I T1IK nHK: OMAHA. TIU'ltSIIAY. JIAV I, l!Mli. Transfer ihlhr iJiTY NEWS "Towi4' to tporunf Oooda." Llfhtlag Ftxtur Burf aa-Orn1n. imon4 Engagement ftlnf. Edaolm. Bool rrint It Now nacnn Pra. Andiron, rii loram, Bunderland'a Fir, Tornado, AutomobUa, Burglary lnurnr. J. I, Dumunt, Kecllii HMg. Criaoo, B3o-4So.90oi cream ehee, lb., Sftc; 3 pkg. ecia, 5c; flour. M-lb bag, Wc. P Baakft fltor Display ad on I'aiffl Nln. Jc al. Toaajr'g Ifovl lrorr," oltfi awtfon today. I appaara In Tha Baa EXCLUSIVELY, rind out what tha rloua mivlnt nlrlnr iht.r nff.r Brakaman luaa Bo4 Un 3. gchmldt, formerly a t'nlon Fadfle braltcniHn, t 'lln tlia railroad In district court for 7',(rx) n tha remilt of tnjirla intln'?il In an accident In tha South Hide yarK at Xys Operated Upon 0, n. Bath bun, after proiongcl defection In lilt tyea, wa operated upon Wdndy by Dr. Clifford at tha Mnthod at honplial, wher he will ba confined for inw time. a Danleli lent Up for Tan Teere f'lmrlca Daniel, colored, ditcnced to rve ten year In the penitentiary after ho had been convicted In Iltrict Jii'lKO Hear' pourt of a crime BKalnat hi younjf daushter. Tonne round Ouinyr"oy Youtu, Un.jHii ai a "bad man'1 In police circle, w found fiiMy of alteinpfed inan- laughter and will be. enlemad In n dxy or o for crlotily cutting two while men with whom he shooting dice. Minor u Through Kla Tathar -Henry r:oren. year o:d, through h! father, Meyer Coren, la uln in dltrM court. Waldemnr It Prha-'fCcr for V,OW riamnsca. fin April 10 ricliarCfir la alj"ge. to hnve atiuik the lad with a motoreyclo. Tbree hotwllrto Hhotwell, on f the C'reliihton collets law graduate of laat week, intend to leave tha aervhe of tho ety water office May 31, when he will Join Ilia brother lit tlia law pualneaa. Tha new concern will be known fl HhoU well. Hhotwell Shot well. Bojr f naa tot loae of Toot - The ault of Flojd Smith, colored minor, ngHlnat tho Mlahourl raelflo railroad for t-Vl.W daVnagea oelng heard In federal court. HI foot wan cut off by an engine, when it wa caught between the trn'k and the planking at Fifteenth and Wehater treeta, November 4, i;U,"i, nit Over tot - Dtatnrt Judge Oenrgfl A. I ' v h leted an Injunction tnlnlnlng the Nebraska Coiifcrencc J)vn gellral gaaorlntlvn and the Won church from Intci ferlng with Mary fcuneil hon In the pohm of a lot at Twenty, fifth and t'lildwell, A rjjimle over the tltlo bad occupied tb court attention for half a tuy. Unique Entertainment The entertain ment of tho Omaha OhrlMlaii Kiubavor ilriloit to be given May 4 at the F.rt Christian fhtireh, TwentyalMh und Jlamey street, at 8 olorl(, promlwa to fin vary unique In every d"ill. Tho reii'l tnu will he given by Mm, Clmilea P. Itu ptiplln and the tmialcat n imhcra mill be by courteay of tho Millie Uyan etudlo. Uae "Taa-Tlle" thlnglee. Sundrlnndg. G, 0, P, Delegates to National Convention to Meet Here Friday For preliminary conference and organ ization the Neoraxka delcga-tea-elect to the republican national convention at Chicago have Imcii Invited to meet In Omaha Friday aa dliwr guewls of Howard H. Haldrlge, one of the dele-gatea-Bt-larK. "I n.m merely taking It upon myself to k the member of tho delegation o talk ever tho altuatlon and poxalhle arrange ment for head'""rtera at fhlcago.' and have done o at this time becatiKe i cx peel to he called away next week," aald Mr. Baldrlge. "I ant alno Inviting ex Penal or Hurkett, who baa the preferen tial vote for vice preaident, and Nalloiml Committeeman Howell, mid perhiipa one or two others." The delegation will consist of the fol lowing, at large; Howard If, Raldrlge. Omaha; K. It. Ourney, urcmnnt; Frank M, C'lirrle Sargent and N. V. Dodge. Jr., Omaha. f District delegate. K. M. Pollard. Ne hawka; J, Reld CSreen, Lincoln; J. II. Kemp, Fullerton; Owar 11 Thompann, Wlaner; Peter Janaen, Peatrlce; J. II. Farley, Aurora; A. Hnrnntt, McHook; Charlea O. I.ane, Haatlnga; W. t'. May, Gothenburg, and Earl p, Mallory, Alliance, Damage Case Taken from Federal Jury - for the Second Time . Ml ' For the aecond time the rult of Files tith McCoy for :.". dimatiin fur the dealh of her (ton waa taken from llm Jury In thn federal court and a verdh-t In ff'r nt lh defendant ordered, The anil wiih fiif.,1 first Knlniit the Mlourl I'fts-if t7 rllrad, and Judge T. C. Manger Hn'k the ca from the Jury Ue gniiind tl,i,t the MUtum! I'n, (r Vt the right d!. ndant. M 'Ct.y , . M (,! killed by a t iiloti t'ai'lfie en. m( i,trtlniia cm a MUmiurt I'a-tfic tr' it. Tha nit .tt thn i.i..,t aln atninat tha t iihoi I'ai'ltle railroad and JuU Vi'mnunH na (h r from tha j t-y nil itlte-ted th verdht lit fvor ft tlja riidnt aitor tha. iiuimtfr a iiii,r at ti. Ui n gi hii.U t'( cmitrttt 1.1 ' tir igen.a SECORD RETURNS TO HOME AND SAFETY Omaha Man Upon Whose Head the , Mexicans Set a Price Resigns Job on 1 Faso Railroad. MEX ARE BITTER AGAINST U. S. "Th army of the United gtateg will not be withdrawn from Mexico until there la a provigional govern ment established there;, n govern taent along tho linn of tho one e tabliahed in Cuba after the inland pnwted from under Spanitth control." The foregoing I tho opinion cx ireaaed by Krank Secord, who for four year hag boon guptrlntendcnt cf telegraph for tho El I'aHo & rlouthwegtern llailroad company, with headijuarterg at Kl Taso, Tt5., end who hag reclKncd and rcturnnd to OiiihIih to rcalde. For many yer Mr. Record wa night telegraph chief for the Fnlott Pacific here. Four year ago be went with the K.I I 'a o ft flout hwetcrn. Ilclatlvo to leaving the F,l I'ano & fcoiilbweafcrn M" Heeord anerta that the Mexiran altun I Ion did not force hi quitting the coun try, yet he. la willing to admit that h prefeired to get out white the gi'ttlny out wit good. Tho Kl I'liao K fiouthweatern eiiend went from Kl I'hho, riiiililiig clnae to tiie .Mexican border all the way up to t'n lumbua, and during the laat two year the Mexican have gotten conaldei ahlu enjoyment and aniuaement In arlnj(r down the telegraph Hue and then unit ing wuikmi'ii who went nut to make re pair. Tlit conatiiut annoyance and the additional fat that there waa a u!ce on Mr. Ke.'ord bead In (he event hf w found on (ho Mexican lde of the Hlo ilrando river Induced Iho aupeiltt lendent of the road telegraph depart ment to reach the conclusion that placea along the Molean border were not par ticularly dealrablo a a realdenee. Me alcana la F.I l'"o, Hpeaklng of Kl I'ano, with the lare number of I'nlted Htalea aoldler there and In the vicinity, Mr. Beeord doea nol look for an uprising of tho Mexican, However, be l of tho opinion that 'n the event they should break loose they cuilld do ft great amount of damage. He asnorta that at thl time Kl Paao has a population of about ,7,0" American and about i'K'M Mexicans, of which tho lat ter are tnoatly men, AH through Mexico the peons, Mr, S! enrd amerla, are very bitter against the I'nlted R-'tate. regardless of whether Villa, Ohregon or t'arruntsa dlclnte the policy to be pursued. "Hendiiig the army Into Mexico to capture Villa was an excuse for the L'hlted states taking a hand In tho sit uation," addjd Mr. Hccord. "and now that It Is them. In my judgment it I not going to be withdrawn for s. long time, The hotter element In Mexico would probably favor Intervention, but the masses arc against It and would be ready to fluht the plan. "All told, I don't think there are to exceed Vt) to Americana In Mcx"0 now. They have been rapidly coming out during the last few weeks. They havo anticipated war and have taUen the precaution to get out of the country." Taking the Alternative ( w vcHu ? j f nJ n (fi t . "554 ' Wrnralsrln and hotliiar f'alns. t loiin'a J.lnlment 1 a wonderful uWI cine for neuralgia and tditnp, shooting pilns; applied to painful spot it stops the ache. Only t!m. All druggist, Ad-vrrllsefticnl. Judge Woodrougli is Regular Speed Boy on the Bench Joseph W, Woodrough, new federal Judge here, la the aworn enm,v of will known obstructor of tuilloe, 'the law's d 'ly," as Will MhnUespef r." lor Francis ftgeon) called It, Judge Wooi7rougti ha set a nw pie at doing thing In the federal court. He las now been on the bench nearly two wick nd Die Krlt of case ground "d the amount of Justice fllppcmed ha b"n very large. With om i idg" It ha been n easy thing for one side cr the other to have eases continued or trl'd out rf their rv iar order on the assignment calendar. Judge Woodrougli 1st showing himself B!amaut against the pla of the at torneys, Ho declare himself In faor of efficiency, order end dispatch In tho tiansactlon of the court buslnes, Fveii a crrlaln attorney who ha aJrrady tried two ease in tho last ten day and l the attorney in another case aet for nxt on the assignment Hat found Ida plea for oclny vetoed by the Judge, Jiidire Woodrough has fixed hi boiii of holding court at W; to 12 and i to I; and be opens court on lime and puxliei the bu1nea wlh all the speed con a'ent with Justice and fair bearing. Bird Lovers of the State to Meet Here The Nebraska Ornithologist' union will hold a banquet at the Hotel c'awlle Fri day evening l o'clock, to be followed at o'clock i,y a intlng In tho council chamber of thn city hull. Ileseriallona for the bati'iinst must he made before tills evening vi?h Mr. W. F. I!axlr, At the meeting In Iho city hall, to which' all bled lover havo beeit invited, four professors from th state university will speak, They sis all eminent ornitholo gists tind Include Profs, Jlruner, Wolcott, JiawNon and fiivcnk. Phone Your Want Ad to The Dec. IK The wpadufvl "SuoiiJ MofHUlf Belli" aTk I ICT" ''WMM"lrUM$ ITx i !i Eeai Estate Men 1 Favor Exams for : f Playground Jobs Z t H-.t . I ,- -tu,,., )(,,, " l! I !.: t I). ..I till? ll ' i I ' l fia i ari '. i j :i '-' t ' '-ll I l (-'"I t-'"' ! I. I l i i.-. t t v,t..t ! -k.nf m.tt i , j i r,( th t t j ('. f .i, i, i . j f )u j 114 t I a ,i- . I. ... i i ..ii .. ti,.( ..i a is i, , i j , C I 'it t I ft- ltt f I bi -t t- i I-. tni it ,,. jn i f ft'-ll.t , ,1 .( ; p 1 'H ti 4 i ..:, f ij.,, ,,., . i I m i i? I'.ii I., ! t l-'....S,l l.( ,r. ,,, (, . I ii ii ' i I. i I. . . t j, i , , , ' t I "'..r.l -:-t I. ... I l: i'. i -t si; . , - i , il Women:- You'll Appreciate These Points Hero arc four reasons why we are featuring the MINA TAYLOR House Dress, You will appreciate them at a glance. 1. Ample hip room, without which no house dress is comfortable, 2. -Corded buttonholes, worked with a lock stitch that cannot ravel even if broken. 3. -Seams sewed with sixteen stitches to the inch, giving a neatness not otherwise obtainable, 4. Comfort giving design in the arms - they cannot pinch or bind you in any position, ina Taylor Dresses For Porch or House Wear arc garment of untuuaJ quality as wrU as unusual appearance. We urge yoss to com In and see them You cannot get these superior dresses any where else in town. You will want several when you see them, We Sell Mina Taylor Dresses at $1.00 and Up urgess-Nash Company JOKER FOUND IN NEW TOURIST RATE Railroad Men Cannot Figure Just How Some of the New Rates Are Reached. ! LESS PAY OVER LONGER ROAD! Loral railroHi! pnuM'ttRor HKonta ! are hmsiilorahly Mlrroil tip over ai J'iker Uiat (hoy liavo dlacoveroit In the inrlff iaaued by tho Woalern l'a-1 anser iiaaorlRtlon and approved by j the Inti'ratato commerco commln slon, and whirh will bcromt ef fei'tlvit Juno 1. Th titrlff applli'a tii Rummer excurMon and tniirlat rates, and tho joker appllea to tho round trip rato between Omaha and Minneapolis Tli llrt Wrutcrn nd tli Nnvlliwt tn b dlrei't llnr liftvein Omnli nd MlniiPapnll. Ovf-r th hni't line th dl'tni I 3S0 mile. 1'nr th rnnnd trip th WcKtnrn rdmir-HKT BKni'ltl"ti nidc III) Oi'i tli rti, nd, by tin- wy. thl roiiml trip siiniiniT ininliin rl I jut I i-i'tit ninrn thnn th firi-wnt ngulnr ry.diiy fnre thnt I hnrKd. T f r?, however, I where the Jolter ennie In, Neither the Mlluanke nor Hi llllnnl Central ha dlreif line Intrt MlnneBpnllN, but tli new tariff porinll enrlt nf thpn rnnd. any time after Juno, tn ell rnnnd I ftp tlrket bidwnen I mmli and Mltmenpnll at )U . The Milwaukee rill deliver II pnnHi'nai'in In eunnei-tliiK tins t tie Mnlnea and th llllnol CciiMul tn a aiinlhir line t Kurt I'ndtje, In, The Itoi-k Inliind. hnwnver. that h line front Oninh, lu Mlnnmip- olla bv my of !'e ,Moln", I required to sell It rnund trip tirVct out of thl ilty t tm.5. Thp illatnni-c over thi clrcultou line or whlt-h thkt are to tin old for le thnn over th hort lln of 1'ifl Is tlTi' rnlle. Another thing thai th lorwl pi'tiRrr nien rannnt understand with refemni- to the tariff of tin) VtTn lnenar ao cintlon I the manner In which th Knnm I lty-Mlnnepoll round-trip rat w arrived t. Over the ahort line It I C'lt mile from Kn City to Minne apolis yet th round- trip rat I but IIS for a, rid of 'M mil, whll lh round trip be! ween Omh and MlnneBpoll. i mile. I I1H.95, or, In other word, en the IiukI of figuring, the Western P rnger ocntlott pernili lh Kniia I'ity-Minnent olla road to crry p engen, L'W mlli for l. eh MURDERED WOMAN IS LAID AT REST Through Sympathetic Interest of Mrs, Grace Black, Mrs. A, J. James Has Good Funeral New Factory Will Locate at Ralston A factory employing men nd occu pying a fnur-l(iry building covering hlf iiur bloek i to l etbllhed within ly dy t lUlaton, werordlng to an anuminremeiit mdo by C. V. Hhlmer of the Anierlesn Heeurlty ronipny. Mr. Hhlmer would not y ht th faotnry wuuld manufacture, but aald that Iho owner now have a big plant In thn rnt which ampin aevernl thousand per son mid produce . well known article. Mr. Hhlmer declared tht the del w arranged tbrniigh hi office, and that It had been closed Tuesday afternoon with H. H. Pchaeffer, president of th UUKo Itealty nd Amusement company, which on Monday took over the enllr holding of thn ltalston Townslta inmiiaiiy, The fHctory dual will Involve expendi ture of seveinl hundred tlioiisnd dollar, It I nld. REV. J. A. LEAVITT OFFICIATES Mr. A. J. Jamn wa slvem a rpapectablo burial yesterday aftor noon from the Wlllla Orotsby chapel. Through the effort of Mr. Grae. nlack, who lived with Mr. Jamos at 1017 South Thirtieth avenue, Mr, Crosby Rave a ranked, employe of the wall paper department, of ltay den Jlro., where Mr, .lames Y nrked, donated money; the Liberal Aid iortety furnlhed a hear, tha Hope MIshIoii arrani?ed for a (trave ai.d Rev. J, A. Leavllt of the N l uihka fioeiety for the FYJendlesg of f. elated. Mr. Wck and Myrtle Cuter n duet at tli ervl' and nemetery, Mr, James wa shot by her husband Hundnjr, April 23,lier husband killing hr und himself Ivn she learned he had bean t married before and wn not dlvorcad. Mr James' ppople cnie from Norfolk for hi body, but did not mk arrangement for the 'burial of lh wife. Mr. Hlack took' ymptbetle lnteret In th cs and ucceedeil In armnglng for th funeral, II take tr.it ft minute "f tun to v dolhr when you rend Th Tie? Want At c.oliitnln. The flit slenm wnr vessel of the pro peller typo wa the I'rlnrelon, built for lh I'nlted rilnte nnvy In Mi. Store Hours: 8:30 A, M. to 6:00 P. M. Saturday Till 9 P. M. Burgess-Nash Compamy 'everybody store Uilii.'iliit, Mny itMtt. Hioiti; m;wi Mm Tm itHu.iv, 'bones l. 1H7. Splendid Big Selection of UNDERMUSLINS AT $1.00 A' That Were $1.98 to $4.98 in the May Sale Here Thursday i in-iiiuiilaf ion of oilil pier Hint liavr hwtnu? morn or Iphh anisNPtl from lmmllirie ninl diMiilav. Hcoros of prHly fifylcH of i'ino inuslins, mmbrifs nnd nHiiiHookn, incliwliji jit'Kii'onlH, priiit'esH hlijM, comltiiialiotH tuul powns, All rt'ltily irimmi'il with law nml onibroiloiy '(.H mill itifirtioriK, iirmcnts t lint wcro pricod nt ifl.08 to $i.VH till in ono liii? o TliurHtlny, your rlioiet? for $1.00, GROUPS OF MUSSED GOWNS THAT WERE $2.98 TO $4.60 AT $2.49. i Made of very flno imlnaonk and batlate, and itlmmed with fmn lacra and enibroidprle. Hllfc-htly inufified from dlnplay, v.ere 2.U S to M.B0, Thurnday, nt SH2.H). SPECIAL DISPLAY OF FILIPINO . HAND-MADE UNDERMUSLINS AI)f!rLAV that will be mnnt InfereKf ln the handiwork of our liltln dialer acroSH thn I'aclflc, which la fast takltiR the place of French underniuallna, not only heeauae of ila dulntlnraa but hpcmiHo the vnlue nrn o much belter, . Biirg,e-rT))Oo. eeond Floor to the Basement Women's and Misses' ' SUITS That Are Good Va'uei to $19.50 for $12.95 ESl'l'XJJAIi ricinfc fpr Thurs day that is certain to briiiff forth h p'ocroiis rofcpon.se. The fnitH are made in the lat est spring mid early Kuininer HtylcH of niieli nlendid niaterials as wool, poplins, p;alia.rdines, men's wear serffe. fancy t-hecks, Bedford cortls. Plain and fin red. rk i rt effects in many handonie styles, popular coIoj'B and .all ni'M'h 1(5 to 4(. The real values ran to $l!..(lf ThurMlay only in the liasement, urr.-WMh Co.-Ba.em.nt.- " ' I mm ( ' If: I THIS MAGAZINE RACK, $uy 'iirttructd of i.lll iiW lth ' ti tn d finish, four roomy helvt, nil I hilldX, $1.45 srcciAL J Odd Dicers off furniture of drscr i P 1 1 onj hAVc brrtt r !f. Mi u J TT MfV' l; - THIS CANVAS rORClt SWING, Ab ILt.Uii TRATEl), $305 f b i i lit ihn n-'iniUr Khakt 'I, ! ! (ria s i.'il-ittl b-tt ti hit I unit ! tl.: l-.i'ilfu. i mh. i I. I villi ,1,1,111 ttucrtl 60 jxt j , ' All at! uiUrJt tMiuail f:auh4 14 trni' '' v Nim iuk r. rnn rt nUROKSS NASH COMPANY - 19c Sale of STATIONERY SEVERAL group of noedod aupiillea very apnclally priced. Pound Paper, 19c "nurnani'o" rjuaUty pound writing paper, Bfl dheela of linen flnlnhed paitr for lc. Envelopes, 2 for 19c Knvelopea to match tho ubnvo paper, peclal. at 2 packaaea, ltlc. Initial Paper, 19c Odd lot of Initial paper and ror renpondencn card, that wero 2 5'', 3Bc and 60c, at, tc. Copying Books, 19c Letter copying; book, that wpr 75e In the clearaway, Thursday, Rt 1C. Autograph Albums, 19c Autograph album that, wero to 60c, in tho ilearway, at. If'. Book Racks, 19c Mission book ruck, three different flnlnhN, apeelnl, at 1lc. Bur-Nh Co. Wain Floor, Our Annual May Sale of Good Furniture Affords Rare Advantages VKKY piere of f iiinit tire in the entire tock has been r tlueed for thin biHeitil occasion affords unusual ndvan- taKt-H for IhoKo who need furniture of any Mrt to help carry out their neht'intj tif home lieiiutif) inn for I lie summer m'Ummi. 1S77 Branciy 1 Cif jaiiWnti Tim C. Jmii, SiJiurkMi, I