Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 20, 1916, Page 9, Image 9

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KSociety Notes -:- Personal Gossip -:- Entertainments Club Doings
r wtwtt nmrini wnmroM
I hi in uiUAiM nuiimn
. ' Emily Post in Her Latest Work
. ' Charges That Locals Don't
Enow How to Dress.
A'tfm r-i .rff Kn InM at
door of Omaha women I And by one
ot our own sex at man we can
upon all apirited Omaha women to
listen to the unmitigated charge made
bv Emilv Post and. horror of horrors.
i ... .
scattered oroaacast over tne united
States in her latest work, "By Motor
7 to Golden Gate."
It was bad enough, we thought,
when Mrs. Post just touched upon
the subject enpassant when her story
nnMrrf apriallv in Collier's last vear.
the book form.
"What has . Mrs. Post said about
us?" you ask.
The Gruesome Details.
Oh, woe is us I We hesitate to
plunge all the rest of our sisters into
such distress as the knowledge will
surely bring I But, since we are
Mrs. Post has openly criticised the
manner in which Omaha women
dress. Yes, she did. She says that
"Omaha women who go to the Hotel
s though to take part in tableaux
VlvantS or an amaicur - lasmun
parade I
Think of it the conceit of her to
assume that Omaha women do not
l j .
The dining room looked to her like
mil nupuiicia wyviua . ..
men looked smart, she admits, but
r . . I xl -1. - . -
most ot tnem ana men auc www
Then she describes several diners
at the Fontenelle, ana we nave oeen
...wilniy mir fw remaininff brains to
know whom she meant. But here!
You may read for yourself:
Whatever That Is.
... - 1-1 !. nlnlc tllltA ArTA
. a youns m" L ... . ' .
around mo lower nan mi uo.
r.w mouthful!, and thn carefully arranged
It acroee im ul "7" .
eemed to bo another example beeldo that
of Dentine for thluneai. of taut arolr falm
poor otro belle.
"A quite plump matron had on a nlgn
recked dreee of white eatln hooped round
the hlpi, and trimmed with black Telvet;
another wore black charmeuee. the neck
and eleevee and picture hat outlined with
three-quarter Inch diameter pearl beada. but
the prlae for eccentricltlee ot coetumea be
longed to a man In a black-and-white
checked eult, black-and-white etrlped jock,
and tie, and a white etlff ahlrt with black
mournlns border on the collar and cuffa and
down the front nun. Tou can't set away
from the black-and-white oraie anywhere;
..cople will paint the fronta of their houee.
in black-and-white atrlpea If the oheaolon
aoee any further.
. "One HunerlatlTelr Smart."
"Amonf the appropnatel) and well
dreesed women one waa .uperlaUvely jmart.
1 HI. one wee really perfect, from the di
rection in which her hair waa bra. hod to
exactly .ult the outline of her hat to er
yerlectly .haped patent-leather ahoea. Her
cctume 1. not much to JOMrtbe. A ae
verely elmple sun-metal-colored taffeta .one
piece dre.. with a white orjandi. collar and
ilMve. of eelf-colored chiffon, a wlde
brlmmed black .traw hat turned P at on.
aide of the back with a black bird. The
-dletlncUve effect waa due more to " way
1, wa. worn than to the coetume Tou felt
that It belonged to her almoit n the way
.hit a colllea fur belong, to hlmi It wa.
irmuch a part of her a. her,-m.
hair or her poluihed flngernalla.
At Carter Lake Club
The Carter Lake Women i Swim
ming and Bowling club met Tuesday.
After luncheon the bowling tourna
ment was continued ana Mrs. n. x.
"Whitehouse won high score. Light-
ten women were present.
Miss Ruth Cattin entertained at
sinner last evening in honor ot her
house guest, Miss Dorothy Lysle,
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cattin. the Misses
Alice Carr, Kathleen Giveen and the
Messrs, James Whitney, Donald
Lisle, C. M. Giveen and Harland Cat-
tmMr. arid Mrs. H. L. Underwood
had as their dinner guests Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. H.
B Whitehouse, Mr. and Mrs. frank
Lovermg, Frank .Lover'ng, jr., and
Messrs, W. F. Link, J. H. Henley and
D. L. Dark. . .
Mr L W. Johnston was host to
a party including Mr. and Mrs. James
Dowd, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Shulz, Mr.
and Mrs. H. W. Parkey, Mrs. Van
Housem and Miss Van Housem.
Dr H. F. Fitzgibbons and Mr. and
Mrs. W. L. Harris each had parties
of four. . , .
Two organizations are having out
ings at Carter lake today. Mrs.
George Swoboda entertained the W.
W club at a swimming party at the
lake this afternoon, and Vesta chap
ter, 0. E. S., is having its annual out
ing and dinner-dance at the club
Timely Fashion Hint
By ia maooanvn.
Illlll1faeaeaimaatew6 naWlr, aTMITO
it inside the suitcase lid. The card
should also contain the address. Three
I tiny vials, one filled with brandy, one
with aromatic ammonm and one with
sal volatile, should also lie taken. It
the owner does not happen to need
any of these valuable restoratives,
some unfortunate sufferer on the trip
may be restored by their timely use.
It is astonishing how careless the
average traveler is about taking these
necessary articles, as the strain of
traveling often makes any of them
most urgent.
oport shoes for midsummer are
shown in very attractive combinations
of colored glazed kid and washable
wnite kid. the colors range trom
rose, green and shades of blue to the
conventional tan, the foundation at-
At the Country Club.
Mr. Clarence Peters will have a
party of young people at the Country
club dinner-dance for Miss Ethel An
drews, guest of Miss Marion Towle,
this evening. His guests will be:
KlhH Andrew, of IUglna Connell.
Idiewllil, N. J Marlon Towle
i.-HsrH. .ilPHSrBv7,,
I'MiUi brown, Lharle. Hall.
II;, AlcConnell.
Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Kountze will
have a party of twelve for dinner at
the club this evening. Barton Mil
lard has reservations for four guests.
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Fry will have
a family party of nine at the club this
Mrs. Will T. Burns is entertaining
at the Country club dinner-dance for
Miss Mildred Butler of Kansas City,
but recently of Omaha, who came up
for the mixed foursome at the club,
and is a guest at the F. H. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Stewart and Mr.
and Mrs. E. A. Wickham of Council
BlufSs are each entertaining parties of
twelve at the Country club.
Wedding and Family Reonion.
Mrs. Charles W. Hayes, who is now
in the east, has announced to Omaha
friends that her son, Charles Paxson
Hayes, and Miss Florence M. Soay
of Atlantic City will be married at the
Hudson to Niagara Falls and through
Canada and will then return to Man
chester, la., where the Faxsons are
to have a family reunion. Miss Ruth
Paxson, who is a Young Women's
Christian association missionary in
China; Miss Emma Paxson from Cal
ifornia, Mrs. Morrisey from Indian
apolis, Miss Susan Paxson of the
Latin department of Central High
school here and Mrs. Hayes will com
plete the family party.
Mrs. Hayes has been visiting in
eastern cities and the Catskills since
the close of the biennial convention
of the General Federation of Wom
en's' Clubs in New York and is now
at Mount Pleasant. She is a former
president of the Omaha Woman's
Haielet-Dearmont Wedding.
The marriage or Miss Nannie
Verne Dearmont to Mr. Calvin Chee
ver Hazelet will take place this even
ing at 8 o'clock at the home of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. H.
Dearmont The Rev. H. E. Hess,
brother-in-law of the bride, will per
form the ceremony. Palms will be
used in the rooms of the house. The
bride will be gowned in white Geor
gette crepe, trimmed in satin and lace,
made short and worn with a short
veil. She will carry bride's roses. Her
attendant, Miss Clair Sigafoos, will
wear pink. The bridegroom will be
attended by Mr. Earl Simpson. An
aunt of the bride, Mrs. Verne Miller,
will play the wedding march.
Following the ceremony an infor
mal reception will be held. The
young people will remain in Omaha
until August, when they will go to
Cordova, Alaska, where Mr. Hazelet's
father, G. C Hazelet, and his brother
are in the real estate business.
Miss Dearmont is a graduate of the
Central High school, and Mr. Hazelet
is a graduate of the University of
Mr. and Mrs. E. Y. Thomas of
Guthrie Center, la., were out-of-town
guests at the wedding.
Stork Special.
A son was born Wednesday to Mr.
and Mrs. Coe Buchanan at the Metho
dist hospital. Mrs. Buchanan was
formerly Miss Gretchen Williamson.
At the Field Club.
Mrs. E. P. Smith has reservations
for eight guests at the Field club dinner-dance
this evening, and Harley
Conant for four.
Pleasures Past.
Mrs. W. G. Temoleton entertained
at a kensington at her home Monday
afternoon in honor of Mrs. W. O.
Henry, who, with Dr. Henry, will
leave the first of August for their
new home in Los Angeles. Twelve
guests were present.
At Happy Hollow Club.
the Happy Hollow women s
Bowling club met today at the club
inir white. All white- shoes are still
favored. A pair of tennis shoes is
shown here in all white, with perfora
tions outlining the tip and instep. The
stockings are the latest thing in wool
combination of black and white.
Hints for Tourists
The tourist who travels by water
should take along one of the new
kinds of life preservers that are now
to be had. This life preserver fits
around the neck instead of under the
arms and is said to support even an
unconscious person. The body also
cannot become overturned, it is
claimed, and the head is kept above
A square of rubber sheeting and a
small sheet are good traveling acces
sories to insure one against the in
fected sleeping berths. Spread the
rubber cloth over the pillow, placing
the sheet over this. Many contagious
diseases are contracted from the in
fected sleeping berth.
Include plenty of safety pins among
the belongings. Dresses and waists
may thus be pinned to the curtains
and kept free from wrinkles.
Insure tne necessary bottles taken
on a trip against leakage. A rubber
cap, with band for slipping over the
cork, may now be bought.
A few snap clothespins are good to
include in the suitcase. Small belong
ings may be clamped together and
put in one place. There are few trav
elers that do not lose some cherished
possession, because it is apt to be
small and slips into a corner.
Toilet accessories -now are sold in
the size called tourist size. They are
miniatures of the large articles and
contain sufficient of anything to last
through the trip, while taking up
small room.
Every traveler should take a per
sonal card and either paste it or pin
Fashion Hints
Elope and Leave
Friends In Lurch
Two well-know Omaha young peo
ple are the principals in an elopement
which came to the notice of their
friends and relatives Tuesday. Miss
Magdalen Bock and Ward Gordon
left word Tuesday that they had gone,
but where they failed to state. Kncnds
were expecting the marriage some
time during the summer, but did not
anticipate that they would lie left ill
i the lurch.
Broadcloth will lead among woolen
fabrics for the fall.
Charming summer hats are made
of crepe and organdy.
Pretty summer wraps are made of
jersey cloth and trimmed with fur.
Many of the new frocks have skirts
that hang in absolutely straight lines.
Navy and black predominate among
the dresses being planned for autumn.
Long black velvet scarfs are lined
with white satin and finished with
Some of the young girls' dresses
have waistlines slightly above the
The French nowadays are embroid
ering some of their fine lingerie in
Railroad stripes are to make a little
change from the regulation awning
A quaint trimming for the organdy
frock is cross-stitch in a contrasting
One of the latest silk blouses is fin
ished so that it may be worn outside
the skirt.
It is said that loose-wristed gloves
to be worn over long sleeves are com
ing into favor.
Some close-fitting motor bonnets ol
black silk will fold up flat and unfold
into charming affairs.
Bands of insertion running from
the neck to the hem of a sheer sum
mer frock add length of line.
Tomato green, the tint of a tomato
before it ripens, is one of the recent
additions to the model color list.
Colored footwear is still fashionable
and the smartest of all is the shoe of
gray deerskin, untrimmed save for a
black tip.
Pretty rosettes of plaited linen
trim summer frocks. They are used
as large roses would be placed, one
or two on the skirt and another at
the girdle.
Simple and charming is a frock of
mousseline with skirt and bodice
plaited both in front and back and
the plain girdle with a touch of em
broidery. One of the novelties among dresses
has overskirt and overblouse of
serge, the blouse having deep points
which reach down and button on to
points of the skirt which reach up.
The foundation slip is satin.
Proprietor of Hotel Castle Host
At Outing to Girl Employes
Fred Castle, proprietor of the hotel
bearing his name, is among the nu
merous Omaha employers who be
lieve that business and pleasure can
occasionally mix with good effects.
Tuesday evening he loaded his big
touring car with the cigar and tele
phone girls at the hotel and Mrs. Cas
tle and he took them out to Valley
for a little outing, including a dip in
the Platte river.
Teaching Values
Sending various members of the
family to market, having them pay
rash for goods purchased makes them
realize that this matter of eating is an
expensive habit even in the best of
regulated families. It teaches them
that it is a matter worthy their seri
ous consideration. They will all real
ize that a consciencious dealer who
takes a pride in his store should be
encouraged by steady patronage as
should a conscientious producer.
They will see the advantages of the
clean, full weight package and canned
goods as well as thoroughly dust
proof display cases for open goods.
They will help vou to raise the stand
ard of your dealer by demanding
clean, quality goods and by remem
bering the names of quality brands.
They will sec the economy of your
time as well as possibility of reducing
fuel hills in buying some of the great
varieties of expertly prepared conv
niercial products.
An Effertlve Cough Treatment.
One teaepooiifut of Dr. King'. New Dle
covery taken a. needed will eoothe and
check yotir cough and bronchial Irritation.
All druffKlnta. Advertisement.
Wednesday's Grist
In the Divorce Mill
Ruby Wilson has filed suit asking
divorce from Horace Wilson, charg
ing desertion.
Herbert G. Elbert has brought luit
asking divorce from Delora Elbert on
grounds of extreme cruelty.
Augusta Felty has been granted
divorce from William A. Felty on
grounds of cruelty.
Minnie Schmeling has been di
vorced from William Schmeling and
granted custody of her children,
Louis, 20 years old, and Walter E., 7
years old.
Rich Finds Fishing In
Wisconsin Below Standard
Edson Rich of the Union Pacific
legal department has returned from
a fishing trip to Shell Lake, WU.
While he had reasonably good luck,
the catch was not up to the standard
of former years, as the weather was
so warm the fish did not teem anx
ious to take the bait
Fractures Ankle by Fall
From Nine-foot Scaffold
While doing some repair work on
the Lake school building, W. F. Bo
rien, 969 North Twenty-fifth avenue,
fell from a nine-foot scaffold and frac
tured his right ankle. Following
emergency by Police Surgeon Shook
he was removed to St. Joseph hospital.
Before your present supply is gone
stop in and get your next can of
Tooth Powder
Pnpani by a Doctor of Dtntal Snrfery
Sand 2c stamp today for a generous trial packaf to
I. W. Lyon k Sou, Inc., 77 W. 274 St, N. T. City
Only a Joke.
The announcement of the marriage
of Miss Margaret Shields and Mr.
Clement Fitzgerald, which was pub
lished in The Bee Tuesday, was the
work of a practical joker, it is stated
by the young people in question, who
wish the story contradicted.
aavpajanaaaaew' .jjj
Personal Mention.
Mrs. Charles Albert Jordan has re
turned to Lincoln after a visit in the
Emery 0. Peterson home.
Miss Grace Kay has as her guest
Mrs. A. L. Coy of St. Joseph, who ar
rived yesterday to soend two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hoffert, jr., of
St. loseph arrived Saturday, to be the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. O S. Hoffert,
ana Mrs. J. n. scnmiat lor two
Mrs. Herbert Fox and Miss Mollie
Steinberg left last Saturday for three
weeks at Excelsior Springs and Kan
sas City, but Mrs. Fox returned to
Omaha Monday because of illness.
Mrs. Max Burkenroad lett today
for New York, where she will visit
her son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs.
Svlvan Burkenroad. From there she
will iro to Atlantic City to remain
until September 10.
Cfewn nbstttatM cost YOO earn price,
When the
Can't Sleep
It'i in th long, peaceful hours
of sltep that your baby grows.
When fasctn'tslaop something
is wrong. Probably his food
Is wrong.
Ptrhaps his llttls system Is
desperately struggling with the
heavy curd and the germs of raw
cow's milk, meant for the four
big stomachs of a calf not the
one tiny stomach of your baby.
The baby will sleep as be should and grow as he
should if you give him the food he needs.
Nurse him if you can. If you can't, give him
the nearest thing in the world to mother's milk
(A complete food not milk modifier)
B.caus. it has fresh cow's milk
as a basis, it contains all tbe good
that cow's milk contains.
Because all the dangers are re
moved, the tough curd modified
and all baby needs added, it is
juet what your baby needs to build
a healthy body.
Because it is purified and watch
edand reduced to a powder
because no hand touches It and It
comes to you In an air-tight can
it is as free from germs as moth
er's milk Itself.
It is a complete food for your
baby you add only water and
Remember, It is raw cow'a milk
that so often brings germs of diph
theria, scarlet fever, summer com
plaint to your baby. Keep those
deadly germs away from him. Keep
him safe on NESTLft'S FOOD.
Send the coupon for m FREE
Trial pmckmgt ot 12 fadings and
oooAabour babies 67 specialists.
204 WoolworlhBMf., New York
Pie... .end me FREE your boek and
trial package.
Nam. ,t
Extensive Alterations Throughout the Store Com
pelling Readjustments of Nearly All Stocks Means
Big Price Savings to Buyers in Our Great
New Lots of Desirable and Dependable Merchandise
Brought Forward Every Day--Values Which Make
Money Spent in This Sale One of the Best Investments Ever!
Hay den's Gr ocery
Reduce Your Cost of Living
25 to 35
In pur Remodeling Sale,
will be included 100 beau
tiful Georgette Crepe and
Trimmed Panama Hate,
worth up to $7.50. Just
for Thursday
Another shipment for
Thursday of about 100
beautiful New York
Trimmed Velvet and Vel
vet and Satin Hats for
fall. Underpriced at $10,
$7.50 and
Hundreds of beautiful
Felt Sport Hats will be
disposed of in the Remod
eling Sale at $3.50, $2.98
48-lb. aack Hayden's Health
Flour, nothing finer made, $1.50
48-lb. aack Diamond H Flour,
every aack guaranteed ...$1.25
24-lb. sack Rye Flour, Whole
Wheat Flour or Rye Graham, 85c
8 lba. White or Yellow Corn
meal . 17e
8 lbs. Special Mixed Chick Feed
for 25o
4 lba. Fancy Head Ric 25e
6 lba. Japan Rice 25c
6 cans Oil or Mustard Sar
dines for 25c
2-lb. cans Corn, Wax, Green or
Lima. Beam 7H
Plain or Stuffed Olives or Pre
pared Mustard, bottle .... .&c
W. O. C. or Krumbles, pkg.. .9o
E. C. Corn Flakes, pkg Be
3 bottles Wild Cherry Phosphate
a very delicious summer drink
for 25c
7 lbs. the best bulk Laundry
Starch for 25c
12 bars Laundry Queen White
Soap , 25c
Yeast Foam, pkg 3c
Advo Jell, the jell that whips,
package 7 Vic
16 oz. cans Condensed Milk, 7Vi
8 oz. cans Kippered Herring or
Herring in Tomato Sauce . . 10a
Fancy Queen Olives, qt . . . .35a
Sour Pickles, qt. ....10a.
Sweet Pickles, qt 20a
The best Creamery Butter, ear
ton or bulk, per lb. . . . . . . .30a
No. 1 Country Creamery Butter,
per lb ,28e
Young America, Wisconsin
Cream or Full Cream Cheese,
pound .20c
Neufschatel Cheese,seach . ...3
Strictly Fresh Guaranteed Eggs,
per dozen 23a
New Potatoes, 15 lba. to the
peck, for ..20c
Fresh Cauliflower .8
4 bunches Carrota, Turnips or
Beets for ....Ba
New Corn, borne grown, per
doz ISa
6 bunches' Fresh Radishes or
Green Onions for ...Be
3 large heads Cabbage .....10c
3 bunches Parsley ..0a
Home Grown Tomatoes, lb. . .Ba
Large Cucumbers, each .....Be
Fancy Arizona Cantaloups,7Ha
Large Juicy Bananas, doa. . . 15c
Complete Lin of Froth Frnlta al
Lowut Markal Price.
fi miiTiiiittMriiiY miWHi re afflfr imiiii
Ready to Serve Ideal for Summer Meals
Let Armour do your cooking! Package Foods on the pantry shelves can'
save you hours of discomfort over a hot cook stove. Furthermore, they help you to serve your family
delicious, substantial not-weather meals.
Sandwich Dainties
Veal Loaf, Corned Beef
Sliced 1
jrf sW!P-t!t7 Sliced Bacon'
Tfijar jy arMw
Vi iT-'Ml ARmourA
Puget Sound Salmon
Pecked Is lit owe riekaaki
Tb. .Metes
Sardines 1
handed other ecnunr leraprlna vtao
Label, Armour1 guarantee oi top quale?.
Boat, Badata, Mf.
ana ,odh, umeaa.
Vbone S. loss,
r. I WUklnaoa. '
aeth ana q ata,
Tk OO. 170.