Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 01, 1916, Page 16, Image 16

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Iowa Supreme Court Declares
"i Statute Which Closed the
Saloons Constitutional,
ette by Victor Rousseau entitled
Midsummer Madness," and also con
tains "The Story of Canada," com
plete with maps and many pictures.
The usual number of short stories are
included, while the serial "Children
of Passion" is continued.'
The Woman's Home Companion,
',Des Moines, la., June 30. The
mulct repeal law, which closed sa
loons in Iowa January 1, 1916, is
valid and constitutional, according to
i unanimous decision of the Iowa
itate supreme court in affirming the
case of the State against John Hill,
appellant. The action was begun in
Davenport by three saloon keepers
to test the new law. ;
' "None of the points raised are fair-
, ly debatable, and we entertain no
doubt in rinding the repealing statute
Invulnerable to the objections inter-
; posed," says the decision, which was
Landed down late yesterday.
Several New Divorce
Petitions Are Filed
Albert Krug was granted permis
sion to take hit two children from
v the mother' custody for two months.
"Divorce petitions filed were: Char
lotte Bryan from Henry, Ola Alexan-
, der from John, Will B. Grant from
Maud G. Grant. Edward was granted
divorce from Marie Contelthy,
New Books
A Diplomat'i Wife in Mexico.
f ' - A book just put out by Harper's
' is certain to be widely read as a re-
ult-of the mess into which our affairs
with. Mexico have fallen. It is a col
lection of letters, written by Mrs
, Nelson O'Shaughnessy, wife of the
American charge d'affaires, to her
mother, covering the period of Huer
. ta's regime in Mexico from the time
. Mr. O'Shaughnessy returned to the
Mexican capital after the overthrow
. of Madera up to and including the
Vera Cruz incident. Allowance must
" be made for the partisanship of the
Y writer, who is frankly an admirer of
Huerta and equally trank in her cnti
cism of President Wilson and Mr.
SBryan, but. even with this agreed to,
I the record is one that throws some
' startling: light on the situation. Esoe
cially does it expose the pitiful stu-
i pidity ot the policy adopted by the
S resident of the United States and
ii premier in their dealings with a
I very serious international affair.
! . Pledged not to mix in the internal
! affairs, of their neighboring country,
J ' the authorities at Washington went
from one mistake to another with
I cheerful optimism, always meddling,
, tending ultimatums to Huerta and tn-
couragement to Carranza and Villa,
I. and John Lind is shown at one time
as actually conterring with lapata,
uhn. if rmaeihl ia mnr linnfalcahlf
, - r- . jr.. - r
ii I in his villainy than Villa.
The pitiful aspect of John Lind, per
sonal -messenger from Wilson, with-
out official standing, ignored by Huer-
ta and the representatives of other
nations, out of touch with, his own
embassy, and Spending his time at
: Vera Cruz, where he had communica-
r tions chiefly with the rebels, whose
cause he espoused, is made clear by
these letters. How little either Mr.
Wilson or Mr. Bryan understood of
the Mexican character is incidentally
shown by reference to several epi
sodes. On of these had to do with se
curing the release of Manuel Bonilla,
a prominent Maderista, who sought
asylum in the American embassy. Bo
nilla gave his parole not to assist
the rebel cause, and under this prom
ae was given safe escort to Vera
Cfuipirom where he immediately
joined Cartatvza, and later rebelled
.'. against him. Violation of parole was
j- a slight thing; for the "patriots."
, .. An incident illustrative of the deft
i and -diplomatic manner with which
! ..." Washington handled its dealings with
I ; the Mexicans is found in sentences
! 'running through several of the let
ters. Other embassies were bringing
in arms tor selt-protection against
mob violence. U shaughnessy was
urged to. follow suit, lie broached
the matter to Huerta, who told' him
' he might "bring in all the; arms lie
d d pleased, but it must be done
quietly." It was then arranged that
' gatling guns and other weapons were
- to be brought in as stationery and
. embassy supplies. This report was
made to Washington, with full in
" structions as to shipping. The guns
did not arrive on time, and O shaugh
- nessy heard nothing from them. He
was getting a little uneasy, when at
breakfast one morning he read in the
Mexican Herald of the fuss kicked up
at Vera Crui because the American
charge was importing arms. , imagine
his consternation on finding, as a re
' suit of a personal trip to Vera Cruz.
. that ' the gatling guns had reached
the customs house there accomoa-
: Jiicd by an invoice signed by the com
manding officer of the Springfield ar
mory! it was. on this basis the deli
. cate negotiations through the criti
, cal period were handled.
j Mrs. U Miaughnessy s letters are
' full- of the personal touch, of bits of
; embassy gossip, chats with Huerta
' and embassadors: and ministers of
other countries, and high officials and
- prominent citizens of Mexico and vis
itors from America,' and make up a
very important contribution to the
literature of the most dramatic period
n recent Mexican History,
" . . Magazine Notes.
. Young's for July contains the usual
number of .interesting stories, each
containing a true-to-life interest and
-all finished in. the current number.
"For Jon-it. by War Spencer, is an
, unusual story, "Naomi, , iby Andrew
' Soutarjis also extremely good, while
"When a Woman's Jealous" is a
- book-length , novel complete, in , this
ISIUS. ' t'.. jiy.. -j
.- An interesting feature of Scribner's
is the toy's story; "The Son of Pat
Vick CMoira," by Margaret Adelaide
Wilson. Also ot unusual interest si
description of a visit to the leper set
tlement on the island of Molokai by
AatrKone- Fullerton Gerould. t - .
- ffuSlrig th Interesting fiction in the
1 C.!II-iiaroer'. -Ah ' Incident in. the
5 Dratbare of Police," - by ' Arthur
i K.od e,e Hardy; ;The Reason," by
.!.!" lMl 'The Troubadour
r,id. iB'oison,: dy KODert wens
; ( Feiejl be found worth reading.
' . features a complete novel
as is true of all numbers of this pop
ular monthly, contains many beautiful
illustrations as well as interesting fic
tion. Among the interesting fiction
is "The Vintage," by Sylvia Chatfield
Bates, author of "The Geranium
Popular Science for July contains
a series of halftones showing the tear
ing down and dynamiting of the
building of the Panama-Pacific ex
position in San Francisco. Also
shows'" many scenes from the Euro
pean battlefields and many new de
vices recently invented.
Popular Mechanics contains a very
interesting article and illustration
concerning an electric organ which
transmits wireless music something
new even in this age of miracles. The
usual number of interesting and in
structive mechanical contrivances are
described and illustrated.
Everybody's Magazine contains an
unusual little story, "Something Like
Us," by Margaret Burrous Martin;
also "Loving in Boytime," by Carl
A timely serial of American life in
Mexico entitled "Over the Border,"
by Herman Whitaker, is a feature of
the July Sunset. After months of res
idence in northern Mexico Mr. Whit
aker has written this story from his
heart. "Through Apache Land, by
Walter V. Woehlke, is very interest
ing and instructive, while "The Unal- '
terable," a little story of every day by
Bess Hafer Patton, will be found to
appeal to the interest of the reader.
Traveling Bags and Suit Cases, $4.98
Saturday we will place on sale about 130 Traveling
Bag and Suit Cases, genuine leather and leather
lined. All sizes. Values to $8.00. Sat- $4,98
urday, only
What's the Fourth Without a Flag?
All Sizes Flags Lowest Prices. y
Muslin Flags, on sticRs, dozen, lc up
Fast Color Bunting, on 'sticks, with
gilt spear 5c, 10c, 15c
Large Flags at All Prices.
Shoes for
The Fourth
SHOES that will be a com
fort to you and a real pleas
ure to wear during the Sum
mer days to come, when you
will want to enjoy the great
outdoors to the utmost.
Sport Oxfords, for outing
wear, in nobby new styles
and patterns, White Canvas,
with tan or black leather
trimmings, tipped heel ball
strap and heel foxing. White
rubber soles and heels, also
in dark mahogany tan or
black Russia calf leathers,
with white rubber soles,
at. . . .$3.48 to $4.50 a pair
Special Bathing
In blacks, whites and fan
cy color combinations, in
Canvas and Satinette, with
cork filled canvas soles,
made sandal effect and in
step strap patterns ; 39c, 65c
and 98c a pair
Special for Children
Tan or black Fnelish Bare
foot Sandals, with stout oak
soles, the kind that give ser
vice and satisfaction spe
cial, Saturday, child's sizes
5 to 8, 98c sizes 8i2 to 11,
$1.10, and misses' sizes 1 1 'A
to 2 .$1 35
No Reason to Hesitate Now
Here Are Charming Hot Weather Frocks
At a Price That Will Make Instant Appeal
Special offering Saturday of new warm weather apparel in the way of
Dainty, Cool Summer Dresses, made of sheer Voiles and Lawns, in stripes, fig
ures and' plain white.
Made in the practical styles, with the full skirts, three-quarter sleeves, fancy
low collars with pretty surplice effects ; combinations of nets, etc. $6.98
Special, Saturday, at ,
New Summer Frocks
Many new and novel effects shown
in these models, giving the last word
from the style centers for new summer
$10, $12.50, $15, $17.50, $19
New Silk Sport Skirts
Showing the very smartest of the season's recent produc
tions in effective garments for sport wear.
Large, full cut skirts with large pockets, shirred girdles,
large pearl buttons, etc. Made of silk striped Shantungs,
plain and striped Khaki Kool, fancy striped Taffetas, Silk
Jersey in plain and fancy ; bright summer colors
$10.00, $12.50, $15.00, $17.50, $19.00
Girls' Wash Dresses
Specially Priced
The vacation days are here, and
they demand more dresses for the
girls. The warm weather also
makes it necessary for the girls
to have more changes.
Your opportunity is here. Every
colored dress is guaranteed to
stand washing.
Colored dresses, worth to $2. .95c
Colored Dresses, to $2.50. . .$1.45
Colored dresses, to $3, at.. $1.95
in the daintiest of combinations of .
Lawns, Voiles, Linens, Georgettes,
Nets, Laces, etc. The daintiest summer
colorings and all-white, trimmed with
effective color combinations, velvet
biutto0nsS:etcpearl . New Warm Weather Skirts
Made of the practical and aureole wash fabrics in the smart
stripes and plain colors of
Madras, Pique, Cordeline, Linen,
Repps, Gabardine, Poplins, Linene, Etc.
Trimmed with the effective sport pockets, the wide full girdles
and large pearl buttons.
$1.98, $2.50, $2.98, S3 98, $5.00 to $10.00
New Navy Taffeta
. New York's very latest demands
have ,been for smart summer
frocks, made of Navy Blue Taf
feta and Georgette Crepe.
Anticipating an early demand
for same, we are now showing
a very complete lne of the very
smartest models.
$15, $19, $22.60, $25, $35
Second Floor.
Pretty Parasols
On Parade
Old Sol is pointing
his rays directly down
upon us these days.
Soften the rays of the
summer sun and enjoy
feal comfort under a
, Values to $5.00; Some Worth More
! This Is fin exceptional lot of very fine parasols, in all colors and
combinations some with two or three hemstitched ribbon insertions.
AU shapes and styles, made of pure silk.
Wonderful bargains. Come early and get the bestSelections.
Women's Silk Thread Hosiery
All shades. Full fashioned, spliced
heels, toes and double soles. Wide
garter tops. Pure thread silk and
pure dye. $1 quality 69c
Women's Silk Bool . Hose, in. all
colors and black and white. All
fashioned, elastic garter tops.
Spliced soles, heels and toes. .50c
Silk Novolty Hosiery, in fancy em
broidered dots, butterflies, stripes
and many other designs. The best
novelties to be had $1.00
Women's Fibra Silk Hoso, black
and colors. Seamless, double soles,
heels and toes. Regular 60c qual
ity, sale price 39c
' Misses', Children's and Boys' Hot,
nne, medium and heavy weight.
All sites to 11 U 25c
Infanta,' Socks, with fancy striped
tops. Fibre and lisle thread. Sizes
4 to 9 12c and 25c
Man's Hose, tn all colon. Fibre
silk and lisle. All sizes, 9tt to
11 H 25c
Knit Underwear
Women's Fin Lisle Union Suits
"Nu-Shape" cuff and umbrella
knee. Regular and extra sizes.
Worth to 85c; special, suit. .59c
Women's Kayiar Knit Vil, lisle
thread, dainty crochet yokes in
various designs. Regular and extra
sizes. Special, each 50c
Women s Flno Lisle Union Suits,
Morrell and "Cumfy-Cut," Um
brella knee styles. Regular and
extra sizes; 50 values 39c
Women's Fine Cotton Union Suits,
cuff and umbrella knee styles.
Regular and extra aizes. Sale
price 25c
Women's Fins Ribbed Vests, plain
and trimmed; regular and extra
sizes; worth to 19c, each. . . 12 He
Boys' Poroiknit Union Suits, ir
regular quality; regular 60c qual
ity, all sizes 39c
Novel Neckwear for Present Wear
Special for Saturday Ostrich Boas The demand is very strong in
me east ior mese numDers. we will oner for this sale only
Collar and Cuff Sets, in Swiss em
broidered, also large Puritan
29C .d 50C
22-inch Boas, in white
and colors . . . .
22-inch Black and White
and White Boas
Largo Swiss Collars, trimmed and
hemstitched, OO- Cft.
at ZVC and OUC
Silk Gloves-Complete Stocks
At 65c Per Pair
We have the most extraordinary
sale of silk gloves that should interest
you. Over 2,000 pairs of women's long
and short silk gloves, all double tipped,
all pure quality mill or three-coat silk.
Short gloves in either white, black and
a few colors, plain or with embroidered
backs. Special attention is directed to
a great variety of white silk gloves with
black embroidered backs. 'Also elbow
length. Silk gloves in black and white.
Without making any comparison, we
; . y say that this is the best value in silk
gloves we have offered. A limited lot Saturday at,
per pair 65c " " .
Specials in
"Yankee" Hand Drill, 3-jaW
clutch, two-speed, for drills to
-inch in diameter, $3.98
"Miller Fall." Hand Drill,
double geared, hollow coco
bola Handle contains 8 fluted
steel drill bits 1-16 to 11-64,
for $1.69
"Yankee" Breast Drills, dou
ble speed, 3-jaw chuck for
drills to 1,4 -inch $3.29
No. 41 Yankee Drills, $1.19 '
Any Length No. 15 Yankee
Rachet Screw Driver.. 39
Any Length No. 11 Yankee
Rachet Screw Driver. .39tt
Genuine Carborundum Oil
Stones, sizes to $1.25, 694
Genuine Maydole Hammers,
any size 494
8-Inch Crescent Adjustable
Wrenches, fine for auto work,
for 694
Warranted Combination Slip
Joint Pliers 194
Adjustable Hack Saw Frames
for 294
One Lot of Hand Saws, very
high grade, worth to $1.50,
for 894
for ...
Saw Seta
Zig Zag Rules, any length,
white or yellow 234
Music Reflects, Through You and
Your Children, the Refine
ment of Your Home
The radiating influence of piano music in the home
is shared by every member of the household. It brings
a sense of restfulness and pride a feeling quite foreign
to those unacquainted with the refining influence of har
mony and its benefits.
There is a very important factor lacking in
the home that has no piano and our eaiy pay
ment plan makes it quite unnecessary for
' YOUR HOME to be without one.
The instruments we sell are the world's recognized
best pianos the ones you know, have made reputations
by their merit.
1 We invite you to call and see them hear them, and
learn our very reasonable prices.
Piano Department Third Floor.
More of Those
Fine Blouses
At Wonderful Little
which brought such a great
throng to the Blouse Shop on
Six different prices and doz
ens of different styles. Won
derfully effective and dainty
colorings and ALL -i
At 89c Dimity, Organdie and Voile.
At$1.45 Crepe de Chine, Voile and Bavte.
A 4? QK e Dressy Georgette (repe.Organ-
l ipO.VD anu J0 die and Crepe de Cne.
A f U9 Sample Blouses of Georgette CrW, Crepe
ftl de Chine and Lingerie. X
At $1.95 Dainty Voile, Dotted Swiss, StripeDimity.
Drugs and
Toilet Articles
at prices so small that your
entire summer supply will
cost you little.
Lyiol, Antiseptic, BOe Rise 29c
Lydia Pinkham'a Vegctabtt Compound,
11.00 site 64c
Mentholatum, 60c disc jar. 29c
Sloan's Liniment, SOe liie 2Bc
Caaearvta, 60c lite box, tpeelal 33c
Orangeine, 50c bIm box, Saturday. . . .20c
Hays' Hair Health, KOe liie bottle... 20c
S. 8. 8. (or the blood. H tiie 69c
Paravon Imported Olive Oil, pint 44c
Danderine, $1.00 site 60c
Putnam Dry Cleaner, 26c slie 18c
Sal Hepatiea, $1.00 tiie 67c
SaMafrai Bark, 1 -lb. pks 22c
Ltmeatone Phosphate, the pkff 29c
Woofter'a Corn Remedy, 26c lite.... 16c
Heat her hloom Talcum, the can Oc
Melba Nail Paste. 26c aiie 16c
Gillette Safety Raior, $6.00 kind.. $3.76
Ruby Shampoo Spray, very special ... 29c
Pond's Vanishing Cream, 26c list. . . . 12c
A Big Assortment of
- Bathing Caps
All Styles and Colors
Green Soap Shampoo, 60c siie.... 20c
Halo Massage Cream, 60c siae 29c
Lucille Face Powder, $1 box SOc
Jasmine Liquid Face Powder, 60c site
tor 20c
Palmer's Almond Meal, 26c siie.... 10c
(raves' Tooth Powder, 26c site 14c
French Plate Mirrors, worth $1.60.. 60s
La B lac he Face Powder, 60c site 33c
Palmolive Soap, 10c cake ,. Be
Juvenile Soap, 10c cake 6c
2 -quart Fountain Syringe, $1.60 value,
for 66c
Madam Ise-bell's Natural Rouge, 60 siie
for 20c
Now a Radical Clearance
Of All Our Summer Trimmed Hats J
Irrespective of Former Prices
WE HAVE MADE remarkable announcements infther
years quoting a one-price sale at $5.00 for quick dismrsal
but this year we better our own previous wonderfwrec- ..
ords the price on each Summer Trimmed Hat here Ml be x
$3.50 on Saturday. s ' W v '
We could not begin to describe this, even in partl-suf-
f iceTS say that we were extremely fortunate in our elec
tions this year and have put on record the most successful
season we ever experienced. Now for the women who
can make good use of an extra Hat or two, comes this splen- '
did opportunity. BUY ONE FOR THE FOURTH, which is
the beginning of the real outdoor season.
Real Milans, real Horsehair, Lisere, Dress Hats, Street
Hats and Sport Hats originally sold for as much as $15 to nenty oi Diack and
white sailors ; also close fitting hats for matrons. n. '
Fourth of July Picnic Supplies
Lunch Basket,, up 2Qr
from .."C
Picnic Sett, Plate,, Nap-1ft. anJ 9C.
kin.. Spoon., etc " na
"Sterno" Solid Alcohol, 10c
can for
Alcohol Stoves, apecial nQr
Saturday at
4-quart White Mountain Ice 9 Qft
Cream Preesers
Hardware Department Basement.
"Cast Their Shadows Before"
IMifW"'! owes -11 1
Boys' Wash Suits
75c and $1 Boys Wasn 3uns,ouc
All in smart new styles; splendid assort
ment of colors in combinations or plain '
pinks, blues, browns, greens, in stripes,
checks or plain colors. Plenty of plain
white in the lot.
Middy styles, Tommy Tucker styles and
Billy Boy Suits. Lace front or pull-over
style middies, belted suits. Plenty of short
sleeve styles.
In fact, the biggest and best assortment
we have ever had. Two tables full ; sizes
2V2to8. .
Wool Suits
Right now is the time to buy your boy's suite ; some won
derful bargains to be had. ' ' ' "
All odd two-pair-pant Suits, that sold at $5.00 and $6.50,
Saturday , .". .$3.85
All odd 87.50, $8.50 and $10.00 Suits iV. .$SflQ ,
Long rant suitt at a Big saving v '
All those smart suits to be had in mixtures and blue serges.
Odd lots of $10.00 and $12.50 Suits. . .. 47.50
Odd lots of $15.00 and 117.60 Suits .' .$10.00