Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Image 6

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Nebraska Maoni Gather at Colum
bus, Where the Knights Templar
Hold Their Convention.
In th eret eoclaty circle on of the
Important event of the week wn th
uprlii gathering of Knight Templar at
Cnlumbu. whr th vlaltor were roy
ally rntertaJried, according to report
brought bark by the Omahnn.
The Cnlumbu tethering one of
the Urgent that the knight hav had In
recent yeara. The lodge work com
menced Thursday and continued Friday
and hut urda y, the laet and one of the
Intrreetlng feat urea bring an alaborale
banquet pi'd by the Columbus knight
Katurday night.
Healde the regular lodge work that
felled the knight together, there were
nnmeroii gutrimobll ride, amokrr tmd
finally the banquet,' Omaha wag retire
eented by a delegation of iotoa fifty
Woodmen of Ibe World.
Korlugkn camp No :K1 will meet to
day at I p. tn., at Woodmen of the World
ball. Twenty aeventh and I. atreeta,
Mouth Hide, for the confer! trig of the de
free. The rarnp baa luriegae.d lie iiienl
berahlp during the laet year from eev-
'enty-one to more than I'm.
Hntith Omaha reiiip No VA will iint
Ttieadny evening at Woodmen of the
World ball. Twenty-fifth end ,M atreeta,
Koi.ili p'ule. The drill train, It la
eerted, baa reached a atiiiidnrd of pin.
fblericy wbhb enable It to taka an
artlve pnrt In conferring the Protection
bgfe, which la gratifying to Urn mrin
berahip. fobl 'I1 ramp No, "5 will meet H indy.
May 14. at 2 p, m,, In Woorlinan of the
World ball. Twenty-ninth and Walnut
aireete, in confer tb degree upon a
TiUtribrr of candidate. The new I'olleh
deputy, Htanley t'lanerkl, la aald to b
having good eurcee In aeouilug new
member and ha prnmlaea an untmially
large clue for Initiation at thla meeting.
Lithuanian ramp No. 444 will meet Bun
dny morning at 10 o'clock In Woodmen of
tt' World ball, IS3rt2 flout ti Thlrty-eecond
atreet, South Bide, for work.
W, A. rrar camp No. ) h leaned
a call for an opart meeting nt MulUtr'a
hall, Seventeenth and Vinton atreeta,
Tueedey evening. The program will be
followed by an athletle meet.
Druid camp No. 24 will hold II regu
lar monthly meeting Monday avenlng In
t'ruld hall, Twenty-fourth atreat and
Antra avenue. At the do of the bual
nee aeeelon the Protection degree will
be conferred
Zlakiit Pal) ramp No, lit wilt meet to
day at 10 a. t.i. at Turner ball, Twenty-
ftrat and V. atreeta, for ta regular
monthly meeting, The degree will b
eienipllfled upon a large number of can
didate. Refreshment will b aarved.
Cniumbii camp No, (W will meet at
noon at rragu hall, Thirteenth and Will
lam etreet, for It regular monthly bul
,riee meeting, Th Protection degree will
be conferred, A large delegation from
a neighboring cginp will tie the guat.
' Omaha Seymour camp No. II bald an
enthuelaatlc meeting laet Monday eve
ning The camp memberehlp w( wall
represented. Matter pertaining; to th
camp' welfare were eetlefactorily ad
jured and th booiter campaign oommlt
le report wa received wtih nthul
rm. It plan for Inoraaalnff th member
ehlp i adopted and th glogan for
Heymour membera for th it glxty
day will b, "Symour th largest camp
In Nebraeka."
Woodmen rircl.
The denre given by Wlcom grov
nd Pruld camp laat Wednesday
nlng wa great aucce, a large crowd
greeting the of finer
A epeclal meeting of th Waloom
grove drill teem la called for Wednac
day evening, at Pruld haJI. Th team
la making arrangement for aame pclal
drill work. ,
Th popular meeting of th yaar for the
Pruld camp and Welcome, grov la th
annual children' party to b held Fri
day afternoon. June 2. The children of
the mernher of th two lodge will be
enterUlned. Ther will b a program
followed by children' game. Catherine
Campbell will have a place on th pro-
. gram.
Brotherhood of American Yeomen,
Laet Wednesday evening Omaha llome
tetead No. Ik Initiated a large clM of
eandldata in Ita hall In I-abur temple.
The Initiation wa In charge of Onigha
'Jlomeatead'a women' degree team,
i hli h I putting on the work during May,
a the aupreme officer ha especially
tleVcalrd the month of May to the
Konien. Mr. liell Itimttck, wife of
1 'truth t MfliiHUr lloatlck, who ha been
Mailing In Lincoln, returned In time In pnrt In the Initiatory cereim-ny, c'he
rei.rt the Vrmtwit in e very proaperou.
; !r Lincoln
Net Weitiuedny etenlng. Omaha
Itnmentred will ge a ilnnce In At ball
In t ' r trmptr to inrniht i e ami ti'i-n
Trlhe Kf tl.n Mae.
l i t court H heM a b,.mc'i
Moling Thut,(n umiiiii i,it . v
cat n Bnt'Uianom m-rr n-, nl
ThirUy Itier li l .! miiieii.M
the Aeqrr WruK nil) 1( f.r In ( .i
legell. !! M. ker.i'f tin u- I
i lux u l l t lll m( 1
lirnlee nf arniiltfc ln
t ia i . i I o Sir, tV !-. n, ttuli i
l I t 4 r'g At Vln t
Two '" M ',
t f I H I ei r - -I ..' ci t - I I
a v .i to .. ,i t. i
t in b'i
t t.t, u i t , - :
b-A- -i r. e v VI . v. I t, ,
,,i t- 1W u.l H,
'nl . . ' w ic .i- a .
f. . i . . I . v - I :
I 4t- iv I !- - I . p
,c.r ( i VetT a Usl ' c; I
I- t ' - ( J t ' r
I't5 i- ft -- . ,
a H.J
e -.'.! .-n. tt i----."t - .
.! ,i -.., n ( ' i . ', ir
' T it t . 1 I.- .(..-. 9n .
ii i ihM't' ' J- e- t j
H , . i ', t , I 'VI t I
t . t hi , ..! - th. i
. . V M. t " kl I
t . : .i ,. , I v I I I I '.,
t Hi ( .,,.
M - ' ! ! ' '
hinldlng, Wedneeday aft.-i ii.,ou, Mny :",
at 2 p. m. Klori tut- litnn n in eccn-tary.
To (onfer Ui-iirrc.
The flfteenUi. aixtrwnth and cv enteenth
degrcea be confined on n clim of
twenty at Hcottiaii llitu ciitliedrBl next
Monday evening by Jonn lurluow, wise
Ivy I lull.
The Ivy club, compound of membera of
Ivy rtohekah lodi,;. will itlvo an fiiler
talnmcnt and parcel poat eule Thuiaibiv,
May ;., at tho Odd Fellow hall.
Two Men Caught by Dr. De t '
in Act of Ridin? Away 1
H'' Tar.
Caught In the automobll of Dr,
K, h, Iitl.enncy tn the center of a
throng of people at Twenty-fourth and
N atic I laat evening shortly bufote u
oib ck, .lairic J, Oillcn, atockman, wl0
Uvea In Harpy county, And a
Worker, who gave hi name n
(', I). Craig, Wl I'lnknny ' r ft. m iv
arreati - laat aveolliK by l apteln of I'o
lli e John Krliig arcl offbci 'luce airl
Itaughman, 'I he docior una Juat coining
from th door . of hi office Hhru iu
eapled two men In hi i jioImIci
which atood at th curii, the englm'
throbbing uridt-r the hand of one of Urn
iifore they were able tn Uit the
uiachln he had them uniler hand enl
ivlih th help of veil pedeatrlan
s ehle to hold them while on tele
phoned fur the puMcu, Hu'li men h"'1
hecri drinking. They admitted thelt guilt
an, I were releaeed on r'uet of th doc
tor, afler the latter returned from the
A lug cio gathered to the
arreat In tho henrt of the bualnea ill
trht when the atrcet weie filled wni
pl. It a th fltat time Ihut ttw
man b-'t been caught In the act of rid
ing away In an automobile not their own
Drug, Hlore lleided.
A quantity of morphine, cocaine urei
other drug beelde a bicycle end a
, air of ahoe were itolen In a raid by
thieve at tli Mmile avenue drug atorc
at 6)02 Houth Ulghteenth etieet miici1m
between 'April 24 and May i. Mr. Hul
hulnaoti, proprietor of tho place, repotted
the loaae to the poll' h,
Th horn of th rector of Hi. Mary a
fcplacopel church at HI4 J. at reel, a a
entered and robbed by unidentified
thieve yeeterday and a black Wallet con
laliilni H6 cent, a black leather hand
le valued at I0 or 112, beatdea many
Importan. paper, wer tolen, fteporla
of th theft huv been placed on file
at the atatlon.
ajurronlr Ifiieapea lajnry.
ued appai enlly from under the very
ebeel o. a pavelng atriet cat at the
weat and of tba y at i tut tlaJuit'on H,'
Tr -aeventh meet rroeelug, Joe Kill
r 2DI6 (4 atreet, prolmhlv ohcb lui
Ufa to Officer John Zaloudek, alio ic!
th man In th darknea before iba 00
cotnliig car. Iietectlvaa l-'lrtiilng an.t
SulllveD who happened along at tb lion
alted tie officer In Herring the ",",
to (afety.
Jackmao from Itaaka.
officer John Jackmati, on of th obi
tint (tatlon officer of th local polite
department I rtcolvlug many a compli
ment foi hi rapid climb In th deparl-
ent work line annxalloi). Although
having ervd In th capacity of a pa
trol conductor, h along with Chauffeur
Ban: f Daobaum of th patrol, ha done
hlroaelf oredlt In many cage that have
oonfrontad th department. Recently
whan Dalcotltr Olllen and Allen left
for Winner 8. D on polle huelnc, he
wa th on choaeo to tuk their pirn
making tb detective run with Officer
Dworak a long-time lubatttute.
More) gtreete Iloerted,
Reeervatlon for parking autoinohlle
will b atenld to mor treet then M
traet, acoordlng to announcement of Cap
tain nton Vanoua yeterdy. The ee-t
half of N atreet between Twenty-third
and Twenty-fourth. 0 atreet between
Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth and th.
ther two highway, where traffic eiu
that have been recommended for adoption
by th two captain.
Oppol" la being encountered In the
new mov In a certain city ordinance
govci ig tha matter of parking auto
mobll In downtown lret. It appear
that thla ordinance or part of It will
hav to be repealed In order to make
th adoption of th reeervatlon yltn
(iaraaa Thief A creeled.
Aa ha about to remove the renr
wheel from th aitomoblle of Thotnu A
Mndley In (he garage of th latti-r at 4ct:
South Twenty-third tret, pelectlve MIKe
tiulllven and Chauffeur Joe Itaughman
walked tn on I. l. Martin of Uana l it)
tht inornlti ' 4 .W 0 clock, Netghbura
a rou He' t, v ttie nolle made by the man,
liiveatlgnted and aeeln the loan engngrvl
In reinoliig the tin- from tie wheel if
Meuae Our Autimiubtte Paa lour
Doir Keery Day.
Drcshor Bros.
Dltkh. DT ILCaatKh. K ATTKMt
amd ratboaa
ajii-iiT ruaiM it.
Tr It R a.
I II U IH It l tv ll
Cut Glass U earner
and Sugar
I I I'll i I, - ! J. - , , 1
'' ' ' I . I ;
I ' ; ' a i f , i ) . kl I T ' '
i r . f o a i.1 i I. it
t i r 4- -I tt : j,' ; i i ,n .
J' t 0 ;i V r
Broctegaartl Bros.
the machine, ciil the police, tiulllun
nod ll.nighman teaponded In the i-mcr-
tency , 1,
Martin wouhl any nothing of hmiaclf et
the poll' e HiMtlon.
i htircli irO-e.
Illlladnle liopiipt, I'orty-tlrrd and l
Blblo a'udy hour at l'i livening e-ivici.
at a, led hy "The Hldeona." Alldwe,
enrvlce Thuradny night t V All el
corn Ht l.uKe Twenty-I fth an I
i Itev. H. It. Vertiin, I'aator .-inndiiy
achool at H Vi, MornlriK aurvlcc at It,
luthet It n ue at 7 Alien l.oruie I.lnd
b'UK, leader
Klret ChrlHtiini, Twenty-third nd I,
Hev, .) U. A I her, I'aator -Moriilng moi-
Ice at II, mid evening mriiiini nt 7. Hun
(iy achool at u.ti,. Heritor KtiihHvor at
:il Junior l-;ndcnvor, Tueridny nt 4 p. in.
Morning aerinon Mnndny will be the third
of a eerie of aertnone on thn "Church,"
and the evening, the fourth of a mtha
on the "Church."
U'cal flit? I n t f it i 1 1). t hi h I , 'I'll I rt v
eltiiiili rmd Q, t'.nv. Sicillcroaa, I'aatot
Mirulay achool, ! t.'i. Morning worahlp, II
Junior hndonvor, 3, .Mia, Khliirork, u
i,erltiiendeut meiliil coiiieHt work, itaHiHteil
bv Mr. Hmlth of OiiinIih ' 11 miiiiUmI Ion of
clnan-a of younif f niopo laiiira Hill take
plHen. Chrlatlnn I'-ndee vor, 7 Kvenlng
eervl'e, H. I'ini-r meeilrig, Wndneadny, k.
Central ftiterdenomltintlonnl Twenty
fifth and M, Itev. 1 K. I' Coininh
l a itor-l!lhle aetiool t '4 .. ( Changed to
old hour). .Morning wornhlp at II Cop
aiiri.iion hHitin, recaption of mnii
brig, coimtiunion. Highland: lllble achool
w b u i. pour
M Kit. Mad with contlnu
rA on roll arma, eoinfort
Vl able ahaped feet and
back, heavy ervlroi
riinnair Ftntahed In
i baronial brown or nat
ural color. Our low
prlc only
F '-isStZ. 1 PYV VM I L.T Jl C t ,VH TiL! I- ' ' I LI I a l IJ I rSV A&MJT I ' V" J l,flL'J:ii
, tmt'niornuT ovKKKTi'rrwn DAvr.Ni-ouT 'x-
hol.ter.d In high grade valour. Full aprlng eon. true.
tlon Heal and taua mane mm
Ueaaurea Ik Inehea wide. Euual to
oual to
enporte prb-ed ae high a. t'6 00.
Thi !,' aneriftl nrlr. on
f A MAHHIVK MS f"N, J (tr
nr,t fitted with eight heavy
M I in filler, and 1 bottom
..... -- - -
L i red Iteeulifully namelo.t in
fo," Veml. Mattln. Comae In fu
k7J ,t.e only .'anaot b "VH
() oal. l i I.. ( for
7 le.a (han HIM. Owr I Tl
a3 bo nr ,H 11
a. I
II fiKt' T.
fin tltfchj r,l
miilal biviti
" b.n
l-ek4 his-t,
1 ( ' . n if.." ,
. ' . . ' ., ir. cave V r
V1 I b"l an. I i."sly
i fi .e4. .......
H 1 IN H.'Ht
ill 4 K nHt M
m u 1 AO t" w ni
- '.-t ;tS I ft itf
(1'II e li
f-j an.! k! i 1 h.-.
T.i xir-.ig Jil h."i
y j, m ( a V ? 1
is 'fM, g'j e it a
". M4 t
I ,
1 .lla.kt
. tr. . ter) .. ,r, V I vl ,"! H
f r r T,.wr.,.,,T,.,'vJv,,.,'r'T'.v' -r .
k -a. Aa.. -..'.. -a. 'W .Jk,' 4a. d.'U.' 4. v ' W . V W
it .'."0 I'reaihing at t. O-n'ral- Younvt
people' nireilr g 11I T, Goapetj erv;ce at
. M Id week prayer eer.'ii v Wedtt -a lay at
. I a-llea' Aid meeting 'Ih'itaiiny at 2 ;.
The pl.iy "Hunkers V. .. ly Aid ai
nieinni ra Kj bin Rt . Junior I'. 1.. I 11.
'noctinrf Sntunlny nt 9.
Mngiic! i ity Ifiiaelp.
Tie 1'eaHlon I'lav will be presented to-iniii-row
rc'iriiiiiK nt il ocinck et the lleaee
I hen let
Office opnie for rent l i lb e i,f(k'',
N etieet. 'Irin reaoniible. Well known
location. Tl. houth 'ii,
A Hold v.Mtih. th" roliiil property ol
, Anderaon, W. Houtli Twenty-fourth
HI reel, waa atrdeti from the loom of the
Inner between 6 11. in. nnd 3 .to p, m. r rt
dii y.
The Z C, It .1. Vo ing I'eople'g loiliie,
No. lll'i, ere islvlng ilunce thia evening
nt the Hohi'rrmin Nh'I'jioiI bull at Twentv
Ihirrl mil1 I' el rente The puhlii: I lli
VI ted
Ali Daniv 'I'n Seward etreet, peddler.
wn errea'el ve.derd.iv noon t,v orfu'or
Croeiiy on 'liiv,e of peiidllug without
lloeiiHe Itta coi"e will mine ip in p 1
llro irjiirt tin morning.
1 hur'e l'i. bimkci vl: le. u e 1 ic . em o
I ell ' ue colb'ue, will ecK ,-uii'ey even
lii ef the Weal vl ,'e Intenlerioin ortonul
chiiroh nt Thlrty-clvh'b and elieeta
The mee'lig will open at s o clock.
It taka but a minute of Urn to aiive
dollnra when you rend The f!e Want Ad
columha. j
IIm 41-lnoh btuM, Kraoa
f ul Mrpemtln front.
French berated plate mir
ror ruoaBur 2xH8 Inch.
BxoellenUr oongtruoted
and tlnlnheda Very P
claU q noted for til week,
w $15.89
pteoe. Comlatlng
roomy arm chair to
SSl "ut
IW'e',- iWiTaW
dav - m m g S
5 Male rhlltrly of
large t .' I" tup.
heir rod Kotire
!pe-ially priced at the f'i'l
Y t 't.i,l
Ihi talking ion.
" " ii'li
till IrX'NOUV 10
ma le Ih r.usn'i.nit i f !j
t,t. f bl,he,t t-. J
tn I :n I iu .1 ti
.r-.l iim tvp,
gKtat'.r in it !
' v
".s, V 1 ' a"
r i a m ii is K,
II IS 1 1 II I if
i ii ir i in
I 1 I II II II li,
I It I I I i
i u i m i li i n r r a ; t
J. MJti
v iii fn
111 A i(
German Note is Not
Fully Satisfactory
To Press of Britain
I.ONJiOV, My H.-luterent vlth wlilcb
Or irrmny a reply to the t iibid ftntea Wag
itwnited hot'e could hardl) have been ex
ceeded In America. All the evening new
pnper yeNtenltiy printed the note prom
inently by oi lion In uccei.lvo edition.
The grvataet curioaity wa enpronaed aa
to the reception of the note by the I'nlt'd
r'tiitia. The mothlng newapapcra almoat
without cKception print editorial on tho
'into nnd expire more or Ira decided
opinion on It.
"It can only menn a brk between
Amelia end lermanv," any the Pnily ,
SVaa. j
The Kxpre cbergr'terlie the Oertnan
repl i ' lnolent, yn cm ami dlnlngrnU '
iw" and dei lure It I an ultimatum "he
"'nc It nienii that unlr tho 1'nlted
Ktjtle attempt to force the 11 II lea to
mine the i'Ickp of ilcrminy, Oermnny will to kill haphazard "
VVnrit d never a'llrk their work -they
will get reaulta, if anything will.
KooH HlllTtS. Kumed oak flnlah only. 7
of 41-ln. top table, nr high tiaoK ehair.
11 D at. nnlioretered In genuin flpantah leather. On
niatoh. 7 place oomplet at only
J I I VAI 1 1 Uj ILH I
Hartman Feather Your Nest"
Klliltng Iteah
( aniparteueat
r. Slli Vl l TH It KE-PI PfK MIMSIflV
geriulne oid oak, and beautifully finlahed in
aiol rocker upholatere,! In high gra te Ppenieh Iniltatioii
-II. ting rik drawer i'oniprtnent Mantne
aei of ihrr lueeea eitlv aa lllu
Term t SO I ah. l ,V 4 Mnnih.
jwggite1g. .wAgliii ltlll H -l agigi.fcl 1elg1alg.l .i giilleV. i mto tk-aaalu. ig4-M4jg
n,cai,iiiK ,f th; fi-iinatloiiai pffer Any
MUV t.U Vf trStl, . a. kn lr.gc.l tii
h ue, drlOere.l t.i your h'line wrhou!
mri fur g ft a rci .it. I S.i lonrey In
i.hif.g in (a foi thill)
' N- h .i. 1 1 H
V'i r. t .
IA .11. I .
-I , lll.g I
, , K 1' I :
rratf t la Si I 1
lis, . i 1 1 i, ' S II
'- ; - - I 1 " 1
11 in. 1 .
11 a
H MU'V Uiltt II V
bit ' t.luUil
lUiii MUMMUhs
a T.fin
T A im
-16 -10 DOUGLAS ST.
Omaha Gas Company
The Omaha Gas Company extends a
cordial invitation to its lady patrons to
visit the salesroom at the South Side Office,
4819 South 24th St., Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday, May 8th, 9th and 10th, at
which time thm will be a demonstration
of the Eclipse Gas Range.
DKKSKK 1b mude of "
lilh grade imitation Circa
giiin Walnut. IrnpOHfllblfl to
tll It from the genuine. Ha
heavy plunk top, full swelled
front, 24x28 French beveled
plate mirror. Specially
priced forllhlg week, at
unuaually well made
lull -) e f
V f.
fc--". .i.wVrf.JKe
f'3;'-r"- " ii ' X
. ft. ' "
rc:a I;'. -sk
I L M. . f Vt T I I I
r71J'VlN JY" BNi I
1 y'.ii'' Ml IIIUKI li!,K HuMl thrmiKhout of ha
!. S V " H fmlehed m American qii.irt.-r ftwed
I xLi.V if lioldcu or fumeil rmiali li.nunn.ti.. .
liv'.t'Iri I i... i,...l
M . Ji". ' I . ,nl'y
A. - n.
filmed a,1 kA - te
I. inn
. 815.98 yfSy; t,-u;;:;-r';::a
IHITTS ' "lekel wlra ebelv,. inr. M
.. N,, lined with i..l.,er.l wool 4'. g
a . ' 1'
I l v. 'It- "... -'' ;
OF! i-U!
, - ...
n.'e 1 r iit 1 '
w 'he , ',
i nc i pui u .! on iir
I V i 1
1 1 1 I rt
1 ...
11 1 I
a JT'sj
,-.AAJ!a a"1 ' " .
Tonnff rooplci About to ttlart a homn of
tlmlr own aliotilJ nut full to Tivlt II art
until' and look over our rant utin k of
liloaa and iiKKi'at'onH. Vod will not be
arifwl to liuy Rt !iftrfman'g-ixra'p, imt
lutpa, by oor wonnVrfuiljr low prlvm and
onr eiccplloiiHlly liluli qaulltr. Von Mill
find here mi opportunity for licit r kind
of homo In wlilcb (rood fnrnlturi U tint
inotit oggHittlal factor, and you will elan
find tlint the kind of a home you have nl
way wanted In wllhln your means at
II art in an. Intellkent lincatlKiitlnn and
roinpurlNon eordlally intlted.
tw ruin BIDE
In ae
" HOPKKR. Krame
or cholo aeiected oak. fv,'
.. i ... I I h I . . A k 11 1
rirHlltl.. I l. I m li V U
fumed. Heat and back
are upholetered In guar
anteed Imitation Span-
I ah leather, over full H
eteel eprlng conatrur- tw
tion Irkr comfortable
bead ret. Extremely
good value and verv r?l
new aiyie.
aid tvooit rt,h.
Imitation oak. LO
........ "... '. "
haped pillar,
ainaamg .SlO.ORK
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