Daily Thousands of Omaha families read The Bee exclusively. If you want their trade advertise in The Bee. HE THE WEATHER Unsettled VOL. XLV.- -NO. 303. OMAHA, TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 6, 1916 TWELVE PAGES. On Train, at Ilutnln, New hUtmU, rte., &. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. Omaha Bee GROWING HUGHES STRENGT HUGHES AFFORDS COMMON GROUND FOR ALL TO MEET Delegates to Republican Convention Regard Him Candidate on Whom They Can Build Up Party Harmony. NO MORE ThTrFtICKET TALK Bull Mooscrs Standing; Back to Let Republicans Take Lead. -NEBRASKA HASOPPORTUNITY BY VICTOr'rOSEWATER. Chicago, June 5. (Special Telegram.)- While, tlie air is full of ru mors, claims, counter claims and pre tended ultimatums, the confusion is more on the surface than beneath it. It is fair to say that nearly all the delegates are now here, hut their main activity has heen in attending delega tion meetings and visiting from one headquarters to another. What im presses all of them, and I have talked with many from all parts of the coun try, is the outstanding fact that the Hughes movement offers the common ground for them to meet, and that while under different circumstances various "favorite sons" would make splendid men for the White House, they are subordinated in the popular mind or unavailable to assure party harmony. It is noticeable, too, that the harmony talk is growing strong er and more general as the convention day approaches. Third Ticket Talk Vanishes. The disposition of the bull mooscrs to hold hack and let the republicans take the lead reflects this trend, and the suggestion of another third party ticket has practically vanished. The national committee of the progres sives constitutes really the whole or ganization and has itself put. all its authority in a steering committee whose makeup is of the harmonizing rather than the antagonizing type. Incidentally let it be observed that (lie bull moose national committee has certified the temporary roll of their convention, corresponding ex actly' to the action of the republican committee in making up the tempo rary roll something that used to be denounced as rank usurpation of the 'ights of the delegates themselves as against any and all self-empowered jommittees. Perhaps the absence of contest and unseemly scramble for (cats in the bull moose convention iclps to explain the easy sailing on a hat might be a troubled sea. Ure May Vote for Ford. When it conies to estimates on the presidential balloting all the con vention calculators place Hughes far in the lead. More than that they all figure accessions to the Hughes column as soon as the favorite sons pass the complimentary vote stage. In every table Nebraska has been put down on the first ballot as sixteen for Cummins, but speaking this morning to Mr. Ure, one of the two delegates representing our Omaha :listric$ in which Ford led the popu ar vote, I discovered that he is seri ously inclined to believe it his duty o vote for Ford and if that idea holds vvith his colleague too, Nebraska will Answer first roll call as fourteen for Cummins aud two for Ford. How lung the vote would be so. recorded will depend on developments. Both Minnesota and Montana, which have similar preferential primary instruc tions for Cummins, come ahead of Nebraska in the list, and should they at any time break, it would become a question wkclher Nebraska's obliga tion would not also be fully dis rharged and the delegates be tree to vote their real choice. Nebraska May Be Unit. One of the Chicago evening papers quotes Howard Bahlrtgc a leiterating that his personal favor for lluifhr had hcett publicly pro claimed liilore he wa elected to lie a delegate, and that a good majority of (he Ncbmska dvleagtiott arc like minded. 1 he inside repot t i? that not lc than twelve and possitdv four teen, if ii"t all sistcen, may he ex pected t go t Hughe alter the ta vorite ton are "lit ot it It i recent -ntrd !-nrrall that the handome "written in" vote given to Hughe in the Nebraska pi unary ha been a potent factor in i rv stal'.uing 'he popular demand J"r h tioiionalioit, nd the Ncbra-U del. tH"i ha tare opportunity to make itsrll cotml in the ii.iiiideti.'li olthe work f.r the IIMlmtf lit Vrl, The Weather ..c oittak i-.wtfi f ill. .,t V' tv,-'. liap'MU'H t II. .. tli'Ul i i n )n : : ;:: Ml . : 4 9 l i i ' 4 (lit f t - ' i . II r, i 4 V.,.t I . ..ii... ' "(-, 1 , t : - , i i Managing the , 1 WILLIAM S. Ring Lai drier Makes First Dash Into Chicago Political Arena BY RING A. LARDNER. Chicago, June 5. (Special Tele gram.) I usually write stuff on the sporting page, but along last May or April I received a. letter from a news paper in CJuakcrtown, where there is a Quaker girl, and this letter said they would slip me so-and-so if 1 would sover the republican and democratic conventions. So I took the Jetter in to the boss because the letter offered me a flat offer of some money, and he says: "What about it?" he says. "Well," I says, "I would love to do it on account of the money." "Yes," he says, "but are you work ing for a Quakertown newspaper or are you working for us?" "Nits!" Either way you flatter me," I says. "Well," he says, "if you report this convention for anybody, we would rather have you do it for us that pays your salary for doing nothing. If you finally make up your mind to work, it is only just and fair that you woVk for us." i "All right," I says, on account of loyalty. Thought He'd Try It. But lately 1 got .thinking about it and thought may be this will be a whole lot of work and something I don't know nothing about and if I can duck it and play golf every p. m. and just keep up the wake of the news column in the sporting page that's easy as a pie to write so much the better. So the day of the parade of the people that would , a whole lot rather walk around the loop than fight, 1 went to the managing editor and says: "Say," I says, "this was a kind of a joke about me reporting the conven tion." "Yes," he says, "I thought so, too. but the higher ups says you was to do it, and that settled it." "Yes," I says, "but I don't know absolutely nothing concerning poli tics." "Listen," fie says, "don't you often write something about foot ball?" "Yes," I admitted. "Do you know something about it?" he asked me. "No," 1 admitted. "Also." he continued, "ou write atiout d.uuing and base hall and fight ing and bahics and poker game and auction bridge whist, and so on what do you know about them?" he asked me. '"Nothing." I admitted Fairly Cornered. "All riviiit." he avt. "thru jour titf about politic can't tie no wore than auv tlnhg Ui" tun do " "Ml nlit." 1 admitted v So l e s.iv I Wa t M.irt oii.i and sink to the politic till it wai all Thousand Amateurs Give Scries of Shakespeare Plays at St. Louis t o-. M.. jilhf $ M. l! H I l!i .f o-tut lion 4t mil Iff t'. l 1"""" I"' ,!t ", of lie raituM m ...,, m I. .'I ! hndl C4k I tit t'. even .li. , , nj, it lo I r I T 4 H.'n of out " ' .(..r .iMiimn ol h a l-r 4' t MM I and inaoj ;' ..I I I oi, t -h 1 1 t it . '..'ii i. in I .if o i k I., i i a i ' tK l ,t r,r m ..... .'v "I t!ir l-n ,.i , ,,i Km .u .to4-o . tt r-t N pen. . ' . i t " i 'sl i , r ,,(, ,.i, i t'4tri Hi"'1 I I" i'l "' ( . tic . I.i. 4 -.. , , . I V i , v ,- If,. o ..! - , 1 !' ' J t,,t I, ,,- .. ,..,? , 4( J ., ., ill !vl I !.... tin. I -Hi I. t ,..... ol 1' l-'lssi I ' ' " ' ' I ' ' -I' '' ' ' ' I I 'f i l I ' 41 1 : . I I I . I , V.U.Clii u-.ti.if.. I ' 4 1 .1, ,.., ,, , , !,.. -...!,.. n 'I V ' v!s , ,t I ixri-4-ir I' f lh .. .... -' '' " 1 ' ''' ei - I I" !! I I i j " ' " i ' !' I Ol l.'l,ll t ).(, Itt i.i i ' i' " 'in i -f : -! ; . .o.'.i-( ,iii, 1 1 t-.-y t o r ' I 1 ' i ' o ! I io.: I ( I ) ( ,,(, !, "'' v ' "' -i i . r I ' 4. . w ... ii t t ! mi r j . p . o t ' i i , ., ., .1 , , ...(,,., f , :.,,:.,., 1 1 , , I ! . I . ' I ,! I' ' I ft. I . . . , . , , I , ,,. , I I'. - .1 ' l. '' - 4 I I'.. I ,..,u ' " rif."' i iii . ; n i , . . ;-4. i j. v 1 ' i i v. . t ' i : i j . . . i , .?(,,, i i-im - k '' f. v .1 M 11 ,. SS j ; I ,. . ,., 4 5 M, ! I'l I I - t ! , t. o . , I t ' t i I I ... I HA1AZES BIG CHIEFS Cummins Boom KENYOK. over, meaning the, convention here and the banquet at St. Louis. So I found out by inquiries that the convention didn't start until Wednesday and I would find the news Monday and Tuesday at the Congress hotel that was named after congress, lut not the congress that's been down to Washington, U. C, recently be cause you would not name a hotel after that unless you was pretty sore Jit the rooms and board. ' So I showed up at the Congress yesterday afternoon and the first thing that happened after 1 got in the lobby was a whole lot of musi cians and saxophone players came in ahead of a parade and the parade was all yelling something and I could not make out what it was. Boosters for Something. But they all had Indiana banners and what they yelled sounded some thing like Wabash, but I didn't be lieve they would be boasting about a thing like that, so I went up closer and listened and found out it was Fairbanks that they were yelling. They were just boosters for soap or scales, one of the two. But I forgot to say that before I went to the Con gress hotel 1 got a shave and all cleaned up and when I got there and saw the delegates 1 realized where I had make a msitakc and had become a conspicuous figure. I knocked several delegates down and got across the lobby to the desk and asked them where the news paper men were located at, because 1 had not seen one soul that acted like he knew me or wanted to. "Where ate the newspaper men?" I asked the clerk. "Try room lfjOo," he said. So I tried four or five times to get in the nearest elevator and was told I was too big and finally one of the elevator men let rne get in and we went up near the top and I says: In the Wrong Hotel. "Where is lnOo?" I asked hint. "Not in this building," he answered. "It's in the other building," he re plied. "I went in all surrounding buildings and when 1 aked for lolXi I got laughed at, so I come bark to the con gress aud went in the I'oinpey room and asked them for a sandwich and while 1 was masticating it I noticed that they was hoarding up the foiiu tain in the middle of the room and 1 asked them why and they says he taiise some of the delegates might walk into it by mistake and grt bathed. .t thru 1 wiih m the other touin and met a nun that "as innlial and he a; "Ate you lor Vrrk?" lie askfd tne li ontimird on Vn? 2, Column I.) HVE FOR HUGHES IS TAKING FORM mm Sentiment for Nomination of the Justice Grows with the Arrival of Each State Dele gation. THEY BRING ORDERS FROM HOME Men Back in Trenches, Who Do the Voting1, Believe Hughei Man Who Can Bring Harmony. ROOSEVELT STENGTH WANING Chicago, 111., June 5. Hughes sen timent :oday swept over the republic ans assembled here for their national convention and amazed the leaders by its apparent strength and stoptaneity. Without any authorized headquar ters '.r recognized spokesmen dele gated to speak in behalf of the jus tice, the republicans considered the growth of the Hughes movement into a full-Hedged boom within the last twenty-four hours a force to he reck oned with when the convention as sembles Wednesday. Frank II. Hitchcock, who has been leading the unorganized Hughes movement, issued his lirst formal claim today, contending that the fa vorite sons combined would have S Strength" of only 345 votes not enough for a majority and predicted that Justice Hughes will get more votes on the first ballot than all the other favorite sons combined, and that his nomination on an early ballot is inevitable. Won't Get Two Hundred. Roosevelt leaders still fighting for the colonel's nomination, bud them selves confronted with a situation thev are convinced was over-estimat' cd in theTolonel's favor and the re publican leaders attached to the old guard predict that the colonel's ulti mate strength in the balloting will be less than 200 Votes. One potent element in the repub lican nomination toward which all the leaders were looking with some ap prehension was settled by the deci sion of the progressive national com mittee not to nominate a presidential candidate until Saturday and to ap point a committee to confer with the republicans. The apparent elimination of Colo nel Roosevelt as a possible nominee has encouraged boomers for some of the other candidates. Many of them profess to believe they will he the beneficiaries of the waning Roose velt strength, and that an effort now will he made to concentrate cm a plan to eliminate Hughes, Chief among there is the candidacy of Senator Weeks of Massachusetts. He is on the ground and as fast as delegates arrive all those who are willing are taken to the Weeks headquarters. During the day the Weeks supporters increased their estimates from time to time of the probable first ballot strength of their candidate until they were claiming more than 300 on the first halKit. Although abandonment of any plan to get a pre-convention .statement from Justice Hughes has been an nounced, delegates nevertheless in quire for some authoritative state ment of his political views and his stand on important issues. Leaders interested in Hughes let it be known today that Governor Whit man in his nominating speech will make a statement outlining Justice Hughes' political views and his rcc- Ask About Views, ord on important .issues Among those opposed to Justice Hughes, a report was circulated to day that he had Rained the disfavor of labor through the supreme court's de cisiou in the iJanbury Hatters' case in January, 115. Investigation of the report developed the decision of the court was unanimous, all the justices participating, and was delivered by Jiistnr Holmes tooling from a lonfetence with Jiistn e Hughes in Washington. Kau d.il I. Le lloenf, (oimer justice of the New York supreme court, v isiieil tioveriiot Whitman. Like many oth ers, who have talked with Mr Hughes, however, Mr le lioent had no authority to pr,k for huu, Imi i, i mv lined that lie won' a, ,-ept the nomination u n ,rf,,ie t. bun. t Imago. June i,,- m.o emeiit for the tioiiHhalion of Jiislur )!iijie t.nUv took oil the aspect ol a grim, tne boom Arming tIrleiKalioio. !o..ut.it rvi ilen.e ol ffi:iimt in Ijior ,,( (he )iu! ii l men who li4e been i-teii-tiln d With !ie "n' l k 1141 I . ( hr f,-. I I ! I t J I ..bum, I The Chicago 'invcnt.on Kor our i(4lti, this )i!( pohll. 4I vrt i.( )t ' lU IHIkI f tv Utl tt'inuiiv Victor Uosc w ater l vJittif til Thf icr hdk'jr C, Snyder as -.ii,tii,i Cortv;s.,n j til t l.i.'n'i r I . 1 iii.mit . IU4.IO . t 1 . f in !il.l I 4ll .. l 4. II'- Intnt ' . 1 I I '' t-t ' l 1 il . t- 1 . I 44 tit -.",' i I I .U ( .4i !-.s !. f ! I ... I I l it f tw ' I tMik Iti I 'ho Itfv' inr v HI) Ml) ! I Ml fvv BRITONS NOW CALL IT A BIG VICTORY They Say German Fleet So Weak ened It Cannot Attempt Another Raid Into Baltic. SUNKEN WARSHIPS IDENTIFIED 1 otidon, June .v-Jn view- of the latest report of the admit alty on the naval battle of last week, the press, and public are devoting their atten tion to computing the losses of the two navies and the effect the engage ment is likely to have on future naval 1 warfare. The British estimate of eighteen German ships lo'.t, as com pared with friurten British, is ac cepted by the majority, and the result is now claimed as a complete victory for the British fleet. So far as the German denial of the British claim is concerned, it is pointed out that the Germans did not admit the loss of the cruiser Filling until the arrival of some survivors from it in Holland, and this is cited as confirmation that the Germans con ceal their losses until forced by cir cumstances to reveal them. '1 his is made possible, it is argued, by the fart that the British losses occurred .it daylight and are known to the Germans, while the German losses took place in tw ilight or after dark. Should the British estimate of the German losses prove correct, naval writers say it will be many a long day before the German ileet shows itself again in the North Sea, and even should the estimate prove ex cessive the damage done to the Ger man hatt'e cruisers will put an rnd to raids on F.nglish coasts After the Doggerbank battle the lierfflinger and Moltke were five months in dock, and it is believed that the German ships of this class engaged in last week's battle were even more verely damaged. The Derfflingcr and its sister ship, the" Lutzow, are believed to be the battle cruisers which the British have included in the list of supposed Ger man losses, while another battle cruiser, the Seydlitz, is reported from a, neutral source to have been seen on Thursday morning badly damaged aud being pursued by British warships. Another advantage claimed from the outcome of the battle is that it relieves the pressure on the Russian army wing in Courland to which the i German fleet was giving valuable stip iport. It is already reported from Co ! penhagcu that German cruisers have been withdrawn from the Courland coast, while German destroyers have not been seen for a week in the southern Baltic. Sunken Dreadnoughts Identified. British officers of the fleet which participated in the Jutland battle and have returned here identify two of (he big German battle cruisers sunk as the Hindenburg and the Lutzow. The Lutzow, a battle cruiser of 26, 000 tons, was completed in 1915. It was armed with 'eight twelve-inch, twelve six-inch and twelve twenly-four-pounder guns and equipped with five torpedo tubes. Its armor belt was about thirteen inches in thick ness amidship. It was 689 feet long, ninety-five feet beam and drew twenty-seven and a half feet. It was of the latest and most powerful battle cruiser type. The Hindenburg is not listed in the latest naval records. It has been re ported, however, that it was a battle ship of the largest and most pow erful dreadnought type, launched in the fall of 1915. Nebraska Clan Reaches Chicago Chicago, June 5. Nebraska's six teen delegates, in today, brought a vice presidential boom for former Senator Burkett. Fourteen are in structed for Senator Cummins for president and two for Henry Fcird of Michigan. The second choice of the delegation is said to be twelve for Hughes and four for Koosevelt, George von L. Meyer held numer ous conferences today in the Roose velt headquarters. He said he found . marked increase in Roosevelt sen timent, which set in Sunday, j William Jennings Bryan, as a new s. Ipaper correspondent, made the rounds of all headquarters of the candidates. The first headquarters he asked for (were those of I olonel K'oosevrl! In ibis rounds he could not escape inter- viewers, who in this ise were tt-pub In an ttelegales. While in the evv , Vnrk stale h. adults, ters Mr I'-rjai. was isKrii it lie wolilil accept tlie nun f lation of the prohibitum partv and n plied that he i"iih do no nioie ;,o.mI lor prohibitum in ike demo 1 1 at it "jits. I he Kansas deli gallon of twenty 4't..td, ea. h member wealing a la'Ke vi In. w mid blt k iiiit!owrr in (lie Iaprl of hi inil Women's Party Advised to Devote Its Energies I h ( Hi, III. June Mtv Mu-!e .n..;f ol 4bl -la, !... lhver I . , . ,. tli. kr e sj.ee . S, ,, the v 0111411 I '-"' "''' I I r .... . ' 1 si. it I 1 If J i t oil I ttt, ! ( 4i H, , I',-, , ,, ' " "' ' ; ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " " ' N! ' ' ' ' ' "!o in.' f .1." I ! ' " I I'l o l-l ' ' ' ' ' ' '" I ' ' ' ! ' '' ' ..i. I... c ; 1 1. i ' I 4 1 ' I- 4 '- ' '"' 1 1 r o '' " 1- ILLINOIS' FAVORITE SON AT CHI CAGO CONVENTION. fp VISITING AD MEN SEEING M SIGHTS Put in a Busy Day Learning of the Vast Resources of Omaha and Why It is Great. START 0VERSTATE TUEEfAY From staid old Boston, from dear old New York and from peaceful Philadelphia, thirty advertising men, representing that many big agencies of those big cities, have come to Omaha. Yesterday they saw the sights of ouf fair city. They compared Washington street and Broadway and Market street with F'ainam. They observed, Vvith more or less amaze ment, the skyscraper, the stock yards, the jobbing house canons, the beautiful residence districts, the smooth boulevards, the public build ings, all the wonders of the metropolis of Nebraska. The party arrived in Omaha at 7:30 a. tn. and were met by a committee and taken in automobiles to the Fon tenelle hotel, where breakfast was served and the stains of travel re moved. Guests of Publishers. The thirty are the guests of sixteen Nebraska publishers who, since they could not take Nebraska hack to the advertising men's offices, hit upon the happy idea of bringing the advertis ing men to Nebraska and showing them the marvels of the state, its fer tile farms, its prosperous people, its rich hanks, its great manufacturing plants, its annual farm production of hundreds of millions of dollars, and so on. After spending the day here the party, augmented by forty or fifty leading business men and several ex perts on Nebraska facts and figures, will lcavj Omaha on a spendid special train to tour Nebraska tor the rest of the week, The ad men spent a fine day here. They started out from the Fontcnctle loud in a fleet of automobiles and took a run to the South Side, where the stock yards and packing houses were given the "once over." Everett Buckingham, general manager, did the honors there and showed the t-astern-ers the second biggest rvestock mar ket in the world. Visit Grain Exchange. Aftei that the route led to the Omaha Grain exchange, where the new building was inspected and the grain men extended the glad hand of welcome. '1 hen they were escorted through The Bee's olhces and mechanical plant, and those of the Twentieth Century Farmer. At the wct enhance to the Bran deis Stores "Bill" I liomas made a shVrt speech, giving a few facts about this mercantile establishment, and then the partv was guided through it. Ilavden Brothers and the Burgess Nash store were next on the inspec tion program and after thr.se the tuilv hnalk- l.imli it in the loiiv Com. Imrrual lub rooms, from whuh van- lane point they look u bird's eve view I llie i it . Nist Ihev took to t'ie automobile again i.int wire v billet! away to the I' n i l i lull lor lunch. I he alterilooii toiitr no hided the Woild tletald building, the M , (toi tiiiind oil Fa -;r I wo, l id. I Wo.) to Franchise Fight uuld u..i.u ol lltu riiltie ! """ 'Ut'i l Uiih riioigh i,,..nif!5 ii. 1 ,. It tide . , . ji.uf .( to !. 1! I ( f .t.(n. e i.. e lt.f .in... k.'ri, t4, det..... 1 - r ; - o t I I r . o- .1 'Hie, ' l'"'1 I M-v e,.-4l 4 ' I -'-I 4 - 4 JlM' "HI Uil ii I ) ' ' " -! T I1 'lv , 4' 4" ' ' ('' I 4-.-I. t 4'i.V ' . ! .. . 4', . I ' ,,,,,.( I!,,,. ,,.. .,,, .. '.., .1 111 . ,....! l 1 ., , I t '- f I M. , 4 ,.41 Ill- t 1-.I4..I1 '. I 4l ul- i , t , I'll ( .... J I ' ., .0 t ' - 14, V.W., ( ,-.. 1 ; 4 t . ) i-i I n . 1 ' ...,. , (,,.,( , v, i ti . 1 M i v -rv 5 - ,tr ' : ", V ' . 1 I': f'- J-' v'' I ! -7 H 1 rs RUSSIANS WIN GREAT VICTORY OVER LONG LINE C?.ars HoBts Triumph1 on Battle Front Extending from Pripet Marshes to Roumanian Frontier. CAPTURE 13X30" PRISONERS French Report Repulse of Series of Violent Assaults in Sector East of Meuse. TEUTON RAIDSrN THE V0SGES I'etiograd, June 5. (Via London.) Russian forces have won great suc cesses along the front from the I'ripet Marshes to the Roumanian frontier, according to an official announcement issued here today. It is stated the Russians took 13,000 prisoners. I'aris, June 5; With undiminished violence the Germans continued their attacks last night along the Ver dun front east of the Meuse. The war office report of this afternoon says these assaults were unsuccessful.. The Germans attacked French po sitions in the region of Vaux and Uamlotip. Between the fort and the village of Damloup the German of fensive was particularly severe. The French are still in possession of Fort Vaux. In the vic'nity of Douaumont there was heavy artillery righting. I'nsiicressful German raids were undertaken in the Vosges. The text of the statement savs: "On the left bank of the Meuse there has been an intermittent bom bardment. Fast of the river artillery fighting has continued with extreme violence in the region of Thiaumont and Dumont. The Germans con tinued their attacks ( upon our posi tions and Vaux and' bamlouo last night. To the northwest of Fort V aux on the slopes of the Fumin wood repeated German advances were checked by our fire. The as sauts between the fort and the vil lage of Damloup also were broken. "There was ferocious lighting be tween the garrison of Vaux fort .and the detachment of the enemy at tempting to penetrate this position. Although the enemy used flaming liquids, our troops prevented them from making any progress. "In the Vosges an attack by the enemy at a point west of Carspach resulted in their becoming possessed of three trenches. Shortly after we delivered a counter attack and drove the Germans from alll positions they occupied," French Attack Repulsed. Berlin. June 5. (Wireless to Say vilie,) Repeated attacks by masses of French infantry against German positions on the Verdu.i front east of the Meuse broke dow.: with heavy losses, the war office announced to day. Republicans of Indiana Move on Chicago in Force Indianapolis, June 5. Indiana re publicans several hundred strong moved on to Chicago today to sup port Charles W. Fairbanks, Indiana's choice for the presidential nomtna- ticn. "Boost Fairbanks; knock nobody," was their slogan. Two special trains, one starting from Evansvillc and the other from Indianapolis, carried about 800 Fair banks men to Chicago. Mr. Fairbanks will remain at his home here during the convention. Suffragists Claim They Carried Iowa Jun sht, polls closed tonight, indications were that an unusually heavy vote had been cast in the state-wdie primary. The closest contest in years is pre dicted in the republican race for tho governorship. Both Allen and Cos son supporters claimed the state fof their respective candidates, but Hard ing and Ktiebnle adherents equally were emphatic. There was a growing belief that the governorship might gn In the republican cunv enttoii, which will meet m )rs Moines in in July. j wimro oi wie inn i n 1141 .-iilliragrt assoiijiii.il 1 la imed tonight that their : advice indicted victory for tlm I amendment. They .n they expected 1 their ifiraieot stiength to devclope it j the r 10 al distru t. I t j 1 1 1 1 1 ' t .4 1 1- for state olliiert on 1 di ttioi raiic ticket had tin oppoituit. t Jflicet of the Iowa J 1 ... Week after Week 1280 MORE PAID Wnt Ad for (K eW vmivnt t5 .1, Ihsin m wvvk, yr gt, For Ui I i'it von. ffk I'vf stilt. A'U Iiavp )( n n ttt riti'ti nf it.r than t ' V A 1 l A US 1 r tli .(!! rrist (of thu t r j't'tutvmi. It in at. '- S 1 hm t i, A4 " I fin 1 I 1 . 4 . t 4 I t , ' " I'll I' 1 . . ', il .'ll'lll., I I . ,0! ..I I'l t ' ! 1 I . , I , 1 4! 'V 4 ' .' '' ' ' ' 4 ' t , ,., .,i ,1 , 1 -h" I . . !-. 1 .! I . ! ' 1 I!.. l.: I ' ! !):, v 1 ' 4