THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, MAY .1, 1016. 3 Nebraska 0ASY ACCESS TO BOOKSJF ROAD Railway Commission Receives Letter Indicating Missouri Pacific Is Willing. BEATRICE INSTITUTE PAYS IN (From a. Staff Oorrepondwit.) UNi'OtA', May 2.-(Hiolal.)-Th inll wiy coinmlimlcm will have no trouble In gaining ncoe lo the book nnd record of thp MiHaourl 1'acifie lUillroaii con'ii u HConUtiK to a li'ttcr reeelvrd tiy tlio state i 'omiiilimlnn from J, A. C. Kennedy, n'ti "nil solicitor for that road. Tho controversy came up over the itt trmit of ('oiiimlionor JIall and Hrit 'W ill Powell to w-cura B''Cffm in tin boot; nt Kail fit y recently mid ware Icnlcd lln prlvllf-Rp. I'lm matter takrn up with Gmnlin. Wiui'inarti-r, with the r Ht iliat Mr. Kf niifdy Inform tho fommln on that nil they infrl lo do Ik to notify liend'Huutcr lifiir thpy want alatait( tf l hat Mnl and tha oni-v will lie 'aunt out hi allow thn cuiiimlaalon to go 0Vf the record. Officer' Nrhonl at MpaHa. Adjutant Oiiieml Mall ha Ijcn notified that tha data tint i)larn for hoH'iiK Iho (pfflnftV school mid flf tlhoas'.tal camp ha hern chfiiid ami tha offlien will go to Hparta, Wl., for tlmlr lnlrj"t!oit, i he former onia lime in J una and tha latter In Ungual. Tim Tiillltaiy board of tha N'ehratka, Na tional G'lard will meet. AVednedity morn Inir at liead'tuarleta In tha atata liouae for tha intrj'oaa of taking tip matter relatlvo to tha aummer encampment, which will ba held at Kort lUblnon wmi lima In tha fall. Heatrli-e I'nnil In Treasury. Stale Trftiirer 1111 thl mornln re ceived a remittance of 110,00) from tha ItoiUrlco home for the fceblo minded. Thl uin I reelved from tha different eounflo having children In the chool anil la credited to thn clothlnif account. Heretofore tho limlltullon iipTlntondent hit kept the fund In a. bank at Ilea trice, but aftar Tho He aoino time ago raled tha queatlon of the legality of auch action, tha Hoard of Control made an order that the fund ahould be placed In the tat treasury a tho law rjiulrd, Lord oinea in Omaha, (.'e'H J,oid, for many year connected with tho Lincoln Imlly Htar and day r p reaenttttlva of the American lre nuao .rlatlon, ha nevered' Ma ronnectloii with that paper and Kotio to Omaha, whew ho will have charge of tha publicity depart ment of the Nebraska Telephone) com pany, Mr. Irfird was on eof the live young newspaper men of thn state capital. Mark Jfnnta for llrlr. Judgo "W. I, Htark of Aurora was nt the tut houao this morning on bualnc,, from hers he goes to Hoaton, where he will seek evidence regarding the heir of Alden 8. Nlcholl, who recently dlad In Aurora and formurly Jived In MasanchU" ctt. Attorney General Heed Is endeavor ing to havo thl eatato escheat lo the atnto for want of heirs, but Ueneral Hlark la of the opinion there ore heirs and Hilnk ho can loeata them, Nlcholls served In tho civil war and afterward came weat, living la different states, The ratals amounts to about fO.OOO. State Warrant leaned. According to the report of JltBtn Auditor Smith, there wero i.WS warrants leaned by the auditor's office during the month of April, amounting to l27H,977.n. This Is the ain,!ct amount lued since tho flrat of the year, ths amount In January being t'.'Wt.lUI, In Kcbrunry, S74J,M, and In March, fWWtt Iho total for tho four months being I,W.fl.r(S.22. Tho sums months of 115 amounted to t1,8W,K8.27. I'alrhury Krm Notes. ,' FAlUftlTHY, Neb., May S.-tHpeclal.)-The senior class of tho Kali-bury high chool Is making extensive preparations for commi-neament exerclne. A class play will be staged st tho opera house, May 15, and nearly half the elans will participate. Tho class of Will comprises fifty member. Holl Is In fine shopo In this vicinity and many farmers aro planting corn. The alfalfa crop is weir undor hesdway, although It has been retarded by cold weather. Oats are doing fine. During the laat week County Judge L. J. Nutxhan Issued marriage licenses to tha following parties: John C. Green and Mary !!ah, John A. Schoenrock and Adeline Krlrsel; Rernard Ikmno and Anna llorky. Two of tha foregoing couples camo from Konaa to get mar ried. With ths closing of the saloon In ralrbury, Haturday night, tha polio had their hand full In maintaining order. Vosalbly never In tha history of Fair bury wero so many drunken men seen on tha street. There I talk of organising a city league banc, ball team similar to the one of laat year. The Hock )lind round -hours force expects to put a gooil team in thw field this year. IDs l our t'.rtttora OraanUe. I-. t i A It. Null., May S. Sprclsl.--The iiiulal nieriuig of thn Dig Kir IaIUuiIuI naxoclitlMii was held hr nlay with an rnlhiislaallo gathering t( live--w it neMepaprr nu-il pn-aetit. A wriun.tit iriii4 iU"i w eff tel with lbs lowing officer 1'U l'lllt, A. t VuU, IMgar, vlis prHit, f. IMg i otiibe, fisusl, lirtieva, ' ftt v-li i,itr, A J I'fttlt. sserullNS Imsfd. V A (.,i in.,.n, N.-w, l?ct"r. John T I'f'-if r. t i.iM Siii., H r'ctili Ui, l.n ii at, ivenp'i li ' ! .:(. lit. ti lli-',t) ,entit itl.ill l il,it I ,- I; J ill, it I til ') I t .. klii.o Ml I to . . ' e . f V , k ., i'lV. I so I II liiii 't r iti-M tn,tcti ! I .i I t t,ftta, ! , ! la H'S it;w w- M J iKp-.ui f , . ) . ! t J Ai, t k- -t it i ; v It li f Vt A 1 I fUlii fl tti'9 ,,i.r,..t vf , ...i trttn t, Im,.M I t an 1 , , ,,t (,' '. - (l, 'i ' t.n la Hi t.:. iiut-ii ' i ik i t ' ' i r i I i .1-1. f I"I lf ' Of f-l , .(,!,) ,! ( I I it'. l I . Ili.aJlol t .t i .. . i - ' t . - . I ,l !.- lie a , I Ml l'w-ll.; , I ' h , , v f . ' I I i .,, I i . .11. ... V I , I I f. l' l A " - , 11' t il - , . . . 1 I I i -1 -was 9 ,.. . f e..4w '1 I t i' . . . , - t ' l ! . t -.-. f '(..- .l.-l ! ii. I . H ., , . ti. ( I r I ,,,, I 1 . , .... , . . , r :'-..,! ' Nebraska SILO SPECIALJRAWING CARD Twenty Meetings Held in Western Nebraska on Second Day of Trip. LEONARD URGES PINE STOCK Nebraska Of ALL A I, A, Neb., May 2. (Hpfclnl Telegram.) Jiilesburg, Hlg Hprlngs. Urule, lloscoe, (.ignllala snd I'aittoii were today visited by the alio, dairy and live stork special of tho t'nlon raclflc, on Its second day's trip, and about twenty meetings were addroaHi-d by thirty or more people, headed by I'rof. I', (I. Ilol- den of chit-ago, At every meeting a large number of enthusiastic and Interested farmers or their wives snd children were present and listened to adilresiea calculated to help them in the Important problem of prearvlng moisture, building up anil fer tility and overcoming defect due to climatic and other condition. At many of the meetings, the farmers thenuelves took sn important part, ask ing many questions regarding matter that raere perplexing them. These o.eua tions were answered by the agricultural experts conducting the mcetlngH, with the result that many prominent farmers declared thatt he visit of the special wiis Immemely beneficial, Tho greatest sinoiint of Intereot today seemed to center about Jhe growing and curing of alfalfa and the raising of live stock, although the benefit following the lias of the silo were also the subject of many Inquiries "The exclusive raising of grain .mentis oil poverty," declared Ooloncl L. V". Leonard of Pawnee City, In one of hi ad dresses today, "Jlvery fsrmer should select that breed of stock be likes best, (lood sires are eentlaj to success Kins points In sire ar pot necessary, but a fin herd may bs built lip from a blocded lre that may be purchased for not over "Alfalfa pasture. Janliage and corn pay best s feed for hogs If self feeders are used," Pool Hall Question Is Up at Fairbury KAIHBITtV, Neb., May J.tKpeclal Tel egram. )-Tha ralrbury city council will ro'-onalder the matter of granting lli-siisea 10 six pool halls that were closed Hatur day night with tha saloons of Kalrhury. Fairbury Is now good snd dry snd is minus pool balls, the first time In its history. Beveral wl-uks ago, while act ing on a. petition of the pool hall pro prietor to lower the Keen, ths coun cil refused to gtnt tho licenses. It I said that If tha council will refuse the licenses the Isane will be put ttt to tho voters of Kalrbury st a special elec tlon through tho Initiative end referen dum. Hlnca ths saloons cloaed In Fairbury there ara only three wet towns In Jf fetson county, Jsnscn, Plymouth and Lnykln, Many Join the I linrch. LOI'P, Neb., Msy 2.-(flpaeal.)-At the close of the F.rwln union meetings, ths Methodist people of Loup city opened tho door of their church Hundny. On hun dred nnd eighteen united with the church and sixty-one were baptized with mori to Join lati.T. Ttcv, L. V. Mlocumb Is the piiitor. ' TELEPHONE RATES SUBJECT OF FIGHT Effort to Be Made to Take Their Control Away from State Rail Board. WHAT IS MEANING OF MOVE i Kroin a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. May 3.-ifiieclal.)--Accord-Ing to Ht-nator Joe Hum of Lincoln, a bill will be introduced In the next legis lature lo repeal the tint tea of the Rate Hallway commission so far as they re lute to jurisdiction over making rates of telephone companies nnd place In the bond of the cities ami towns of the state the right to make the rates of tho coin pniilc lining business In those towns. In the estimation of Mr, Hurns the telephone companies are malting loo much money and he would i urtall tht lr Income by placing In the hands of each city, town or village the right to fix hy ordinance the rates to lie charged. To the change In the primary election returns, which gives the nomination on tho repiilill' nn ticket to chairman Henry Clarke of the present commission is said to he due the agitation to take from til.' romnilsslim handling telephone rate. Mr. Clarke has been one of the strong and able member of t',i commission who have stood between the sort of agita tors who have it in for the corporations, snd the corporation, seeking always to give the latter a square deal In the hear lug ami controversies which have from tlma to time come up between patrons and companies. Ills fairness and stand for the equate deal, together with bis Intimate and ex pert knowledge of these matters 1ms made him acknnwledued by members of the Interstate Commerce commission lo be 'one of ths strongest men belonging lo stste commission In the whole coun try, and even tha fair minded of hi ene mies, wvlio have not liked hla stand on the commission, are willing to admit that he I absolutely honest snd square.. This appears to be the general opinion given by men wha have been close to the situation hi the many hearing which have been had on telephone rates MILES TELLS JUST WHAT HE SAIL ABOUT ELECTION IIAMTIXUH, Neb., May 2.-Kpecl Tel egram. )-C ,1. Miles today emphatically repudiated the alleged Interview in which he was quoted as saying thit the pro hibition amendment would carry at the full election by a majority of fl,Ki. "I was not Interview by anyone but had remarked to friends, though not for publication, that Judging by tho return of thn primary there was nothing to II, the slate was going dry and Judge, Hut ton would he ek-cted," declared Mr, Miles, "I did not give tiny volume of majority, Bell-am s Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. FREE to every pur chaser during this month, beautiful Jewelry Set. Choice of ladies' or gents'. A GLORIOUS ASSEMBLY OF WORLD-FAMED INSTRUMENTS All of our Pianos and Player Pianos offered to you at Tactory-to-Home PRICES. SAVE ONE-THIRD BY BUYING NOW. This sale will surpass any of our pre vious offerings. We are bound to make this a baiyier month, and have cut prices accordingly. You save the Middleman's Profit and the Retail Dealer's, too. . Put that saving in your own pocket. M are exclusive) representative fur the rteisw.w. ukhkk, iiakdmav, htwikit & honk, i;mkhs. m'I'hail, mmi;.man WIN'S, Ol'lt OWN WIIMOLLKR & Ml KI.I.LH PIANOS A NO AEOLIAN PIANOLA PIANOS, Beautiful New Upright Pianos, worth $350, now, $250 Latest Models 88-Note Player Pianos, worth $550, now at $ 125. High Grade Used PIANOS at Bargain Prices $250 Kimball Upright, Sf.OO $500 Knabe Upright, $151) ,$400 Vose & Son Upright $175 $3C0 Decker Upright, $ 72 $3C0 Cable Upright, $MS $350 Ludwig Upright, $ 1 75 $275 Segcrstrom Upright $l(iO $450 Steger fc Sons Upright $200 $350 Schmoller fc Mueller Upright $175 $40OSohmer Upright $150 $300 Voight Upright, $125 $000 Weber Upright, $;1S5 $:53 Btfinwav - Upright $150 S:75 Arton Upright. ,$i:iS SJOO Root t Son- Upright . . S IS $1,000 Chickenng Grand ... $175 II liMr ;I.IMI lo n'J Oil I t II VU K I iii oi i l;i i ( thl . ltrt PUi-r Mnt. IL IU lit til i.t , t Kill ')f QCIOLLER S MUELLER PIANO 'COMPANY I III I I I U! WM ol , OMtll , M It, l,.. H, t ,il.. I I its . I'ltui ll...r I I Ur 'Am t t h.n .( I CI r Nebraska 1 Nebraska I . ill 1 but the result, n 1 apeke. of It, mcmcd lo be the drift aa I u it. A I have aid before, I ahall euiiport thw republi can ticket In the full election. I have not changed my attltudo on the prohibi tion amendment and nni otipoacd to It in principle." I olumbua llnalneaa ( hnuae. . OOLl'.M HI'S. Neb., May I. -(Special Tel-; eKram.l -Jay lleimely aold hla Internet hi tha Oxford cafe today to Jap Mi-hoUl and bouitht the O, (5. Hum electric ahop. I CONTENDS DEMANDS SOLDIER'S HOME NOTES GUANIi ISLAND, Neb.. Mav 2.-Bpo-clal.i Mr. Mis'amer iiaaaed away at the Weal hoapital on l-'rldav evetilnn, after un llliii-H of many year. Hie wh the widow of liavld .Mi'Caiai-r, who died here nine time alio. Tho body waa lalton to Stnrkhnin for Interment. Mr end Mil. Kdward Ulley returned to the home the latter part of the week, tiftir an extruded Malt with their rhll. lire n at Knirbury. Thev reported a fin time and irood hnalth while gone. Thev niiiilloiied that the farming In that . i lit I v n jiiuro adcanced than In thl community, Million Hradbury went to Omaha with Mr W'ado the latter Jrt of the week. Mr. Waile will have en operation for her eye and Mr Hradbury intend to look after ome mer.lrl treatment. Mr. Medley ), tual returned to the ho fiom a ten-day furloiiih to lliir- well, Mi' and Mr, (larva, who have been In rhame of the Vioman' dlnln room In the main hulldlitin. will non tk a 111 n.v-ihiy leave of abaenca to lio to l.llicolll. McCook Germans Adopt Resolutions Concerning War MVOOK. Nob., May iSpoolal.)--At It ineotliitf on Saturday the asaoi latlon of iJeinian-Anieilciiii ritlien of Mt'ook ,in! (Utility adopted a i't of reaol.itiona litploi Inn the .(! and cpreislni hor ror of the I'nlleU Stntea intiriii) ih I I;uroi iin conflht, anil roncludiii; with ' tho following. j Wo, the iIi'Minu- Ain i lmn rltlxi-ua of i McCook unit trtntiy Hgnlii d.iliin our nndyiiiK loyalty to mil adoiited i o'liltvy, I anil w.- n iju'iil lo our fellow cltlxer.a, ri' aanlleea of their n iiloiiiilli v or race, r mir HvK of thu a no .itlue w lit.-) . they mav liiive fir vino aide, ir the. nther to the world war. to Join un to work for the lieat Intereata of the t'utteil ,'itali' :ind of no 'itlior country on cult li by helpiiiK to prevent the awful eu'.imliy of our country Jolnlnn in the war and by drain- our ".ov-rnnent to prartli'e a eirlct neutrality on I impnrtl iiltr toward all and 1 1 y country i iii;:i:'il In the Sreut war. It would bet he treated crime in all lilatory, tlie urentcat ' rime aaainal hu mnnlty and clvihr iUi n. the troi'tteat IniuKiliM'iU tfa.hety (malnat the pace Imliiv Aiiii'i lciin nut ion If the irovern ment of our country woiiM Bdd fuel to the already uin'ontroIlaliU. fire by Jrln liiK 111 the worM mar on either able. For all tine wonlil it ronuitn a the hhirkeni pot In Anii'i'ti .n hlniory If .he are'it Anieiii in nut Ion would be plunged hu i the Kiiropoaii war on tlie fllmy p.-etext of di fcncioa th lli'-mt tli al rlKht of i cnlled Amerb'Hn cltleua w lio are not worthy of that title, and Mho ahould bo severely punlnlied for I hell" (italeyrtlly mui tnwiciiery in, violating the neutrality .'f thl country. Railroad Publication Says Majority of Employes Have No Voice in Asking Wage Increase. QUOTES RAILWAY AGE GAZETTE mnmir!e with the arliaocrntii of laDor hn liftve Kotttm ay with thlr hart. 1 l nrt nhtiut Hit, and non, ilm for tha pteb to prolfnt Mveralir1 unit eullevtlvt-ly?" As a jprnker at Denver recently said, referring lo this phao of tho threatened strike: "It is small wonder the larga majority of railroad workers have befora them the vision of a wase hog." Advertisement. K'..a.Ji3gm; "T'.ll I The big majority of the railroad em ploye of tho country have no voloo In tho dr-rimml for 15 per cnt Incrca in w(.ri inudo by the rnirliirmrn nnd train men; in fart, any Increanft to tho mm horn of tho railroad hrothrrhoodg will bn at the rxponno of in rt:'t of tho ralhoftd workers, in the opinion of tho official ( rati u of tho Train iMspatrher Hullctln. Th .Mrtii'h laano of tho ftnlletln ': ' e urn mont roaimrtl lift hit tb d mantt . nf t h ir n inilvM mn t tra'ti l-,t.,itni and rnllwHy rmiilnyi In Bnrt. Ai Ui( lttilMy Ag i)tta Itulf . thn 1mAnd t net fr hhnrtrr Imurt. tut for nmr py (or ih Mini h.nirn Ttitu vltntlv r-.Kn1l h tratunifri iiim !-. Tlitr tiiotr-ntf ion, hrt-vr, itT)'Milv tH uthrr rmy mn. 'I tnv r-ty" rwiv pr rent ot the toinl whb hi lt foimt Hui I UK but 11 ir cent nf lh intl nnintttr of rmpl"v"f. (''miirtrlnj IImS wltli 1PH, tl,Plf vnrH4 tti-rtici1, it-' onllni, t - I. t. i" i,t,iw l-'nr mlafm. 30 twr t'm : i-nn-rlm-iorB, n'J pur rnt, firrnitn, 4 ptr ont, irftin mn, li jr efni. Artitfrnt Ion lton t lrin. "ArtltrittnnR tr puhlir nrnf.M it AtrUrmA thn fintH of th wntn now ttiJ. Tit" trinfir of un iiiitio-)l tutQ i) oort vkt to 0)ir yy front tii fuml vnltari) fnr tft Cutnnt b nir-1 wthit irinu lnutl tn oilifir rmpltiv. Wh! i ih iit-ititnnal nmnfy to com frm un- fimu tlmtr fi-llmw mptoiM or from n lihoirtem, hrt now rftv wilr om 3 tmit f th ii-kmn cuntlni". tr t h pulillr) ttm-ugli MiiiT ratoi? Hut hnw. xinlrtm tti4 uuttl tilsfiifr rtti tr o)nlriiMl, nd irtfir fint. tin in rUtTri iiHiIa tli tnonwy? Tli tturrt-n wtH nwirllv full upon th othur mplnoft Umit1i. ihMr InaUIlM r of thtlr rodi to pf thrtn f"m- SYRACUSE WILL HAVE NEW STYLE STREET LIGHTS KY Fl.WTSK, Neb., May J.-(Spcial.)- i I The vlllnso board held Its annual meeting I laat evening and wanted an additional faloon llcenae to O. G. Williamson. W, AV. I e'l mi re-elected marshal w ith atrict Inatrui tlona to go after auto fcTieeder. A atifflc'ent aum having been subscribed by the bualne men the villans ordered tha I material for a "white way" for the buat- ilea ei-ti m to be Installed at tha aam ; time aa tlie electric liRht plant. Thla will I conalrt of the lateat design of Klna; I iit, alx to each block, with a single. I light of high power instead of the usual ; cluster. ole front l.lndaar. UNOHAV. N'eb., May 3. (Special.) The Idndsay Imll team opened tho ea , son at Kt. Kdward yesterday, losing to jthat team. 3 to 8. Error at critical time proved their undoing. They play Cornlea. at Comlca next .Sunday. ! The body of Mrs. f'hrlatlan Cremer I ws burled In the Oathollo cemetery here I yesterday. Mrs. Cremer was about SO I year old, or.a of the ploneT of this com- munlty. Her liuaband died last winter The HI. leo Dramatlo club rendered I the play, "The Private Secretary," at th Holy Family school hall to a full house. The play was wll rendered. Store Your Furs Here. Lowest Prices consistent with the very best Service. i ,i mi; Wi i H um IM jpi l. mi , nm wmwm A". 'J? IV r '. ! .'!. .-H. !-.'W''"?l During "Nemo Week" We offer unusual values in these fine Corsets. LINOLEUMS In The Annual May Sale LINOLEUMS For This Annual Sale we have pur chased what we think is the Best Stock of Linoleums we have ever, of fered to the people of Omaha. Better Values You Have Never Seen. Unusual Opportunities to Save Inlaid Linoleum Remnants Valnesi lip lo 1)11.50 At 79c St- Yd- Mftny of th'afl npni nantg are largo enough for ftood-glr.o kllchnn. tttlilt-.t-. m TiTaiTi1 T i r 'a, . k ,r The Best Sale of Its Kind We Have Ever Inaugurated Begins Here at 8:30 Wednesday fv !rt The broadest as sortment of pat terns and color ings, in a sale that comes just at the time when you are ready to set your house in order for Spring and Summer. Printed Linoleum Remnants Worth up to 05c At 29csYd- Many are in duplicate and ran n used for kitchens anil dining rooms. We have had record selling days in Linoleums before; we have eclipsed even our own previous fine recordsbut we have never started a sale with more promise. You will enjoy economies greater than ever if you share in this sale. ' Tlin dycH and materials employe! in the making of tho host Linoleum; 'have risen to almost prohibitive prieeK, anil when this fact is taken into consideration THERM IS NO QUESTION ABOUT THE FITNESS OP YOUR BUYING ALL THE LINOLEUM '. YOU WILL POS SIBLY NEED FOR MANY SEASONS. INLAID LINOLEUMS, honutiful line of patterns, suitable for bath room, dining room ant! kitchen. Regularly $1.25 and $1.50, At 89c and 98c a sq. yd. PRINTED LINOLEUMS, (i feet wide, in two qualities; E aud I grados, in a beautiful line of patterns; tile, inlaid and natural wood effects; suitable for kitchen, dining rooms and liath rooms. Regularly 5.hj and R5e, At 39c a sq. yd. Third Floor. PRINTED LINOLEUMS, V2 feet wide, in a nice lino of patient. This width is Juh( right for those who have large kitchens and dining rooms. Regularly 75c, At 49c a square yard Until the Victrola Came Music Was Unknown in Many Homes r,v ' Very, very few are accomp lished musicians, and even if proficient with one instrument even a player is lost with most iiny other instrument. The Victrola No. X at $75 bring Into your bntiie, not Hilly thn l'l'l inualt- uf th irt'i'iit iy - -'Light (tn-r, udvlll. Hiiit and ihi tr Muh' but lh (ilUNU t,ST Ml Hit' OK TIIK M A tf J (i'.HH nil nf the rfli'liistH riliiiiirr of lit" murld will r.-inir for ' In Jt1"' ien hiiiiie lh-ir niaiiiiiri nl ih irld' f'nt mera mi r i rir,inu ruhi it inur un fift'e (ossilil' i: THK KV of t h t ni4tt .1 iitikll f int ilfti cimii.ii Hui fur t fni t11''"' f f I ' t lid tn.i.' i tit ertk n. until thi r'i'kbi Inttril ii.rnt ,11 i i r r ! l' t fe I ' I . v I', . I , lit', . ,lili I 1 1 1 , M , I ' ill li I 1 'U I LIST IsnSK OF IIIK UY.ST WE HAVE EVER SEEN O ME IN ASH HEAR SME nE THEM, i I'l'tiip R. Mint. v.. Window Shades Wonderfully Low Priced THOUSANDS of Ready Made Shades and hundreds of pieces of Shade (loth, at far below the prevailing prices. I'ERMIT.ES TX ESTIMATE FOR YOU. Wo are Omaha agents for Luxor Cambric, Victor Opaquo nnd IiniKirted English Waterproof Cloth. t'nlunililii'nlrMH ftliailf. 38 inrhes by C feet 30 Anchor Linen flimleM, 3'i Inches by 7 feet lr llit Hand Md Victor r"bi, 36 Inches by 5 feet tOt lloiimn Strlpx l.lnin S!uii-. nn-i'l! , f"tf liiit'utlcil liu.luli Vterironf 8hils, 'i Inch en hy 7 feet. l.timr ( umliric Shaili-, ma, In in all kI 50 to Third HiMir. Wall Papers At Prices That Are Astonishingly Small !t M'R VERY UNUSUAL I EElL(iS for Wcdnc dnv in ll nil I'aper f"ie. Tio-re mv ih'eti of fiu effect for Hl til l liUlii tl"iltl. full il 'leu . d cj i,;n tt:i h'"il aa.l iilifi In mail h , nt t n in I . , a unil rull , , JJ i,.H..l U lin Ititnlk I i.t In lH ai, irk rolor. t u I imriii t.riif l ini,!i, ,, 4ut .r ki'heii,. Ummg n..n;, h)U I i l"f a '; full , . . , J I, H .viii'i .f rum I .i.i r lii ! 'i f mih K,r Uig i. ',11,'H of !i e l' I't rl r . i.iii, d. in lt i lih Holding li ti i'ihC'I. fr ilih!iii r'li'n , lu V,i,, . w t .i ; A f"l X lf ..tint vt ru(ihit It.. I l'c-i M t nr. f i., i,t.( i,( ii(. n niifi t,i j . . w Uit'in , iiiit nis, e f 10, 25 or Worth 27c, at . . . 40 Watt Electric Lamps 23c it, Sm, ill Hllrtili I ruin I'm Hi., iii. i l ! UutKn' nu M.ui- lui e.h:i'.t, I'i'l'l