THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, JULY 3, 1916. Want-Ad Rates CASH WITH ORDER. word..... .each insertion I... rffUt Mild na dlsolaylt Adf Pint rapbed or Sat In Dtaplay Style lo par Una one la par Una thraa coneecutlve tlmaa (Count atx worda to tba Una) CHARGE HATES I to par Una ...... .one lime To par Una. ......thraa consecutive Umaa . (Count all worda to tba Una.)) . Saerlel Rate. I Farm and Ranch Lands. ft par Una each Ineertlon (Count all worda to tha ""a.)) TORKION ADVERTISINO UNDER ACJENTS OR HELP WANTED CLASSI FICATIONS. 10 u, ward 0 time laoper word thraa eonaocutlve tlmaa MT hlrb atandard of quality will ba main tained; 4 quarta or uia ronieneuo wnisar. bottlad In bond. Henry Pollock, mall order houae. Dour 7112. 121-114 N. ISth St. ALEX JETTES' LIQUOR HOUSE. Bottled In bond wblaby. ISO. 11.00. full quart GENUINE California wine vlneiar, white or red; quart bottlea. 30 cenle; gauon, av centa. Imported olive oil, 7S cenU per quart. Cackley Brna. Phono Doug. 401. FOR BALE New rattan Phono Harney 691. NO AD TAKEN FOR UM, A TOTAL OF 20c OR LESS THAN 10a PER DAY. CARD OF THANKS. DEATH AND FU NERAL NOTICES. Its par line . H"tlon (Minimum charge 10 oanta.) w .w.- ... .., ...nrilne ada (no change il oooT) Par Uaa (Count atx worda to tba una.) (Contract rate, on application.) THE BEE will bo raapoiujlbla for mora tha ooa Incorrect Insertion of an adver tteament ordered for more than one lime. . h.i.a.nrD, retain receipt given b The Baa In payment for Want Ada, aa m mtetakt ran be rectified without them USB THE TELEPHONE H you cannot con veolentlr bring or aand In your '' (or a wanl-AO raaer, in. cetvo tba aama food aarvloo aa whan ue- Uvorlng your ad at tba office. , "" 'pHONIJ TTLER 10M. WANT-AD COLUMNS CLOSE JTVENINQ EDITIONS 5' MORNINO EDITIONS ' F. M. WANTED Illah olaaa surveyor's tranalt. an Instrument that la deelgned for gen eral land aurveyllig aa well aa drainage work. Prtce muat ba rlgbL Addre I Ml. Bee. WANTED TO BUT Having rented a build ing on track for our oince ana warenouee we will went to buy noma giaaa parutiona. Phone Baaket etoree tirnce. Trier eeo. DESKS DESKS DESKS New deak, uaad deoka, bought, aol and traded. J. C. Reed. lt7 Farnam. FLORISTS. UUAL1TT mmmm ItT ! ITT CUT fLUWano Blent. An iumuiim .. . . . ... tn our cuatom- "m.nda HESS d IS'SST ill! Farnam St. Doug. 1101. LAROEST ASSORTMENT '"". delivered or nip - 7 DERBON. isle samara PARKER Flower Shop. 411 . Ilth. D. Il JL bONAdHUE. 1411 Harney. Doug. 1001 Monnmeritt ind Ctm-tcrie. llAUTlFUL markere, Ublata and croseee fir that onmark-d grave, pure white oo ml to VIM. Write for circular, to sample 141 Brandela Bldg.. Omaha. Phono DouglM MIL Redman Orav Mara- ar Co. Baumelaur Monament Work mausoleum., .ii wireAa m-rk-ra. 11th and Char.. . LOST-FOUNP-REWARDS r ettli edvertlae It lw FTwlll auraly recover It If found ' IT a konaot pereon. Bemarkebl ro an brought about ovary day through thte column. THE LAW Peopla wha find loot 'J...Z. rt. i.u,.iai In knowing that too etate law la atnot In requiring them to eeeh tba owner through ndrertlaement . ... eikerwUe and that a lalluro to do aa. It aama can ba proven. Involrea eevere penalty. m OMAHA A COUNClt BLUFFS STREET r.T, iv . v rnuPANT. . m - loot eoma article would a. ii uii im Iho ofllca of the Omaha A Council Blulfa Street Railway - company to aacartaln wbatbar Ihey left a. -t.u, e.ttt. Many artlclao each day are turned la and the company la ansloua tn ra. ,h.m u tba rightful owner. CaU Tyler too. tio oo reward for any Information or the return of l-paaarnger Ford, car -..i.n r.nm in front of So. Omaha Horae ..a uule Co.'a barn, on June ... motor b. ii&nsie itnanee number 186b04, h. .r baa a email dnnl In tha right hand corner In the rear and of the body, return to Browdor a oara, Ca. Bluna, la. ...... .a h.... loet March- II, .ifu. valued a halrlooma. Reward. . wm. ft C. Phillip. t Burka . Bldg. Seattle. Waah. - ' . .....I ai.mond rlna be- .I ijr. .ni I ron. Reward. Webatar 44. ' LOST Between lltb avenue and "la j tw.. . black tUl O hat. , Call Wal. 146. LOST Auto toole on Lincoln Hshwy. Re turn 1101 Pratt St. Tel. Colfak 1111. Re- ward. 535ST PocketbooW, at Burgeel-Naahi ,4 re- ward-ColtoK . FOUND -Brown mala Peralan oat. Tele- phone Walnut lot. Call- Harney - s ( UMBRELLA, on Florence car. laid. Reward, roT Automobile crank; reward. Tel. Har nay lit. , , ; FOR SALE Micellneou " Furnitur and Houiehola Goods, .... .u. Hiine and hair mat- treaaoa made vr In new tlcke at half ILTirtoa of new onea. Phono ua for aampia of tloklng. Mall ordera Bileu. lvi Cuming at. uouai. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Miscellaneous, FOR SALE. To be removed, houee in rear of 1111 Davenport St Can be bought cheap. W. fARNAU BU1TH 1120 Farnam St. Doug. 1044. Repairing.' CO., HI S. 18th. WANTED TO BUY ANNOUNCEMENTS Psintinc and PiDerina. OMAHA Paate Co., ill S. 11th. Doug. tilt. II ROOM, paper and hanging. Web. I41. - Pianos (or Rent. Per Mo. A. Hoepo Co., Itll Pouglaa ' "Scale Om. Standard Scale Co. Vacuum Cleaners. CLEAN CJUICKLT AND THOROUOHLT WITH ECLIPSE ELECTRIC; RENT 1 AND 11.10 PER DAT. DOUOLAS 1760. ' towel SuoDliet. OMAHA Towel Supply. 101 S. lltb. D. til. Wedding Stationery. WEDDINO announcementa and printing. baby carriage. I Pouglaa Printing Co. Tel. Dong. 644. - Wines and Liquom. I BUT yonr family llquora at Kleln'aLlquor Houae, tzz N. ltth. Douglaa 1601. ' Wall Paper Cleaning. WALLPAPER cleaning, by room or hour. Boaaonabla. Phone D. flit. Geo. Rumple. . SITUATIONS WANTED Male. CALL Red 4101 Tba big biavera of furni ture: nothing too big nor too email, we pay all It'a worth. 101 California St. Hltbeel price peld for Id-hand r.lothea. ahoea. trunka, aultcaaea. p. 06Bi or u. auei. Old falee teeth bought. Send or write R. Uhler, 111 Howe Bldg., Ban rranoiaro. HOLMES para your price for clothea. ahoea and hat, wea ld-band 1110. ANNOUNCEMENTS LOCATED IN THE ' BEE BUILDING, , "THE BUII.niNO THAT IS ALWATS NEW." IS EVER A SAFE AND . DESIRABLE ANNOUNCEMENT. FINE SUITE 'of THREE ROOMS 1 fine for . lawyers. real estate Insurance. The Bee Building Co., . Office Room 101. BRODEOAARD'S "Lucky Wedding Rlnge" .t lath and Donalaa Hta. LIVE outdoor., T. M. C. A. Outing Park. Accountants. E. A. DWORAK, CP. A. A. VAN ORDER AUDITORS AND ACCOUNTANTS. INSTALLING OFFICE AINU AC- TORY SYSTEMS. 538 Ramge Building. Phone Doug. Z163. . Advertising Novelties. F. Shafar A Co., Hth-Farnam. P. 1414. ArtiBts. ARTISTS work for the trade, coloring, alr- bruahlng; blgh-clae work, en raaton. - Bakeries. ; - - CAKES, paatry and fancy bakery good, aupplled to partleo, loage anu enxeriain menta. Z H. Reeder. 0 N. lllb. W. HIT. SWAPPERS' COLUMN IP you bv anything to tradt, malt up iitti na run it in tm ooiumn for nvm day It nly eoati lie and So per nawar. ThLa offar la sood only in Omaha, and axcludca Raal Batata, oaah offera, and Buatnaaa Prnnartlea Vor Bala or Trada Thaaa. aa wall aa naatl ordara for uaa of Swapparsf Column muat pay rafuiar rata. ona or two aniwara aro aumciant 10 maaa your trada and tha whola tranaaetlon only eoata about mo. Try it. 1 HAV8 many valuabla coin to trada for anythlna- of uaa. amona thra aararai Cali fornia void haivaa and quartan; round and octagonal haivaa, -worth IS aaeh; auartara. la aaeh: aoma-ancient eolna, about 1,009 Aaan old, flying aagla centa. largo ooppar canu, l-oant pieraa, traaa dollara, hard tlma tohan, and many cotna of all danoml nation and daaorlptlona. Alao hava aavtral eomplata aaU of cartain ooina. What hava youT Addraaa 8. C. 112, Baa. I EVERETT BIX. ' nawlr oalntad and ovar- haulad; ona aztra caalng. damountabia lima; thla car looka Ilka naw and la Juit aa good; 111! modal. Aa I am going to! Montana t-want a car. ao If you I hava a lata modal Ford or othar light machlna I will glva you a good daal. All 1 lattara amward. Addraaa 8. C.-1I3, Bea. I i WILL axchanga two pool tabloa at a bar- gain, aa I do not aad tnam. ana can dining labia, cook atova or oinar houaahold aooda. Party awapping for thaaa tablaa muat look aftar tha ship ping of aama from a point forty mllaa aaat of Omaha. Addraaa a. C, HQ, Baa. It ACRSB good unlmprorad land, toeatad II mllaa from Bt, iouir groat mtvin, i mllaa from ironton, ho.: Mautirui trr: axeallant aardan aoll: anrlna watar: worth 0 nor acra. W1U aall for III or trada for Omaha raal aatata, auto, At motor oyolo, piano, marohandlMi Ownar, J IIT. Boa. HAVE, fine alactiia nlano and moalo rolls: an axoaiiant oondition: coit ovar iioo. Piano can bo playad by hand alao; ! fit ted with a nickel tlot atUohmant. What hava you to trada of equal value T Ad- dreaa 8. C. 1BT, Baa. HAVE an office chair and deak lamp In A-No. 1 condition, to trada for email book etand, law booke, eanltary eouoh or baby carriage., Addraaa u. u. 116, uee. v"HAT""have you'got to trade for a chaae truea witn new encioaaa ooayr wan uoum. 1191 daya, H. IT Bundaya and evenlnge. HUP, Tataa electric, . good ae naw, alio Baiter electric coud. aood ahate, witnoui batterleai wll trade for good lot or what you nave. B, c. to a. Bee. CORRKHPONDKNCB achool oourae In aalee- manehio. to trada ror anything or inrea- fourtha lit fair- value. Addraaa 8. C. 1.1, Bee. PRINTER Ptrat-claae, wanto permanent altuatlon; no booar; capable, experiencea, a tlaf action guaranteed; atate particular Come on wire; wire care Beach Printing Co.. or write Oen, ueiivery, u. wi den, 8lou Falle. South Dakota. BT EXPERIENCED ranchman or farmer, place on farm for jnyseii ana wuo or for myeelf alone. Can manage place or work aa hired man. State wagea you will pay 2711 Leavenworth St.. Omaha, Neb Farm hand, corn PLOwns, ate, fur- nUhavd rrtw tn rarmera. wnw, wirv telepho:.o, Swooney and Dllloa'e Nebraaka Smpioymeni agency, it.v wa Omaha, Neb. iouglaa 7001. GROCERY clerk wanta poaltlon. four yaara' eipeiience; can furnleh beat references; age 22. Call, write or phone Tyler HOC Room 431 T. M C. A. BOOKKEEPER, 18 yeari' experience, coun try and city banka and offlcea, aeairea permanent connection, country nana good Arm. Addreaa Q 276,. Bee; WANTED Poaltlon aa grocery clerk In Iowa town, any elaa; yeara' experience; age, 27; married: oeet or, reierencea. u. D. Buehrlg. Mlnler, 111. STENOGRAPHER Expert young man de- alrM nnsillinn In nr out Ot CltV: Or- oughly experienced. Addreea B lit, Boa. WANTED Poaltlon aa pharmaclat. Regis tered In Nebraaka. Beat of reierencea H. F. Manning, Merna. Neb. HEU WANTED MALE Trftde Schools. MEN WHY not learn tbe barber trade? I Lighter, cleaner and easier inan moii Hiim of work. More barbers needed now: srrateat demand ever known. Good guarantee, tips and over-money. Can own I shop OS email capital or travel, uur ire i ilitiatrmta! catalosue exoiaina now teach tha trade In a few weeks. Special I niTimar rait M. write today. Molar Bar- bar College, 111 8. 14tH St., Omaha, Neb. (Est. 1891.) i.iearN tvarhtir trade, mora than make I your tuition while learning, net or tooia Included. Job guaranteed. Call or write for catalogue. 1403 Dodge. TRI-C1TT BAKBKK UUL.fc.KUB. MEN wanted to learn the barber trade. Tuition 921. UOt Can BU omana. OMAHA BARBER CUL.fcE.UK. PERSONAL REAL ESTATE DEALERS agents are In a location In tbe and rental time-saving - BEE BUILDING, because they are near the Court Houae and City Hall, where no many matters of record and Information are found, - Very desirable office for rant now. Inquire for tha superintend ent, Room 101. FOR RENT HOUSES West ELEGANT lower St. Louis flat. 6-room, " colonial porch, facing park, 1311 Cumtnr St., 136.00; garage. - SEVEN-ROOM flat, beat residence district 4160 Davenport. Walnut 26s. North. Seven rooms, all modern, Bemls park. Tel. Harney 204H. ON FLORENCE Blvd., east front, rooms, and full basement ; modem but electricity O. A. Swenson. Walnut 2488. 1615 ORANT ST. 7-r. oom.. modern, l. T. F. Hall. '431 Ramge Bldg. Doig. T4.t. Boyi. WANTED Boya every town to sell new patent riy paper noioers; nan prom. Charles Pfelfer, Humphrey, Neb. YOUNG women coming to Omaha aa strang ers are invitea to visu me louag Women's Christian Association building at 17th St. and St Mary's Ave. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise aaeleted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Union Station. S-ROOM cottage with bath, is; ces required. Call uonax sua. 352 J FOWLER AVE. Five room; modern. Douglas 6.76 Miscellaneous. ARMT OF THE UNTED STATES, MEN WANTED Able-bodied unmarried men under age of 36; cltlaens of United States of good character and temperate habits. who can apeak, reao, ana write ine mi 11. h language. For Information apply to Recruiting Offler, Army Bldg., Uth and I Dodge Sta., Omaha, Neb.; ISO N. 10th St, , Lincoln, Neb.; 837 4th St, Sioux City, Iowa; 307 Ith Ave., Pes Moines. Iowa. Miscellaneous. 'I reliable and energetic married men, over 27, to take charge ot estaonsnea wagon routes. Now paying a guaranteed salary and handsome commlsslona A-l refer-' ences and personal bond required. Ap ply, 1111 Cuming St.. Omaha. " OOO D live young man with business ex perience to open and manage a orancn office In this city. Olve age, experience, schooling, etc. Writs T 4t, Bee. WANTED Man and wife to work on ranch; 1 muat be competent Will pay good wagea general i . . knma fnr rlrht imrtv. Write M. C. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your Oia ClOinina. lurnnuro, nmaa sines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and Inapect our new home. 1110-1111-1114 Dodge St. BEST S-room houee and location In city for $30. 4001 Chariea. FOR RENT Sta-room house. Phone Web ster 1394. CONTRACTORS Contractors attention. Wo furnish all kinds or mecnanica ana laoar on free of ch. :..e. Ileapooelble for all transportation. Write, wire or telephone. bsMiv find Dillon's Nebraska icmvioy- ment Agen7, 1330 Dodge Bt Douglas 70W. ODD Jobs and Janitor work by the day or month, 'experienced in an iineo oi worm, can furnish best of references. Telephone Harney 4710. EXPERIENCED man would like house cleaning, lawn mower work; guar- anteed. Phone Douglaa I64B. HOUSE cleaning . In general, wallpaper cleaning, lawn mower work .wanted, w. M. Kennedy. Phone Douglas 3646. Man would like Janitor and porter work. can Harney 3642. POSITION aa gentleman nurse, exp. D. 6(17. Hoteli and Restaurants. RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AGENCT, 1,10 Davenport St Douglas lift. . Headquarters for hotel help. STAPLE SHAFFER, maaaeusea and scalp specialists; graduates Prof. Thnell's school: Swedish massage, scalp and hair. a. m. to p. m. D. 713. 401 Ware BIIl HENRIETTA M. BRUGEMAN, scientific masseuse, electric ana raaio uin, menta, steam and shower baths for men and women. 203 Karbach Blk. Red 2727. TTTDfTTTT?1?8ccBtun tretwl wHn IVlin UI.aUout a surgical operation. Call or write Dr. Frank u. wray, Baa Bldg. . MASSAGE AND ELECTRIC BATHS, chi ropody. Misses Gray ana tieaa. xv-i B&lrd Blk.. 17th and Douglaa. D. 1461, NEW (-room bungalow, all on ona floor; strictly modern, with garage; isv. zoia Ave. and Pierce St. Red 1181. Mulbach. Mullen, Neb. lyOUNO MEN wanted aa railway mail clerks. lift month. sampia auminauon ques tions free. Franklin Institute, Dept 231 P, Rochester. N. T. $70 MONTHLY for man to manage branch CORSETS made to order. Prices $3:60 to $20.00. Expert fitting. Nu-Bone Corset Bhop, Brandela Thea. Lobby. D. 4. OMAHA'S superb hair dreaslng and treat- mnt oarlors: prices very ronu4. Indu Koametlc Bhop, 311-20 Rose Bldg. LU ELLA. WEBSTER, "maaaeuss," 618 Pa ton Blk., 10 a. m. to a p. m. u. CHILDREN to board and Harney St. upstairs. care for. 1816 Phone Doug. S7S7. FIVE-R cottage, 3804 Franklin, $16. I-R. cottage, bath, 2107 Ohio, lis. ' l-R. modern house, at 1807 iothrop, sio. Nice -R. new modern brick, oak finish. at 2228 Emmet. 127.60. 7-R. modern house, 3d and Hamilton, $80. 10-R. modern house, 2020 Lake, $30. W. H. GATES, D. 1294. 3 Web. 8888. office, eastern moraaaa; iman myMimrm w,,Hg, , for invalids for flxturea Capital Collection Co., Ces RKTIRINO NURSE jJU care lor ""vaitoa I MISS CLARK, aea salt bathe and manlcur- POULTRY AND GARDEN Acre and small house, chicken, pigeon houae, t; also s room for oolored downtown; city water, electric light Tel D107. " . .V"" I trm St. Room No. ment Agency 1320 Dodge Female. CHERRIES One-third for picking. Benson 3 17 -J. 1 SCIENTIFIC massage, 620 Bee Bldg. Phone wl 1 TV...1a, K.I74 I mono i - WANTED Position as housekeeper by lady with a child IU years old; must pay railroad fare out Mrs. R. Endlcott 8. Bide, Omaha, Neb., Route 4., or telephone grocery store, South lib. WOMAN with srlrl I years old wanta cook for harvest hands. Mrs. uercna Walker, Troy, Kan. THE BEE charge for "Situation ado" Is lower than any other form of advertising not enough to cover cost of printing. WIDOW lady with daughter wlahes place aa housekeeper to take full charge; can give god rer. Addreea u a or, aea. FIRST-CLASS colored cook, with referen- ces. wishes position. Phone Poug. fttl. YOUNG lady would like a poaltlon as housekeeper. Phono Douglas leas. WANTED Poaltlon as housekeeper; t experienced. . TAgdress P-18S. Bee. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. Public stenographer and notary nubile, IQT Bee Bldg. Doug. 1MB. Reas. rates. FIRST CLASS experienced stenographer desires permanent position) Colfax 1671. POSITION wanted by competent oolored girl, week's, work. Tyler 3426 W. . Laundry and Pay Work. PERFECT washing; day or bundle; guar- anteed; strictly dependable, weoaier -im. WASHING and Ironing neatly done, called for and delivered; work guar. Web. 1072. MISS WILSON Bath and manicuring. No, 3, Davldge Blk. fnone uoug. emi. DR. Francea Dawaon, 602-1 Roae Bg. Ty.230. AGENTS AND CANVASSfiM BATH and massage. 1324 Farnam St, AGENTS WANTED ttMnoiMlbla men with Ford cars to sell eoollng device for Ford engine; rapid sell er, large profits, good territory proposition .for light parties. For parttculara address Harris cunningnam, uenerai Ajenu, Hooper, Neb. AGENTS WANTED, In every unoccupied terrttorr for the Day Kerosene Burner will fit any cook stove or range. Call or write ue. Weat k, McLaughlin, 1607 Leavenworth, Omaha, Neb. - Phone Doug las 1420. HOUSES FOR RENT. CREIOH. SONS ft CC ltS BEB BLDG.. DOUG. $0. FOR RENT Ap'U and Flat FOR legal advice eall Dougla till. HOTELS FINE staam-heated apartment either 4 or I roorra on Weat Farnam street JOHN W ROPBIN8. 1802 FARNAM ST. SAVOY HOTEL, 16TH AND JACKSON. OMAHA. NEB. Making special aummer rate from 13.60 to 17.00 per week, wuo oos ana coia running water. H. WEINER, Prop. CHEAP RENT, 4-soom apt $22.60; light. water, phone, laundry and heat included. 2618 Davenport FOUR-ROOM apartment In Angelus to sub let See Janitor, or pnone Harney zo?4. Brat and Iron Foundries. Paxton-Mitchell Co.. 17th and Martha 8ts. WILL swap violin, Imported, valued at $66, WANTKDBundle waahlng; Baths. HTOIEN1C BATH 4NSTITUTB, Madam Edna H. La He 11, ios noutn .., -p baths. Swedish massage taught every Fri day for men and women. Lady attendant for ladles. Phone Douglaa 7046. "doctorIT KNOLLKNBERO AND MACNAMARA. Combining Chiropractic with sulphur, steam and modern Turkish baths. Prl- vats apartments tor ladles. 8. W. Cor, 14th and Farnam. Owatta Rldg., next to Muse theater. Douglas 7206 . - no-" bv.viu-. Hulnhur. steam. Modern Turkleh BATHS AND MASSAGE. Private apartments for laaiea wun '" snts. 1919 yarnam. man.. " rnmcras and Finllhinit. imrvmrT' .n.P.. IUiIU. 8200! Unl- varaal focus lane). Green's Pharmacy, 16th and Howard. Sra them today. . " - .. Costumea. THHATRICAI. gowns, full dress suite, for rent lot N. I7tn. jonn ge" Buttons and Pleating. A....A Vit-n Arnam Dress Pleat- 1 lua and Button Co.. Id floor Pnxtott Blk. Dnug. 1100. CarDcntera and Contractor!. BRICK repairing and ooment work of all I blndi. 3811 LUmmi. nrnni -b.4. for blovole. muat be a good ona, and dif ference In caah, phonograph, or what have you 7 Address Y 460, Bee. FILMS DEVELOPED FREE when prints are ordered. Enlargements rrora any neg ative. Kase studio, nth and Harney. FULLY equipped (-passenger auto; will take in victroia or Kaiaon, or aiamona. aa- dress 8. C.-lll, Bee - ; HAVE a Baby Orand player piano to trade for Ford or other make automobile, ao- dress 8. C. 148, Bee. FULL else brass bed. springs and mattress for oodar chest or what your Address c. 154, Bee. LARGE rug to exchange for folding baby buggy, good oondition, aaareso a. v. : : , R HADING -STANDARD single cylinder mo torcycle to trade for horse, ill so. ittn. A LITTLE ad In this ooiumn will about some remarkable exchange, t WILL swap 10-room rooming houae for gooa car. Aaareee j-iii, see. Urd A Son, 1208 Capitol Ave. Ty. 1631 c. W. Hokanson. 160t Leaven'th. Ty. 3112 J. I BUSINESS CHANCES "BUILDERS who build for the future of their business need a good foundation. What could be better than a nice, oool office, easily found, close to the build ers' headquarters, tha court house-and olty hall? A room or a suite In Tha Beo Building la dealrabls. . Office, Room 101. ' ' anteed. Teleohones H. 1812 and H. 4001. BY competent colored woman, " day 'work ana laundry; beat of work. Web. 1401. DAY work by reliable colored woman, c will do chamber work. Webster 7M. Bxoerlenced laundress wants day work o Thursday and rnday. fail Harney igs. Chambermaid work, experienced, anything considered; H days or whole. Ty. . WANTED Day work by neat, experienced colored woman. Phone we peter iioi. BUNDLE washing, piece work, lace cut,- talna; work guaranieea. wepster i.o. WANTED Day .work by experienced worn- Call Webster 1167. EXP. bundle waahlng s daywork. D. 7866. White laundress, dinners prepared. Web. 2863 Experienced woman,, day work. Web. 2614. BUNDLE washing neatly done. Web. 4862. I IRONING by day, cleaning; ref. Web. 6844. EXP. colored girl,' bundle, wash. R. 8718. DAY work and bundle washing. Doug. 4888. B'dle wash, call, del; guar. Mrs. Eaat H.3864 DAY work and bundle waahlng. Web. 1037. BUNDLE, wanning to take home. Web. 7410. I Washing and lace curtains done. Ty. U44. CHAMBERMAID or day work. Web. 3016. I DAY WORK. Call morning. Webster 1112. DAT 'work and bundle w aehlng. I DAY work; call mornings. Webeter 1112. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores snd Offices. Wl CANNOT meet the demand (or compe tent etenosraphera- and bookkeeper,. Eatabllahed Ten Tear, In Omaha. 1011-14 City Nat l. Professions snd Trades. WANTED 101 OIRUJ , AT ONCE TO WORK ON SEW I NO MACHINES IN MEN'S SHIRT AND OVERALL FAC TORY. MACHINES ARB DRIVEN BT ELECTRIC POWER, AND WORK ROOMS ARB LIGHT, AIRY AND COOL. EMPLOYES HAVE PRIVATE DINING HALL AND EVERY CONVENIENCE OF A MODERN FACTORY. GIRLS CAN MAKE SPLENDID WAGES AND ARE GUARANTEED STEADY POSITIONS. APPLY TO MRS. DOBBCK. FACTORY ENTRANCE. AT NINTH AND UULU- LAS STREETS. M. E. 8MITH & CO. OPERATORS ON POWER MACHINES TO MAKE HOUH DKHBBKrl Anu Amuwe; PERMANENT POSITIONS, PI.EA8ANT WORK IN A MODERN FACTORY, WITH ALL CONVENIENCES. AN EXCEL LENT OPPORTUNITY FOR THOSE DE SIRING STEADY EMPLOYMENT. SEE MR. ANDERSON, M. E. SMITH ft CO., ITH AND DOUGLAS. WANTED Olrl In Sat work dept. Applr Evana Model Laundry.. 11th ana poasiae. "Trade Schools. ' GIRLS to learn halr,dreaaltif. Oppenhelm Parlor t III city national nana mq. Hotels snd Restaurants EXPERIENCED WAITRESS. MILLARD HOTEL, 11TH AND DUUULAB. GIRL wanted (or lunch room; good wagea. ioi s. I3tn at. Household sri3 Domestic. WANTED Competent girl (or general houaework; part ox tne summer ac iak. Okobojl. Mre. H. M. McClanahan, Wal nut 1101. i GIRL who la a good cook (or general houae work; no laundry; good wagra. Apply at FOR RENT ROOMS ST. CLAIR, 24th and Hdrney, 2 and 3 -room apartments, uau Harney S47. Furnished Roomi. ATTENTION. ROOM HUNTERS 1 If yon fall to find the room you desire among these ads. eall at The Bee office for a Room Llet gives complete detailed description of va cant rooms in all parts of the city. If more convenient phone The Bee Want Ad Dept, and give your name and address, and a list will bo mailed to you at once. New lists are Issued every week. -f niTNDEin . .KltsTsint front room with alcove, beautiful arounds. plenty of shade; In heart of Dundee, half block to care. Ref erencee required. Walnut 126. IP YOU DESIRE a clean aleeplng room wall furnlahad. In the Hlldreth apts. Very reaaonable. call Harney 6390 and ask for Apt. No. 7. BEAUTIFUL 3-room aulte In Weat Farnam district; spltmdld ventilation; an Ideal summer place; suitable for a party of hanhsinn nr aitnita. Suite can be sepa rated; breakfast If desired. Harney 4181. WANT two gentlemen for attractive front room, excellent furnishings, two beda, teleohono extension, modern, walking distance, breakfast served, Hamey 31M. one or .two cool rooms, with bath, for .Tntv anrt Aiieuat: larse yard with treea walking distance; references. Addreaa M 366, Bee. HOTEL BAN FORD. HOTEL HARLET. lth and F.rnam. "tn ana samaan. Special ratoe to permanent gneeta. NICELY furnished room, new home. Han- ecom Park district, lor one oi iwo gen tlemen. , Phone Harney 4206. ROOM in new modern home, private family. ulet netKhborhood. Hanacom para ma- trlct. Phone Harney 6966. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR MEN ONLY. 60 NORTH 17th BT. imR rrnt One room in private family tee ii Ins porch If desired. Weat Farnam car line. Addresa.E 304. Bee. Chiroprsctlc snd Splnsl Adjustment '..eV'cerT. ?o"war,r7( 1.000: everything complete to run bual- neae. Inoluillng truck. Large territory for I r niinunnM'tt modern eanltary chlr. praclto adjuatlng parlora, 411-11 Roae Bldg. D. SS4J. ' Palmer Sen, grad.; lady attendant. I n, J i Lawrence. I Balrd Bldg. D. nil. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. once.' Ill S. Ilth St. Telephone Harney NICELY furnlehed room In private family: ;,, no olher roomera; auitab e tor 1 or I- L For SALE Patented ironing board, neat aid well built i will laet a Ufatlm. Phone ua lor particular. Dancing Academies. DB LUXE ACADEMY. Ill S. Ilth St. I lea boa II gaa atovea ""' all kiaoai pouiirr ' till p. m. ia p. T'WO gaa atovea. cheap. Doilgo 8' ""Ksnos snd MusicMtastruments. rorHioH-ORAD"alandard make planot uaed month.; will eaorlflce (or 1 11 on account ( leaving city, accept small pay- " aaant Sew, balance like rant. Addreaa O III. Bee. Detective. .ue .tWTRn.mTK DETECTIVB AS- t H-i.t i jn nuunHir. w ".-- m Ramge Hldg. Tel. Doug. ll. niip.ri, ell etrlotly conn- dentlal: conaultatton tree. ... o.w. I X)R SALE Piano, roll top deak and orfloe chair. te. a. no. r-- 'FOR SALE A piano in perfect condition. Call 8. HI. ' Dressmaking. ACCORDION. Side, Knife, Bol Pleating. I R. Store snd Oftice Fixtures., IlKskS. aafee. acalee. ahowcaaea. anelvlng, to. W any, eell. Omaha Fluure I;,i. rk. 411-11-11 a Ilth. Doug. 1714. Billiard snd PockatTsbles. ShIWIiig by axporlenced drwiainakerj prlcee reaauiiabla. Wo. Ik aierun apie. v. ..... riHiiT-CLASH wok on aunitner dreeero and ellk shlrte; everything guar, w. .m.. 8BW1NO by the day IMS, webatar 4l4. rea. 1731 caiqwfll. At 1 MILLIARD i TABI.K8, Brand aaw. carom and pocket, with complete aulSt, lllll aacond-hand table at re Swad prlceal howling allaya and auppllaa; W payment. Cigar etore. drug, dell aataaaen and aoda lountala Situraa. THK BRUNSWlCK-BALKlt-COU.IiNDI(K CU. 4IT-4 soma up wi- " tewelrr. Diamonds snd Wstchesr I g . ..... a m,..-i.h .uUln. rlnn" el Ilth and Douglaa Sta , Tmewriterg snd Supplies. UKW m.ihli... auld tba aaroe aarent 13 n,i. Mm ua before roll buy Zl. Mj.,- a .nv alaca on ten day frea trial. Bulla Typewriter ICichange. ill s. nth. Omaha. Neb. TIPBWR1TKRS , auld. ranted and re Wired. Beat aa Oliver typewriter. I raMtha lor II. Central Typewriter Ba change. IMI Parnam. IwuiNtiTONa. atonercha and Bmltb tiu.i. n far rent: eent anywhere. Hem- iH.,An Tvoewrlter Company. D. 1114. i H ivuwwrltera rlbbona 14 - arevn Be Bldg. gewing Machines tiewinz Machines Wa rent, repair, eall aedle and Peru ag all Sewing macninea. . UICKEL'8 HIBRASKA CTCLB CO.. Ilth and Harney Sta Pout. HI Machinery and Engines. "llBW AND SECOND-H AND MOTORS. BXPBRT ELECTRICIANS AND MACHINISTS. . LB BRON ELECTRICAL WORKaV !: S. Ilth St. Omaha. , WillJUtS. aleam. electric, gaa anginas. v av Onea Wracking Co.. 111! Cuming. Printing and Otiice Supplies. i"t our prices n Job printing. v .Ci.VnM CARDS A SPECIALTY. ST S. PTO. Clf: BEE BLDO. 1HJUO. 1111. EZ in kBCIAL ;iupllctlns Co.. alee public ten- raene i" . let Pakloa Blk, . . WATBBSVBARMHABT Pts. Co.. duality artcllna. Tel. D ug. IIM. Ill S. Ilth St. I r-ber and Building Materials. f-'WD-HAND lamber far sal a. leery Ave. . HIL W1NCKLKR. Eaperti low ratea. III! Dewey Harney 1711. AUKS ALIJtN. Ill Neville Block. Bvl. dunce aecured In all Caere, tyier ..... milk and cream. A money maker (or the tight party. I am no butter maker, rea aon for aelllng. Will take good land or dairy oawa. Price l,000. Address X 471, Bee. HARNESS SHOP FOR SALE A (lock of toola and harneaa, win invoice about 14,000; In a good tow) and tha beat ehop In town; aurrounded by good tarma and nwJ hnn.r. M.mMi anoda never mo out of date; are needed the year around; tner la alwaya profitable employment In Ine ahop. It la a nice, clean bualneaa. Will lnvoloa for caah. Addreaa r 444, Bee. WANTED A oompetent girl for general houaework; must oe gooa cook, sens xiar ney St. Telephone Harney 6331. WANTED Woman for general houaework at Social Battlement; reierencea required. H. IIM. - Call Douglaa 5131. df iiii-inii. fiirnlRhnd front room, nice lo- oattnn: walklnc distance. Douglaa 7117. WANTED An -assistant bookkeeper on '."gooa SSET hand and bT" WANTEd for ..cond fiturea and have at leaat aome yeara or practical experience at mie worn, sac ary per month. , Adjlreaa P 111. Bee. SLEEPING room for rent, H.B0 per week. Phone South iozt. u p. tom work. Mra. Victor Caldwell, 680 South HOth St. COMPETENT white girl for general houae work. Phono wainui roe. - 3514 CAPITOL Ave. Large northeaat room, suitable for two gentlemen, 220 N. 26TH Pleaeant and modern Bleeping rooms. weeK: ciose in. Cov. Buttona, JlcmetUchlng. Neb, Pleating I jai- i'aii.un mta. A Button Co., KHaHT M DrcwemakHig Col.. 16211 Cliy Nat'l7 Terry priir."it.ak g college, gftth and rarnam. Dentist. rr. Bradbury. No pain. tl W. O. W. Bldg. Taft i tnt. Hum., Iu Koae Bldg. D. ElcctrolytU EXPERT operator, at home, rea. oharga 101 8. ltth Ave, uoug. im- Everything tor Women. ACCORDION, Aide, knife, ui, buret, boa I pleating, ooverea ouitona, an aiiva ana tviM: beinetltchlna. uicot edging, em broidery: beading, braiding, cording. vniitL nut work, buttonhole, pennanta, 1DB.AL UUTTON AN1 PLKAT1NU CO. 290 Pouglaa Blk. Dougie ill. No other Omaha, nowapaper la ahowlng anywhere near the prog re ta It Want Ada aa THE BEB. 11,101 MORE PAID ADS In the flrat five month of lilt i than In the aama period of 1115. LIST WITH MB FOR QUICK RESULTS. Tyler 148 T. - 41 1 Roae Bldg. FOH SALE l-ohalr barber ehop, 10-table pool hall counter, how oaeea, etc. Will aell the buelneaa or the table and na ture eeparate. Q. A. Land, 1101 Far nam St: 1 FOR" SALE -Suburban moving picture ahow. fully equipped, doing good buet nee. Owner leaving olty. is&o win handle thla deal. Addreee J 7a. Bee. WILLIAMS, eatabllahed 21 yeara To buy or aall bualneaa ee him. 411 McCague side. Reference U. Nafl Banh. FOR BALE OR TRADE Reetaurant na ture and room rurnianinge rer eight Professions and Trades. FARM handa, corn plowera, etc.. (urnlehed free to farmera write, wire - or leie nhone. Sweeney Dlllon'a Nebraaka Em ployment agency, 1120 Dodge St,, Omaha, Neb pougia Tone. WANTED Machine ehop foreman by firm Juet manutacturing farm traotore; moo orate aalary to atart; excellent opportunity tor the right man. Olve age, complete ex-1 parlance and aalary expected. Addreaa A SOl, Bee. , . . WANTED A moving ploture machine and I aleo a man that will inataii a picture ma-1 chine In opera house and run aama oa I rommlwelon. Addreaa o o, gee. NIOHT SHORT ORDER COOK. MILLARD I HOTEL, ISTH AND DOUGLAS. I PIANO tuning. Cha L. Fleh. Web. 1265. WANTED Competent eecond girl. Mra F. A. Brogan. Walnut iiu. 610 So. 19th Large, deairable room; men oreferred. Tyler 2873. . NirnLY furnlehed room, cloae an; all mod ern. 631 8. fi6 St Housekeeping Rooms. HELP WANTED. MALE AND FEMALE. TEACHERS for rural Wyoming, Jtniona. Agency, Denver. . dlatricu, Haaard Colorado, Teacher1 ONE largo living room and large pantry, with phone, $4 per week; alao one parlor bedroom, $8 per month; private home; central location. I3 8. 19th St,- Tyler 2616. EDUCATIONAL DAT SCHOOL. BOTLES COLLEGE, NIGHT SCHOOL, vary da mrollment day. Bookkeep ing, Shorthand, Stenotype, Typewriting, Telegraphy, Civil Service all Commercial and Kaglleh tranche Catalogu tree. " BOTLES COLLEGE. - Ilth and Harney Sta. TaL Douglaa 1644, 1 3674 ST. MART'S Ave. Furnwnea apiv ment; large, airy, ciean, out . nary: references exenangea. FURNISHED housekeeping aleo ieepini rooma, summer price. Chicago. Lincoln Apt., 2102 ! jo s. 24TH AVE. Two-room moaern win. furnished lor iin- nun.Mvni. 1S17 CAPITOL Housekeeping room and iM niaanina rooma: clean; cool; reaaon able. SEE US FOR DRUG JOBS. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. Eatabllahed Ten Tear. 1 1014-14 City National. - 20 HARVEST HANDS wanted; close in; 11 7 . T Ci A XTTl CUAAT per day, room and board, neo. employ- 1 ' y Jm OAl 1 tOVAXVvJu ISIVlIt ABOIIV, lav aINl, 1119 8. 29. B-r. B.. $4.60; 2-r., tS. H. 1438. Board snd Rooms. rooma u pat aire. Will aell cheap or trade I WANTED An experienced farm hand for I for eoma thing I can handle; vain 400. Address John Bellls, Missouri Valley, la. MOVING Picture Theaters, real bargalna; machine, repair, supplies, acceeaonea, naw and aecond-hand. see ua OMAHA THEATER SUPPLT CO.. Balrd Bldg. - Doug. If St. LA.D1ISS You can always Qnd ready-madi I FOR SALE One of the oldest grocery and clot hue: at Mr. Kooarteon a. aau um ai. Express Compsiies, tan naarnae. Exoreea and Light Delivery. . Within City limiia, aeo. we cn ior jr. . checka Fast auto trucxa weoaier iio. TWIN CITY ttlxitreao Co.. 1111 Caaa Douglaa H17. Heavy naming a apociauy. Fixtures snd Wiring. 1 rTTTT7 KT Klactrlu waahlng machine, UJ JXialil alectrle Iruna and .reading lamp, Sill Cuming Bt. uougtaa int. - Furnccet snd Tinware. ROOFING, furnace and general tlnwork. S. Abrama, los N S4tn w. weo. etie. Hair D re uin a. IDEAL Hair Parlora 20? Balrd Bldg. Maal- oortng, toilet ariicie. avwug. eiee. Hand Laundry. CALL DOUOLAS 4421 and av your laUA- dry done right anq raaaonaDie. Hat Cleaning and Bloc kins. STRAW, Panama, all kind haia, cleaned I and rebiouaea, ieie-iee narnny m. meat markets In the city; doing 14,000 caah buaineaoer montn: muat oa aoia at once: reason ior aelllng, other bualneaa 9X1 Doug. Phone Doug. 1424. BLACKSMITH ahop for aale;- power eaulDDed.: gooa Dusmes country iraaei 1 acre ground; reeeona for selling. Chaa Schoonover, Lowemont. Kan. VOR SALE Good, olaan stock of hard- war; llva town central iveoraaaa. uooa roaeon for eelllng. Be quick. Addr T, 11, Beo. DOWD Sal and Auction Co., Omaha,, have cloaed out more maae. aioca tnan v any other nrm in u. B. wnto tor term. tlOTfON PICTURE MACHINES. New and rebuilt bargalna. auppllo , Omaha Film Exchange. S. 14th St FOR SALS by owner Drug atore, dwelling and stock; square aeai. Aaareee owner. II West 4th Ave.. Denver, Colo. TO OET In or out of buelneaa. call OANOEBTAD, 421 Be Bldg. Doug. S4TT. work on my farm near Arlington, Call 264 Exchange Bldg., South Omaha. MACHINISTS WANTED Competent men for lathe, planer and boring mill work. Aaareee H. auo, nee. WANTED A printer. Owner called out on military duty, wire journal, uoraon. xveo. Drug etore nap, Job. Knelat. Bee Bldg. Salesmen and Solicitors. TO SELL or buy a business call on Busch , BorgnoB, 730 worio-ueram iag. Lawyers. FRANCIS HOROAN, U luaticct of the Peace. R. H. CLAIBORNE. Ill Pat ton Blk. Red 1401 Notary public; depoattlon teno. C. W. BRITT, 101 W paag. mi. SITUATIONS WANTED wanted Hlah arade salesman 1 partly ex- perlenood in tne aat oi corporate aioca preferred. Muat be capable of earning 16,000 a fear or mora. Give paat experi ence and full reference in nrsi leuer. dreaa P. O. Box OS, omana. wwpraaa. WANTED BxperUnced saleamen to sell r.nsLHisvti ' Townaite on new nouia Europe. Eapeclally ttractlvo soiling 710, axclualv territory, good eommUraiooa. Ad dreaa T 49T, Bee. WB have moved our office to a warehouse I on track, ntn ana foag oui. ww ceea depends on finding that frank, plain sdocessful young man. THE BASKET STORES. WANTEDExperlenced automobile sales-1 man; muat do capaow; " vm- i.iAti mm nraferred: references required. JackaoD Automobile Co. Branch. -14 S 4th Bt uouncii awnH STOCK dad bond salesman; something very j attractive; m oo. .- " J' I ket. Standard Sec Inv. Co., 1417 W. O. I W. Bldg. STOCK and bond aateaman. STANDARD I BSC m triv. iu v. ' ' of Business Second Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg, ENTRANCE 220 D. 5890. EARtf big money; be a photographer: easy to learn; eompiai oeurvai. . nnivrr School of Photography. Ill N. 14th 8C phono Tyler 241. ' Musical. WOULD like nice, refined, congenial girl for room-mate ror inn muam w iU riva.t. famllv. all modern convenl- nces and home privilege;, muat be neat ....... MfaranpM exchansed. Answer by iviriBT 'nhone number or addreea. Rates reasonable. - Address M 297, Bee. KVBftYTHING NEW. naislrabte. cool rooms, with excellent iv,&rd: aneclal summer rates. 2M4 Har ney. NICELY furnished room with board. Bemls nam aiemci. woo-Jicr Unfurnished Rooms. 4626 IZARD Three unfurnished rooms ....t-ir. tisrht. na water, rent 111. Wal HARP Summer term offer to student be- Tinning ADrtl is. narpa lumisntia. mvm Lyrlo Bldg. Loretta DaLone Studio, all TWO unfurnished rooma auitable for lis ht houaeiceeping. wia e. ifiu "- Rooms Wanted. nnimtclUS Music Btudloa, II, 14, IK Ungton DlOCa. ADawiuitJiy corrvo. urow In playing t oar hobby. ArtlTOUpPEOPLB j,?702f T"irTlHED ROOM OUIlSi. It a plan that Is helping inanj people rant their PERSONAL Barker Block, Men's Tailorinc. LINDQtllBT, 104 Palon Blk. D. 1111. - Motor KsDairs. CAHIl-L BLBULCO.. Bee Bids. 1). IMS. OfSca and Stors Fixtures. 1. JOSEPH Odd mill work. Walnut III. Pstsnt Attorney. R. A. STUllOKS, II, BraaSal Xaaa. IX MIS. WECKLT BATE, lio FER LINB. Day wrk ar sualaaaa aaa rasular rata I line a weak , t Haas n weak.... Back aatra Ilaa 11 par wek. - ITOUNO man, II rra., wanta poallloa with I . reliable nrm, oily wore prererrea; a rra. 1 wholesale ana retail aaleeman; efficient I In any work of aale dept.! behind the I counter, sa the phoaa r eltr aollcltlna: I prefer oaal, bvlldlng material or elmtiar line, but en? uaa aaraeaaia, aaiarjr raaaaa- eMe, Adareee u m, sa. - salks; tare. CN BK money for buelneaa tat- tall at 1111 W O. w. Bias. riTT aaiieetor. parmaneat. aansh. Ilia at. am. Trade Schools. W. A. Blsea- 5oOP MBN WAKTBD. o hara work lor the Ms aprlas rash. Fin tram Ins work aa aau and aleo trie tartlas aratema. AMERICAN AUTO COU.1MB, , Mil raraam, Omaha, Me. . PILES, FISTULA CURED . B. R. Tarrr cure plies, flatala and ether rectal dlaaaaw wlthoot arstcal eperetloa. Car caraatS aad no monejr pais mill cored. Writ for hook ra reo- "tat dlsissis with teetlmonlala DR. B. TARRT. 14. Bee Bids.. Omaha. Neb. HENRIETTA M. BRUOEMAN. D. at. T., I .jih a oomolete eauree In the - Sratera -- of Swedish Puplla waaud. Call ar writ Ml Karhaok Blk. EOR RENT FURNISHED a a ummh anil Hauaes. . . aim u.....y- Apartments : SPLENWD, NEW FURNISHED. TRAVERTON S ' FIREPROOf. e.ira AND LANOON COURT. Cat.rln, t peopla of refined taataa Apartment la oomplelelr equipped f houaakooplns; ap to date and comfortable. TaL Doe, ml. 'II Omaha Naa Bank. . ... a.,., is. ST. CLAIR. 14th and Harney. I -room fur. FOR RENT HOUSES West. I room. H mod., fin lot faeln aouta. N. Ill Uar.ue.riii. ewi.awie lu. era: HUH. Slam. D. alio. ROOM baaement, 11.80. Phone Wal. HOI. ROOH8. 114. Phone Walnut HOI. South. ROOM modern flat. No. 1104 S. Ilth St., oak floora, electric llrni, sooa name nelshborhood. extra value, 111. 60. BE.NSON A MYERS UU., No. 424 Omaha National Bank Bids. ROOM brltk. Hanacom park district, only sab. wrltnt LaeDury- if. l". Miscellaneous. S. Ilth. 7 rooms, garage 136.00 101 N. 23d, modern, 7 rooms 26.00 208 8. 41at, modern, 7 rooms 23.00 JOHN N. FRENZER. Dourlaa 664f West I or 4 -room 4pt, close in, furnished or anfurnlahed: 127.50 to 160. Ernest Sweet. Dougla 1471. North. CHOICC APARTMENT. LOW RENTAL. Beautiful newly decorated 4-room apart ment, M room, oool In lummir, fin largo croenod porch. "The Ivy," oornor Bbermaa At, and Sherwood. Only 111,6 per mow Bo janitor tn baaement apart ment or oall office. Doug. 14QI. SCOTT ft HILL Ca 'ROOM modern apartment at Harlll. 610 N. Hat. Apply Janitor or pnone Red 4768. mSdBRN apt., 7 rooms, $25, near poat offlce. O. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. South. -rm. mod, flat, 2308 B 14th, I20T $10--All modern, very deairable ft-room low er flat, on car una. ttU4 Mavenworth. Harney 3128. Miscellaneous. and 4-room brick flats, olooe in, mod. ex. hat. til. Toland Trumbull l B77 Stores Officer 4nd Desk Roocd. DESK ROOM Small Office. FUKNISHSD. Ask for tha 8ip't Room 101. Bee Bids. South. sTIVB-IldOM stoam-beated apartment; vary dealrabl. Tao t'hula vista, zoth and Popploton. Conrad Toons. 32 Brandela Theater. Doug. 1671. ' DESIRABLE S-4 and 6-rm. Apts. Summer rates. First Trust Co-. nth- P- HeL MODERN apartments, $18 and up.' Near poatoffloo. O. r. stebbina, iio cniogo.. FOR RENT Business IVp'ty DESIRABIJB atore room baaement. 122 8. Ilth Bt Only 166. CONRAD TOTTNO, III Brandela Theater Bids. P. IHI. FOR RENT. very fine atore room, located at 14th and Leavenworth Sta Reasonable rant . For further Information call CALKINS A CO., Douglaa 1118. City Nat1 Bank Bldg. MODERN atore, 16th St., near postofflce. $76 per month. O. P . Btebblns. 1410 Chicago. bTohb, KtMJ-ttfi at isul-imi Farnam Hu Tboa F. Hall. 4X3 Himif Bldg. t. 740S. Oround floor location in strictly modern fireproof building with all conveniences. Right in the heart of Omaha. Salesmen, brokers and commission men gal located now and prepare your fall campaign: strictly high claaa tenants only Ample space, free phones and lights; stenographer available. Call Dougla S620. Office for Rents ' ON BEAUTIFUL COURT of the Bee Building 216 Sq. Ft., with water $18.00 Ask the Superintendent, Room 103. DESIRABLE office rooms In the remodelled Crounaa mock, lis n. isia Bt. toppoaiis postofflos), 110 to 111 per month. Conrad Touns. 121 Brandela Theater. Pons. 1171. OFFICE room with 'phone and reception room for laay. r sue. unw "CD FOR RENT Larse barn. 117 & 23d St. MOVING AND STORAGE FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separata locked rooma, for houeehold sooda aad pianos; movlns. packlns and ahluplns, OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 102 S. Ilth St Douflaa 4111. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real moving eervice try ua. Lars l-horse, padded vane. Storase, 12 month. Satlafactloa guaranteed. We move you QUICKER. CHEAPER AND SAFER, ' Phono Tyler 210 or Douslaa Ills. GORDON VAN CO. Peeking, store re and mor. ing 111 N. 11th St. Phone Douglaa III or Webstar 1611. METROPOLITAN VAN AND ' STORAGE CO. Careful attention given to ordera for moving, packing or storage: offte at Ray mond Farnltur Co.. 1111 and 1111 Uuar ard St. Phone D. 1611. - Van and I men 11.11 par hour. Van and Storage Co. Moving, packing, atorage and ahlpplng. Phone Doug. 1411. Maggard- T P P TlTn Eipreaa Co.. Moving d. Kj. RE iEjU necking and atorage. HOT Farnam Ht Douglaa 1141. FPELITYbbeernvtic- FREE Pbon Douglaa 111 for complete Hat of vacant houae and apart 1 mentai alao for storage, moving. 14h and .Jaokaon Sta WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Houses snd Fists. WANTED TO RENT Immediately, good f or S-room houee, with garage.' In Weat Farnam dlatrlet or Dundee. Moat be a place Olve full Information., Addreaa O 127, Bee. Wanted to Rent House la DUNHKB " ' ' , L. SBLBt A SONS. Douglaa 111.