Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE BEEr 'OMAHA;v FRIDAY, ' JUNE 16, 1916.
Kentucky Senator, Who it Per
manent Chairman, Eeviewi
Work of Administration. "
St Louis, June 15. The 'achieve
ment of the Wilson administration
in enacting beneficial legislation and
in keeping the country at peace with
out sacrifice of the national; honor
were pronounced epoch-making in
American history by Senator Ollie M.
June of Kentucky in his address to
day as permanent -chairman of the
democratic national convention.
"During three years of it national
control,' said Senator James, "democr
; racy has enacted into law more pro
gressive remedial legislation than the
nation has ever 'had' written upon its
statute , books since its birth. In
former national contests in- the last
two decades our party came as a
prophet Today we come with deeds,
not words; with performance, not
' promise. The democratic party has
kept its word with the American peo
ple, we nave maae gooa. r
. The chairman reviewed at leneth
the legislative record of the adminis
tration and eulogized the president
for his direction of foreign affairs.
The democrats, he said, had enacted
a tariff law under which monopolies
were curbed and unexampled prosper
ity attained; a banking law taking the
money control out of the hands of an
oligarchy and making panics no long
er possible, and many reform meas-
ures of lesser importance.
Mexican Policy Approved.
He declared President Wilson's
Mexican policy and his course in pro
tecting American rights against the
enchoachments of European bellig
erents had shown all the world that
the president "neither bullies the weak
nor fears the strong."- - f 1 . ;
In a concluding appeal for the tri
umph of patriotism above politics,
'Senator James said the renomination
of such a president in partisan con
vention ought not to be necessary,
and that to discredit him might palsy
the hand that could write the peace
treaty of the world.
At the outset the senator referred
briefly to President Wilson's $ cam
paign against lobbying in congress
and pointed out. that under this ad.
ministration the constitution had been
amended for the first time since the
civil war, when "we freed the senate
from the control of the great interests
by making it elective by the people at
the polls." He then eulogired the
Underwood-Simmons tariff act as one
of which the party was justly proud;
"Not a schedule in it fosters 'a
monopoly." he said. Our republican
friends told us it would close the fac
tories, fill the streets, with .idle men,
produce a panic, create soup- houses
and distress would reign everywhere;
bat we rejoice today to point to an
unexampled prosperity in the nation
' with labor more generally employed,
at higher rates, shorter hours and bet
ter conditions than erer before. Our
republican friends tell us that after
the war is over poor, stricken, pros
;. trate, torn, bleeding Europe will take
our home market from us. I have no
such fear. America is going to take
the markets of the world. But we
shall cut from them the last hope of
having even a false issue, for we shall
pass a bill creating a tariff board to
gather the facts created by new war
condition," v, , ;. ... ;,v ftV-.
Kederal Resource Law Good.
Turning to the federal reserve law,
Senator James declared that it alone
averted a panic at the outbreak of the
.European war.t- .V -r-
"What would have been the result
if the old republican system had been
in effect?" he asked. "The stock ex
changes in every city in the world
were closed. Europe poured it vast
holdings in plethargic streams upon
our shores. Who thinks that the old
republican system of finance under
the guidance of those patriotic guard
ians would have been able to with
stand this mighty cataclysm? ' But
what was the result? Not a bank
closed its doors; not a laborer was
thrown put of employment not a bus
iness was forced into bankruptcy; but
there stood strong, serving the masses
of mankind, this great legislative
achievement of the democratic party.
As the muter achievement of Wood
row Wilson, to my mind,- next to
keeping a hundred million people at
peace with the world, the historian
will record the federal reserve law."
Declaring that "self defense and
preparation for it is as necessary now
as ever before," the speaker pointed
to the administration's preparedness
program as a proof that the party be-'
- Jieved in "preparedness without mili
tarism." ,
"In 1908," he continued, "I attended
the great peace conference held in
London. I thought that the millen
ium of peace had come and such a
thing as the world's war was impos
sible; but that day when the Christian
heart shall rule the world is hot in
sight . We must not mistake dishonor
for peace, as we fnno( mistake op
pression for peace. ' Woodrow Wil
son" and the democratic party advo
cate an army big enough to make ag
gressors think the second time before
they strike a blow. . Democracy wants
an army and a navy in keeping with
the dignity, preservation and worth of
this great republic, W do not want
a foot of anybody, else's soil, and,, by
the eternal God, they shall not take a
foot of our, ''"""i". i,'.,;:','.';.'-. v'"
Army and Navy" Growing.,
"During thi administration " we
1 have done more to build up an army
and navy in three years than the re
' publican party did in forty years of
its existence. 1 More has been done to
give the American people a navy and
army in three months than Colonel
Roosevelt and Mr. Taft did in eleven
'Tear ,. : if:-.: ... ':.;''"
Senator James spoke of the repub
f Bean platform declaration for "a con
tinuous doIkv of national defense.'
declaring that only two propositions
for a continuous policy ever had been
made in American history, One by the
sreneral board -of the navy in 1903.
which was pigeon-holed by a republi
can secretary-of the navy, and the
other by President Wilson ht his ad-
, dress to congress last December.
"Bat .what happened when 'this
: matter was under consideration in the
naval affairs committee of the house,
. continued the senator. , "Every repub-
scsa mcBiocr uu mc commuter ue-
cded to oppose the president s 'con'
tatnoas program' and. would vote for
bo orocram lonaer than one year.
After suttees years of failure, even to
Democrat Jargonaut Starts
When Glynn Begins Talking
BY B. L. T.
St Louis, Mo., June 15. At half-
past twelve (note weil the memorable
hour), astonished bv a nile-drivins
signal from the retiring, in one sense,
cnairman or tne national committee
in atmosphere which the esteemed St.
Louis Republic avers was oul:no- with
red-blooded Americanism the demo
cratic national convention of 1916 be
gan to write history, as the chairman
quaintly put it. Une hundred years,
we later wen informed, will look back
to this day broodingly, I suppose, as
tne centuries iook oown on the pyra
mids, it is flatterine to be a cart
of something that one hundred years
are going 10 iook uacK 10. une leels
little sell-conscious, sits ud
straighter in hit chair, and tidies his
hair and tie. . -
Collectively the delegates offered
the always in leresting spectacle. ome
aisiinguisnea pmiosopiier, probably
myself, has remarked that men look
well in a crowd, however awful they
may be individually, whereas women
are much more attractive individually
man collectively.
there is a dearth of giant intellects.
Mr. Bryan is not quite a liurke, but
in comparison with contemnorarv
"leaders": who have no more tierson-
ality than a goldfish, he looms like a
great rock in the weary land. He is
unlike them, also, in that he is sin
cere, and his sincerity does not pain
me so much as perhaps it should. I
watched him during the ample invo
cation of the divine blessing and his
half-closed eves and movintr Ims were
not I felt, mere mummery. Hundreds
of other eyes, many of them express
ing adoration, were directed toward
the familiar figure in the black alnaca
coat, "a mere looker-on in the press
s-and, but Triton amoie the min.
nows, to coin a pnrase.
Clio's een beffan in arratrh Mnst
"o( us stood up and sing the first
verse ot America, which is all anv-
1 1.. t i 1 .tt ... .
uuuy Knows, ana Ulica Oil WHO tne
lachrymose cadence of the "Star
Spangledl Banner."
Ihen the oratory began. It wat
pure jargon and Mr. Martin Glynn
1 considerable jargonaut The audi
ence was admonished, according to
formula, not to forget the facts of
History, as it one could forget' some'
thing he never knew. In exploring
the past Senator Harding, the repub
lican jargonaut, stopped with George
Washington, but Mr. Glvnn took us
bark to Caeser and Hannibal and with
enexorable logic proved that the dem
ocrats are the people and all wisdom
will perish with them. A reference
to victory in November evoked the
first demonstration, aa wild as the
Mississippi and as effervescent a its
waters. At this point 1 observed that
Mr, Ted Phillios. his unlia-hted clear
at the usual angle, had dropped asleep
so I returned to the hotel to take
refuge in Plato. Quite at random I
opened to the following dialogue:
"But who are these elected kines
and priests who now come into view
with a crowd of retainers as the for
mer class disappears and the scene
changes?":, ", 1 : v- :
i ' Whom do they mean?
"How strangely they look."
"Why strangely?" .
1 HA minute aao I thought that thev
were all sorts of animals,' for many
of them are like lions and centaurs
and many more like satyrs and the
weak ana versatile sort of animals
perotean shapes. ever changing their
form and natures; and now Socrates
I, began to tee who they are." ;
"Who are they? You seem to be
gazing on some strange vision."
"Yes; everyone lo-ks strange when
you do not know him; and at first
sight suddenly coming on him I did
not recognize the politician and his
"Who is he?"
"The chief of sophists and most ac
comptished of wizards, who must at
any cost be separated from the true
king or statesman, if we are. ever to
see daylight in the present- inquiry."
"That is certainly not a hope to be
t!nh.l.. - . I "
Can we see any more daylight to.
day than the Athenians hoped for?
1 heard a short but good speech the
night pctore. A Wisconsin delegate,
not quite too full for utterance, ad'
dressed a irroup of gentlemen in the
adjacent chairs. He said in part and
in whole, for he was not allowed to
proceed: "This country, gentlemen.
has went through more prosperity in
the last four years, than this world
has ever saw." ,
"Among the great achievements of
the democratic party," Mr. McCombs
ioiq us loaay, is rnis; iv unmasKcu
the "bogus fraud" of protection.
No doubt you have wondered what
the paramount issue is to be. Mr.
Glynn disclosed it midway of his ad
dress. The paramount issue, ladies
and gentlemen, is thii: "Thank God
for Wilson."
Here is a story S. Angus McSween
of the Philadelphia North American
ha been telling with great success
except with Mr. Harry Hyde, wno,
although he has heard it seven times,
is still groping for the point: "It
was in the elevator of the. Kaiserhof
in Chicago." relates Angus as he
stoppeth one of three. "It was late
ana tne elevator man was aieepy.
'Vote floor, plees,' said ha, 'Seven
teenth.' Just then another passenger
entered. 'Vote floor, plees?' asked
the e. m. 'Eighth,' said the passen
ger. 'Veil,' said the e. m., 'you air.'t
got far to go; I take the other man
up first'"
Representatives of the American
Union Against Militarism waited on
the resolutions committee today to
work against something which the
democratic party has not the least in
tention of doing i. e., providing an
adequate military establishment. The
committee is asked to "declare
"against" five things, but that is not
the democratic way. The democratic
way is to declare "for" a thing, and
then chuck it. Kristal Eastman and
Herbert Friedman asked me to say
somehting about the subject, and I
am more than commonly happy to
oblige. . ..' '
I little Marjorie in the audience?
Let's lay the keel of another battle
ship. There must be collected for the
first ship enough dimes to build s
couple of port holes.
Among those present are two mem
bers of the - academy of immortals.
Mr. Kelley Pool is a candidate for
secretary of state, and Mr. Freeze
Quick i an alternate with the Penn
sylvania crowd. . -n i -
In a garage in Little Falls. Minn..
there is a sign which the democratic
party might hang above the entrance
of the Coliseum: . . . .
' We are not responsible for any
thing." . , '
let . the public know eff the 'continu
ous policy' proposed by naval experts,
much less to carry out such a policy,
and after the republicans on the house
naval affairs' committee In June, 1916,
unanimously opposed the president's
policy, they now say they favor the
.. Kural Credit BUI, . 1
The republican plank, declaring for
"an effective 'system of rural credits
as opposed to the ineffective law pro
posed by the present democratic- ad
ministration," was assailed by Senator
James,- who declared that almost
every republican in the house and sen
ate had voted for the administration's
rural credits bill and that none had
charged that it was ineffective or had
proposed a substitute.
i he senator also replied to republi
can criticisms- of the administration's
shipping bill' which, he declared,
would Save given the United States
an adequate merchant marine by now
bad it not been killed at the last ses
sion of congress by a republican fili
buster.' .. . . '
For the first time in the history of
Our' country, ' said Senator James,
after reviewing' briefly democratic
legislation which he declared had
made prosperity possible, "the United
State leads the world in exports. We
are more prosperous than ever, and
mill which have not turned a spin
dle for yean are now busy. All the
laborers of the United State are em
ployed as never before. With the
world-wide war raging, our country
is the only neutral one that is not in
distress and the only one, that has not
declared a moratorium, fivery ae
mand.of the stress of war, the demo
cratic party has met quickly. We
have freed business from the black
mail of the politician as, we have
emancipated : it , from the clutch of
monopoly. . ' .
l tie senator nxenea rresiaeni W il
son's Mexican policy to that of Lin
eoln, and quoted from a declaration
of the latter to show that he had
declined to intervene when conat
tians wer much the same as now.
"It is a perfectly easy thing," he
continued, "for the president of the
united Mates to plunge nis country
into war if he is a politician before
he it a patriot. He would seek his
own re-election as he came upon
horseback up the bloody highway of
contending armies. Of course, our
army could invade Mexico and march
in triumph to its capital, but after
the war was over other armies would
march an army of widow and or.
phans, an army of cripples and men
broken in health, an army of pension
era, and an arm of tax collector
gathering up the earnings of the peo
ple to pay the great war debt .
The president had acted qnkkly,
the senator said, when there was an
MHiinn nt American territory, and
th punitive expedition now was do
ing an max wis mtuuj www
!lt- I 1 W 1 . ... .
who nonor in ucxico. ....v
Wllami Omat Taika.
""No" president during the life of
this republic" (aid the senator, "baa
ever had to deal with so many deli
cate and dangerous problems as those
which have confronted President
Wilson. With more than half of the
world in arms in Europe, with Mexico
in revolution at our border, these
difficult, and complicating problems
have confronted him almost daily,
and he has handled them as becomes
a patriot and a statesman. When
the Lusitahla was sunk the militant
voice of. Theodore Roosevelt cried
out for war, and if he had been presi
dent of the United States, at that time
today 500,000 brave American sons
would be contending around the forts
of Verdun in this mighty maelstrom
of blood thousands -would have
been buried in ditches. ; Our presi
dent, patient, patriotic, far-sighted,
the real statesman, handled this ques
tion with the greatest ability and
won fof America its greatest diplo
matic victory. There are happily two
kinds of courage, the courage of the
man who is willing to undertake the
dangers himself and the courage of
the man that sends others to the
conflict. Woodrow Wilson has both
kinds of courage the courage of con
flict and the courage to act cooly and
sensibly when ht is dealing with the
lives of others the fate of a. na
tion.; :;;', y. ... . . ,1 .
J "Four year ago we neeringly
called Woodrow Wilson the school
teacher. Today he is the world teach
er. His subject is the protection of
American life and American rights
under international law. And with
out orphaning a single American
child, without widowing a' single
American mother, without firing a
tingle gun, he wrung from the most
militant spirit that ever brooded
above a battlefield, an acknowledge
ment of American rights and an
agreement to American demands. He
has elevated himself to that lofty but
lowly eminence occupied by George
Washington, Abraham Lincoln and
Woodrow Wilson, the three worst
abused and best-loved Americans the
republic ever grew."
Sua aad Wiad Bring Out Ugly Snot.
How to Ramon Easily.
Han't a eliaaei, Mm Pnckla-raM,' to
try a mnMr rar meaiM with th fuaran-
tra 9t a rIUbl Suier thai tt m not
ml 7o a penny tralM. It tomvm ,u
trwklMi wMI It It don tin wi
a altar aaomlulv tha xpm hi. UitUiur.
ataplr t aa naoa ( atkla aoublt
trMurtarrasa ear annus an a tow p
sUaastMM abasia akaw yaa km my it
u to rlt yMiwIt ot tho haaulr tnokloa
an tat at konUfal oompioxtoa. Stanly
bm tkaa no .omn moaoS tor tho
President Wire It to St Louis for
Insertion is the Party'
St Louis, Mo., June 15. President
Wilson's plank on Americanism for
the democratic platform, practically
charging a ' conspiracy by some for
eign-born citizens to influence foreign
and internal affairs for the benefit of
other governments and condemning
any organization countenancing such
movements, as well as any political
party, which, by failure to repudiate
such a conspiracy, receives the benefit
of it at the ballot box, was telegraphed
last night, from V Washington and
placed before democratic leaders.
It was understood tonight that
from the following ten men will be
chosen the subcommittee which will
put the platform in terms for submis
sion to the convention: . '
Senator Stone of Missouri, Senator
Hollis of New Hampshire, Repre
sentative FitzGerald of New York,
former Representative A. Mitchell
Palmer of Pennsylvania, Senator Mar
tin of Virginia, Governor Stanley of
Kentucky, Senator Pomerene of Ohio,
Representative Rainey of Illinois,
Senator Walsh of Montana and Sen
ator Pittman of Nevada.
Subcommittee Named.
The following subcommittee to
draft the platform was named: Sena
tor Stone of Missouri, chairman; Rep
resentative Rainey of Illinois, Senator
Walsh of Montana, Senator Hollis of
New Hampshire, Representative Fitz
Gerald of New York, Senator Pomer
ene of Ohio, former Representative A.
Mitchell Palmer of Pennsylvania, Sen
ator Martin of Virginia and Governor
Stanley of Kentucky.
One tentative form for the wording
of the plank which w;s being con
sidered tonight, but which was sub
ject to change by the committee, was
as follows: ,
"Attention is called to certain or
ganizations which have been attempt
ing to influence the course of Ameri
can lives and policies in the interest
of foreitm oowers. Such organiza
tions are condemned and any political
party which seek to take advantage
of such influence is denounced."
This would be followed by a decla
ration to make it clear that the plank
is in no way to be taken as a reflec
tion upon the great body of natural
ized citizens, irrespective of their race
or origin. r
Representative Rainey of Illinois,
who is, leading the administration
fight in the house for tho tariff com
mission bill, will u.-aw the tariff plank.
Besides praising the present tariff law
it is planned to declare for a protec
tive tariff for the dyeatuff industry
for. a. period of probably five years.
some ot the democrats expect a con
test in the committee over such a
protective feature, but it will be
oointed out that no dyestuff industry
of nronortions now exists in America
and that'the .duties are intended solely
to protect the new industry trom the
dumping of European dyes which is
expected to follow the' war and the
resumption, of ocean transportation
from the. central empires. .: ; -,
Will Lay Off Mexico.
Conferences' among leaders which
have followed the arrival of Secre
tary Baker with first hand words
trom r resident wnson on many tea
tures of the declaration of principles
broueht the Status of the democratic
platform tonight to a point where
aside from the all-important issue of
foreign affairs, it stood substantially
as follows: .
No specifc mention would be made
of Mexico and that subject will be
covered by implication in general dec
larations outlining relations of the
United States with other govern
ments. This portion of the platform
would declare unequivocally for the
right of every nation to regulate its
own internal affairs and would point
out that this government would be
satisfied with nothing less for itself.
plRtrooolns Cough Curat.
Dr. Xlnt'o Now Discovery not only stopo
your coutti. but hurdono your oystom actlnat
ooldo; kill! tho (ermo. All Sruttlata. . A4v
Bo n to aok tka dmratot tor tho too.
Ma, snoaatk otatao. .as thtt t tho ononrtp
Oov aoM voter auamnteo ot money took
It tt tails to reaom trooHI Adv.
A Big Purchase of
Furniture by the
Raymond Furniture
We are glad to announce to
our friends and the Buying Public
a stroke of good fortune that
came our way just recently in the
Purchase of a vast stock of
urniture from one of the largest
wholesale distributing companies
in the West. . This stock haa been
"warehoused" in large storage
warehouses in Iowa City since the
early part of this year. It was
bought with the advantage of all
trade discounts at that time, of
the largest and best factories in
the East- Every one knows some
thing of the big advances that the
merchant in all linea is now hav
ing to meet,' Think of the ad
vantages we are now able to
extend on to you in price that
will carry with them the highest
scale of values wa have yet been
able to offer you when this
immense addition is made to onr
already large and well filled ware-
houses and sales floors, at 1518
1516 Howard street Thera are
many cart of this Excellent Fur
niture in original crate now daily
landing in Omaha and being put
on the floor for your inspection.
There will be value in every de
partment of the itore that you can
only appreciate when you see
these bow, clean, high grade good
in a veritable $ea of Furniture,
on the floors, a it will coon
appear. - - -
Watch this paper for
about this big purchase. -
m bwYouMonw lHaA
Signs of Orderly Quiet Everywhere
Mark the Proceedings at St Louis
St Louis, June 15. (Special Tele
gram.) Fifty members of the Dahl
man Democratic club and their friends
were entertained today by the grain
dealers of St Louis with a ride about
the city and a dinner at Sunset inn,
one of the most picturesque spots in
the whole west, according to those
who know.
Richard Lee Metcalf of the Nebras
kan, who arrived in St. Louis today,
was a looker-on at the national con
vention from me men's box. He be
lieves Governor Glynn's speech is
a campaign document in itself, and
will be widely used throughout the
country. Of the Chicago convention,
Mr. Metcalf said: "I am glad as a
newspaper man and a friend that Mr.
Victor Rosewater's judgment as to
the nominee was endorsed by the
convention. I believe this makes Mr.
Rosewater the real leader of the re
publican party in our state. He cer
tainly deserves it, for his consistency
and his ability t size up a complicated
and his ability to size up a compli
cated situation.
Lee Metcalf, business manager of
the . Nebraskan, will arrive in St
Louis tomorrow to attend the big
The Cook county democracy, the
heaviest aggregation of democrats in
the city, had considerable to do with
the tumult and the shouting. This
organization from Chicago comes
here bent on stirring up a boom for
Roger Sullivan for vice president
Mr. Sullivan himself says he knows
the 'boys don't want him down in
Washington, and his political oppon
ent, Senator James Hamilton Lewis,
has this to say of all vice presidential
booms in St. Louis:
'They come here as candidates for
the vice presidency of the United
States, and then use the noise to
help them run for their state legislatures."
Jack Sullivan of O'Neill, who was
at one time thought to be a contender
for the heavyweight championship of
the world against Jess Willard, was
a caller at Nebraska headquarters today.
. Mayor Dahlman -is expected' to ar
rive in the morning and the boys will
meet Jim at the union station with
a band. Some doings here.
The Mule Bend Jubilee singers last
night sung "hee-haws" and other
vocal mystries while the Iowa delega
tion captured Olive street, walked
right into the Hotel Jefferson, turned
around, and marched right out again.
"We ain't goin' nowhere, for we've
been there, and are just coming back,"
one of the leaders shouted, when
asked where they were going.
The delegation back-tracked to the
Planters hotel, presented their noisy
compliments, and started out again.
The ready answer of the marchers
was: "We haven't anything yet, for
we're just getting limbered up."
At midnight they were still going.
Looking over the list of delegate:
for names, one is struck with certain
peculiarities in the Massachusetts
delegation as these: Wall, O'Neill,
Sullivan, Ryan, Conifer, , Downey,
Welch, O'Connetl, Q'Rourke, Sully
O'Connor, Crowley, Doherty, O Bnen,
Donohoe, Hennessey, Ahearn, Mono
han and Curran.
In the Wisconsin delegation are
Messrs. Wolfe, Stahl. Webber, Weiss,
Litza, Grutsa, Schmitz, Borchers,
Schultz, Pfiffner, Pietrowski and
Strouse. . .
In the Hawaiian delegation are
Messrs. Picheco, Uluisi and Keoho
kalole. In the Virginia delegation are
Messrs. Stuart, Flood, Early, Boyds,
Lee,x Thorn and Buchanan.
From Minnesota are Messrs. Larn
berton, Nygreen, Helweg, Jenswold,
Olsen, Williamson and Pederson.
In the Nebraska delegation: Pla
cek, Bossie, Piatti, Gooch.
Whether Governor Morehead's
name is to be presented to the con
vention as a vice presidential candi
date is a mooted question. Governor
Morehead is undecided. Tomorrow
will determine. My judgment is that
he will not go before the convention
and "Bill" Price will be left with an
undelivered speech. Sad, isn't it.
BnU Mooee for Horhee.
WaeWntton, June IS. RepreeenUUve
Stevene of California, elected to conRreei
AO a prosreeelve. eent e telegram to George
W. Perklno today urging support of Charles
G. Hughes for president.
Pair Are Wedded.
London, June 16. The marriage teok
place at London yesterday of Captain Sir
John Eardley-Wllmot of the rifle brigade
(the prince consort's own) and Anabel M.
Chapman, daughter of Elverton B. Chap
man of New York.
A Sale of Men's Suits
need no second introduction to gentlemen of style and
good tastefor years they have left all competition be
hind and stand supreme today in the clothing world for
style and quality.
The Prices
(15.00 Wool Suits will be. .. . $12.75
liaOOiWool Suits will be. .... . $14.50
(20.00 Wool Suits will be. .. .$15.75
-For Young Men
and men of youthful figure, the assort
ment will be large and varied, including
New Pinch Backs in Bottle Green and
Brown Flannel, English Tweeds and Soft
Woolens. Come in Friday; jou wont be
disappointed. - -
(22.50 Wool Suits will be. . . ..$16.75
(25.00 Wool Suits wfll be .$1 8.75
(30.00 Wool Suits wm be... ...$23.50
Stout Men-Big Men
You're in on this, and we have plenty of
Suits to show you unlike the average sale,
staple patterns in size 40 and over are re
duced just as generously as the small suit
it's your opportunity.
Z 1 1 1
A Brannew Beverage
On Tap and In Bottles '
Omaha Beverage Company t
6002 to 6016 South 30th St.
Phone South 1267.
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