions of Blood
Fail to Save Man's Life
Springfield, 111., Aug. 17. The
blood of three of his brothers failed
to save the life of Karl Richter, who
died here of typhoid fever. A pint
of the blood, of each brother was
transfused into the veins of Karl. A
fifth brother ia ill with the fevtr. ,
the GTeeo-Bttlgari'ari bor-
SeVeral encounters' have taken
nlaca in thia vicinity of lata, but the
official Bulgarian statement indicates
that larger forces ' are being ' em
ployed against the Bulgarians; '
the eveninsr of August 14." the
statement says, "the enemy's artillery
opened with a violent bombardment
of our advanced positions . south of
Lake Doiran. Under cover of this
fire the enemy's infantry attacked, but
was repulsed.
"The bombardment continued, and
on the morning of the 15th the in
fantry again attacked with consider
able force, but was repulsed and com
pelled to fall back in considerable .dis-4.
The French war office announced
last evening that engagements were
occurring frequently along the whole
front. The capture by the allies of
the railroad station at Doiran and of
four villages at other points on the
front was reported. ,
Wrecked German
Submarine Taken
Into Deal Harbor
New York, Aug. 17. Passengers on
the Cunarder Alaunia, which arrived
here today from London, told of be
ing held in port at 'Deal while de
stroyers were active outside, and later
of seeing a damaged British destroyer
enter, followed by a British cruiser
against whose free board was lathed
a shell-torn German submarine. The
submarine appeared to be one of the
larger class and evidently had' been
completely disabled and rendered un
seaworthy Paralysis Plague .
Decreases Slightly
New York, Aug. 17. The epidemic
of infantile paralysis took a turn for
the better today, the third consecu
tive day showing a decrease in deaths
and new cases. During the twenty
four hour period ending at 10 o'clock
the plague killed thirty-two children
and 121 were stricken. This com
pares favorably with vesterday's fig
ures which showed thirty-four deaths
and 133 new cases.
Baltimore Road Puts
Embargo on Export Grain
Baltimore, Md., Aug. 17. On ac
count of accumulation, an embargo,
effective August 16, has been placed
by the Baltimore & Ohio rail
road on all grain shipments for
export here. The notice says
that all shipments billed up to
and including August 15 will be it
cepted. At the offices of the com-
fiany it was said there are 3,100 car
oads of grain at the Locust Point ter
minals and in transit and 1,500,000
bushels stored in the elevators.
. . ' - i
To Economize on Paper, the
Quincy Dailies Hew to Line
Qumcy, 111., Aug. 16. Publishers
of the Quincy dally papers took steps
at a meeting tonight toward eliminat
ing features, cutting down extra
pages, and hewing strictly to the line
in an effort to economize on print
paper. ' '
Reductions in mechanical forces are
contemplated this week. this product!
Artillery and Rifle dW Art
. Proceeding All Along the
Trout, Says Petrojrad. . ' -
: Petrograd,' Aug. 17. (Via London.)
The Russian advance is Still, being
held up in the face of counter at
tacks. These assaults, the war off is
reported today, have been repulsed :
"Artillery and rifle duels "afe: pro
ceeding along the .iroqt.''tfit state
lyant-aays.t' ''jr.ijraem'y-,:a'.iii!som
pUceV resumed' ill-counter klcks,
These were frustrated by. o.tir fire; '.
"A Zeppelin dropped bombs on the"
region'. of Kmmeni, directly wtit of
Riga. - , "" ,-t vv' :-
"Sunb ementarv' reborts show that
beneral Jjeiobrazi
Bezobraz6ff, In the. molt- tt-
cent operation, captured 190 officers.
7,380 men, twenty-nine. ..light ' field
pieces, seventeen heavy guns, seventy
machine guns,' twenty-nine ' bomb
throwers and more than 14,000 shells.
These are in addition to those report
ed yesterday.
Effort to Settle ' v
Traction Trouble
: In New York Fails
i New York, Aug;. 17. A conference
today between Frank Hedley, general
manager of the New York Railways
company and a committee of union
leaders and employes failed to bring
their differences, which threaten a
renewal ot the recent strike, any
nearer a settlement.
Members of the Street Carmen's
Union have voted to sustain the com
mittee in conference with Mr. Hedley
today in insisting upon recognition of
the union, reinstatement of union men
discharged, it is alleged, because of
their union activities and for the right
to meet officials of the company to
request ' higher wages arid better
woramg conaitlons.
Two Attempts to
Burn Seattle Pier
aeatttie, Aug. , . 17. Two . attempts
were made last night and this morn
ing to blow up the wharf of the Pa
cific Coast Steamship company.
Prompt action by firemen,. non-union
wurK-Ts ana ine ponce prevent
ed serious loss. ' . ' .
The police are working nn h'!
ory that the men who t it,. knn,k
believed the structure on the wharf
!- as uccping quarters by non
union dock workers employed on the
Earlier in the evening a botttle con
F,,uuuruus was tnrown-on
the roof of the pier shed used by the
J It LlS.e J-ansPO',tation company
... ... vuuiui o-ock ana ware,
house company. Dock workers quick
ly extinguished the blaze.
Thirteen Thousand
Coal Miners Strike
Shamoicin, Pa., Aug. 17. About 13,
uuu members of the WnrA Min.
Workers organization, engaged prin-
v,,i .i vuineries operated by the
Susquehanna Coal company and the
Philadelphia & Reading Coal and
Iron company, between ' here and
Mount Carmel, went on strike today
to compel all employes to become
members of the'union. It- is esti
mated that at least 500 miners are
not affiliated with the organization.
German Magnesia Works
' In Chile Will Close
Santiago, Chile, Aug. .17. German
producers in Chile of sulphate of
magnesia will close their, works at
the end of the present, month. The
mines to be shut down yield about 15
per cent of the total Chilean export of
liU nwnAitrt t
" v ;. 1
Proposition. Is taken Under '.
Ooniideration . and Ad
joarnment Had Until -Today.
Presidents of the Railroads
Invited Ia WaahlnirtAfi tri '
; Take Part.
Washington, ' Aug; 17. The geu.' -i
eral, committee of the Brotherhoods.
after considering President Wilson's '
proposal for more than an hour, ad-
journed without taking a vote on it.
They will meet again at 9 o'clock -
tomorrow morning, V-, : a i m ,
Although the labor leaders' declined 1
to talk about the prospect, it "was
understood no serious objection was
raised to the president's plan in .the
meeting, ' " - , .4 , ,t
Wilson outlined to the general ''
committee of railroad employes his
plan for settlement of the threatened .
general ' strike based Kn acceptance
of . an eight-hour working 'day .and -creation
of a commission by congress
and the president to investigate , the '
working of the eight-hour day and
collateral issues. -
. Men Hold Secret Meeting-. -"-:
The 640 men held a secret meetintf
lasting a little more than an hour,
then marched in a body to the White ..
House, J tie day was not ana tne
men, many of them stripping oil their.
coats, took the shady side of Pennsjl-, .
vania avenue, They made quite ,
column as they marched along to the
Treasury, building, whe're they assent- '
bleo . in a military order,, ana then ,
proceeded to the white. House, where
tney went to tne fcast room,
lust at 4. o'clock the brotherhood .
representative! finished ; their confer- 1
ence with the president and went to
their hall to vote on the president's ,
plan, i ;.' ! !
The employes heard the president's
plan without demonstration and said
they would send, word to the White ,
House as soon' a possible as to their, t
decisiom - u vr. !i'r.i,vi'-" '
After the meeting A. B. Garret son
refused lo comment and declared tht
decision ol the men -would be ffiveo
out tt the White House, if at all, ". 1 '
PreiidenrDtMfalUtif. - .
The-, resident did most oi tne
talking at the meetjinf, explaining his ;
plan jtijdetail and urging that it be
accepted for the good of tht cbuntry. .
Afterward Mr. Garretson; and W. S, -Storle
of the- engineers spoke briefly, t
At- the conclusion , of the discussion
all of the men fell in line and shook : '
hands with the president befoft leav- ,
The Eight-hour Day :,.
Administration officials were Unable
to determine by-the attitude ot the
men as they heard the plan whether
they Vould accept it, tut there wa
a general expectation that at least its )
principle would be agreed to. The
same plan will be presentea to in
presidents of the railroads tomorrow.
It was understood mat unaer me
president's plan the eight-hour-' day
would go into effect pending the out- :
come of the investigation. The com- '
mission would be a small one, practi
cally composed of three members, and '
would have authority to summon wit- '
nesses and determine aU of the (acts .
on the cost of the railroads oi the
eight-hour day. '
Under the. president's plan ; the .
double .compensation proposition
would be eliminated. 1e eight-hour -day
would carry tea hours' pay at the ,
present rate.
"The president's proposition," said
one, of the brotherhood leaders, "is
fair' and square, and the men would
1e foola not to accept it."
President Invited.
' The president sent the following
telegram to the leading railroad presi
dents: "Discussion of the matters involved :
in the threatened railroad strike has
reached a point which makes it highly -desirable
that I should personally
confer with you at the earliest pos
sible moment, and with the presidents -of
any other railways affected, who
may be immediately accessible. Hope
you can make it convenient to come -to
Washington at once."
i The president's action in asking for
the conference with railroad presi-
dents themselves is interpreted as
meaning that the managers commit
tee had refused finally to .concede .
the eight-hour day, as the president's
plan proposed, and the question now
is to be taken up with the heads oi
the railroads themselves.
: The situation as it stood today was
this: . , .'..".,.. , ,
; The railroads flatly refuse to coo
(Cwuwn m Pat Tm (WW Oaa.)
Men ., and' women who
watek BEE Hlp Wsart.
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