Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 12, Image 12

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    12 A
The Reo Models and Prices
Two Important Price Redactions Two Interesting New Models
Prefaced by a Few Pertinent Paragraphs
Pertaining to the Reo Policy and Program
Th New Four Cylinder, J -plunger Reo Roadster, $171
Th sew Ro the Fifth, "The IncompartbU Foar." NT
Th N Fow-Cjrllodlr Rto Eocloitd Car, 1 1 01 J
Tk New 4-puico(cr Rm Six Kosastcr, IUJ0
Tlw Kn 7wenfer 1m Six Tourlnf Cir, (US!
Till New Reo SU 7pasenfjer Sedan, $l?3ft
ljOO-ponnd Reo "Speed Wagoo," $1000
IjMRST LET US SAY, since ft Is relevant at this
time, that Reo has not, is not now, and will
not be concerned in, or a part of, any merger,
combination or consolidation with other automobile
THE AIR HAS BEEN FULL of rumors of pro
posed plans for the uniting of several rival con
cerns for weeks past. The wildest rumors have
gained currency and some credence.
ANY CONCERN THAT COULD by its financial
standing lend strength; by its organization and
experience lend confidence; or by its reputation
lend respectability to such a plan, has been
mentioned in the gossip.
AND SO REO, THE PIONEER financially one
of the strongest in the world has been much
discussed, much coveted by promoters.
THAT'S WHY WE SAY at this time and we de
sire to make it as strong and clear as words can
convey Reo is not and will not be one of these.
REO WILL CONTINUE to do business at the old
stand in the old Reo way, striving from day to
day to give to Reo buyers just as much of value
as our experience and facilities will permit and
that, as you already know, has always been just
a little more than you could obtain elsewhere.
Nothing save the legitimate product of our fac
tories. WE ARE MANUFACTURERS not promoters.
Merchandisers not stock manipulators.
THAT WHICH WE HAVE we prize so highly
none other could see the value we'd put on it.
WE HAVE A PERMANENT business of how
many other automobile concerns can that be
truly said? That asset who can inventory
who appraise?
combinations, nor against those who make or
who join them. Undoubtedly they are good
for those on the inside.
AS TO THEIR INFLUENCE for good or ill on
the trade or the consumer time alone can tell.
Anyway that question has not been asked, nor
that phase considered, apparently so why
should we try to answer it?
WE WILL SAY THIS THOUGH that the spirit
of "I've got mine, so I don't care," which is
invariably preceded by "When I get mine, etc."
has, in our opinion, seriously retarded this
great industry and lowered the general standard
of the product.
TOO FEW HAVE BUILT for permanency too
many alas, for the quick clean-up.
GROOMING A BUSINESS for such a coup In
volves forcing production to the limit to show
paper profits and the result is a product of
mediocre quality at best.
where we could put the money (did we listen to
the siren song of the promoter); we don't know
where we could reinvest the money with equal
safety and with as good prospects for, not larger,
but as steady and certain returns permanently.
We don't know.
THE REO POLICY IS SUCH; the Reo product
is such; Reo reputation is such; that this bus
iness is as sound, as permanent, as sure as any
other business in the world in or out of the
automobile industry bar none. It is so re
garded by bankers and business men the world
ASK YOUR OWN BANKER he will tell you.
SO WHAT COULD WE GET in return for this
business (honestly get, of course) that would be
a fair exchange.
and that pride of achievement is its greatest
guarantee of quality in the product to you
and of its permanence to us.
some might call foolish sentiment but which
we, old fashioned Reo folk, regard most seri
ously namely, the obligations we have as
sumed toward distributors and dealers and buy
ers of Reo Motor Cars and Trucks.
COULD WE, IN HONOR, entrust to any other the
fulfillment of those obligations and enjoy the
money we had received?
WE REO FOLK HOLD that the sale of a car is
not the consummation, but only the beginning
of a transaction.
TO OUR WAY OF THINKING we assume, at the
time we accept the check in payment, an ob
ligation that shall endure so long as that car is
in operation.
old fashioned, we've been told.
BUT THIS IS AN AD and we should talk business
"hard cold business" in an ad. So we'll say no
more on that subject I Leave it to those who
are interested in such things those who have a
YOU WANT TO KNOW everybody always wants to know
what models Reo will make the coming year, and the
price of each.
chassis models we mean. You do not look for, do not
expect, do not want new chassis models from Reo.
THAT ISN'T THE REO WAY. Refinements of course.
Detail improvements wherever and whenever we can
find a place or a way to make them.
NOTHING RADICALLY NEW Is ever offered to Reo
buyers. For it isn't new when it gets to you it has been
thoroughly tried and conclusively proven before we let
it get into a Reo car.
NEW BODY TYPES YES and some that put Reo in the
highest class of cars in looks as well as in performance and
longevity. We'll treat of each in turn.
REO THE FIFTH COMES FIRST, of course. First not
only among Reos, but among motor cars.
FOR THIS IS THE GREATEST automobile ever built, w
verily believe.
THIS IS THE SEVENTH SEASON that Reo the Fifth has
been standard in practically its present form.
We will not increase we cannot lower it.
ACTUAL COST OF MAKING is now more (150 more) than
when the present price, $875, was set a year ago. And we
had made this model so long; had so refined and perfected
manufacturing processes; had reached such an high state
of efficiency in production; and cut dealers'discountssolow
that we had, then, reached rock bottom.
IT WAS AN ACHIEVEMENT of the first magnitude to
produce such a car and sell it at such a price $875.
" TODAY YOU SEE OTHERS increasing prices all along tha
line. They must do so. They have no choice.
ORDINARY BUSINESS RULES dictate that we also "tilt"
the price of Reo the Fifth $50 at least.
BUT REO PRIDE PROMPTS that we absorb the extra cost.
as we have for months past, and keep the pnee where it IS
until conditions will, happily, return to normal.
chassis, same price, is the smartest thing on wheels the
most popular car in the world among physicians, and all
professional and business men. Also $875.
TO-SUPPLY A GROWING DEMAND for an enclosed body
on Reo the Fifth chassis, we have planned to build a
limited number. The quality will be Reo which is to
say, excellent. The top is rigidly supported at front and
rear. Removable glass panels convert it into a veritable
limousine for winter, and these discarded and with Jiffy
curtains (which are also furnished) it is an ideal summer
touring car. The price is $1025.
THE NEW REO SIX will continue in its present popular
forms the 7-passenger touring car and the classy 4
passenger roadster; and we will make a limited number
with Sedan bodies to supply an insistent demand for this
type of body on this splendid chassis.
THE PRICE IS REDUCED $100 on the 7-passenger and
roadster models. Now $11501
NOW YOU WONDER, and naturally, how we can reduce the
price of the Reo Sii models and not the Four especially
after what we have just told you about the increased cost
of production.
SEEMS ILLOGICAL at first blush doesn't it? But it isn't.
For the truth is never illogical. And the truth is that
despite the present higher prices of materials and labor
still it costs us less to make this six-cylinder model than it
did a year ago.
BY THE WAY there's the greatest possible example of the
workings of the Reo plan and its beneficence to buyers.
REO THE FIFTH SOLD FOR $1250 in 1912. Its price was
reduced by successive stages from year to year as follows;
$1175, $1050, and now is $875 f.o.b. Lansing.
SAME CAR? No an infinitely better car for each year we
have incorporated refinements and added equipment as
the art has developed.
AND WE TOLD YOU EACH YEAR the reason for the re
duction that we had absorbed a portion of the initial
experimental, tool jig, die and special equipment cost,
and were giving you the benefit.
THIS POPULAR REO SIX is now in its third season. It
has passed the same stages through which it's great four
cylinder namesake went initial costs have been absorbed,
charged off. And in accordance with that unswerving
Reo policy we give the buyer the benefit and set the price
at $1150 f.o.b. Lansing.
WE WILL MAKE A LOT MORE of those 4-passenger Six.
Roadsters the coming season. We underestimated the
appeal and the demand for this model It proved one of
the most popular Reos ever built.
OUR RECORDS INDICATE that the majority of those who
bought Reo Six Roadsters the past season were men who
formerly had paid $3000 to $6000 for their cars.
HERE'S A THOUGHT FOR YOU: If yoh must "count the
cost" you can't do better than to follow the lead of tho
millionaire in the selection of an automobile.
FOR THE MAN WHO CAN "afford to pay any price he
likes" for a car, is the very man who doesn't. He insists
on real value for his money and his knowledge of values
more often dictates a Reo than any other.
THE SIX SEDAN speaks for itself, though, truth to tell, an
illustration does it scant justice.
YOU MUST SEE IT where you can study its artistic lines
and faultless finish to fully appreciate this latest Reo
which wc price at $1750.
NOW A WORD ABOUT THE TRUCKS since 90 per cent
of all Reo automobile distributors also handle Reo motor
PRICE OF THE 1500-POUND REO "Speed Wagon" has
been reduced to $1000.
SAME REASON SAMEPOLICY reduced cost of manu
facture despite higher present cost of materials as enun
ciated in speaking of the Reo Six.
NEVER SINCE THE DAY this model was announced and
we made only one general announcement in the whole
year have we been able to supply the demand. Never,
though the new Reo Truck plant covers 4)4 acres of
ground and is running to capacity.
AND THAT TWO-TON REO. What shall we say? What
need we say? We submit, it is the greatest 2-Ton motor
truck in existence. Has been standard for longer. Has
given greater proof of its sturdiness and efficiency and low
cost of upkeep.
IF WE ARE TO JUDGE by that over-demand, we'may well
assume that we could sell all that we could make were
the price $2500, instead of $1650.
AND FINALLY A WORD about the big general plan a
brief reiteration of the Reo policy.
WE STILL ADHERE to our determination never to make
more Reo cars or trucks than we can make and make every
one good.
TEMPTATION IS GREAT of course. Dealers protesting,
buyers begging for more Reos. But we know we know
on what solid foundation this Reo success was built;
and we'll jealously guard that policy to the last.
RIGHT NOW AUGUST there are more orders on hand
at the factories than at any previous time in Reo history.
Orders hopelessly in excess of factory output and that
also is greater than ever before.
AND RIGHT NOW Reo stands higher in the esteem of buy
ers and of the trade than ever before.
$30,000,000 PER ANNUM is not small by any means. Reo
is in fact one of the largest in point of production. We
have no ambition, however, to be the largest. Don't want
to make all the automobiles only the best.
RATHER THAN INCREASE the quantity we shall strive
always to improve the quality so that, as the art ad
vances and cars generally improve, still Reo will continue
to be known as "Ik Gold Standard oj Valua."
tjfru IF il
. s laur "S6' roadster models. Now snaui -SS tSj 1
JL tlLZg j Factorieai Lansing. Michigan (x? THE SSsvC
! SBgjk. ' mi""-'- Omaha, Nebraska. Hastings, Nebraska. KJ i V OfF A"i 111 s ((Ss
f-tse Kto Truck (Chassis oalr, with Driver! Seat and Cab) $1M Distributors Eastern and Northern Nebraska Distributors Southern and Western Nebraska tVv'Sk. x 1 n I 1 1 j(wSy
and Western Iowa. and Northwestern Kansas. ?(n. s""" Xyy