Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 03, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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    llir. M.T: U.MAMA. wKu.Nf.MMV. .MAY 1116.
Civic Federation Committee Ana
ju Arguments Made for and
Again j t the Scheme.
NEW YORK, May 2. One of the
most exhaustive report that has
ever been made on the various
proflt-Bharing plana that are in force
or have been tried In the 1'nlted
State was made public today by the
welfare department of the National
Civic federation. Civic worker have
been engaged for twelve months
pan In In ventilating more than 300
so-called profit-sharing schemes, and
their report covers the analysis of
some 200 plans.
"The work wn 'undcrla' en," V
t'hairman Kalr-h M. Eaaley of the execu
te council, "In reejwnsc to many re
inet for ur-to-date Information from
men Interfiled In th subject l;i a prac
tical v. There has been marked
err. will of Interest In tho profit-sharing
Idea during tha iset. year and a Istg
number of new schemes have been
Isjitthid, but thus fur the. newspaper
bve been th only sour' of Information
ItH HMHtiJ to ilieim it' fnt eaperlmenl.
ome of whirl, ere fsr-resclilng In ex
tent." I A aiiotineed,
'J'Ik- rciort Itself niiwi to no eel con
clusion, for or iigsltisl the profit sharing
lues, hut H devotes moie than V"
to en exposlilon of the many plan li
force todiy or tried end s '.iand wed, einl
eu forth group of interesting (.pinion
end tlietin l jne both from peon u nt em
ployers, lapr-eenlstlves of ri a niK-'l In
line and pTlfl l ilenl of the subject.
Geoigc W. I'siMus. Chsiks M Mi hush,
Msni'iel (lomreis, 1 1 evident of the Amei
I' mi -Jei!loii of Labor; Waricii C.
H'on. grend i hlcf of the Inlei n itlnifwl
t'.ioili'ihdfil of I,).. nmot.Ke Kn'hiei;
V, li, M;i'ioii, picsnlent of the AiuhIkb
:i;r.j Aeionellon or Street I'ul wsy Km
trr(,, find many other eie i"rit I el
Ilea sons for l Klt-
' .Mirny ikooiis," eny the trp';r. "me
klv.-n by these employeis for th'li f;th
In tin Ides. Among there i that II
l.ii irii.i'f mom continuo is service, m
d'ce mil of production, secure mon;
r'-iilnr lit tendance Hi WorK. bulM"! lip
i .mfi'lenct wild denies a lliU of ' 0
nprraiion, gets I uJ of roiling stones end
en-oursgeg hoio building, enables the
cuiiipdyy W keep In employe during r.ielt
reason, fndiir' salesmen slid other t)
work harder, promote sif l lent) , inter
(, and loyalty; end taneiifl the profit!
i f the burtnen. ,
"1st," the report con tin ties, "empioyci
wlm have had txperp-nca on the subjee.
if. i.y no meaim a unll. us t H Pi''
ih nl Hie. Home employers expree die
Miipolntmrnl thai the efforts of their
ompanies were not spprailstad by the
in. ii, thai they seemed to prefer their
t.HHl eanilnce In fixed wsgaa, with no
tarlahle element, thst they wtrs aus
l.l.lom of the employe's' motive, that
lliey tnalated upon Jolnlnf unions n1
pieeentlm; demands In splta of ths com
i nn rs' tffoii to giva them sn xtr
i mm of thu bnelnees, that, hen stock
mi lrt to employes upon fsvorshle
lerni they would dlepoes of It at a profit
Mien Its value rose, and so get th hWt
ft wiachtna the stork market, thst when
the prom distribution, was lsre tha em
ploy Jrned to expert a simitar
-toiiaiiaa' every year s,nd were dlinintled
If they did not fet II, to say nothing of
tnefr dlerontent If conditions forbeds sny
rxtrm payment at alt; snd thst sll
r. hem. of Ibis sort ar neeearlly com
pll.a.tcd srut hard to understand, so thst
the workers, especially of ths less In
t.'UUnit grade, are not easily convinced
Ihat lh system reslly benefits them snd
I not merely a devlca to withhold a part
of nhiit they might otherwise demand
nnd get.
Depend e tt Kmslrer.
"Thet dlffteulty of comprehena on Is real
end not Imaginary snd must be n'knowl
fdged by lnvewigMors of the gresl nunw
her of achemes s-ttemtrted, hardly any
two being precisely alike, snd many of
i hem spptiremly bsed upon no sixwtwd
economic theory, but embodying WeJ
peiullar to the Individual employer.
'Among the points raised sgsJnet the
rroflt-shjirmg among the trades unions
the chief t. of course, that th Interests
t.f lelmr e a whole would bs Imperilled
by any we.kcning or destruction of etrong
oiganlautlon to pr. tect wetie s andards
which, under profit-sharing, would P
wholly under the control of -the em
ploers. "Another objection by organised labor,
whlrh It mut be acknowledged t born
out by the statlethTi of many of these
experlmente. I that prof ll.sha.rlng chiefly
nffrvts onlv the superintendents, fore
men and higher grades of employes snd
.'.c not reach ths rsnk and .file. I-lther,
II Ik .lnlmed, the profit payment re to
mail to be of sny moment to the lo
p,ul orker, or. where It ie s slock
urrlvllm pln. the mas of the ork
. do i..t m enough to buy any stock,
e.en en tnalallntent.
(WaaaUed thr's Stand.
"Vision fe.reittles !! P'"'
li.t lawr i mukini no demand
r,r prnftt eHnt, either In the sigsmted
r unorinled teh1. snd that the thing
f rr.l and vital Uitertet to lbor
H...M h, emi-U'l er 'U'oee. b d '' '
.m.nst tri th wfcli'fi'a '"-
itbef frn- cettj. tarn U Ul mr
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A f I S St
H's a Four-Day -Old Chinese Baby Boy
Born in Omaha and Cooing Like Other Babies
The Bee'i Star Chinese Reporter
Interview Both the Baby
and Its Father.
'Ho si Itl, le man:"
"U'a-a-a-a-a-a-a! (Which is baby
t.ilk the world over for jum plain
very-day wua-a-a-aaa:"
"Mo af gi?"
'Wn-a'a-a-aaa!'; (Which is Hie
Hume, walling infantile answer.)
"Xo goo rno mlng eye?''
"Waaa-a-a-a-a-aa!" ' (Hsiiie gu
ar er. )
"Vay mole say haa gaa?"
"Well, klddo, I've lined up darn
rear every Chinese word I know try
ing to Interview you, so I guess I'll
have to atop. I've asked you bow
you're feeling, good or bad what
y nr name Is and what you'd Hae to
have io eat, and, by Jlmminy, all you
niHwer me is Jimt plsln ( Id 'W'aaa--a-aaa!'
Can't yott say anything
We know h'nv id loll, lfulv f'hlne-,
bm hert In turn any from
Onisbs's neuent hine i ltlr,en snd fro-
lei In Mr, t hin lin. the proud father,
who I io r, proprietor of the
Mainlarln cafe on IiimivIh iii
who we boldlnu the )oiiiigir the
pliti'.igraphei iiHi,iieil hiin. "i l,in inn
til, to him, will to i. I dwn'r vv-."
Illiti mi v,j :;.,,,,. lull.
iiIiii'iiH n k'iii lllie hni.y I'.lk ui't imi
iri.e." Mr fbln h'il,ed. d rill,, it..
'Uliei nli.inyt at ihe luli.ia'i. I hlnese
"Well, fhlri. I mm i, In. in i ... 1 1
llngijlst, but I'm aorne Juilte r.f,..
- 'ei:ete me, llir-l ,v ,,f ,,,,,,
stacks up Hie hi, ,irn ,,,ler of hl"ket
'it..gitn o'.slug hIMi mushroom griK.
lie ure Is a fine liilli- man. Vnur m.v.
'nth kid, Isn't be?"
"Vep, l my seventh. rie dnii lu.,.
bo). I. ike urn hot-. Me born here
Merid-sdo) nlshl. He Inr.k Ilk r.A.
proudly onsweinj ,Mr. 'titri, . loriilotly
m"in h iiU i,ii, hinwii. it,..
neid In his srin,
Hure In- lok like his f.t n.'n i
a fine inn he() he mow iin..i,.i ...
you going to iimk out f)f him',''1
I'll, he he great men. Ml.hhs m.l.
pdee'rtent 'Mini Htntr. 0 he. m.hh.
ceiitagc, fun )r) ,,ivHnce, of (, p,0f,i
Of the buslnei.. The Ksstmsn Kortk
oompany of ltneheter, N. T I cited
a typical exempl unler this plan. A ec
omf scheme Is the i.e. I I dletrlbillon of
grat Miles In great variety r,f forms
ranging from discounts on upplle pur-
hsed lo eonli i pal t, vitl v at
th end of Urn year. The Crone company
of Chicago Is natiuid a piesenltng a gool
Hlutrstlon of uch epeeisi distribution
si-hemes. Tli third plnn is sioik owner
hip, whb-li I being given nonble teet
by the fnlted Htate Hiexl corporation,
Tli reimrt re.-be the lonciuslin thnt
the t'.t-dsj' mliilmuni sg plsn of th
Ford Motor company, although det.'rlhed
by th company and popularly undentuo l
a profit-sharing, does not fall wtfhln the
stsndard definition of proflt-eharlng sui
I In reality a unique high wege system
made posathl only by sitraordlnsry con
ditions. Ths report regrets sn Inability to learn
with certainty th views of the rsnk snj
fits of employes effected by profit-sharing
plans, sine nearly sll of these under
takings are) carried on by employers of
nonunion tabor, snd the unorganised
worker have no Authorised spokesman.
It wu possible only to gather scattered
Individual opinion
Cannon made of metal tube wound
with leather wer ucteuily used by
(iuatavua Adolphu.
Will 9avoYou Monoy
Get Our Vic. (
Be fort You Buy
A Big Lot of New
In golden and fumed finish have Just
been placed nn our floors You know
what valuee the olhera were. Thest,
gre even better, and rememtier they
are gmtulttet qtiaiiewel oak. Kvery
one of them Is equipped with double
cupboard and the roomy linen drawer
snd the lined drawers for your silver
ware. They lueasute full 4S to 4
Inthee They are rel tllnrt w.we
throughout. IHir frnea, flS.TA,
il,75, IIIA SIV, lt.T.V The
buffet illustrated Is full 4 4 Inch
wide f I ""I t(Uartere.i oal. at M V,
M itt
, , , , :
IlllltU nsjtm,
; - h, t;j ' '!., v i la
I f. A X. 'g
' 'Muli! he' Might We! Can't never tell
much who., going to be president of the
I tilted Htsl. s. Ilere s hoping, snywsy!"
On ihe night of the next full moon, the
rewrst addition to ihe fhln family,
Mho ixsldi'g at J'H South Twelflh, will be
glwn a name. There will be an Impres
sive eeruiiony, snd little Mr, ("bin will b
duly welcomed as a member of the local
Chines colony, which number bouf iVJ,
All of Chin fJln's seven children were
GRAND IflLANP, Veb. May J.-iBpe-
rial. IThe city council by a deciding vrfta
I cast by the mayor, agreed to reduce the
I number of saloon licenses from twenty
I four to twenty. One man who had con
I tracted lo purchase a saloon already in
operation and two new applicants aer
refused, J,at year one aaloon keeper died,
reducing th number to twenty-three.
Itchy Salt Rheum
; Eometime Called Boseina moved
Rait rheum is on of th worst snd
unfortunetely one of the most common
of sll dlseaae. flow It redden th kln.
noaea, dries hard scales, and then does
thl all over assln! Hornet tines It cover
tli whole boily with Inflamed, burning
patches snd causes Intense Buffering,
which Is commonly worse at night.
locsl applications may do some good,
hot they cannot permanently relieve.
The disease will continue to annoy, pain
and perhaps agonise, until the blond has
been purified and tha general health
Vsk your driisgUt for Hood's Rarsspa
rills, the good old reliable family remedy.
It ha given perfect satisfaction In thou
nd of caaes Insist on having Hood's
Harsaparllla, for no substitute set Ilk
It. Get It today. Advertisement.
Thofe'S A Reason
' 1 ",Ti7ii" in i " sT-7 "xs''"i - 7
Ea m
Thin Buffet,
All the Vek Valutt
Dining Chairs
ok or ftinted,
o,, lr?thr
. , ,
A "lVrii.lM rhftsr, torTHtly tl.Un
t.; s.'tuam IfaOir-r alip futi'
. Ki'. hti finish on
fl t'A".
born In America except the eldest, Jlm
mle Chin, sged 18, who works for his
fnther. The others are girls: F'ong Kay
Chin, aged 13; iJok No Chin, sged ; Uoy
Ole, sged I; Kok N'eney Ctiin, aged !,
and Kosle Chin, sged T,
' When they are at borne they ill look
Ilk ll'tl Chinese dolls, dressing in na
tive costume, even to the strsngement of
their hair . Kong Kay and Jtosle go lo
Css school.
French War Office Announcei Gain
of large Area in Vicinity of
Deadman'i Hill.
PAUIS, May 2. In a strong at
l;ick on German positions southeuat
of Kort Douaumont, on the Verdun
f'out, last night the French captured
.i first line German trench 600
luetera long, the war office an
rounced this afternoon, and took 100
Men prlaonei.
West of the River Meuse activity !
(f the artillery continued through
the night from the Avocourt region
t.' Dead Man's hill.
The war office also announced thut In
their Hltneks on April !9 snd "O on the
i.orlli nlope of nad Mtn HHI the French
Italntd fjermeu tienches over a front of J
i.bout .OH metres and a depth of to i
i (W meter. j
trench tlni'li Krpulard.
HKrtl.f.V, May 2,(Hy Vrolej. to . ay
vllle,) Kre:i -li attuel.s on t:ie Vf nl'm
front oust of the Mu . yeterJy were
tepiilsad In fi r-e etrugjle at cio
quailers which lusted for several hours,
the wer oflhe aniiniuieed todsy.
t lit llullil Nev SrhiM).
I'ltKTK, Neb., Ib 2-tpeclsl Tele
Brum i -The '.ffh lal csnvoss of the school
bend proposition voted on Monday gave
l iho In favor of the bonds a majority
of ninety-seven vote. This means that
the board will go to work at one to
build a Mn.ow school her.
Overcomes t'onstlpalloii, Indlaes
(Inn. fir. King's New I.lfo rills will ovsr
coms your constipation, biliousness and
Indlgesflon. Take a doss tonight. Only
i'e. All druggists. Advertisement.
I Vpeelal TaJasg la ribr Cevr4 1
: Steamer Trunks
Oood alardwara. Itroua Locks. I
Iaturar gxijures.
gi-lneh Trunks SH OO
va-tnoa Trunk ........ i .. a. 60 a
tag-inch Truak a
We Uk amall Epalr Jobs. I
, Freling & Steinle
("Omaha's Beet Baggag ullders'' a
1803 Farnam St. I
(From a Staff Corree ponCent.l
UNCTH.X, May 1 (Bpeclal. (-According
to the report of Ktato Treasurer
George Hall thera was a balance in the
slats treasury at the close of business.
April 9), of 1,;!.012 as aifnlnet !,;2,
7.'H.CiJ at the cl.iee of business, Mnrvh SI.
The rece'pt during the mon h amot nt-d
to T,C.'t4.'.'4 snd tho disbursement $J'7,-
Hlttvk I i on HevHMlrrf Ilrrefortla.
t-'AMUIlIHGK, Neb., .May 2. tSpeelal
Telegram Mousol brothnrs, Heresford
breeders, today added aeventy-slx more
reiflstered Meresfords to their herd. They
purchased tha catlle of (ludgell and
Hinpson of Itvleiienilencn, M, The fa
mous bull, Mischief, r,f t, Uoueel herd
originally cerne from Oudgell and Wmp-
The Fasliion Canrerofllje HldcilQWei,
, Established
New Dresses Priced Right
You'll like these attractive new models
that are just out of their wrappings They
are artistically designed, of very dainty
materials, and save a deal of effort and
$16.50, $25, $32.50
Private Display Rooms at Your Disposal.
New Summer Underwear
--or Women and Children
Women's gauze union suits, low neck, no sleeves, fitted
or wide knee, all sizes, 35.
Women's fine ribbed gauze union suits, low neck, no
sleeves, French band top, fitted or wide knee, all
sizes, 05.
Children's Union Suits, Dutch neck, short sleeves, knee
length, Stretton make, all sizes, 50.
Added Mileage in these
Two Rugged Chains
By the time the two rugged anti-skid
chains of rubber running 'round the
tread are finally worn down, you have
had your mileage in full and liberal
Then you have the equivalent of a
good, plain tread tire still to wear out
for your added mileage.
That is why 'Chain' Treads give the
low mileage cost for which they are
Besides 'Chain Treads are the most
efficient, moderate-priced anti-skids in
the world.
Tha Chair." U one of tho fite United State
Ralancaxr Tirei which meet every motoring
condition of price and uie.
Ask tha nearest United State Tire Dealer
for your copy of the booklet, MJuJgin Tirei,"
which telli how to chooMJ the particular tire
to suit your ned.
United SiatcsTire Company
Chain1 Nobby' 'Uko' 'Royal Cord1 'Hain'
son. Mouse! broLher now have between
;ft snd fri.) a glstered Kerf-sforda on their
The National Capitol,
Taesdxai May a, tl.
Tb Senate.
rtesumed debatp on rural credits Mil.
Vice President MrhU sent the nsval
affHll rommltlee a letter from Rear
Admiral Bradley A. Ktko criticising PC
reterv Ianlcl.
AUourned at 6;) U nooo v ednesdsy
The House.
Resumed debate on the agricultural
Passed annual agricultural appropria
tion bill, carrying U.'-
(i.nference report on hslslatlve caeeti
tlve and Judldiil appriopriatlon 'bill
agreed to. .wii
Joins hill to provide a pennsnent creli
government for 1'orto Klco taken up for
consideration. ma
Adjourned St 613 p. m. to Boon Wednes-.
On k k I i
- Mke llluJtmlon
Thfso Chin lr CSo Inipftiion.
8r Them lffr You Hut
- ) - T a, 'Hi