THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 1916. ' : 1 qdq a to ttltae cellar? always EsepS hfrmit fells UUUUJ u t 1 L C3 Light starts a chemical change in fruit, rendering it unfit for use. The same way with beer. The ultra violet , rays of light start chemical changes that impair the nutritive value. : , - . - - ' . . ' . ..... (' ' - . .7 In Schlitz this nutritive value is unimpaired-light cannot harm it. The Brown Bottle keeps out the light and protects it from the brewery to your glass. That's why it tastes so good. ' ' r ' r Phon. Drat 1642 Schllti Bottled Bear Depot 723 S. 9th St, Omaha, Neb. Set that crown is branded "ScAfitz"