TIIE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY. MAY 4, 1916. Health Hints -:- Fashions -:- Woman's Work -:- Household Topics The Finest Man in the World By AD rtTTF-nnns. He ! so faithful that In all the world! (Nerr is but on wntmm to lilm: Th unman of hi choice with mmorii of J h'a mother. , lie l no Indifferent to Hit other womnn j save ttil one that hie women acqualn- j Sand Lilies -o- -o- Copyright, Intern! New Service. -0- -0- By Nell Brinkley tanr complain that he ie them on ihe street without recognition, ft fact t h t fill the on wnmin with pervsalv and continual Joy, H I en ilmnK In mind end body and ihararier that be In afraid of no man In the world. He never trembles for hla Job tie never Ilea to (ft himself out of a light place He I so strong In the might of right 1hit he will not be afraid to (lie, i)ir make hla accounting to the great .1 -due He has a sen of renponslblllty o Ktinng that he la careful about making a promise, anil, having given It, he will keep It though the sky crashes down noon him. Ha la ao tender that T hav seen hla y ablaze at an affront to a woman, a harsh word to a ohlld, anil I aaw him haVa ai ha might a enarllng puppy, a man who waa healing a, horse TT I ao rnnslderat that when he wr ha alepa otiteld tha bona and direct Ma profanity at the element He naver make nee of hla family aa a safety valve for hla temper Ha la ao brv that ha never need to lie. It 1a the coward who He The cow ard lira heraua be la afraid to tell the truth. )f ta liberal, but he la ami enough not to be a spendthrift. He la a hard worker, but hla sensibilities ara not dulled v roiil Ih. He la cheerful, hut docs not sffllrt bla companion wlih Inane Jnke or with lho at melt lc mlM puna. Jle la a money maker, but riot a money worahlpper. H does not bow down to tha dollar, but le-epji i nough dollar Jing ling In bla pockets fur practical pur-, 'pose lie la firm, but not atuhhnrn. Jle hel lt not second to say: "f waa wrong," He a ao free from usual masculine vanity thai If a womnn flatter hlui he la cmhsrrasecd He la ao clever lhat h area through her to (he renmna for Ih (lattery. He reaper! II. e ;nod ill women anil Ig nore !he bail, but be doe, not over-em-pbaaljie I he woman element In hi Ufa He la arlf-rellnnl, but not aolflah, Jt l,a been proven that ha begins more sen tence with '-What would you like?" than "J want." Ilia rhararfer la aurh that woman 1 an rent her heart upon It aa die. real her h'niJ upon a pillow. Th rook of r kind of man that avery woman ks, and In whom every woman'a heart woiilfl find reat, I knew him onr, for a few minutes in 1 dream, Brothers and sisters of the great world who admire the beautiful, here are sand lilies of the early white variety, snowy of petal and sun-shy. Later, when the summer comes into its own, appears the more golden kind, a fine tan color, that turns its face up to the Sun God and thrives in ds fierce smile. Nell Brinkley. . if-jr xu-r l r 11 titr," S - r-. r . ri-. .jfif-urir 'mmm vtw j ' u v. . ri tj W I . r l LIl. . k t T ' .M. -r . ,iH J I I , i a a l - mtl'ti LP I ! .k ' l W'i at W A- Jlf i 41 Sf.sim. . 'FMIM F JmM ' r' t 1 .. -m -l .(Jr. viT. S' fU r W7. N: iLLjrm t w 'juiiihi .hm r .Jar' --v('---7Jfc.i.iL 'ijr.wa ta v: f i i w - . - . . . . t, -v. T - - Nestle's .Food 2nd Best The Best is Mother's Milk Phone Tyler 1000 A a yw wUi raaaay ka (on, ttiiai rrtoa aa thou a yi war g. Ilvartu tour WuUI la TBI IM Of fir la xnM. 0ur Wonder World j The InrenilUry bomb uaed by th 0r ' Dm ma aa a nil la conical, of ten Inch i alameler at tha haan, wrapped round ! with tairi-ij rope, and having a rnctHl ' handle at the apex. Tha baae la a flat rup, onto which a pierced metul tun i net la Uteri, having ibe Ignition dcclva and handle filled at tha top, Ti funnel I la generally filled with tliarmlt. The lat ' ter upon Ignlllnn generate Intense heat, 'and by tha time of (be concuanlon baa j taken the form nf molten welil, having Ihe. extraordinary high ti-mpurature of ! ovrr B.idO di-Knea Fahrenheit. Th molten j melal la apread by the conciiaaloti. Out- Hldi! tha funml la a padding of a highly ' liiflammithlH or realitou material, bound 1 on with an Inflammable form of rope. I The roalnou material create a pungnt j amok. There la gonorally aome meltod i white pboaphurii In the bottom of the i rap, whli li develop nauaeona fumr. In ' aiiine raaea celluloid clilpplnx r added, ! and oci imlciially a little gaaollue. j A nrller In the French ecleiitlfle Jour I mil. Comptr Itcndua, atnte that auaar ' haa a decided reaUalnlng effect when ! ailih'd to a photographic developer, and puaeaa iima advantagca over polaa- aliiiu bromide. He atatea that the time j of development of a normal hydroguliionn I developer of WD cuhln rentlmeter waa Itu'reaaed from five ad'onda to five min ute by thn addlllon of alxty grammea of mimir without foitglng the clear pari of the plale or Injuring lha Quality of the Mm U depoatt. Hmnller quantldea i f augqr were found to produce correepoiullnglv mailer tnrremeiit 111 th time of devel opment. .MadaK.ixi ar pink beryl or morgan'!, .Ilseovered In Its perfeellnn during lant year, differ frmn other ber)la In lha! Il floreaeea an Inlenae cherry red when expound in liiiiiiixen riya It I found in magnificent gema weiKhlug from mm to I d carala eaili. and I of a beautiful brilliant ree color or wond- i tul freedom from flaw Il I the pureat pink gem lha! haa been found In lr gema, rival !ui pmk tourmaline and pink tupat. urna 1 1 . i g a1 ii'v L '""'t- 9 w, n 7T) r? r? f?o.cs ' . i ) ' I ' - rnooucT?? - - TT JP 9 ammmmmmm TMAOfi MAHK Package Foods ii . t: rW r IWf, VfAl Umf. Km la' ''tikar"iall4 Na tmm it im t itWa twtm l4 M -- ' ksn W. A I lJ f , J, I'ttesl Htil. Tomato Wjut W,,imr Tt p practical NnvfVetprr knt)ws thiit tun ly WA-r lvft n. rvt onijf revliu ktuUrt Wvnl; hul fvvfcta Jatr. fr Ih urxjvtl iui. 4WAr ' ' at kji.4 t. i h at. .. id ( wj i!-!.! i X- Px4 ( V(-kt -T m iil, It, ajil m " MM. 4. aw-Wl A alti loaf, tt " .! Mk M Ik tu ! aau.a AW-'JUr eaaJwkK tHMat - rH. aM r!.v -W f aw Hmm sMi ai4i, a4 4U fa (W JWAW 'eV NeW y I'l.l.A W HPTKMOIl WILf ox, (Copyright, WIS, Btar Co.) If you ara gifted In any ;.eelal line of endeavor. If you are a painter or a poet or musician, cultivate a big aplrlt of appreciation and generoally toward oth er! If you would attain to any hrlghi. Of eoiir, you ran be perfect youraelf In technique and attain aucrea of a cer tain kind, without putting your hanrt Into It. Hut the real ucce In any kind of erf, and, In truth. In any kind of entcrpriae, muat come from the amount of unaelflah devotion nd warm-hearted enthusiaam which enter Into the work. If your heart I filled with petty Jeal oualeg, narrow Ideal, envy. Ill-will, and erltlclam toward your fellow toller who are atrtvlng for the aame goal, It wlfl be utterly lmpolble for you to do big thing. It I a eurlou and aad fact that, on the great and glortou aca of harmony, there la o much Inharmony among the the voyagera. The bickering, mleunder atandlnga, quarrel and dlacord among miialiiaii have come to be a proverbial Jeat, Lea quarrel aome, but far from Ideal, are th relation of poets, author and artlala. Wholeaome. candid and dignified erltl clanf r of great value In arty field of endeavor. We are atlmulated to new effort and elevated to an underatandlng of higher Idenla by kind, fair, Juat crlll clanv There I acarcely any oilman being alrnng enough to endure continual pralae, hut lo tie Just mid fair crltlciam muat be comprehenalve and aymnathello. In the world of niuale there are all1 kind of talent many klivia of volrea, j many klnda of liiatrunientitl jerforiner, ! many kind of compoaer. and creator and Interpreter. The henvena of literature are Illumined by vnrlou kind nf lar, planet and ronatellntlnn. Il I till 1! variety hlch give the r. limn e lo the diime Into whli li we If we ttiotiahi the atar were a l bickering Willi one anoilier, each filled wUh J iilmie ef ti e elliei laillanr, huw ceiitriuptiliic It wmiiil em. If the drop of nier which nut III hltfh (tile w'ie Jeito'l of oiwi unoirrr, eieh Oroi iI'Ihii t'l 1 tl: (inl drop In (h ocf- iii, how rtdli iilou It would I Tha mi g.fl. l eri',ti H. ere m m Ih Her d, tie trrnler t1"'' ' Me 1 elueiil , Ih lo"r ll-i ll irir-om. lh fl. hr r'h.)i'e i. oiiiwi I -r at) ef ut !-.-ii.. - ,,, s doit-g in ir a. iii, re-.ite-tr, i . . n tiU'iii n o . , i -I ! I lf tlo lg!,t. Ml r -V.-i.e. " - ' ri I tut.' II 'i . ' ' 1 ' " . .. '.I mill If i,., is. o i l-i l! i. niirnan l, r,, , i i'l '!' i.t w '( . il'.j.ji Are Kisses Cultivate a Big Spirit If You'd Do Big Things-Eliminate Personal Jealousies Necessaries or Luxuries? If you are big, broad and generou. thoae qualltle will b illuatrated In your achievement. Whoever and whatever we are, w owe It to our Creator and to ourelve to be "worth while," and If we poaaea many glfta, or taat which can be developed Into glfta. In the world of art, (till higher I our obligation to th lord of Karma. I hold It the duty of one who I gtfted And royally dowered In all men' alght To know no real till hla life I lifted Wholly up to hi great gift' height. He muat mold the man Into rare com- plelene, for gem are aet only In gold refined. He niunt faahlnn hi thoughta Into perfect e,weetnea And caat out folly and pride from hla mind. For he who drink from a god gold chalice Of art or mualc or rhythmic inng Muat alft from hla luul the chaff of malice And weed from hi heart th root of wrong. Great gift ahould be worn like a crown bofltilng, And not like gem on a beggar' band. And the toll muat be constant and un remitting Which lift up the king to the crown' demand. Whatever you are doing today and how ever great your ambition, begin to look for aomethlng to prala In th work of other traveling along the m road. When you have found the thing to praise, aiieak of It. He quick with your word of pralne and slow with your word of criticism. Ttila will Iea4 you along an J ,,-ch kl ascending path toward high goal. Advice to Lovelorn By Beatrice Fairfax. Ilnn'l He lli.lil. Iieur M I'nlrfHH I have two men1 frienili Onto i f whom I Ui.e viy mu, h ! I Uie l no nffierr on it llii. r in j Hoiuh Aoieiimti .or, ami il, nthnr I a ' yoi-tig limn Meie He Hi-inn ,i he ver 1 nici ho tioi ththk It peoimr to ask the Hirer mlieihi-r hi aHeniimi iienii ttnre I II-in (i leiiiKlup .f i e i., ,,r, f, : I'm- M.Mi.lliKIK 1 .n If It ep rar toai'ullh hu- I mail imiiii remin um hanged Hut If i Vi -I lli I., wiiie in iim ..riher ami tei J I nn In a ifiiit, aiiiifie, any of the i.ilnr mn ie i-iet and ad I a q-.eihn a t ' alinhee ur n.-r meant tnyiii'n ' in in. H ion ii,i. try il. K tvn-nt i; ' ' In h.- l, Ion of ) i ill ; to! il li.ii' 11 ,tii- m,iii ihwii lutia i " I pi'f. for it .) i.. ... mm It leem to be quite right to aasume that where kliMlng la not a necessity it la a luxury. Ho If any young man aeo a pretty girl In th gtf-et and klsse her, a young men tomctimee do, and I ar rested for it, a young men sometime are, and ha to pay a fine, he rainot grumble, for moat luxuries have to b paid for, Of courae, It depend upon who la kissed. Klsse exchnged between ptrla ecm to be neither necessaries nor luxur ies. They are certainly not luxuilc, or they would not be taken with uch non elialance. They aeem to come under the heading of "Coal to Newcastle," and are not Inaptly termed by young men, ','A waste, of good material." It 1 ald that there are sufficient klsse wasted yearly by young women on on another, on pet doga, cat and babies to make half the taihelors in the world deliriously happy for a month. The luxury of a kls lie in th person kissed; at least, ao it I supposed. This Is not altogether right. The pretty fa;a of a nice girl alwnya attracts the kiaer, and such pretty face have won election and made money for church fairs by bar tering kisses. IJiit thero la no luxury In One must flrat be specially i- ii A W M in N t f 0414 V - Do You Know That it.. t K 1 Ml in. t I of I . t 1- '. I I I I I I -k t. li.li a ! Fiem iflilr,!--. i -i - U ! .t '! e tl h.i.( I oil l4 I t- i f ! W N I o i . Isl !k Hi!' . Iw.!-!. 1 lv.. n t 1 - U il lit if (lo N l tijftif w.m e bittip l-l.tl.i kl Ike Hut.! Il mi i 1. 1 i m .-- r r . i--i . . I-, i i I ..-. I - i -.- o n, l . ! I' ll e '..ti.l I ii i i in - I. ' ! ' ' ' o t i l mi a 'i I i I ii I fc -ii w 5 II; 4 1 . 'ltiifi"m a i i 011 ! t'N i.M' I -J .! I , . . I , I !-, ' ( 1 H 1 .-I llm . n 'i f ' ! i ... I i- 'i..ii 'ii.iifi "" . ..i-.),..,,.. I f !. .Hnii,. , ' i ' .. a i fh . t - . h Ifei i - i, 4 !m I v , i n a t . ,v , f 1 lie. if li .1 to-l ' " !'. 4I1W.I ! .Hi i KU4 f - ' iim I i i it I t . i4 i ik. i'; t if i u. ! liMHWB It tt ittt In, d. (".II HilKi-vl illMKal IKy il..! Hmmlol j .! evtll. :nv 4 It I f i.iH-a tuf lki i. I i auit im.f 4 ir waiii ia- ai Mift4 witi f U aiKr U' tin m k . kiie M rn ar'oi Interesiid In the girl; a kl.i on the rhec-k muat rale a hliiah to he enjoyed, and Kim on the Up mut feel an nnswcnnv pre.'Siire, Kxpertt a that one slildid kisnlnir haan't noli h flavor, and thai a gill who i iior not know how lo kin will never be nttisiilni i a mm mull ahe learn. hpoe iliat ate rspeited ! le mamifltli' I in (his iy do no sei-m to com v,!tiil i Ihe nil. i-i'iy of .nllier luxuries or neee-iniu-i lien J"imii aaya "A ofi lip nll'il tempt )iil to elernllv of klislili," Wbb h prove that there I a clutrui in i kliooint n I 1 1 . e . .mil iliiiib! Ii It i Dull rliarm whl. h make kilng so wini!r j Mini 1 a loihl null, ii- iiml mut te dartng In all he ii-.r hneiitng Is one of hi fn;i4, and If le cn tan erne Ihlng (ii'iii a girl. jww UI'v a preiiy klrl, l-K prefer tl lll thai illlel ll'lm ftoni ''niMlr her iv fioe " honi Li te uipt a I in not of biunelf. an.t ll'i-ne I. i voii. i i l-ii kn-o n a Iwliiigii-g t-i i !iii in,.. 1(1 T il thif lot) rtrwr .h i'eir f Vni u Hi lii. hfl ! i m ili 'I'l.. (in k ..i 'r among a '! -' "I' ll I t ai'-l i iii i ! c , 't r li.ii ii - . e i-i t-n In dm . of lo .1.' i .s f. i. i..ti i-.-f f;':1 li.ii 1 "ini km t .. of ll. i.ii.i I i , n .i , t' '-Hi-. n f ii, i--mi f. i -h It l'ii:i l-l ! sen . l '"'i I I" I ant f'i I,. I ..-. ur ii tt a i-i w i'i ip i IS le-i'Oi i.; ml fi. t.i-.i lm i tli'll.-o'l Ii oH iii 4 i kf '- i i 1 I l i . l- i'l - I t nr ii i- ' I . ii at in iw. uminr-g i.i. f i lm . I.i t- 411.11-1 i. n4 Ml il '.: ill. - ili,.l - II f I I I i-. e-.-i.i It1' lOi'l t ie .1 l f.i.i I. tin a in tin ik 11. .- Pit ! H I OH l..'t I 4 - -I , i, ! ui an4 I ' I Hi i 1.44 ! I ti4Mttet b k . M, ' fi M K -l I ! i '' ii.f - a l. .rv ia ,. ir r ., iK trtt e..! r r ( milt I leer I'M I IkiM ml i ''-- I' . .em-. ml It.. a.- .-i-i "rf Ii I I-. - t 4i. 4 (h f" i brl'- kli' Ik kr. ' lit ir..li. 1 ii a 4 ' IL -ro (.- Woman Regarded as a Puzzle by Mankind ii r noitoriiv Dir. When the Lord made man h toolc al! the contradictory human charcterltlc tft he had Wt over and Jumbled them together and made woman out of thm. A woman la of frailer physlqu than man, yet she can Und ten tlm a much differing, Bhe la afraid of a mouse, but ah wtH climb up on an operating table with a, emlle on her fate, knowing ah 1 going to be Cut to piece and that death wait for her at every scratch of tha knife. Tbo sight of a suffering dog turn her faint wUh pity, but he voluntarily face the agony of crucifixion In motherhood. Bhe ha hyteric If her seamstress ruin a new shirtwaist, but ha meet ruin w-lth th calm courage of a hero. She could not walk five mile on , pleasure tramp, hut ahe can break tha long endurance pedestrian record In walking a alck baby. .She may look a Innocent a a eoolng babe, yet be as worldly wise n schem ing a Bocky Bharp. She may appear to be a three-ply Idiot, yet bo a Solomon In petticoat. Hhe may love a man well enough to dla for him, yet nag him ao that she makea him wish he waa dead. 8lio will do everything on earth to make her hnstiand happy, except the one thing thnt would mnke him happy. Kite etrlvrs to make home pleaaanl for her family, but alie will never let them do what they like In It If she con help herself. Mie I strot, for th trulh. hut sh mmili her husband to lie t) her ahm.t her growtrnr more beautiful every year, ano how iiiiiii ml'lo lie waa when he went on a pie an re trip Mi believe In JUMP . except wheraj her on children are concerned. She keei. no hooks and ha no hildiet and run a hone hit or ml- flnanelaily, b.i! ahe doe It for ab nil half ht th m.nit acemnpl lulled financier could Kia ! pny o f.,r a hat without turn ing a bair. ihen hut fll over a Wean! Inn. heoii rti ik Mi (,-lve million to foreign inttn. bill alihh.il.l. ih ihi ffo,t ,.,.or (tilry a ! re 4 b' tain a filled ahh r-miioiims for Ih opprd In f. rei.-n laml. et oli her en ntld f o,ii.. h-i-n .14 r lh tin t i,i (i,rmi4 ,,,,,, I lri a ill ihir n, In or a no-i r Hi In lih in r i( nr i.iii inn i. lii!,n .o,i .I,., ti, ..,i,ruis an ii"lo ' 1 1 .!. i v ), .'n l,!m oHhiit h w il . t''i'V,, ,r tl,ii I i a hi !-.. ., '1 ! ll , 1.. - "t .M.ii a a. i.t-i... r ' t ' at ! o( "' 'S l l-iT -i , ( .t It i '- 'r !, . 1 U.ii ' fi ' I , I' l I ' . '. , . t "' ' 1 I 4 1 I 1 I II t . I'l I I !' 4 I f ' i 4 m I I'l ! I I i-.- Il ,'Hil 4 ,.. .'. .Ii.l r I U I I I f hwn I i-'-' I' ' e l i. i -r a l ',, tt-nnpul,, i, it. i. I. t Ml I ! i , 4 I . , " 1 1.4 , I Ifci. M i 'l' 4. -i t a , , ta i f II, I ., , , ' i" i a t in . i il mi ii. .ti... it . , 4 io-ii .-a in m. it :. -n ii -. i.j ,. tt i i, . - t i-i i -o,-..' 4 I- 1 l I I , ,l 1 ,t ! I'..,, '.-.i,.. tir ' ! ea a.. . iil.iiit4 lt. , i.i n.. r.t't, tt M a I..', t I'-.. I .in- ., I II,,) t.,t , k.n. i.i t a- '. at a t iaa ... I o .4ii t It a .'"4 I. I' 1 I I I t a .-,niii .1 I I ! 1 I t i t I fl i.,.it, 1 it a 5 4U. II , w . 4 . !- V ". &4 tJV t v. ,re4 - v.- .