THE BEE: OMAHA.. MONDAY. JUNE 12, 1916. FOR RENT Business Pr'p'ty Stores. FOR RENT. Vry fln store room, located at 14th md Leavenworth Ste. Reasonable rent. For further Information call CALKINS 4 CO., Douglas 1313. City Wat'l Bank Bldg. FARMS Acreage, city pirflerty (in;, for mI and sxchi.nge. - w. q, orgn, ltll Cuming St. Doui'iki . , EQUITY In food f-r. house for cottage; worm a,ow. cones ivus miter in a. n. REAL ESTATE Investments Modern store room and basement, 838 H. 16th St.; nna location lor groceries and meats. CONRAD YOUNG, 923 Brendeis Theater. Dour 16T. STORE ROOM3 at Uol-UU Farnam 8L Thoa. F. Hall. 423 Ramgs Bldg. D. T40C. SHALL store, near postoffice, 925. O. P. St eb bins, 110 Chicago. STOKHJ building, living rooms la rear. N. 30th. Douglas 116 1. lOOl Offices and Desk Room. 16 Nice Urge office, Ware Bile j 16 Double office In Ware Bib. 1 no Very large space on 3d floor of Ware Bik., with large vault. H. A. WOLF, 6 4 Ware Blk. Douglae 8068. MEAD BLDG., 18th and Farnam Ste., de sirable suites of roome facing oourt house lawn. Excellent light and cool. Raldrige Bldg., 20th and Farnam Sts., several Una roome facing Farnam St See F. D. Wed, Agent, Doug. 171. A BIG LITTLE BARGAIN. Military Ave., Clifton Hill, to eettle estate, -room house, business lot; pree-: ent home t or Investment; good future; reduced to' $1,250. GEORGE G. WALLACE, 614 Keeline Bldg. WM. COLFAX. 708 Keellne Bldg. Real Es-- tate. City Property, Large Ranches a Specialty. Fine Suite for Doctor and Dentlet Let us ehow you. The Bee Building, Office Room 108. ' DESIRABLE office roome In the remodelled Crounee block. 110 N. 16th St. (oppoelte poetoftipe), 110 to U per month. Conrad Young, 823 Brandele Theater. Doug. 1671. Miscellaneous. LARGE, light basement at 10th an4 How ard: low rent Wright Lenhury. D. Ul REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. Florence. 40 acrei, 38, 260; stock, crop and implements all go. C. L. Net na way, jnorence, ntw OWNER will sell! 6 and 7-room, new. mod em house at a bargain. Walnut 1200. 1 North. A FORCED SALE 7 NICE ROOMS, . STRICTLY MODERN. $300 down, price 83,200, easy terme. but want an offer; must sell at once. Would consider a good lot; has a nice garage; south front; built for a home. . Address 8 276, Omaha Bee. PRAIRIE PARK Moat artistic district In city. No ehede. alleys, chickens, ashes, tin nana or daad cat a. Has steam heated prees brick community garage and club house. Houses ana ios i.u o.ov with paving paid In full. One-tenth cash, balance 1 per cent monthly or will build to eult purchaser. B. J. Scannell, Doug. 898 or Colfax 3011. Bungalow ONE ACRE WITH 8UC-ROOM BUNGALOW. HU-room, strictly modern Bungalow, oa floors and oak flnlsb throughout, built-in bookcase, colonnade opening and built-in window seat; all fenced woven wire tight; has new garage and new chloken houses. Will be sold at a great eacrtflce. Price, $3,fi00. Less than you can build improve, ments for. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 5th Floor. Omaha Nat., Bank Bldg. D, nil. Flv. rooms and bath, strictly modern, finished In oak, . latest lighting natures, good furnace, full basement, large attic. 3911 No. 36th St. Price 19.1(0. Terms. NORRIS & NORRIS, Bee Bldg. Phone Douglaa 4870. MR. COLORED MAN, tint DOWN 130 X MONTH. Eight-room, strictly modern horoa near IHh and Blondo; oak finish, full cement basement, furnacs heat, nlca lot. garag. In basement Price, a.uu. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, ' tth' Floor Omaha Nat, Bank Bldg. P., 1711. cAi-nTirirp sat.f I5! N. 17th 8t, l-roori house; walk ing distance, uon I tail u see vaia prvp arty If you. want a bargain. g. p BOSTWICK SON, Tyler ' 0 Bee Bldg. ELMWOOD PARK ACRE. 71 DOWN. BAi. II, PER MONTH. A dandy laying acr. Just aaat at Elm wood park for 11.800. Sea thla at once. PAYNE IVJBO i wrAni, Hh riocr Penana, Nat Bank Bldg. P. 1111. .ID . iwr v., I HAVE Just finished an all modem, fully decorated, oak finish bungalow an Una aaat front Tat and can sail same for :,140, on very easy terms. . Call Colfaa 18,,, OWNER wishes to sacrifice strictly modern -room houas, with sleeping porch: oak floors and woodwork; excellent condition. A real Bargain, wbwwi .,,. U. ' .lla.t-lrt rest .V'U"T-. .7,: i ...I. denca ror aaie. r. v. B -"- IMS N. Wth 8t 6 robins, modaru, two gtorias, w.DBier im . South. NEW 6-lROOM HOUSE SfYTTTW, 91TTT ST.. OWNER WELL TAKE LOT As part paymen. on 6-room all modern home, finished In hard WOOQ tnrOUgnoui. iua.nj ..-.-.v., such as built-in bookcaaea, kitchen cabl net, etc. Completely modem in every ra- sidewalks, etc. Price 84,100 If you hays S good lot or two or three cheap lots, will take same as pwi w'"";' " ' . 1 information call Harney 6034 today, or after 11p.m. weew 6-ROOM BUngaiOW. nr.uu , ' . V it,7 oak floors throughout; oak flnleh In liv ing ana aimng iwiub, ""I enamel bedrooms; good location; restricted .Aunn. A barsaln at 88.000. Eaay W BEN SON & CARMICHAEL, 042 Paxton Blk. Doug. 1722. " 1 a uTi'Brri.r DAT? IT 12.400. B-room cottage, all modern, on lot l 160, paving all paid, una hiuuuihwwm. 1 nra is mia-v- ,P. J. TEBBENS CO., . . . . v. VTm Dnnlr nAllff 21 US BOO t-jmaiii wu ail8 HO. 16TH, O-rworo muuot". nace; 33 or 66-ft. lot; street paved. Berka (fe UUSU. V. Olio I. ..ROOM cottage, modern except furnace, arnp. a nil. Di nitiislaal NICE 6-roorn. house, all modern, on car line, east front gooa location , i no 2210 a. ZFth bc. namgy tvo. QUICK SALE 11-room house, half block from Hanscom pars, uwnwr, num; MUcellaneous. SEVEN-ROOM CORNER RESIDENCE Two atorlee, attio and basement. Close In and in a splendid neighborhood. Built just a few years out of selected material for private home. Has 4 bedrooms, large living room, dining room and kitchen, ex cellent garage, beautiful lawn and comer lot. It will be difficult to find a more romplete home -on the market today at the price and terms. For full particulars ' - -...laatwa.. (ft InaiWaOt. Call SHULER & CARY, p. ,Q7. 80J Keellne Bldg. SAFETY FIRWT. TOR RELIABLE AND SAFE rlRU AND TORNADO INSURANCE BEE O'NEIL'S n. E. INi. AOENCT, tit Brandela Theater Bldg. Tyler 1024, REAL' ESTATE Unimproved North, LOT In Clalrmont Add., on Blvd. ; buy from owner. Cash or terms, coira .oil. TJoT for sale near Miller park. 104. Stone Ave, rnon. tjoirax .ice. South. , FEET, 10th St,, , blks. from viaduct ,B,,OD. weeagus my. uo.. wiu, giqg. Mitcellaneout. li 00 a lot. 'sasy terms., near 61st and Orover. one mile from car.' Address Mrs. H. L. Howv.r. 1024 Grand Ave. rnone uoirx 70,. REAL ESTATE Exchange f HE remarkable Increase In BEE Want Ads can be traced to only one soarce good results at less cost than any other umana paper. 20,101 MORE PAID WANT ADS " la first five months of 1016 than In Same Period of 1111. CAN eell or axcDangs anything you hava to oirer. j. janas. atcavcui mag. WHAT HAVE YOU OR DO YOU WANT Sea us first. We may hava Just what you want We eell or trade everything, J anywhere. Chas. J. Smith.' Tyler 1181 g30 A, CHOICE upland farm, 1 mllee of t CeleHdge, Cedar Ce., Has will trade half , mase. or gooa income. ABBOTT 4 Pattersoa Blk,, Oty. REAL ESTATE Exchanges NEW DOUBLE BRICK FLAT BUILDING FOR INVESTMENT Located on "3d St. between California and Webster. Each flat has five rooms; living room dining room and kitchen on iirst floor and two bedrooms and bath on second floor, making a very dfitlrable rental property. Strictly first-clans and modern throughout. -Can sell on payment down of 82,000, balance about the fame as rent.1 Phone Tyler 60. HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1614 Harney St. ' HAVE oaah buyers for two or three medium elied farms In west Iowa or aaat Ne braska Thomas CampbelL Keellne Bldg. REAL ESTATE Suburban Benson. START YOUR HOME IN BENSON 1 BUT THIS LOT I 810.00 down and 810.00 per month; price 1360.00: else, 80x118 1 located on Locust St, between Clark and Barnham, not far from school and car Una. Geo. R. Wright Bee office, Omaha. Dundee. tiundee bungalow. Douglas 2518. Dundee lot -f -P5. Douglas 3506. tVt acres near Dundee. -Douglas 8 B0. Miscellaneous. NINE-ACRE SNAP. Exceptionally well Improved. Close In, and constating of- a good-, newly reno vated 6 -room house, barn and other out buildings. acres In alfalfa, 8 acres In grapes, 1 acre In berries, 3 acres In good bearing orchard, one mile to the city car Ime, Owner authorises ue to. eell at 8600 per acre, including all Improvements. Lots are selling within a stone's throw ot this property for 8300 to 8400 each. 81.000 cash will put you In full posses - ' slon on a few days' notice. Do not delay. .-If Interested. SHULLER ft CART, Phone D. 8074.- I 204-Keellne Bldg. REAL ESTATE WANTED OOOD LOT WANTED. As part payment; with some cash, on new 6 -room, all modem bungalow; one acre of ground; chicken house ana gar age. Address L 1265, Bee. FINANCIAL Real Estate Loans and Mortgages. MONEY TO LOAN ON Anartment houses, double brick houses. single house, business property and farm lands at per cent 6 Per cant ft 8 pr ot w, a, YitUMAH, 328 Keellne Bldg. Douglas 1043. PER CENT to 6 per cent on beet class ctty residences In amounts 82,000 up; also farm loans. Reasonable commissions. PETERS TRUST CO., 1622 Farnam St OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O KEEPS REAL ESTATE CO., 1018 Omaha Nu.t'1. Phono Douglas 3T16. MONET to loan on Improved farms and ranches. We also buy good farm mort gages, sioke inv. co., Oman. REAL ESTATE loans, si per cent. See - n. b. buck ft co:, 112 Omaha Nat Bank. NO DELAY. W. T. GRAHAM. BEE BLDO. ' MONEY TO LOAN, for 5 years, . 'on Improved' properties, SHOPEN ft CO., Doug. 4226. MONEY -on hand for city and farm loans. H. W, Binder, City National Bank Bldg. and farm loans. 5. 6U. 6 ner cent j. ri. tjumont at co.. eie Keeline Biag. I pr Cent LOANS THOS. L. McGARRY, Keellne Bldg. Red 4344. GARVIN BROS, 846 Omaha Nat' Bank Bldg. MONET HARRISON ft MORTON, 810 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. 8100 to 810,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, wead Bldg., Is to and Farnam Bta. CITY and farm loans, 6, 5H 6 per cent W. T. Smith Co., HA city National. v INVESTMENT Can you finance, buy or trade patent on "sure grip stove lifter 7" Can furnish royalty contract; responsible parties writs. Ed. emnger, Mineral roint $2,000 MORTOAOE, bearing t par cent emt- annuat, secured oy property, vaiuea it.tuu. Talmage-Loomls Inv. Co., W. O. W. Bldg. Abstracts of Title. rnowaTifaa Abstract Co. We can bring vj uai on ice down your abstract on ehort notice. R. t, Patterson Biag. u. vi. Tr- Title, Guarantee and Abstract IVcr c i 'modern abstract office. 306 S. ITth St. Tel. D. 6487 REED ABSTRACT" CO., oldeet abstract of- flee In Nebraska. 108 Brandels Theater; FARM AND RANCH LANDS FARM AND RANCH LANDS Montana Land,. MONTANA land for aal. In to. great grain producing counties of Montana, write ror free map. Agants wanted. Schwab Broa., na FlymoutlBljg.. Mlnn.poll.. Minn. FARM LAND WANTED Hones Live Stock Vehicle For Sale. HAY. a ton. A. wT'Wagner, I01j-lg: POULTRY AND PET STOCK PttiEONS pay far better than chickens; always pennea up; nme epacs own on tart; free book explslni alt UaJesUo Squab CO., Pept si. Aoei. J a Yb8,TpSc.r,a .CHAMELEONS the little color cnanglng pet. uax ueia- ler Bird Co.. 117 rarnam gt. PERSIAN KITTENS. Baldwin Cattery. ftloralnfslde, lows. Screenings, per 100 lbs. 1 N. lelh Bt AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTO CLEARING HOUSE D. 8810. Brand new 1816 Ford. 1014 Veils, Touring. 1916 Rao Touring. 1014 Chevrolet Touring. 8 lot Farnam. THE AUTOMOBILE WONDER. Make a ton truck out of your Ford ear. Everybody Is burins this "Form-a-Truek." It solves your delivery problem and sells like wild fire. Agents wanted. For par ticulars sea or write JOHNBON-DAN- FORTU CO., 1620 N. 16th. PREPAREDNESS la only protection, Is preparing against some unexpected emergency. Buy your au tomobile insurance of , KILLY, ELLIS ft THOMPSON, 818-14 City Nat. Bank. Dong. 2818. GRAIN AMD PRODUCE MARKET Cash Demand Active and Sales Light, but Most Samples Eell at lower Prices. MAXWKLL 1,1, touring car, ellghtly ussd. one extra casing. Better see this on. to day; tomorrow may be too late. McSHANE MOTOR COMPANY 1,54 Farnam Rt TWO Hupomobllee, used care, 1S16 l-paasea- ger In fine condition. 1,1? ..paaaenger, a famous little II. McSHANE MOTOR COMPANY 2064 Farnam St. DODOE roadater, electric lights and starter, driven 4,000 miles, car and eaaings loos like new. One extra on roarj Thla car had good cars and csn be bought very cheap. McSHANE MOTOR COMPANY ' 2054 Farnam St BUICK roadster, late model, in dandy con dition. S good casings, neawly varnished. Delco starting and lighting system. Hera Is a bargain. McSHANE MOTOR COMPANY 2064 Farnam St USED CAR BARGAINS AT MORPHT-O'BRIEN AUTO CO.. 1814-18-18 Farnam St WB will trade you a now Ford for your old one. INDUSTRIAL OARAOB CO., 20th and Harney. Doug. 8162, FOR SALE 1912 Cadillac, In first class con dition throughout Address B 278, Bee. 1914 MAXWELL l-passenger. good condition, cheap tor caan. irfavenworrn bl Electric Automobiles. 30X3-IN-, 86.75; 30x34. 88.76. Other slsea In proportion. Duplex Trie Co., 2618 Farnam Street. WHITE . C0EN UP A TRIFLE Omaiti, June 10, 1916. Cash whea t was weak today, selling tram 102o loweqv The rash demand was fairly active and the receipts light b Bet of the sampiea sold at lower prices. The earn market ranged generally from o hlghmr for white corn and He lower for the yellow and mixed. Corn receipts were vary lisrht and the cash demand for this cereal was fairly aotlve. The oats market was rather dull and the aalflB war light. Oats sold from un changed, to te lower Rye and barley wars -juoted at practi cally unchanged prlcee. Clearance! were: Wheat and flour, equal to T 06. SCO dol; corn. 298,000 bu.; oats, 498, 000 bu Liverpool close: ' Wheat unchanged; corn, Id lover. Primary wheat reeelpte were 722,000 bu. and ahipmenta 447.000 bu., against receipts of 41a-.oee bu. and ahipmenta of 657,000 bu. last year. Prfimery com receipts were 447,000 bu. and shipments 671,000 bu., against receipts of 69,000 bu, and shipments o 700,000 bu. last year. Primary oats receipts were 752,000 bu. and ahipmenta T42,0fl0 bu., against recelpta of 434,000 bu. and shipments of 483,000 bu. last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat Corn. Oats Cfctoege firi 64 126 Minneapolis 188 DuJuth 112 Omaha 67 27 16 Kansas City 99 36 1 St Louis 71 " 38 24 Winnipeg 76 These salea were reported: Wheat No. 1 hard winter : 2 ears, 81.04 V. I car, 11.08. No. 8 hard winter: 1 car. 81.08: 1 car. 81.00: 9 cars. 98c: 7 ears, 97 Vic; I cars. 87c; 2 cars, 9Vi. No. nara winter: i car, 94c; l car, ho; i cars. 92c; 1 car, 01e; 4 cars, 00c; S car. 89c; 2 cars, Sic; 1 car, 87c; 1 car, 86c Sample hard winter: 8 cars, 89c; 1 car, 76o. No. 3 spring: I car, 81.10, No. 4 spring: 1 car, 86c. Rye: No. I: 1 oar, tie. No. 8: 1 car, 80Hc. t Barley No. 1 feed: 1 ear, oic. 14 Com No. 8 whits. 1 car. T0Ac: 1 car. TOo. No. 6 white, 1 car. TVfcc No, 2 yellow, 1 ear. 7lo. No. 1 yellow. 1 car. Tiuo; i oars, 70c. No. 2 mixed, 2 oars, TOo. No. 8 mixed, 8 cars, TOc. No. mixed. 1 car. 68c; 1 car, SHc. No. 8 tnlied, 2 cars, 41c; 8 care, 85c Sample mixed, 1 car, 69o; 1 ear, 66c Oats No. 2 white. 1 car, 86 o. No. I white, 4 ears 87 He Sample white, 4 cars. 86c Omaha Cash Prlcee wheat: No. 2 hard. 21.02HO104V.; No. 2 hard. 9c4ytl.02; No. 4 hard. 14 94c: No. 2 spring, 8c01.12; No. 2 spring. 06c.921.10; No. 8 durum. 94096c; No. 9 durum, iionto. corn: no. x wnue, 79U071C: No. 8 whits. TOOTQUc; No. 4 white, 09HO70C: no. wnue, (Pvit.c; No. white. 7t)69c; No. 2 yellow, T0H9 Tic: No. I yellow. 70 70 40 : No, 4 yellow, 49m70c; No. 6 yellow, IIOCIc; No. 6 yellow, 684969c; No. 8 mixed. 9tt07OV.c; No. I mixed, a70c; no 4 mixea. escy 69Uc: No. 5 mUed. 68069c: No. 6 mixed. 66061c; sample mixed, 86068c. Oats: No, 2 white. 88H036o; sUndard, 87028o; No. 1 whits. 37ViOI7V4c; o, 4 white. 36V.O 17c. Barley: Malting. 03t766c; No. i feed, 614168c Rye; No. 2. 96 0 91c; No.' 3, 69V4O90UC Chicago eloelng prices, tamtehed The Bee by Logan 4fc Bryan, stock and grain brokers. 816 South Sixteenth street: NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Two-Hour Session of Exchanre Is Superficial and Perfunctory. TRADING EXCEEDINGLY LIGHT Auto Repairing and Painting. DON'T throw away old tires. Wa make one , new tlra from 2 old ones and savs yon 60 per cent. 2 In 1 Vulcanising Co., 1616 Dav enport St., Omaha, Neb. Douglas 2914. AUTO TIRES Bvnim ii a ea tt. iiaa DDO TIRB CO.. 111 CHICAGO ST. NEB. Auto Radiator Repair Service and prices light 818 8. 19th St D. 7390. 81O0 reward for magneto wa can't repair. Colls repaired, nyx-orr. 210 N. 19th. Walter Anderson, expert fep'g electric and batteries. Storage. za rarnam. v. Motorcyc'-s and Bicycle HARl.ET-DAVlDSON 140TORCTCLES. Bar- gain In used machines. Victor Root, "The Moiorcyoia man, iivMiwwrii. California Lands. CALIFORNIA little suburban farms near Los Angeles, for sale on eaay payments. Write E. R. Walte, Shawnee, Oklahoma. Minnesota Lands. 40, 80 OR 160 ACRES good, heavy eoll. wall settled-part of Todd county, Minn.; good roads, schools and churches; price, $16 to 620 per acre; terms, 21 per acre cash, balance 11 par acre a year; 8,000 acres to select from; vnts wanted; will make low railroad rate to Inspect SCHWAB MROS., 1028 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. Miscellaneous. ARB TOTJ OOINO TO BUT LAND? If so, get a oopy of our Journal first It hae lands, city property and stocks of goods advertised from nearly every tate, . So that you can find Just what you wish In Its columns. Established 19 years, reaching 78,000 readers. Send 36o for one year's subscription, or II for five years. FARM AND REAL ESTATE JOURNAL, TRAER. IOWA. OET literature and maps on the cheapest good land in United states. BAKER ft TILLOTSON. 18th and Douglas Sts., Omaha. Doug. 1188. FARMS, acreage and city property for aale and exchange. C. R. Combs, 808 Brandela Theater Bldg. Doug. 8916. SEND your name today, receive off srs "from land owners, agents, everywhere. United Realty Atmoclatee, Jollfit, III. Nebraska Lands. CENTRAL NEBRASKA FARM. Bargain of 400 acres, located on the fa mous Wood Biver valley, close to town, 240 acres in crops; close to country and town schools. Want to sell In order to buy a smaller farm. Consider an exchange ; for auch a farm. Vr, W. Mitchell, Owner, 1620 Spencer. St., Omaha, Neb. FOR SALE Improved 1,400 -acre ranch lo cated 1 mile from gOod town on main line U. P. R. R. i Cheyenne Co., Neb. Price ' 617.60 per acre. Write for illustrated book let H. C. Casselman,, Sidney, Neb. 160 ACRES In" Kimball county, Nebraska, at lia.OO per acre; this to a bargain. Ad- GREAT BARGAINS 36 down, 86 monthly buys, 40 acres,- good fruit and poultry land near town, southern Missouri. Price i only 1176. Address. Box: 606,. Excelsior springe. MQi CHEAP FARMS Any etie, esay terms, in the beautiful Oaarks of Dent county. Mo. W. 8. Frank, 201 Neville Block, Omaha. Montana Lands. . . ; FOR SALE. , A largo Irrigated (own water right), well stocked, well Improved hay and cattle ranch In the famous Big Hole basin, Mont Address, K-25S ee, for few days only. Boys in British Munition Works 1 Are Supervised (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) London. Tune 1. A nvt boy prob' lem brought about by the war ha, created a field for male experts in social work in England that of act ing" as supervisors for the thousands of boys employed on munitions work throughout the country. The sudden riscin the economic value of the boy, the competition for his services and the high wages he is paid have made many of his kind less amenable to discipline than ever. The Workers' Welfare Department of the Ministry of Munitions which has been studying the boy problem in its new phases finds that the chief complaints are these: Feeling certain of easily finding an' other job, a boy readily leaves a work' shoD because of some slight misunder standing or seeming injustice, ana Ms high wages tend to make him inde pendent of home control, and extrava gant and thriftiness in spending them. Believing that the boy needs, aside from the formal factory control, kindly supervision and guidance, it has been decided to appoint super visor to be paid by the management of each of the 3,UW-odd munitions factories. It is proposed that the supervisor shall look after the general working conditions so far as they affect the health and comfort of the boys. Be fore any boy it dismissed or given his discharge, the case is to be turned over to the supervisor so that, by an interview with the boy, or a visit to hit home, he may be able to remove the cause ot the trouble. It is intended also that the super' visor shall be told the wages each boy earns, which will enable him to ap preciate the boy's financial position in his home, and devise the best means for encouraging him to save. Over 100,000 Lost by British Fighting Turk, Says Vienna Journal (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) Vienna. June 1. The losses of the British Irak expeditionary force amounted, up to the end of the second week in May, to more than 100,000 men in killed, wounded and prisoners, according to Heer Und Politik. In a series of engagements with the Turks last November the British lost 1,020 dead, according to this journal, and this number must, it says, be added, together with its proportion of wounded, to the British casualty lists published at that time, admitting a loss of 25,000 men in. the Irak cam paign. At the first of the year 1916 the British losses were more than 40,000 officers and men killed and wounded in action or dead of disease, according to this paper's figures. ' If to all these figures are added the prisoners of Kut-el-Amara, tHe total estimate of 100,000 in British losses is passed. . New York, June 10. The two-hour ees- aiea ef the ork snarkei tay was suprnv ftcfal and perfunctory st bft, all eyes bo-, tag again dlreoted toward Chicago. Trading wee exceedingly light and narrow, with oilxlure of advances and decline, apatial- lea helping largely to hold Up the recent level of averagsa. New Tark Air Brake snade an extreme gain of 6 potnts to 121, Texaa Company rose 5 to 196 and South .Porto Rico Sugar 4 to ne nw record of J40. while united Fruit rsriflo Mall, Willys-Overland aud some of the war tsuuea gained 1 to 9 points. Ralls wern an unlmnnrtant factor, with "light heaviness In Reading. Chesapeake & Ohio, Southern Pacific tud Southern Rail way preferred, which was neutralised by further advances In Colorado Southern and St. Loula Nouthwentem prefured tsaues, The umial leaders dlsolared little anima tion end marked trend. United Statea Blel equalled lis recent high quotation at the out net, hut yielded fractionally before ths pumicauon oi ine May wanaga eiatetnant. which dlaclosed an IncreaM In unrUled or- tiers of 106.747 tons, bringing the grand tot a j up to tna new moors of p.jsi.tpi time. Total sales of atoeka amauntad La 191.000 shares. The statement of the local elearlnc Btmae banks was 'the moat Interacting eihlbit sub mitted for a lona time, with an actual loan contraction of 811. 897. M and a decrease of over 873.flOO.AOO tn demand depoalts. while reaervea snowed intr first gala in ee-ran weeks. Increasing tlt.vS8.9S0 and bring tag the excees Item up to 878,878.80s. Reviews of the mercantile agenoles an nounced recessions from past feverish activ ity for the time being, although leading industries continue to exceed their produc tion of previous years and wholesale die. trlbutton of general merchandise remains broad. Deal! nan In hnnda tnnav vara mamtna. and confined to better known Issue. Xotai sales, par value, were 81. 100.000. United Steles coupon 4s advanced , reg istered 4s and Pan-Aineiiea Si Oi r cent on call during the week. jumoe.r or saiea ana quota aoas oa mo B4 il ill Rales. Blrk. Law. Clan. 2,(0. tt II am so. a. . six o 4.001 T,it Tl 1.800 H tt SI 100 111 111 311 too i in u l.ioo ttu ti 1.00. 14 11$ 14 aa.eoe io in 30 lng atoeka were: Am. Beat ffuTar. . American Can Am. Car r Am. Locomotive. . . Am. Smelt, tt Ref. Am. Stifar Ref.,., Am. Tel. Tel.... Am. 31.. L. Anaconda Copper.. Atchlaon Bald. Locomotive.. 1.10. .1 Baltimore A Ohio.. 400 n alt CoMMT 400 .IK i. rHvi,im...,. sue 21 Canadian Pacific. 100 176 Central Leather Tea fi& Chesapeake Ohia 4.100 V ( tt C. U. A St. P.... 1.40. 101 100 If. 5 C. K. 1. 4k P. ltr.. 101 1044 1. IDU China Copper too 4.1 i tt u Colorado F. A I.... 101 44 i tt 41 Crucible Steel 11,000 17 ij 4 t. Distiller" Seaarttle. 100 4T4 47 41 1.10. lie. 89 ,1 lee 7i 131 171 Art. Wheat July Sept. Dm. juir dept. Deo. Oats July July Dec. Pork July Sept. Lard July Sept Rlba July Sept I Open. I Hkb. 1 I 4JT14 1 OIVs t 101. 1 1 esie .1 ul 1 01H 1 10 1 1014 1 401. 21 ro-io 21 13 11 47-401 111 10-07. II 45 I 12 sitt Tl 70S 40 II I" II 151 11 41 12 10 li 10 12 it- 11 001 Low. I 1 04 H 1 04 1 0 1 MJ1 HZ tt 17 II 10 11 421 12 12 II 42 II to 1 04 1 0614 I tt Close. I Tea 1 IT. 1 11 Tl 70S Ml 89 1 21 871 18 47 18 Si 717t 7-H 81 S" tl 88 81 80 IS 47 IX 83 Erie Oeneral Blaetrte. . ureat no. pro. .... Ot. No. Ore otfsj.. Illinois Central.... Inspiration Copper. Tnt. M. M. pfd etfa. K. C. fkiuthera.... Kennecott Copper.. Loulsvills A Nash. Mex. Petroleum.... Miami Copper Missouri Pacific... Montana Power.... Nevada Copper new xora uentrai. N. T . N. HAH.. Norfolk A Western. Northern Pacifla. . Parlflo Mall Pennsylvania Ray Con. Copper... Heading , Ren. Iron ft Steel . . Shattuclc Art. Cop, nnumern racino... Southern Railway,, Studebaker Co Tennessee Copper.. Texas Company.... Union Paci fie Union Pacific pro.. U. 8. Ind. Alcohol. 8.700 1 91 U. B, Btoel U. 8. 8teel pfd.. Utah Copper. . . . . wanasn pro. a Western Union. , Weat. Electric. CHICAGO GRAIN AND P8K VISIONS. Starr of Daye Trading In Btaplea at MIA- wast Center. Chleaa-o. June 10 Wheat prices under went a sharp decline today, mainly as s result of the failure of European marketa to respond to yesterday a advance on this side of the Atlantic. The cloas here was' Se8Uo nst lower, with July at 81.04 and September at 1.0tt. Corn finished tOo aown, oats off ttOttc, and pro visions varying from 17c decline to a rise or ztte From ths outset until the final gong, the wheat market was on the down grade. In addition to the unresponsiveness of cable quotations an increase of country offerings. in tne nortnwest tended to accelerate the descent of vaiuea, and so, too, did Improved crop conditions In the southwest. Absence of export demand operated further to cause depression. Ths consequent smashing ef values reached Its most Intense phase in the .est ten minutes or ins session. liquidation by holders had by that time become reneral and with no support for the coming of the breaks In prices brought Into play many autoroatio atop ioss oraers to sen. In connection with the Increase of conn try offerings In the northwest bear leaders ware Inclined to dtpute assertions that ex cessive rains were retarding the develop' ment of spring whept Better weather condition and ths break in the wheat market carried down corn. It wss said, too, that the urgency of cash demand In the southwest had subsided to a noticeable extent. Trade-in oats was for ths moat part local, and was guided by the bearish action of other grain. Provlelons averaged lower In the absence oi any aggressive aemsr.d. WW TORE GENERAL MARKET. Quotations ef ths Day oa Various Com modi ties. New Tork. Juno 10. FLOUR Quiet. WHEAT Spot, weak; No. 1 durum and No. l nara. fi.17 f. o. b. New Tork: Ne. 1 northern Puluth, 91-14, and No, 1 northern Manitoba, $1.88 f, o. b. New Tork. Futures, nominal. CORN No, S yellow, Ho e. I. f. New xora. OATS Spot, barely steady. ni ii in, ii . Q't.Du; ii o. ?, 81.8801.40; No. 8, 91.20Ol.80: shipping, l.QbtTl.lo, HOPS Steady; state, common to choice. 1918, 18080c; 1914, 607c; Pacific coast. ins. iinzsn: 1V14, BtttlOC, HIDES Firm; Bogota, S8084c; Contra) America, sac. LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts, 37c seconds, 86c. PR OVT pi IOWS Pork, unsettled; mess, 92S.00O9ft.SR; family, 988 00028.78. Beef, ateaoy; mess, 117.00918.00; family, 919.0119 20.00. Lard, easier; middle west, 812.250 TALLOW Barely steady: city, o; spe ctal, lOo; oountry, 8c01Oo, Coffee Market. New Tork. June 10. The market for cof- fee futures was less aettve today and flue. tuatlons were soma what Irregular. After opening unchanged to 9 points higher prlcee eaeed off. December contracts sold st 8. 39c early and March B.Blo, later reacting to 8.36o and 8.47c under some further scatter- tna lla'Jidailen and a little European selllns. The clos.) was net unchanged to 3 points lower. Sates, 12,760. June, 7,90c; July, 8.06e j August, 8 11c; September, 8.18c; Octo ber, S.24o; November, S.39c; December, a. air January, 8.24c; February, 8.42c; March. Atari 1. 1.62c! Mar. 8.67c Spot coffee, quiet: Rio' 7s, tUe; Santos 4s 10a. No chungb was reported In tho scat and rreisnt situation. The official cablea reported an advance of 78 rela In Rio and of l-16d in the rate of Rio exchange on London. Santos was unchanged. Metal Market. New Tork, June 10. METALS The coo per market continued quiet. The more Im portant producers are reported to be wen sold ahead and to be maintaining quotation at about SOe to 38 He for October and later deliveries of electrolytic, but second hnds are still said to be offering small lots at prices renal ng from about 27o to Slo for nearby and forward shipment, iron, un changed. Uvsrposl Grain Market, Liverpool. June 10. WHEAT Snot No. 1 Manitoba. 10s Sd; No. 2. 12s Id; No. 8, 10s 4d; No. 1 northern eprlng, 10s Sd; No, 8 red, western winter, in a. CORN Spot, American, mixed, new, a a. OMAHA LIVESTOCK MARKET Beat Cattle Higher for Week and Others' Lower Sheep and Lambs Generally Lower. h6gs FIFTEEN OFF FOE WEEK RekrNtrtnla war. Official Menday ... Ornnial Tuomlay .. OffltHal Wodneaday tT0clai Thursday , v-Hiftaj fT-ioay Estimate Saturday. Six dava thta wtak. si noi aa 1.1a it lit Ba me days last wek. . Sl.SSS 5.1.038 81.002 Same days 2 wks. ago.SO.231 bl.HQ H.818 Hame days 3 wlta. aso.18.41tl 63.69(1 21,742 Hame days 4 wka. Mgo.lft.t43 4e,17l 20.570 Same days last year.. 17.218 M.76J 7.270 The fnilntvlnir tahlaa nn. Ik. lniat of cattle, hogs and sheep at the South Omaha Live stock market for the year to date sa compared with last year, . HI. 10 1 to. inc. Deo. battle ... MB X4? IF, ? at Wngn I,670.3ti4 1,472.071 ls!3SS Sheep .... I60.S87 842.427 78 181 TOe follOWlnar tahtu ah.... . mvmrmm prtoes of hogs at the Omaha live stuck market for the last few daa. with oom-parisuns: May 32.; Hay 23. aiay 14 May May May May Way Mar June June June I. juns June S Juus I Juno f. June 1 June 1 June 10 5 ll i oi tt V tl Sl ITt 17 4j Ml, -Bundai Rtwelttta an. ,l,.ul,u. M, Ik. -, the Vnlon Stork y.rda, Omaha, far tw.nty- vuaiB. at s I), an. .reatarday t RECEIPT CARS. , , 'ahaah j ' ! Mlesuurl Psntfls . Unhm Pacific 'l 1ft u. , w aaat.,.. . c. M. w., wast ; ii C St. P.. it. a. o . . C a. ft q, aaat. ........ ." i &..t.iTc-v:::t:::!' S jinneia uantral I CUoatn Great Waetara 1 Tabal taoelpta i, DISPOSITION H BAD. Morrt. a Oa.........,,,.,. Bwtft a Catniwnj.. ... , Cud.hy Paeklnc cempaor , . Armour a Ce.. ...... ........ fchwart. a Oa J- w. ainxpfar 10 111 lliai ill a; MS 101 100 lit la. ! ! 10. 41 4i !.! ttt tt H Itt, MM Hit 11 uu 101 Ul 111 111 1.110 1U 111 ioih H loo s li. i Ml SI IS It US S.101 ltrr ion svv ii . mi el - loo ins us lit l.ioo 1UI4 in ill t.ioo n it ii i.toi t 11 11 400 lit, lilt I1U 10,400 1041. 101 104S Lttl 41 41 41 II J 1,1011 11 11 11 00 17 S 11 l S.W0 141 141 142 100 43 42 42 4. 1,100 111 111 1,1 U lllti 1.100 1U 131 Total 11 44 lita v'tn ,D1e .ue tl. 117 l.eoo 11 . 100 21 II 10. 14 14 1,101 42 U 11 i far the 4ar, HI H4t 40 it i 111 11 s. I ahares. Nav Tark Maaar. New Tork. June 10 1IERCAHTII.C PA- PER 1 93 permit. STERLING Bllty-aar bills I7.TI! 4te- nuna, a,.). aaoie HI1.V1SH Mar, sitae. MEXICAN DOLLARS 41 o. LOANS Time, etrana-i atsxr a.S ataat a.7i. Per oenti a tnoatba, 104 per cut. U. .ref. 2. ref. is w K. c. Be. ret lm II aa coupon wai m i. an. aa.. a.' V. S. Is. rc,..101jl., K T let ta 74 flo couocn. . . .101 Uo. P. con. I...lni U I. 4a rear... Ill Moot Power lm.. aa do coupon ill N. T. c. dab ta.114 Am. Hm.lL (S..10I N. T. Cltr A in. m . ... n. i . ot. IX. a) cv. 444s 111 H. ev. aa tllu Aailc-Pronch 6s ltMa. Pacific 4a... 12 Atr.hteon en. 4a. 11 da U 64 Bait, a Ohio 4a. llOre. S. L. rrt. 4a 13 Beth. 8L ref. ta.l01Pao. T. a T. Sa..l00 Cent. Pacific let llPenn. con. 4U..tBlU una. as v o. oott ao son et.a.,.101 d. v., j. eeianeaaiDa- .an, as. to u.. m. at bi. r. nu t.. ft Ban w. er. fta US . ear. 4a aiat C R 1. a P. Rr flo, Pac cr is. tots ref. 4s Tl do ref. 4...., 10 Cel. a 8. r. 4.. !4Be. Ratlwar ta..lot4 -v. m i.. ... .a vnMin na aa... . I da ref 6a Tl do av. 4. SB Erie .en. 4.... 74 U. 8. Rubber 1..1A1U Oen. Electric ta.l.4U. S. Steal Is... lot Ot. No. 1st 414o. 111. West Union 41a. 11 111. Can ref. 4a. 1144 Elae. or. (.121 int. H. M. tH..104 'Bid. CHICAGO UVE STOCK MARJtET. Cattle Firm. Baca Plrat, Sheep Sliadj. b Sqwri. Cblca.o, June 10 CATTLE Receipts. 300; market firm; native beef cattle. l.0l 11.30: western steers. ll.t04ll.IA: stock. ers and feeders, l. .9411.1.; cows and half. an. il.l0B.ll: calves, is. lean. . houh rieeetpta, ll.oo. Bead: market firm aa avera.e: bulk of sales. I9.I0O1.M Hint. II IOOI.4t; tnlied, ll.ltai.M: haatrr. I9.00B1.40; rouih, BltTs, l10 OV1.40. 811 EBP AND LAMBS Recelpta. T.M, head; market ateady; wethers, 7.2t4); ewes,; lambs, IT.Wail.S0: springs, s... , Kanaa. Clrr Lie. Stack Market. Kansas Cltr, June I 10. CATTLE Re ceipts, 300 head: market, ataedr; prima fed ateere, dressed beef ataera, 11.00910.30; western ataera, II. 00010.71; atockara and feeders, II. 7101.10; bulla, 14.00 01.10: calvaa, HOOS Receipts.. 10.000 kead: market. steady; bulk of aalea. 11.0001.11; heavy. It.lOfa.o: pacxere ano miicnera, ll.lto 1.40: llsht. 11.0001.10: pis., ll.t0OI.Ti. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt.. 101 head; market, steady; lamba, I7.2fitjll.l6; vearllnae. t. 0001.36; wathen. ewes, 4.TV7..e. IxTnrlcm Stack Market. London, Jtme 10. A steady boetneea waa transacted In the Amertcaa aacttoa of the etock market under tba raoblltsatioo The market waa firm. BII.VBR Bar, lod per ounoa. Mr.Mtr.V-SfN14t ner r.f DISCOUNT RATES Short tills, 4 1-140 4 per cont; three montha. 4'I-1I04 per cent. Sioux City lira Stock Market. Sioux City, June 10 CATTLE Receipt., 100 besd. HOOS Recelpta, 1,009 head; market steady; heavy, 11.2101.11: mixed, lt.000 1.36; llcnt, ll.oovt.uu; ouia ot aalea, ll.ou 1.31. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts 109 bead. Cotto. Market. New Tork. June 10. COTTON Futures onened steady: July. 11.73c: October. 13.90a December, 13.09c; January, ll.ltc; Merrtt, IS. SIC. Liverpool. June 10 COTTON Spot, easier: food middling.' 9. ltd; mlddllnf. 1.40d; low middling, l.Ban. Bales, 4,000 bales BIG FLOUR MILLS ON DANUBE FOR VIENNA fCorresoondence of the Associated Press.) Vienna, June 1. For the improve ment of the provisioning conditions of the city the city council Has pur chased large flour mills and granaries on the Danube, at a cost ot approxi mately $1,500,000. The mills are the greatest steam flour mills in Austria. Ihe granaries are capable ot stor ing 10,000 wagon loads of grain. , Time, tide and Bee Want Ads wait for no man. An opportunity missed is an opportunity lost Omaha. June 10, 1918. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. S,(t8 U,t.M io,8:i 8,9ft8 7,300 , 8.978 . 6 1MI , 4.93 S.813 , 862 . 2b0 , 3.888 2.811 4.588 2.308 laa. 118. 191i, 11914 )1 913.1 1913 91 1 -Vt 1 29 8 IT 8 29 T 46 I 84 S S3U t IS I 80 1 49 S 88 S 88 1 2 S 39 T 49 S 88 S 6014 T 30 8 SO t 48 S TO S 37 T 41 8 01 8 42 f 89 8 44 I 48 8 03 8 81 T 33 34H 7 41 T SO 3 41 T 88 8-89 S 304. 7 88 8 62 T 18 8 42 S BSVt 1 47 3 89 7 22 8 74 S.84 T 88 1 80 f 37 8 U S 8 8 19 8 38 T 83 I 74 13 J 31 8 30 7 40 8 88 1 SB 7 94 8 IB t 80 S M , t 411 04 8 19 7 88 I 11 I 13 t 04 8 81 t 36 3 38 S OflM, T 48 8 87 T 48 S 86 t 10 7 42 t 98 7 44 8 88 S U 7 43 7 90 S 17 8 89 ......l j 411 7 87 8 S8 7 46 8 99 7.4S2 TotsJ C AT TL gRanari nti twam - Mw. I tlrts sraett, Wing la taot aavut as heavy as any recent week and nsideamhly larger Utaa a year ago. Watts one re baa been qatts a sprlnklinc af geod to holca cattle. enua r racanpta naa been mads a of natr t pretty decent kinds. Prtrea an tha a-w earns aava worked steadily amward, tMlng ISfSSIc aUsrtMr Uan last week, and tt l-l-asit on record at this point. At the same time the fair to pretty deoent kljuts are Ufflte Iswar. Wnlle are ry one nyw raiiie are sieanuy adranclng, It would be well for the oountry to fully under stand that Jt Is only Um axlreme toom that are advanclna. while the a?ret malnrltv of ui um aiue aosunaj to itvariwt are staaclUy suini on. Uood to cbolos cows are atranarar. wtitt. tfsa a.e2iimi grades and every tbtng show ing grasj Is arouad Ho lower ttisji kast wsek. Good to choice feeders are 1uat fcta-h as they tuve toeen any time, hut other greuee are areims je lower than last weak. wueiauon sa eatue: Ooo aa chotoe beeves, 310.30919. 99, fair to good bseves. 99.509ie.iBj common to ratr beeves, 98.2-9 S.S0; goasl to choice yearUngs, S9.TS919.8S; fair to good yearllnss 88.764D9.T8: ramatan to fair yearlings, 37.3698.60; geod to choice nfliiera, ea.v.Q)B.Tti good to choice cows, Sl.7t4M.0; tatr to good cows. St.T64M.?S oomsasm ta fair cows, 9t.S09.7t; good to cnoice meaers, bb.dbi.7; lair to good fee era, 17.8098.00: common to fair feeders, 88. It 97. 40; good to ctmleo atookses, 97,769 8.60; etock halfera, 96t098,0t; stock sows. 86.6097.60: stook calvaa. 87.2SAJ.7S: ml calves, S8.009U.00; balls, stag, ate.. M.SO HOOS There was just an ardtnary sort sf a Saturday hog market, arrivals being estimated at 108 oars, or 7,ss bead. This brings the tlx days' supply up to 68,833 bead, watch la nearly 4,ee larger than a week ago, 3,600 heavier than two weeks ago, and larger than for the seme period last yaar uj uks 100 aeaa The market was Just a continuance of yaa tarasys prices, scoring a fresh nickel ad ano. H nippers startad ths ball rolling whan they took quite a few hogs on aarly rounds at figures that were genoTalty to higher, and packers soon followed t2ta4r lead their Bvrchsses bsliig with a very fsw ex eeptkias 6o us. Movemant started vary early. and was active from the s-ttsst, a aleatmaea being mads by shortly after S clook. A good Miw ot the aales was mads at 19.1098.21, with soms sX ths best heavies aa high aa 99.38, the top. Despite the reac tion the last half sf ths weak, prices are uu a big lec tower tnaa a week ago. cur ing the first three gays the market broke a good SOe, packers dsmlnsttng lbs trade oomplotely. bat Thursday shipping daman d Improved somewhat and since then prloaa havs been on the upgrade, just about half of the deeHno having been regained. Active marketa featured the week 'a trading move, saent belag brisk svaa on days when declines of s dime or mors were being enforced. Con trary to tba geasral rule there wars no bad closes. Oa only one ooeasion did packere make any real effort to waaken the iate market, and that day they failed to got away wun n. No, Av. 1th Pr. ICo. Av. Sh. Pr. 134.111 410 98 93 106.194 180 9 06 83. .207 80 9 10 79, .U 40 9 16 78. .232 120 9 80 64. .281 4S 9 86 66.. 128 40 S 89 BHBEP The first two or three days of this week were almost sn exact repetition of tho previous one. ss far as the lamb mar ket was concerned. Prlcee broke fully SOe te in spots 76o Monday and ths following twa days hsM about steady at tba decline. There the parallel ceased, however, for while clipped lambs reacted slightly toward the weks close, they recovered only a small ahars of the break, and ana etaaliiST 4o 60c lower than a week ago. Good to choice lights snd handles are selling mainly at 910.00910.80, with In-between staff on down to 89.25. Weighty clippers are being bought mainly at 99.00 9 9.90. Thanks to ths fairly moderate supplies and a very good demand. weighty offerings have not been as slow as at most stbar points. Paraars stowed. though, on the liberal run Thursday that they are not a bit crazy about the ex tremety weighty or unfinished grades and would dlseiiminste against them ware ro- eeipts a little heavier. Burin lambs broke anywhere from SOc In vxtreme cases 11.90 Monday, and evin after the opt am on the close are sttU st Isaat 60c to possibly 7fio down. Beat are quotable at 911.00911.26, white bulk of the naUves Is moving at 919.00911.00, with culls largely at 9b.0099.80. A break af about 2to In awes at ths start sf the week has (been nearly all regained and current quotations are In moat caaea nearly steady with Isst week's close. There have been very few yearlings or old wethers offered, nut on uie baste of nominal Quota tions they are In ths neighborhood ot 86c down for tne week. There was nothing on offer today. The week's recelpta of 17,849 head are 4, smaller than last week, but about 10,000 larger than for the same period a year ago. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs, spring, 98.40911.36; lamba, fair to choice handy, 89.26910.80; lamba, fair to choice heavy, 68.009s.Bfi; yearlings, fair to choice handy, 9X.2699.76; yearlings, fair to choice heavy, 37.9098.09; wethers, fair to choice. 88.7697.T6; ewes, good to choice. 98.769 T.z; owes, rair to good. 96.0090,76. . Loula Lire Stock Market. fit. Louts, Mo., June 10, CATTLE Re eelptB, 200 head; market steady; native beet steers, 97.60911.00; yearling tears and heifers, 98.60910.60; cowe, 96.6098.60 atockers and feeders. 96-6093.80; southern eleera, 96.8099.80: prime yearling steers and beirers. ,.-.b'iQ.i:f; cowi and heifers, 96.0098.00; prime southern steers, 99.009 lo.ou; native carves, n.Duay HOOB Receipts, 6,000 head ; market steady; pigs and Ifghta. 97.S098.S6; mixed and butchers, 39.009s. 46; good heavy, 99.40 99.60; bulk of sales. 99.0699.88. BHBEP AND LAMB14 Receipts. 880 head; market steady; wethers. 87.00 99.60; clipped owes, 96.S098.00; clipped lambs, 98.609 10.86; spring lamba, $10.00911.66, FORCE FOR SALONIIIOYE Experts Say Offensive Could Hot Be Undertaken With Fewer Than Fifty Corps. TERRAIN DITFICUIUES GREAT (CorreaponSenee trf the Asanclalaa Krsss.) j Sofia. Miv 31. In military Quarters at the itfacedonian front and in polit- ' ical circles here the opinion is ex pressed to the Associated Press cor respondent that while an offensive move on the part of the entente forces at Salomki is not out of the Question, such a maneuver would be evoid of all prospects of success rl unaertaken with tewer than jury army corps, or about 2,000,000 men. Thus far the entente allies hare brought to Saloniki about 350,000 ef fectives, with the addition ot w,uuu Serbians the entente coircmgent would still be below a half a million men, a force considered here as being entirely inadequate to undertake the rehabilitation of Serbia. The terrain difficulties which the entente troopi -would be obliged to overcome are regarded as enormous. In all cases the entente, troopi would have to fight uphill. One or two ad mittedly weak points in the Bulgaro-Austro-German line are amply cover ed by stronger positions immediately in ine rear, n la siaieu ra xnc respondent, so that a falling back would be an entirely strategical affair. The Macedonian defense line runs in the main as follows: In the east it has the Cengal Dagh as its extreme rtnint nf smrmrtrt. Theas: mmmtaifrs . are from 4,500 to 4,800 feet high, rug ged and precipitous towards e south, the Erection ef attack. Then cornea the' very narrow Talley of the Struma, the defense of which can be carried out from the foothills of Bel- ashitea Planma. West of this Talley lice ine, v. tan., m single high crest some forty kilo- nicies .unit I uniting uuc wcbi, owuu, of the Tsnffe in ouestion lies the val ley and lake of Doiran, and slightly to the northwest of the Uoiran ami vardar ralleys the Blarusha Flamna, m -which the Anglo-French troops were oeieatea in tne name oi io-, tnrmo, in November, 1915. The remainder of the line consists of the Padjah, Marianika, B la tec, Nidshe, Dobropolje Planinas and their connecting crests. Then comes east of Monastir, a terrain -which so far , has not interested the entente troooS verv much. The Suhagora mountains and . Mato and Prespa lakes adjoin the -very difficult moun tain country ot southeastern Albania. Feasible lines of advance of the entente troops are the Vardar Valley and the country about Doiran: the valley oi the Kanua river, upon Mon aitir; and lastly the Talley of the Struma. Only the first named conies iuto consideration, however. To reach the Stroma, the Creek government would have to place at the disposal of the entente troop the railroad line to Detnir Hissarj anil to advance towards Monastir the railroaq to that point would have to be used. Line1 Purely Defensive, ' The present Entente line is sorely defensive. Its center is at Kukush, in tireece, tntrty-lrve kilometers trom Lake Uoiran. from there is sweeps in an arc towards the Vardar valley, where at the closest point of contact the lines of the two opposing forces are still 3.000 yards from one another. This peculiar line of the Entente surprise by the Bulgaro-Germans. In some quarters the view is held that it was dictated by a concentration rearward, due to the transfer to France of considerable French forces. Since the country between Kukush and the Bulg arc-German front is open, the Entente troops would have little difficulty advancing to the op ponent's lines. The wtuation hai per mitted the establishment of a line of entrenchments by the Bulgaro-Germans that may be said to have its equal only in the western theater of war. : . -: ' In reviewing the chances of the Entent troops to drive the Bulgaro-Austro-Geraians out of Macedonia and Serbia, Bulgarian and German officers argue that wiist 400,000 Ser bian troops could not do on the de fensive cannot be undertaken by the Entente troops on the offensive un less an army of 2,000,000 is employed. The Serbian army, despite its num ber and heroic conduct, failed to prevent Serbia falling entirely into the hands oi the central armies. This was due in part to the great flank attack executed byt he Bulgarians, which endangered the Serbian army constantly. Entente forces advanc ing north would have to count with the same handicap, it is pointed out, and for this reason, no offensive from Salonki can be successful, ft is claimed, unless the Entente govern ments are ready to employ the large forces named. Opinion is expressed here that the central group of belligerent! must ultimately clear Salonki oi its foreign garrison, either with, or without the consent of Greece. Since Greece realises that its Macedonian posses sions will be placed in jeopardy if the central power troops eject the En tente forces from Saloniki and its hinterland, it is easily conceivable, ac cording to well informed circles here, that the closing chapter of the Balkan operations will contain the fact that the Greek troops assisted in removing the Anglo-French forces from Sal. oniki. MILK TICKETS FOR CHILDREN IN VIENNA (Cemspaneenee at tte Aasoclata Preas.) Vienna, June 1. Milk tickets for jroung children are to be introduced in Vienna. Babies under one year or age are to be allowed a pint and a quarter of milk a day; those under two years, three-quarters of a pint The dairies are required to reserve sufficient milk for this demand until 8 o'clock in the morning. UUIU1 rLANNirill Dili SHOW IN EAST INDIES (Cor re. pond. nee of the Associated fiasa) Soerabaya, Dutch East Indies, June 1. It is proposed to hold general exhibition of Dutch agriculture, cat tle breeding, fisheries, trade and in. dustry at Soerabaya in 1918. A society has been organized to make the necessary preparations. "AMU SKMUNTtt1 Btvar Market. Mew Tork, June 11. SUGAR The market for futures waa firmer today on covering and renewed buvtnc by trade lntereata, .wtna to th firm .pot .Itu.tloD, oloslnt S to 7 points abov. tut alibi's fine la. Raw and refined, holiday. TONITE Pf NEWft 120 v n u T-j NORTH BROS. "To JR8 JRaifei-