THE BEE: OMAHA, JULY 1916. I 1. I I 4 1 ,1 Went-Ad Rates V CASH WITH OIIIU. If word.. each Insertion ' et oolld no display)) " Ada Psragraphed or Sot la Display Style I per lino.... ono time I. par Una three consecutive times ., (Count six worda to tbo Una) , , - ' CHA2U1E BATES! In par Una ana lima ? par tins. ...... .three consecutive Umaa . (Count all words to tba Una.)) t portal Batoal Farm and Ranch Lands. Tt par Una each Insertion (Count alx words to the line.)) FOREIGN ADVERTISING UNDER AOBNTS OB HELP WANTED CLASSI FICATIONS.' la par word., one time II, 0 par worn....'., three consecutive times 111- h - NO AO TAKEN FOR LESS THAN A . . TOTAL OF 20e OR LESS THAN 10a PER DAY. CAtB OF THANKS, DTCATK AND FU NERAL NOTICES. Its erHns.........s eech Insertlan (Ulnlmura charge (0 eenta.) MM ty Kate fur standing ads (no ehsnge of aepr) 21.20 Par Una (Cant six words to th. Has.) . .V. (Contract rates on application.) ' Tine bed win m bo resnonstbls for more -. than ono Incorrect Insertion of an adver tisement ordered for more than one time.' ADVERTISERS ahould retell! receipts riven ST The Boo In payment Cor Want Ade. aa no mlstaks can be rectified without tbem USE THE TELEPHONE If you cannot con venlently bring or send In your ade. Aek far a Want-Ad Taker, and you will re celre the seme food service aa when do. ' UTOflng year ad at the office. PHONB TTLER IOWt ' WANT-AD COLUMNS CLOSE rvBNINO EDITIONS.... M. MORNINO EDITIONS t:00 P. M. LOST Monday afternoon, lady's O size nunlingcase cold watch, small ohaln at tached. Call Douglas 1341 during day, svenlngsi Webster 1(40; liberal reward. , LOST Sorrel broncho, long white spot on forehead; weight about 1..00 lbs. Last aeen Tuesday night near TOth and Dodge. Walnut 3872. Reward. MOVIE PROGRAM run Fietur TWtiri la (.Change Oatty.) LOSTSmall black' purse" containing keys' biiu two iiiir-oeni pi ', f inuT wiicom-a .to mouty,, but please, return key to Be office, 1 Downtown. 1415 Farnam New tha House af Features . . Orchestra and Fins Organ Today Presents UNIVERSAL PROGRAM Entirely ?rince53. mwwmM . , ANOTHER BIO FEATURE DAT. "THE HEART OF A CHILD" r ' ' ' l-Reol Red Feather restore. ' A HEART INTEREST STORT, BT THB FAMOUS NOVELIST, FRANK DANBT. North. 24TH AND FORT ALAMO. "The cage Man. l-rcer Bison. 'Talaa Oems," Laemmle drama. "Such Is Life In China." Powers. "Clever Mrs. Carter," Imp comedy. DIAMOND, 24TH It LAKE 'Tec C the Ring," Episode No. 11. . - -Animated Weekly. ' 1 - "Fur-Trimmed Coat." 1-reet drama. ' "Her Celluloid Hero," Neator comedy. ' GRAND, , lfJTH AND BINNEY - . "IRONCLAW" PIPE ORGAN DE LUXE OP, 24TH AND LOl TRIANULB PRESENTS V.1 FRANK KEEN AN IN 1 "STEPPING STONES." South. ; , BOULEVARD, 33d & Leavenworts FRANCIS BUSHMAN IN "MAN AND SOUL.' ' West AT3a50T?lT3WHAWFlNTI . HOUSE PETERS IN v HE HAND OF PERIL." , Aim comedy. DUNDEE, 51 it & UNDERWOOD . KINO BAtlOOT IN " "HALF A ROOUB." . KBTSTONB COalBDT, "BUCKINQ SOCIKTT.' HIPPODROME, SSth & CUMING, OTTO, THE COBBLER" LVBIN COUnOT. OMAHA- 40TH AND DODGE Tyrone Fewer and Lois Weber "THE EVEOF GOD." KOHLFF, 2561 'LEAVENWORTH "BLAZING LOVE" sissr South Side. 24th & N "Social Pirates." Sellg-Trtbune Nsy II. i -Ths Curfew at Blmptow Canter. Vita. QRPHEUM. 24TH AND M -SOLD FOR MARRIAGE." . WITH LILLIAN GISH. DEATHS ft FUNERAL NOTICES. TAPLIU Ur. Blisabeth, aged It) yeara, Willow of Qorr W. Staples. Funeral Sunday, aluiyf, at IrM p. m. r tt the horn of her daurntor, Mra. A. R. llePAjrtud, lilt Spaaoer St, InUrmnni t Atklnaon, b. Tk fvineHl f 01 CrU-n will ba held lud ftftrneti at I e'ttoitt from family Midanea, IUI Bouth rortyilxth itraat, to prlnrwall aamatary. Prtanda tvra wal oobm Aula MTTtea. ' Monomgntt nd Cemeteriet :- life AUTI ITU (. markart, tablaii ant.' erMrTeii . for uanaarkd nvi, purt writ eemortt 11 1 ta 7.. Wrlta for olrcular. OeiMm plM til Brandala BlUir, Omaha, 1'huaa IOMlf"i"; Rvdmmn O r vj M rkr Co. Ibaumalatar MononiieBt ivoriu, mauaolaunu, all kintla markara. lltk and CharUa FLORISTS. , BEST gilAUTT CUT CI.OWER8 or . plants, Art Combinations, ahtpped every. whara. Bseellent aervlee to our custom- era In past years rofiommeada HUSS si SWOBODA. 1411 Kerne m HI. loug. net. LAROaWT ASSORTUUNT of treah flow. re, delivered or ablpued aoywbara. U UnlN- uanaun, leis rarnam at. Parker piower shop. 411 s uin. v. inu. A. DONAOHIIB, 1411 Hamey. tmuc. 101. BATH, florlet IM04 remain HI. n 1mh BIRTHS AND DEATHS. - Births R. R. and B. C. BarberT fo5T Heradlik avenue, girl; Cheatet B. and Belle 5 A. Hunter. 1110 Charles, boy: William and Maud Rentier, !! South Vorty-slith, girl: John T. and Fraacos Prochaska, Stll S, ' S'rl, , Deaths Narmard Schlrck, II years, tOtT T North Twentieth; Joseph Pec-ka, 44 years, . alia ftAUth Taulr.llrlt! Rlmar Jamhun It yeare. Hlasourl liver; Caroline Anderes. 74 years. 1(11 North Eighteenth: William ' V F. Bauer, 4ft yeare. 14X1 South Seventh; Nela Nekerg. ll years. Hospital; pavld . jfells. II years. 151! Merer. . . MARRIAGE LICENSES. IsArrlags llcenaes were Issued ta the Col lowing eoupleo; '''-' Naaaa and Residence - v "': : ' ', '. Age. Jesenk A, Bradley. NMoua Falls..., ..i.... II Oraea at. Manlley. Omens, 19 Axel V. I-udln, Omaha....,; ID I .aura Doyle, Omaha.. 10 BUILDING PERMITS. Ctward Cackley, S30l 4-l'-TS"Sorth Twen. ty-tuth. frame rials, M.Me, I ;t-fcund-Rwards llf fou to anvthina Atitl will advartlaa It Urn. y will aurvly rouovar It If found tnr an baaaal t-ratv Mtmarkakla ra vtmw ar uronaht atomt dvatir m tkroab tfata ouiunm. ' , : THC LAW who find teat arUcJM ar lniiMiid In knowing that tm atata law la irttt Id raqu.rin tbata im aaak tha awuar (hrooah advartbHuaaat ' -wd atkborvtrM aad ttet a Cailur to a Mb ft mm cu ka praraa, taYolraa a LOST-FOUND-REWARDS LOST BROWN AND WHITB (SPOTTED BULLDOQ, ONB BTB WHITE, OTHER BROWN; HARNESS AND TAG ON, NO. X). CALL HARM fit" 1171 AND RE CEIVE reward. : : OliAIfcA A COUNCIL BI.tJPTS STRKHT" RAJLWAf COMPANY. Paraona havlns nat aoma articla would do wall to call up the offtoa of tha Omaha 4 Counull Bluffn trt Railway company to aacartalo wbathar Utay latt It In fha itraat cara. , Many artlcloa aauh day ara turoad la mnd tha company la ans.loua to ra atoro them ta the rightful owner. Call Tyler 100. LOST or .ttrayed, Boston biindle bull pup. white fact and noee, white apot on right aide of back, anawera to name of "Quick." Kinder please raturn to Mra. W. P. Archi bald. i:T 8. 10th 8t.. uid receive reward. ' Call Harney S0t. LOST Between 12th and Howard and 16th and Vinton, eult roll containing complete baae ball uniform and running hoee. Re ward If returned to K02 Harney at. LonrA Boaton brlndle female dog, with white breaet, necK arm- pawaf haa pupa Call South 1515 and receive reward. LOBT A Boiton brlndle female dog, white breaet, neck and pawe, haa pups, iall rwmn anq ractj i Ye rawaro. iEoBT -Bunch of keya July , 6;' 1 reward. Phone Dnuglaa 111 or CoKas 14. hATJ'i "gold brooch. elngV tone oanter. Reward, Walnut 1611, . FOR SALE MitcelUneous Furniture and Household Goods. TRADB WINNING VALITBS. WHBRU TOUR MONKT BUTB MOST. It's our Intention that every ouetemer shall receive full value for every dellar spent under this roof for houee furntah Inga, STATE rURNlTURB CO., Cat. Hth and Dodge Bti. Doug. HIT. OMAHA'PILLOW CO. r tit and hair mat tresses mads over to new ticks tit halt tha pries of new ernes. Phono 4 for sample of ticking Mall erdera fllled. IM7 cumuig Bt. liougias wi. IcNTlRO I rooms of furniture and ruga for -sale at ones; also aew fill Schaeffer piano for flei. Til a list Ave. Harney IIP. FOR SALB Patented Ironing hoard, neat nnd well built; will laet a iiiettm. rneae na tor particulars, uoug. aiss. S ICB hotes, It gas stoves. 1 rus of nil ninosi poultry wire ana neiiing. vpes. tin p. m. imp w. itn mi, Pianos and Musical Instruments. 4S0I CiXviNO city, fins piano oheap. Parker, watnut ins. PIANO tor aala, in fine oondltion. Call Col- fai iHt. Store and Ofliee Fixtures. DBA KB, aafas. scales, showcases, shelving, ete, we buy. sett, umana vixture Supply Co., 4H-18-U S. Uth. Doug. ITU. Billiard and Pocket Tables. - FOR SALE BILLIARD TABLES, Brand new, carom nd pocket, with complete outfit, second-hand tables at re duced price ; bowling alleys and supplies; easy payments. Cigar store, drug, deli catessen and eoda fountain Sxtures. THB MH UN H W 1CK -BA LK tt-COLLBN UitiH COH 407-401 South letb SL Jewelry, Diamonds and Watches. BRODBOAARD'0 "lucky wedding rings" at llth and Ifougiaa Bis. Typewriters and Supplies. NBW machines sold the earns as rent, $1 per moo th. See ua before yea buy or rent Shipped any place on tea days' free trial. Butts Typewrttsr Bkchaags. Ill S. llth, Omaha. Neb. XiPUW'lUTblKd acid, rented and re paired. Kent au uuver typewriior, jnentlia for t&. Central Typewriter Bz- ciiange. irwe raraam. U hU 1 Mi'l'uNS, Monaroha "and iHmttb Premiers tor rem, sent anywnars, Hem- Ington Typewriter company, u. iiAriUAliNH In UNd typewriters, ribbons , iloeenr carbon. 91 a nos. etiaiana uo in Be uidg. ; ; Sewing Machines. Sewing Machines , . We rent, repair, aell needlea and parts sf all sewing machines. NICKEL'S i . .-. ' MBBRAHKA CYCLB CO. llth and Harney Sta. Doug. Mil Machinery and Engines. NBW AND SKCOND-HAND MOTORS. BXPURT KL BOTH I CI AN 8 AND UACHINISTH. LB BRON KLKCTKICAL WORKS. III :e b. lath Bt, Omaha. FCH SALU A J. 1. Caae ihreeblng out fit Valter Deueen. 7S4 eth Bt, Co. Bluffe, la. BOILBHS et earn" electric, gas engines, pipes. Prune wrecKing JQ., Uumiag. Printing and Office Supplie OBT our prlcfs bo Job printing. CAHf AlUf) UAUIHI A or UASl A LiTTe U. (L PTO. CU.. BUB BLDO. DOUO. UTI. COJiaiiRCIAL Implicating Co.. also pubiii Bieno. rnune ror prices, uougias iius. 4t Paxton Bik, WATKIIS-BARN HART Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. tug. llw, 4 B. llth St Lumber and Building Materials, SBCUNDHAND.umber for' sals" at . Illl Bt. Marys Ave. Miscellaneous. ' FOR SALB. To be removed, houee in rear of 1111 Davenport St. Can be bought cheap. W. FARNAM BMITH CO.. IS J ft 'na.njSt. l.'oug. IQBt. UT hTgh'staitderd o? guallty will be main taint di 4 quarto uf Old Pontenelle whleky. IS. lb; on t tied In bond. Henry Pollock, maU order bouse. Doug, Uek. I2i-U4 N. Wh M. . ALEX JETTES LIQUOR HOUSE, Thirteenth end Douglas. -; Bottled 10 bund trhleky. hie. 1 1. 00. ll II tun guar I. OUNl'INH CallJorVia wlue vlnugar. white or red; quart bottisa. Stt cents; gallon, 8W cents. Iniportrd olive ntl ?6 centa per quart. Cackley Broa ' Phone Doug. 4t)gs. FOR SALE Complete act tinner'a tools, good ae new, alee t power preeeee; any or all. Writs or telephone R. H. Maiony, Red Oak, la. FOR BALK a bo shook. 11x11x24, fine condition, write n. u. uaiony, Red Oak. luwa. K7R A dray Wagon In good condl- llOUi Will evil iiuwi ".re;, nvvivu, Neb. , - . WANTED TO BUY,- ANT KD High elaea surveyor, s transit, an instrumeut that "Is designed tor gen eral land surveying as well as drainage work. Prlos must be right, Address X l9, Bee. Want Hi) TO BUY Having rented a bultd- lng on track for our ofSca and warehouse ; we wHl want to buy some glees partition Phone Basket Ktoros OtOcc, Tyler 44V. D Nsw aesha. used desks, bouabt. said and traded. .J. C Bead. IZPT Farnam. CALL Red I0 'he 4!s barsrs at Mrnl Urei aothlii. tea bis or tuo amalL Wa pay au Ifa worta. isp lmemla BL rjtsbesl pries paid for i4'band slothes, shoes, trunks, sultrases. D. 4141 or D. 1011. HOLMES pars your pries" for M heod elothes. shoes end nets, web- IS. Wanted Somt Wnt Add in ex change or lot. of anawera. -. Phone The Be. , : ANNOUNCEMENTS LOCATED nt TH BEB BUILDINO, , "THE BUILDING THAT t ALWAYS NBW." Ill BVKR A SAP! AND ' DESIRABLB ANNOUNCEMCNT. . finb buTtS ! ot , THRKE ROOsIS fine for LAWYERS. REAL ESTATE or insurance: The Bee Building Co., ' Offles Room Ml, BRODEUAARD'S "Lucky Weddlnf Rlns" st 14th and Douglas Sts. tiVE outdoors. T. M C. A. Outlnc Pirk. Bakeriei. . CAKII8, pastry and fancy bakery rooda. supplied to psrtlns, lortses and entertain menta. Z, H. Boeder, U04 N. llth. W. HI, Accountant!. . y B. A. Dworak, c. P. A.'' .. A VAN ORDER. ' ' 181 Bamg. Bldg. " Phone Doug. 8144. Advertising Noveities. U. F. Shafer Co.. l.tb.P.rnam. D. 1414. V - ArtibU. ' .. ARTISTS work for tha trade, coloring, e!r brushing; high-class work. .11 rsslon. Brass and Iron Foundries. Puton-Ultehell Co.. fTth and Martha Sts. Baths. HTOIBNIC BATH INBTITTJTB, Madam Edjia H. LaBell, 7.1 South l.tb L vapor hatha, Bwedlslt massage taught every Frl. day for man and women. Lady attendant for ladlee. Phone Douglas Tots. DR. ' BBNDA Sulphur, atoatn. Modera Turkish BATHS AND MAHHAUD. rrivats apartmenta for ladlea with lady attend. ants. 191. Farnam. Phons Doug. ,177, RITTENHOl'HB Sanitarium; ill kinds baths. I10-214 Balrd Blk , 17th and Douslu. Cameras and Finishing. "RBXOETB" oameraa, IMslH. - : "'- eersal fooos lens). Green's pnarmaay, lata and Howsrd. Sea them today. Chirouractic. CHIROPRACTIC COMBINED WITH SUL PHUR STEAM BATHS. Ths only eniro praotls sanitarium la tha state; lady and gentleman doctors tn attendance. 1-1 Ot tawa Bids.. 24th and Farnam. Doug' Till. DR. KNOLLENBERO DR. MACNAMARA . Costumes. - . THEATRICAL towns, full dress nits, far rent. 101 N. 17th. John Faldmaa. - . Buttons and Pleating. DRESS pleating, hemstitching and aav are. buttons. Vaa Arnem Draaa Pleat - tng aad Butts. Co., M floor Psiton Bik. Doug. 11.1. Carpsntors and Contractors. . BRICK repairing and oemsnt work af all ainas. IS IS Lnrown. narney ..... Lssaard San, 1104 Capital Ara. Ty. IUI. C. W. Hekanson, tl.l Lesv.n th. Ty. 111! Chiropractic and 8pinal Adjustment DR BURHORN'S modem sanlury ehlre- Eractla adjusting parlors, 414-11 Ross Bids. '. H4I. Palmer Sch. trad. ; lady attendant Pr. J. C. Lawrence. 1 B.lrd Bldg. t. ml. Dancing Academies. DE LUXE ACADBMT, III ft llth St Detectives. THE INTER-STATE DETECTIVE ' AS SOCIATION Incorporated and bonded. 4ll Rsmga Bldg. Tel. iwig. .in. V&lh WINCKLER, tTii Dewey Ats. Espsrtj low rates. Harney IT.I. James Allan, hi Nsviiia Block. Evi dsnos .soured In all casss. Tylsr 1111. Dressmaking. ACCORDION, Slds, Knits. Bos Pleating, Cov. Buttons, Hematltcatnt. Nsb. Pleating a Button go., eii-i raatoa Bik. n. tm, FIRST-CLASS work oh summer dresses and ellfc shirts; svsrythlng guar. D. 1671. Kelstsr's Dressmaking Col . IUI City Nat'l." Tarry Prsssmsk'g oollege. 80th and Fsrnam. Dentists, , Dr. Bradbury, No pain. ll W. O. W. Bldg. Taft's Dent. Bms.. 101 Boss Bldg. D. 1144, Electrolysis EXPERT aparator, at home; I 101 a. tp Ave. Doug. 7tn. eharga. Everything for Women. ACCORDION, slds, knife, sunburst, hoi Plsatngi eovsred buttons, all wsea and atjrlee; hemstitching, plcot sdglng, sm broidery i beading, braldlna, cording, syslet cut work, buttonbolea, psnnaatA IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO. 10. Douglas Bik. Douglas Illl. LADIES You can always And ready. made slothes at airs, itonsrtson s. -611 Laks St. Express Companies. TWIN CITY Ksprsss. Co., leal Case St uougiss 1717. Heavy naming a apeciaity. ANYWHERE 25c WB. 2104 Fixtures and Wiring. nTTP Iff Nt Electric washing machines, 1UXbAa.Ail alectrlo Irons and reading lamps, till Cuming Bt Douglas till. Furnaces and Tinware. ROOFING, furnace and gsnsral tlnwork. 9. Acrame, 140. N. llth St Web. 4144. Hair Dressing. IDEAL Hair Parlors, 101 B.lrd Bldg. Manl. curing, toilet articles. Doug. .1.6. Hand Laundry, CALL DOUGLAS 4111 and have year laun- dry gone right aad reasonable. Hat Cleaning and Blocking. - STRAW, Panama, all kinds hate, cleaned and rsblouked, ISH-ltu Harney Bt Lawyers, FRANCIS MORGAN, 111 Bee. Doug, tot. Justices of the Peace. R. H.SCLAIBORNU. 11. Paston Bik. Red 7401. Notary public; deposition stsna, 0. W, BRITT. 101 Barker Block. Motor Repairs. CAHILL ELKO. CU.. Bee Bldg. D. Hit. Office and Store Fixtures. H. J, JOSEPH Odd HTML work. Walnut III. Patent Attorney, j K. A.' mntaES, .10 Brandela Thsa. D. Illl. ' Painting and Papering. OMAHA Paate Co., 711 S llth. Doug, till. II ROOM, paper and hanging.' Web. 1141. - Pianos for Rent - U 10 Psr Mo. A. Hosps Co., Illl POUglSA Scale Rerjairing. : 0m. Standard Scale Co., 413 s, llth. O. Mil. Vacuum Cleaners.. CLEAN QUICKLY AND THOROUGHLY WITH ECLIPSK ELECTRIC! RENT 1 AND 11.10 PER DAT. DoUOLAS 1710. ' Towel SuDrtlieg. . OMAHA Towel Supply, 105 & llth, ft l!l. k Wedding Stationery. WEDDING snnounoemenu and printing. Douglss Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 044. Wine, and Liquors. BUY your tsmlly liquors a Kleln'a Liquor House, 411 N. 14th. Uouglaa llo. Wall Paoer Cleaning. WALLPAPBH oloanliig. by room or hour. Reaeonabte. Phone D. 1144. Oea. Rumple. SWAPPERS' COLUMN IF you have anything to trad, make up a Utile ad and run It tn thla column far aeven da ye It only routs ita nd lo per anawor, Thla offer ta iruod enly In Omaha. , and xoludtg Ral Uetatw, tuuh Offers, and , Buelneae Prnpttrtlea Vor Hale or 'lrde Three, si vl as rnvil iUra for uee of Swappera' Column must puy revular raiea. One or two aniwers in aurflcleiit to make ' your trade and the whole traoaacllon only corns about , 3ftr. Try; It HAVE many valuable coins to trade for anything of use, among thorn eweral Cali fornia gold halvsa and quartern; round and octagonal halvee. worth P M each; Quarters, It each; aome auclent coins, about J. 000 yeara old. flying eagle onts, large copper centa. l-ont pletree, trade dollar, hard time token, and many coins of all denomination! and deeeripiloni. Also have aeveral complete ate of eeftaln eolna. What have you? Addreea & C 142, Bee. It ACRES good Bnlmproved land located II mlle from St. Louie' great maet, tVi mllea from Iron ton. Mo.; beautttul ooan try: eicellsnt gardsa sell, eprlna water: worth 6 per acre. WIU aeii Cor tik ar traae tor umana reei eaiaie, auto, Ai motor eyole, piano, marvhasdiae; tsrma. Owner, J 1ST Be HAA'B fine electric piano and mualo rolls; .all excellent condition: cost over $800. Hano eaa he played by hand altoj ti fit . ted with ft nickel alot attaehment. What have you to trade ot equal value t Ad- drees B. C, 117, flee. VORD roadatsr, tor trade. ItU body. A -1 oondltion; new ttrea, praato tank, hand horn, detachable deiiraryi hoz (or rear. .AddrNa 9. C. Ill, Baft. . SWAPPERS' COLUMN ADDING MACHINE First claaa Burrough'i Adding Machine, used very little, will ex change tor Underwood typewriter, good pictures, vooks, or what have you? Ad dress a. C. 10, Bea. WANTED To swap dlamonda for Ford ear In good oondltion, value 2II; will allow inspection of any Jeweler; requires demonstration of ear. Address ft. C tit, Bea. HAVE an office chair and deak lamp In A-No. I oondltion, to trade (or email book stand, law hooka, sanitary eooch or baby carriage. Aflame b. c. m, we. WILL swap violin. Imported, valued at 14, for bicycle, must be a goott one, and dif ference In cash, phonograph, or what have your AUdrese r ee. CORBEHPONDENCB school course In aatea manshlp. to trade for anything of three fourths Ua fair .value. Address ft. C. 151, nee. WILL aell or trade B-C-H touring car, good Condition. Want lighter car, piano. What have jkut Address t eie. uee. FILMS baVELOPBD FREE when print! are ordered, Enlargements from any neg ative. Kaae Btudio, ltD ana warney. 1B0 A- western land; want good automobile Dourlaa 8100. 420 First Nat'l Bte. Bldg HAVE a Baby Grand player piano to trade for Ford or other make automobile. Ad dress S. C. 141. Bee. .. FULL size brass bed, springe and mattress for cedar chest, or whnt,you7 Address b, j. it, uee, 4-BLADB celling wan or man a lllng Ian, In tnd hn. Add "iyTln this arnfbA -sinAltlnn. for Address S. C. 106. Bee. A LITTLE ajT In this column will bring about some rmarliabie eacnanaea. BUSINESS CHANCES IN BU8INE88 FOR TOUASELF. ' flpac Is now available ta as exceptionally good location for a business where only small Investment la needed. ...... personal Attention and efficient service will spell ft biff succssa. . ' PUBLIC AUCTION, BANKRUPi STOCK OF HARDWARE At Diller, Neb. ! Oeneral stock of hardware will ba sold July 10 at I o'clock p. nw ood building; good location; Inventories on file la my office at Fair bury, Neb. R. B. Riley, Trus tee tn Bankruptcy,. AN established manufacturer wants gen eral sales manager to open offloo and manage salesmen. I00 to $701 capital necessary. Money-making poaalbllltlea un limited. Will pay expenses to Chicago If yon are man we want. Sales maamtar. ion Kopupuo ma., unicago. No other Omaha newepaper la" ' a ho wing- anywhere near tha pros rees la 1U Want Ada . , as THB BBS. . f 10,101 MORE PAID AM la tha Bret five months of 111! than In tha same period of Illl. FOR SALE Ice cream and eoda water fao tory In town of 4,000, doing a paying business; owner engaged In ether business. This is a snap tor quick returns. Address K IIP, Bea, ICE cream parlor and confectionary! a first class place; making good money j teUv town and only on ol Its kind her. lOJHte C. W. Brooks, Valley Fans. Kan. FOR SALE 4-chalr barber shop, ll-tabte pool hall, eountsrs, show oases, eto. Will sell the business or the tables and fix tures asperate. O. A, Land, 1107 Far nam st. FOR SALE $ -chair barber, shop, lettable pool hall; counters, show oases, ia.-ww sell the business or th tables and fix tures separate. O. A. Lang. HOT Farnam. t)RtJO stock for sale. Stock and! fixtures Invoice about $1,000. Good business town In south oatral Nebraska. Address T 411, uee. WILLIAMS, established II years. To buy or sell business see him. 411 MoCagu Bldg. Reference U. a. Natl wanic MO VINO Picture Theaters, raaf 'tiargallna; machines, repairs, supplies, acoeaeortea, aew and second-hand. See us. OMAHA THEATER SUPPLY CO Balrd Bldg. Dour Illl. FOR SALE One of the oldest grocery ant? meat markets tn the olty; doing $4,000 cash business per month; must be sold at once; ' reason for setltng, other business. Ill Doug. Phono pouf. FIVE positions now open for young; men of ability aad Integrity, with from $400 up. In general merchandise business. Address H If a. Bee. . ' FOR 8ALB-H3ood, clean stock f hard ware; lie town central Nebraska. Oood - reason for eelling. Be quick. Address T. 267, Bee. DO WD Sate and Auction Co., Omaha, kavs eloead out more mdse. stocks than any other Brm m u. s. write xor MOTION PICTURE MACHINES. New and rebuilt bargains, supplies, Omaha Film Exchange. 101 B. 14th St FOR SALB by owner Drug store, dwelling and stock; square deal. Address owner, 14 West Ith Ave., Denver, joio. TO GET in or out of business, call on OANOE8TAP. 431 Bee Bldg. Po"- I4T1. IttHT WITH MB FOR QUICK RESULTS. Tyler Z48T. eir -koso mag. TO SELL or buy a business call on BuiiioE at, Borghoff. 730 World-Herald Bldg. POOL ROOM--Nlne new, Ublea, easy Unas. 1120 Farnam St. SITUATIONS WANTED WKSKLI ka i oh iso ran iuia. Day work or business ads regular rata I Hoes on week,.,,..,... ......II I lines one week .......41 ach xtra line llo per week. . - , AUsSaC s BT middle aged white man with general commercial experience in eoiaoiisnineni where on can start at bottom and work uu to salesman sosltlon. Steady, sober. honest and reliable. References; F. UT, Bee Farm hands, corn PLOWna, etc., fur nlehed free to term era. Writ, wire or telepho.. Sweeney aad Dillon's Nebraska Employment agency, 1130 Dodge SC. Omaha. Neb. Douglas tOOI. GROCER -clerk wants position, four years' experience; can furnish beat references i age II. Call, write or phqa Tyler 1101. Room 4it Y. M. u, A. WANTED By young man, 11, work at -barber trade have had alx months' ex perience; small town preferred. V. Glenn, siss a. istn at., a. umana. BOOKKEEPER, 11 years' experlenoCcouiv try aad city banks and tfloes, desires - permanent connection, country bank or good nrm. Aoaress u Jits gee. WANTED Position as grocery clerk In Iowa town, any slie; I yeara' experience; age, 27; married; best of references. O. D. Bu-hrig. Mlnler. Ul GAS traction engineer desires position, sx- perlenced. Handle any. make.. B. U. Drown. Box. 11, Seward, Neb. WANTED Position as pharmacist Regis tered - in Nebraak. Best ot reference. H. F. Manning, Merna. Neb. 11K1H school and buslnosa college gradu- ate seeks position aa Asa't bookkeeper r for office work. Addrees G-I8I Bee. ' JAPANESE competent cook want position In a family. Write K. Hama, 4101 B. llth St., So. Omaha. , Miscellaneous. CONTRACTOBH Contractors attention. Wa furnish ai h'nda of mechanic and labor era free of cbu . . e. Hespoaelble for all transportation Write, wlr or Ulopbon, - Sweeney and DUIon'a Nebraska Employ ment Agener. 1320 Dodge SL Douglas TOOL ODD Jobs and Janitor work by the day or month, experienced In. all lines of work; can furnish beat of references. Telephone Hamey 4. ' s EXPERIENCED man would like general - houae cleaning, lawn mower work; guar- Knteed. Phone Uouglaa 4544. YOVNtt married manSood habits, Wishes posltloa as chauffeur in private family. Doea repair work. Hdrney 44l )Jau would IlkiTlenUorVnd porter work. call Harney IPOSltmN' "as giUleman'nu'r'ee. ep. P-,M: Hotels snd Restaurants. RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, m Davenport Bt Douglas lltiO. rt ere fur hotel help. Female. . , WANTED Position aa housekeeper by a lady with a child tk years old; most pur railroad far out, , Mr. R Endlcett, 8. Side,, Omaha, Neb., Rout 4,, or telephone grocery store. South 1454. THE BEE charge for "Situation ads" Is lower than any other form of advertising -net enough to jovr cost of printing. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. Malic. Monographer and notary public 101 Bee Bldg. Doug. 1441. Reae. ratea. WANTED A position ae an experienced lauadree. Tel Oeug. Ittk Louis Masoa. SITUATIONS WANTED Female. POSITION wealed br competent colored alrl. week1 a wark. Trier 1414 W. IOUNO lady would like a position aa soussksspsr. Fhons Douglss 1864. WANTED Position as cook boarding houM. Don,. Illl. la private Lsnndry snd Day Wort. WASHINO and Iroalnt neatly done, called for and delivered: work guar. Web. 1174. WANTfCD Bundle waehln.; all work uar antaed. Telephones H. I4H and H. 4011. BT competent colored woman, day work and laundrjr; best of work. Web. 14.1. OAT work br reliable colored woman, or will do chamber work. Webster 4711. Chambermaid work, szpsrleneed, anything coneiaered: H daye or whole. Ty. leee. WANTED Day' work by neat, experienced colored woman. Phone Webster 1101 BUNDLE washing, work, lace ror talns; work guarantsed. Webster 126.. WANTED Day work by experienced wom an. Call Webster 1157. EXP, bundle washing A daywork. P. 7T Whits laundress, dlnnsrs prepared. Web. Experienced woman, day work. Web. 2614. BUNDLE washing neatly done. Web. 4111. EXP. colored girl, bundle, wash. R. 1711. DAT work and bundlo washing. Doug. 4961. B dls wash, call, del: guar. Mrs. East M.H64 DAT WORK. Call mornlnx. Webster 1112. DAT work and bundle w aahlng. D. 4117. DAT work; call mornings. Webster 1112. WASHINO and lace curtains done. Ty. 1144. BUNDLE washing, lacs curtains. Web. 7410. HELP WANTED MALE Stores snd Offices. feKPR., wholesale, $76; shipping elk., expsr lenced, 174; asa't. shipping elk., f 4Sj pries elk., 164-171; sten. and elk., mfg., $41; erder elk., f 40; bkpr., retail, $70; stone., wholseale, $10. Western Referefic and Bond Ass'n., Ine Origlnatora of the Reference Business. . TBI Omaha National Bank Building. STENO., $00; steno., $74; steno (So. Side), 101; btller, $74; ledger elk., $74; bkkpr., 971. GET BUST if you want to consider any- of these,, for we MUST All them at one. , CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., Ten Tears tn Omaha 1016-11 City NatL WANTED Toung man around twenty years of age as stenographer and Elliott Plshar maohln operator. Excellent chance with large wholesale establishments Write us detailed letter as to your qualifications. Address L 111, Bee. SALES MAN, Iowa, drawing acot; book keeper, 9100 t $1.6; bookkeeper, 74; bookkeeper, $6; steno., out ot town, $85; bookkeeper, some sten. work, $84. Watts Ref. Co.. 840 Brandela Thea, Bldg. t R. R. CLERKS $74.44 STENOGRAPHER 10.00 OFFICE MANAGER (Investment) . .200.00 THE CANO AQENCT, 400 BED BLDG. STENOGRAPHER and . clerk, permansnt position to competent stenographer, $71 8I, depending upon experience. X 101, Omaha Bee. - ' WANTED An experienced bank book-J keeper, s Address r, O, Box 1284, giTing references. Professions snd Trades, FARM hands, corn plowers, eto., furnished fro to farmers. Write, wire or tele phon. Sweeney tt Dillon's Nebraska Em ployment agency, ill! Dodge Stw Omaha, HOD. VOUgiaS 7UQQ, WANTED At once, aa experienced poultry grader, poultry packer, also experienced agg man. Oood wages to party who can nek good. Steady work. Address T-4llt Be. WANTED Machine ahop foreman by firm Just starting to manufacture farm trao- ; tors) moderate salary to start; excellent opportunity for the right- man; give ago. , complete experience and salary expected. Address A 101, Bee. SEE US POR DRUG JOBS. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. Established Ten Tears. 1016-11 City National. AINTERB wanted; only first-class meohaa- Ics need apply; stats wages expected, and references, it any. Addrees f 8, Bee. WANTED First class barber; guarantee of $14 per week; oo per cent over . J. n. McPhanm, O'Nein, Neo. MACHINISTS wanted; competent "men for lathe, planer and boring mill work. Ad- areas s suu, ne. 10 HARVEST HANDS wanted; close In; 91 per day, room and board. Neb. Employ ment Agency, ilia uoare. MEN wanted to unload coal. Apply Sunder laad Brothers' Company Old aad Isard er 14th and Taylor. , WANTED A printer. Owner called out on military duty. Wire Journal, Oordoa. Neb. Drug store snap. Jobs, Knslst. Be Bldg. Sslesmen snd Solicitors, OUR rapidly grownlg business nscessltatss adding high-class men; men who ara ex perienced retail lumber salesmen and who ar willing to oarry out the spirit of service with which our business is con ducted. Positions must be filled at once. German speaking agents preferred. Ad. drees T-480, Bee. WANTED District manager for faat sell ing proposition; requires small - capital. West A MoLaughUn, 1407 Leavenworth. Omaha. Neb. STOCK and bond salesman. STANDARD BBC. A INV. CO.. 1017 W. O. W. Bldg. SALESMEN Big Uloney for business get ters, call at hut w. u. w. Biag. Tesmsters snd Chauffeurs. WANTED A man, working during the . day, to run oar aad attend to cleaning of it la ' exchange for room. Telephone Harney 1164. Trade School. MEN Why not learn the barber trade T - Lighter, cleaner and eaeier than most llnea f work. More barbers needed nowt great est demand ever known. Oood guarantee, tips and over-money. Can own ahop on small capital or travel. Our free Illustrated catalogue explains how we teach the trade In a few weeks. Special summer rates. Write today. Moler Barber college, lit) S. 14th St.. Omaha. Neb. ,(Est. 1893.) GOOD MEN WANTED, Is leant auta work for th big spring rush. Fla training work on autoa aad electric starting systems. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE. 1061 Farnam, Omaha. Neb. LEARN barlgar trade, more than make Jour tuition while learning, , Set of tools .eluded. Job guaranteed. : Call or write for catalogue, 102 Dodge. TRI-C1T7 BARBER COLLEGE. MEN wanted to learn ' the barber trad. Tuition lit. 1408 Cass St., Omaha. OMAHA BARBER COLLEGE. " Miscellaneous. ARMT OF THE UNTED STATES, MEN WANTED Able-bodied unmarried men ander age of II; oltleens of United States f good character aad temperate ha bite, who caa apeak, read, and write the Eng lish language. For Information apply to Recruiting Offler. Army Bldg., 16th and Dodge Sta.. Omaha. Neb,; 110 N. 10th St., Lincoln, Neb. 417 4tb St. Sioux City, Iowa; iot Ota Ave., dob aioinea. lowa. CAN use a few bora, good habits, over 14 yra, to work afternoon and Saturdays, can alao use few men la grocery and meat for Sat. work. Apply Ith and Dodge, Baa , ket Storee office. WANTED Toung men as railway Vnsll clerks. 976.00 month. Sample examination questions free Franklin Institute, Dept 321 R. Rocheeter. N. T. WANTED An experienced farm hand for work on my farm near Arlington. . Call 264 Exchange Bldg., South Omaha. 20 HARVEST HANDS wanted; close In; $4 per day, room and board. Neb. Employ ment Agency 1H0 Dodge , - MfiN wanted to enlist In Signal Corps at once; report at Lincoln. . 1 ' LABORERS wanted; llth and Q Sts., South Omaha. - - - v . HELP WANTED. MALE AND FEMALE. ' COMMERCIAL Teacher, for High achool posit lens. Haaard Teachers' Agy, bsnew. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores snd Offices. STENO. aad bkpr., laauranoa experieDca, small etflos, 160; t comptometer epera- "tora. $4.$4.; ateno. wholeaale, 270; ledger elk. and asa't. bkpr, 4; offloe elk and typist. Itt. Western Reference and Bond Aaa'n., Inc., 7S1 Omaha National Bank Bonding. STRXO. and bkkpr. (Ins., Rn. future), 154 460; ateno and bkkpr. double entry) 449 244; 2 ateffographere fins, wholesale, re tall), 264-244- tva muet All theee at once CO-OPEAATIVR RKFERENCU CO,-1014-11 Cllf Matk HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores snd Offices. - STENOGRAPHERS ATTENTION. Bring thla ad aad wa will reglstsr you FREE It you have had SIX month, or more experience. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1014-14 City NatL STENO., out ot town, ?t: ateno.. I6S-2CO-240-24.; Dictaphone opr.. 2?-ll-40; corapt. opr., 260-240; eompt and typist, 260. Watts Ref. Co., 242 Brandela Thea ter Bldg. STENOGRAPHERS, REGISTER WITH US. -wo F2L.INU fee. oaljr 60 cents to investi gate references. THB MARTI CO., 1227 W. O. W. Bldg. LEDGER CLERK 240.22 BK-KPR. AND STENO., (INS.).... 40.00 FILE CLERK 26.00 THE CANO AQENCT. 400 BEE BLDG. STENOGRAPHER with a little experience for permanent poaltlon, 236-240. L-300, Omaha Bea. . .. Professions and Trades. WANTED Girls to work on fist work ma chine, hand, lroners and seamstress. Ap ply Bupt. of laundry. Hotel Fonteneile. WANTED Girls In Sat work dept. Apply Evans Model Laundry, llth and Douglas. Household snd Domestic. WANTED Good girl to assist with house work; hare a nice pleasant room for you In a good home. Telephone Harney 1266. WANTED Oood girl for general house work; keep a second girl. Mra. J. A. Sunderland, Falracres. Phone Wal. 292. WANTED Competent girl for general homework, In family; good wages. Call at once. Colfax 2020. ' WANTED Competent girl for general housework; small family. 2221 Cuming. Fhon Walnut 16... WANTED Whit, girl for general houss work; references; no washing or upstairs work, walnut 244. WANTED Competent second girl. Apply Mrs. F. A. Brogan, 4012 Davenport Wal nut 2171. GIRL for general houeowork. No laundry, excellent wages. 112 North 40th. Har ney 6212. WANTED Experienced girl for general honaework; 2 In family. Tel Harney 2000. WANTED Comeptent cook. No others need apply. Three In family, call Homey 1ST,. GOOD atrong woman to assist with cook ing, good horns. Walnut 2621. PIANO tuning. Chas L. Fish. Web. 1262, Hotels snd Restaurants. WANTED Chambermaid. Apply to houas ksspsr Hotsl Fonteneile. Trsde Schools. GIRLS to learn hair dressing. Oppsnhelm parlor., at 222 City National Sank Bldg. Mlscellaneota. CHERRIES One-third for picking. Phons p. neon sis-j. Read Bee Want Ads for profit Use them for results. EDUCATIONAL DAT SCHOOL, -BOTLES COLLEGE, NIGHT SCHOOL. ' ' Beery day la anrollmsnt day. Bookkeep ing, Shorthand, Stenotypa, Typewriting; Tslsgranhy, Civil Service all Commercial and English branobe.. Catalogue free, BOTLES COLLEGE. 12th and Harney Sts, t .... Tel. Douglaa IMS. ,': VAN SANT SCHOOL of Business, Second Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg. . ENTRANCE 220 D. 5890. TEACHERS WANTED. We haA a number of ap Undid opening! for superintendents, high school principal, high achool teachers, grade principals, grade teachers, supervisors, special teach ers and rural school teachers. If yon de al re a good poaltlon In the west, let na bear from you at once. Western- Teachers' Exchange, Gas and Electric Bldg., Den ver, uoio. EARN big money; b a photographer; easy to loam; complete oouree. 1L Emory School of Photography, lit N. llth at. Phono Tyler 141. Musical. HARP Summer term offer to students he ginning April IS. Harp furnished. 101 Lyrlo Bldg. Loretta DeLon Htudlo. BOUBICIUS Music Studios, 13, 14, IB Ar lington block. Absolutely correct "time" In playing la our hobby. ,. , PERSONAL PILES, FISTULA ; CURED Dr. B. TL Tarry cure piles, fistula and thr rectal diseases without Y surgical operation. Cur guaranteed nnd no money paid until oured. Writs for book on rec tal , diseases with testimonial. DR. B, R. TAJtRT. Set B Bldg., Omaha, Neb. INSURANCE that Insures la the right of ; flee location in the best building, easy of aooaaa and where service is good. THB BEB BUILDING - Insures just theee things to all its tenants. - A suite of rooms just right for an Insur ance business is avail bio now. :,'V', Office Room 10ft. , . YOUNG women coming to Omaha aa strang ers are invited to visit the Toung Women's Christian Association building at 1Kb 8t. and St. Mary's Ave. where they ' will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Union Station. THB Salvation Army Industrial home eo llclta your old clothing, furniture, mage sines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. Hit and our wagon will call. Call and -Inspect our new horn. lUO-ini-nn Dodge SL STAPLE SHAFFER, masseuses - and scalp speclsijuts; graduates Prof. Thnell's chool; Swedish massage, scalp and hair, t a. m. to p. m, D. 111. 401 Ware Bik. HENRIETTA M. BRUOEMAN, D. M. T-. teache a complete oourse In the Thnell System ot Swedish massage. - Pupils wanteo. call or write xui ivarDacn Bile HENRIETTA M' BRUOEMAN, aclentlflc . masseuse, electric and radio light treat ment, steam and shower baths for men and women. SOS Karbacb Bik. Red S727. PERSONAL. Do you want a fine likeness of Mary Baker G. Eddy? If so mall one dollar for photo in tzl? inch folder to Charles Fisher, Batavla, la. PTTPTTTPirssfully treated with IVUl AU AVAUout m surgical operation. Call or write Dr. , Frank H. Wray, 104 Bee Bldg. R1TTE N'HQUSE Sanitarium. Hatha of all kinds; maasage and chiropody. .,10-214 Balrd Bik.. 17th and Douglas. D. 8468. CORSETS made to order. Prices 11.50 to 1 80. 00. Expert fitting. ' Nu-Bone Corset Shop, Brandela Thea. Lobby, D. 4I. OMAHA'S uperb hair dressing and treat ment parlors; prices very reasonable. Indu Kosmollc Shop, lt-80 Rose Bldg. LU ELLA WEBSTER, "masseuse," SIS Pax- ton Bik.. 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. D. 8337. CHILDREN to board and care for. 1811 Harney St., opetalrs. Phcne Doug. 7t7. RETIRING NURSE will care for invalids in her own home, best of care. Web. 4206. MISS CLARK, sea salt baths and manicur ing. 1802 Farnam St., Room No. . SCIENTIFIC massage, 620 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 08T2. MISS WILSON Bath and msnlcurlng. No, t, Davids Bik. Phone Doug. 8761. BATH and massage. , 1I3X Farnam BU, 2d floor. DR. Frances Pa won, E01-3 nose Bg. Ty.220. FOR legal advlca rail Douglas 1628. Read Bee Want Ads for profit. Use Uieiu for rciulu. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTERil If you fall to find th room you desire among these ads; call at The Bee office for Room List gives complete detailed description of va cant rooms In all parts of th city. If more convenient phon The Be , Want Ad Dept.; and give your hame and address, and a list will he mailed to you at ono. Mew lists ar Issued every week. HOTEL SANFORD. HOTEL HARLBT. llth and Farnam. SOth and Farnam., Special rates to permanent guests. i Pi.kasant room In private home; duced for the summer; breakfast. Harney 2136. 271 Poppleton Ave. COOL room downtown, floe bath, hot water year round, private ntrance, moderate price, uouglaa sbts. NICELY furnished front room at 2203 Sher man Ave.r In private family. Call Web--Ster 100. , DOUOLAS, 2212 Clean, cool rooms, nicely furnished, cloe In, reasonable. Douglas 8278. 2700 FARNAM S large, cool, south front rooms, very desirable for summer. Call Harney 1601. . FURNISHED ROOMS FOR MEN ONLT. 08 NORTH 17th ST. COOL room for gentleman, large lawn, ten- 5 nis court, ooarq optional. Harney irtrn. A single room, modern, private family, rea- sonable, to lady employed. 006 N. 17th. 1821 JACK SO St. Two nice cool sleeping rooms, with porch. Harney 8998. NICELY furnished room, cloee in; all ni4- rn. esi a 12d St " Housekeeping Rooms. CHARLES, 4388 Four large, cool room," modern, shade, garden; cheap; references two months. Walnut 8086. 2024 BURT One light housekeeping room . on oath room floor for rent reasonable. Phon Douglaa 2440. 112 N. 22 D Newly furnished and decorated. 1 and 2-room suites for light houseHeep- jpg. Red 0807. ' . " e ST. MARY'S, 2007 Cool, clean, nicely fur- nshed room, walking distance, reasonable. DOUGLAS, 3111 Nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping; reasonable rent. 220ft DOUGLAS ST. Furnished rooms tor light housekeeping and sleeping. S10 Bo. 14th Ave. On suit of rooms for light housekeeping. Red 2856. , i COOL, modern rooms for housekeeping. 1811 Charlea. Walnut SOTS. ' FURNISHED light housekeeping and" sleep ing rooms. 12 U Howard. t OR 4 rooms furnished- or unfurnished Phon Colfax 1006. lilt 8. . 6-r. B., $4.60; 1-r.. 1. H. 1431. Board and Rooms. EVERYTHING NEW. . Desirable, cool rooms, with excellent hoard special summer rates, 1664 Leaven- worth. NICELY furnished room with I windows; walking distance; for 1 young ladle. Red T8M. Unfurnished RoomsT THRBrf ttnturnlsheA roams (or llvht house keeping. Near Hajuoom park. 2211 WsoU worth Avs. Rooms Wanted. TOO PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS. CALL THB BEB) WANT AD DEPT. aad Snd ool -. . all about tha FURNISHED ROOM QUIDS. It's a plan that la helping manr SMPlfe. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments snd Houses. . V ' " Aoartments. SPLENDID. NEW FURNISHED. TRAVEBTON PIREPROOr. 14TR AMD iLANDON COURT. ' Caterln, to people sf rsfllsd tasti Apartment la completely equipped f.1 mtsskMplns; up to dat. and comfortable. TnAVfiS BROS.. Tel. Saoa. 2222. 7.2 Omaha NatL Bank, Or Call Wen. 4222. ST. CLAIR." 24th and Haraer. lroom fur nished apt Call Harney 04T. FOR RENT HOUSES lie. ' West WILL take sneral contrast for your nasj horn, and rsllera ,ou of all detail and, WIU work oat a plan to . ault. Phone Bsnson 122. F. 8. Trolling... North. THOROUGHLT modern 2-room oottaca, 4,17 N. 2(th St, Vary rsasonabla ta rs sponslble tenant Hnrnay 124. 2212 SEWARD 1-rm. eotugs, partly mod era, 111.60. Phone Walnut 2217. 1412 GRANT ST. 7-r. com., modern, 222. T. F. Hall. 422 Ramg. Bldg. Dosg. 74.2. 7-ROOM modem houss, largs, shady yard. - 6116 North 24th. Colfax 1222. 4-ROOM houss, '2101 N. 40th. Phons Wal- nut 2422. South. 7-ROOM modern flat. No. 1204 S. 22th 8t.. oak floors, alectrlo light, good home neignnornooa, extra value, ,27.40. , BENSON MTBRS CO., No. 424 Omaha National Bank Bldg. NEW 2-room bungalow, all on., ono floor! strictly modern, with garage: tit. I4t Avs. and Pierce St Red 1221, FIVE-ROOM houss all modern, 220 Do minion St. near Rlvsrvtsw park. Trier 1IIM. 2-KOOM brick, Hanscom park district. 001 .so. wrignt si ussoury. v. in. r ' 2te 4-ROOU cotuge, 2 lots, chlcksn houses, and Pin. Bis. T.l. Harney 4221, 4-ROOH cotuge. gaa and water. 112. Phone ' Harney 4708. 4-room oottage to colored, 12.40. 2221 .Pa clflo. Telephone evenings, Tyler 2152. Miscellaneous. HOUSES AND COTTAGES. PARTLT MODERN. 4-r. 1212 Carter Lake Blvd. .....214.4. 7-r. 6014 No. 42d St. ...... 14.0. 8TRICTLX MODERN, 7-r. 4802 Ersltins St.., ..212.40 2-r. 4840 Charles St -26.00 l-r.-llll No. 40th St, (good de . taohsd houss In flrst-olass reel-. deno. aectloo. hot water hasting v Plant '. 22.0. 0- r. 1710 So. 10th Bt 27.60 , 1- r.-1042 QMrgla Ava..i.. 10.00 , FLATS. .,-.. STRICTLY MODERN. 1 4-r. 2041 Howard St ..112.00 0-r. 662 So. 28th St. Bargain)... 26.00 ! -r. 1021 So, 10th St, (brand now) 87.60 WE HAVE OTHERS. 8EE OUR COM. PLETB LIST BEFORE RENTINO. , ' PORTER 4k SHOTWELL. 802 Bo. 17th Bt Doug. (012. 212.008220 Charlea St, 6-r.. mod. , 212.00 2308 Spraguo Bt, 2-r., mod, ' 220.004231 Wirt St, i-r. bungalow. $32.00 3317 Dswey Ave., 2-r., mod. 30.00008. a. 26th Avs., 4-r., mod. ' 230.003644 Hamey St, 6-r., mod. (20.002408 Capitol Ave., 7-r.. mod. 292.60 1640 8. 23th' St, (-r., very ,ood. ' (26.002611 Howard Bt, 0-r., mod. (46.002624 Lafayette Ave.. 2-r., mod, (60.00 (320 Harney. (OO.ko 24th and Capitol Ave., 2-r.. mod. -(60.00466 8. 26th St. 0-r., mod. (70.00260 N. 40th St, 2-r., mod. ' i GLOVER SPAIN. Douglaa 2242 210-20 City National. 2432 Franklin St, 12 ran., all mod.. .(35. 00 1722 So. 17th Bt, f rma,, all mod.. 23.60' 1402 Lothrop 8t, I rma, all mod., 17.00 1002 Faclflo Bt, ( rma., art mod. 10.0. 4223 Seward St., T rma.. part mod.. 13.50 - BIRKETT ft COMPANT, 482 Bss Bldg. - Douglas 633. ' (12.60 4-room, modern heat, 2335 1 N. 20th Bt (20,00 (-room, modern, 1512 N. 20th. ; (37.(0 2-room, mod.. :(! Davenport St i H. A. WOLF, Doug. 2082. 514 Ware Block. " HOUSES KUH HUNT. CREIOM. SONS A CO- ' HKK RMK) IHilTO 70. FOR RENT Ap'U tn! FUu West APARTMENTS W?TH UARAGhiS. , Fir roooma, strtotljr modern. ' steam heat, janitor eervloe, oak floors and (ln tah; In beat reeidenoo district St, Uoorge apartment. Ill N. Slat Ave. . ARMSTRONG-WALrSH COMPANT, ' Tyler ' , ' tn RofJ B, Filvt ateam-tteated apartment elthei t , r I roorrs. on Wsat Parnam atreet. IOHN W k(THN8. 1101 FARM AM ST ? X 1 or 4-room apt,, close in. furnished "Hr ' unfnrnlahed; I27.6 to M. Kmi m.,.. ST. C 11 ft. Uth and llaiiiuy, ; Hjaia. - vau jiarney eei. sjL M .Pert- TfB 3 'J