I"HK OMATTA SUNDAY REK: AUGUST (, 1010. 3 B Council Bluffs Social Notes FLORENCE JENKS AND HER GUESTS AT A SUMMER HOUSE PARTY From left to right: Helen Mter of Kan sas City, Ruth Purcell of Hampton, la., and Florence Jenks. In center: Louise Bailey of Omaha. I In- rxrctitivr committer of t lie NiffraRi- a-soi'iation hclrl a business incrtiiiK Motulsv ninrniiiK at the liome of Mrs. (. harles U. Ilannan. Miss Kreda Kcntiady. 17.M Kiiihth avenue, left Momlay tor a vacation tnp to Lake Okoboji. Mrs. I. J. Peal and ilaiiRbter, Mrs i. F. (.reRorson of Oakland. Cal . virnr to Missouri 'alley to pend tlie iictk-end with relatives and friends Tlu-y returned to louniil !lult Monday ' Mnnbers of Miss Jennie Giuttar's rjass of the Kirst Baptist rhun-li Sunday school held a picnic at l ake Manawa Salurday evening Tlloe present were Ada Martin. Vesper Alartin. Marie Sherfe . Harriet John hon. I'.nen nvnen. iuin t ooiev. liene Ticll, deneva Davis. Kteanor ndei -'fon. Florenre KrppiTI. lil.inelie l-.tn rrme. Mvrtle Winn. Mytrle tiitten find aoini Sims : Mrs. II. V. Van Urunt and little "daughter, Virginia, of I lem on. 'i . re spending a few weeks as the Quests of Mrs. Van Brunt's moihei. Mrs G. (i. Raird. Mrs. John Ingrain and small daugh ter, Geraldine, and Miss N'rta lleisier have returned from Malvern aiier a "week's visit with iriends there. Mrs. Sydney Smith and son. Syd flify, and daughter, Margaret, re rturned Wednesday evening from l ake Okohoji, where; they have been spending several weeks with Mr and Mrs. Leincu at their cottage on Sim et beach. The trip home was made with Mr. Lenien in bis ear. Mr. 'J.rmen will return to the lake later J i the month Mrs G. W. Gibson entei tamed liariningly Wednesday evi-ning. isiting and music furnished the tuniusements. Dainty refreshments vcre served. Ten guests were present. Mi. and Mrs. Frank Zurniurhlen, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Kinsell and Mr. ud Mrs. Frank Tullar hae re turned from Fort Dodge, where they -sitended a house party ai the home ot D. Teunant. The trip was made '- automobile, anil they report the .loads good anil the fishing better.. A most pleasant surprise party was given .Monday afternoon by a group ft girl friends of Miss Gladys Dodge, n ho remembered her birthday and brought her a number of presents. The afternoon was spent with keu .liigton work and the evening with Sancing and swimming. A two course luncheon was served. Those present were Miss Mildred Sears, Stiss Ress Thompson, Miss Hess Kod dis, Miss Dorothy Long, Miss Gladys lackland, M:ss Frances Grow. Miss Nina Snyder and Miss Gladys Dodge. Sixteen women entered in the eighteen-holc medal handicap match 'hich was played Wednesday, in stead of the progressive tournament tvhich had been scheduled. The win- tter was A. H. Newton, with a best :gcore of 10.V The putting match was von by Miss Sara Iiesley, with a ;3Core of 21. It has been decided to 'postpone the club championship 'itiatches for a couple of weeks. Next Wednesday a nine-hole match will -tie played for a prize donated by the Tricke Drug company. Miss Mary Paschal returned home Thursday from a week's visit with "Mrs. Philhrook and other friends at it)enison, la. Miss Mary Woodruff, 319 Park Svenue. has returned from Marion snd Cedar Rapids, Ia.r where sbe has Deen visiting tor several weeks. -' The Misses Katherine and Adele 'Keeline returned Friday from Logan, where thev spent the past week as guests alt a' house party given by Miss .Irene Bolter. Last Saturday Miss 'Bolter gave a lawn dance for her rouse guests, four of the boys from Council Blutts, Will mtt, IJonald Annis, Henry Quint) and Frank Sey- jft. motoring to Logan tor the party. Luncheons, picnics and all sorts of good times made the week a most delightful one for the visitors. ; Mrs. F.dvvard Williams entertained "fhe members of the El Deen club at lier home on South Twenty-fourth Street Wednesday afternoon. After a Vocial afternoon spent with kensing- ton work the club held a briet bust tiess meeting, electing the following officers: President, Mrs. n. i. Kvans; vice president, Mrs. Ed Wil liams; secretary, Mrs. Charles Gow ens; treasurer, Mrs. L. A. Miller. Mrs. tohii Martin was a guest of the club. A dainty two-course luncheon was served hv the hostess after the bust liess meeting. The next meeting of the dub will be at the home of Mr; T.aker. 1905 Avenue B Members of Circle No. 1 of the First Congregational church held an all-rlav picnic Thursday with Mrs. Don Stoufer at the Kimball cottage at Lake Manawa. About thirty-five guests were present, and a picnic luncheon was served snoruy aner noon on the screened porch. The afternoon was spent with kensington work and visiting and the picnickers returned to town late in the afternoon. Mrs. John Melhop, left Wednes day for Lstes Park. Lolo., wliere sue will spend the rest of the summer. .-f nm.rtt r. H.j. weather the luncheon and meeting of Central chapter of St. Paul's guild, planned ior Tuesday at the Boat club, was postponed until next month. Mrs. J. F. Spare has returned from g. month's trip in the west, during which time she visited Denver, Colo Jfado Springs, Salt Lake City, and illackfoot, Idaho. V Mrs. Arthur Merrick and daughter. 'Marjotlie, of Chicago are guests at lie hcine of Mrs. T. E. Cavin on j'ark avenue. . Miss Beulah Noak left Wednesday jmorning for Jacksonville, Fla., to 'juake her home with her sister, Mrs. a. D. MacDonncl. formerly Miss lAngie Noack of this city. Miss Koack had been making her home Vith Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Orvis for several years. Mrs. L. Kastner entertained the Jnembers of the Neighborly club at n all-day meeting, and the time was tpent socially and with kensington Ijvork. The club prize was won by Jiliss Edna Cook. The next meet ing will be held at the home of Mrs. John Keif. A group of college girls, former Students of Denison university at r.ranville, O., are enjoying a reunion this week at the home of Miss Hazel Jong on hast fierce street. t lie ..$..?. .nn.l of tlimm f. i m .....i,..ii. ....... i-. w;.., era Smithers of liiiilmgtoii. la., I .Vl-iss Hes Gregg ot I oledo, u., 'U lie riltf rtaili'd Thursday tit , ji , u by their Mirority sislers, ... l.tiiel Morris and Miss Wulh ONE OP THE BRIDES OF EARLY AUGUST. Mills of Omaha Karlier in the day they hope to visit the successful va cation 1 iiblc school at the Calvary Raptist church, under the direction ol Mr. Charles Carman, who also claims Denison as his alma mater. Master Mired Ruxlon, ji., cele brated his eleventh birthday Tuesday afternoon at at St. Paul's rectory, the celebration being held a day in ad vance of his birthday. A birthday cake, candy ami ice cream weie served. Alfred received many pres ents from his little friends. Those present were Nancv Stillman, Keed Social Affairs of the South Side Mrs. W. P. Connell of Seattle ar rived last Sunday to he the guest for some lime at the home of her sister, Mrs. Frank P.ird. Dewey Barrett is reported very much improved after his recent in jury, but will he confined in the hos- Pcregov. lack Peregov. Fleanor ! '"lal ,or onu- lmle c- J'eregoy, Jane Shugart, Marion Shu-! Mr. George French, worthy nia- gart, Betty Hickey, Sybil Tubbs and I Ir"" Ada" chapter, Order ot Fast Albert Crocker. ' j el " Star, is visiting in St. Louis, Mo. The O. and C. B. Thimble club held ! IW- Richard Held of Pittsburgh, its meeting Wednesday at Mrs. , 1 ''' brother of Mrs. William Jetter, Fggcrs. A shower was also given as "''' been a guest at the Jetter home, a surprise cm the hostess, (overs: Miss Frances Castcel has returned were laid for Mesdames Victor ; 'rm a visit of several weeks out in Kroupa, M. K. Xelsen of Omaha, W.the state. Nelscn, South Side; George W. Ar-j Miss I-ois Putlitz. daughter of Dr. mour, J. Bolin, A. Coulter, , and Mrs. Helmuth Putlitz, is recover Fggers, M. Hirsch, Hoof and W. ' '"K very nicely after her recent mil Licbert of Council Bluffs. The next ' meeting will be with Mrs. T. P. Nel-i Miss Marie Berry. Kestora N'elty son of Omaha. ! Clarence Adams of the First Pres- 1 byterian church will leave Tuesday to ; attend the Presbyterian young peo 1 pie's conference at Hastings, Neb. On account of the excessive heat, the South Side Women's Christian Temperance union have postponed their meeting for two weeks, j The Sunday school of the First Christian church enjoyed a picnic at Florence Social Items Mrs. J. C. Reninger. who has been ill the past week, is greatly improved, as is also her son, Norman, who had his hip badly injured last Saturday. Mrs. Mabel Mann of Bryan Tex., Miller park Friday Today's big event is the Centurian picnic at Valley. Miss Mercedes Breeu and Lillie arrived Friday to be the truest of her fuFruc. nave returned Iron. Clear oarcnts. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Tucker, tr?"' . a- Miss Angle Breen and h K,i, ( .1,,. , t lair the balance of the summer Mrs. Glen Morgan will leave Mon day for Tekamah to spend a couple of weeks visiting friends and rela tives. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rob ing, Tuesday, a box. Miss Ada Drexcl, who has been visiting friends in I;remonl, returned to F'lorence J'uesday, Irviti Lewis, who has been visit ing friends in Oregon, returned home Tuesday. Mr. William Parker of Dimriale. Ca!., is the guest of his niece, Mrs. George Reed. Mrs. Anna Anderson entertained a number of her friends on Thursda t i . . , Ian .Hcuovern nave returned trom V..tl 1. i eiiuvvsioiie parK. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kiss, who moved to California about three years ago, have returned to the South Side to make their permanent home. Miss Dorothy Adkins has returned from the Minnesota lakes, where she spent a very enjoyable vacation. Joseph Powers is seeing the sights in Seattle and other coast cities. Martin Conboy has returned from Sterling, III. William Carroll of Chicago will spend a few days in the South Side enroutc home from his vacation spent in Denver. Miss Margery Mortensen enter- afternoon in honor of her sixty-fourth i lamed at her home for the Good Sa anniversary. maritan Kensington on Friday after- Mrs. Ellen Brough entertained at ! Fam".v work occupied the time luncheon Friday afternoon in honor j al"' vcry dainty refreshments were of Mrs. Fisette and Mrs. hnima Hev-! served. Those present were Misses wood of Omaha. Mrs. Heywood Bertha Homan, Mildred Royer, Ber and Mrs. Brough were schoolmates j '' Winter, Edna White. Eva Kanger, and had not seen each other for l(-i"'r"' Mortensen and Margery Mor almost fortv years. ; tensen, Mesdames L. E. Knight, Mor- Mr. and 'Mrs. S. P. Johnson and , lyllsc" and Homan and Master Robert children, who have been living tor 1 Knight. two years at Holyokc, Colo., are ex-; Hie Misses Mary and Mahle Wy pected to return to Florence the first j ""s of Oklahoma City, Ruth Ncuman of the week, accompanied by Mrs. ! a"d l'car' McKinsey of Stanton, Neb., Sam Jensen and children, who have I been the house guests of Miss been visiting them the past two ' ictoria Barr at her home, 41 1,1 South weeks. ' I w enty-sixth street, for the last week. Mis. W. R. Wall and children, who I " Thursday they enjoyed a picnic have been visiting on the Pacific ' al KrllK P3'1 a,u) Friday a theater coast, have returned home. : I'ariy at the Empress. The Misses Mr. and Mrs. Henrv Anderson : Neuman and MeKmsey have returned leave the first of the week for a visit "'. 'n''V """" ut ,ne W ynes s v5 MrvCO.bowlcy surpiifl Mi .iiul Mt !cliniiii ,i( (lie Ilium o Mi M,t..ioni's iiii'llitl. nil Tliurstlav rt'iiin. I he i hil iin'm-!n-r tanu iiihi hitiK luu the Mini niRinv:: "W'c We (.mih i he M.m ricrl Trniorrovv " ."-fx-i'ml 'pfci lies were niaiir am! a prnria! Knt unit' c n i o y f I . Ntis A lire Kern i'i AuImmii. S(l, is a KiieM at the Manpan hninr, M 1 5 R street. Miss Ann Mrtiune rrp-tilnl to be slowly improving al 1 lie ie Memorial hospital. Clifford Knifjhl. son of Mr. an! Mrs. I F. Knight, left Tue.sda Inr Gordon and Super u r. is.. here he wilt spend the remainder ot the summer. Mrs. Jacob Meinzer. who has spent the last year in California, has re turned and is at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sandan, where she is quite . Mr. and Mrs. Albert Noe and children, accompanied by Margaret McW'illianis, have motored out to Vutan to spend a few days with Mrs. Noe's parents. jo Mr. Anderson's farm in Chieo. Cal. While out there they will visit San Francisco and Los Angles. Their daughter, Mable, is attending school at llerkeley and ihcy will spend some nine with her. The Fables will give a dance at their halt on Saturday evening, it be ing the anniversary of the fire that destroyed the building a year ago. John Sidner of Fremont, cb., is the guest ot Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Yoder this week. Mrs. V. A. Yoder entertained the W. C. T. t". at her home Tuesday evening. After the meeting refresh ments were served. Those present were Miss Avilda Sorenson, Miss Florence Faris, Miss Helen Peterson. Mrs. F. C. Uenton, and Mrs. Y. A. Yoder. Funeral of John G. Pegg Is to Be Held Today The funeral of John Grant I'cgg, j inspector of weights Liid measures, who died Thursday afternoon, two weeks after he was overcome with the heat, will he held trom St. John':, Alrtcati Methodist FpiMopal church. Fight tenth and Webster streets, tin afternoon a I J:M) w M li inter nirnt ;il Forest Fav. n cenieiery. I'c. J . Oahorn oiliciaiui with their mother are now cucsi.i of other friends. .Mrs. M. Kalamaja entertained the New Century club at her home Thurs day atteruoon. There were five ta bles of players. Frizes were won by Mesdames Moyd and Fitzgerald. M rs. Henry Flaf elder entertained at her home on South Thirteenth street the kensington of the Degree of Honor No. IV.) oirThursday. Dain ty refreshments were served. Mrs, Charles Winter was given a birthday surprise by the Fadies' Sew ing circle at her home. 4J08 South Nineteenth street. About sixteen were present and enjoyed a dainty lunch served by Mrs. Winter. Mr. and Mrs. Frank ( orrigan en tertained at a miscellaneous shower in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Mc Govern, who were recently married. Just the very old friends of the family were present and many very beauti i n I p; e-.cn is were received by the iiewhui iN. The Centurian club also West Ambler Social Activities Miss Marie Anderson has gone to Newell, la., for a visit with rela tives. Mrs. A. J. Grover of Council Rlutfs. was the guest of her son, F. G. Grover, last week. Charles Howland arrived Saturday from Gretna to visit his parents. Mr. and Mrs. F Howland. Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Willard r-f Hamburg, la., were guests nf Mr. and Mrs. 1. 'J. Fulmer last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Du Rae of Florence, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Johnson. Mrs. Orvillc Myers went to Col lins. Ia., Monday, to visit her mother. Mrs. Clyde Stultr and children went to Council Bluffs Friday to visit her aunt. Mrs. M. Rrowden. Mr. and Mrs. Bliss Sturgeon and two sons, and Mrs. Amy Schaff, ar rived Monday in their automobile from Alliance, Neb., on their way to Minneapolis. They were guests a few days of his aunt Mrs. J. Long. The Misses Ruth Elmborg, Emma Weisinging and Laura Treiber went to Meadow, Neb., Wednesday, on a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gantz welcomed a daughter to their home Thursday, August 3. Mrs. I. H. Crane left Thursday for Chariton, la., to visit his sister. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Syden wel comed a young son to their family cirrle on Monday. George GrorT, wife and four sons of Bellevue, were guests the first of the week of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Stultz. Mi&s Bertha Hensman gave a porch party Thursday afternoon to the Misses Eldora and Kdith Gantz, and Inez Treiber. The alumni of the class of 1912 of Beals' school gave a picnic at Jm wood park Saturday evening for their classmate, Miss Enid Nichols of Oklahoma. All members were pres ent. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown and two children of Lincoln, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur King. Miss Maud Childs left Saturday for Denver and other Colorado points to spend the rest of the month. Ernest Howland and bride arrived Saturday from Broken Bow to visit his brother, F-lmer Howland and fam ily. They probably will make their future home in West Side. Fdwin Lambert, wife and daugh ters, the Misses Edith. Ruby, and Ruth, motored to Boone, la., last week to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Justus of Yuma, Ariz., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Anderson last week. Miss Sadie Dunlap of Lincoln, is spending the week end with Mrs. David Johnson. Miss Mcta Anderson left Saturdav for a two weeks' vacation at Spirit Lake, la. Mrs. J. W. Morgan will entertain the West Side Christian Temperance union on Thursday afternoon, August It), at her home at I'iftieth and Leavenworth streets. The Mies F'lorence and Mildred Toomey of Bloomington, Til., ar rived Tuesday as giiesi of Mi--s Jn$ie Brady on W'est I'oppleton street. Mrs. Martin Johnson gave a ken sington Wednesday afternoon in honor of Miss Enid Nichols. Daiutv refreshments were served hv the WILL BE A BRIDE ON MONDAY. Dundee Society Notes Katherine, have joined the Omaha colony at Lake Okohoji. The Dundee Woman's Bowling club met as usual Wednesday for luncheon and the game. Hiss Mildred Louise Collins hoMes .mil dauglitei. Mis P (en sen I hoc ptrMtit weie Me-.d,uin - I Fung. ! I NciNon, I L( rear?. II I. t Liggett, I i el til : M isses Audi en and Agile--eiUi-n. el it Koc- n,. Don t h nth, 'Mitlh.i I oriK, ami I nid Nh h Mr Fe Rnv I'i iizrlle rntertamed at dinner Th nr. --day in honor of hei Hiie-.. Mrs C 1.. 1:. ans of St, Jo seph. Mo, Tlmse present were. Mrs danie- "had Smith, M . lurman. Frank Dunn, J. B. Fvans. 1. Dunn. I. F. Fwms, and L. F'raeHe. Mrs i J r 1 1 Grrken gave a dinuer (iii Wednesday in honor of her hus band's birthday to Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Kail of Benson; Mrs. ( ass Deane. and Mrs. . Potts and daughter. Benson Social Circles V F Stii77.neger of New York was a guest last week at the J. H. Yick home. Mrs. James Peterson has returned from a three weeks' trip to Shelby, la Misses F'.tliel Morgan and Lillian Siiger are spending some time at the Stigtr bungalow at Carter lake. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Musk left Sat urdav to spend a week visiting rela tives at Des Moines, la, Mrs. J. Appleby and daughter, Mrs. Henry Gaines, left Thursday for a trip to t olotano. Misses Madeline Hnrton and Ann Ploit leave Monday for a ten days' (rip to Kansas City. Mrs. L. Larsen and Mrs. H. C. Gugler ot Lincoln and Mrs. M. L. Paulson are guests at the L. Jorgen- son home. Mr. and Mrs. Briscoe of Cheyenne, Wyo., who are motoring to New York, are guests of ihcir sister, Mrs, Pauline Parkins. The Fnglish Luther league will meet for election of officers and a so cial at the church Wednesday even ing Misses F'dna Snell and Mertha Peterson and Messrs. B. . Peterson and Andrew Morton will entertain. Mrs. F. J. McArdle entertained at luncheon W'ednesday. The guests were Mrs. Laurence Fay of Kansas Citv, Mesdames F. J. Smicht, C. T. Cullen. J. P. O'Hanlan. F. McSwee ney. L, McSweeney, A. S. Ruth, C. W. Baldwin, Harry Post and J. Stave, Rev, and Mrs. J. Calvert and family are attending the F'pworth assembly at Lincoln, The children at St. James orphan age were given an automobile outing by Mr. Joe Hummel last week. Mrs. H. Johnson entertained at a birthday dinner in honor of her sister, Mrs. W. C. Kramer of Canada. Mr. and Mrs; F. L. Boner enter tained last week for Messrs. H. C. Polly of Hurley, Idaho, and A. J Marh of Shenandoah, la. Mrs. J. L. Rewey entertained at dinner last week for Miss I ra Dulion of Biloxi, Mich., and Mrs. A. S. Bill ings of Omaha Mrs. J. N , Morton entertained at dinner Wednesday evening. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pence, Mrs. J. Appleby of Benson. Mrs. A. . Leach of Snllwelf, Kan., and Mrs. William Gaines of F!k City Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Uose of Avoca, eb., who have been isiting at the F. V Bowerman home, left last week for I'pland, Cal.. to spend a year, Mrs. Kay Pobinson was lio!ess for the Baptist Phileatlua ciavs la-1 Mon day evening Mrs. A. Danicisoti will be hostess for the Augustana Lutheran Ladie-.' Aid society next Thursday, and the women will give an ice cream social Friday evening on the A. Seivcrs law n. Announcements have been received ot the marriage of Miss Litia Wash burn of I'lcnsn:) and Charles K, Ken nedy at Laramie. Wyo., on Wednes day ot !at week, at the home of the bride's ;imii1. Mi John Smart. They w ill i cMd'' in 1 .a: air ic. Mis. J II ( on i ad and dinihtei , : Kathryn and Dr. eenta, have gone j to spend the rest of the summer at i i tear Waler Lake, Minn. ! "I he Ladie-,' id sot ietv of the ' Dundee Piesby lei ian i hurch met Fri day ai ihe home ol Mis IF C iSaird. I h and M i . II. I'. 1 .eniere enter- i tiiiiinl Di and Mis V Walker at 1 d.iiiiei at Happ llidli.w lasi :nda . enmis , Mis Alono Itiadlcv left I ucm1.iv i.-i DetiMil I'lom their .-lie will go to iMt old tru iids and lelative m i n I'Mtgland tui two niiiiillis Messrn IF Mouow bad six r sei at ion- and Uiowu, two, at Happ Hobn last Sainiday rr- IMUg Mi and Mrs ( t . ( m m K-e bae bt'cii ,ii N.niliH'ket. and aie now inak mi a ci in e m a -a ding .u lit w i li li and Mis I. F I i..tont Mi and Mis : A lirnM.n. tlie M res Alexander and Mr. I 'rank 1 b hi, left last week lot Lake Okob.ill. Di . Luima De t ies of ( lin ag is the guest u Mi s. Sa1Hir ( Mini t . Mi-s Lillian Tiber a id Mr, 1 teoi e Paltci son ai e imimik hi pnngiield. Mass. and will p. mm ili.'ie to Poitland. M. L ..nd Mi- V, llMagl.ind and chlbllen left the hiM of ilie week loi a isti to ,i iamb neai Loveland. O.l,. i Mi l.i'iii.r lir.iitl i'f 1 .i m I it. nlir ha- lifcii till- fin-si n( lllc Mis. -I' l"ri'mr ,iihI li-.innM' !)ti. ipiiiim ,! I" I M" 1 IliHMf rilmv'l.n h-s K'ulli I lut - i ,,i I Miiisvillr. Kv . Im lirrn 1 1 : - Kn'-. t .,i Mis- I.Imim" ( M .'i li 1 lu i rk Ml- KmIiiti MmIIi.i,., ,,,,, I rhilrlri'll . Ii.ivr ntiinifil hum tluii -Mjoiirn en t t HIU li IIP al Sim itl.r.i. in. iiiH'-is .f Mar lli;,ili, ih I amil- imii .it ilir Happy II,.1!mu matinee ; I ur-ilay werr Mi-rs Mildrfl ( llnrv ; f M itllicapnlis, Marv I r-hr. I.ufllp' I lv. Maudf Milk i, I. ulu Miller ami Mil.hfd White. Mi. and Mr.-, (ipnt-je Fedick cnler tamed at dinner at the Country club ! I ursday lor Mi.-.- Nan Madden ol N" in Icy, N. J. In honor of the hirthday of lier KianddaiiRhter, Miss Mildred Olncy, mi Minneapolis, Mrs. Charles UragR Kavo an ininnnai uinclieon al lier Iniine Saturday. The other young women were Mary Klirabeth Hamil ton, Marian Junes, Mary Leslie and Kvelyn Bancroft. Dr. Henry H. l.emere attended a medical meeting in Norfolk Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. I'aul C. Johnston, son of Mr. and Mrs. I). L. Johnston, was married Tuesday to Miss Clare Johnson of! Nebraska City. The ceremony was! performed at the home of the bride's parents by Dr. Stephen I'helps of Bellevue college, where the young people met while students at the col lege, several years ago. Ih'. and Mrs. Charles O'Neil Rich entertained at a chicken supper and -uinimiiiK party at Valley, for Mr. Walter Sroil I'enfield of Washington, Their other guests were Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Berryuian, Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Bacon, Misses l.uclie Bacon, Queenie Spencer of Chicago and Mr. Stockton lleth. I'aliue Johnson had a few little girls at here home for luncheon Sat urday. Those present were Sarah Martin, Josephine tllick, Mildred White, Dorothy Jones, Beth Cole, j Eleanor and Adnee Hamilton audi Pauline Johnson. Mrs. W. L. Selby and daughter, I What Is Going on In Society Circles H'ontliHirri from I'm Two.) have foi Lake Okohoji, where they . ill spend ihiee weeks al Pike Point Mis I. ulu P Mathews nf the south side, and sistei. Mrs M, N. Drake ol I ouiM'ilte. lett 'I hursday tnr Min neapolis, point in Montana and Gla i n i National park Leonard Mathews, who has been with his uncle in Mon tana, will return with them the last ol August M is lleriba ( offcy. Miss Mary I I anion and M iss M argaret O'Toole b ii l-i id.n to )oni Mis-. Millie Ryan in the dirondack mountains. From 1 1 if t e i he y will go in New York, where h I oft'ey rspects to remain a eai. Miss llanlon mx months and Miss ( )' I oole only one mouth. Mi l-.nl H Ward has returned iti''t a month's trip in the northwest oid alnni; tlie coast. He was accom pained by Mrs Ward and son, Mar- in. but thev remained at a cottage which they have taken al Long Beach, i al They an- en i husiast ic specta lois at the tennis tournament at the I loiel Virginia Father Sent to Jail For Ninety Days for Failure to Support 1 he father behind the bars for ninety days, mother in the county hospital m a delicate condition and two little tots, 3 years and 20 months old, respectively, in the Riverview home afflicted with a malignant dis ease. This is the story of the condi tion of the family of Roy McGuigan. LharRed with failing to support his little tamily, McGuigan was Saturday sentenced to ninety days in the county jail. Ihe case of Mri. McGuigan was nrSct brought to the attention of the county commissioners, and the was placed in the county hospital for medical attention, where her 3-year-old daughter, Edna, and the little 5411, aged .!() months, had preceded her through the good graces of the county board. Burlington Wants Damage Case in Federal Court Attorneys for the Bui .ngton filed an answer to the suit filed against the railway asking $10,000 personal damages, by Antonio Rihel, who as sorts that while aiding her husband in a tussle with detective, of the com pany sho was permanently injured. HurlniBton attorneys ask the case moved to the district court of the Cnited States and deny all allegations of the mother of five children. The emhroglio occurred August 28 at Sec ond and Woolworth. Woman Assaulted and Robbed and Piled in Car Mrs. Beulah Specie. 2202 Clark street, was held up Friday evening at Twentieth and Izard streets. She was badly beaten up, robbed of $10 and then taken to a nearby box car where she vas further assaulted. She w'as found in the car by Officer Charles Walker. "I made this pretty yoke for my self V H 'i,0 ' Kloster lends U 1 :W J Dastime to V J 1 v,,, i 00' a .gentle art V Overcome by Heat While At Work in a Laundry; C. S. Kantcheit of the (iarret laun dry was uvcrcnnie by the heat while! at wnrk, and was taken tn the I.ter 1 in spit al, where his condition is, re- I ported an favorable. a -i. a i Skinners THE HIGHEST QUALITY MACARONI J6 Agr Xrclpe Book Free JKIKNER MFG. CO.. OMAHA. U.5.A. lAJtGtST MACARONI FACTORY IN AMtRICA SHIPP'S Optical i .k wafch and .c? Shan r lUth M OppnMI Homo Ffnt1. f l.r-.l-, 1'IHII i f 1 iKllf-tft hHl1ltT DANCING WHY GO TO NEW YORK? M r. ChaniDt-ri. hun rranK'l with Mr, Oncnr Iurea '!" New Yiirk, :in Aincrii'an Hiithnniy in 1 1n- art of tcailnntf " ultra umart" mmli'rn riatife. l inntrut at .Mr. ChnmtiiV iuHii. Cafl! Hotel, Omaha, from Aimiifl Tih to AuKuot 12th, tUlfi, in the utt.-i iunt-e as dancrd in Nfw York. (."Ol'nSE A H y Mr. Puryra, Mornings, lO .tn A. M. to l':!t0 V. M. COritSK n Hv Mr. (hanihm. Morn- niK. .00 A. M. 10:110 A. M. ; ;t :00 !'. M. to 1 :P0 V. M. tnntniftum in 'rVrhmqur, r'lastiqnp. Tnc. Itn.'k ii ml Y ijik. t'lannii'. Slags and Sivinl pHtn-im;. Daii v dtmotiht mi ions hy pupiN of Mi CliMinlwr Irlrphone DnnU 1S71 or PoiiRlai Kloster lends pastime to a gentle art Real edgincs arc scarcer and harder to buy. so miladv makes her own and enjoyj doing o. It is a pleasure to creite beautiful thing! when you know they will have the splendid qwrfUy of Klorter crochet cottoni to enhance your own handiwork. That U why at every "crochet klatch' you eeeso many ladies using Kloster. KlosteR JJ IL.ttOCHET"EMBR0IDEKY COTTONS ll.il "Whilt that $tayi uihitt-eolon that hut" Klostir Free instructions for Cut out thl announwmetit -..a. J rrrwtit it to your deler experts ana begtnners -hewm give you Vrkb our Crocheted Yike and KJuinu folder No. 3U. illustrating and gtv-ing titches in detail fur ."S new drsiKn. If jour dealer cannot supply you with this Folder, send m hi name and three two-cetit lumps for tlie FREK XMsTRt'CTIONa. The Thread Mills Co. axirSt- SPFCIAL If ye nnaMg to obtain Klosttr from ym O v V V H dtalrr, u-rue to us dtiet, tnJoiing 30c fo r r three fulKuxed ICk trial AiA'j of Kloster Cor donnet or perle- add it. poitage aid net put uitnuJiow. New Style Picture Frames, A. HOSPE CO., 1513 Douglas St.