Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 19, 1916, Page 8, Image 8

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Health Hints -:- Fashions -:- Woman's Work - Household Topics
Swat the Fly
and Save the
At this time of year, to paraphrase
Scripture, "A man's flies are they of
his own household," but they soon
i wander forth :n search of a breeding
place to deposit their eggs and even
though your own premises may be
spotlessly clean' and free from dirt
heaps, dust heaps, garbage dumps, or
manure piles, triey -will keep on flying
until they find a place which is filthy
enough to make them feel at home,
and settle down, from which their
children will return to make life, a
burden for you. So little neighbor
hood scouting and co-operation be
comes necessary. .
Fortunately, the classic question,
"Who is my neighbor?" can be easily
and promptly answered from a fly
fighting point of view, viz: Anyone
who lives or "barns" within 250 or
300 yards of your house, for this is
about the foraging range and flight
limit of flies, unless carried by winds
or upon vehicles or domestic animals.
If you can induce all within that
limit by peaceable persuasion to play
up and clean up like good citizens
and neighbors, well and good. If not,
an appeal to the Board of Health or
to the police will be in order. This is
not a personal matter, but a public
riutv. according? to the new health
commandments: "Thou shatt - bearl
witness against thy neighbor i gar
bage heap and against his manure
pile" ; . , , , ' ,
In the meantime, while waiting for
the offending and fly-breeding dirt
heap to be hauled away, it is a com
paratively simple matter to make it
temporarily harmless, without mak
ing yourself liable to spite suits for
damages on the ground of spoiling
the manure for fertilizer purposes.
As tested out and recommended by
the United States Department of Ag
riculture, sprinkling and soaking such
a pest heap with a solution of one
half pound of powdered hellebore in
ten gallons of water (stirring well and
allowing it to stand for twenty-four
hours), will destroy all the maggots,
eggs and larvae which are then pres
ent. . Almost equally good results, al
though not quite so certain, can be
secured by sprinkling freely with
powdered borax and then pourin?
water over, so as to carry it down all
through the mass. The amount of
a gallon to the bushel of manure.
Wonderful for Bath
n weneietfel Header Motaiai SatV
Delightfully refreshing and
Oeanies perfectly and washes
off easily. The toilet soap
id to glowing health.
Um but Uttlt-It'i all lather
Foe Tim Seraph Write Jamei a Kirk ft Co,
Dept. 353, Chicago, U. S. A.
How the World Looks to Him
The Foam
on the Surf
By Nell Brinkley
Copyright, UK, International Nwi Sorrle.
DRIPPING, the Lover drops on the sand, that, like a
duly-burnished shield, mirrors the cliffs and top
pling surf. The blood sings under his skin. Rain
bow drops, like jewels, leave his hair and roll down his
brown skin. The far send of of the crackling surf ruffles ,
around his feet. He breathes deeply, newly out of the
sea. Perhaps it is the sun in his eyes, but the reaching
foam that jets up at the crash of the green waves flings
up in a white shape tipped with the faint gold of sunshine.
Wave after wave rides in and turns and falls, and the
white suds leap. A wavering shape comes in each time
to melt before he can fix the mocking glimmer of a
creature there. But one wave mounts and rolls, and
snaps over with a soft thunder and a turmoil of snowy
foam, and he finds her there, the woman he loves; the
glow of the sunshine on the highest mist is her faint-gold
hair; white arms, white hands, gems on her breast, white
feet that advance down the green slope; she dances a
white dance in the blown spume of the-sea. And the
Lover watches with reverent eyes. NELL BRINKLEY.
Household Suggestions
After cleaning pictures, test all the
cords before putting them up again,
and if they are at all weakened put
on new ones.
... When washing silver, used wood
en tub or bowl if possible. There
will then be less danger of the sil
ver getting scratched. ,..-..
If new tinware is rubbed over with
fresh lard and thoroughly heated in
the oven before it is used, it will
never rust afterwards, no matter how
much it. is put in water.
Dampen knives slightly before rub
bing. You will find it cleans the
knives quickly and much easier for
yourself and gives a very bright
To restore a navy blue skirt to its
former good condition, take equal
AIMi , To provide thorough mental, moral and physical training at tht
loweat terme eonaiatent with efficient work. For bora from
." '. to II. Chergeei IJ60.00. :'.:
LOCATIONi Two mlloe from Kearner. In the Platte Valley.
EQUIPMENT! ' i S aeree of tend. Four building i. Cymnaalum, swimming
t : pool. Separata lower school building. , 1 . 4
FACULTY! " College graduatM with btfaineee experience.
COURSES! ' ' Collate preparatory I commercial law and hualneaa mathoda;
- manual training i mechanical drawing: agriculture and animal
. huabandry.
ATHLETICS! Football, baaeball, basketball, . track, tennla, swimming,
eeliathenies. ',
CATALOGUE! Addroaa Harry Roberta Drummond, Headmaeter. . .
parts of vinegar and linseed oil.
Shake well and apply with a soft rag;
after well rubbing polish with an
other soft dry cloth.
To clean brass bedsteads, rub them
with a cloth dipped in salad oil,' then
rub with a soft cloth and with a
chamois leather.
Take great care of the milk; unless
you have a very cool place to keep it,
boil it as soon as it arrives. Keep
it covered with a clean muslin cloth
io clean a black straw hat roll a
piece of black velvet around your
fiinger and rub the straw with this,
following the curve of the hat. The
velvet will thoroughly clean the hat
and remove the dust.
This surelv shows that sugar
not suitable for that person at that
time, but used moderately and at the
right season sugar has the highest
kind of endorsement.
Girl Workers Who Win
SI. Mary's School
For Otrli and Younr Women. 49th year.
Thrw raara bajrond High 8chool. Prac
tical two yean' court in Horn Econom
ic and Applied Houtkepinir. Art school.
Exceptional advantaff In all branch of
MUSIC and In LANGUAGES. 40 acre.
Tonnli, Basketball. Sargent method of
Physical Cultur. Oymnaaium, Bowling,
Swimming Pool, Dancing, Fencing, eto.
Student from twenty tat and eoun-
Mmnesota--The Land of Hiawatha
Summer Fares
from Omaha
There was once a girl who ushered
in one of the biggest theaters In the
city. She should have been very
happy,, for her work was pleasant,
the hours were not hard and all the
ushers' were attired alike 'in pretty
soft blue dresses with demure .white
collars of sheerest organdie and wide
soft cuffs of the same material.
The girls wtjre all chosen for their
pleasing appearance, and Enid had
an unusually pretty face, although
it was not pleasant. She had soft
blond hair and a delicately tinted
skin, and was slim and straight, but
she was not pleasing to people, be
cause she eternally sulked.
The day she had been engaged
something had been said that light
ened her whole face for a minute,
and she had been actually lovely.
"That new girl is a pippin for
looks." the house manager had re
marked, and had then promptly for
gotten all about her and had not
seen her face day after day when
she ushered people to their seats.
It wasn't that she happened to be
put out about things continually;
the look that her face wore was not
so much a cross look as it was a
look that plainly indicated:
"Of course. 1 am paid to snow you
people to your seat, but it bores me
to death to have to do it, ana it i
Akeler, Minn...
Aleaandrie, Minn.,
Anandale, Mini.
Raekua, Minn...
Battle Lake. Minn,
, Bcmidji, Minn. ..
Buffalo, Minn...
Detroit, Minn
.. 19.97
.. Z.S
Si ll
.. 11.11
D AMPING on the shores
J of one of Minnesota's
""kin flfifi lnkps is one of the
sJs ideal gammer vacation. You will
niov bathing, boating and flih-
, tag in the clear, eool waters and
leaping under blankata at night Minnesota aeraga torn
perature it 7 degree during July and Auguat And the free
dom of outdoor Ufa, far away from tha buatla of tha eity af
tort. Ma the sort of ratio yea md to koeoj to rlm. ewadltkav
magiiilil boekiate ftaa a limit A-. '.' !,:" .. ..
. r. oMOBBBt. ft Mt.A ; '.a, '
at. B. S1MMOHS. D. P. A. : X
, i " . . MM FanaamBtraaV i ,5
' . .. . ... OMAHA. ; '
Doraet. Minn 5
uulatn, Hint,
Elrnien, Minn
Jenkine, Minn....
LaPorte, Minn
Madiaon Lake, Minn
Deer Mirer, Minn., tMarcell,
MinneapoHa. Minn...
ftneewa, Minn.
Parnoavtllo, Minn. .
81 Paul, Minn.
Ida, Mini.
Boatn Haven, Minn........
tpieer, Minn ..
Walker. Mian, (Rau Co.) . ,
WaterLie, Him
(Emphatitt tin "GREAT')
W are telling high grade Diamond,
Watche and Jeelry on credit, for les
than you find anywhere els in the coun
try. By "la" we do not mean limply
low price, but w mean a combination
of three things: (1) Low Price. (2) Re
markable value for th money ipent,
(S) Our liberal credit terms payment
bo ay that the most modest salary can
meet them. Yoor credit every honest
person' credit 1 good with Lofti Bro.
4k Co. No red tape to go through no em
barrassing detail everything confiden
tial. You pay in small amounts, weekly
or monthly, a uit your convenience.
ITS Diamond
Ring, 14k solid
gold, Lotus "Per
fection" 4tA
mounting. . . . rv
11 a Week.
No. 4 Men'a Dia
mond Ring, 1 prong
tooth mounting, 14k
aolid gold, jgg
1 ' i'lleti a Week
Watckaa, aolid gold and gold tilled, guar,
anteed accurate timekeepera and woo.
derful valuea, at 111 and up.
Term, ta Suit Your Convenience.
Opes dalr to p. an, SatarAai till i30
weii or wnie lor uiuairaieo. catalog
Ho. 90S.' Phone Douglaa 1444 and our
aaleaman will call with articles dealred.
had what I really deserved I should
be enjoying the show myself rather
than running here and there at your
beck and call."
Now people will notice a girl's
face, and if it is willing and sweet
and pleasant to look upon they will
remember it. People often looked
at Enid's supercilious little face and
smiled at its loftiness and its sulky
little mouth. The other girls fought
shy of her and gathered in little
knots by themselves and wondered
why Enid worked at all if she felt
so much above them.
One day, and there always come
those days fn a girl's career
when the tiniest happening will
change her entire destinj', Marie
Rooney, the plainest girl that the
establishment boasted, found Enid
weeping bitterly in the dressing
room where the girls left their out
door things. Marie was a little
chary of speaking to Enid, but she
finally went over and toucned tne
girl timidlv on the shoulder.
"What's the matter, has anything
happened to your
Enid looked up to see who was
speaking to her, and the other girl's
obvious sympathy loosened her
tongue and she sobbed out:
Mr. Brandt doesn t want me any
longer: he said that people have
complained about me, and I have to
"But what's the matter?" Marie
asked wonderingly, "what have you
"He said I looked too good for
work," Enid replied, "and he laughed
and I don't know what to do because
I need the money."
And then it wai that Marie Rooney,
who looked not at all stylish in her
plain street clothes, but who smjled
at every one and everything, de
cided to tell Enid, the fastidious,
what the matter was. She did not
anar her. She told her what the
other users thought about her looks,
How the Theater Usher
Learned a Secret : :
and she even imitated the manner in
which Enid ushered the theatergoers
to their seats.
"People aren't going to stand for
that, you know; they come to the
theater to be amused."
"I know what you mean," Enid
sobbed, miserably; "I feel that way
because I have never had to work
before, and I couldn't help being bit
ter. But I'd be so different if I could
have another chance, only it's too
late. '
"Come on with me, and I'll see Mr.
Brandt," Marie said, soothingly.
"You're a peach of a looker, and I'll
tell him what you told me. We'll fix
Mr. Brandt was In his office when
the two girls entered and he heard
Marie's story with some twitching at
the corners of his mouth. Marie was
nothing if not voluble.
"AH right," he said, finally; "we'll
try you again. Get into your dress
and let me see if you can give us a
few smiles."
Enid squeezed Marie's hand as they
went back to the dressing room.
"You're a real friend," she whispered,
"and I feel different now. I'm going
to try so hard to make a success of
this thing, and if I do I'll have you
to thank." And she smiled eagerly.
"That's all you have to do, look
like that," Marie whispered back.
"You'll get there, you can't help it."
Keeping Accounts
with Yourself
An old Arabic laying reads: "Fout
thingi come not back: The spoken
word; the sped arrow; time passes;
the neglected opportunity."
The wisdom of the ages lies in thi
old proverb.
How many of ui put its lesson
into practice on our way through
How many of ui keep books with
life and carry on accounts with and
for ourselves which make for our
own growth and progress and which
saves us from too great and cruel in
debtedness marked down against us?
For all we get in life we pay. And
the price ii too often extortionate.
We don't take the finality of things
seriously enough. And there is a
grim reality in many things.
We speak idly and without thought.
We forget what we have said be
cause we gave it so little considera-
tion before expressing it and meant
so little by it when we spoke. But
the fact that we have spoken has its
weight. Someone listened. Someone
will remember.
Nothing we can say or do after
ward can quite make up for the care
less word we spoke. Perhaps it hurt
someone we loved. Perhaps it
harmed the reputation of someone to
whom we wished no evil. Perhaps it
put us on record as taking an atti
tude in some matter which is not
basically our opinion at all. But we
have spoken and the word will not
The sped arrow reaches some mark
perhaps not the one at which we
aimed, but a mark, nevertheless.
Shoot into the air and you may cleave
the bark of a tree, destroy a twig
or even end the life of a human
The arrow that snaps off from a
bow or that comes from an action
has gone. Whether it goes wide of
its mark or straight to it, that it has
been sped is a fact and a fact which
we cannot undo.
And time I Most of us treat time
as if eternity itself were ours. Wa
waste days and even weeks with a
prodigal carelessness we would fear
to show in our disposal of money.
But time once spent never returns.
Think of the day when you arose,
looked out of the window at a low
ering sky and wondered how you
were going to get through "another
rainy day!" How did you get rid of
that day? "Get rid of it," mind you;
dispose of wonderful minutes and
hours that might have meant growth
and progress; lavishly expend time
that should have been used to definita
Did you mope around the house
complaining, or did you rush out in
search of diversion, or even fritter
away the time in telephone conver
sations and nibbling at candy?
Every time I hear anyone talking:
in blase accents of "killing an hour,
I wonder if they have any idea of
the opportunities for study and use
ful service to the world and self
cultivation they are wasting I
Recently I overheard one society
girl say to another in a lazy drawl:
"How do you find time to read?" She
meant it, too. Her days are spent
in rushing about from one festivity
to another and beautifying herself
for long hours of the day in prepara
tion for each new excursion after
pleasure and admiration.
The idle kill time they assassinata
most of the peace and happiness in
their neighborhoods and get exactly
nowhere as the result of their tragic
waste of life itself.
And if ever they awake to a reali
zation of their own folly and long
to make up for it, life is inexorable.
Nothing can make up for wasted
time. The hour that is gone never
will return.
That we cannot recall time which
is passed ought to make us valua
time seriously and refrain from wast
ing it.
And however much of new chanca
life offers us, it will never again give
us back the same opportunity we
once neglected and wasted. What
that opportunity might have meant
we can never know. What we might
have accomplished by seizing a mo
ment which came and was gone
again lies hidden from our knowl
edge. '
But there are things in life which
offer themselves to us and go, never
to return; and there are deeds which
we do which are sadly irretrievable.
It is well for us to stop and question
before acting or failing to act: Is
this final? Is it for all time? Is it
one of the things which will never
return a moment which is here now
and which I shall always regret if
I lose?
Marie Antoinette
Broadway, 66th and 67th Sts.
SITUATED tn the moat con
venient location In town. Mod
em la every detail, abaohitele
fireproof, within ton oatnateo .
at tha leading department
atone, shone and thautom
Convenient to Pennsylvania and .
Grand Central Depota.
Rooms With Bath,
$2.50 Per Day Up.
Suites, $4.00 Per Day Up.
ateetaaanat or Dana I taiellanoa,
Managing Duwctnc
Strawberry Tart
Especially pretty effects can be ob
tained in the arrangement of desserts.
An unusually attractive dessert which
it equally good to eat and good to
look upon is strawberry tart
Make some good puff paste; then
roll it out to the thickness of about
a quarter of an inch, and with a
round, fluted paste cutter stamp out
as many piecesas may be required,
then work the paste up again, and roll
it out to the same thicknots, and with
a smaller cutter stamp out sufficient
pieces to correspond with the larger
ones. Brush over with the white of
an egg and bake from fifteen to twen
ty minutes. Sift over sugar, put them
back in the oven to color them, then
fill with fresh strawberries aim
nish with whipped cream.
(Tomorrow Ox Tongue).