Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 05, 1916, Page 11, Image 11

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FOn lUui i Ap'ts and fiats
S , South.
rivu-HOo&i .imm-Lwaied anartw.ut;
deatraoie. Tue Cnula VMM. 2lh
prtrrvleion, Conrad Young.
master. Doug. 1&71.
. ' ' Miscellaneous,
VOlilt-KuuM apartment, artleilcaily ur-
ntshed, .newly decorated. Hanecom park
dl.trlct: tor summer. Call Harney tilt.
ana 4 -room uikk net. '" " nnl. ...
Heel 111 Tolend Trcmbull U STm
aJKSIHABI.Ii 2-4 and 6-rm. Apta. Summer
- rate.. Flret Trust Co., SOS 8. 12th. D. UH.
iiOuuJKN ausaliuenta. Ill and up. Near
ttoMoftlr.. Q. P atebblna. 1618 Chicago
FOR RENT -Business Pr'p'ty
lolslHABL,al atore room basement, 122 S.
t6tb 61 Only 6.
J!2 Brandela Theater Bids. D. 1872,
uv Hna aturti room, located at .4 th and
Leavenworth Sta KMiontbit rant. Vor
(unbr Information call
Douttiaa LS1 CUy Nat l Bank Bldg.
MODliKN store. Kith St.. near yostofflee.
(76 per month. G. P. Stebblna, 1610 Chicago
faiOitu. -tiwualo at loub-tsU t arnarn BU
- - Tbos K Hall H3 Khuu.- HidB D ?4O0
TUBK building, living: rooms in rear.
N. 30th. Douglas 1868.
UittccA dno iean Koom.
Ground floor location In strictly modern
fireproof tamaing- wun an ctovtowudw.
vaxhi tn the heart of Omaha.
Salesmen, brokers and commission men
mm located now and prepare your fail
campaign; strictly high class tenants only
Ample space, free phones and lights;
stenographer avaliab e.
Call Douglas SSKO.
Of i'ice f or. Rent
ot tba
Bee Building
216 Sq. 'Ft., with vater $18.00
Ask the Superintendent,
Room 103.
V..iM,hL.i. (.itiue ruuuu. in toe reoiudeiiea
Urouns block, 111 N. lelh 81. (oppoalte
postotlloe), 10 to 111 Pr month, uinraa
Young. S?2 branQai. I neater.
Dou. 1671.
Smal. uttloe.
Aak tor tbe Sup t.
Room lcS. Bee Bldg.
ur'KiCai room wllb 'pbone and reception
.--.m Mr lady r Zl. omana He.
H-lKli.l'ltUO' W AKIliiiuUShl.
Separate locked rooma, for household and planoa; moving, packing and
' .12 n. loth St. IJouglas list.
Near Hanacom Park; selected material
used in building; oak finish; targe living
room baa built-in bookcases; diniagroom
with built-in buffet; kitchen, 8 bed
rooms and bath, all on one floor; full
base menu cemented; a home of Quality,
on large lot, with some fruit; owner has
need of the money and will sacrifice for
8M08". ,
Doug. 10(1. Ground Fir. McCayua Bldg.
Six large rooms and bath, complete in
every detail, beautifully decorated; choice
south front lot; fine shade trees; small
cottage or vacant lot might bt taken
in. Call
OSBORNE. 701 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. P. 14T4.
854 Brandela Theater Bldg. Tyler 1014.
6 -ROUM bungaiiiw, orand new. alt moaero,
abk floors inruuxnoui. ua& luuen iu i.v
log and dining rooms; large, light. White
enamel bedrooms; good location; reatrloted
addition. A bargain at IS, 1M. Basy
terms. f
42 Paiton Blk. Doug. 1722.
REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'ty
LOT 10x120 at end ot Important car line,
at lower price than anything near It, l00.
" Suitable (or residence, etore or both.
Ootid ooeninx (or buelneee.
OEonaE a. Wallace. i Keeiine Bldg.
Real Estate Loans and Mortgages.
We are ready-at all times to
make loans on first class city
property and eastern Nebras
ka, farms. Rates on request.
212 South 17th St
Apartment houses, double brlolc homes,
Ingla boueea, bualneea properly ant (arm
land, at I per cent, H per cent , pr 01.
222 Keellne Bldg. Dotlglaa 1141.
. Vttn t'SM? ta a oar eent on beat olaaa city
realdenoea la amount tS.090 upi alee
(arm loana. Reaaonable oommlaalona,
PETERS TRUST CO.. 18S2 Farnam St.
Famous French General Has Use For
Every Minute of His Time
281)11 SO. Ji'lH,
room modern, bow, tur-
OMAHA home, Kaat Nebraaka (arms.
1I1H Omaha Net'l, Phone Pouglaa nil.
MONEY to loan on improved farm, ana1
rancnee. we aura buy ,w mm.
gagea, Kloke Inv. c.. omana.
',", "'" P"a- BrlU' REAL ESTATE loan., .la per cent. ' See
" ' D. E. BUCK i CO.,
..ROOM houae, all modern, (or aale.
Pacino. Pbone narney eta.
Ill Omaha Nat. Bank.
REAL ESTATE- Unimproved
MONEY on hand (or city and
(arm loam. H. W. Binder, City
National Bank Bldg.
After looking at M1NMB LUSA S00 dif
ferent buyera decided It it It waa the beat
proposition on tbe laarket and they
backed their Judgment by BUY1NO lota.
It YOU will come out today you will
understand why othera are buying.
Tyler 1ST.
742 Omaha Nal'l Bank Bldg.
CITY and (arm loana. . BH, par cant
J, n. uumont o.. i
cent -LOAWS.
Keellne Bldg. Red 4844.
. nTrTM i-,nAc It5 Omaha
liAttVUN DiJO. Nat l Bank Bldg.
r-.iiMlNd. near 2th St.. S2 or 44; muet be
aold to cloae eetate. Qrlmmel, 849 Oraaoa
Nat'l Bank mar.
5 pet,
916 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg.
1100 to 110,000 made promptly. .
Weed tfiag., lein aim r
REDUCED to S2.500, Eight level lot near
27th and Spalding. Albert uanoim,
Jeweler. D. 1962.
Financial Wanted.
a FEET, loth St., 2 blka (rom viaduct, I
I6.S00. McCague Inv. Co. McCagua Bldg.
h,.,., ,n nnn fnr & at 10 year, at P.
on gilt edge oral moriaaa;..-
and Intereat guaranteed auretj" bond.
ITnr nartlculara. write v. m.
1, Son, real eatate and loana, Caaper, Wyo.
dandy vacant lota. H block to oar
line; cut to 21,000 cash for quick sale.
Douglas 1313 . City Nat. Bank Bldg.
am urn nr two bouabt now In Benson Gar
dens will make you more money than any
other kind of investment. Call, write or
obone us, Tyler 60, for reading matter,
.iiin more about Ber.on Qardene.
HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St.
Stocks and Bonds.
a imnTdinr hearlnv 7 oer cent aeml-
.....1: aacured by property valued I2.S0J.
. . . nr o IV UM.
Talmage-Loomia inv. w,
Abstracts of Title.
-. .1- Abltract u. w. can uriiia
VjUarailLCC down your abstract or
short notice. R. 7, Patterson Bldg. u. ei
Globe Van and Storage Co.
r- Vor real moving service try us. Large
! ; -boree, padded vans. Storage, U month.
Satisfaction guaranteed. We move you
Phone Tyler Ztt or Douglas Ui.
HAVH. acreage within city llmiia as low as
f 2Tb per acre.
backing, storage and mov
ing i N- llt0 Bl- 'con
Douglas 34 or Webster 6tM.
Parties desiring Information for western
tour should caH on B. A. Hennessy, Yel
mwatone tourist agent. 1103 City Natl
Bank, Omaha, rnone voum ieg.
Careful attention given to orders for
moving, packing or storage; office at Bay
mood Furniture Co.. 1618 and 1616 How
ard St. Phone D. 6624.
Maggard vM,."ap.,, X.
Van ana Storage Co. Moving, packing,
storage and .hipping. Pbon. Doug. 14.
D 1? li1 Fi Express Co., Moving
packing and storage.
Farnam St. Douglas 6144.
:' Phone Donglaa 288 (or complete
v . Hat of vacant bouses and -apart-if
I " menu; also tor storaga, moving.
ISth and Jackaoo Sta. .
Unfurnished Houses and Flats.
WANTED TO RENT Immediately, good 7
or - 8-room house, with garage. In Weal
. .. Baraam dlatiiot or Dundee. Must b.
''V. flrat-claao place. Olv, (till Information.
Addreoa O 117, Baa.
" rooms and aleeplng poroh, built
about 4 years; oak floors and finish down
. atalra: whit, enamel on 2d floor; built-
in bookcases and other features that
make a good home; garage with oement
drive and nloe shade trees; yard fully
' coveted with blue grass. Owner la ask
ing 14,2110, but will accept beat offer made.
This 1, your onanoa. iau u.
14S-7-I Omaha Nat'l Bk. Tyler 49.
DUNDEE B-room modern bungalow. Built
h ub 13.760. on easy terms.
L. SELBY A SONS. Phone Doug. lBlt).
rA hlncka from car. brand new J-r. bun-
tiow. strictly modern and up-to-date; E.
- front lot Price cut to 18,10ft; terms to
suit. We also have many other bargains.
See us before you buy.
10S McCagua Bldg. Doug. 186S.
7 - rooms and reception hall, strictly
M modern in every respect. House only
built about t yeara. Oak floors up and
rinnaialra. Within walking distance to
' heart o( city. Price 18.600. Will take
,ftnn .h balance monthly. Call
phone Tyler 60 and aak (or Mr. Oelslng.
HASTINGS a HEYDEN, 1614 Harney at,
7n i.inimiln BLVi. 11-room bouse,
- atrlirtlv modern, with bot water neat
Douglas 1818.
RARGA1N AT $1,800.
wt end. house and lot, 8101 Daven
port Call 142 Lincoln Blvd. Harney 1782.
,BEMIS PARK, $6,750
9 R00MS-2 LOTS
Thta Is an excellent home, modern
throughout and In flrat-olass condition
recently painted and papered throughout
two lots on corner: high ground and fac
Ing boulevard. The ground la worth 11.200
and tba house M.vOO. Now vacant and
open for tnspeotlon at any time.
Dou glas am. tl-i0 City National.
Five-room, strictly modern bungalow,
two blocks from Kountse Park; nice lot;
.cement basement: furnace heat: saved
street. Owner has given us permission to
sell this place for a short time for
13,000; 1300 down, 426 a month.
Doug. 1781, 6th Floor Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg
Good Heme
Very Li.tle Cash
Five-room cottage with bath; large
ot; nna suruowry ana iruii trees.
Price, 42,160. Located 4107 North 2th at.
409 Bee Bldg. Phone Pouglaa 4270.
Moat artletlo district In city, no sheds,
alleva. chickens. aahea or tin cana:
houses and lota, with paving paid In full.
at reasonable prices; eaey terms.
Douglas 398, Colfal 8611.
163S N. 11th 8L. 8-room house! walk.
ing distance. Don't fall to see this prop
erty tl yon want a Bargain.
. Tyler lt. HO Bee Bldg.
MFTY all-modern, oak-finished bungalow,
well located, in north part. $3,760. Vary
easy terms to goo a party. M. 1888.
.oUM'.n. PLACiS ruBincted district reel
denoe for sale. W. V. Km eat. St lb N lath
sHjK BALbi T-room house on i lots, all
it ult and garden. Phone Walnut 8288,
vr Title. Guarantee ana . adblt.mii
JVerr Co., a modern abstract office.
806 8. 17th St. Tel. D. Min. .
REED ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract Of
fice In Nebraska. Jtwe oranawi
Colorado Lands.
pMnrin land excursions, expenses paid. u.
L. Nethaway, r lorence.
Kansas Lands.
ninKlNSON. Clay and Ottawa oounues;
t . it., m
.... nrioea ana lerma. ..ii aw.
Fackler, Mancheater, Kan.
Hontat r. Lands.
Oo out to Lynnwood today and aee the
beautiful lota wo are selling irom ,,.v
to 1676.
Phone Doug. 602. 1607-8 W. O. W. Bldg.
utWot ...iinr,: all fenced: 200 aaras tilla
ble; balance timoor a,m v
forty aores In crop; nine dollar per aore;
hnmaeteaa asuomina.
- u.nt
acres irrigated Madiaon
r. tt A , V! ftlia
DA.". ,, ..." A ...
county. Montana, wait im,.
Adrees. J s,i. nee.
Missouri Lands.
(Correspondence of the Associated Press.)
Paris. lurJe 6. Twentv-one months
of responsibility by Genral Joffre in
tne conauct ot tne greatest war m
history, during which time he has
been on duty an average of seventeen
hours a day and has traveled more
than 70,000 miles in a motor car, do
not seem to have aged this veteran
soldier a bit; there is not the slight
est betraval of fatigue ill his counte
nance, his step or his mind; he is
quite as ready for any development
today as at any time since the war
began and his decisions arc as
prompt and clearly thought out as on
the historical August 26th, 1914, when
he issued to the French armies the
general instructions for the battle of
the Marne.
It is in a quiet villa surrounded by
orettv sarden and in a spacious
room on the ground floor with a
billiard table covered with maps in
the center and maps on all the walls
that the general-in-chief begins to re
ceive reports from his staff officers
between five and six o'clock in the
morning. ,
Hates a Telephone.
General Toffre on sitting down to
his work table finds a single sheet of
paper on which arc noted the latest
news of the situation of the French
and German armies received during
the night. There is no inkstand on
the table, for the gneral writes very
little, and no telephone, an instru
ment that he detests, and never uses
except by proxy. I here is a
complicated et ot colored crayons,
however, with which the general with
his own hand marks changes in the
situation of the armies on the maps.'
After a hasty glance at the mem
orandum, the general listens to re
ports from the staff, which are rap
idly commented upon, while concise
orders are given covering questions
of detail; afterward projected orders
of considerable consequence are sub
mitted to the general by members of
his staff, or submitted by him to tne
General Joffre listens to his offi
cers with a rather detached air; he
even has the appearance of paying
no aitciiiiuii tu wiiat is uciiik aaiu,
then suddenly will surprise his staff
by interrupting the reader of the
report or letter and reaching out tor
it. Whenever a phrase or a word
strikes him. he insists upon reading
for himself; he also follows for him
self, pencil in hand, reports concern
ing military operations and. move
ments of troops, and seeks out for
himself even the most insignificant
points named in the dispatches. With
the same care he reads every tele
gram, every order, before. signing it
' The first session ot the day dis
poses of questions of organization,
troops required at different points.
movement by rail, sanitary service,
arrangements for reinforcements, all
of which are decided to the smallest
Works on Schedule.
After about three hours consecrated
to reports and the necessary orders
to provide for the eventualities of the
day, Joffre rises from his desk and
puts on his cap, which is the signal
for the departure from the general
headquarters to some one of the
armies at the front. It is generally
about half past nine. Three power
ful motor cars are always waiting
at that hour in front of (he villa. As
the general passes out of the door,
an officer pushes into his hand a
small paper that he sticks into the
pocket of his jacket. It is the time
table and the itinerary of the day's
journey, arranged and approved by
him the evening before, and from
wnicn no divergence is permitted.
The general-in-chief and an ord
nance officer get into the first car,
while a second officer follows in what
is called the "relief car," the third
one being reserved for two secretaries
who accompany Joffre on alt his
visits, to the armies. These same
cars have carried the general and his
suite since the beginning of the-war
over nearly every mile of the ground
from the sea to the Vosges. The
hours he spends speeding over the
country are hours of comparative
rest for him. He improves the occa
sion to read in more detail long re
ports that have not required immedi
ate attention, but which he wants to
know from beginning to end, but
most of the route is spent in rest, the
general being an adept in the art of
catching snatches of sleep enroute.
He is credited with the oower of
sleeping when he wants to and of
wakening at will.
Cars Familiar to AIL
The general's car Is known to every
one in the army by the tri-colored
tanion with a gold (ringed cravat that
it carries. He always arrives without
ceremony and proceeds immediately
ana simply to tne Dusinest in nana,
whether it be a discussion of Impor
tant projected operations with the
commander of an army, or whether it
be his simple lunch, which he otten
takes seated on the ground at the aide
of a road, and which he dispatchet
with good appetite. Frequently, in
stead of leaving the ear to visit the
headquarters of an army, he takes
the general in command into the car
with him and discusses matters en-
route, thus saving time and keeping
to the time table prepared for his
round. The discussion goes on while
the general-in-chief and the general
in command of an army are making
their way to the communicating
Corner In Benson
Opposite City Hall,
Brick building 46x70.
..With lrame house In rear.
' Good buy'for someone.'.
647 Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldg.
Douglas 1294.
t; n DiiiuB in sin sujsv terms
the Deauunii u w 7, w i-vll. V-
W. 8. rranK. mi neviue nwvi
GREAT bargains down, IB mown ty.
buys 49 aores gooa irmi aim yw.,w
ZZiZ J mJttmn Missouri. Price only
4176. Address Box 80S, Excelalor Springs,
ROADSTER, rebuilt auto" for sale (fheapln
good oonditlon. Phone Webster 2088,
flOO reward for magneto we can't repair.
coils repaired. Baysaorrer, no w, mn.
HC.tts down and flt.08 per month: price
1868.00; alia, 68x188; located on Locust I
St.. between Clark and Burn ham. not
far from school and car line. Geo. O.
Wright. Bes of floe. Omaha.
Nebraska Lands.
NEB. Auto Radiator Repair Service and
prices right 818 a. iitb Bt, d. tsio.
LOTS In Benson. 8 blocks to car. will I
sell all together, cheap tor cash, or $276
each; 110 cash, balance 81 Pr W.eek.
606 Omaha Nat Bk. Pouglaa 8188.
14.008 Almost new. oak finish, slx
roome and sleeping porch; fine bsaement;
full sited lot, good neighborhood. Phone
owner, Douglas 48ai.
art akAut 900 A. In wheat, about
loo A. In corn, balance hay and pMture
blue atom and buffalo graas; chocolate
loam soil, 18 in. to s ti- awn
i . . i u miles from rail
road and good school. Owner Uvea In Cali
fornia, now In Omaha, aaya the plaoe
must be aold oeioro juiy . , , , JT!
rent for thta year; owner's share, 1-8 the
crop. Price, tle.uuu, i-e cmh,
suit purchaser. Might take small place
as part payment. M
816-H Citv Nat Bank Bldg. Potig.
DON'T throw away" old tires. We make one
new tire rrom i om ones ana save yon it
par oent I in l vulcanising uo., nil Dav
enport St. Omaha, Neb. Douglas '8114.
0xS-IN., 14.76; 80x8. $8.76. Other sixes
in proportion. Duplex Tiro Co.. Z 618 Far
nam street
, Ai a "d or nnnh near Crawiora.
'" r! A.s. . .nti- hft&w crass
nlenty ot fine water and timber. For
sale cheap; will take email
Sent eaitem Neb. or Iowa. Co-operative
Realty Exchange, 418 Bee Bldg.
gain in used machines. Victor Roos, "The
Moiorcyoie Man,- s.ui Lreavenworta.
North Dakota Lands.
Dundee bungalow. Walnut 1665.
Dundee lot, B6, walnut
ecres near Dundee, Walnut 1666.
nr.-tr i.nrf. itnftnr DUf "nail Wminil
"nav u you mane -
Land Credit Co., St Paul. Minn.
"Wisconsin Lands.
I GET literature and maps on tba cheapest
g H lana in tim
iah mA Doutrlaa Sta.. Omaha. DOttg. ills.
61 ACRES, Improved, close In; want Omaha
40 acres, Colorado, Improved; want Omaha I
-n. -. rw.k. Lrn BfTT AMD flKI,L TEXAS
V acres, Viuvruii imyiVT ova , . vuwwa na nut , , T
Income. LAND. Daniel O'DonnelU Inc.,
in iii J.arltM.i, oountv. Mlaalaslnnl clear: I Bids.. Des Moines, la.
want farm or Omaha property. , I FARMS, acreage and city v?9' fTT.
w. T. SMITH CO.. I .t:ri.nn.i,. c. R. Com be. 808 BrandeU
rvnii n 614 citv National Bank Bldr. I ThMici Bids- Doug.
and exchange.
Tneaiet piqi
THE remarkable increase tn BEE Want nrT CTSVV
Ada can be tracea to oniy one source pfllJL. 1 K I AM r 1 jawwa
A -... , I mm atnal than nv rtthr 1 wvana..- - ,
Omaha oaoar.
20,101 MORE
In first five months of 1816 than In
Same Period In 1916.
,.ua ZZZ m Kat tar than OBtOMJ
iaynD ymf ttt
always pennea up, " -t-- JITI-Mn
start; free book explaina alL
Squab Co., Dept. 81. Adel. la.
alfalfa, fruit and grain lana, ueita coun
ty, Colorado, Improved, underlaid with
Immense coal veins, accessible. Irrigated,
and all paid for. Want stock or grain
farm; will assume fair mortgage. Ad
dress owner, Drawer C, Osceola,, la.
FOR SALE OR TRADE -Equity of 18,800
in good South Dakota incoma property,
town of 1,600; yieiai JO per cent net;
would consider cheap land or automo
bile. Write Box 446, Grand Island, Neb.
' niunti for your fish globe,
i'M 17 I'T Ma. la ;..lthu MAX
Morningsiae, ww
ireenlnss. 8l- nor 160 ibs. HI N 16th St
HnraeaLiv Stocte Vehicles
For Sale.
HAY1, 16-60 ton. A. W. Wagner. 601 N 14.
FARMS, Ranches, Residences, Apartments,
Merchandise stocks, income or ail Kin as.
r,a.n match any deal ot merit
J. a. ABBOTT, 4 Patterson Blk., Omaha.
FARMS, ranches, city property, acreage and
Investments lor sale ana eicnange.
Morgan. 1816 Cuming Bt Doug. 8464.
20-R Apt. house to exchange for land.
Rental 4&40 clear, win assume mortgage.
J. L. Barber, Keellne Bldg. Ty. lTlt.
WILL trade improved North Dakota farm.
small or large, xor country or otty nana
stock. Address Y 478, Bee. .
CAN sell or exchange anything you have
to oner. C J. tanan. jacgue pmi.
EQUITY in good 8-r. houae for cottage;
WOrtn 96.3VV. WOUU 4 V9m MltT AW m.
REAL ' ESTATE Investments
nnuhl. brick terrace In th. Weat Far
nam diatrlct; ' oak finish downstairs;
whit, .nam.1 with mahoaany doors
talrs: oak doors throughout; tiled bath
rooma; cemented porch floors; extra
good tsnanta. Income, tl,2ou. Prlea, I1S
000. The repair man would go broke If
all houses were nunc na. mis one.
t. H. DUMONT It CO..
416-11 Keellne Bldg. Phone Dougla, IIS.
Stun these ueed cara this week, they must
be sold, aa w.
1111 Cadillac, S-paaaenger.
lilt Maxwell, 1-paaaeng.r.
1111 Maxwell, truck.
1I1S Crow Blkhart, touting.
HU Chalmers, roadster,
lilt Overland, touring,
lilt Dotrolter, touring.
It 11 atudebaker, touring.
1114 Maxwell, touring.
1112 Ford, touring.
1112 Ford, roadater,
lilt Ford, touring.
"it Btudebaker. "t," 7-paassnger.
lilt Overland, l-paasenger.
lilt international, t-paasenger.
1111 Chevrolet, roadster,
lilt Bulck, roadster.
1114 Deuoller, S-paaMnger.
C, W. ZWVWAS " w
2211 Farnam.
Doug. Bit.
- ...... it .it nnr aacondUband automo-
... Li.t-t sa dava We have several
make, and are gllng ostler value, than
Johnson-Danf orth Co.
Ii2l-21-Sl H. tP P.
TOUR mon.y Is secured, you are guaran-
AArt i n.r (tent oaaa uiviueou. .u. i.i
.mi Julv lat. Tou can Inveet a small
aum weekly or monthly, or a large
amount, any time. Ulad to explain the
17th at Douilse Bts.r Pbone Doug. tilt.
itl4-is-lt Farnam at.
touring - - Jr
na sTaa.rnam.
I B. . Bulck roadster.
i al. Maxwell
1 Overland touring ,
1 ii vu"""'
WM COLFAX. 706 Keellne Bldg.
Real estate, city property, large ranches
a specialty.
and caee ot operation, (all
?iVL.r.t tins; almost new. A Mil
j7 " Bklllman, Plaaaanton, Web.
aa nart naymant. with some cash, on
new t-room, all modern bungalow; one
acre o( ground; chicken houae and gar-
aga Addreas U 160. eo
m-otaotlon. la praparlng against
"m, unexpected .mergenoy. Buy your all
unobll. i-f7 "l THOMPSON.
)1T.rA'Yii'..W Bank. Doug, till.
WANTED Lola on Flrat Ave., Council
Bluffs. Location and price. Rorer, 2410
O St., Lincoln. Neb. '
Wanted some Want Ads in tn-
chaime tor lots, ol answers, nncuie
The Bee.
' '
iVrrTmPAtiSENOER Mitchell, run 1.100
ttildress Y 468,
"Sk, will
Vrauw you a new Ford for vour old
.aniiiM'i iAL OARAGE CO..
8utb and Uaiuoy.
Aut, Repairing and Painting.
Auto Tires and Supplies.
REBUILT. 41.44 TO 66.4.
Motorcycles and Bicycles. '
Legal Notices.
Harlan, Iowa, June 38, 1416.
The Board of Bucervlsors of Shelby
oounty, Oowa, will receive bids at the office
or tne county Auditor at Harlan, Iowa, until
u r. jfl., juiy it), isi9.
A certified check for Ave (h jr cent
of bid. made payable to the County Auditor.
shall be filed with ach bid to guarantee
the execution of the contract.
All the bids must be on the regular form
furnished by the, oounty, aealed and plainly
marxea, -
A bond ef reaDonaibis surety and an.
proved by the board will be required of the
successful bidder or bidders for fifty (60)
per cent of the amount of the contract
The county reserves the right to waive
defects and reject any or all bids.
ray menu on contracts win be made by
auditor's warrants on the , motor vehicle
fund of Shelby county, Iowa,
Detailed information may be secured at
the county ungineera ornce at Harlan,
Bids wilt be received on the following
One reinforced concrete box eulvert
6'x6'-40' b.b. 4 ml. from Irwin. Estimated
yardage 48.1 yds. reinforcing steel 3328 lbs.
Estimated cost
one reinforced concrete cox omvert
4'x9'-30' b.b. 2 ml. from Kim ball ton. Est
yardage 88.73., relnf. Steel 1666 I be. Est,
cost 3406.80.
One reinforced concrete boxr ouivert
S'x6'-86' b.b. 6 ml. from Klmballton, Est
ydg. 42.78. relnf. ateel 1648 lbs. Eit cost
One relnformed concrete box culvert
8'x6'-64' b.b. 1 ml. from Portsmouth. Est.
ydg. 86.08 relnf, steal 6060 lbs. Est. cost
One reinforced concrete box cuivert
4'x4'-30' b.b. I ml. from Ktrkman. Est. ydg.
81.2. reinf. steel 1T86 lbs. Est, oost 3480.64.
On reinforced concrete nox cuivert
4,x4'-60' b.b. SH ml. from Kirkman, Est,
ydg. 46.3, relnf. steel 8484 lbs. Eat cost
One reinforced eonoret box eulvert
18'x4'80' b.b. SK mt, from Irwin. Est. ydg,
128.6. reini. steel sets ids, aii. cosi
11311.73. I
One reinforced concrete bos eulvert
4'x4'-64' b.b. 7 ml. from Walnut Est ydg. !
41.7, relnf. steel 8860 lbs. Est cost
One reinforced concrete box culvert
8'x6'-68 b.b. 7 ml. from Walnut.. Est, ydg.
61.04. relnf. steel szg in. kc cost
One reinforced concrete box culvert
4'x4'-64' b.b. 7 ml. from Walnut. Sst. ydg.
41.7. relnf. steel 8360 lbs. Est. cost
One reinforced concrete box cuivert
4's4,-36' b.b. 6 ml. from Earllng. Est. ydg,
28.6. relnf. steel 1618 lbs. Est. cost I474H96.
Une reiniorcetl owiiKnin mm .!'
4'x4'-46' b.b. 1 ml. from Earllng. Sst. ydg.
81.6. relnf. steel 3618 lbs. Est. cost 88..1,
One reinforced concrete oox ouivnn
4'x4'-82' b.b. 4 mi. from Harlan. Est. ydg.
33.4 yrds. relnf. steel 1887 lbs. Est. cost
One reiniormeo concrciw uo cuivw
4'x4'-76 b.b, 1H miles from Harlan. Est.
ydg. 64.8 reinf. steel 8788 lbs. Est. cost
8820.68. . ,
One reinforced concrete box cu!vrt
6x6'-3.f b.b. 3 ml. from Corley. Est. ydg.
38.46, relnf. ateel 8401 lbs. Est. cost
1686.78. , a a .
Bids ped cu. yd. for axtra concrete In
place are desired on all the above box
culverts. 4
f County Auditor.
r.Mi'.sdix. - ...
trench through which they wilt pro- man at tht what! must make up that
cced to the first line trenches. , time in order to get back into ttfe
Nothing in the construction 01 general uuu uiittcs. u. hcvh
these uenchej escapes Joffre; if there toe fast to uit his illustrious pav
is anything wrong anywhere, the of- suns". I
iicers and soldiers say. it is ttiat very Genes! jprfre has been pesctiM
thing that the peueral's eye wili light hy some of his gcnertJs ,M the jalettr
upon. We preters to dc uunoucca m .VI " "
these sort of business trips to the directing intelligence of the great ma- .
front, insisting that they in no way chine he is at the same time the -
partake of the form and ceremony lief for overcharged minds of. lift- ,
that attaches to reviews, but, instinc- ordinate who, under certain contm-
tivclv when the old "grandfather" gencies, may be over-affected by mat-
passes, the sentinels and soldiers pre- ters ot secondary impornnce. our-
sent arms, reddening wun picasuiauic -i .
emotion because of this opuortumty ment and impressed by a complication :.
to honor the general-in-chief. . that seems to them decisive and per-
Nonc of the army conimanucrs uictuiun, a ,u,F. t
have yet been able to satisfy Joffre tion from Joffre often reduces the ax
on two points the shelters for the aggerated Incident to its prepe re-
men along the first line are never portions and cools the blood of his
deep enough, and the barbed wire en- subordinates, sV,. .
tangtenients tnat proiect inc mat ah wane to vi.ti nsnit
line are never dense enough. The geiieral-ln-chlcf Is not partial to
it'u i. well it's verv well," the visits of civilians In war-time. He
says lie generally to the colonel, shak- hs resitted with admirable consist
ing his hand, nut you must put up ency mo toiiBiam picasuio ul inoti-
a Tittle mere barbed wire. I am go- sands of Influential civilians who have
Ing to send you more, and when you no business at the front, but nwef-
have a few men available, just deeven theless desire ardently to see It. Be-
these shelters a bit, too. sides tne nunareas ei war correspsna-
lle never forgets tuch things; the ents, the supervising commltteee of
barbed wire is always forthcoming, the chamber of deputies, hundreda of
and if he passes that way again and other Influential politicians, ministers,
finds the shelters have not been and other governmental officers, there
deepened, he notices it and makes the are the visiting notabilities from the
. 1 1 1 .J ..a l-.-la a,L aa, aw. tlH tata Ottttr :
colonel notice it. f-
The numerous reviews that Joffre In an application for a visit to tpe
hat had occasion to pass in twenty- front,
one montht of war are not entirely When the general lunches at the
matters of show and parade, ne general iieaaeuanert ne manages m
first visits the installation of one of satisfy tome of these Innumerable ae
the battalion and inspects the kitcli- manda by receiving French or foreign
ens the laundry, and the organiza- ministers, enerala, other officer of
tlon of tne baths. After he has as- allies' armlas, or netabitltiee, t his
sured himself that the material wants table, The dinner It generally a good
ef the soldiers are cared for, he one, becauaa loffre eats with an ex-
passes along tne line to saiuie mc cenem appetite, aitnougu na aiiii.
regimental flag.. - little and amoket not at all. It is
mt.. xj; U.n one Ol tiio Hour, ui tun ojr..nini no
. looka forward to. because Questions
Of all tha general! who have con- r-i-,; tn th service art '
(erred decorations during the war, Darre(i , fr0tn the conversation and
nn It la said, do it with such real I .:.. ;. .v.. Aft., rllnnvr tha
feeling as Joffre. When he givea the generai turnt over rapidly the leaves
"accoiaoe alter pinnnii in nva. 0( tne mtest illustrated papers anu
upon the brave soldier s breast, complna of the multiplicity of pho-
whether It be the simplest trooper, tographa representing him in all sorts
the blackest Senegalese rifleman, of 0f po,jtiona and poses, that he rarely
an officer, he kisses hinj heartily on fm5, t0 ni, t4te- . v
both cheeks, never being satisfied Tne general-in-chlef returne to hit
with i eemblance of an embrace as votk lt naif pMt ejgnt jn the evening
are tome other generals. , to receive the reports of the day that
After conferring with the general htve arrjve( jn his absence, and "to
of tn army, visiting the quarters pi pprc,ve the communique to the prett,
tne troop, or ie.iua , ... wmcn u never iransminea 10 rarts
review, Joffre always consults his withotit having received hit epproba-
llttla paper, the itinerary of his round, (ion The ordnance officer bring in
and this it about the only thing that the iat. telegram! and reeeive their
disturb the equanimity 01 n orders for the morrow. At 10 o'clock,
per, "We are going to be at least after the mernber of hit ttaff have Jill
twenty minutea late, ne oiten says, retjre(j the general finally, entirely
impatiently, and this meant tnat tne a0ne in hi workroom, tim.hes nti
day s task.
The Secret Submarine
By E. Alexander Powell
Author .1 "Tbe End el baa Trail,'
t raaca, etc
Turk ting a, Flanders.'
' "Vlv la
Lieutenant Jarvta Hon. I. detailed by the
United States naval board to Investigate
and report bis findings on tb- Invention of
Dr. Ralph Burke, which serve, to nring tne
submarine to a stats of perfeotton. The
lieutenant arrive, in Valdavla and la wel
oomod by th. inventor and his daughter,
Cleo. On the trial , trip of th. Inventor'.
l a Jaoaneat heloer 1. aurprtasa In
the aot of examining the mechanism of the
ventilating device, Hope report, favorably
on the new device, but there are others in
terested In it An attempt to burglarise Dr.
Burke's laboratory fails, but later Cleo flnde
him murdered In hi. bedroom. Cleo .ells
her father's library to get moneys later
she Ande a note from which she learn, that
they oontaln tha Moret formula. With Hope
she races to the auctioneer's store, only to
find It In flames. Olga Ivanoff and. Gerald
Morton, two spies In search of the formula,
attempt to capture Cleo when she oalls at
the houae or. oiepnaneai, toe anarooiai.
Hone rushes to her aid: Morton .hoots at
him, but the bullet Alt. a oomo in tne
cellar, which explode.. Btephanskt ate. In
the wreck or ni noues; tne otaare bn.pi.
RnM end flleo attend a ball at Mr.. Pal
mar. whoBe nephew ha. two of th. mlaslng
hooka Mahlln, a spy, attempt, to .teal the
hooks, but Is discovered by Hope; In the ex
citement that follows ths books disappear.
alahlln escapes. Hops and Ulso take a ooat
.a. An i.i. nd out In tha bay. Tha oonsotr-
Atnr. rniinw in other boate. Mahlln and the
Jap turn out the Island ugnt. Morton a ooat
With tne COUniOBB atriaea a. a.i7
the bay.
(Continued from Yesterday.)
Tha " - - a alar."
Cavyrlght, ISIS, By E. Alexander few.!!.
bodies washed upon the ihore. It
never entered their heads that the lit
tle launch, with no friendly light to
guide it past tne rocks, could live
through such a storm. Callously dis
regarding the groans of .the Injured
keeper, they made themselves com
fortable in his quarters, and the next
morning, the., storm having abated,
they set' out .for Middle Island in
search of Fitzmaurice, only to learn
from the officer in charge of the radio
station that the man for whom they
were looking had left the day before
for one of the North Farallont and
that he had not ret returned.
About the same time, herefore, that
Hope, Cleo and Morrissey were dry
ing themselves before their fire at
one end of the island, Mahlin and Sat-
suma were landing from their launch
at the other end.
Though there, wa no one In aiorht
when the two conspirator! landed,
they noted signs of recent blasting op
erations, presumably for the purpose
of improving the little harbor, while
on the shore had been erected a rude
hut for the storage of the workmen's
tools. So little was there to fear from
Dl Health the Camve Many
Alaraiing Symptom! of Wo
men's Ailmenttr-How Cured.
Pahrfon.N.j. "I thank yoa fortho
LydiaE.Plnkhant remedies as they bava
Imaae me zeei uuffj
and healthy. Some-
time ago I leirso
raadown, hid paini ;
was very Irregular,
tired, nervous, had
each bed dreams,
did not feel like eat
tne Mid lual ihort
breath. I read your
adTertliemenV in
the newspapers and
I r tiiiiii
1 4
it: i
daddad totrv a bottle of Lydia E.Pink-
ham' Vegetable Comrjoond- It worked
from the first bottle, to I took second,
and t third, also a bottle of LydU E.
Plnkham'a Blood Purifier, and now I ant
marauders in this remote spot that I Just well a any ether woman. I ad
there was not even a lock on the door viae averr woman, ilngla or married,
of the toolhouse, whose only contents, whole troubled with any of the atore-
The annual meeting or the shareholders
of the N.brasKa savings A loen A.ancla
tion will be held Ir, the Association's office,
211 South 18th Street, Saunders. Kennedy
Building, Omaha, Nebraska, Wednesday,
July 1th, nil. at I p. ra. Polls for election
of three oireotore open at 12 o'clock, noon,
and close at I p. m. on the earns day,
JOHN K, BK A.N LIT. Secretary.
Bv the wav." he added, "do you
happen to have any gasoline? We
can t get away from here until we
get some."
i can give you ana your irienas
omethins to eat." was the answer.
"but I haven't any gasoline. I'm only
here mvself because of the storm.
You see," he explained, "I'm in the
coast survey.
Bv Jovel exclaimed nope, stop.
ping dead, "then you must know the
, 1 ' t t t -1 : ai
man we re looking lur. nc s in uic
coast survey, too. Hit name is Fitz
maurice Arthur Fitzmaurice."
"You're talking to him," was the
"Well, I'll be hanged I" Hope ejacu
lated. "Talk about having luck!"
"What did you want to see me
about?" inquired Fitzmaurice.
"I was told by an auctioneer named
Dawson, in San Francisco, that last
week you bought three books of him
at auction. They were scientific
worki on hydrography, if I remem
ber rightly."
"Right you are," said the other.
"Hydrography is in my line, you
know, so when I taw those books
on the auction list that Dawson sent
me, I went over to his place and bid
them in. They came from the library
of a Doctor Burke, didn't they?"
"Yet." taid Hope, "and it' Doctor
Burke' daughter who it waiting
down at the cove. It wa not until
after the disposal of the library that
she learned that her father had left
a legacy for her in one of the books.
So, when she heard that three of
the book were in your possession,
she insisted on coming with me in
order to examine them for herself.
That explains how I happen to be
on this island in company with an
extremely attractive young woman.
I suppose you left the books over
on Middle island."
"No,", said Fitzmaurice, "it hap
pens that two of the books are here
in my shack. . 1 brought them over
yesterday, intending to look them
over, but I was so dead tired last
night that I didnn't even open them.
The third book isn't here, I'm sorry
to say, but you can get it without
much trouble. 1 loaned it to a friend,
Dr. Emerson Owen, who lives at a
little place called Sandsboro, on the
mainland. Miss Burke is very wel
come indeed to aee tne two books
that I have with me, however."
When Mahlin and Satsuma had ex
tinguished the light on Southeast
island, after sandbagging the light-
nouse keeper, tney were as certain
that they had permanently ridded
themselves of Hone and Cleo as
though they had seen their lifeless
as Mahlin found upon, investigation,
were some picxs, snoveis ana crow
bars, a keg of nails, a few coils of
wire, ana a dox marked dynamite, i
following the directions given them
by the officer at the radio ttation,
they followed the precipitou footpath
which led from the landing np the
rocky slope to the plateau. Twenty
minutes of stiff climbing brought
them to the shack where, so they had
been told, they would probably find
fitzmaurice staying, ine shack, a
flimsy affair of rough,, lumber, hung
literally between sea and iky, for half
of it reated on the rock, while the
aid ailments, to try your wonderful
Vegetable Compound and Blood Pnrtter
and I am sure they will help her to get
rid of her troubles." Mrs. ELSli J.
Vander Sands, 7 Godwin Street, Pat
erson,N. J.; '".:.'?,.; ";?: 'i.: ' V?-,
Women suffering with any form of
female ills, or any symptoms that they
do not understand, are invited to write
tha Lydia E. Pinkham Medietas Co.,
Lynn, Mass. (confidential), and receivs
advics wholly free of cost. ,
ui it rc.tcu vii tne ruck, wniie xne n n . .
other half, which was supported by a rflr ISnrainS. " '
frame work of light timber overhung 1 U . FraUI, ' , '
Lame Muscles
the ocean,
mere neing no response to ms
knock, Mahlin, finding the door un
locked, entered the cabin. Though the
single room which it contained was
vacant, the remain of a meal on the
table, and the rumpled blankets on the
bunk, which was built against the
wall, together with the odor of tobac
co smoke, showed that it had been
very recently occupied. Suddenly Sat
suma, wno nad Deen prowling about
the room, gave an exclamation.
"Here are the books I" he cried,
holding up two bulky, leather-bound
Mahlin unceremoniously snatched
them from him.
"You're right." he said. "Thev're the
very book! we're after. Here's Burke's
name written in them. We d better
take them and go while the going's
good. It might be unhealthy for us if
this fellow Fitzmaurice should "
He broke off abruptly and stood
"I thought I heard voices," he whis
pered, laying the books on the table.
Stepping to the door, he caught
signt ot nope ana fitzmaurice ap
proaching the cabin.
"Hells belli" marled Mahlin. "We
didn't drown that fool naval officer
alter all. Here he comes and he s trot
a man with him. Bring those books
along Satsuma; we'll have to make
a break for it," and he darted out of
the cabin.
The Japanese, pausing only long
enough to snatch up the books, fol
lowed. As he appeared in the door
way ot tne shack Hope recognized
"By heaven I" he cried, "it's Sat
sumal" and he dashed forward with
fitzmaurice at his heels. But Mah
lin and Satsuma did not await them,
The former fled down the oath lead
ing to the harbor where they had left
their launch, while the Japanese, mo
mentarily confused by Hope's unex
pected appearance, turned and ran
blindly in the opposite direction.
(To Be Continued Tomorrow.)
Abaorbtna, Jr., Man tstak relief.
It always at bang for matant uaa. Athlete,
use Abaorbtna. Jr for th. musala. that has
bm .tral&ad, for th. rat or laoarationi that
ra&a a ehane. of infection tor th. abraiiioa
that pain, and th, limb, that ar, .tier sod
lam. from ovaT-.xertlon.-i - . - ... .
Walter Johnson, the famous nttehar ot
th. Washington Americans, uwii VApsot
bine, Jr., la a flrst-elas. liniment and run
down for tired muaclee. J.hav, used. my
lf to advantage and ean heartily
mend It to ball players everywhere." '
Absorblne. Jr., Is a concentrated antUep
tic liniment only a few drop MojalrM at
an application. It I. ul, and pleasant to
uiie leaves no greasy residua. Sold, by.'mo.t
druggist., 11.00 and 12.00 g bottle or o,t
paid. Liberal trial bottle for 10c 1 rtamja. .
w. I1. Yotmo, p. iv .s? ;i
104 T.mpls Bt, , Sprlngn.ld,' M...
Minnesota is coming into Its' Wn,
The fame of its 10,000 lakes as potin
places and for fishing has ' . Bn,i
abroad, and each summer season scei
an increased numoer ot nature lovers
and disciples of Walton flockin to it.
lake shores. A delightful, cool, health.
ucKciuntf cumatc; a tine lot Ot Sum
mer hotels attractively located and
where the food is clean and 1 whole
some; black bass, pike, crappies, pick
erel, muscallonge, . sunfish. brnna, n,l
lake trout, whitefish and other varies
,a. nt , 1, a flnnu AaII-a 1.1
.,v v. .....( ...... . ,,iuv-awaiting can.
ture, form indeed, a most alluring en.
ticement. The Lake Park Region is
penetrated in several directions by
the Northern Pacific and Minnesota
& International Rys and its very at.
tractive booklet, "Minnesota Lakes,
will be sent free upon request bit
writing or phoning to E. D. Rockwell
D. P. A., 511 Citizens Natl Bank!
Bldg., Des Moines, la. . Pbone: Wal.
nut 1553, Advertisement, , ,