THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY, AUGUST 8. 1916. MOVING AND STORAGE METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE f"0. Cfcnfal attention flvon to order, for Moving, packing or storage: office at Rar aund Furniture Co.. tail and UK How ard St. Phone O. ttl4. KtSNTAL i, Phona Dooilaa ! Cor ooniplata Mat of vacant houeae and part menu; alao for atorase. movlnf. lth and Jaekeon Bta. Maggard- VY,.,."U ? Tin md 8torat Co. ovlr, poktn. toff nt) ahlpptng. Pbon Pout, HH. V. SxEjLjIJ pkcktm and atorat. lift Farnam Bt Douglaa .. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished House and Flats. VaNTED TO RlfiNT Immediately: good 1 or .room houee with Karate, In West Faroam diatrlet or DQnde. Huat be Itrat elaaa place. Give full tn. irmailon, A-drw O TIT. Bee. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West WEARNBJ PARK BUNGALOW, just com. pleted; itrictty mod.; oak finish, with oak . floora; larye kitchen, with built-in cup boarda; hlch-rrade lifhtln, and plumb ing fixture ; enamel and tile fixture bath worn: two larae bed rooms, full cement baaement; furnace heat; dandy east front wi ; price tor quicK aate, (3,060; easy terma. RASP BROS.. Douglas MSI, DANDY ..r. home, only half block 8o. Far nro car line. Price reduced from 14,. 50 to 13.660. Hu t lara rooms and recot. ball ftrat floor, and 4 nice large bedrooms and bath second floor. Has beautiful had; alao fruit, grape arbor, etc Haa full baaement solid brick foundation. Built by owner for home. Don't overlook tnla. Osborne, 701 Omaba Nat. utt. mag. D. 1M4. WEST i ARNAM CORNER. Modern C-roora bungalow, with ooroer vacant Room to build two brick flat. i. P BUST WICK ft SON. UTS LINCOLN ULVL). n-room bouae, ttiotly modern, with hot water beat Douglas 181. North. MILLER PAWL 1300 DOWN, $35 PER MONTH. Brand new 6-room strictly modern bun galow. Just finished. Oak finish and oak floora throughout. Large lot south front Close to car and school. Price ta.200. If you see mis you win stop paying rent PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. D. 1781. CHEAP HOME. Fine chance to get a home on Franklin; T rooms, modern except heat; only $2,100; reasonable terms. GEORGE O. WALLACE, 614 Keellne. 142J EVANS Inquire within; modern house; first floor, parlor, dining room, kitchen bath and 8 bedrooms; second floor, 2 bed rooms ; full 7 H -foot basement; lot tOx 129 feet MODERN Cottage; 6 rooms, corner tot ateel oarage: fruit; flowers all hedged In, on oar line. Reasonable for cash. Owner leaving city. Douglas 8761. NEW bungalow, ft-room. all mod., -it It south front, bargain, oi..? $8,760, near 46th and Charles, call owner, nod ibsl to UN THE PLACE restricted district resi dence for sale, V. V Knlest 8616 N. 18th. BUY ray brand new oak finish all modern bungalow for $3,860 on your own terma. norm location itino usai South. BUNGALOW BARGAIN $2,900 For five-room bungalow, near Hanscom Park, one year old, oak finish in living room and dining room. Lot SOx 133. This la a real bargain for some one that hasn't much money and wants real nice place. Owner must sell soon. D. V. SHOLES CO., D. 4$. City National, LEAVENWORTH HEIGHTS $200 DOWN AND $87.60 PER MONTH Brand new, 8 rooms, strictly modern stucco home; oak finish and oak floors throughout; full cement basement furnace heat; south front close to street . car; street will be paved this fall; buy your self a home and quit paying rent. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. D. 1781. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN FARM AND RANCH LANDS REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Florence. FINE ACRES FOR SUBDIVISION. S acres on south side of Florence with 830 feet east frontage on 34tL St Snap at $8,000, Easy terms. JOHN W. ROB BIN 8, 1808 FARNAM ST. Miscellaneous. NINE-ACHE BARGAIN, Close In and well fro proved, consisting of a good 4 -room house, barn and other outbuildings; 8 acre In grapes. 1 acre in berries, 8 acres In alfalfa: located In the north part of Omaha, about on mil from city car line. An unusual bargain at $$.$oo. Easy terms. V SHULER & CART. D. 6074. $ 4 KMltB Bldg. LOT near municipal twacb at Carter lake Fin place for summer out tag. Phone Doug. REAL ESTATE Exchanges THE wonderful Increase in BEE Waiit Ads oo be traced to only on sourc. Good results at less ooot than any other Omaha paper. 25,748 MORE PAID WaNT ADS lb first six months of 1116 than In the same period tn 111. WANTED To exchange desirable residepo properties In Grand Island, and Nebraska lands all clear, well secured flrst mort gages and cash, tor a good brlok busi ness property In a growing end well es tablished oity in Nebraska. U. 8, Land and Loan Company, Box $04 Graod Island. Neb ELEVEN full lots between Fourth and Fifth streets. Orandvtew (warranty deed), to trada for recond mortgage, house and lot or western Nebraska land. Dexter L- Thomas, 412 Bee Bldg. FOR SALE cheap or exchange, 680 acres of prairie land In MoPherson county, Neb.; want feed barn, hotel or city property. Box 178. Ord, Neb. FARMS, ranches city property, acreage and Investments for sale and exchange. Morgan, 1916 Cuming St Doug. 3466. EQUITY in gooo t-r. bouse for cottage; worth $3,300. Colfax 106$ after 10 a. m HOTEL and furniture at Dallas. & D : exchange D C707. Toland ft Trumbull MAN tell or exchange anything you have ri ifrr r, I n,nnn MrCuxu Bldg $320 EQUITY In fine lot for auto, motor cycle, vlctrola or what nave you? Wal nut 3199. ONLY $426 buya a 6 40 -acre school land lease In Thomas county. Neb., 8 miles from Thedford; suitable for running cattle; a bargain. L. C. Crandall, 404 First National Bank Bldg., Lincoln, Neb. REAL ESTATE Investment A PROFIT PROPOSITION Here la a chance for any man having $8,000 or $4,000 cash to get a good, new apartment House near 83d and caiiiornia, bringing In a rental of $103.60 per month. Tenants furnish their own heat water gas and electricity. We would accept a good (-room bungalow as part payment If you want to see something good call us about this piaoe. HIATT CO., Formerly Htatt-Fairfleld Co., 846-7-9 Omaha Nat'l Bank. Tyler $0. FOR SALE Section about 40 acres broke well, good grass land,; II miles from county seat Price $3.60 r sore. H. C. Rainier, Taylor, Neb. Offer Wanted On Down Town Property 66x112 ft, with block of three 10 -room houses: Income $86.25 per month. Price $8,000. These houses are In good repair and the price is mighty cheap, but owner wants an offer. Ask for full Information. J. H. DUMONT & CO., 416-18 Kenllne Bldg. Phone Doug. 890. WATCH YOUR STEP. Save something In the prosperous days for those coming when business will be slow, work scarce. Invest a little now In Home Builders guaranteed 7 per- cent preferred shares. The plan Is simple. HOME BUILDERS, INC. ' 17th and Douglas Sts. Phone Dg. 6018. 24th AND DOUGLAS 44x182 278 front ft. Best buy on Doug. las St.; offered at this price for a few days only. Get busy. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 39 S3. 919-20 City National WM. COLFAX. 706 Keellne Dldg. Real estate, olty property, large ranches e Dclafx 6-ROOM bungaiow, brand new, all modern, oak floors throughout; oak finish In liv ing and dining rooms; large, light, wblte enamel bedrooms; good location; restricted addition. A bargain at $8,160. Easy terms. 9jNSON & CARMICHAEL, 442 Paxton BIk. Doug. 1738. SAFETY F1RS1. FOR RELIABLE AND SAFE FIRE AND TORNADO INSURANCE SEE NEIL'S r. a. ft ins. agency. 624 Brandels Theater Bldg. Tyler 1084. 1308 So. 16 6-r. mod. 2406 SO. 11 lot 86x100. 1916 S. 29 St. if 0-ft. lot D. 6967. Miscellaneous. COTTAGE AND 2 LOTS $1,760. 4 rooms and bath, electric light and gas: garage; 2 lots; near 26th and Pratt. $260 cash; balance like rent, P. jj. TEBBENS CO., 60S Omaha Nat Phone r 2132. Ja,800 BRAND new, 7 rooms and sleeping porch ; extra tine ; oak throughout ; beamed ceilings, etc Only $400 down; baance $36 per month. A rare chance to own your own home. ABBOTT. 6 Patterson BIK., Omaha, REAL ESTATE Unimproved North, FOR SALE. $ dandy vacant lots, hk block to car line; cut to $1,000 cash for quick sale, CALKINS ft CO., Douglas 1813. City NatL Bank Bldg. After looking at MINNB LU8A 300 dif ferent buyers decided that It was the best proposition on the market and they backed their Judgment by buying lots. If YOU will come out today you will understand why others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO.. Tyler 187. 741 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. FOH baraaliie tn luta In all parte of th elty Ma P. J. Tebollis. 0.6 Omaha Nat. Bk. Phon. 1) !isa CUMINO, near 28th St., 22 or 41 feet: must Da sola to close estate, c. A. urtmtntl, Ml Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. South. PARK AVE. & LEAVEN WORTH. 198 FT. FRONT AGE $7,000 This property lies only a short distance north of Uinta Aparemonts and is an Ideal location for apartments. The street Is paved and paving paid for In full. We oeueve tnis to be tne best close-In apart ' ment house location tn Omaha. Armstrong-Walsh Co., Sole Agents 818 Rose BIU., ItSU. and Farnani Sts. Tyler 15a. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED 4, 6 and 6-roomed houses that can be sold for $100 cash; balance $16 per month; give complete description first letter. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO.. 1320 Farnam St Tel. Doug. 1064 REAL ESTATE B'neti Pr'ty Kua SALE 2 b 4x182, faces three streets. near new rord building; splendid manu fact ur In sit. Address. B-411. Be. REAL ESTATE Other Cities PUBLIC SALE The old school nous build Ing, Including all out buildings, will be sold at either public or private sale, on Aug. 12th. 1916, at S;S0 p. m. For full particulars write to o. a, Hunge. secre tary. Charter Oak, Iowa, FINANCIAL Real Estate Loans and Mortgages. We are ready at all times to make loans on first-class city property and eastern Nebras ka farms. Rates on request UNITED STATES TRUST CO., 212 South 17th St. MONEY TO LOAN ON Apartment houses, double brick houses. single bouses, business property and farm tanas at ft pr ceut, Ptfc per cent a pr ot W. It. IIIUJUAD. KUnf Hitlg. Douglas 1643 $3,000 MORTGAGE, bearing 7 per cent semi' annual; secured by property valued at $10,000. Tajmege-Loorals Inv. Co., W. O. $ fbiH Ch-NT to I per cent on best class olty resiaenres in amounts fa, two up; si farm loans. Reasonable commissions. PETER8 TKU8T CO.. 1?3 Farnam St PRIVATE MONEY. 8HOPEN & COMPANY, K EC LINE BUILDING. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFK REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha Natl. Phone Douglas 2716. MONEY to loan on Improved farms and ranencs. we also buy good farm mort- gages, moks, Omaha. REAL ESTATE loans, 6 per cent' D. E. BUCK ft CO., 912 Omaha Natl. Bank. See NO DELAY. V. T. GRAHAM, BEE BLDG. CITY and farm loans, 6, 6, 6 per cent j. ti. uumont .yQ;t l Keenno Bldg. MONEY on hand for elty and farm loans. H. W. Bender, City National Bank Bldg. S 5 Vx i Per Cent THOS. L. McGARRY, Keellne Bldg. Red 4344. REAL ESTATE Suburban Benson. LYNN WOOD Go out to Lynn wood today and see thw beautiful lot we are selling from $460 to $60$. A. P. TUKEY & SON, jPhone Doug. 693. 1607- W. O. W. Bldg. START YOUU UOMf INBENSONl """ BUY THIS LOT! $10.00 down and $lu.uo p?r month; price $260.1)0: size, 4i12; located on Locus i St., between Clark and Bum ham, sot far from suboot and car line. Geo. U. Wright. Be of'tce. Omaha Dundee. ACRES, 63d and Grover; most sightly; $2,600; acres on car, $1,000, and $$00 lots south of Dundee. X, 3947. 6-ROOM bungalow In Dundee, all stucco, for sale by owner, $3,760; brand new; $60 cm a. $40 per month. Box 476$, Be. South Side. $876 BUYS S lots 40x130 ft.; near West L mu oar una. Alexander Array, u $$$. "GARVIN BROS.M, 5 pet Natl. Bank Bldg. MONEY HARRISON ft MORTON 9 IB umarta Mat.. Bank Bldg. $10U to $10,000 made promptly. F. D, Wead, V. eaa mug, inn ana rarnam bib. Abstracts ot Title. fl-nvrontpf Abstract Co. We can bring VjuaiaiiLCC down your abstract on short notice. R. 7, Patterson Bldg. D. 2947. T7ftOT( TltU, Guarantee and Abstract Co., JYcir $06 8. 17 th St., ground floor. Bonded by Mass, Bonding ami Ins. Co. RKED ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract Of- nee tn Nebraska. 206 Brandels Thatr, FAKiU AND RANCH LANDS Colorado Lands. Colorado land excursions, xpenes paid. (J. Li. wetnawuy. tnorence, neo. r lorence n-s Iowa Lands. 140 ACRES well tniprovod farm, west lows. at sioo per acre, an uiiaoie; rotting land $6,000 will handle deal THOS. CAMPBELL, KSftLlNB BLDO. Missouri Lands. CHEAP K ARMS Any slse. assy terms, la tn Mautirai usaras or pent ooanry. Ha W. B KrsnK, iQl Neville Hlo.-.x, umana North Dakota Lends. ALFALKA LAND Buy It under our "Half Bantings" or Jfav as you man it" man, Diversified farming, stock, corn and hog raising pay ror tn tana in a few years Urn. Hackney Land credit co Hack- ney mag., mu raui. jama. Nebrr.wUa Lands, WRITE FOR MY LITERATURE, IT'S FREE I am mailing out thousands of copies of my publication, "Hungerford's Farmer and Rancher" to easterners whom I be lieve should be Interested in securing for themselves and families a western home. Dawes County is one of the four fore most counties In the State In the yield of crops the per acre yield. Yet, only about 16 per rent of this county la under cultivation. The balance, about 84 per cont Is covered with native grasses, the buffalo, wheat and gramma grass. About 76 per cent of the country is culttvatlble and all we need Is men of energy. If you have a few hundred dollars and a de termination to succeed, write to me for my literature, explaining Dawes County, then, after you have read it, come up and see m and let me show you my country and the places I have for aate. You will be surprised at the vast oppor tunities that await you here. Don't de lay but write me today, then don't let anyone Us to you and tell you that they know this country and this and that but come and see for yourself. I have some excellent opportunities here for In vestment Improvement for the man who has some money to Invest and yet can not move here himself. I can rent his land to good advantage and bring him In good returns, besides the rapid Increase In valuation. There Is no chance to get away from a profit of 26 to 300 or 300 per oent. However, I am catering especial ly to the man who will come in and help to develop the country, but I have many Inquiries from men who want to rent places here and can take excellently good care of a few Investors who have the money but not the time. My country Is known by every man, woman and child In the middle west as "The Land of In dependence," "The Garden Beyond the Sand Hills." Drop me a card or a letter today for a copy of my "Farmer and Rancher." Most sincerely yours, ARAH L. HUNGERFORD. Crawford, Dawes County, Nebraska. Omaha offices: 1204-6 W. O. W. Bldg. SNOWDEN A SNOWDEN, MORS. FCR SALE! Best largo body high grade meaium pncea iana in weorasKa; very little money required. C. Bradley, Wol baoh, Nbb. NEBRA8K A land from $9.06 to $126 per sere; oesi oargains in state, w. T. Bmito, Co., 914 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. FARM for sale cheap In Brown county, S. D, write Meyer Klein, umana, weo. South Dakota Lands. FOR SALE CORN ANn ALFALFA LANDS, LYMAN COUNTY. SOUTH DA KOTA. $10 TO $7$ AN ACRE. COR NEL1U8 McGREEVY. PRESHO. SOUTH DAKOTA. Texas Lands, FARM For sale, well Improved, $60 acres. In Knox county, Texas; cneap; on terms. Information, writs J. B. Johnson, Truscott, Tex. Wisconsin Lands. WISCONSIN'S finest grating and dairying lands; any slse tract from 40 acres to 7.000; clay soil, well located nesr rail roads; at prloes ranging from $7.60 to $30 an acre; stats your requirements, we can make any terms to suit your neeas. Dairy Belt Land Co.. owen, wis. GET literature and maps on the cheapest ood land in United Mtates. BAKER A TILLOTSON. ltb and Douglas Bt.. Omaha. Doug 119$. Miscellaneous. ARB YOU GOINO TO BUY LAND t If bo. get a copy of our Journal first. It has lands, city property and stocks or goods aavertisea rrora neany every state. So that you can find just what you wish In Its columns. Established 19 years, reaching 78,000 readers. Send $Ro for one year's subscription, or $1 for five years. FARM AND REAL EST AT B JOURNAL, TRAER, IOWA. SEND your name today. Receive offers from land owners, agents, everywnere. UNITED REALTY ASSOCIATES, Jollet, III. ACREAGE U to 6-A. tracts on car lln. JCasy terms, u. k. uomos. su uranaeis Thea. Bldg Doug. 3916. POULTRY AND PET STOCK Viumina pay jar ocuer man cnicaens; .luva .nnA nr.. llttU anao noAiinil tn start; free book explains alL Majeatto FRESH aquatlo plants for your fish globe. $0o. win keep nsn oeaitny. uaa OEISLER BIRD CC Horses Live Stock Vehicles For Sale. Wagon umbrellas. $1.00. Wanner, $01 N. 16th. AUTOMOBILES FOF SALE FORD mSURSNCE- Fir and theft Insurance on new Fords, $7.70 KILLT, ELLIS ft THOMPSON, 913-14 City Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1511. Must sell all our second-hand automo biles within $0 days. Ws have several makes and ars giving better values than anyone sis. Johnson-Danforth Co. 1639-31-3$ N. 18th St. NO OTHER Omutia newspaper Is making anywnere near tne increase in its warn- Ad columns as THE BEE. 36,748 MORE PAID WANT-ADS the first six months of 191$ than In ths same period of M. Ths Reason : Best Price Best Resulta AUTO CLEARING HOUSE. 0t Farnam. D. $310. Saxon roadster, 191$ $276 1916 Model 88, Overland roadster.. 460 1914 Oakland touring 1914 Bulck roadster PAIGE touring car,, folly equipped 1916 elegant car for ths family, $500. WILLYS-OVERLAND, INC., 2047 Farnam St. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. Almost any make roadster, speedster end touring csrs. Six Fords, a snap. Will sell these cats st almost sny price, as we must navs tn space. O W. FRANCIS AUTO CO., 221$ Farnam. Doug. 68$. USED CAR UAKUA1NS A'f MUUrHY-O'BKiUts' AUTO CO., 1X14-11-1" Kuril-m HI WE will trade you a new Ford for your old on. INDUSTRIAL GARAGE CO, Itttri and Ha rimy Douk- 6261 FULLY equipped, touring car, st Colfax 3024. 40 h. p., i bargain. 1916 model !Q.t6 Fowler. Charles W. Wright and wife to J. B. Sweet et a!., Cuming. 200 feet east of Flftr-ftrat south aide. 66x36 ..$1,000 Joseph Mitern and wife to Ben 3. Bogus, Twenty-ninth. South Oma ha, 60 feet north of O, east side, 120x160 1.46$ Ranp Bros, to Gertrude C. Stodden, .Ntneteentn, 88 feet of rratt east side. 42x94 4,900 William Gentrup and wife to W. C Hotter, Twenty-nintn, lis rest north of Pacific, went side. 66x14$ .... 1 George A. Rowles to J. N. Halstead. Twenty-fifth, 300 feet north of Port west side. 80x133 TOO Robert A. Lenhart and wife to Her- man Zimmerman, Leavenworth. 34$ fet west of Forty-fifth, south side. 69x180 $6$ Patrick J. Martin to Catherine Faug- mann, tjass, en reet west oi Twenty sixth, north side, 33x143 S Charles Ladd Thomas to Thomas W. Blackburn, Seventeenth, South Oma ha, 100 feet nortb of 8. east side, 60x110 1.760 Edward Turner and wife to Jennie B. Fa rns worth. Fifty-seventh, 760 feet north of Military avenue, east side, 40x136 400 MASTER BUTCHERS. GATHERIH OMAHA Delegates to National Convert- tion Which Opens Tuesday Begin to Arrive in Oity. VISIT DEN LAST NIGHT Delegates to the thirty-first annual convention of the United Master Butchers of America arrived in Oms- ha Monday from St. Louis, Toledo, St Paul and Minneapolis. A special train in the afternoon brought delegations from Chicago, Detroit, Milwaukee, In; dianapolis, Cincinnati and other east ern points. H. J. Hertkan and his wife drove through from Detroit by automobile. A number of the delegates brought their wives. The convention oroeram will be gin Tuesday morning at the Rome ho tel as follows. Opening session of oonrsatloB at Hotel Rome, convention halt Invocation by Rev. O. P. Baltaly. president of United Master Butehsrs of Omaha. Address of Welcome by Mayor Dahlman. Response w Artnur ncKsnng. presi dent of United Master Butehsrs of America. Presentation of gavel to President Picker ing by V. F. Kunol. Appointments of committees and adjourn. ment until 2 p. m. Report or credential committee. Report of officers. Reports from local associations. Twin Cities Campaign Minneapolis has already started a campaign for the 1917 convention and many of the delegates are wearing Minneapolis buttons. A splendid convention program booklet of thirty-six pages has teen printed. ine load convention committees are as follows. Entertainment Commltt Cyril Hn Axel Meyer, Charles Blind, M. J. Howell, John Jepssn, J. Wagen. E. E. Wise. Jac Bastlan, A. A. Heath, V. F. Kuncl, Herman Naegle, George Berth, Recentlon Committee H. B. Wise. K. Naegle, Charles Blind. Axel Meyer. Theater committee jao Bastian, j. wa gen, J. Resnlohek. Auto commute v. w. KunoL u. it Berth, Jacob Schmld. Banquet Committee J, J. Cam rest, Jac Bastian, Charles Blind, X. B. Wigs, V. F. Kuncl. Press Committee jonn a. Kotsi, J. i. Cameron. Ladles' Entertainment ana Reception Committee Mesdames . a. wis, J, ). w siren. J. Bat t an. R. C. oudatn, w. son- gardt J- J- Schneider, Charles Blind and Miss Minnie Berth. 5-PASSENGER touring car. Inquire at 1121 Park Ave. after 6 p. ni. during the wet-It. OVERLAND touring car, model 79, good condition, like new, choap. Harney 4649. BARGAIN Ltgnt, five-puBsnnger car; elec tric lights. Call Hurnuy !i967. Auto KepriTr'i,i and Painting. $100 rswa'd for mugu'to we can't repair. Colls r palrwd. Badorfr. 2J0 N. 18 h . NEB. Amu Hs'1!tor Ktfpair Servka and prices right. 21 S. 1(b Ht. D 789U Auto Livery and Garages. LH)N"1 throw away old ttn.s. We tuukn one new lire from 2 old outw and awn you 60 per cent. $ $ 1 VulcniiUIng Cu.. Inlti Imv enport St. Omaha, N.'b. Douglas 2114, AUTO TIRES REBUILT, $2.00 TO $6.00. DUO TIRE CO.. 1611 CHICAOO HT Motorcycles and Bicycles. UAltLEY-UAVlDHUN UttOuCVCLUti. War gain In used machine victor Roos. "Tft Moiitrcwl Man " lavnnwortb 1916 RACYC LB Two-speed coaster brake; been run about sixty miles. Box 4617. Bee. LEAVING city will sell good twin-cylinder Indian for first reasonable cash offer. Tyler $$31. Fanning Says That Merit Will Always Be Recognized Here "Efficiency and eiiiority will b recoenized by me as long as I am in charec ot the Dostottic. stated eott master Fanning, who added: "I am not contemplating any changes at this time, and if there should be any changes they will be for definite cause. I told the staff that as long as thev do the work as it should be done and satisfy the public they serve, they need not tear any shake-up. romicai considerations will have no place in mv administration. Since Colonel Fanning assumed his new office at the Dostoffice there have been all sorts ot rumors ot a shaxe- nn. Several old emoloyes were be' ginning to feel nervous and all sorts of gossip has been circulated. Postmaster Fanning was asked to make a positive and public statement. which he did as quotea. To Build Church for Magyar Catholics n .. T7,l.a. IT Tnm,n,t wtin was pastor of a church in Schuyler, web., tor tnree years, is now m x-nua-Helohia. raising money to erect a the first of its kind to be established in that part ot tne country. Father Tomanek speaks eight lan- A ...ill ,nn.,l trt ratfcnlif congregations of Philadelphia in their respective tongues, ne was Dcgm ning a course in the Catholic uni- a. llfa.liinntnn vhpn h' hat4 of the need in Philadelphia and ot tered his services, ne is sun at tached to the Omaha diocese, he writes, and intends to return here Several Matches in Happy Hollow Tourney Played Of Play in the singles in the Happy Hollow tennis tournament nas pro cressed far enough so that the fol lowing matches have been disposed of: T. J. Bartwall baat Ljrraaa lloConn.ll, W O. A. P. Braun boat R. B. 8un4arlan. W o. Ward Browna beat Waltar Byrne. 1-0. 8-0. E. fl. beat W. R. Wataon. W. O. John Brownlaa baat F. J Jurapar, S-s, llarrr Koch baat 3. Starrat, A. L. Lootnl. beat C. R. How.U, 1-1, 6- PRELIMINARIKg. Ti. M. Eaaerty beat J M. Oulld. W. O. A. L. Looml. beat H. I. Frankfurt, 6-0, II Howell baat h. McCain.. 1-1, 1-1 II. A Laiidon baat C. A. Abrahamaon W. O. The play in the preliminary round will be disposed of during the day and the ..rst round matches are to be com pleted this evening. A number of teams have entered for doubles and all entries for doubles should be left with the committee or telephone them by tonight Drat Dlarasard Yonr Cold. Few of mm realta, tb. dansar of courh. and oolda; don't taka the rule Taka Dr, Klnsa Now Dlaeoverr. OuaranU.d. All (Irani, la. Adv.rtlMH.ent. WOMEN OF CHINA ITS BEST ASSETS Miss Emma Hnneker Tells of Her Visit With Her Sister, Mrs. Lobingier, CELEBRATES JULY 4 THERE Miss Emma Huneker, who has just returned from a ten months' visit in the Philippines, Japan and China, has many interesting things : i say of the life among the Americans of the Orient, Miss Huneker spent a large part of her time in Shanghai as the guest of her sister, Mrs. Charles S. Lobingier, wife of the ' !ge of the American court for China. The United States and Great Britain are the only countries who have availed themselves of the privilege granted by China of stablishing such courts for the bene fit of their resident citizens. Mrs. Lobingier went to Shanghai in Feb ruary. 1914. Miss Huneker found the Orient ex tremely interesting because of its rad- - Att Y- .L - "1 icai aiiiercncc xrom ine vjccioenc. Shanghai, because of its large Eng lish and American population, was particularly notable. On the streets. old Chinese customs and sights jos tled wtih the new world peoples and scenes. The picturesque rickshaws" jostled with foreign motor cars and people of every nation bumped elbows in the throng. Official Life. "The official life of Shanghai ii particularly delightful," said Miss Hu neker. "vlhe otticers ana tneir iam ilies arc all neoote of superior educa tion and charming culture. During my . t- i.T r n -.4 Sla) in onuilKnai x was cuici taujeu with Jude and Mrs. Lobingier at luncheon on board the ship Brooklyn bv Admiral Wintcrhalttn, in com and of the Asiatic fleet. "The American women of Shanghai have oreanized a thriving club. in soite of their arduous social duties, they take a faithful interest in their rlnh and make it a source of interest and benefit. Philanthropic, art, music and literature departments are main tained. My sister, Mrs. Lobingier, is president of this club, and organized fir, wnman'ft club in Manila. "Just before 1 lett (.on jury 3) i witnessed an unusual sight. Ameri can Shanghai celebrated the Fourth of July. First there was a parade of the American volunteers and of the naval men from the Asiatic fleet. Then th. American ambassador from Pe king delivered an address. These were followed by a very American dinner at the Astor house and a ball in the evening. Women Remarkable. "The Chinese women are most re markable. They have been held in subjection and under the narrowing influence of superstition so long that some are not yet able to stand forth, but those who do are wonderful. Their grasp of western ideas and be liefs is truly surprising ana incir poise is an accomplishment to be coveted. Thev are unexcelled as pub lic speakers. Of course, this work is done in connection with the schools and the mission stations, "The McTevmer school In Shanghai was established for the benefit of the daughters of wealthy families and the irls who attend are extraordinary, wenty-six of the graduates of this school are in American colleges. Au thorities have said that China s great est undeveloped resource is its women!" Miss Huneker was delighted with Chinese scenery of which we in America hear verv little. One city in particular she mentioned which is called the Venice of the tast. Like Venice, it has beautiful canals and artistic sights. This Chinese Venice is located fifty miles from Soochow. The ocean vovage was very pleas ant Miss Huneker came by the northern route through the inland sea of Japan. With all the wonderful scenes which she saw she has lost none of her loyalty to her own coun try, for she savs that the mountain lakes of America are just as beauti ful as any in Japan. Miss Huneker left this afternoon for her home in Bay City, Mich. The Bee's Fund for Free Milk and Ice TRAFFIC MEN STRIVE TO ADJUST RATES If we could come to vou oersonallv Want to fiatisfv Inland Towns ana m you ror a aim e or a aoiiar lor r-n . .v. ip.!.,j. th;. f.,nrf -iri vt.Air, c. u well as tne Eulroaas You probably put off sejiding or That Are Interested. bringing it in. But uo it NOW. Every cent you give will actually buy milk and ice for suffering babies and small children of the deserving poor, Not a penny goes to adminis tration ot tne tuna. Hot weather is not past by any means. There is still great demand on the fund. Pr.rlon.lir aokaowladsM -S4P9 ao F. O. tto'lek 1.00 Legal Talent Al Ready, But Frank Gaines Missing Where is Frank Gaines? Mr. Gaines is presiding over the hearing of the Missouri Pacific pas senger rate case in the federal court. Eminent legal talent for both the railroad and the state, railway com mtK.innera and railroad exnerts were gathered in the south federal court room to proceed witn tne case. But Mr. Gaines did not appear. Efforts to find him failed. He was suDo6sed to be around town some where, but that was all the informa tion that could be gained. The eminent gentlemen finally ad journed until atternoon. BRIDGE MEETING TO BE HELDON TUESDAY Commissioner Best Addresses Letter to Union Pacifio Ask ing the Price. MEET AT COUNCIL BLUFFS Douglas county commissioners, ac companied by a committee represent ing the Omaha Commercial club, will meet with representatives of Potta wattamie county and commercial or ganizations of Council Bluffs at that city this afternoon at 2 o'clock to formulate plana for realization of the free bridge dream. County Commissioner Frank C. Best, representing that body, has ad dressed the following letter to the Union Pacific railway, which commu nication is expected to result in fur ther conferences regarding the pro posed purchase of the bridge now na.H anlplv for railway traffic: "There has been some agitation in favor of a free toll bridge across the Missouri river between the cities of Omaha and Council Bluffs and it has been suggested by members of the Omaha Commercial club that the Board of County Commissioners take this matter up with your company in reference to the sale ot the old bridge, which is beinn- renlaced bv a new one, "I feel vour comoanv will Quite agree that such a bridge should be provided snd in connection with this I wish vou would inform the Board of County Commissioners whether or not the spans of the old bridge are going to be offered for sale, at what price and if you would give Douglas county preference, if offered for sale, should the people ot tnis county de cide to construct such a bridge. "You will recall some forty odd vears asro the taxoavera of Douglas county donated your company $250, 000 to assist in the building of your firesent structure, and In view ot tne act that the taxpayers of this county ao nobly assisted you when you were young and struggling ana from tne further fact that at tne present time vou are most prosperous and now op- .t .... erate one ot tne greatest railroad sys tems in the world, it has been sug gested that your company might give the people ot Douglas county special consideration should they desire to purchase the present spans. However, let us know your position in the mat- . . , t . j, . ter ana we win giauiy arrange a mcci- ng with your representatives at any time you suggest. Moorhead's Books Show 38,000 Voters In Greater Omaha Election Commissioner Harley G. Moorhead and his corps of workers have started the compilation of the list of Greater Omaha voters for the convenience of candidates and others interested. This long list will carry the names of about 38,000 qualified w.t.ra. ahowincr their bartv affiliation. address and nationality. Three weeks will ue required in the preparation ot the work, the sheets to-be at the dis. of those wishing them at cost The registration last year was but lit tle short of 40,000, the removal to other cities, death and other causes reducing the total. Kugel Returns from His outing at Laxe ukodoji Suoerintendent Kueel of the police department has returned from Lake (iknhoii. wnere ne spent several weeks. He says the outing did him a world of good and he is now ready to get down to serious business again, Complains cf Dances at Hibblers on Leavenworth T. Hammond, asserting he speaks for the West Leavenworth street Ira provement club, called at the city council chamber to protest against dancing parties held at Hibbler's park on west Leavenwortn street According to the complainant, these functions are not as recherche as they should be. Superintendent Kugel of the police department said he called at this temple ot lerpsichore on recent day and did not hear nor ob serve anything wrong. Philathea and Baraca Classes to Cruise Lake The Philathea and Baraca classes of the Hanscom Park Meth odist church have chartered the Lar son and Hughes launches for Tues dav evening, and after a two-hour cruise on the lake will enjoy a water melon feed. HYMENEAL. Edmunds-Leary. A motor trip to Blair Saturday cul minated in the marriage ot Mrs. Katherine Leary and Charles J. Ed munds of this city. After the cere mony the newly married couple tele phoned the news to the bride's mother. Mrs. Rachel Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Edmunds continued on a motor trip through the state and on their return will make their home in Omaha. ACTION MUST BE IN HURRY Striving to formulate a plan where- by the cities affected by the recent ruling of the Interstate Commerce commission in regard to freight rates in ieDrasKa, as wen aa tne commis sion and the railroads in question, will be satisfied, traffic men from all of the Missouri river jobbing centers, with the exception of Sioux City, met with the representatives of -the rail roads yesterday. The meeting is being1 held at Un commercial club rooms, with Charles. E. Faeth of Kansas City, an iron job- ber, presiding as chairman. . Realizing that if the rates are to be adjusted, a plan to bring about the required change must be decided upon immediately, as the advanced rates ordered by the Interstate Com merce commission are to go into ef fect September 25, the traffic men and railroad representatives were hard at it early in the day endeavor ing to work out a solution of the problem. The indications were at noon that., the meeting would run through into another day. Reports of "perfect harmony seeped througn tne doors of the room in which the session is bcinsr held. , , Traffic Men Present. - The following traffic men attended the meeting: R. D. Sangsfer, treas urer of the Kansas City Commercial club; R. t, Carmem ol the Keidnour Bakerv comoanv, Fremont, Neb.; V. H. Young, Fremont; W. J. C. Kenyon, manager ot the trattic bureau or ine St. Joseph Commercial club; Louis Motter of the Nave-McCord company. St. Joseph; R. A, Blake, secretary of the Hastings, Neb., Chamber of Com merce; E. B. Johnston, F. J. Loates : and J. L, . Cleary, secretary of the Commercial club, Grand Island, Neb.; Charles H. Kelsey and W. A. Haver aon of Norfolk, Neb.; C. B. Hutton of Hastings, H. L. Sharpe, secretary of the Atchison, Kan., Commercial club; W. S. Whitten, secretary of the Lincoln commercial ciud; w. h. ue Bolt J. W. Burgess and E. S. Steven son of Beatrice, Grant Thornburg of Lincoln, E. f . benoentgen, v. v. Emokie, H. A. Searle and George E Williamson of Council Bluffs. Dan Geilus, J. S. Brady, C. D. Blaine, P.; P. Murray and -E. J. McVann, man- ager of the traffic bureau of the Com. merciel club of Omaha. The following railroad represents-, tivea were in attendance; H. H. Hoi- comb and F. Montgomery of the Bur lington, George W. Hamilton and C J. Lane of the Union Pacific, F. J. Shubert of the Rock Island and W. H. Jones of the . Northwestern. Omaha; S. E. Stohr of the St. Joseph and Grand Island, St Joseph; Dt R. Lincoln of the Missouri Pacific. St. Louis. f But Four Houses In Greater Omaha . Under Quarantine v, V:. .-., , , Omaha is a healthy elty, as the iicai,,, u:iai tiiivu. iwuiua oiiuw. 1 During July ihe following con: tagious and infectious diseases were reported: Diphtheria, .13; : scarlet , fever, 15; measles, 16; infantile par alysis, 2 typhoid fever, 2; small pov, 2; tuberculosis, 2; ersipelas, 1. This is an unusual showing for a city of 200,000 population.. I At this time there' are 'only four houses in Greater Omaha quarantined for scarlet fever and tnly one for diphtheria. Other cases of these dis eases are in the City Emergency hos pital. -,; : ' t - i . Many Omaha People to ' . Go to Tractor Show Today A large delegation of Omahans, in cluding the officials of the Commer cial club and a number of the mem bers, wil attend the Tractor, show at Fremont Tuesday. While the ,day has not been officially set aside as Omaha day, the presence of the large number of visitors from the metrop olis will lend a local touch to Tues " To think only yesterday morning I was sweltering in the city and tonight, here in Colorado I am sitting before a fire of crack ling logs, watching the sparks fly up ward and actually enjoying the .' warmth. I don't feel like a stranger , as there are anumber here whocame out with me on the Rock Island's ' "Rocky Mountain Limited" "I don't believe a finer train is , operated." ' This and other excellent trains daily make the trip a joy. Low fares for round trip daily to September 30th. Automatic Block Signalt .. FincMt Modern AU-Stel Equipment . Superior Dining Car Service -y Tat vacation suggestions, detailed iniormatioa , and fare anywhere, phone or adore J.&HeHALLY,D.r.A. , t323rraaSL FhM Deetlaa 428