Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1916, Image 1

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    Daily Bee
Advertising is the pen
dulum that keeps buy
ing and selling in motion
Kawa Standi, to, S
VOL. XLV-NO. 290.
Nine Peitons Perish ai Storm
Sweeps Red River Valley, on
Borden of Texai and
Twister Also Reported in Western1
Nebraska Doing Considerable
Denison, Tex., May 21. Nine per
ions were killed and thirty-eight in
jured and Kemp City, Ok!., eight
miles east of Denison, wan wiped out
by a tornado which last night swept
a path three-quartera of a mite wide
and five miles long in the Kemp City
Denison, Tex., May 21. At least
eighteen persons were killed in a
terrific wind and rainstorm, which
passed over the section just north of
Denison shortly after 10 o'clock to
night. The town of Kemp, Ok!,, tw
miles north of the Red river, is re
ported wiped out. Most of the deaths
are said to have occurred at Kemp.
One child, the son of Dr. J. F. Mc
Culloch, was killed a mile north of
A relief train left Denison at mid
night for Kemp, All wires are down
north of here.
Heavy Damage Done.
Muskogee, Okl., May 21. Heavy
damage and loss of life as a result of
the tornado is reported all along the
Re driver valley. Reports from other
sections of the state also tell of
heavy damage.
A; Woodward, Ok!., more than a
score of persons were injured when
a chautauqua tent was blown down.
Mrs. H. ti. Peebles probably will die
from injuries to her head. Many per
sons were trampled when the crowd
rushed from beneath the falling can
vas. Families Go to Caves.
Holbrook, Neb., May 21'. (Special)
Last night about b:30 a cyclone
visited the vicinity twelve miles south
west of Holbrook and demolished the
farm houses and barns of Rube Ox
ford and Jim LitteW. It missed Ben
Hunnicutts residence about orty
rods. The families went to the eaves
as soon as they saw the cloud ap
proaching and eacaped. No lives were
Farm Houses Wrecked.
Beaver City, Neb., May 21. (Spe
cial) The tornado which passed
through the outskirts of Wilsonville
at 6:30 o'clock Saturday evening orig
inated five miles to the southeast and
passed on to the northwest leaving in
its wake wrecked farm houses barns,
sheds, orchards and shade trees.
Property damage is J50.000, No
lives were lost but several were badly
injured. C. S. Letson's large resi
dence was wrecked and a tenement
house, large barns and cattle sheds
are complete loss.
Mr. Letson was out in the storm
in a buggy which was overturned and
he was dragged and bruised. Jack
Vice of Cowlcs, Neb., had an ankle
broken and was bruised. House and
barn of Garnett Washburn was totally
Properties of Fred Soverns. M.
Yates. Ed Gill. S. L. Fleming, A. C.
)rydcn and others were damaged.
The wind followed a rainstorm and
the wrecked buildings were deluged
with mud. The country northwest of
Wilson ille has not been heard from.
Telephone lines are down.
A big patriotic di'innnM ration is
tentatively pUnnrd to be held in
Omaha some time in the near future.
No definite arrangements have as yet
hren made. 1 he executive commit
tee of the Commercial dub at a spe
cial meeting held Saturday noon took
up the matter of a proposed prepared
nei parade in Omaha,
While it was not definitely derided!
In hold a pieparedncs parade, the j
rsrrtim committee instructed the!
public affairs and military committee '
of the club t'i get in lumh with a!
many organisation as possible that ;
wouul be likely to co-operate in a '
patriotic demonstration oi some kind,
and ire what could he done along'
thin line. Just what form the demon-'
trtnn t!l take remains to he dr
uded hir the various orgaim stums'
that tail! be invited to tunler on the;
subject, 1
Tho Weather
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Congress. Completes Part in Enact
ment of First Administration
Defense Measures.
Washington, May 20. Congress
today completed its part in the en
actment of the first of the adminis
tration preparedness measures, the
army reorganization bill, and sent the
measure up to President Wilson for
his signature.
The house approved with only
twenty-five dissenting votes the con
ference report on the army measure,
which already had been accepted by
the senate. It provides for a regular
army with a peace strength of more
than 200,000 men, backed by a fed
eralized national guard of more than
400,000, and carries many reorgani
zation features worked out by War
department officials to make the na
tion's fighting arm more efficient.
Number of Men Provided.
Estimates vary as to the actual
number of men the army measure
will provide, the maximum to he en
listed under it depending on the in
terpretation placed on some sections
by War department officials charged
with its enforcement. As construed
by Chairman Chamberlain of the sen
ate military committee it provides for
a regular establishment of 211,000 at
peace strength and 236,000 at war
strength, with a national guard
strength of 457,000, The peace
strength of the regulars under an in
terpretation given to the house today
by Chairman Hay of the house mili
tary committee would be 260,000.
Besides the personnel increases,
the measure provides for a govern
ment nitrate manufacturing plant to
cost not more than $20,000,000; for
establishment of a system oh military
training camps for civilians, paid -for
out of the federal treasury; for a
board (o investigate the advisability
of establishing a government muni
tions plant, and for vocational edu
cation in the army. Federalization
of lite National Guard would be ac
complished through federal pay and
through a requirement making the
guardsmen subject to the orders of
the president.
Those Voting Against.
Republicans who voted against the
report were: Britten, Wheeler, Mann,
Gardner, Gillrtt, Rodgers, Tinkham,
Walsh, Guerncsy, Hadlcy, Hum
phrey, Johnson, (Washington); Hu
sted, Piatt, Sanford, Moore, Morgan,
Nelson. Five democrats: Buchanan,
(Illinois); Tavenner, Johnson, (Ken
tucky). Thomas and Randall voted
against it, as did London, socialist,
and Schall, progressive. .
.Ure Must Support
Henry Ford, Rules
A verbal contest between Bailiff
Joe Marrow and Treasurer Bill Ure,
commissioned as one of the dele
gates from this district to the Chi
cago convention, has brought out an
other ruling from Attorney General
Reed on the primary law. Marrow,
who had secured the signatures and
filed the petitions for Henry Ford
for president, took issue with Ure's
assertion that he would vote for
Cummins to carry out the popular
"Ford got the most votes in this
district," said Marrow,1 "and if you
obey instruction, you will vote for
him. i
"But Cummins got the biggest vote
in the state, and that ought to gov
ern," said Ure. "I'll have to ask the
attorney general as to which instruc
tions are binding. j
To make sure that the matter was j
not overlooked, Marrow immediately
put it up to the attorney general
and here is the reply received
"Lincoln, May 19. My dear Mr,
Marrow: Answering your of the
loth, instant swill cay the fact that
the district delegates in your dis
trict gave over 2,000 majority votes !
for Henry Ford, would indicate that j
your district was in favor of Henry I
Ford, and it carries the moral obli-1
gation for the drlrgafes to support I
him. That, to my mind, is the extent I
of the force and effect of the law, j
Verv trill v votirs.
Wll.LIS K. KI-.F.D, Attorney Gen-
Mauna Loa Volcano
Reported Subsiding
Honolulu, My 21.- Msims I oa
VuK 4H.I, lnch tent a f)iul nt steam )
ami smoke 'H,IX) leet into the air i
Ut mhi, n m).i fif-rf lo.Uv. ar ,
fitnlum t nele ailvne dom the
liUmt i IU4ii, .'"Miiilrs ftoiti hrtc.
No (UilKitc Ii4l hren rrxiiteil
1 lie eriiplniii lollowet lumh t
liitv in l!i Uv U.r ut Ki'diir,
tl' i 1 1-1 olim, w e n v it la I e 4
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TO m- HIM,
Prosecution Will Call Betrothed of
Accused Youth to Stand in
Effort to Prove Poisoned
Jndjre Sorry Letters of Celeste
Yonker to Her Lover Are
to Be Read.
Waukegan, II!., May 21. Four men
were sworn into the jury today in the
case of Will H. Orpet, the university
student charged with the murder of
his former sweetheart, Marion Lam
bert. ,
They were cleaned from 400 ven
iremen examined since the trial be
gan before Judge Donnelly last Mon
day. Girl To Be Called.
Celeste Youker, to whom Orpet Is
engaged to be married, will be railed
as a witness by the state, it was
"She will help to prove that Orpet
killed Miss Lambert," said State's
Attorney Dady.
"She may be a witness but she'll
do nothing of the sort," said Miss
Vouker's mother.
"Celeste to testify against me!" ex
claimed Orpet. "Thats all wrong,"
Judge Donnelly said he was sorry
that Miss Youker had to be called.
"1 also wish," said the judge, "that
her letters to Orpet, and his to her,
could be kept out of the case. I have
read them and they do not belong
in this case. They are the letters of a
pure hearted woman to the man she
Burn $441,000 Worth
Of Retired Bonds at
July 4 Celebration
The Metropolitan Water board has
authorized destruction of $441,000
Omaha water bonds which haveibeen
taken up from time to time by tne in
vestment of surplus funds. Amorig
the assets of the water fund at tins
time are $800,000 of bond investments.
It is proposed to burn the $441,000
water bonds in connection with a
Fourth of July celebration to be held
at Fontenelle park by the Independ
ence Day Celebration association, an
organization of thirty men represent
ing ten improvement clubs.
The retirement of these bonds " will
reduce the outstanding indebtedness
of the water plant nearly $500,000.
The committees having in charge
the arrangements of this celebration
have been named, as follows: Pro
gram, ft. L. Barton; sports and pub
licity, Fred B.' Martin; fireworks, T.
H. Collins; athletics, George Mac
Dougal; commissary, Roy Pierce;
program of the day, If. J. Hackett;
decorations, G. U. Mendel; public wel
fare, Nels Pcdersen; prizes, Frank
Dewey; finance-at-large, E. J, Seroy.
Last year's celebration held at Fon
tenelle park by this association was
attended by 25,000 people, and not an
accident was reported. Firetvnrks
will he in charge of an expert The
association started out three years
ago with the aim to hold a real "sane
and safe" Fourth of July celebration
every year.
The officers of the association are:
Elmer McMichael, president; II. J.
Hackett, vice president; H. B. Gail
hraith, secretary; V. A. F.Ilis, treas
urer. Smith of Omaha Is
Honored by Harvard
Clubs at Pittsburgh
I'ittsbutgh, May 20. Frederick W.
Ilurliiigame of Chicago, was today
elecleit president of the Associated
Harvard C lubs before the HW mem
bers who are attending the twentieth
annual meeting left here for Sewick
ley, where they spent the remainder
f the day as guest of the Allegheny
Country club.
Among the officers elected were:
Virm I'retlftnit V mttrn ftlvlilnn. Arthur
C timlltl. mili, h..iilh..t.,n ,CvW!.,n.
A l,.kly, M.ik.,-., Hki, p.. (,. itlviin.n,
l'hl.. I', K-lllh-r, HI U'k , p.urnuean
ttlvlal'in, Jatnia II iikii II rfl-, ParU j
fUrrMarr, K t 41r.aa, up tl l.nuia .
'Irraauiar. i, I.'. tmbail. Illlaau)h '
Fear German Raider
In the Pacific Ocean
Honolulu, My '0 - The Briiih oij '
tattler lUnell 4 1 1 r ! tf.nii bet to
.lay (or Nnustski, lipM, will) 114
nsit't psititnt uit The smivaI vi an
other tiniuh iirimrt iliomn mi
ilsr pi e. 1 11 -i . a . 1 r t ,r
tn K tni 'i that l''!:ii aiiilmi iiie le
lieve inrrtni re;u.ri . (.ejonri r4
'" HI the t 4. if. 1' in ean
h ii !i i.t ( iht vfiteli b'sm 1
"1 t i" ' "
mr.anons.malchiIn have
blln married thirty years
i-i U v t I'i.i rif we t : i-
jr.. . I M- a ( M 1 f , tl
tt, h Mm VI', tn M .
Vlnsaisili I. I ' a .1 I
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1 1 1 -1 4 1 .i 1 it k. . ui'i M I 1 t, m ,
I ' ll-'Wi' ft t1 e to , a j,.,:
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GRANDE Here are two troopers of Company E,
Twentieth U. S. Infantry, communicating with .head
quarters by signals from the top of a pile of adobe
bricks "somewhere in Mexico."
isoncwHtrm. jh Mexico
Second Punitive Expedition Moving
Toward United States
Chihuahua, Mexico, May 20. (Via
El Paso Junction.) N'cws that a
regiment of American troops had
been withdrawn- from Mexican' soil
was received with delight here.
General Jacinto Trevino, who ar
rived in Chihuahua City iuday to take
charge of the campaign against the
bandits of Chihuahua and ( 'nalimU,
declared that now that he has a free
hand, he will he able speedily to
eradicate the bandit menace. He said
he hoped Americans would not mis
construe the northward movements
of his troops. Conuto Reyes, Villista
leader; has surrendered to the t'ar
ranza authorities.
March to Line Delayed,
Marathon, Tex., May 20. Because
of the poor condition of their cavalry
horses, it was thought here tonight
that Colonel W, Sjbley and Major
George T. Lanflhorne, may not be
able to lead their detachments to the
border before Tuesday and Wednes
day of next -week.
They are believed lo have started
the return march late Friday, making
easy stages because horses and mules
alike were exhausted in the three-day
southward clash. Colonel Sibley
should he first to arrive al Boquillas,
probably on Tuesday, with Major
Langhorne following the next day,
New Note From Mexico.
Washington, May 20.-The State
departnienl was officially advised to
day that it miglit expect soon a new
note from (ieneral Carrana regard
ing the border situation. Indications
are that it will he of a friendly char
acter. Real Estate Men
Will Be Guests of
Hastings & Hcyden
Haiti ings A Heydeu will entettam
the real eute men nt Onuhs at
Briisiui I. aniens W'ednetday after
I he real esute men will he the
giiru at a lug darlieqiie and the
lemilat meeting "I t ! b'fal t state
eiihsnge will be heM fit the ground.
I lie iel ritjif n ru will inert al
Hailing rfc Ileyileii 1 cUue at II:"
o'llovk in the iiH'tliii g. and nuke tlie
trip . Iriii'fl liar Iron m autumn
bile. "I he v ill k" bv l!ie w a y n! !t e
Voiit pUtr and triuin bv t ( I at
Arte, liniil at 1 1 ! I nUi tn.le
f t o
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Varioui Candidates For Republican
Nomination'to Open Quarters
Thii Week.
Chicago, May 20. Campaign head
quarters will be opened in Chicago by
a number of "favorite son" candidates
for 'the republican nomination for
president before the end of next week
and by May 26, it is expected the fight
for delegates' votes will be on in
Among the candidates who are ex
pected to open headquarters here in
the next few days are:
Klllnt Hnnt of Ntw York
t'harlaa W I-'alrbanka iif Indiana.
fhaoitora K. B'irion of Ohio
Mtnalnr John W. Waaka ttt Maaaarhuaall.
Nmalor Albert 11. 1'ummlh of low.
Hanaior l.awranea Y. Hharinan of lllinola.
' Manalur Hubart Si, I.a tollatla of Wiscon
sin T Coif man Dupont af Palawan.
Headtgiiartcrs for Theodore Roose
velt were opened a week ago by the
Roosevelt Nonpartisan league.
Civil War Vets to
Speak in Schools
On Memorial Day
The following civil war veterans
have been chosen to speak at the Me
morial day exercises at the Omaha
public schools:
Ontral Hlnh Hrhool ,tu1a la Ratall.
IMifti Hfhnnl of 1 'onilTK-rra l,r l'Ula.
Ili-ala Lew Plilny.
Hmnrdfl B W Slmmaral.
1'ralllK. W. IHmmral.
I'aaa -HI. M. tlavarlay.
I'aalallar C. V. Waller.
1 antral J A 'llllaxpla
l.iim J. A Olllel)l
renlrat ParkJ N. Bullae
1 Mf ton mil K. W, .li.hiiaun.
Iirulil lllllK. W. .tnhnann
I'nltinihlan N. IV fi'Mrlnn.
fimiaiilua Ii It tirnprr
litipnnt J II rlaiifi.
Katiiam W. II IUII.
f oil -K f mua,
Millar I'alk- K I' Nlaaa
f-ranktln Augivtiia li. anar
tltiwatfl KantiailyW. K l-aaa.
K'llom -W, K. Haahr
Linn I 11. Iirin.r
l.lii.-nln "' A Mi Xara
llhroii-.W II ftuaaall
Man.n-t V T'.'M
laiirir-M II Kllna
W liulmir Itinalhon Kilwaraa,
I'ara Jiinal him Kdaralita.
haralnga- .lohn K Wlllla
h'im..i. Iiov w II tnilarwaaS
Vltiinn -M I. llnrrtua
M ainiit lint l-.i rv Miliar
v mi, ..uli Ink W 11 hiarana
VI rl,iwf - I
K'taal'l lr,awat-r - J w. Van'.
Mt'tman - Nla l.iiHgian
"there ate still a few ihnol t'i
wditii speakers have iml beeti a
ttigned and the cilinnttee In iliargu
reiiieH tli4t any civil war eiiati
is hi 1 tin) lint receive an invitation to
upraa at due nf the bonis and
vnmld be mllicg ei dri to, tall
guiiiu l oikner at Hti fo'M.
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Marie Estelle Wirick Writes of the
; Accomplishments of Miss
Edith Abbott.
"What becanin of them? ' Till Is tti
4unltnn often askeit by sradimtes of ,
th rnlverlly of NhrnsK ennreinlnn ;
th wheiealimita of sonic of ifielr former j
eliMumiatM. j
Tliern Is ! aomcons ho ke'r
track of them anil U nl to tell whstj
hua heroin of them. Marin Estelle
Wtrlek In lh April edition of the t'nl-1
verally Journal lella ivIihI Iiss heeome of j
one of the alumnae of the t laaa of I
The ieion ulie refers to Is Mlns KVtlth
Alilioll, hne eareer s a aoel worker
j anil Miller h Hllrarleil atlrnflon. !
Horn In (iimiil lalunil, Mlaa Ahholt re
j relveil her prrparalury eitueallon at
I llrownell Hnll In Omaha. In 1!WI dhe io
erlvrrl k r A. H. (lenree n the I nherslty
I uf Ni'hraHKn.
1 'Ihin Hie tmmht Knali-h In the l.lneoli
; lliiili ,e!iool frr lo r. At the aim
jllme (nek xi.icluale oth in the unl
j rally sml -iltel l'r. fiuvenport In
; estnbliehllia a eoura of pnlltlial fcnn'lliy
III Hie ll kh aihnnl,
lleKlninnar nf Htnilr.
C'nntitii Ins. Mir Wlilrk's arlii'lo In lh
Ji'tiriinl in pnrt:
"Minn Alilielt's work at th I'nlversity
of Nelnaaks was hut Hie le(linlt'g nt a
period of stuily of lnv silsnllon spent f
vnrloua Instltnllons. In she enters.l
tie t'nli eml'' of Chicago as fellow in
political ei-otiiimy, and In 1W s''c replied
her I h. 1). degree ultli honors. The fol
Inning er a lie was ensnsed In lenean-h
work t the Cnrnegle Institution of
Wftrhlngtnii, ri the ilennriment of eeo
nomha nr.rt sorlolfigy, Khs ttpent the n-'Xt
year tlira-flii in lintlnn. Knulai-it.
tsdnaie itinlenl ai H e l.otnloiv r'. hnol of
Fconnmli'S and l'nlieilty eollega (I'nl
vtislly of txindonl, where she went on
th fnielKii followshlp of the Association
of i'oIIi-kii Aliiinnss,
'Tpllnwlng this extensive) preparation,
Miss Abhntt saaln turned her attention
to Uaiiiln. Iiurlng ths year IWT-flg ah
was Inalruetor of 'onomli'S at Wellsxley
eolleae, Klnen 1S she has tiean assoi'late
lllreelor (Willi Mlaa Sophronlaha P, tlreek
Inrldael of the Chpago Bihnol of Clvles
and I'lillanthropy, department of social
Invealgstlnn, whera her efforts sr un
doubtedly aiding In tha growing sfflcleney
of th school. iMie! Is also spaolsl lecturer
In eoelolngy at the t'nlverslty of Chicago,
offering eoursat In soilsl statistics and
soelnl reform movement.
VIn addition to th aetlvltlea,""MIs
Abbott has found tlma foi- no small
amount of writing. In 119 shs published
liar first book, a standard t res list on
'Woman In Industry: A flludy of Amer
Iran Kconomle Hlatorj-.'Sha was Joint
author with Miss HraeknrM of 'Tbs
Pellnquent Child and ths Home, A Stilly
of tha ChPaso Juvenll Court,' which ap
peared In 1 "1. A new work of Mia Ab
bott and Ml BreckenrldM, 'A study of
Truancy,' Is turn to b publlshad, Mli
Abbott has written upwards of twenty
articles fr magaslnes since Vfi. Beveral
of thesa ileal with vsiloua asperts of ths
housing problem, on whbh shs Is an au
thority. Tha rest are devolad to many
aapecla of tha problem of social and In.
ditstrlal readjustment. A number of her
articles hav been published In Harper's
Masanlne. the Atlantic Monthly, Iht Mil
nletpal Review and other Journals, but
the greater number of them have ap
peRreJ In the Journal of Political Econ
omy and the American Journal of
Sociology. In connection with her work
a statistician, h wroto a rport on 'fta.
tlatloa Relating; to I'rlme In Chleago,'
which haa been reviewed with unlveraally
favorable rrltlclam."
Unmailed Letter
Dooms Him a Spy
Yancouvrr, B. C, May 20. An un
mailed letter written to his parents,
stating that he was a German spy en
listed in the Canadian army expedi
tionary force, was found in Fritr. Leh
man's pocket when arrested recently
on suspicion. He was sentenced today
to two years in prison.
Grand Island. KM.., May 20,-(Spe-rial
) - Preparations by the local
iiiatksiiien ate rnnipleted for the en
tertainmenl of the slate trap shoot
ers' tournament to take place at the
county fair grounds in Ibis litv next
week. AH of the traps have been set
and are in readiness and some of the
liu! nqiiad have already been in
piaitiie itinui nig over them, finding
even thing in ilrndid riiiiiliiinti,
K rierv jiimis liaw- been made at the
lintels lot 4 U'ge itiimlier ! ahonl
nt, t 'tie of the ptimiple attfattioiu
0) the alUit will be the alien. lame of
Mr ami Mi Add t upper wriii, lioj
4te (lie laiHet aili4ith'i m the j
l'lltllig WOlt'l I
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Germans Gain in Furions Infantry
Charge in France and Aus
trians Win in Rash on
Success Reported For British Forces
j Against Invaders on Vimy
I Ridge.
j Bulletin.
( London, May 21. A force of Rum- .
i cavalry has joined the Rritish army
! on the Trigris in Masopotamia.
j Berlin, May 21, (Via London).
I More than I, .100 French incuding 31
i officers, 16 machine guns and eight
I cannons were captured in a new Ger
man assult on the Verdun front in
the region of Headman Hill, the war
office announced today. The state
ment says the German lines were ad- ,
vanred on the south and southwest
slopes of the hill,
Infantry attacks by the Germans
in the Verdun regions, a French gain
in the Champagne, a British surcess
on the Vimy Ridge and further su
cessful onslaughts by the Austrian .
in the Southern Tyrol are chronicled
in the latest official communication.
After a period of inactivity by the
infantry around Verdun, the German
foot soldiers have been hurled
against the entire French line in the
l.e Mort Homme region. East of l.e
Mart Homme the Germans pene
trated the first French lines, but
were driven out with serious losses.
Germans Make Gains.
To Ihe west and on the northern
slopes of Xe Morte Homme, the Ger
mans occupied a portion of a French
advanced trench. Under a violent
fire by French guns, the Germans are
reported to have retreated from the
positions in disorder, Artillery con-
tunics active in the other sectors
about Verdun,
The French have cleared a Ger
man trench in Champagne by a sur
prise attack, All the occupant of
the trench are reported either to
have been killed or captured. Further
north the British have withstood two
German thrusts in the region of Loos ;
and Wieltjt and the loyal North ,
Lanrashires have recaptured a crater
on the Vimy Ridge, the scene of
much hard fighting in the past few
Britoni Occupy Crater.
The crater was raptured by the ,
Germans on May 18. In Tyrol, the '
Austriant have followed up their
successes by compelling Italian forces ,
to evacuate the. Colonel Santo, south- ,
east of Rovereto and west of Monte
Maggio, the extremity of the previ
ous point of their advance.
According to the Austrian official
statement, Italian prisoners so far
captured, total more than J 3,000 offi
cers and men. One hundred and
seven guns also have been taken.
hia Altstadt,
Died Yesterday
Mrs. Sophia Altstadt, aged 79 years,
pioneer resident of Omaha, and
widow of the late Judge William Alt
stadt, died Saturday, after an illness
of two years' duration. She had lived
here with her husband since 18o7.
Judge Altstadt died in 1914. Two
sons, J. A. Altstadt of New York
City, and Charles L, Altstadt of South
Side; also two daughters, Mrs. Anna
Adams of Missoula, Mont., and Mrs.
G. R. Spencer of Florence, survive,
her. Funeral services will be held
from the home of Charles Altstadt,
1 3.18 Monroe street, South Side.
Mrs. Mary Rice, 2102 Chicago
street, has sold her residence at 2t2i
Charles street to J, A. Turnijuisf,
2tt27 Charles street. Th sale wat
made by Toland A Trumbull.
Beaver City Damaged.
Oxford, Neh, May JO.-It is re
ported here that the storm whirh hn
the section of tountry near Vilson
ille, I tunas county, also did damage
at firaver I tl v, the county seat. Rea.
ver 1 ity could not be reat Tied direct.
A windstorm of tornado violence
is reported in eastern 1 'dorado, th
towns of Fort Morgan and Yuma t.
t ing in its palli. Anonling 10 rail
iri4'l repoits her much damags wt
i done at Yum and on man, was
Some Record!
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