THK OMAHA SUNDAY HKK; MAY 7-A v i Leaders of Nebraska High School Debaters' League -t ' '' ,W -,V W "4 V. - ' J t7T 11 r , V w'l rTfr'-r ZJrWh nr. J A ll .1 &PvQ uiTL3c?ii z&J' liawii a. nuuzhui Gwcn Coanely AmelhEamil & T ! I MVKIiSm dl'- M'.IIH.VbK A,' May . - l'l''l(l.( rlr.1,11111',1 from (He iwcivc hlKh nrhiiul'i limp won district clitno plonnlilp li'.oni,( In th,, Nr-hranka IIIkIi boiiooi inii,ii!n; .-(.i;iio I Ida yi nr w- trmijiKti; t tin' I'lih'i't'Hlly of Nclira.iloi I licM. f;iiliiriliiy innriiliiK, May 1.1, lllnh ISchnnl ' I'ctc rla.M in tli. ninth annual Hlalc dcliiii.. of thr, Ifiiuiif, which Is the larKi-M. oiKanl.ailon of ll.i kind III tho I tilted .'-'.lilted. Hliir'0 la m full tiidrnta III over rlKhly ki IiooIh hsvft licci) ntudy. In on I In- niihjrct of "I'lvpiircdncna." Tho. rlcliritcH In Hip trhp dlntrlcta Into which the Hliiic Is dldiM t,c(iHi In Koh ruary; and Iho if-hootH which wern awarded flint lioin.m In thn several dls trlcla i.cnr rcpi o.ii n( itlvoa to the alatn elchalc. "Jtr-aolvr-d, . That oonErrna should mjb atantlHlly sdopt the n commendation of the (o-crctary of war ntid the navy for 1nor-HKcd arnmnirnl,'' Is the proposition the twelve debaters will discus. The league was otitanlzed In I!i8 by i'rof. M. Mv Kobut of tlio university Willi a mem bership nf thirty nchools. The JnrjKe of Ihe state debate will e-cleot Iho flrnt, second and third best debaters. Tfrlef Kkctches of the contest ant follow: The Central dlntrlct will be represented by Melvln Wilson, nenlor In the Clay fouler IIIkIi school, In which he has taken hiiih rank as a scholar, and which be has reprsaentcd In league debates for three years In athletic bo Is also a leader a lettot man In' foot ball (team captain for two years), buae ball banket; ball and track.. The representative of the Eastern dis trict and of the Bouth IIIbIi school, Omaha, will be Tnls Vvlrth, a native of Germany, who wa graduated from .the public schools of Oermnny; and who en tered the South High school In inn. Me Is a member of the senior class. This Is his first vein- In the debates. the debater who will represent the KiiKt-i'entiHl district will be Lawrence Sinter, a member of tho junior class In CITY ELIMINATES THE MIDDLEMAN Tlans to Buy Direct from the Manu facturers and to Do Its Assembling, WANTS AN AUTO REPAIR SHOP Head, of Iho city departments, in j foiiiiciinn with tho city purchatd ti s BKcni, have i t.itlciVtho rumination i i.f Iho iiinl'llemuii. Thin cannot !hs i)ott in all iitHi .-i, hut u t lias heeu Piml" llll'l I' pKUIllM .-i l' hiow. Two itnkitK instance" r' at' hand. (. 'ntninlhsiotirr II u in in . 1 wuntcd ti nininr timk iol .sprcailer for Ihe LiiiiilcMiid t. AdM i llsi liicnta lrii lit lihls fii-m ?.' to ri , U . An irneitit-rtt'iti hhiiwi-it thai tt wouhl ho pni-ildc to Imy ihrt liuia and I'Uill it up a- r'i'ind at a ruv tnit t It '.'"", whiili luta lieea d'oi'i Ihr net will to M '' l hw i ll I. d'llit th tf.-lnhllti. I i- M ,i i . -1 l f .i" - t fi.-'lili'K n n. If ti iil ! . I i ! ... .it -'.'.n I r I I "' I. I I f-. If I t t leg ' . r- t I- I . tm THHrr SttK StPAfUTtOH IS IMF DIVORCE COURT S io Lincoln school. Ifr. hus been proinlneiil In china activities- wa Iho flrnt inealdeiit of his class, look part, in the junior play, and has been a member of tho Ciceronian In-bating unduly since Ida frcnlniiHii year. He won tho first pilzn lids year In Ihe prohibition uliliix contest. This In his first year In dchatlnii. The Northern district will bo repre sented by Kdssr ailson of Iho Valentine I Huh school, lie ranks high In scholar ship This Ik his first year In debating, t Tim Oakland IIIkIi school, champion of tho Noilhwi-Htern district, will send the dale debate Miss Amelli Ifniiill of I lie enl"r clai-.s. As a scholar, her i. nk Is vi y blah. Sim was a member of the lilooiiifleld cff-liri tins b'sm, whleli won sec ond honors In the district last year, . Marlon It. Mtahl, a junior in the West I'r jnt 1 1 lull school, w ill represent the North-Cent nil district. Mi scholarship his rank Is cm cHcnl, and he prominent In athletics. Ibis Is his first year In tho rlrlciie work. The team won by unani mous rleeinlon of the unr, , The Hldney llljih si hoel and tho North weslern dislijct will be represented by Itnlph V rso. who ranks bU'li as a scholar. Ilo entered tho high school from Dallon, Neb. Ilo Is a member of the ftflilnr class. Tim Nelson Hlnh school, which took first honors In tho Southern dlalrlct, will bo represented by William Reynolds, who Ins taken cry h'gh rat k sg a scholar and H leading- place In various school hciHI tles. In manual training he won three first nt the state fair; In dra matics he has been a leader; In the oieretla lait fall he took tho l"adliv; role, and In the senior class he will have a leading part. In scholarship ho ranks ethr first or second In his class. This Is tha first year Nelson has been a mem ber of the league. Tim rpresrntntlve of the Sout heantet-n district will be (Iwyndylyn Connelly of Iho Auburn High school, not! of ftev. K, Martin H, Glynn to Make Keynote Speech for Demos WASHINGTON, May - fiesklent Wll irrii'i conter. nee with j'red H. l,ym-i of the i!cmoi tutl: national foinmlitep, it was learned today, roiullrd In the prc-irbnt appi'idti.? tho selection of foroier tiuv ernor Martin II. llnn of Nov York to pniiiilnciil. In elinn iicilvUlfw-WH I ho A. ; I - ' I S f' J l ' 1 flrnt 'ihomIiIomI. ill' IiIm cIhmh, took part. In T. V. y v E . I V it tlm junior filay, hihI Iihm Im-isii h iiiciiiIiit , : " -ff ' , f"l 11 I r" I III I (if till! ( 'ti f TdlllHIl lM,ullllir hmcIcIv Kllll'O . . 1 i . h t tit f I 1 AS1E GOOD CAR OF YOURSELF "Self preservation is the first law nf Nature, " and if ymf'will only keep tli k stomach strong, the liver active and bowels regular you will do much toward the promotion and mainte nance of Ik Iter health. Oftentimes, assistance is needed, and it is then you will greatly appreciate the aid of HOSTETTER'S STOtVlACH r" v . f . Kirn r i I ; V. . ' " K U I f ' ( ' '" 4& ' I t," ml"""" o-' I J . . ' i fN I IA .. .ii arn.ui If r f V"- . I Nellie, Schwab J, T. Contjely. He ha been prominent In various school activities. This ia his first year In debating. McCook Hgh school, winner of first honor ln the Houlhweslern district, wlfl send as Its representative, Mliss Nellie M. S'-hwab, sister of Harold .J. Behwab, 'U, law '17, at thp Cnlverslly of Nebraska, where he wa a member of the team that defeated the University of Iowa In 1!M3, and of the team that defeated tha Uni versity of Kansas at Lawrence last De comber. Mis Schwab I valedictorian In her class of twenly-slx. Hhe will en ter Ihe slato university next fall. Tho representative of tho Western dis trict will bo tho valedictorian of lib, claw at the HaHtlnffs High achool How- deliver tho keynote address as temporary chairman of the democratic national con vention at ft. Louis. Speaker Clark, It ih sold, will ho Invited to be permanent, chairman. About :V0 applications for seat have lorn received. The capacity of Ihe con vention hall la ll.a 0, Including .'ivfl plac-H for delegate!;, alternates and newspaper no ii. . H. ad tlieni fo I lee Want Ad.i r results. for profit. Van mi JftdvinWilsoTh aril All) man. Jl wa a member nf the debating clan laat year, He Intend to enter the tnlverslly of Nebraska In preparation for the study of tho law. The speaker for Ihe North Central d trlet will lio llalph (J, Hrook of the Bar gent High school, president of the senior clas. Mr. Hrook represented Sargent and the district In the league state de bate last year. Kiinilny, Mny 7, 1l. EXTRA rniu: ...-.. I 1 out' I iHiiil r!n,ti I !.(. vt t H V I UK. MA a urn urhf in nrsfUJ-uyr m i II OMAHA ROTARIANS SEND RESERVATIONS local Club Delegate! to National Convention Will Spread Corn Belt's Fame. JOHNSON ATTENDS CONFERENCE Omaha KolariimH will nwoiip' ilown on lh seventh annual Intor ij n f lonnl ci nvcnlloii of notary clubs, which will ho ho, in Cincinnati from .Inly 17 to it. Inclusive, ln lho KmIhc of typical corn holt fiirnicrn. They will wear iho arcoptcil typo or Kio riiiiiMod - nrie Joh'i" Htr.i'v huts mid carry (not wear, at tho Kmtllsti aio Maid to do ) canon inul from coi iihI;iI1!, list Willi Ibi. lame ltotl club in- i' " i --iv 'I &.jWI,-.T'u J, A TVLL niZK COAL SANOB AND A rvih mm oti fteiroB t'OMDiwco lir orrn 9 & SONS CO. i.i'tluUwwl,i 4 YEARS AT -1324 FARIIAM ST. DR. McKENNEY SAYS: "No Mattcr How KFc1css a mouth may ap- r, pear, I can put it into attractive, serviceable condition. My prices are very reasonable, and service guaranteed. No charge for advice." I test (Silver Hllinff . . . 50c Heat 22k (i.lld (IM Hour l Si30 A. m. to r. m. Wednesday a hit Baturday Till StOO T. M. Mot Open unrlar. urgess-Nash Gompawy EVERYBODY a STORE HTOItK NKUH Hilt M(M.U SPECIAL! An Unusual Sale Monday of SILK SUITS AT $19.50 Invol ing a Special Purchase of Brand New Models mat Would Sell at $30.00 to $45.00 i' l II. "flVru (nMt iii it I l ili, 'Ilf tti1" iu' (hti iiv Itlet ti ii 1 , j . . n HI II. ' iflrfll ff.,ull r!l ' (iiilt tt liilfl '-l!fl-l' ill!. . dallons and buttorui, in th hp8 of rfpllcaa nf rnnpn of the Tcntli dlHtrfi't. which '1H '8 worn on "hy lieck" Ifnnii ilimlcru, thn local dclcuit tr confl- dnnt they can crcnt mnr thnn a cna tlin In tho Ohio roiivcntlnu city. Maur WIim In (. KoMcrvnl lon for tho followhiR Ilo inrlHMH mid mi mlicru nt tlidr fHnilltcn limu tii'ioi mad( by Kccrxtiiry 1'iiu A. JnhiiHiTi; 1 r II. 1.. Akin. Mr. mid Mr. J ii ii Union, r,; lir. K. M. Conlly, Mr. mid Mri. , H. i ioodrli'ti, )r. and Mm. K. i'. Ili-iiry. .1. It. Ilylnnd, Mr. mid Mm. I mil A. JohiiKnti, Mr. mid Mm. Tom H, linily. II I''. Klrikc, Mr. and Mm. Ilnrlov ii Moorlii-ad. Mr. nm1 Mm. J. W. Wcl. h unrl fion mi'! V 1..'l limn '1 11 n I iiiihIiiiioi will travrd to I 'nvciiport, In , In n Hpiu'lnl i'KI, w-hrrn llicy will niffci nilir-r rti'I'Kii I iiiim frnrn tli Tenth ! I r- il r-t nod prncod (o tliu cniiM'tillun ahnrird it n'i'iil Ir.iin. i n rr li.i'ni rrrvnttiinn hM ulrcMdy I i cn inailo tit tlic cniivunlliiii lirinl niir l' i" In rincliiiiHil, ncitirilltiK to H'lvlicn icrclvrd Ii)' Sccrctriry .lidmmin. Tin- t 'tiii'lnnili Itoiury chili tmn an on- j S5.0O FOR YOUR OLD STOUE AS PART ON 1 EU? icady COMBINATION COAL AND GAS RANGE WO CHANGES NOTHING TO PULL OUT OR PLACE IN OVEN TO CHANGE FROM ONE FUEL TO THE OTHER JUST TURN ON GAS AND LIGHT OVEN. DEMONSTRATION ' ALL WEEK, MAY 8th TO 15th 'Oj JTvi ii miiMi.ii)i.' Kiitiviiiiiia Ui TFFTH .Sll.'S.rSiS.JIlmlSII) HcKEEJFlET DENTISTS MTII AMI l', It NAM UTS. UWI I'AHNAM HTItKKT. t I'liiinn Itoimlit Wi'i. NOTICT'- Onl-of-tiwii pittniiiH inn ui-t Plains, firovvna, llrhltfc am I'Hllnua ( iiiiiplolcil In Onn Ifny. a 4 i'VN W tiTtalninrnt budKi t of uT,.V0. Tho jnter natlnnal incctiiiif of IlotHry club will 1m onr of Hid larncut conventions ever lu'ld In thin ciiiintry. Sfcrotiiry JnhiiNiin of tho local club re turned yestf-rduy from Dcu Molnog, where ho ettendnd a Tenth rjlntrti t conference of Itotiirlnn (lilcKMtCH. I'liiii for tho concerted iictlim of tha Tenth district A lroriy at mo international convention wr made 'Ihr lircnlcl fit I ii Klllrr. Huan'H llolmcnt linen rlRht to the ent of rain, dlinply lay It on you do-not have to rnli. S.V.. All driiKii-lntil. Advertise ment. TOKB TOUR TVM AWO CtOTHIWO In Our Cola Dry Air rtreyoof Vault!. Drcshcr Bros. STEM. DRY CI.TJAIfFaS, HATTEBI A WD TAILOIIH. 9311-3317 rABWAM ST, Our Autouiobllea Faea Tour Door very Day. TTLtK 348. TAYMENT AN 03 ieoogram 1515 HARNEY iisiir'iliniin-itu on We Please You or . , Refund Your Honey Heaviest llrlilfie ' M oi k, HT KmiIIi. . .V l-'re h lamina tion. No Hftidonl. Iadjr A(tjndanU. J riionn IHitiK. IU7. i! ' i I it lliM I I V --. -..t i . - 1 '. iiii hut i ' I l If ( tl lv- f 0 tt ,i!k ' nl BITTERS I'l I 'tl t IV It i t I. ii( el II 111! ; ! i r- . t . , I'.iK'i Hli. I l I Chi , nl! nil I i m im-tt-tllra ij l. l! l w t' 11 ( if w idi'i ii (H -l HM i i hi i' l" 1 1 ..' ,1 i ( it ! nil -I, Man !:tl, V 1, V lit). ml i on I t;: .uunorsa NAan company,