THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JULY 25. 1916. Nebraska STATUS OF GUARD POLITICIANS UP This -Is a Question Likely to Create Some Difficulty Before Election. ARE DIFFERENT OPINIONS Lincoln, July 24. (Special) matter which is likely to create some difficulty in Nebraska between now and the election is the statue of fnem bers of the state guard who have been mustered into the United States service and are now on the border, who are candidates for office this fall and especially those who are candi dates for the state legislature. The matter iust now hinges on the eligibility of Major Grant Douglas of 1 the third battalion of the fourth in fantry, whose home is in Osceola and who has been nominated by the re publicans for the state legislature, his opponent being J. N. Norton, leader of the democratic majority in the last session and chairman of the House finance committee. -Other Opinions in Matter. There are different opinions in the matter and all hinges on the proposi tion of whether an officer of the state guard disqualifies himself from hold ing a legislative position after he has been sworn into the United States service. Article VII, Sec. 3 reads: "Every elector in the actual military service of the United States or of this state, and not in the regular army, may ex ercise the right of suffrage at such place and under such regulations as may be provided by law." Article ill, Sec. o reads: "No per son holding office under the authority 4 J of the United States or any lucrative office under the authority of this , state shall be eligible to or have a ;' seat in the legislature, but this pro- ' visio shall not extend to officers of the militia." The whole proposition appears to hinge on whether militia officers who i have taken the federal oath are to be T considered in the same class as of W fleers of the regular army. , In the event that Major Douglas 11 should be declared eligible if elected. t ! f 's ProDa',le tnat as 'onK as 'her is no active service for his regiment in Jr Mexico and there is nothing except patrol duty on the border, that he could receive a leave of absence dur ing the session of the legislature. Attorney General Reed is looking up the matter while General riall will confer with the war department to' see to what extent " the eligibility clause may carry in the case of Major Douglas. - Demos Scared by Coolnes of Faithful (From a Staff Correspondent) Lincoln, July 24. (Special.) To say that state house democrats are worried is putting it very mildly. They have been loud in proclaiming that the farmers this year were in tensely interested in the political sit uation and were all or most of tnem going to vote for President Wilson because of the great prosperity of the country and the big crops. The lesson of last Saturday, when twenty country precincts failed to send delegates to the Lancaster dem ocratic county convention and the at tendance was so small that a commit tee had to be sent out to round up the delinquents and herd them into the auditorium, has shown that they have had their wires crossed. At no ' time during the convention were there more than 100 or 150 delegates in the room and a great many of them were there by virtue of the fact that Felix Newton had armed himself with 'proxies and presented them to every man who would accept them in order to get a quorum. At one time the attempt was made to vote by roll call, but the steering committee saw that such action would show how few delegates there were present and the thing was knocked in the head after Mr. New ton had rushed around and whispered to several of his henchmen. The convention was in such strong contrast to the republican county convention of the Saturday before, both in attendance and enthusiasm, that democratic stock in Lancaster county has gone down far below the zero point, and still appears to be dropping rapidly. r 7 r State Horticultural Experts Plan a Trip (From a Staff Correspondent ) Lincoln. July 24. (Special.) Hor ticulturists of Nebraska are counting on August 2, 3 and 4 and will hold a field trip and joint meeting on those dates in conjunction with the South western Iowa Horticultural society. Secretary J. R. Duncan has sent out the following letter to all Nebraska members, which contains instructions and intormation as to the trip: Wednesday, August X. Meet at the Grand hotel In Council Bluffs at t a. m. Visit the orchards, vineyards and greenhouses in fruit district around Council Blurts. Banket din ner at grape (rowers' picnic, meeting Iowa Horticultural society at experiment etatlon orchard. Spend the night In either Council Bluffs or Omaha. Thursday, August J. Meet at the Hotel Rome, Omaha, 7:30 a. m. Route for day North and west to Florence, visiting or chards and vineyards In that vicinity; south and west to Beaver's orchard, near Kalstuir visit onhards near Papllllon and back to South Omaha for dinner. South to Platta mouth, Union, and vlshlng . M. Pollard's orchard at Xehawka. From Nehawka ou to Nebraska, where "Arbor Lodge," or the Morton farm, as well as other orchards will be visited. Night will be spent here. Friday, August 4. Meet at the Grand hotel, 7:30 a. m. Cross Missouri river to Hamburg, visiting orchards of J. M. Bech tel, A. A. Simons and C. E. Mincer; the seed house of Henry Field; nurseries of D 8. Lake and E. 8. Welch at Shenandoah -orchard of F, P. Spencer at Randolph, and those near Malvern and Qlenwood. Trip III. end at Qlenwood In evening. DEATH RECORD. Mrs. John Holms, Sr. Plattsmnuth M-h T..K. ?A c for more than fifty years' lived near -inurray, mm county, but who re cently moved to Hartington, this state, died at the home of her son, John Holmes, jr. The body arrived at Murray today. Burial at the Young ccmcicry, near mat city, I ucsday. Sixty Delegates of Platte County Are At Columbus Meet Columbus, Neb., July 24. (Special Telegram.) Sixty delegates from Platte county out of 113 attended the county convention here this afternoon five precincts failed to send delegates Henry Schacker of St. Bernard was elected as permanent chairman and S. P. Drinin of this city secretary. The following delegates were elec ted to go to Hastings: 0, B. Spice, Jerry Carrlf, Nick Helmmer, William Pollard, Ed Miles, Henry Schacker. J. C. Byrnes, Dr. R. Neumarker, Mark Burke, D. C. Kacanaugh, C. J. Carrlg, G. W. Phillips, Edgar Howard. Chris Gruen ther. Chris Wunderllch, R. C. Regan. S. Drinin, Dr. F. H. Morrow, Frank Kersen brock. Dr. F. B, Cyphers. J. C. Byrnes wanted the delegation instructed but G. W. Phillips opposed Byrnes in his determination, who could pot get a second to his motion and each delegate will vote as he pleases. The following resolutions were pas sed favoring the candidacy of Edgar Howard, candidate for lieutenant gov ernor: The democracy of Platte county recognii gln thelmportance of the office of lieutenant governor, feel a deep Interest In the candi dacy for the office of our fellow townsman, Hon. Edgar Howard, Mr. Howard has by voice and pen been preaching progressive democracy In Nebraska tor the many years, his advanced Ideas upon the question of state ownership of water powers and his advocacy of a public warehouse law In in terests of the farmers should appeal with special emphasis to the voters of Nebraska, his election will Insure the senate of tho Nebraska legislature a gifted presiding of ficer and one who at all times can be de pended upon to throttle the vicious legisla tion sought by favorite seeking corporations. We recommend his candidacy to the voters of this county regardless of politlrs and pledge our earnest effort In his behalf, this was unanimously passed. Seek to Have Man Freed From Prison (Prom a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, July 24. (Special.) Sheriff Carl Cox of Box Butte coun ty with Charles Tillett and Charles Gillette of the same county called on Governor Morehead afternoon to present the case of Ray Tompkins, who is serving a term in the peniten tiary fo assault and "robbery. Tompkins claims that he got in bad company and while drunk assaulted a farmer and robbed him of $200. Upon this confession he received his sentence. It is now claimed that as a result of that confession a tough gang in that community was broken up and the house in which they lived and where the crime was committed has become a respectable place. Be cause of this his friends think Tomp kins should receive a pardon and has been sufficiently punished in the three months he has served. I Progressives Send Pool Endorsements (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln. Tulv 24. (Special.) Sec retary of State Pool today eceived the following endorsements of the progressive state committee of repub lican candidates: Presidential Electora-at-Large Fred H. Richards of Fremont and Harry 3. Byrne of Omaha. Presidential Electors Edward W. Miskell of Lincoln, U. P. Swansea or Omaha, George F. Wall of Fremont, Thomas J2. Williams of Aurora. Declinatoins from nominations for the above offices accompanied the filings, being John Lewis of Omaha, Eric Tuorell of Oakland, Francis A. Gue of Tecumseh, Nelson T. Thorson of Omaha, and C. S. Boggs of Filley. H. Gordon Cross of St. Ldward had already filed his declination. Woman Thrown From Mawer By Runaway Horses Tecumseh. Neb.. July 24. (Spe cial.) Mrs. Derr, wife of Joseph C. Derr, the family home being six and one-half miles west of Tecumseh, is suffering from the effects of a runaway accident. Mrs. Derr had been assist ing her husband in the hay field, driv ing a team to a mower. She had started to drive to the barn when her team became frightened. Mrs. Derr succeeded in keeping her seat on the mower until she had successfully guided the running horses over a small brldee. when, as the team gave a lunge forward, she was thrown back ward trom tne mower, one angniea upon her head and shoulders, suffer ing considerable injury to her head especially. No bones were broken. Mrs. Derr was unconscious for three hours, but is now reported to be get ting along veryewell. Former Tecumseh Man Kills Self at Denver Tecumseh. Neb.. July 24.-r-.fSpe- cial.j Denver papers of last Monday have been received nere giving an ac count of the suicide of Thomas R. Walter. Mr. Walter, a erocerv clerk and said to have gone to Denver from Lincoln six weeks before, took his own life by asphyxiation, carefully plannig the deed. He was single, was aged 29 years, formerly lived in the western part ot this county ano nas relatives residing here. Despondency was given as the cause of suicide. Fanners' Union Picnic at Lyons. Lyons, Neb., July 24. (Special.) The Farmers' union picnic on the Blackbird, east of here, was a great success, with a large attendance. Sneakinrr. ball games and races were features. The West Side ball team de feated the Jefferson boys, V to 0. Ba- teries: Johnson ana usberg; Larson and Holmes. A wrestling exhibition was given bv Oliver Johnson and John Kingry of Bancroft. The prin cipal orator was J. Campbell of Cen tral City, WeD. IOWA VOTERS AND THE PRIMARY LAW Answers of Republican County Chairmen Indicate Dissatis faction With the System. MANY FAVOR AMENDMENT AN OLD PROVERB It used to be proverbial that every man ( and it is certainly no less true of woman) is either a fool or a phy sician at forty. This means that every intelligent person must learn so much about caring for his own health that by the time he is forty years of age he can almost be reckoned as a phy sician. Why then is there so muoh talk by doctors against "self-medication"? A woman can recognize all ordinary ail ments without calling on a doctor. If they are ailments distinctive to her sex she generally "knows enough to use that greatest of all remedies for such ailments, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and likewise she is familiar with the standard rem edies for other diseases. Adv. es Moines, la., July 24. (Special.) In order to ascertain the sentiment over the state on the primary law, Charles A. Rawson, chairman of the republican state central committee, recently sent out a list of questions on the primary Ind the attitude of the voters toward it, to all county chairmen. The replies indicate con siderable dissatisfaction with the pri mary law. the hrst question asked was: "Would like your opinion as how the voters in your county are satisfied witn tne present primary lawr To this eight counties replied the voters were satished with it and htty one replied they were not. The next question was: "Would the voters want the present law re pealed and go back to the convention nominations again?" From twenty- six counties the reply was that the voters would favor the repeal entirely and twenty-eight replied they would favor modifications in the law. The next question asked was: "What changes can you suggest for the better working of the present law?" To this there were a variety of answers. Among them the fol lowing. "Go back to the convention system for state officers." Fault With Voters. "Let the law alone and educate the voter. The fault is with the voter." "Hold county and state conventions as we used to. "Cut out red tape in county pri maries. ' Our primaries are held too early. They should be held when it is time to open the campaign and les son the expense of the primary and of tne candidates. "Resolutions were passed (at coun ty convention) recommending that tnat next legislature enact a law re turning to a modified form of old con vention system." Nominate governor. United States senator, congressman and county offi cers at a primary and also delegates to the state convention. Nominate all other officers by convention. State Nomination by Convention. "Hold primary for countv. Con vention for state nominations." If we should now return to dele gate system I believe the average voter would complain that he had lost some of his former privileges." "Re-enact the primary law so as to make it optional with the counties." "Hold presidential and June prima ries at the same time." "I think if state officers were chos en at state convention and county officers at a primary the proper result would be attained." "Intelligent and fair-minded voters are not satisfield." "If present law is continued Some way should be found to keep the democrats trom helping the rcpub licans nominate candidates." "Keep the law for governor." "Simplify it." "Delegates to county conventions are fixed in the back rooms and the law does no good. "Abolish the presidential preference primary and change the June prv marv to SeDtcmber." Repeal of all parts of the law ex cept such as relate to the higher ofh cers of the ticket appears to be the most DOpular remedy according to the replies received. Several chair men stated frankly that the law was satisfactory to the voters, but was a thorn in the side of the politicians. As is shown by the replies above, many think it is all right for county offices and for delegates to the state convention, but not for state officers. 1 Building Burned at Curtis. .Curtis, Neb., July 24. (Special Telegram.) The building containing Heaton s barber shop and bath rooms was totally destroyed by fire last night during a wind and rainstorm. Part of the contents was saved, and the firemen prevented the spread of the blaze to Murray s hotel, adjoin ing. I he structure was owned by Dan Ragan of Sterling, Colo. His loss is covered by insurance. Eczema Is Conquered Greasy salves and ointments should not be applied if good clear skin is wanted. From any druggist for 26c or $1.00 for extra large size, get a bottle of semo. When applied as directed, it effectively removes eecema, auicklv stons itching and heals skin troubles. also sores, burns, wounds and chafing. It penetrates, cleanses and soothes. Zemo is dependable and inexpensive. Try it, as we believe nothing you have ever used is as effective and satisfying. Zemo, Cleveland. Tan, Red or Freckled Skin Is Easily Shed To free your summer-soiled skin of Its muddiness, freckles, blotches or tan, the best thing to do is to frea yourself of the sain Itsell. This is easily accomplished by the use of ordinary mereolized wax. which can be had at any drug store. Use at night as you use eoia cream, washing it on in the morning. Immediately the offending sur face skin begins to come off in fine powder like particles. Gradually the entira cuticle Is absorbed, without pain or inconvenience. The second layer or akin now In evidence pre sents a spotless whiteness and sparkling beauty obtainable in no other way. If the heat tends to loosen and wrinkle your skin, there's an effective and harmless remedy you can readily make at home. Ju.t let an ounce of powdered saxolite dissolve in a half-pint witch hatei and bathe your face in the liquid. This at once tightens the skin and smooths out the lines, making you look ysara younger. Advertisement. "Snuffens" lor Hay Fever. You can stop that sneealng, and seeurs a clear Head and Eyes, by tea aae at Cook's Hay Fever Relief. It Is applied to both the nose and ayes, and is of benefit to thousands who are now using It. It la a remedy of Merit, and can be obtained at all Drag Stores, or will be mailed to you direct upon receipt of 11.00. Write for Pamphlet COOK CHEMICAL COMPANY, Caspar, Wyoming, U. S. A, BRIEF CITY NEWS "Townittnd'i for Ntwtlm mhI.m fcHwtrte Fan, $?.SO Bur ru -Grand). Co. H Root Print It Now Beacon Priw II If -kit mt Whit lHamonds, .S. FMholm llmr "tYhtMi the Hoys Com Homo" An nppcihnir military ballad tuns by Evn WIN llmna, Victor record No. 64,64, at Orchard A WntwllTT. rrobato ricrk Takr Vacation riydo C, Hni,.tl.iml. proton t rit-rk In tin? offtc of County Jtittg-0 Bryc Crawford, ti taking a two weeks' vacation. "Today n .Uo.1 I'm tram', claanlfled aec Hon today. It iipear In The Bet eiclu tvoly. Kind out what tho various moving plctur theaters offer. Loam at Old Matching Game D. A. Pavta of Batard. Minn., matched coin with two stranger near Union Htatlon, andat the and of th game was ! tn the hole, lie re Parted the affair to the police, and later Jim Johnson of Chicago was arrested, Eddyville Man Dies of Injury in Auto Upset Plattsmouth, Neb., July 24. (Spe cial.) Word was received by D. A. Young, five miles south of (his city, of the death of a brolher-iii-law, Grant Willever, at Lexington, this state, from the effects of an automo bile accident, which occurred there a few days since. Mr. Willever is a large stock raiser and feeder near Ed dyville. Mrs. Young, who is a sister of Mrs. Willever, departed for Lex ington to attend the funeral. Notes From York. York, Neb., July 24. Carl M. Hoff- master of Benedict and Anna Swan of Strornsburg were married here July 21. Rev. W. C. Brewer, pastor of the Evangelical church, officiated. Rev. J. G. Dickson, who has been pastor of the First Baptist church of this city for the last four years, ten dered his resignation Sunday morn ing, to take effect September 1. He has accepted a call from the First Baptist church of Clay Center, Kar. York county has 1,716 automobiles, owned by residents of the county, ac cording to the records in County Treasurer Metz' office. This gives one automobile for every twelve in habitants in the county. Two Automobiles Wrecked. PlntUmnnth Veh T,.l Ot T I Amirlr nf this rifv anA tknn,,, l"rt..-t ney of Auburn had a head-on colli sion just south of this city Sunday morning, both going at a high rate or sneed. with thp result lliaf UntU machines were wrecked, but, fortu nately, no one was hurt. Both cars will nave to be rebuilt. Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. Have Personal Cards Printed Before You Go Away, yy Beautiful! This was the exclama tion from most every woman who passed the 16th street window, where the first of the newest Fall Hats was displayed. Fashion whispered anfl we could not resist the temptation to show our latest surprises. Beautiful beyond des scription aro these Chenille and Vclour Hats, in the most fas cinating colorings Pea cock Blue, Russet, Hunter Green, Orchid and Corbeau. The trimmings are ex tremely "chic." The whole ensemble speaks in unmistakable terms of a Fall season of charming surprises in Millinery from the second floor. Comfort and Profit for You When You Shop Her. NOTIONS At Tiny Prices Tfca iraatlr anlarfad and Bawl? tocatasl notlaa aWpartsaaatt affars flna aavbiga aw Just tha thuBga jrou mast aow. C. M. C. Crochat Cotton, at, per. ball 6 Bif Lot of Dressing Combs, at, each '. 10 Girls' and Ladies' Barrattes, at, each 10. 3 far 25 Boys' Pant Bands, with button holes, at, each 5 Burson Beat Stocking Feet, at, per pair 5 Shoe Trees, pair 4 Coat and Trouaer Hangars, each 4 Bias Tapes, and other tapes, bolt 4 Fast Colored Wash Edgini, yard lHi Darning Cotton, black, white and tan, spool 1 Rust Proof Dress Clasps, card 4 Pearl Buttons, card 1 Face Chamois, extra soft, each 4(t Inside Skirt Belting, yard 4 Large Boxes of Assorted Wire Hair Pins, each 4 Elastic Remnants, 2 for x. 5 Rick-Rack and Linen Tape, bolt 4i Ladiet' and Children! Hot Supportara, pair 6t Main Floor. a pair now for the balance of the Women's Low Shoes In The Purchase of the Stock of THEY'LL GO LIKE WILD FIRE at this price so be sure to come early on Tuesday morning. WE HAVE ABOUT 600 OR 700 PAIRS OF THESE WOM EN'S LOW SHOES, AND SO TO MAKE THEM GO QUICKLY We Say for Tuesday---39c a Pair Pumps and Oxfords, in Black, Tan, White; strapped and plain Pump styles, high and low heels, turn and Goodyear welted soles. Most every size is represented. Basement , ' Canthe Submarine Freighter Break the British Blockade? If it can accomplish this, then the value of' the Deutschland's cruise will take . on tremendous importance. . But whatever the outcome of this latest experiment in the European war, this tragic conflict, remarks The Brooklyn Citizen, "has made for itself a memorable place in history by showing conclusively that the air and the depths of the sea are no longer barred against human rivalry with the fish and the bird." In THE LITERARY DIGEST for July 22d. the main feature-article deals with the Deutschland's cruise and reveals every shade of the public opinion of America upon the exploit. The editorial opinions of leading newspapers of all kinds are quoted. ;: Among the many other valuable articles in this week's issue are: Theory and Practise in the Allied Offensive, "Our Enemies, Like Ourselves, Now Stand on the Pinnacle of Their Strained Endeavors," According to BaaW I akaW . 1 af, (k at e - a a a a a. SI mm sie m ' jnajor iriorani, ine Herman military critic, and it I riot Unlikely 1 hat the Kesult of the " the Allies' Present Great Offensive. War Will Hinge on the Success of "Tom Brown" Goes Back to Sing Sing Trade-War Plans of the Allies Colonel Roosevelt's Army Bleeding France to Death Is Drug Addiction a Disease? How We Waste Food An Italian Hand in Shakespeare's Dramas A Call for Curbstone Preachers An Anti-Gossip Crusade A "Thinking Machine" More "Peril" In the Far East Germany at Bay Bidding for the Progressive Vote Germany Seen by a British Visitor Gunpowder as a Chimney-Sweep Military Drill in the Public Schools The Cruising Theaters of Long Ago The Banker as a "Big Brother" Pastors Whose Hearts are Breaking A Boy's Chances of Getting Ahead" A Splendid Assortment of Illustrations "SECOND YEAR'S HISTORY OF THE WAR," FREE IN NEXT WEEK'S ISSUE, JULY 29th. ORDER NOW IT WILL SELL OUT QUICKLY The DIGEST for Your Children Give your children the advantage of this worthwhile magazine. It will delight as well as benefit them, for in it fascination is equally blend ed with education. The interest of THE LITER ARY DIGEST will bring your boy's and girl's at tention to the wealth of information and instruc tion it contains. This is the magazine that will help you train your child's growing mind; that will direct him to the best kind of reading; that will equip him better for his school work; that will lead him to form the habit of keeping well in formed on the big questions of the day that vital ly concern him. "The Digest" will prove to be the most educating influence in your child's life. July 22d Number All News-dealers To-day 10 Cents TfeiI)igest FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY (Publishers of the Famous NEW Standard Dictionary), New York.