Bringing Up Father 1 r PARTNERS - 4ft LET'S CO iOMEWHEKE VCLL -IT- THIS ROmev, f AHD .T DOWM AND FV OOOCK- CF OORt, J TALK THIr f For twe y k j O'TOOLE WINS FOR ROURKESJN DEBUT Former , $22,500 Beauty Hurls Omaha to a 4 to 1 Victory Over St, Joseph Drummers. RAY OTLLEeIiITS HOME RUN ; Marty OToole, onre celc hrate d a J a $22,500 beauty, made his debut willi I the Rourkes yesterday and it was ! .!.... . Lunoiutlltfii: UIVUl, ? FYir iartv rUitrA Um Am f,,., ? Rourklrts to a victory over St. Jo- sepb and thus Omaha swept llie ser s ... tl. .. it. iic nntra mnstim mi one game, but that doesn t cut any ice, it was a clean sweep. f U Toole pitched a nice, steady game, keeping the hit well scattered inq working easily in me pincne and the Kourkes bad no trouble win f fling 4 to 1. ' J TL. A.U..i -f VT 1- . ,1. - j lie nciiui n v jiKiic Yi m iifii iiic only difttinctivt feature of yeaterday'a game, However. 1 he brat home run made by an Omaha player on the local lot wai achieved yeaterday. Ray Miller, the slugging firit aacker, i the gent who cleared the wall. Scorei Two Runi. Miller made his circuit clout in the j first stana. After liugg and Smith i went out, I'orsytbe beat out an in lield hit. Then Mr. Miller caught ; one of Roy J'atterson'a slants where lie wanted it and hoisted the pill over the right held lence. That homer was enough to pocket the combat for the home boy; But two give O'Toole a good mar ! gin Krug's hirelings annexed a couple more in the fourth. After Mug went ouB Ernie Krueger tripled to left center, Pete ilduff skied a two-base blow over Sullivan's bean. Okla homa Tele then scored on Krause's single through Otto Williams. The Joaies counted their lone tally on a miscue by KildrufI in the second stanra. It wasn't a physical miscue, but a mental one. Misses Doubla Play. Helmer led off the round with a walk. Block hit an eay grounder to Berg who attempted to start a double play. But Kildrurt neglected to keep his foot on the bag when relaying the ball and Helmer was called safe. It would have been a double play easily for Block was caught as it was at firat. Helmer took third on a wild pitch and count ed on Jourdan's single to center. But KildrufI made up for hia faux pas by several neat fielding plays. He caught a line drive olf Block's bat that ordinarily would have been a hit and he made a couple of swell catches of Texas l.raRtirers. I'mps Carney pulled a great play In the eighth. Miller got on brut on a base on balls and Williams tried to catch him off the bag. Carney wasn't even looking at the play, but he wis game to make a guesi and he waived Miller out. It was a good guena ton, for Miller nipped, although he protested siremiutitiiy. Rally is Foozle. The Joiiri tried to uue a rally in the ninth inning and fur a moment it looked like they vec going to be an ire iful. Iltliner led the inning off with a Int. He turned bi ankle tit liiruuig frit i. Hovbk called . to run i for him. Blink popped a lexaj Irager t Kildrulf but J.iurdaii mi al tthrit Matty kriiij lilt down tu- (1(jtij ing l' handle bis grmiudrr William rrctf'l a hi in hit Hnvj Irk (lulu ! try l f Hie the hor rre fu't with on') n our i I ut I !! wt tijiul to the i i :iti. lie fi'Mfd r,rtn a l p ut itutiy t v l I'h 4 iu( luimf, v.ialt htttin it ) ii!ii!i, to (si apuiiv a"'ii- !f r 1,1 J me V Mrl !,t ,' (ainv (i,n i'j!v St,liU,St t' '. I" I'i, nli.-ul ,1141 t w '.. !i t a , 4 . i- t-.t i i " it It t M 1 1 j.ii, i i ; , ' k fitly li-a tc In(i) (. I.iil ' ' ! ''H iii'h nun i n Ikii I :'' i IKei '( ( ' i, Ul'nig d.'i l ...t ?,t I . !' I :- : . . I . Ci.(f ti ii.. a? !-t,,, .. f,,( , i. H mi I le l-l.t ' .! Il'!(l ft 1 1 i NorsuOirl Retains Hrr Ti'tmia Title I ttM al, IMia. ' ,.i. VI, t . V ! i.. .... i r n n i . . i- i t I I I t I : , (I . . I I . . . t . . t ' , i'. !(. p I-.; I , . i t i , i M :i ' i-'t i ( r i : li-M bat M ' sli t li'.ii'f.f.j t ,t! t,.ll !! fl .! I ! Back in Their Stride OMAHA. AM. It. II. It. A, Hurt, Sb , , 4 It J ft "mllli. If , 4 A Knrarlha, rf 4 I I 0 Mlllor, It. t I I I Kni(, th It ( knimcr, ,...,. s A klllnff, ..,.. t I I I Hrauaa, rf.,,,,, S It j 1 U'loold, p S I Tntala . M 4 XT, 7 27 II I An. n. O, 1 1 a 4 I e 0 0 Stillltan, rf . , , a o ituti.r, 'm ' 4 llrlmrr. If.,.,..,,.,, MH alia, rf 4 Ifi.tllLi A lll..k, . . 4 Jititnlan, lb '4 O. H llllam., lb 4 Hcaltna-, M. . 4 I'MtlrrBfin, p.,.,,,.., t Hlrkhatn 1 4. Hlllamii, p 0 Fuanrr Total S4 I 14 IS I Ha lb ran for llrlmor In ninth. Klrltliam hallrr for l'at)rron In olfhth. Kinni-r batl',1 for 1. Hllllama In ninth, Omaha Huna S 0 t 0 0 0 0 4 mi s 0 i a 0 a 1 0 7 t. Joarpb Ron 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 Hit 1 I 0 0 S 0 0 - Horn rum Miliar. Thrr-haa hit i Krurfor. Two (, hllal hllduff, Hiirc, Jouriian. Marrtftra hllal kr.ia, Rlliliift. Minim hi Hulllran. ' lloubl lal kral ln to O, William to Jourilan. htrurk null Itr O'TooIr, 4 1 br l'atton, tr Wlll lam. I. Ilium an ball! Off O'Toola, Si off -atlrn, I ) off i. Wlllama, I. Wild nltrhi. O'Taola. Illtat Olf fatlrraon, 7 In otn Innlnoi off J, WllJam, I la ait in Ding. Tim I l:4S, BEATRICE IS BACK ON HIGH GRID CARD '" al Central High School and Gage County School Re-Establish Athletio Relations, TO PLAY SOUTH HIGH, ALSO After an absence of several years the Beatrice High school foot ball team again appears on the schedule of Central High school. Relations were re-established dur ing the basket ball season, when Beatrice was met on the local floor and again at the state tournament, and now the two arid teams will tangle once more. The game will be played at Bea trice on November 3. As Beatrice is a live foot ball town and plays to crowds of 2,000 and 3,000 at ordinary games, a record crowd is expected to turn out. Coach Mulligan is a native of Beatrice, his relatives living thert at the present time, and on this ac count the game should draw a large crowd. Although final arrangements have not been made, the first two game of the deacon will be with South High and Creighton High, the dates being September .) and October 7, respec tively. South High ij another school that Omaha High has not had on the schedule in the past on account of an lit feud between the two schools. This seems to have died a natural death, though, and the schools are now on the best of terms wtih each other. Council Bluff will be the third op ponent, the local traveling acroi the mxr on October H, The October Ute still remains open. This date has been held npen for North 1'latte, but f l",'1 ,h1 he1,m ,hm'M : nr i' r i one inr nrai irrmi in ne all oil. .Several other Sihools ol note bine applied tor tlm date and the athletic i-oaul Mill havi no ditluully 1 1 ' ' n ll ik High will , tfi-fived on Ottcbrr Itiftl cuiiir th b'l g4tn Willi l!ciru on November 3. I be Inn! will i.iiiuitv , l iiuislil on N e i : . t 10 the nark Simt)""' t" tu-iiii rent in to nun ! '! Il.,'h t .-,.l ir mi will be en ir; U'tif I tm S.itfniS.rr Id lnt em lia put a t'tiptr fit t ie attHKu ' ptitc'Mi , cMiple ,f I tin g.i I t'.-H ,i.. , . , ,i,i wg th tt t. )(. lit! (i'it'. f.;f.r ' epiif, i-.Mithi,.g rv I bf Irani ' wll gilt Vi-wa tt in ,-HiS I tt' e gi e u . . I I i. : t a v r i i M I CIS Ames Wins First In Iowa Track Meet I'm M -ii U, M .'- I . ' - i : i r !. t , I .-:!,!,! h .f t. K.ffl . (', I I v i .t I I It ' . ' I :- . I SUti.illl Vllt't l'!! ' kt I t ski ll t. . . t ', ! ' ' e ' il i,.,la I litun ; )'. !, M..i' i ! ! t " - ;, . tl !.:.. t i , ; !' It IM1, W-jUiiH, ,, Si v. I I, If l '! li'iK. ill ci i,'n ,,:." ,,! ,Un i, .') I ' t t t ' , si., i . . t j I I .. 1 .1 1 i't l!-l I f t THE Copyright, 1111. Ir.ttrn'l WALTER JOHNSON WINS OWN GAME Wafchington Climba Within Half a Game of Cleveland by Beat injr Latter, SCORE IS FOUR TO THREE Cleveland, May 2l.--Vahington (limbed within half of a game of Cleveland today by defeating Cleve land, 4 to .1, Johnson outpttched his rivals and alo acored the winning run in the ninth on bin doubles Mor gan', sacrifice and Milan's single. Washington got its first run on a pais, Wambeganas' error, which would have retired the side and Judge's double. Two more came in the eighth on doubles by Judge, Shanks and Ainsmith. Cleveland tied the scort in the eighth on a hit batsman, Morgan's error, ftoth's double and Turner's single. Trip to Ball Game Put Off Till Old Sol Decides to Shine They're waiting for a better and more sunshiny day, the members of the hustling committee of Ak-har- Hen, before they go in a body to a hall game in Omaha as the guests of Chairman Frank W, Judson. .Saturday was the day set, and the crowd was to have gone out immeali- ately after the luncheon held at the Loyal hotel, ihen it looked so rainy, ana only twenty-five members were present, so that the whole thing was postponed. Mr. Judson bad a whole handful of tickets ready and said he was game to take the fellows if they carca to go, but that be would be better pleased if he could take the whole committee f forty-five mem bers. So they are to waif until an, op portune time and will go at the call of the chairman. The membership of Ak-Sar-Bcn now is 1,653. This is 452 more than the organization had the correspond ing day of last year. Of this number 4J7 are new members. Of the new members the hustling committee has hustled in 377. Last year the Ak-Sar-Ben show opened with l.0 members. This year it is the hope that it shall open the night of June 5 with 2,300. Chairman Judson offered to give another prize to the hustling team bringing in the most members be tween now and 5 o'clock the evening of June 5. The committee ha decided to hold weekly meetings hereafter. New England Title Won by Dartmouth Springfield, Mass., May 20. Dart mouth college athletes again today proved better than those of any other members of the New Kngland Intercollegiate Athletic association. At the animal meet the wearer of the green achieved a total of 50', point in competition with fifteen other colleges. I'niversitv of Maine, represented by a smaller team, i irrd 32' i points. Hnly Cros and ilnw ilmii sluicd thud plat.? honor viith 18 points each. SYRACUSE EIGHT WINS CREW RACE FROM NAVY Annapoiit, Md, Mav -'0 Syra cuse' Miity eight dc'ralrd the jv i ctew bv a length and a fltuitrr on the j sevtn tin aftrtnnon in the lou! event '"f th lowing eaon J ht vtiilots ,''. I? una, vs title V'f Mi'Hie loul td s'uwtt . '' ,v' '' ae. N'av '"shtiten won it on i'hil-U 'pin t u ' High s boi.l by neatlj l.itr l'"llb ft f minute t'i I r I'b-! dip'ri' lmt i t minutes. Id S v.,n-l OMAHA BOY ON CORNELL CREW RACES HARVARD I'hii'ip P ( , i cl I !inm( ('! !'.( ( !ll I4 IS rt !' t r I !'! If tt'iin. n t , n .. S iMKftt g nit I Ut rt I t itr t Standing of Teams li4i a ait - Ut li I I Ml I ,s .- t I 1 .. I ... . i. . , t tl - - i. t i tu i ' t t t i i 1 n ut BEE, OMAIiA, MONDAY, MAY 22, 1916. N'nrg Bervtcat. VHAT5 THE MATTER FIELD CLUB GOLF SEASON JS OPENED Sixteen Qualify in Eighteen-Hole Match Play Against Bogey, Which Starts Season, REYNOLDS MAKEsf GOOD SCORE Half a hundred golfers took part in the inaugural play of the season at the Field club Saturday afternoon. Some pretty good score were turned in despite the rain, which soft ened the course the latter part of the afternoon. Sam Reynolds turned, in an 82. while M. H. I.a Douceur scored an 84 and Joe Williams an 85. Ihe play yesterday was eiehteen- hole match play against bogey, with sixteen to qualify for two prize. The qualifiers were as follows: A. V. Khntwall, J up. A. O. Nli-hol. 7 up M. H. I. !-ourur, 4 up. J H Portar, 4 up , W, Reynold, up. 3. A, AbhoM, 2 up J W. William, 1 up, H. MrCny, 1 up. (' H. Htuhl, vb B. T. Thnm, I ilnwn. f. B Clrlff.y, t down ' H. C. Oriiiiirt, l down, T. F, Murphy, 1 down. M. J, 'fikly, S down. O. H. Mnold, 3 down, J W. TIIIon, i down. The drawings for the match play are as follow: Hhotwall play Oliiht Murphy playa Itaynold. William play Monoid. Ortrry play I, a liouraur, Portor play (lroonatral. ('oak lay play Abbott, Mll V D atl Tlllaon Thorn play Mi hol. Ben Baker Thought Golf Course Really Was 51 Miles Round County Judge Bryce Crawford was enjoying a few moments of leisure in his office, smoking a big black cigar when a couple of friends walked in on him. "Judge, how'd you like to be sitting in a nice flat-bottomed scow, pulling in a big fighty bass every couple of minutes?" "Not me," answered the judge. "I think sitting in the hot sun all day trying to outwit a poor fish is the superlative itero in fun. Now if you'd have mentioned going out and shoot ing a few holes of golfthen you'd have said something." Followed a general discussion of golf. "That reminds me of last summer," suddenly exclaimed Crawford. "You know Judge Ben Baker is a golfer, too, only it's hard work for him, and he gets sun-burned to a crisp after hes' been out for an hour. Last sum mer we had finished a round of golf and were dining with a party after ward, when a young woman leaned over and inquired of Mr. Baker: "'Judge Baker, how far is it around a golf course?' "'It's somewhere between fifty-one and fifty-two miles, Miss I'm not jusr exactly sure, replied tne sun burned judge, after oine thought, rubbing hi neck where his collar chafed " Miller Park Club Completes Plans 4 Th follow ittf iihrilulf of vent Imi bffn nmuntH bv the Xftller rark tioil club for the current if AMn I? - "th. hrtt htMliap TfU! i a sif t ut 1.nttl tv I, t hnh ti' t(at,.ti p ittstl V i 'tub (.fit t mm 1 trathOoti h.' ha.ri.tu at y IM'UI I Tuft ! R'Hitli (. ! 14 mt ,'' ftt'f t! ..r,l.1 h( liit tet-vt ttt, - n4 f fifif A llii J. fait hUMtl t- iftiir t it ft - h !' H.tisd rii fnf lM(rt I lk p r 1 1 h" lT M.ifPT I tktH ki( K . i ! j-. . r-vl ( i q 41t '-'' I M ' I. , i- t- Mrl, ll . ,t - fr, P fc.,r t,, i . t i . .. ,i. t 11., ) V ,t t j . I I. 1 1. s, t i HI'I I . 11 u hi- a.t4al 1 H ,'.atl.w a 4;,t fc a,w: ft, t - t ?-', , . I , , . t I - , t ' M' I . " 1 ' 1 - I ia r ! in .' tt44 w.ii i . .....,- t t , H ... . t f I t M t , I S.-Kl i I I .: W t m - r i t. r JI r - .,.1 . fri , . i , 1 ti, a I a I - K , . 1 , - p .. -.. i t ., a a - a i i 4 t ti, l a I i,.i - t . tt v.-.i ! I 1 , .....', ' . j . f .., a.,'4.v it tuiH a a t ..aa . i , -ai . a t ,t, - t p41 f li - ti ti r' tt.i a. k,t M ( Haia .,.k tH- kit ,tr tl ,,! t, t.a- -. ti . . tl" v t III. 4 ! t t t Drawn for The Bee by George McManus JOVE 1 LEFT THE SAFE OPEN LtP? I M'SHANE GOES TO SIGN UP DRIVERS Director of Contests of Omaha Auto mobile Speedway to Indianapolis With Bunch of Contracts, EXPECTS TO GET RESTA HERE Felix J. McShane, who was rerently reappointed director of contests for the Omaha Automobile Speedway, left last week for Indianapolis, where he will sign up drivers for the automo bile classic which wilkbe staged on the local oval, July IS. Practically all of the big drivers are now located at the Hoosier capital tuning up for the 300-mile derby on Memorial day. McShane fully be lieves he will be able to get the signa tures of at least twenty of the very best drivers in the country. The directors of the local speedway sent the contet director to Indianap olis instructed to make every effort., to get the best. Special emphasis was laid on the necessity of bringing to (Jmaha such men as IJarto Kesta, F.ddie Rickenbaeher and the like. It is believed both Resta and Rick enbaeher will come to Omaha. In Ihe first place Resta promised Mc- Miane last summer he would come to Omaha any time McShane requested. Kesta, it will oe remembered, was entered in the Omaha race last year but failed to appear because of engine trouble, He told McShane then that he would come here any future time because he was unable to show as contracted last year. Kickenbacher, of course, is expected to come to Omaha because of his many friends here, and also he was the winner of the local classic last year. McShane is also going to try to get the famous Mercer team, F.ddie Pul len, Joe Thomas and Guy Ruckstell, to come to Omaha. If he succeeds Omaha will be the only city east of the Bocky mountains to see this famous trio of speed pilots. Special Events For the Women at Happy Hollow Club A dumber of special events for women have been scheduled by the golf committee of the Happy Hollow club. The play for women will start Mon day, June 5, with a handicap medal play event, four to qualify for the match play. On June 26 the Omaha Woman's Golf association will hold its monthly contest at Happy Hollow. A blind bogey contest, handicap match play, will be held July 24 and on August 7 the qualifying round for the club championship will be played. 1 he season will wind up on Sep tember 11 with a match play against bogey. BAD WEATHER POSTPONES BELLEVUE TENNIS TOURNEY Rain and wind have effectually pre vented the completion of the men's emu single and the beginning of the women's single at Bellevue rol Irge. The men' tournament ha 'ad vanced to the emi.inalt. In the preliminary round the re mits were: Allan mI t.l, Ktanwallnar till (u tit tit In oval Hiawart. IS 141. I'.. 1.1,1.1 I...I ralaa. I 1. it. t Martin lat Kuia I. t 111. ,,.! .n .! I'a, 1 I. I Mil. hall tat Vlaawall, hi lUfau'.t Thalia ! lluaiatanit I III . i.... I. k'at Harall, I, 4 ..,Hk k.l H .. I I I I Itl'tiMI But .'Jill A 'Ian, I... I Mil, kail III I 4 I !.,b,.,i bat t ii!ii.iilit 4 14 1 t i tt Hi kn hM I II, Si a 1 1 t,,i fi.utia . f It 'tit; k, tl . i 6 i TlltHI! Hi'St l't..! ! B.o.k. I W.ii t,ai - 4 1 4 out today Wright & Dltson otritiAUv 111 LAWN TENNIS GUIDE 1 fit n c i i -i 1 V. I it ' -- - c f "- . . ft wft t)v- t-tai4it t - i t - f I t - 4 ) 1 r t 4, , I 1 , ) ' f .S i - t . Li MRICMT OlftlOH IS ( I Sa SI I N I a A H a) III Vff h V h- HERE! J.fiL WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES THAT MAKE" WETRE ALL H here: LAVENDER BLOWS AND PHILLIES WIN Cub Pitcher Driven From Mound and Visitors Take Opening; Game. THE SCORE IS FOUR TO THREE Chicago, May 21. Lavender weak ened in the ninth and Philadelphia drove him from the niound and won the first game of the series here to day, 4 to 2. Cravath opened the ninth with a home run and Whitted tripled. MtCorinrll replaced Laven der and the visitors played a bunting game and won. The score; RAND0LPH IS WINNER IN NORTHEAST FIELD MEET Randolph, Neb., May' 20. (Spe. cial.) The annual field meet of the Northeast Nebraska High School Athletic association was held at Ran dolph yesterday. The high schools competing were: Randolph, Bloom- "Looks Good To Me!" t Share and share alike that's the rule of the dashing men in khaki. .They share the toil, the strain and the danger and the precious chews of "PIPER" that refresh, comfort, and put new heart into them. Fatigue and worry beat a quick retreat before a snappy, invigorating chew of "PIPER." IPEIl CHEWING TOBACCO The high quality of "PIPER" is due to the fact that it is made only of choice, sun-ripened White Burley the world's recognized first grade chewing leaf. The fruity, delicious, unique taste of "PIPER" comes rrom tne exclusive "Piper flavor,", which is slowly and evenly pressed through every atom of the plug. Try "PIPER" and see how really wonderful its flavor is, and what a juicy, lasting chew it gives you. Sc and 10c Everywhere THI AsURICAN TOBACCO COMPANY ii J.M.,', ', , -I. j Mt.lH fts 'i'sil1Miiisksaafc- I JmJ grotth imonir.Rs co. I I fUsM)! haliWt tWA. ,H.S.4 " . nr ii i in -juY-iir . . ... - , - ..... 1 ww.'-iw,M,iniM,-ir,ir M airar'miia."iia,iii iti'iiat'-iiftiill itrtW. tt.ii.iMh-. iii th i... " " i a,it. ' O St1' field, Wayne, Hartington, Laurel, Coleridge, Osmond, Plainview, Wake field and Creighttn. There were 107 entries, the largest in the history of the association, Randolph won the 'ball game against Coleridge, 8 to $, and Ran dolph won the girls' basket ball game against Darlington, 11 to 6. Randolph won the association's sil ver cup with 7h! points, Bloomfield, second with ,W points' Plainview, third with 22j points. F.arl Aeger ton of Rudolph was awarded the gold medal for highrst individual score, He made fifteen points, representing first in three events. Marvin Bowles of, Rudolph and V;ern Needham of Bloomfield tied at thirteen points for the silver medal. RIFLE AND REVOLVER CLUB HOLDING WEEKLY SHOOTS The Greater Omaha Rifle and Re volver club is staging regular weekly shoots at the grounds in Fast Omaha. Target shooting is staged every Sun day morning, starting at 9 o'clock. Many members of the Nebraska Na tional guard, in addition to the club members, attend the shoots every Sunday. Heidsiock "' MtM ''" sstsaBntaisi m t .-. "OnaaS I