Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 15, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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..Ai1iIiiU,. ' " ..hili!ik,,. , I
slN.- 7.33p.m. f - S 7.33 p.m. S "afblllT
ftthehourof sunset in Chicago.) . (at the hour of sunset in Chicajo.jeeO If III "
(QMtlll vl las!
24 cV Chance
to obtain I
s y I - this great work
I at
n I
A V L 1
June 17th,
7.33 p.m.)
Ends the
Low Prices
$1 1 to $19 more per set
after that to pay f orthe
of the
Cambridge University
of the same
new "Handy Volume" Issue of the
The order form below is not
valid after Saturday
No "Time to Burn" Now!
In another 48 hours after to-night-
11th Edition
- our great sale at the present low price's comes to
an end.
Only 48 hours longer
to obtain the new ''Handy Volume" Issue at one-third the
price of the Cambridge University issue of the same new
. Eleventh Edition absolutely unabridged by a line or a word.
As this advertisement is being written, the -orders are
pouring in'at a tremendous rate. A ouarter of a million
people have, written for the booklet describing this new
issue of the Britannica. Thousands of belated orders
are now on their way. And thousands more will be de
layed until it is too late.
We shall endeavor to fill every order postmarked at your
home 'postoffice before 7.33 p. m., Saturday, June 17, the
hour or sunset in Chicago. The prices given below are not
valid after that date and hour.
After this Saturday it will cost you $11 to $19 more
per set, according toHhe binding, to secure this splendid
reference library. That is the price of delay now.
We had contracted with the publishers of the Britannica
for an enormous printing. This is now nearly exhausted, and
we can obtain no more sets at anything like present prices.
Take warning! We cannot guarantee to supply any
E articular style of binding on the last day. If you want to
e sure of the particular style of binding you desire, send
us a wire and we will reserve a set for you. There is just
Time to Telegraph
If you forward your order to-day, the set will be re
served for you until the order comes. But send your wire
right now.
Remember, your purchase is not concluded until
you have had the books in your home for three
weeks and are absolutely satisfied with your bargain.
See our unconditional guarantee below.
Your order must be postmarked
before 7.33 p.m.
Watch ;
" " ' the
you the entire
29 volumes
in this
- bookcase
(What Every Woman Ought to Know)
Nothing like knowing you know!
not that any woman in these days of intensive culture would
ever want to "down" another woman but i
cjubs are clubs
and, even in men's clubs, discussions are apt to arise, with an
inevitable appeal to a final authority.
Of course, you know what, in nine cases out of ten, is this final
authority the new Eleventh Edition of the ENCYCLOPAEDIA
What most women don't know,' and what every intelligent
woman ought to know, is that .
the ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA is a wonderful store
house of preparedness for women as well.
In hundreds of women's clubs it is already a faithful ally and
mentor, and its vast usefulness fully recognized ; -
in thousands of homes, too where ambitious mothers are
endeavoring to give their children the best possible start in life.
Nothing like the possession of the Britannica for that 1
But hitherto (at $166 to $250 per set) it has been beyond the
reach of most people. ' .
Notany longer!
Every thrifty home, and every club-woman in the land, cut now own
the newest edition of the ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA, complete and
unabridged, in the daintiest and most attractive form in which this or any
other Encyclopaedia was ever issued. s ,
Hardly one woman in two hundred In the United States has had a college
education. And probably not one club-woman in twenty or thirty. But for
the 'active-minded woman of today, college graduate or not, the ENCY
CLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA has become almost a necessity.
. The entire set of 29 volumes takes ur onlv 82 inches of shelf room. And
yon have the complete work shipped to you for a first payment of only
mere is an oraer lornvopposite.
a single dollar.
Seta may be seen and orders left at
111 III! unorized by the publishers of the new Encyclopaedia 1 11 II! Ill
ill ill Brtannica; (hat its contents are identical, page for page , U
Hil (including every map and illustration), with the Cam- I fl
brides University issue now nellinu at three times the I n ' V I
you to
examine the
books and
decide to keep
4 V V
7.33 p.m.
the sale
is closed
If you are not completely satisfied v
Remember that when you sign the order form below and send us
your dollar the sale is not closed. All this does is to secure the ship
ment to you of 29 volumes of the new "Handy Volume" Issue in
whatever style of binding you desire. Then you have three weeks
in which to examine the volumes in your own home, use them every
day, discuss them with your family, learn how wonderfully valuable
this great work may be to you and every member of your house
hold, especially to your growing children. Then
if for any reason whatsoever you decide you do not wish to keep
the books, you may return them and we will refund your dollar and
all shipping charges as welL
You take no risk. We take it all
price; that it is manufactured by the same printers and
binders as the more expensive book; that it is printed on
the same quality of India paper, from newly made plates;
and that, because It is smaller, it is easier to handle than
the Cambridge issue.
We guarantee complete and entire satisfaction with the
contents of the Encyclopaedia Britannica and with the form of onr
"Handy Volumo" Issue. To anyone, who for any reason la not satis
fied and returns the set within three weeks, we guarantee to return
all he has paid (including shipping charges).
Please send mend otlh recycle 4Utrkmaaic"Hand9 ' HI '?tByn? ? iMntMr.
Volam Issue: ll Total. MiJQ. (Cash price, S4U8J
India paper, in style of bindin it marked with an X at the right.
Standard book paper, cloth binding, as marked with an X at
the bottom of column at the right
I enclose II as first payment and agree to pay balance In
monthly payments as specified, beginning 10 days from date.
You are to gtve me receipt wben (have paid in full, and then
the Encyclopaedia becomes my property. You guano that
I may roturo ttio books wHhln throe iraoari if I am oot tntlffftil
and you wil toad my money back.
I have always been faithful in paying my obligations, and am
making this statement for the purpose of inducing you to grant
me this credit and to assure you that you may feel safe is
u UMsutf uio iu ptjjr mm aurora.
1'4 Crushed Greea Morocco, lama
LJ CrataMV-a payments of HJtt monthly.
ias price. P0MB.J
run Brown Sheep, Morocco Grained
II payments of SMO monthly. Total.
74J0. (Cash price. SoSJ,)
1 Total,
1 ruD Cswtwd Green Morocco, Leeesal
uj wwiiewi i. peymenoi or seju moatoiy.
Totsl. tiiaun. (Cash price. 9U0.)
Printed on Mtaiutard book paper)
n Cloth 17 payments of rjh monthly.
TotaLSSUO. (CashDrkfcSe&at,)
Send me s special Bookcase I Q Jf5a' 1 trlce IS. 78 (mark X In square of toe one yoo want), which I effl
"""" I Q Oak . I pay ona month after last Instalment , v 75AW
tfilgn tow ham. km sWdtaJy en. ewAiJJy)
Sfreet and No-
Shlpplng point, It different from post offlce-
I have been located In thla ti
-Hy profession, business or occupation Is
NOTE 1 To pay euh In full, write only your name, address and place books are to be settti check Urn the
square) the binding you want! and enclose the cash price there listed for that binding ua u
1, uiiw. . iow 111.1 jiiwratiurijic oe prepeia. ooiea tor smmnent the India neper
set weighs less than so pounds, and the "Special Economy'' set about 130 pounds, W have wsjhouses In ll
MlHaWi mnit will sthln vmip mt ftvtm tha naaNti 1