msm 12 THfc BEE: OMAHA, JUNE 1916. Want -Ad Rates 1 j CASK WITH ORDEBI it per word insertion (Set nolid us display) Ada Farairaphed or Set in Dieplay Style to par line ene llne Te per line three consecutive times (Count six word to the Une) CHARGE BATES! Is per line " time to per line three consecutive times (Count six words to the Une.) farm end Ranch Lends. fe per tine etch Insertion (Count six words to the line.) FOREIGN ADVERTISING UNDER AOBKTS OR HELP WANTED CLASSI FICATIONS! le per won", one time 1 per wetrS. ...... three consecutive times NO AD TAKEN FOR LESS THAN .A j TOTAL OP toe OR LESS THAN . 10c PER DAY. CARD OP THANKS, DEATH AND FUN ERAL NOTICES! lit ft line esen Insertion (Minimum .hart. 50 cents.) Monthly Rate for standout ads (no chants of copy) tl.M Per line (Count aix words to the Una.) Contract rataaaai applies Hon. THE BEE will not be responsible for mora than one incorrect insertion of an adver tisement ordered for more than one time. ADVERTISERS should ratlin receipts given br The Bee In payment for Want Ada, aa no mistake can be rectified without them. USE THE TELEPHONE tt ptm cannot eon. venhmtly brine or send in your ads. Ask tor a Wart-Ad Taker, and you will re ceive the eame sood eerviee aa when de livering pour aa at the office. PHONI TYLER lass. WANT-AD COLUMNS CLOSE rvMJlNO EDITION ....Uiol M. IIO&NINO EDITIONS lies P. M. MOVIE PROGRAM .(ferine, of the heat M Picture Theatera la Omaha. (Chaaied Daily,) Downtown EfiTRESS iJth & DOUGLAS Special Engagement, THE HAPPY HOTTEN TOTTS" Biff Time Muile Comedy BitiTktBt. Ausrutt and August," comedy. Maldl Ds Long, eraslest base ball fan la captiv ity. TtM Musical MacDonalda,M harmony aat Monday for three days Harry H. Oardtner, "The Human Fly." Charlie jnapiin in ini Fireman.' Farnam Now th hiw of features, orchestra and pip organ. Today presents flvo reels or gooa picture. Princess 1317-19 douglas Seventh Episode "PEG 0' THE RING" ANIMATED WEEKLY "THE GOLDEN BOAT." Comedy. "PROFESSOR WISEOUT'S TRIP TO THE MOON." 1 ALAMO , North. 24TH AND FORT "The Lean. I-reel Bleon. "The Go- Between." Imp drama, "Storming the Tranches," Poweri comedy, ; "Gamboling on tne oresn, lko com. (JRAND 16TH AND BINNEY MOLLY - M'INTYRE "HER GREAT HOUR" Comedy. PIPE ORGAN DE LUXE iOTHROP 24TH AND LOTHROP Metro pressnls a Miller Kent In "The 1 Cowboy and the Lady," and a Sydney urew eomeay. i(EW STAR 16TH AND LOCUST ' "IN SEARCH OF THE CASTAWAYS" "In the Wronv Plat," Comedy. t "PEG 0' THE RING" I Heels, I Days, Admlaelon 80, Chang f Feature Dally. Best of Muste, South. v - -BOULEVARD 33D Ac LEAVEN. Margaret Clarke In "The Seven Slater," Paramount picture. , KOHLFF 2S61 LEAVENWORTH WM. COURTKNAY and Eleanor Woodruff In "The laland of Surprise." i- West. DUNDEE 51st & Underwood Ave. . "HOODOO ANNS." MAM MARSH, - Pine Arts. "By Stork Delivery" a I peel Keystone. MONROE tiiifAWKU "Releaaa of Dan Porbae." "With a Life at Stake." "Sammy Sinn, Suicide." EESSE South Side. 24TH AND' N "The Stained Pearl," Knlcker, "Trilby r nueu, - iuoin. . ine sogus Gnost, Bio. ORPHEUM 24TH AND M "THB OtTLF BETWEEN." "THE COMET'S COMEBACK." "TOUCH ON THB KEY." DEATHS ft FUNERAL NOTICES. SHIPHERD Henry Balnbridge, aged 72. Funeral Thursday afternoon. 1 p. m., from th residence of hi son, Dr. 0. D. Shlpherd, 14ft North Forty -first atrt In terment. Koreat Lawn. Friends Invited. FLORISTS. BEST QUALITY CUT FLOWERS or 4 plant. Art Combination, shipped every where, Eteellent service to our custom ers in paat years reoommends HBSB 4 HwuBOPA. I4ii Far nam Bt. Doug. 1101. ' LARGEST A880RTMBNT of freah flowera, aenverea or nipped anywhere. L, HEN f DERSON. U19 Far nam St. PARKER Flower Shop, 111 B. lath. D, 1101 A- PON'AQHUE. Hi Hrney. Doug. lOOlT" BATU. Aortal, 1104 Farnam St. 1), 1000! FRATERNAL ORDERS. . ATTENTION, ODD FELLOWS! AH idd Follow of Omaha and Douglaa f eounty are urged to meet at Odd Fellows' hall In Omaha, Wednesday, June 14, at . 1;I0 p. in., for the purpose of participat ing tn th Flag day parade. All sojourning Odd Fellow and mem ber of Council Bluffs lodge are most cordially Invited to participate. It 1 my earnest doslr that every Odd Fallow who possibly can shall take part In Oil great patriotic demonstration tn ; honor of our country's lag. bam n. ufltitswbKAF, urana Master , II EMBERS of the Ancient Order of Hiber nian of Divisions No. 1 and 9, Irish Fel lowship Club, Emmet Association and Friends of Irish Freedom, who do not be . ; long -to other organisation taking part In the Flag Day parade, will meet at Meafey tt Hea fay's, Twenty-sixth and . Fa mm, at 1:4ft p. m. They will then be aasigned their place In I l vision No. of th parade. ATTENTION, DANISH BROTHERHo6d. The funeral of Thorvald Jorgenaen will be held from family residence, 1001 Park avenue, Thursday, June lft, mi. Inter ment Forest Lawn cemetery, ' T. L. KKIL President A HENRT MEYER. SscreUry. ATTENTION Omaha Lodge, No. II, A. O. U. W,: All member ere requested to meet at 26th and Farnam, Wednesday. June 14, at I p, m aaarp, tp partlcipat . In th Flag day parade. FRANK H, CRATO. Recorder. ALL mtmbera of the various Danish lodges and organisation In Greater Omaha are requceted to asetmblaat llth and Harney St a, June 14 at I p. n. for the purpose of participating In Flag day parade, Cen tral Committee, by Frank V. Lawson. CARD OF THANKS. We wlah to thank our many relatives, friends and neighbors, alno Martha grove, Woodmen circle, the Rlchardnon Drug -company, M. R. A. tilth and company ship ping department, and th boys from the market for the kindness and sympathy shown during th sickness and death of our beloved wife and mother, Mrs. John Krejcl; also for th many beautiful floral offerings. John Krejcl, sr., John Krejcl, Jr., and Eddie KrejcL Monuments and Cemeteries PURE whit reinforced cement grave mark ers, with nam and date, 12.10; cross. !. 00; tablets, .ft. Ship anywhere. Agent wanted everywhere, Redman Qrave Marker Co., lftOi Spencer, Web. SBOft. Baumelater Monument Works, mausoleum, aU kind marker, nth and Charles. BIRTHS ANT DEATHS. Birth Byron a and Freda Badger, 4014 South Twenty-eighth, girl; Arthur and Evangelln Markey, Sftlft F, boy; Arnold and Elly Karaua, 181 Cedar, girl; Samuel and Clarah Mad off Hit Caldwell, girl; John and Marl Pimtors, Til South Nine teenth, boy; O. A. and Ethel Voss, 1108 California, boy; Harry and Mary Stroesser, 417 North Fortieth, girt. Deaths Esletta B. Bardsley, 41, hospital; Mary Campbell, 44, hospital; Osmund Jacobean, 68, hospital; Jerry Nichols, II, hospital; W. R. Stanhope, 17, 1188 Ohio. MABR1AOE LICENSES, Permit to wed have been lssusd following: Nam and Residence. Joseph Kwlrk, Omaha Jennie Netsel, Omaha LeRoy A. Larson, Fort Dodge, la.. Maud Allrtght, Fort Dodg to.... Charlea A. Butler, Sioux City, la., Nell J. Phillip, Lincoln tfohn E. Bollne, Omaha Jaanatt Mlchaelaon, Omaha,,,... Raymond L. DeVo. Omaha. Oenvlv F. Callahan, Omaha John N. Carter. Weeping Water.... Kathryn L. Jon, Weeping Water, Axel O. Carlson, Omaha ,,,, Nil II Bonlreik, Omaha , Talbot E, Potter, Omaha........,,,, Molli Rohacek, Omaha Guy B. Stockton, Norfolk. Bt MoNeal, Norfolk Allen H. Shipley, Omaha Lenora McCartney, Omaha,,, , Edgar D. Gay, Omaha , , Ella Hoffman, Omaha ., Arthur R. Heleen Dmihi. nvt . Hattl R. O'Aourk, Benson, orsr.. Lion! D, Holmes, Omaha Oraoe D. Ward, Omaha., Robert B, Nlson, Omaha.; , Martha M. Relmers, Omaha...,.. Joseph Hynk, Omttha. Jnnl Syiaaky, Omaha to th Ag. i... 84 .... II .... II ..U 47 ... 41 .... 11 .... II BUILDING PERMITS. Th following building permit have been issued: Frank J. Paula. 1811 Drexl, frame dwelling, 3,I00; Hlatt company five frams dwelling aa follow: Sill South Thlrty econd, II, ft 00; 801 South Forty-first, M.ftOO; 107 South Forty-first, 18,600; 60S South Forty-nrat. 18,600; 111 North Thlrty-flrat avenue, 11,700; W. L. Selbr A Bon, 4111 Davenport, fram and stucco dwelling, 11,000; John J. Kronholm, 1111 Caatellar, fram dwelling, 11,800; Rudolph Tamak 1710 South Sixth, fram dwelling, 11,000. LOST-FOUN1XREWARDS $100.00 REWARD On Ford touring oar, model year 1111, Motor No. 1156717, state license No. 62118. Equipped with Goodrich Black Tread Smooth Cslngs on front and non-skid oaa Inge on rear wheel. Blectrlo light In front, oil lamps at aid and rear. Dimmer with special wiring for operation. Gasolln gauge .under seat. Hard rubber radiator cap Instead of metal. Stolen from Win. M. Kllaworth at 1408 Lafayette Ave., Omaha, Neb., June 7, 1116. 160 CASH REWARD will b paid for th return her of aald oar In good condition within sixty day from theft, or first In formation directly reaponslbl for Its re turn and souro of same will to kept trlctly confidential. ft0 CASH RBWARD will b paid for th arrest and oonvlotlon of th party or parties who atol said car. Notify any local agent of th Royal In surance Co., or polio any plaoe, or D. B. Welpton, Adjuster, Arlington Block, Omaha, Neb. Phone Dougiae ma. IF YOU lose anything and will advertise it here, you will surely recover It If found by an honest person. Remarkable re coveries are brought about vry day through this column. TH B LAW People who find lost article are Interested In knowing that th tat law Is strict In requiring them to seek th owner through advertisement and otherwise and that a failure to do so. If eame can b proven, Involve a aevere penalty. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COM PANT. - Person having loat om artlcl would So well to call up th office of th Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In th atreet oar. Many artlcl each day are turnd In and th company I anxloua to re store them to th rightful owner. Call Tyler 800. LOHT Solid gold bracelet between 17th and Vinton and lfttb and Blvd. Reward. Call Tyler 1616. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods. It ATTENTION, JUfA BR ID KB. II For th furnishing or your new horn, why not call and Inapect our Una of high grad furniture? W have beautiful and Useful wedding presents for you, STATE FURNITURE CO., Cor. 14th and Dodge. , Doug la 1117. OMAHA PILLOW CO. FU and hair mattresses mad over In now ticks at half th price of new on. Phone u for samp) of ticking. Mall order filled. 107 Cuming -Bt, lttugia it. OWNER leaving city, must sell wicker and tapestry set of table and 8 chairs, elec tric lamp, tapestry duofold; 1x10 rug and mahogany chiffonier. Call Webater 8 171 REFRIGERATOR, ga rang, bed, drosssra, also mahogany bedroom suite, dining fur niture; muat be sold next week; will nil by piece very cheap. 8680 Cumtng. I ft ICE BOXES, Ift ga atove. 100 rugs of all kinds, poultry wire and netting. Open till; p. m. IBIt NX4ttt Bt, FOR BALE Patented Ironing board, neat . and well built; will laat lifetime. Phone ua for particular. Doug. 6110. TO ADMIRERS of old furniture, for sal, hand-carved dining room table, lx chair, maeslv sideboard. Tel Walnut m. Bra dS BED, chlffoneor, fin mirror, wVitlng drsk, rugs, 8418 Capitol Ave. JTOR 8ALB- 40 folding chairs tot storage and Indebtedness. Call Colfax 178. FOR BALE General household good. Call Walnut 716. Pianos snd Musical Instruments. MAHOGANY upright Sohmer plsno for rant; l a month. Tel. Douglaa ftlll. Store and Office Fixtures. DESKS, safes, scales, showcaae. shelving, etc We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co., 414-1I-1I S. llth. Doug. 8714. FOR BALK i pool tablea. all complete, cheap. 4411 North 84th. Billiard and Pocket Tables. FOR SAMS BILLIARD TABLES, Brand now, carom and pocket, with complete outfit,, fllft; second-hen d tablea at re duced price; bowling alley and supplies; eaay payments. Cigar store, drug, deit cateasen and soda fountain tlx tu res. THB BRUNSWICK-BALK E-COLLENDER CO., 407-401 South 10th Bt. BUR ROUGH combination billiard snd pool table, 4-1 regulation else, almost new, spe cial be I In. Call Harney 111. Lumber and Building Materials ID-HAND lumber for sale i4 snd" 4x, New Ford Bldg., 114 Cuming. Jewelry, Diamonds and Watches BRODEOAARD'S 'lucky weddlnertng" " at llth and Douglas St. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Typewriters aiSupplies. NEW machine sold the same aa rent; IS per month. See tt before you buy or t?.' Shipped any place on ten daya' free t.lal. Butta Typewriter Exchange, 814 B. lUth. Omaha, Neb. TYPEWRITERS sold' rented an2 reT paired. Rent an Oliver typewriter, t month for ft. Central Typewriter Ex change. 1106 Farnam. REMINGTONS, Monarch and Bmitb 1'remlera for rent; sent anywhere. Rem ington Typewriter Company. P. 12M. BRaATN8"lnue.' . typewrltera; ribbon l doxen; carbon. II a box. Midland Co., 221 Bee bldg. Machinery and Engines. NEW AND SECOND-HAND MOTORS. XPERT ELECTRICIANS AND MACHINISTS. LB BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS, 118-30 8, llth St., Omaha. BoFlERS, steam, electrlo, aa engines, pipe. Gross Wrecking Co.. 111! Cuming. printing and Office .Supplies GET OUR nrlcea on Job printing, CAMPAION CARDS A SPECIALTY. U. S. PTO. CO., BEE BLDO. DOUO. U7i. COMMERCIAL Duplicating Co., aso public Steno. Phone for prices. Douglas 3801. 640 Paxton Blk. WATERS-BARNHART Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. SHI. 611 S. llth St. Sewing Machines, Sewing Machines Ws rent, repair, sell needle and part of all wlng machines. MICEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., llth and Herney Bt. Doug. 1118. Books and Period icalsJ I HAVE a complete (lie of Sciibner'e ma sa line from It first number; a file of th Century magaslne from August, 1886; a file of Harper'a magaalne from 1181, and a 111 of th Cosmopolitan from 1881 to 1111; most of these magaslne are bound In half-sheep, and all are In good con dition. Would like to aelt them. Rare chano for collector or for library In amall town. Mak me an offer. Address F 111, Be offlcs. Miscellaneous. CHOICE SOD FOR SALE Free from weed nd dandelion. Can be eeen on the ground, 48th and Pierce Bt,, on th carlln. Prlc I onts a yard, out, rolled and loaded. JAMES BURT & SON, fnone Harnev use. Ml high etandard of quality will be maln talnedi 4 quarts of Old Tontenelle whisky, list; battled In bond. Banry Pollock mall order house. Deui. 71f. 1M-1M N. llth Bt. A,EX JETTES LIQUOR HOUSE. Thirteenth .ancT Douglas Bottled in bond whisky, Ifio, 11.00, 11.16 full quart. . ; FOR BALE Brand new fielder's mitt and pair of si a T baa ball shoes, cheap, Chas. Leas, Farnam Hotel. ONE new 4 -blade celling fan. Telephone Colfax 1118. WANTED TO BUY WANTED High claa aurveyor' tranalt, an Instrument that 1 designed for gen oral land surveying well as drslnag work. Prlo must b right. Address Y tee, Bee. WANTED TO BUT Having rented a build Ing on track for our office and warehouse wi. will want to buy some glass partition. Phone Basket Stores Ofilcs, Tyler 440, DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, ussd desk, bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1307 Farnam. Highest prlo paid tor Id-hand clothe, shoes, trunks, suitcases. P. 8881 or D. 8038. Old falss teeth bought. Send or write R. Uhler, 111 Hewes Bldg., San Franclaco. HOLMES pays your price for Id hand clothes, shoe and hata. Web. 1220. ANNOUNCEMENTS Office to Rent for Chiropractor ' or Osteopath Suite of I room, Th Be Building, inquire Room 103. LIVE outdoors. Y. M. C. A. Outing Park. BRODEOAARD'S ''Lucky Wedding Rings" at 16th and Douglas St. Accountants. E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. 411417 Ramie Bldf. Tel. Poualaa 7404. Advertiiing Novelties. M. r. hafsr Co.. mh-Farnam. P. T474, Artiati. ARTIBTB work for the trade, coloring, atr brusnln.; hl.h-class work. ,11 Paaton. Bakeries. CAKES, pastry and fanoy bakery soode, aupplled to parties, lodses and entertain. menu. Z. H. Beeder. 1401 N. 14th. W. H,7. Baths. HTOITCNIO BATH INSTITUTE, Madam Edna H. 1 Bell, 10, South 14th St., Apt. I. Prof. B. Mayer, Chlropodlet, root Specialist, corns, Insrown nails removed without pain. Swedish massase a, apeo laity. We teach Swedish maaaage. Lady attendants. Douglas 704,. DOCTORS KNOLLENBERO AND HACNAMARA. Combining Chlropractlo with Sulphur, atoam and modern Turkish hatha. Pri vate apartmente for ladlee. 8. W. CXr, 14th and Farnam. Owatta Bldg.. neat to Mu,e theater. Douglaa Tlllj DR. BBNDA Sulphur ateam. Modern Turkish BATHS AND MASSAOB. Private apartments for -I with lady attend anta. 1,1. Fart. .m. Phone Doug. 4177. Books and Periodicals. very Chlld'a Uagaslne II. 114 8. l,th St Brass and Iron Foundries. Paxton-Mltchell Co., llth and Martha Ots. Cameraa and Finishing. "REXOETB" cameras, lUjXlli. 13.00; (unl vereal focua lene.) Ureen's Pharraaoy, 16th and Howard. See them today! - Buttons snd Pleating. DRESS pleating, hemstitching and cov ered buttone. ' Van Arnam Drees Pleat ing and Button Co.. Id Soor Paxton Blk. Doug. 1101. Carpenters and Contractors. BRICK repairing and oement work of all kinds. Hill Cuming. Harney 4111. Leesard Son, 104 Capitol Ave. Ty. 1,11. OTW. Uokanson, 1401 Leavan'th. Ty. 11,1 J. CARPENTER Job work. Harney S4I7. Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment DR. BU?410RN'S modern eanltary chlro- Eraotlo adjusting psrlors, 414-11 Rosa Bldg. . 1147. Palmer Sen. grad.; lady attendant. Cleaners and Dyers. STATE DRT CLEANING CO., II, N. llth St. . D. 1011. Costumes. THEATRICAL gowns, full dress suits, for rent. 10, N. 17th St. John Feldman. Dancing Academies. DB LUXE ACADKMI. Ill 8. 18th St. Detectives. THB INTER-8TATK DETECTIVE AS , BOCIATION Incorporated and bonded. 411 Ramie Bldg. Tel. Douglaa 4111. PHIL Ave. V7INCKLBR. 1711 Dewey Bsport, low ratea. Harney 470,. JAMES ALL AN," 111 NeviTie-Block. Evl denre aecured In all caaee. Tyler 1186. Evidence aecured; all caaea atrtotly confl dentlal; eoneultatlon free. 611 Bee. Ty. ,01. Dressmaking. ACCORDION, Side, Knife, Box Pleating. Cov. Buttone, Hemstitching, Neb. Pleating St Button Co.. 411-1 Paiton Blk., R. 4,41. WAN1 ED Sewing by exper)nc,d dress maker; prices rtaeonabte. No 1ft, Sterling AP e. uounae ,n,s. FIRST-CLASS work oa eummer dreess and ellk ehlrta; everything guar. D. 147,. Keleter'a Dressmaking Col., 14, City Nat'l. Terry Dreeamak'g college. 10th and Farnam. Fancy work, crocheting, emu. ' WaT14M. BT day, work guaranteed. Webater Till, ANNOUNCEMENTS Dentists. . Dr. Bradbury. No pain. ,11 W. O. W. Bldg. Taft'e Dent. Rms. 101 Rose Bldg. D. illlT Everything for Women. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covored buttons, all sixes and atylee; hemstitching, plcot edging, em broidery; beading, braiding, cording, eyelet out work, buttonholes, pennanta. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATINO CO. 100 Douglaa Blk. Douglaa 1,14. LADIES Tou can alwaye find ready-made clothee at Mrs. Robertson's. 1511 Lake St. Express Companies. TWIN. CITY Expreea Co., 1611 Caaa St Douglaa 1717. Heavy hauling a apeclalty. Cole'e Exp ress Co.. 1711 Fsrnam. Her. 1118. ' Fixtures and Wiring, riTTPTTTM Electrlo washing machines, U KJ IVXVXlv slectrle Irons and reading lampa. 1221 Cuming St. Douglas 2616. Furnaces and Tinware. ROOFING, furnace and general tlnwork. B. Abrams, 1606 N. llth St. Web. ttit. Hair Dressing. IDEAL Hair Barlora, 207 Belrd Bldg. Mani curing, toilet artlclee Doug. 4141. Hat Cleaning; and Blocking: STRAW, Panama, all -kinds hats, cleaned and reblocked. 1516-1620 Harney St. Housecleaning. ELECTRIC houae cleaning, our work and price will please you. Let us remove your storm windows aod put In your ecreene. Tyler 3l J. Justices of the Peace. H. H CLAIBORNE, 611 Paiton Blk. Red .7401. Notary public; deposition ateno. C. W. BRITT, 101 Barker Block. Lawnmoweri. Lawnmowere repaired, aaw flung. P. T41I. LAWNMOWERI sharpened. Harney 6071. Lawyers. FRANCIS MORGAN, 611 Bee. Doug. 406,. Men's Tailoring. LINDQU1BT, 504 Paxton Blk. P-lUt, Motor Repairs. CAHILL ELBC. CO.. Be. Bldg. D tm. Office and Store Fixtures. H. J. JOSEPH Odd mill work. Walnut 686. Painting and Papering. OMAHA Pasts Co., 711 8, llth. Doug. 1760. Patent Attorney. H. A. 8TUROES, 680 Brandola Thea. P. till. Pianos for Rent. 18.80 Per Mo. A. Hoepe Co., 1511 Polities. Piano Instruction. PIANO lessoni, 60. Walnut 1611. Shoe Repairing. CAREFUL work quickly done. Electrlo Shoe Repair. 1807 St. Mary'e Ave. Towel Supplies. OMAHA, Towel Supply, 107 S. llth. P. 111. Vacuum Cleaners. CLEAN OUICKLl AND THOROUGHLY WITH ECLIPSE ELECTRIC; RENT 11 AND 11.60 PER DAY. DOUQLAS 1760. Wedding Stationery. WEDDINO announcements and printing. DOUOLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. Wines and Liquors, BUY your family llquora at Kleln'a Liquor House, 621 N. llth. Douglaa 180,. Wall Paper Cleaning. WALLPAPER cleaning, by room or hour. Reasonable. Phons D. 6484. Geo. Rumple. SWAPPERS' COLUMN WANT soma cbolco old coins, must bo old, rsro and In good condition; also rare post age stamps, particularly the locs.1 stsmps Issued by different cities before the regu lar U. 8. stamps were Issued. What do you want In OKChange? Write 8. C. 1221, Omaha Bee; describing fully what you have, coins by year of Issue and denoml nation and special mint marks. If any. 10 ACRBS good unimproved land, located I miles from St. Louis' great Aiarket, Itfc miles from Ironton, Mo,; beautiful coun try; excellent garden soil; spring water; worth 960 per acre. Will sell for 931 or trade for Omaha real estate, auto, Al motor oycle, piano, merchandise; terms. Owner, J 867, Bee. FIVE e'.'ctrto fans from t-lnch to 16 -Inch. Piano player, mahogany case, and about tb rolls of music. This ts as good as new. Powers fl-A moving picture ma chine, used only a short time. 830 opera chairs, all In good condition. What have. you to offer for these 7 Address B C 1137, Bee. HAVE 1113 b-passenger Regal In perfect shape; will swap for small roadster, Ford preferred, but will consider any make; nio have Bosch high-tension magneto, one l-cyllnder Blsman magneto, one Prestollts tank; will swap together or separate. Address 8. C, 1236 Bee. ADDING MACHINE Burroughs Adding Machlno in perfect condition. Just like - new, with all the features of the Bur roughs; will exchange for automobile, ori ental rugs, pictures, ffod books, or what have you? Address S. 1238. Bee. WANTED LOTS FOR FARM. 190-acre farm land, Fall River county, 8. D. i small house, fenced, rich rolling land. Price 93,000; mortgage, 9800. Want Omaha lots for equity. Beward. Colfax 411. 1824 Bahler, Omaha. CHOICE building lot at Carter Lake olub or town lot on main street of Ralston, will trade for good automobiles or make first payment on modern residence worth about 96,000. Describe what you have ruuy in nrst letter. Aggress r nci. Bee. EVERETT SIX, 8-passenger, looks like new and lust as good a new a high class oar, will swap same at once for good 1118 or 1910 Ford, as I need a light oar at once, ao If you want a big bargain you better hurry. 8. C. 1914 Bee. IF you have anything to trade, make up a little ad and run It In this column for seven days It only costs 86c and to per answers. One or two answers are suf ficient to make your trade and the whole transaction only costs aoout me. Try il HAVE one Spits dog, one bull terrier, one Angora cat, three canary birds, a few gold fish; will trade for anything useful. What have you? Omaha Dally Bee, 8. C, 1880. 10 ACRES and 4 town lota In the San Lois,; vauey, artesian wen district; win traae for auto In first class condition, or any thing squal. Address T 431, Bee. AUTOMOBILE truck, Ruttenberg motor, thoroughly overhauled and guaranteed, Ave good tires, for trade for Ford car. Ad dress B. C, 1888. Bee. BRAND new Ford roadster, i new tires, re cently overhauled, first class condition, to trade for 4-passenger car. Address, 8. C, 1831, Bee. ANT part of 92,60 shares tn Council Bluffs corporation for late model 8-paas. auto, or what have youT Address 8. C 1394, Bee. FILMS DEVELOPED FREB when prints are ordered. Enlargements from any nsg atlvo. Case Btudlo. 14th and Harney. HAVE house paint to exchange for desk, counter or anything I can use. Call Peters. Phone Douglas 8184. HAVE 9800 equity In 40 ft. lot. Field club district, will trade for Ford In good con dition. Address E 178, Bee. FOR SALE OR TRADE Up-to-date 8 -room house located at 3310 Evans. Call owaer, Web. 918. FURNITURE of nine room houae to trade for new car. Address S. C, 1X33. Bee. A LITTLE ad In this column will bring a bout some remarkable exchanges. GOOD organ for sale, or will trade. Tel. Webster 38t. BUSINESS CHANCES FOR BALE A good paying newspaper In rich farming and logging community on the Columbia river; Is county official and leading paper of Columbia county; no competition. In town of 9.000 and has splendid Job and advertising trade; will Invoice 97,000; price has been plaoed at 91,000 for qulok sale and 99.800 will han dle the deal; will bear the closest Investi gation. Reasons for selling, have other business. Address Rainier Review, Rainier, Oregon. A-l general merchandise business for sale, located In a good live town, doing oa an average of 840,000 of business per year on a 910,000 stock; owners of stock own building and will give a lease for a aura- - bar of years to suit ths purchaser. Rea sons for selling, must dissolve a partner ship business. Write for particulars. Ad dress T 42. Bee, BUSINESS CHANCES AN ESTABLISHED manufacturer wants 'general sales manager to open office and manage salesmen; 9300.00 to 8700.00 cap ital necessary. Money making possibili ties unlimited. Will pay expenses to Chicago If you are man we want.. Sales manager, 1012 Republic Bldg., Chicago. No other Omaha- newspaper Is showing anywhere near the progress In Its Want-Ads as THB BEE. 30,101 MORE PAID ADS In ths first five months of 1918 than in the same period of 1918. Office for Real Estate V and Insurance The Bee Building, Office noom loi. SB-ACRE fruit, alfalfa and Wt farm. Grand Junction, Colo., for a good paying drug store; two sets frame buildings. Address Box 101, New Castle, Wyo. MOVING Picture Theaters, real bargains; machines, repairs, supplies, accessories, new and second-hand, (fee us. OMAHA THEATER SUPPLY CO.. Baird Bldg. Doug. 3420. FOR SALE 8 6 -room hotel, newly furnished. In a good Iowa county seat town; popu lation 4.000. Price 92.800; good reasons for selling. Addras T 480. Bee. A BIO OPPORTUNITY Blacksmith shop and garage for sale, trade or rent. For further Information tpply or write James Anderson, Mentor, Mlim NICE, little bakery doing good business, making money. Building, machinery, stock at a bargain. Terms. Carlisle, 420 First Nat'l Bk. Bldg Douglas 3100. FOR JBALB Good, olean stock of hard ware; live town central Nebraska. Good reason for selling. Be quick. Address Y 967, Bee. DOWD Sale and Auction Co., Omaha, have closed out more mdse. stocks than any other firm In U. 8. Write for terms. MOTION PICTURE MACHINES. New and rebuilt bargains, supplies. Omaha Film Exchange, 109 B. 14th Bt, FOR SALE by owner. Drug store, dwelling . and stock; square deal. Address owner, 19 West St.. Ave,. Denver, Colo. WILLIAMS, established 99 years. To buy or sell business see him. 411 McCagus Bldg. Refesence U. 8. Nat Bank. STORE and residence on corner 91st and Ames Ave. Sea owner, 9116 Ames. Snap if taken by 1st. TO GET In or out of business, call on QANGEBTAD. 421 Bee Bldg. Doug. 3477. TO SELL or buy a business, call on Busob ft Borghoff. Frenser Blk. D. 8819. ROOMING houses at great bargains. Call 404 Ware Blk. Phone Red 4446. Turn old furniture, household goods and clothing into cash with a Bee Want Ad. SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE, Ho PER LINK. Pay work or business ads regular rates. I lines on week ....90o 9 lines one week 48o Each extra line 18o per week. ' Male. Man, 35 years old, with bank ing and live stock commis-. sion company experience, de sires position or interest in business, bank preferred; funds to invest; excellent ref erences. Address Box 225, Keokuk, Iowa. MAN and wife past 60, both good workers, would like a place to work by the month In a family; wife good cook, good Ironer and good housekeeper; man also very handy. Address G. Robb, 1421 3d Ave., Council Bluffs, la. WANTED Position In storeroom, ware house, checking, shipping, receiving and packing depts., or what have you? Go anywhere. Graw, 201 H 8. 18th. Phone Doug. 6640. FARM HANDS, CORN PLOWERS, eta, fur nlshed free to farmers. Write, wire or telephone, Sweeney and Dillon's Nebraska Employment agency, 1S20 Dodge St Omaha, Neb. Douglas 7006. PRINTER Wants steady position, all-around man; good wages expected. G. C, Link, Pilot -Tribune, Storm Lake, la. YOUNO men or women who want good po sitions should advertise In Ths Bee. It Is the paper big business men read, bank ers, brokers, retail and wholesale mer chants. SITUATION wanted by strong, steady, tern perate man In freight house, warehouse or wholesale house. Phone E. Webster, Har ney 4001. YOUNG man wants position as bookkeeper or office olerk, speaks three languages; several years' experience; best referenoes. Enid Holub, 1818 Dodge St. EXTRA A-l chauffeur wants driving or repairing for Saturday afternoons and Sundays. Best of city reference. Ad dress J-970 Bee. Miscellaneous. CONTRACTORS Contractors attention. Ws furnish all kinds of mechanics and labor ers free of charge. Responsible for all transportation. Write, wire or telephone, Sweeney and Dillon's Nebraska Employ ment Agency, 1320 Dodge Bt. Douglas 7006. ODD Jobs and Janitor work by day, week or month; experienced In all lines of work; best of references. Doug. 8693, Houae cleaning In general wanted; paper cleaning by W. M . Kennedy. Phone D. 8646. YOUNG man, experienced driver, private or trucit, can Boutn lis. ASHES and refuse hauled. Web, 8860. Hotels and Restaurants. RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 1610 Davenport St. Douglas 1859. Headquarters for hotel help. Female. RELIABLE woman wishes day work, nurs ing dishwashing and caring for children; reference. Phone Harney 4716. GENERAL housework by the week by neat colored woman; no laundry work. Web. 6027. THE BEB charge for "Situation ads" Is lower than any other form of advertising -not enough to cover cost of printing. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. Public stenographer and notary public, S07 Bee Bldg. Doug. 1868. Reas. rates. GERMAN woman would like position doing general housework 4 or 6 hours per day. C. Kallmann, SU03 Leavenworth. COLORED lady wishes day work and bun dle washing. Phons Webster 4003. Ask for Blanch. POSITION wanted as housekeeper by lady with 1 child. 9029 Leaevenworth. Harney - 6761. WANTED Position as housekeeper. Write or call Miss A. Randolph, 406 No. 16th gt. COLORED lady,. A-l cook, wants position; private family or hotel. Douglas 4876. COLORED girl wants ohambermald or gen eral housework. Call Harney, 8994. COLORED girl wants to take care of chil dren. Age 16.- Web. 188K PLAIN sewing and day work. Web. 1876. Laundry and Day Work. COMPETENT woman wants day woik. Pre fer washing.' Reference furnished. Web ster 1861. BUNDLB washing, piece work, lace cur tains; work guaranteed. Webster 1380. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work of any kind. Phone Webster 6815. NEAT colored girl wants maid or day work. Call Vebster 7099. DAY work and bundle washing. Doug. 4968. Bndle wash, call, del.; guar. Mrs. East. H3864 DAY work and bundle washing. Web, 3087. BUNDLB washing to take home. Web. 7410. Washing and lace curtains dona Ty. 1144. LAUNDRY and day work. Webster 3401. WANTED Work by week, Exp. Har. 8642. Exp, col, woman by day, bdla wash, D. 6077. BUNDLE washing neatly done. Web. 4669. Laundress, day work. O. Jackson. W. 1967. COLORED girl wants day work. Web. 3369. ANY kind of work by day. D. 8646. CHAMBERMAID or day work. Web. 1016. IRONING by day; ret. Web. 6144. HELP WANTEDMALE Stores and Offices. STENO (at once), 3T5.O0; steno (Home cler ical), 8K5.00: stono (good future), 960.00; price clerk (at once), 955.00; office clerk (good at figures), 960.00; ant. shipping clerk (at once), 865.00; asst. shipping cinrk (somo DacklnffK 65.00: civil eng. and timekeeper (at once), 370.00; bookkeeper (bank), 975.00; draftsman (at once;. SS0.QO. "Several other openings not listed." CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1016-16 City Natl. Blig. BKPR., mercantile experience, 680; travell ing salesman, established trade, $76-tl10; asst. bkpr., young man, good penman, 946; steno. and clerk, some experience, 360; Jr. office clerk, 30; retail clerk, 876. Western Reference and Bond Assn., Inc., Originators of the Reference Business, 752 Omaha National Bank Building. SALESMAN (GASOLINE ENGINES) . .100 SALESMAN (STAPLE LINE) 85 THE CANO AGENCY , 600 BEE BLDG. FOR a HIGH-CLASS position see us. Call ana iook over our targe imi. oi vi;iivibb, THE MARTI CO.. 1827 W. O. W. Bldg. YOUNG man stenographer and clerk office experience.- 360- C 270, Bee. Professions ana Trades. THREE men for fruit farm, three miles from town; 936, room and board. Nebraska Employment Agency, iszu uoage oi. Douglas 7005. 8ER im FOR DRUG JOBS. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. Established Ten Years. 1016-16 City National. MUSICIANS for July 4th; b&ss, clarinet and cornet players ; low pitch ; 96 ana ex penses. Peter Stephany, Carroll, la. WANTED Gordon feeder. U. Co. Room 6, Bee Bldg. Trug store snaps. Jobs. Kneiat, Bee Bldg. T Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED An ambitious salesman, between the ages of 22 and 30, member of a Protestant church, unmarried, non-tobacco user; high school or Its equivalent, by a reliable firm In established business with permanence and advancement se cured; outside territory, free training with experienced salesman; compensation from 930 to 976 a week, depending upon the applicant. F. M. lngler, Hotel Castle. WANTED Several neat apearing young men to solicit In the city and all over 'Ne braska. We have the fastest selling propo sition on the market. Our men average 93 per day. Hustlers can can make 96 or 96. Apply 836 Brand els Theater Bldg. STOCK SALESMAN WANTED, by live Nebraska manufacturing corpora tion, to handle Increase of Its capital stock. Call or write P. K. Walsh, City National bank building, or phone Tyler 632 for particulars. WANTED High-grade salesman; partly ex perienced In the sale of corporate stock preferred. Must be capable of earning $6,000 a year or more. Give past experi ence and full reference In first letter. Ad dress P. O. Box 626, Omaha, Nebraska. MANUFACTURER wants salesman to han dle exclusive state rights; auto accessory of great merit. See Mr: Spitler. Castle Hotel, 9 to 1. SEVERAL young men to canvass city and road. Experience unnecessary. Steady employment. Apply 8:30 a. m. 608-A Bee Bldg. STOCK and bond salesman. STANDARD SEC. A INV. CO., 1017 W. O. W., Omaha, SALESMEN Big money for' business get tors. Call at 1017 W. O. W. AUTO Time Protector Mfg. Co. wanta agent to handle territory. 413 Bee Bldg. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED NIGHT HOUSE MAN. APPLY HOUSEKEEPER, FONTENELLB HU-TEL. Boys. 2 EXPERIENCED office boys, good refer ences, 930 per month; two experienced molds, 97 a week. E 280, Omaha Bee. Trade Schools. MOLER COLLEGE (ESTABLISHED 1893.) LEARN THE BARBER TRADE In the original and largest school. We give you actual experience under skilled instructors. Wages while learning, tools given, posi tions for graduates. Write for Illustrated catalogue or cell. 110 8. 14th St., Omaha, Neb. GOOD MEN WANTED. to learn auto work for the big spring rush. Fine training work on autos and electric starting systems. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, 2052 Farnam, Omaha, Neb. LEARN barber trade, more than make your tuition while learning. Set of tools lnoluded. Job guaranteed. Call or write for catalogue. 1402 Dodge. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE, 1061 Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. MEN wanted to learn the barber trade. Tuition 25. 1608 Cass St., Omaha. OMAHA BARBER COLLEGE. Miscellaneous. ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES, MEN WANTED. Able-bodied unmarried men be tween aces of 18 and IS, citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can apeak, read and write the English language. For information apply to Recruiting Officer, Army Bldg., Fifteenth and Dodge Sts., Omaha, Neb.; 207 Sixth Ave.. Des Moines,' la.; 827 Fourth St, Sioux City, la.; 180 N. Tenth SL, Lincoln, Neb. YOUNG man with office experience; must be neat and well recommended, to take half Interest In established paying office business; requires 81.000 y pay for half Interest In high-grade touring car, office fixtures and' other Investments. Barlow Adjustment Co., 404 Ware Blk. SPECIAL cllnio will be held at Crelghton Dental college, conducted by Dr. A. E. Smith of Chicago. A limited number of patients can be given free dental service. Call at the Dental college Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. These dates only. FIFTY foreign laborers; long Job; paving work; bunk houses, stoves, dishes free; wages 92.60 per day; R. R. fare advanced. Nebraska Labor Agency, 1320 Dodge St. Douglaa 7006. MAN and wife for farm, 16 miles out; 940 per month; Ik use, garden, cows, etc., furnished. Nebraska Employment Agency, 1330 Dodge St. Douglas 7006. YOUNG MEN wanted as railway mail clerks, $76 month. Sample examination ques tions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 221 P, Rochester, N. Y. GOOD sober German speaking man wanted at German Home for housecleaning. Ask for Manager, Oerman Home. Don t pnone. WANTED A Japanese or Chinese to rnn electrlo and help with housework. 924 So. S3d St. FIREMEN, brakemen, 3120 monthly. Ex perience unnecessary. Railway. Y-424 Bee. AGENTS AND CANVASSERS AGENTS Two of the greatest agents' ar ticles Just out; 160 per cent commission. Write today. The Jefferson Merchandise Co., Dept. E. Batavla, la. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. Wanted By big Omaha in- , stitution, a bright, young lady stenographer. Must be -accurate, careful and a good worker. These qualifications are of more importance than experience. Write, giving age, past and present employers, etc. Address P 325, Bee. STENO, $56; steno. 60; ' steno. snd bnok keeper, tf0; eteno and dictaphone, f&l. CO-OPERATIVB REFERENCE CO., 1015-H City Natl. Bids. WANTED Girl to work In grocery, etore. 8. H. Bnffett Bon. Professions and Trades. WANTED Olrle In flat work dept. 'Apply Evana Model Laundry, llth and Douflas. QIRLS to learn hair dressing. Oppenhelm Parlora at l, City National Bank Bldg. Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED Lady aollcltors; good propoaltlon and good pay. 1T1T Leavenworth. Lady axonta wanted 8701 dimming St.. up. HELP WANTED FEMALE Household and Domestic. THIS is a splendid opportunity for a girl who will appreciate a good home, where kindness (a used in every respect, havs a nice, pleasant room for you; good .mail family. Phone HtmcT 2200 or can as ai n t home .uv ..t wtt a will annreftlats a food ' with small family, good salary, nice. pleasant room for you. Telephone Harney 252(1, or can - w- " m W ANTED Experienced white maid to do laundry work and assist with housework. Tel. Harney 47. Mrs. Barton Millard, 121 N. 99 th. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work. Small family. Good wages. quired. Apply 420 So. 42d St. Wal. 9219. WANTED A good colored oook. Must be and have references: no others need aoDlv. 124 South 8th. Sir. . ,-, . hl,a art rl f nr sMrl- eral housework. Mrs. T. I Davis, So. 37th. Haruey 527. WANTED Good girl for general hoose work at 1916 S. 82d Ave. Telephone Harney 8221. WANTED Otrl for general housework! family of two. 660 Bo. 28th St Mrs. Fred Met. WANTED A competent housemaid. MrJ a B. Davis. 1602 S. 32d Ave. Harney TIT. WANTED A good German or Bohemian girl to assist in kltctten. uougias -ve. WANTED Experienced waitress at once. Omaha Quick Lunch, 820 Bo. 18th St WANTED A girl for general housework, jB.uw per ween, i-noow nminvj -.v.. WANTBD-Jlrl 12 to 14 years old to assist wjtn llgnt nouaeworn.. mim COMPETENT girl for general housework? must be good cook. Harney 6839. COMPETENT white girl, one who knows now to cook -prererrgq. un-- . NEAT girl for general housework. Phons Harney 2S91. 438 No. 88th Ave. WOMAN or girl for general housework. 1809 Maple. . PIANO tuning. Charles Fish. Webster 126h Miscellaneous. LADIES to sew at home during spars time, good pay; work sent prepaid. Ivanhos Mfg. Co., St. Louis, Mo. EDUCATIONAL DAT SCHOOL, BOTLES COLLEGE, NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day is enrollment day. Bookkeep ing, Shorthand, Stenotype, Typewriting, Telegraphy, Civil Service all Commercial and English branches. Catalogue res. BOTLES COLLEGE, 18th and Harney Sts. Tel. Douglas 1566. EARN big money; be a photographer; easy to learn; complete course. $26. Emory School of Photography, 61S N. 16 th St. Phone Tyler 243. WANTED Tutoring for the summer by competent grade teacher. Webster 860. Musical. HARP Summer term offer to students bs glnnlng April 19. Harps furnished. SOI Lyric Bldg. Loretta uLone ptuaio. KATHRTN L. RILET, DERMATOLOGIST. Graduate, Chicago and Paris. Pimples, blackheads, eradicated. Chiropody, corns, bunions, Ingrowing nails, oured. No pain. Complexions bleached, refined, harmless to skin. Scalp treatments. Thin prema turely gray hair restored. Crooked noses, features, corrected. Superfluous hair for ever removed by electrolysis. Parlors, 1709 California St., Omaha. Ph. Doug. 8268. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strang ers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th St. and fit. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or, otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at 'the Union Station. THE Salvation Army Induatrial home so llclts your old clothing, furniture, maga zines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge Bt. STAPLES & SHAFFER, masseuses snd scalp specialists; graduates Prof. Yhnell'g school; Swedish massage, scalp and hair, 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. D. 718. 401 Wars Blk. HENRIETTA M. BRUGEMAN, aotentlflo masseuse, electrlo and radio light treat ments, steam and shower baths for men and women. 203 Karbach Blk. Red 2727, PTTPTTTPT?l,ucoe,ful1 Seated wlth XVUll UlVJ-out a surgical operation, operation. Call or writs r Frank H. Wra), 806 Bee Bldg. CONFIDENTIALr-Friend: Your letter May 29th. I am representing party you ad dressed. When and where can we meetT Address Bee, C-316. Exp. nurse will gtvo private treatments at your home; rheumatism, etc. Tyler 2056. OMAHA'S superb hair dressing and treat ment parlora ; prices very reasonable. Indu K osmetic Shop, 219-20 Rose Bldg. WE make a specialty of stout women's and surgical corsets. NU-BONB Coraet Shop. Brandels Thea. lobby. Doug. 4396. . MASSAGE A N D E LECTR IC BATHS, chl ropody. Misses Gray and Head, 210-214 Baird Blk.. 17th and Douglas. D. 8458. PRIVATE home for maternity cases. Ba bies adopted. Colfax 2042. 4414 N. 28th, LU ELLA WEBSTER, "masseuse," 618 Fax- ton Blk., 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. D. 9227. ) ,1 THE VAN SANT SCHOOL STENOGR APHY BOOKKKEPINO. Day School for Young Women. Evening School for Young Men and Women. SUMMER school, Bellevue, Neb., June 17 to August 14. Tuition, 612.60. College, normal and high school subjects. Outdoor morn ing claawes. Paul W. Evana, Director. BOURICIUS MUSIC STUDIOS, 18, 14. 19 Arlington block; we observe the needs of each Individual pupil. Douglas 947L PERSONAL PILES, FISTULA - CURED Dr. E. R. Tarry cores piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Curs guaranteed anil no money, paid until oured. Writs for book on rec tal diseases with testimonials. DB. S. R. TARRY, S40 Bee Bldg.. Omaha, Neb, CHILDREN to board and care for. lTIr" Harney St., upstairs. Phone Doug. 8797. BATH and massage. 1322 Farnam St, sso- ond floor, room two SCIENTIFIC massage. 620 Bee Bldg. Phons Douglaa 6372j WANT ED Day ornlght nursing, by colored g rad ua te nurse. Call Web. 66 19. MISS WILSdN Bath and manicuring. No. 2 Davidge Blk. Phone Doug. 8761. Dr. Frances Dawson, 602-8 Rose Bg. Ty. 230, FOR legal advice call Douglas 3628. POSITION as gentleman nurse, ex p. D. 6497. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTER: If you fall to And ths room you desire among these ads, call at Ths Bee office for a Room List gives complete detailed description of va cant rooms In all parts of the city. If more convenient phons The Bes Want Ad Dept and give your name and address, and a list' will be mailed to yeu at once. New lists are Issued every week. vcd u jeuut ijeriiue una iYicrcnanaiscmmjusL a uiue uui ui tne ordinary run or every day requirements" will be found in the "Announcement Column". 'Twill pay you to read them