Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1916, SOCIETY, Image 18

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    TflK OMAHA srXDAY V.F.E: MAY 7, 101(5.
i f
is Going On
in Society Circles
Officers of the Woman's Golf Club
Betrothal Announcements.
Mr, and Mn. F. A, Sanborn of Hii0'
hurst announce tie eimac merit of their
daughter, Yerc'a T..otii, and Pt Louis !;.
Moon cf Omaha. Vis P.mto-n U .1 i, t a'l -uat
of (he l"nivrjly of Ne'irt'k. her-
he hn'f a member of ,blia M I it
aoror.ty. and I now iloinrMl n-tcnce In
structor In th Benson High ?"hnol. Pr.
Moon is an Ann Arbor graduate .url i.
on th staff of thu Mthn1t hospital.
The e1rling will be celebrated the liittr
part of June.
Mr. ami Mrs, Nicholas Alnoe announce
the encasement of thfit daughter,
Bel. to Gord'in WIbuIbj Bennett of
thl city, th ddlng to ta.k piece May
IK. It will be a amall home aeUdlng,
enly th Immediate members of th fit m -Hie
and a few clone friend ix-Imk In
vited. Th bride sister, Mrs, P. II.
idrmn. of He Moines, la., will bit
her only attendant. After a southern
wedding trip they will be at home nt 1MI
TVak avanna until their utn home i
Mr. and Mr. Min I.. Huntley an
nciine th wedding in July of their
daughter, lirar M. Hiinlli-j, to .loaeph
A. Bradley. Mi Huntley will graduate
from th t'nlverslly of Nebianka In
.Inn. Tli first two years of lid- art
and science comae wire spent at t In
l'nhemlty of Omaha, wbeio siie. van
elrtd prldnt of the Oatway club,
th hnoater organisation, before leaving
there, She us secretary of tin1 flrnl
mid-term class to gradual from Hie
Omaha High school four yar ago. Mr.
Hrdly I isell knn In Omaha. H
1 at present In biisln In flloiin Kalln,
fi. P.
All and Mr. Krtusnl tirocnhaiim of
Chicago, formerly of Omah. he an
nounced th" engagement, of lln'lr rtangli
t.r, May, and Mr. Julius (Hick of Chicago.
Forgan-Congdon Wedding Plam.
Mies Klixah'th Congdnn and Mr. Hob.
rl Forfait of Chicago ara to
he married n .V ondsy vciiltig,
June 12, at th lioinn of Mr.
and Mr. Ixaac K, ('niigdon At Unit
tlm Ml Joppliln t'oiiHdnii, Hi hrldf'a
youngt lnfT. will hi lionicc from Va
ar, whvr lie grailnatr thl yar, and
Mr. Harlwrt Krenrh, anothr-r altr,
cornea thi month from Ioiilvlll. Ky
to ha an attandatit at the wrddlnaj.
Mla Congdon' wddlng will ha of wd
lntarat, a ah I on of th ht known
and brat llkad girl In Omaha and alao
h many frlfnd In thlaKo, hr futuro
horn, whare h ha vlaited f rijuntlv.
Ml; Congdon waa ipirt-n of Ak-fiar-HMi
two year ago, and tha Congdnn lioni.
with lla four charming lir, ha hn
a rnlr of boapltallty and gaiety for
v-ral yr.
Eleanor Painter' Married.
Ml f'llfanor Palntr of "llar Dom
ino" and "Prlnraaa Tat" fame In Nw
york, ''Nll l'alntr" of fmiaha, and the
far-famed Madame Falntar-Hrhrnldt, flrat
aoptann of the t"harlottDlrg opar
hou In fjrlln, u married In Hrooklyn
Wdndav to Mr. toula Oraveure, the
Belgian barlton. who waa In Omaha
with the Mlnnapolla Hymphony orolic-
tra In April, The marriage aarvlce wa
performed at tha homej of th brldo'a
brothrr. Mr. Earl V. Painter, phyalial
director of tha Central Toting Mrn'i
Chrtatlan aaaoclatlon.
Tha New York papera revive the mya
tarlou atorr that Qravaura la tha Kng
Hah tonor, Wilfrid Douthltt. Douthltt,
who waa th aon of an Irlah piother and
Belgian father, born andi reared In Kna
land, left America, wbere ha bad aiinx
aa leading man to Mlee Painter' a tar
rota in tha "Lilac Domino," and ha told
all hla friend on leaving that ha would
enllat In England and arr with th
Rrltlah force In ("lander.
Home month latar a elnger cornea from
Belgium, railing hlmelf Ixwila Oiaveiire
and b hat th voloe, tha face, th
stature and th nianneHam of Douthltt.
alao the frlendhlp of Douthltt' former
pngttner In art, Mlaa Painter, and he a it
need to Douthltt' place aa her leading
Ml Painter, Mr. Oraveure and Mr,
Karl Painter deny that tha men were th
me, Mr, Painter affirmed that he bad
formerly met Mr. Oravenr In Xouth
Africa when he waa with the Young
Men Chriiin ifaaoclatlon work there,
and later lie met him in Hcrlln when he
waa vIMtlng hi l(i'r
Hut the .New Voik papera are not eatla
lied, not even the fact that tltn name on
the marriage llrcr.w I Oraveure haa con
vinred th" m.
Meanwhile Mr. and Mr Oravrura ara
upending tin Ir honeymoon In the womU
of Maine.
Newi of the Wayfarers,
Mr, Cbarle Nlilvrrlck, ln a ticen
at Ti)f. N- V.. with lirr ami. t liarle, anil
liia ife, for the winter, la now Inflcir
land with Mr. and Mr Am Milverick.
Mr. t'liarU H. Kell. i, who went pt
ovr a tnonth ago, la now at Aniiaputi
with Mt John I , atiaisman f m (cm
il v
Mia K. ei Rood wli'i haa le it Tr
poii pi n, ria , Mine Jiun.. (ji (i
t ei li-1 in limalia l v (I r inhlillr of i,ri
Her niro , lt Cbariutt mith
w onipmilerl ft IIimmI ,,uUi. and tin
nk Ihiv (mi- turn rn "lng a i aii'Mi
trip in 1 ir Ula
Cnangei in Rendence.
sir ami ,vir l It. in- nt t
tmm their Fnrtieih atrfrt hum.. ti :
loiitu Tbn tv eighth !"
M f I Vr. II i 1 i I i
I Vl d Ni '! , .-, r ,,
noted (. i l .,.. i ,
Mf an.l IH I II N.wi.i , v v i ,
lllUr 'M ft h t.l (
,nii In tK (.t (SI aa.,
c ant Sin ll-n , V h , ..,
b-.'M'f ! 1 M' t I ,! , 11 ,.
,' t r f.ifi! - . . ,,lt
t IM rlil (I Ml ' I t, ,,, ,
U " t hc f. I l. ...I
!. 1 ! P, ,w - h m , . j - , f
h ,...
Attnn Ht!i l fll
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' "t I. ' 1
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f i - . , ir. !!.. .
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V. f P. P .
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14 1 , il i a (
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: V ' j-'v '
H4 '
Their Engagement to Wed Announced
Q, Silver,
lained at brcakfaat till morning by Mr.
p:xluhrook and will 4e th dinner gueata
of Mr. Htevcna. The Omaha women
preartit were:
Meadamea Moadamea ,
William flavlngnr Vincent Maacall
Hoy It I pit Hurry Welter
MliWH- M !
Loiila fowler Kthel Fry
Hutli JorgeiiHon
Omaha Univenity Social Newi.
Merulier and friend of the flam ( hi
Omlcron ororlty of ih t'nlverelty nf
flmatift were entertained Trlday evening
at. the home of Mlee Rule t'ampliell of
Waterloo, Neb. The trip waa taken In
automobile. Thna preaent were;
l!ll l arpenter,
Marlon pearaull,
'llrace tdiaffwr,
Kit a Hartiton,
Kwle Campbell,
Kather Kiip,
Ellaalieth Uerryman
Icrald Bruce,
Kmeraon tlooililch,
Paul Helhy,
K litre in Hlnurinn.
I.lovd Meyer,
w iiiaiir rior,
Irene M'-Oulre,
Helen Jnhnaion,
I'lmeni I inw,
Knlhi rlnc UP hey,
'ilive Hrnln.
Kffle Clclliinrt.
Harold l-nnderyoii,
Amoelie CulliH,
Torier Allen,
Wink Oagnebln,
Timothy Hmlth.
Ililaar Krnat,
Mlaa Kathleen Carroll entertained
formally with a dinner at the .rax Urn
hotel Hatunlay afternoon. The guceta
wer college friend of Mla Carroll, who
I a atudtmt at the Unlverlty of Omaha.
The color acliema wa of whlta and lav
ender, with floral piece of while llliiua.
Plate were laid for;
Mlaaea Mla-
Kathlen Carroll, fliilh Mundland
Bnima Andaron,
Jean Ilerger,
Katherine Caae,
Marllla Caae,
Margurlt t:arroll,
Pern Ollbart,
Ruth Orlffln,
Anna Oaughan,
Kuther Knapp,
Anna Nuellnr
of Fremont,
Dorothy l'eron.
Panay William.
Joeephlne Carroll,
(J rant I'areona,
Irene Wllaon,
Olga Andcreon,
Kllaalieth Hcrrymnn.
iiutae Hratton,
I'lffie Clelland,
Vera rink,
Fllaabeth Onrdoii,
Alba H.iuk.
Kva Malioney,
Margurite I'araona,
linth Paler,
(llaiiya TttllmailHc,'
Miilain -
Anna Hratton,
W. Percival.
Tha I'toplan anclety of the University
ot Omaha gave an enleitalniiiint Hfit-
urday evening at tlio home of Ml
Panty William. A cabaret performance
waa the !xvlal feature of the even
ing. Thoe on the program weie Mlaa
Amy Zachau, piano aolu and Simuliib
oug and dunce; Mia Katharine Hic'iey,
piano aolo; reading by Mia l.oul Pa-
mon; piano aolo, Mm Loulae Biallnu;
Scotch reaillng by Mis ftoag. Fifty
gueata were present.
0. H. S. Cadet. Banquet.
The officer of Coiiipanv J I. Omaha
Hlh chool reiiiment. held a bamt iet
Friday evening at the Rome, The muaic
waa fiurtlalied by tiiu icatment mamlolln
tlub Tlnnc pri-eeul wcie;
Mcwnt e 1 Mnfiri -
Phlllii Tbnnma. CUirlrn Hull,
mond pill a a tok of lomemlirance.
Cover mere laid for:
Mr. and Mra. Johnaon.
Iicv. h'ather Lilward Flanagan,
M laaea- Mlaaea
Mac o lionnell Mary lladford
Allle While Mary Keegan
Cin rlaCoedy Nellie Qulnn
A'ary Hulllvan Klliabelh Crowe
F;II.mPiIi Kentielly eiiiiah Kiiltier
ciiHiloile I dacrt Mm )woky
Mary PIron
(iertrud Knnlly
F.illth ( ullen
Mrart Hutler
atlierlne Hlordall
Agne (Nell
rarah Oaughan
. Kennelly
,1, Kennelly
P. KnnHy
O. Jamleon
K.IUuhth Meicbor
June Hprll.ger
Mvrtte Walker
,M vrlle eitnlanr
Fltr,aliHi Allen
Catherine Welh
Nora Hnilth
Nellie Hnilth
Marie Hmllii
Mne "oo1
Pelle Walah
H Mynater
Meeara -.
W. P ' Innnon
I n ill Holand
M. Kennelly
House Party.
Mr. C IJvlngalon, who ha lately an
nounced Hie engagement of tier daughter.
Fannie, to Mr. Jullu Well of Lincoln,
will give a honee party over Hunday to
I ho member of the family of her daugh
ter fiance, The gueal ara Mr. and Mra
Morrla Well, Mlea Rubella Weil, Mr, nd
Mr. Carl Well, Mr. and Mr, N. Idr
timn, Mr. nd Mr. F.ugen Levy of Lin
coln and Mr. Foxe of Houghton. Ta.
Portrait Artiit Honored.
Mr. r;llabtli Oowdy Ilaker, the wall
known painter, who haa put on oanvaa
in many of tha beautlea of th New Tork
faahlonable world, ha bean th houa
guet of Mr. K. W. Nb lnc her com
ing to Omaha. Monday Mra. Hakar will
pay Mra. Joaeph M. Metcalf a vlalt until
Wedneaday, when aha will leave for New
Monday even Mr. Metcalf will gov a
dinner in honor of her fueit. There ara
little whlaper running about that Mr
Haker la pnlntliia mora Omaha matron
than ha already been aunnoiinced.
Honor Bride-to-Be.
Mr. 0. 1. Delft entertained at a ttr
nrlne mlacellancnua ahnwer Thursday
eiening at the home of her mother, Mr.
Hleenberg, aaaiatrd by the Mlaae Lol
and Nellie Fllla and Hulh Patteraon of
Council llluifa. In honor of Ml Flor
em Kill, a June bride, Cover wer
laid for;
I Mlaar-.- Mlaaea-
Uerti udc Jatobmoi flerlnul tieroi k
of Council Hluffa, Kallle t roiy.
Mililied Hnilth.
Until Pattereoii
Alice Altmaii.
Pick Itlchard.
of Council Hluffi, I'Morence Kill,
Nettie KIHa.
M . Fill.
W. At wood,
C G i'elfa
.Viibur HIiigUHlt,
Siiincv ftniiinmui
l-av i-i'tiic l',..ti oi
( ldc Jci ton,
V (ill.-r N lilic.
Il.iiiy Mole
Hi u.-e I 'ii'intuKhMili
I. e,. itiiui Mr, i,
I Iri ni tn Miittit h .
1 1 1-1 Infill " hi'i r t.
II ij; h School Affair.
MiM Kvclvii l'i li iiiimct entertained
iwruiv lugli . frien-lii Stit. Hilar ni
oti.i :i I Hi.' holm' ,f bi parent. Mi.
eii.d Mi i' I' I'rirrotun t, .t a duM, lu
l rty TV. .tM iiiuii'Uin wei-r in pink and
bii, !t. in f,n,if were Mav baakeia
r ti i .-nt Kfi
l;, a .
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X'I l.llie,
Jne Plf.
C. C. VV ellcl ,
J Jiimeli
! of Council Mluff.
i Woman'! Club Luncheon
I The annual luncheon of the South
I Omaha Woman a club, which clonea Ih
I in Kaiiirntioi, a a.'inltlea for Hie year, wa
i :.,M at tha I Intel Irfiyal yealerrlay. Hprln
ftnwcia ei need in the deceit etlnn and
....veia wi plaied for about fifty gueata.
j Mm. Contain to Leave,
1 Mi t' K Ciuilanl. foe foilyaeven
'i a illeu( if lUna'ia, I to lr
-!ieit tiir CttiiAa in ineke her iioni
' lth her intri', Mn. Iblnkei, win h n-
han l h tc.ciitly been tiantrreil there
;;i,iim Ti'Ui Mr Cuilnnl dc ait"r II
I lv iln-p.v (li t v bee many o d frteml
'her ami (be W Met fl.ih l I toe ll
K Will p ll and dnll member
I V and Mn H-iiiket at i r !
:lu Caiif.'Mii en a i,iiia t!j, lc.
r(l I H ! I .! I l m' !r .. I
, f l. !! -II li C- !(! I
aeatunriit t" Ci'i'fi ' In i hl i
! Mi 1 ! .mil ... I-in thm tii in,,
III ? .ei i.ioi t,r fi", n fi on im
! w - hJ I , ' C ' IK '11
I n-tf
I .
S;fr at Browntll HU
j It-.tmw ' ! t t. h.. a !.. I
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,l.l"; 111 'HI ,C '.- W 1
If-, ,i I I I 1 - ' t r t i e 1 i-
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F ' .' ... V . j. Y ... ... ' - . ' ... ' : , ... . . 0
't v ' .- ' , , x
' Grace 2J,Hun4lzy
jhoto ) a r
Vcvda Sanborn
P., I vlaltlng her mother, Mr. II, II.:
lb. ento.k.
Mi, (lould PIcU la cxiioctlng her
mother and f!iter. "Mr. A. M. Puiiiain,
and Mr. Htclla Kundr of Lincoln to
he her gticta f'ir a few week.
Mr. and Alr. K. L. P.urke have aa tha'r
gusiit hi molhr and Inter, Mr. John
L Murk and Mr, (leorge l.unt, a ho er-
ilvd Tueeda." from California.
Mlaa Alice Wlla of panbury, Conn.,
waa th gueat of Ml Kalharlun Tiiuin
mel Monday and Tieaday, Mia Wile wa
on hr way liome from Honolulu, what
(he and Mlaa Thummel met laat winter.
Captain anl Mr, fliorr Uowaii left yes
terday fur Fort William, Ma , after a
two week' vlalt' here with the captain
mother. Mr. W. Jl. Howen, and with
Mr. Howen' later, Mr, (ieorg Moln-tyre.
Ml lletli Valll returned Vednedy
from Ileatrico and left Thursday fur Chi
cago on her way back to Hancock, Mich,,
where her marriage I to lake place June
24, to Mr. Alvln pru of New Hrltnin,
Conn. Ml Vaill'g grandmother anj
uncle. Mr, Martha Path and Mr. (Stock
ton Heth, will go to tha wedding.
Univenity Club Dance.
The University club will give it cioatng
dlnner-danca of the aeaaon Malurday,
My 11. Thl affair will b (ometblng
of the nature of a May prty with ap
propriate favor.
Return from California.
Mr. C. V. McOrew returned home on
Thurday from California, wher alia
pent eeveral month visiting with her
parents and enjoying California auualilne
and flowers.
Stork Special.
A aon wa born Wedneday to Mr. anil
Mlt. Maurice H. Orlffln, at nirchknoll.
A son waa born Haturduy moinltiK to
Mr. and Mr. Hamuel Itoaenblum. Mr.
Kornblum waa formerly Ml Alpcraon.
Notei of Interest.
Mr. and Mr. Alfred Millard ara at th
Tontenelle until after Sunday on llwlr
way from Boat on. whera they have spent
tha winter, to Hood River, Ore., to Join
their on, Ted, who haa been on their
fruit ranch thera for th laat year. Their
younger aon, Hugh, ( thl Juno
from Cornell and will then go to Oregon
Mr. Thorn J, Kelly wa in Chicago
for a day or two, but return tomorrow
to rtlimantle their home preparatory to
moving to Chicago, whero ahe and Mr.
Kelly will live at th Virginia for two
or three month. Mr. Kelly came over
from Chicago Wednetday.
Honor Mn. Haverstick.
In honor of Mr. O. K. Haieiaclrk. who
haa returned from the eant, the Whlat
club gave a luncheon at the University
olub Friday. Cover wore placed for:
' it
li ( '
,1 i
-:.. - .-.;ev
Meade nua-
A. U. i'.dwiit'dji,
L, t. lilmon,
J K. Fltmciald,
Coroi' of
Council lilulfa.
C, K. Fuller.
F. K. Pearc.
C. K. Coiilent.
Mhi I. i. i-i,li.
Meadame '
O R. Haveratlck,
John II Morrleon,
K. W. Ounther,
I.. A. Oarner,
C. A. Sweet.
Fred Krug of
Furl Clonk,
Janir Cbadwlck,
W. J. tlroatch.
U C. Ulbaoii,
Tri-M Club Newi.
Th Trl-M club of the M.-ial. Metlr
odlet cliunh will give tbrne-act college
comedy In ti ainllMriiim uf Hieb nw
cbiireli on ttie e ening ot Mai -i Th
plav will he "The lutmil, ' ni'el itli
elieiucly witty i.mai K i and 'mi n.-l.n -lied
aa tint i an i bin oii liia' il'''l bne
III lla makeup. Tin- iffulr I knni tm m.
benelll uf th bi.llilin fund ( i n- bi.n ti
ami toward paiiuent f.u lb n iuii"
'or the KiimUy tum. The nuiniieix
lb . ' ill art
Muee Vii.n
Vtiin rniriken ..lia rieniii.ii
!.. la Fireman. Mm.U I'aiae4.
v i.,. Itci ii, in. a, i cue,
t'beiii I i . '-i I 1.' m a,ia . -1 t H-I' f ! nil IH .'"'
in.rCiv ililf'ia,
- 1 I', 1 .1 I i I Vniine
., 11 - i . Ir ! I 1 n il t
VH Hariii-iiL
.,,..1. M-..H
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1 1 '!- I' .1g
Cosby K.rlifniUll Wr l nf
T " 1 ' ' l I : " - ' V
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l i . I I .1 I - I 1 ' ' ' ' '
X H ' 1
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r ! l C!ua 0 -en
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,... . T- i ' I ' I 1 1 I "
ffiss Steinberg
on Monday, and children' dance after
noon on Friday.
Keening on which dances are being
held at the club, all gentlemen attend
Ing muat present their membership carda
or a duly laaued Invitation, or register at
the entrance to th grounds, where an
attendant will lis placed for that purpose,
Le Man Club Dance.
The Le Mar club gave Its last dancing
party of the season Friday evening at
Turpln's academy.
On thf Calendar.
Mlaa Goklle Muluher will giva a hoalary
shower for Miss Uuby Isaacson, a June
bride, next Sunday.
Social Gossip.
Mlsn Helen Clarke will leava Wednes
day evening for De Kalb, 111., where she
will be the guest fur three weeks of
Mla Louise Iwls.
Omaha Girl Soloist.
Mlaa li'e JtoHilile, daughter of Mr.
and .Mrs. W. W. Mi Hrlde of Omaha, will
I he the soloist at tlio final orchestra con
j cert of the American Conservatory or
cheat rit In Centrsl Music hall In Chi
caxo May 1.1. Miss Mcllrlde has finished
a two year poet graduate course at the
American Conservatory of Music and Is
expected home to vlalt her parents about
Mac Id.
i Omahans at Excelaior Spring.
I New arrival from Omaha at the Hotel
'Stmpp in Kxcela ur Sptluga have been Mr.
Jiniiii Zli-aler. lienialii K. racket. Ml
! W. .M McKay, Mr. K. M. I divert v. Mr
iitul Mrn lames J. Flugcrald and Mr
ami Mia. William I Mritead.
Sorority Luncheon.
! Man Hen IhhiII! Harriami entertained
I Hi. Alpha omit ion PI al luncheon si her
hntnr iraterday. The f mwer
p anil til ilecui aU'Ui" wie In
i.lnl. nc. nblte TweUe gueata were
' pn-Ht-nf and fimn out of loan wete l
i,ra Oaliiuiii uf lnak l"ltv Ml
" ..,.....,.w..w......t
IT ed JaoktuB. Paa-. ITJ9,
ti. ii!i'iu,' I i'!! . .-li vti n t'i
.... a i .! I .'e mMI mining
I ...I i ,1 i c I '! I - :
fire i i v itit-v i i i I . . Ifn
1 A I ' 'I 1 CI rt'iuWrft
i r ! i i . i iii"
I . :. Il l i -e, ,
. 1 .r !
( t,i labia il lime Niui.Ui
punier cllH-,
A ! tii T I' M.
Rreta Iibl of .Scranton and Miss Ldlth
ill of Lincoln.
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Pr. and Mrs Grant William left t-
urday evening for Kxcelslnr Hpring.
y.'i and Mrs. Arthur Woh.oH ntid son.
Alan, left Thuisday for a trip to Seattle.
Mr anil Mrs. Hoxie Ciarke left lant
week for St. lyOUla on their way home
to Villa Helvldere, N. Y.
Dr., and Mii-s. J. K. Summer leave
today for WanhiPRtrm, where the former
vtill mteml a mediciil oiivcntimi and
then Ihev go to New Vork.
! Mr. John Hvrte Morrison ha rclurnci
from four month in New Mexico with
her daughter. Mrs. Sweet.
! Mr nl Mrs. John nharton lelt
'Tuesday for a two weeks trip to -Wash
i.,..n,. ,.,,.1 White 8 u uliur Kpring. va
! Victor C. Ha.vcs returned to Chicago
today after spend in wnn nl'
parent. Mr. and Dr, Kobert . Ha.
lr. Llod U. Holsnptilc left Thursday
evmlng to visit with her mother, Mrs.
Peck. In Hudson, N. Y for a few weeks.
A Columbia Grafonola
in Your Home
'f .
1 .'- .'il'ij
Grafonola Leader,
Will furnish music to plea
wliolo fnniily.
Try It Without Risking Anything.
Step into our modern talking
iniu'liine wni'iTooins iintl 1H us
tlciiionstrato Hipw niatchU'ss in
struinciits to you. Select the
model tliat units you bout. Wo
will deliver it to your home with
out any expense to you. (live it
a thorough 1 rial. If Katisl'actory
you can pay for it on terms of $1
per week.
Kri ron en fiery hour In aotmilu.Mif parlor.
Schmoller S fcller Piano C(
1311-1313 FARNAM STREET.
Hiuttrtr for 'olumlilii i;rBfonoliMi nl H-:inla
Thhhmiihiiib m iii 'i' mi ii Mil mil i 'ii miiirm
The Silk Shop
Rose Bldg., 16th and Farnam
We open Monday in our now homo with throe times
tlio former spnee. Our ineronpinjr. business has forced us
to move into larger quarters and we are going to boll the
newest bilks in dependable qualities at frtilj lower prices
than before paving you 13 to 1 per cent from the regu
lar department f-tore priees.
For Opening Week We Offer
2,5)0 yards of yard wide Black Dresa Taffetas, Fancy
Lining Bilks, Satin Taffetas, in stripes,
ebecks and plaids. Beautiful Tub, Crepe
and llabutai Bilke. Worth $1.50, at yard.
2,250 yards of yard wide Phoenix (Juaranteed Chiffon
Taffetas, black and eolors; Gros de Londrep, All Silk
Failles, 40-inch Georgette Crepe in
2.1 different shades, 40-ineh Fancy
Sport SilkH. Worth $2 and $2.25,' yd.
If 11 1 heri
Men's Oxfords
a Plenty....
At the Good
Old Budd
Cut Prices
$2.50 to
:,l Floor
,. ''tfii.'? . A ft
Fine Gun Calf, q r
l.uu- Hal MM.. pO.DU
Sum 111 Mnliii'niny.
j! H I tOl" fAWNAH
A n i ri h V ,r
Margarcttc Lcmcn
M 9U fa .
U ' n.i f 1 turM l !h.M ri,-, :); t ,i ,.. guv lr.!',
tr I I 1 111 feet in !'. 1
If b a i fug I Ha t I. M 'el n d .1 to mat. ! .n
.iraih'BH uf U Ih lig-ltrt (, l m fjiife i Mi1 eiitltait
,-:-,iiia"4 l 1 n l ( i-ii tr I il i a s 4 ' 1 J
i; So eel i b.iMiaitl r , f ,-.r a v t . . ' ( lim njg
1 a I t im il. - ia i , n i ., g i . . t, , n 4 i 4 i ' hi c 4
ii 1 1 fci get that T' I
10 lll,!
i.imli 1 I MM Hi H Ml-
HII I.VII J..i ! Irw ita liii IKI. H txti.e. il-MH t liana url nth i.l I ! a aim ni. fkntu
.-"thj I !" I
I.I I ltt.l t t. I 1. .1 I. l
n ?.