10 A THE OMAHA SUNDAY HKK: MAY 7, 191C. 7VW51C lly H KIN H I RTT V M. HICK. lLillT IN I.INB with our cli- torlal of last week la the fnl- Inwlng c' Manic Hevlow for May, printed In connection with the work l.cirig dono In the Kngllsh erniicri n irnmic. jVinong the distinguished London or- f:anlM, who have visited m'lllary (Min na catnv. "i"' have offered their srv-l'-e nn iirrnv choirmaster,'' I" Or. Wi fnnl navies of the Tempi church. A writer In the London Tlmi" comment vitmn hi work, unit draw certain con fl UM.nriM regarding onirrfitatloniil (ItiKlmf, In the arrnv and nut of It, We read. With' him he took three of the uantle-; men of th Temple choir. IMvldlri tho soldier Into three groups, he nave each of three a not"! of the common chord, i lid. w, en thev had nt hold of thetn. j he hade thetn give them out lilatlly, The; effect ecptna to havo tieen finite Inade-, iunte, el any rate hy eoinf'ar'.aon with the volume of pound the three Tempi" rhorlalets cava forth In their turn, Hut, , t.efnre he had done with hi Pupils, or, ,IMVea, hv dint of precept and exnmple, not unmixed with kindly hauler, made the men slnn a they had never un before Tbl". we tuba len to any, l otii'o the Muht way to no to work. It l very well to collect, folk-oni and to reCfiimnctid tin m for iikc, hot n mat ter of fan. the aveinKe Kri k I lh nin n ha no notion of ainBlnic properly? thnt Is, of iihIiik liln voh i! and dulng Justice to the woid'i II needs liiatrilcilrin. and It wo ild te an excellent thlmt If 'chili and filacea where they etna' were made nsi of n ediicH'lonal center for vocal In struction, What we call congregational slnylng la tragically and pathetically In f fertile. (liven fine, etrong melodies to te anng In itnlaon fr the tnoat part, fli nched, perh. wlih faux honrhon and neeaaloti'il harmonl.ed verses aaatgned to the choir, and diversified, hy the alter nate alienee of the male or the female V(d"e, and given also attention to Ilie Verhnl phrasing, It would aoon herome delightful to hear a congregation at vocal worship. To 'his end wa should like to gee proper Inter's! taken In the matter ty the dloicean authorities It should no( he Impossible to organise for th an hdeaconnea. If not for entailer reai, a systematic effort to aecura good con gregational elnslng. There I the rmialcgl talent, hot It need to he mad ute of and pressed Into tl a nervlr of th church for th purpose of leadln the people tnto the right track and showing thetn how to proceed along It to varying degrees of v -Hence," What la said ahont "choir and th place where they lng," helng mad lis nf es "educational center for vocal In slructlnn,'' la en excellent, Idea. Whll there, la n much Interest illsplsyed In romtniiiilly reniei'g all over th rountry and echoola and park r l'lng opened for oommntilty Inlereate, It look a though the rhnrchea might he over looking an opportunity In pot entering Into something of thla gort, which would not ouly g"t the people tonether and give them aomelhlng nf Intereat In which all could ahare, but which wo'ilrt eventu ally Improvg their aervlceg aa well, Th Mendelaaohn choir will hegln re Jienraala hereafter at 7 tt aharp on Mon day eienlng In order to get through t f) In time for Mr. Kelly to make hie train for Chlcggo. New memheta for next year are aehed to Join row, on c count of (h midwinter concert to be given next eeaaon. Meeting are held Mon day evening In the Army building at Klf eenth and Dodge gtreel. A great eom poaer when aaked what people could do to help themitrtlve to b truly mualcal .nce gald, "rMng In a flna choir If poa gihle, preferably upon an Inner part." From aeveral year of pergonal exper ience the writer know that In the choir beeldea vocal Improvement, which nlur ally cotno with the ue rf th voice one gain remarkably In th reading of tnualc. In general muatral culture, In th Idea of eiieinh work, phrasing, and In mwny iui)lcg polnlt which nr of value In any line of muglcHl work, In other ivnrda mm hecomeg fai.illlir with many mimical fa-t Hint are general In all Hue of the art and grow greatly In Inua'ial apt rei la I Ion. One lennin to know Intimately the beat fln of choral lllera lure and ft large portion of th greutent pralorlog whiten. . Tha following l from the recent Mti gcal Courier; i It will be good new to thnne tn'ereated ail over the country In the nueatlioi of public echool niuelc to Irarn that here efler the high arhnnl Mudenia In New York I'ltv ei n to receive ciedlt ton aid graduation tor toatrui t ion In nmaic re ' reived outelile the achoole. Ftecounltlon of au.'h exprrtence ns rut hni ! d fnr , the fuM time fy the Hoa'd of iclinatlon I lu meeting of April 12, lulii. when It I Voted "in amend the ll-ih echool general ' '(.i.ie hv adding optional coumea in ' miflc and bv allowing ontalde pilvnti. inualr In -.1 ruction, for which credll may ; be given toward giiiduntlou to a ninM- : mum of twentv-five polnta adilltlonnl to 1 tiiunic now t fjulrctl In the flint and nr. titid a n . t ; tfieitei. Overheard at the Kreleler concert, "lrn't ! It liiinauiil for o fine a miielclan to m a ; cornioi.er too '' i ( i crlieiird at the opera j ' Whi t la that tVng oicr in the rotn-rT" j ' It a confenaiunal." "It lg a Punch and Judy ho ." 'It la a new Indoor ticket office " Put It w th mechanlial organ. tveihead l acier Sunday. 'lan't tliat i MfallelJah t'hnrua' a i p snorter" "l l hard to moik th pedal on a ftpe citiii' I ahouldn't think th organ- let nn Id evr pump lr enough " - - i Mmlrtl olea. Mr ,.i,t Mra Ve'lv w.tit t ihnagi e-tli la to II Mr at the ntii,,,.l le Th)r Johnaon. HI u EM Retailers and Mendelssohn Choir of Omaha Unite to Give Concert Course to Establish Conservatory Here f c g ,x . . ; t " i w y c- t" !!t -hnrd- li. bona Tuveaon, llie Whelcn, l rrn Smith, Kt lit Young. Myrtl" Pin "my Peterson. K .l.hfe .IiiliriMr n P. ml yinnliio. ping from the New Mima Med t ger and n l.i.dlfs clo u-. n- i h.dlng bra do teienil nlre;i y to." II neil. Iiena lllnnan. Ilhn .McA liitcr, -ewirll Kaker and Amy Pit run, accompanli is. The Woman I'o-eliiti M aaion -y a e clv wl.l p ea nt M ea ft ft Co dm In ficl'nl at fin Walnut - Hill Mm o lit Kpl npal chinch, f orty f trt ofd fharlet Mnetg. Thura. av gva-in, May II. nt M o clo.'k. Fvery otin la cordl illy It vlud. VI 'Wrtr"f!e A'kln, t tr rn.lt n, will 'rive a te 'itl at the Young ' ome-i g i htl tlnn n"foclatln auftltoipim T1 e riiv e n trv, ay ti, V,l g Ka her rl ke w II nr f t. m I'lnn at and accompani u, Walter H ('rihvm, hrlt tic, ni l almr t llr openli.g of (h 'Jrnrul c-n te' of the Kaatern t' er at Mcl'nok. Mi i, aU at the public reception Weilnen.ay ev n log the 101 h. Henry I'nx annouiicea an Informal re cital of violin and 'cello aoloa, to he given In the recital hall of the Omaha Hchool of Orch"alriil Inatrumenia t Heventeenth and rarnarn atreeta, on Mon day evening, M'y , at ,.!'. The pulillc: la cordlnMv Inilted. Henry V,x announcea Hie aluh con- cert hv the (iinaha Hyinphony Htndyi oreheatra at the luaiidela theater Wednefday evening, Miy 21, at l'i. Thumday night William H Hunt waa heard In eong recital at tho Voting Women' t'hriatlan aaaorlatlon audito rium, Mr. Hunt l aald to he the po eaaor of an excellent voice, rich In ouolltv and reaonntice. Hla program wa reireaentatlve one and won hlin aev eral encore. Mr Hunt la gtudyng wl h Mr Patrick O'Neill. H waa accom panied by Mme. Horglnin, I.ynn feegett, tenor, will be heard In eong recital on Wedneeday, May 17, t the Iiwn Avenue Preahyterlan church, Fortieth and Nl'hola afreet. Th pro grm will be given under the guaplee of the choir, the proceeda going Into the choir fund. Mr. Packet! will be aaalnled hy Mle leather Krlrka, accompanlut, Mlaa Kllgaheth I'nderwood, olanlat: Mlaa Olga Kllner, vlollnlat, and Mle Corlntig Arm strong, render, Mr. Albert Pand I' ben eng d erganlat at Hie I.nmmuel ,u heran church t N'lneteenth ami t'aa atreeta. Mr, fnd I a voting man who comoa from th Lutheran church nt fft'in on, In,, which I the Inrgeat church of Hint de liomlnatlf n 'n 'he atnte. He la a gradu ile "f the ( 'onaervaf' ry of Mui'it. Huck Taland, HI. Ha will aleo open n gtildlo I t filnni and pip" organ Inatruct'on. The Immannel lutheran church choir will give a ap-clal evl a) Hie lin maniiel Lutheran church, NP'et.enl h and nag etreeta, Kutiday i'ven o at 9 n'ebc k Mr. Albert piiuid, the newly apixirf organlet, will prea'de at the oraau, Th ; aololata will he Mlaa Ann Hloom and Mr, Axel llelcren. Hcrnaid Johnatm, oho r maater. flev. K. tl. f'hlnlut.d, pintor. BRIEF CITY NEWS Ralston's Social Events Ml Miller of Nehraaka. City I vloll Ing her glater, Mr, J. J. ltchrdaon. H. T. Prnpat and family and Mr. I. I. Ham and ginndann motored to I Hatte gnd Plattemoulh AV'ednedy. Mra. Taylor, Mr. Propnt'g tnotlier, accompa nied them home. Attorney K H. McCarthy and Mr. Hrt in&n of rttpllllnn called on frlenda here Thurgdey evening. Mr. Tom Courtney ha gone to Ksn , wher her mother I quit IM,' Mr, t. H. Wllion left last Thurmlay with her father In-law, (lenrge Wllaon. for South Ctgkota, where, alio will vlult for geveral lya, Personal Mention. Mr. Walter H. Wilkin, who for gon'O eeeka paat linn been v lulling In fletroit ttid Chicago, will return lioma today. Mm. William K. ,Mtirtlii leave Wedne dy for Ucnvcr, whera alio will arrange for Mr. Merrill lecture couree, to be gin ther May Tl Mr. Merrill will leave Tuesday for Moling, after giving g fourth lecture In Council Hluffa at tho homo of Mra i:. A. Wlckhant, on "The Htory of the Turk," I 1 " It -J' - V Ss f II . - r, , f fc - -S IJ l -f? s ' ATT J ' ' - - fl ' J ' "1 n-rfo at t "-i 1 - ' V ) iff . . M . , uv ''Zs-s ' ! it - .A ' " V tk (DtJPONT 'strtA L. J"'. ' TTme.Louise Homer Luaen riuratorc rZZT .J 1 1 ..',. ' Tn T tm I 1 HI - - 'a. aalXI f ' t i ' ' r i i "I "Ti nad' :o Bportlr.f Qooit ttThnaj Ptxttxrea nurgeae Hrandett Djuio Cnrefnent Cta" KdSobn tta Root f rint ;Now Beacon Pr. Aadirona. Tlrg Bcreeng. Sunderlaod Property card for. To rent properly, v?o l. II Djiiiui.t Co, Kcellne HI raral Jurora Xgougad Federal court. J..rota were exeU(,;d from further benlce, wlih the exieptlon of twelve men drawn to try , a uw Monday. 'Toay Muvla Program," ilHanlheii wth n ti.day It peai in I ha r.eg ex l..ai.ely. Kind oul wi.gt tho varlitl moving picture theater ofler. Keep Your Kuuj and valuable In th American Saf Depoalt VgulU, :i South 17th fit., Uee Bldg. Boxeg rent tl-0) tor I month. Open from I . ro, to t p. m Thoophicl Lectur Hnrd P". Milter will lecture at Thcoeophltai hall, S .lu tl Dee building, Sunday evening nt x o clock, on ' The Unreality of the Phys ical W orld." The lecture will cieal wit i the promise occult gclenca give to humanity In knowledgejif the future. Klag Plynn Iiotura Klixabeth (lur ley l'lynn, who wbi r ronilnently Involve In Ihe big utrike of textile worker nt Kawrence and I'nteinon, l giving n aerlca of lecturea at Oougla utreet every evening, M g I'l; nn will contlnuo to make her daily lecture until the night of May 13. Lincoln Aprtmntg Bold Carl Lin coln uf Pacific Junction, la., ha gold h.. t tne.iln anartnients. 2102 Chicago street, to H. P. and J. M. Hamilton, build er and owner of the Hamilton apart rneiita. Twontv-fourth and Karnant. The consideration wa esO.WO. Thu ale wag madu by Toland & Trumbull, 448 Bee building. Ue Tag-Til" Shluglaa. Sunderland. DM.BarF Bails 1 - Sanatorium Thli lntltntlon U th onlr on In th central wgt with ieprt bulldlnn itut4 In their oV ample ground, yt entirely 6i tlnct. and rendering it poaelble to clagslfy cae. The on buldlni being fitted for and devoted to th treatment of non-cohtagloua and non-mental dlieaaes, no otbari be ing admitted; the other Reet Cot tage being delgnd for and de voted to the excluglr treatment of aelect mental cae requiring for a time watchful car and ipe clal nursing. JEFFERY FOUR Standard Without Boven-Fmensror, I1O30 AagUlary Batg, 91000, It htia lung been the cherished dream of tnualcttl (imaha to have a conserva tory of pinalc, Thla dream I now about to be realised through the effort of the AMO' luted HclHllcra and the Mendelaaohn Choir. Tho object Ih to have u couacrvatory that will liulmli) choral nii'l aymphony work and develop mualcal talent which haw liaxl no oppoiiunlty to be cultivated. The wondeiful aucceaa of the ItetHll er' roure given the luat neaaon, whlcli brought to iJiinih at a very iiomliuil price eeicnil of the world" moat famoiio arllHtx, hiia Influenced the Itelallera (o iciicat Hid courae agulu tho coming rea on, In the piiat the FU-lnlli r have her it crlllclaed unite freely for their iioii". aupport of audi a worthy organization a the Mendelaaohn t hole and It wim thought that It would be appropriate Mnt coiialHtciit lo Join lianda with thlo oigiin ljitlon, with giti'h a iiiHgiilflccnt tepntn llon, and help lurt the foimdatlnu fop lierinaneiit mualcal liiHtliutlon, audi tie Oniuhii iiiul the mimical world will ho proud of. After much perualon and Influence the came commlllec, that directed the lourao for the Hetaller laet geggon, rhn dating of George Prandel, I.nulg C, Naah end C. C. llclden, Iihn been prevailed upon to 'lend (heir ncrvlce again thhJ yea r. The committee nnnouiiccs a marvelou aggregation of talent for the courae, be ginning thla full, whlcli will Include, five number. Arrangemcntg have beon com pleted and emit fact g signed with' C. A. Ellis of Poaton which will bring audi famous srtlsla Clorahllne Farrav. Emmy Deatln, I.oulae Homer, Luclcn Muratore, John McCormack, fritt, Krela ler and other. Th eaori will open with grand opera on October 23 and 54 with the Kill Grand Opera company featuring T'lirrnr and Muratore In "Carmen" and Homer and rtestln In "l Trovatorc." John McCor mack, the famou Irish tenor, as ell Frit Krelaler, will bo featured nt later dale. The fifth and lant number will be a famous orcheatra and the Mcndcla nhn Choir, probably In February or early March. The great enthusiasm shown In the ad vance order for seat gives every rea son to believe the course this year will By a Process of Elimination and Comparison You at once bectfme convinced that the Jeffery Four offers you a wonderful value. ' It offers you a car consistent with your needs and your ideas of motor car luxury. SPECIFICATIONS MUToI! - I'our cylliKler en bloc, high-speed, high- efficiency, l.-hend type, t'nit powet plant. Foriy borsepow er. WHIIKI, HA?":--11 Inches. , CAItnCltKTtm Htroniberg K-2 Model, which l.aa broken so many economy records during the lat j rur. MNITION' poach blgh-tenslon magneto. BTAUTINO A X I) 1,1'!HTI( Bljur two-unit sin-volt system use,) by the highest-priced cars only. CLUTCH' Tiiree-plata dry disc, fitted with beat quality obtog friction rings and clutch brake. T I H K8 flood year Fortified tire (3txl-lnch); front plain; rear, AM-Wcather tread. " Geraldine Farrar be morn aui'ce, of ul than last, and that Is ssylng a great deal, Orderu for seat are row being taken at the Information bureau of Burgeaa- Nnah company and Brnndels stores. The prices for season tickets for tb five con certs Mill be $4, Jfi, , Ji and V per seat. Treat ( nucha and t old at Once, Iigfigerous bronchial and lung ailments follow neglected colds-take Dr. King's New Discovery, It will keep you well. All driiggllg.--Advertlsemcnt. Whatever may be jour need, Want Ad will get It for you. JONES-OPPER CO. OMAHA, M BRASh'A llfcrribiiUrt l'UiMorn find ortlifirn Nebraska and Wivitcrn lovia. A. H. JONES HASTINGS, NKIIHASKA Hlstrlbiitrir !S)iiihcrii nil . Western Nebraska and N'orthwefttorti Kangan, 1 1. Mi el, l-iii, tl. t .i .lay I nm.iH f Ilie liljh r l.i.v. I .ii, win. h ti. i -lac ce'iiMiy o ...ii in p.e t ,il r ".in of tea ,4 ' h"l M and Mt Ktl r 'n of then tlti tr ..in whi n n,i i-.ia i-.-ing f.t f, , k,h'iI i . nt h noli It o c. ft Tto f l I t t ill . l y rio,.i. ' M( Vel.i. o i ,t afipearinc .Mc-"ii 0 i v i . , ''1 'V I ee (1 ,1, t tog I'V I'll . f t ..,. t I t- . !'! I !( II t I tut I t a i j i... i tin I '- t :i.. i ii, V ;l a, 1 . . , 1l,i, i. in ""I" e I , II it'ti I i (, I, I a t I l;-t a 1 . 4li a ft. It f I mi l i ... t uv t -. It 'I al 1 M ; ,l tl m It s r I'- O' U t H, l , i I h. , t i. t t I t f I 1 .1 ': ' , W8 ! Vtt ro M tltl Drcslier Oros. diisi f i - rftat 1 4l rK4M I w i I 4 .!, gtk How Much Is "Freedom From Puncture" Worth to You? "Our Tirr," us illutrutcl in rIhv cut, whit h coiujiiftt Iv iM t r hr wont . itiir, i ix arlv n i'i:i;n:rr lTl;tTt auainst utu-turt (tutt w t itn v, tilitiir ti Ki' J11 h w rii t-!i Kiumtn f lint ou will it ;"t n hirsk,'!-' I'liui-turo in ;i,.'t niii.v Wk m II fir h "t Hint t'i tr.i' t. t. ji.it in. r .rii- thu vim r t froii. tttl.rr tfi.lar n n vt lV, S ,.s (1;!v it t il y lititi lrtth t.f I'ftr Drtti, t r i' Umtthti, Imi ..i IVtut r m l off r fill", V nr row r'Iv t. ktii ' f;r? c!ii run-In tmr . l.i.!i.nt n t '.'I.' I IVn t't ht. THE - CAR- OF - NO - REGRETS X I : iFi V Model E 60 He roe-power JBB , $1350 1 2 amm. jY a,ai . t ; m!;VoTi ) S"W"SSS .; fc. JiMlfgHMMWMHMMgM MIDDLE STATU TIRE CO D Kic, iul 0 A r!k. DuMbutort of l tt rn vti.m.vl llilf Tirr 221 Yatv.-u i St. rhone Doiu. 7H A iir lciuonsiraiion on paper which every King dealer can make a fact. The five great eential of performance ami deilgn reach uperlatlve degree In thia big powerful aucietaur to our pionttt Eight ri.CIttl rV-tSTAMT it twtr NUI 4MllCt O "! I If l . i a) : I ' 1 ! an 3' The Car uf No, Hegrett' ur rriu rarar sVinjf Mutur Cur Company, Pttnut, N0YES-K1LLY MOTOR COMPANY :e t t .MI4IH Sf , ntni, 1 1..,.. nil I ( i?J ) lilies , "" JT ""-, I f "s .,,,, jJ aW. M ' t St. Vat IU W aV JkA :...;... v.). .11.