TJIK BEK: OMAHA, AVKDXKSDAV, MAY 1016. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET ... .... 4f Wheat Run is Light and Demand is Sufficiently Good to Keep Prices Steady. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET CORN UNCHANGED TO HALF UP Shares Are Under Steady Restraint During the Session of Exchange. TRADING NOT SO ACTIVE OMAHA. May 2. 191'i. fash Wiat was sternly and sold at practically uncliHtiged pi Ices. The run was weak and t!j i sufficient de mand, lo lake his i.f the llulit of tei Iiibh. The corn market waa limited from Unchanged to ,,; hlgb'r. Most of the corn ' sold al eHterdays prices, ; cept a few ears (if yellow awl some or Ih belter grade, of mixed corn, which old about Ho higher. The oats market, wan rather weak and although the receipts of this cereal were y.rv huht. Ih market ruled from Un changed lo He lower. ' llye and barlev were quoted unchanged and the receipts of thong ccreala erj not of much Importance. Clearance: Wheal and flour equal to ;.' I.ii.; com, M.ftiO l)u., and at", W"iO bu. Liverpool rinsed with wheat VA lower to 2d higher and corn unchanged to Id higher. Primary wheat receipts wera lio.dM bu., and shipments of l.ttl.tmn bu., against re ceipts of 3M.aiO bu. and ahlpmenla or t bit. last year. Primary corn recelpta wera 47,001 ,u, and shipment of Gil,' bu agalimt -in-telpts of Ki.( bu. and shipment of 41 Ml bu. la at year. Primary onia receipts wera l.UZ.flM bu. and shipments o( l.SMi.oflO bu., against r- reipis ( mu.uiiv oil. aim snipnieiii W.WQ bu. last year, t'ARIOT HF ICIPTH. Wheal. Corn Chicago Minneapolis of Olil" timaha Kansas f'lty. HI ffila ... w. m iwi ra 31 , 4:1 47 , ' to 1 K W 20 ,i,r.T i wire teportfd' The fillnwlns anlea Wheat: No. 2 hard winter: 1 far. I:. I! No. S hard winter: I car, ll.if'V 4 rain (!.'; i cart, na'tj 1 cur. Sl.inv I car, 11 'i? No. 4 hard winter: 5 ear. IMS',; ' 'rs, 1. j S ears, 1 cur. $1 Crt'ir. Hemp!" isrd winter: 1 car, II. H; I far, :'; I vr, Sc. No. S whit (-print.': 2 ears, 11'. No, durum; ) rar, fife; No. 3 tnlged: 1 car, M". 1 live: Sample; 2-5 rar, ' Itarlev: No. 1- I car. (10c. Corn No. 1 while: 4 rara, 71'ie: 2-S r, "In. No. 3 white: il rara, 71c; i ears, 7tc: i rara. 7('.,e. No. 4 whlla; 1 car, 7je. Sample white: I rar, Mc. No. I yellow: 1 car. 7Jn: 2 caia, 72c. No. I vellow: 1 ear, Tir; 1 rar, Tle.; 4 rara, 7 Hie. No. t yellow; 1 car, ; J 6 car, -. Mi, I lumen; i car. ne; j car. 7!'4ir 2 eara. IlUe; '4 car. lie. No. t itiUed- S raia, 71'c; t rar, Tl'i'': U car, 7e. No. u mixed: 1 car, tSn. , t inlaed: 1 rar. M'nc. Oata No. 'i while: 1 car, 42e. No, 4 whlt: ,1 car, 41c; ." car, 4i-e. empla while: 1 ear. 4rt4p; i car. a'ie, tnuaha t'anh I'rliea- Wheat: No hard. II.Wil 13; No hard, .KW' No, 4 hard. .rf)l 7'; No, 2 aprlim, $1.07 'nl lA; No. a niu Inn, ll.tMt1 Yi; No. 2 durum, II OMj 1 ii No. d'lrum. i,Wf 41 M Corn: No. S While. 7lr7l'e: No, I White, 7'i'1('71c; No, 4 while, MiMi'Ter; No. a white, i.Hlyrt'; No, a white, IFI' en;'c Nil S vellnw. liWll',': No, II lelliiw. 7IH''t7;''; No. 4 yellow, 'tl'ityfilV; No, 6 yellow, na'71: No. I yellow, CHuvic; 0, . ttilnert. fle71i: No, mixed. Tl'iC'Hi.'; No, 4 mixed, mniV- No. 6 mixed, fn1 u7rv: No, mixed, ;(': tint. No. 2 white, 42? atandiird, 4J'M42,4r". 1 Khlta 4I'.'m4Jc: No. 4 whlUs. Vytlilf. Hailuv: Malilmt. fH'ifJi'-; No. 1 feed. Mi tle. Rve: No. 2. llH;lc: No. X ( hleuo floalnif prhea, furnlalied Tha Pea by lyitcm Ilryun, atock and grain broker. 3IC Month Mlxleentn airrei Article! ,wn.'HI a h . I f .ow LiJi?" ' Y 1 W heat May. July. Hept Corn. May. July. Hept. Oat a, May. July Kept Pork. May. July Hept. May. July. Sept itlha. May. July, fepf XHW YORK. May 2. Hlooki were, under steady restraint, the profeaeiunul element roerelliK Ha morn optlmlatlc attltuda or recent aeaalona on the tlieory that prlcea had made miffldent r:ovry In the preaent iil.certaln atatua of forelKn fair. In fact the abaenco of reflnita nilvicea from Berlin and Mexico wa un favorablv lonatiued. TradinK at no time approached yeater- dny'a activity and breadth, nlthouKh Marines were atnln In the foreKround with tho dllferenco, however, that bom were freely offeifd. Mailne preferred Hindu an cxtrcmn decline rif 2 from lla iKh price of tho iiitivloua day and the i minion jiclildl a aiihatuntlnl fracilnn. Ah a motip, MeYlcana wera among tho weakest atocke, Mexlcnn Petroleum hm hiK 4' polnia, with two for Amerlcao Nineltlua, The motor Hrouii conailtulad another heavy element, tellinn conconimt- iiik largely anoui mutienaaor, wnmu recorded an extreme, loaa of 41 polnta, ireKiiiiir declines were made by t,ruei: Hteel, American and Haldwln Locomotivea, American Car and diaiilluiK hara. Cop- pera were 1 lo 2 point luwer and other inetul laitues denot'd preaaiire. I nlleil tjtauia Mteel aeemed auDjeet in the same ropralve Influencaa that navi, becked that alo K a comae fluiliiif ilia hiKt fortnlaht, tboiiKh falllnir only 1 1 a a1 moat. Minor Indiiatrlala and equipments followed tho general trend on light deal-liiwa. KhIIh moved rontrarllv. Itnndlnc, which lain ltd that dlvlalon, nittiillcatlng lieav- m aa. togotlier with other coaiera, wiiim New York Cential, I'nlon Pacific and ht. mil weie better by fractions to a point. Additional favoiable railway returns for tMarch were submitted, but they full I to exclle more than rutalng Inteieat, Jotnl aalea, ,l,i( ai'area. sterling iiea wra unchanred, l utoiber forelan remHt'innea were iiior- (arable Ihan usual, lieporta of a roimi K Inflow ni Mold frmn Canada wme noi conflnn'd In etitliorll'illvn aniiroia. Honda were liren- lur and dull, speculative lamiea innaln Ink uniuoied. Total sab.'S, par vel ie I !,'. '',' 0, l ulled Hln tea bolide weie tim linngvd on call. Number of aalea and leading quotation! on sloe kg today were; Hiin. Iiifii lsw Lima. t 1MTi 1 IS 1 U 1 14 I 1H1 1 1M1VI 1U 1 1 1 J',. 1 17'4 l 17 I 17 1 JS( 1 lf.V 1 WAS "tl 77J 74 71',! TVk T.r,Wt 7i, 7.1', 77f'a 7iC: 77', i 7'.. 7'4 i- 4f.'J 46'J 4f.J 4B'l! 44 KU 4:t', 4S' 43',43'VfS 40-V4' , ", ' 40'i 24 (M 24 nO 73 M 23 H 24 00 2JI 7f. 2 W 2 6(1 21 W 2J 4l U 40 23 40 23 40 23 70 is m m 11 f hm is in 11 flfi 13 fl"-10 U 7H 12 BO bl US IS 10 12 UVW 12 7! 13 Vi'i ai7',t 12 art 12 W) 12 7S 12 7S 1! M4 13 no 12 SA 12 77',j 12 U't 11 n n in 12 K't il r. n 07t ( iiicAfio f;ni m ritovimoxa Fralnrea of the Traglna and C losing Prleea on Hoard ot Trade. CHICAGO. Mar f -Material dcPne took place In tb wheat market tmlny owing largely to rumors that add ei from l erlln were baa reaaur n than bad been geneially expected. The rloaa was heavv. lo lo 2 net lower, with May H H144. end July at $I.M'. other lead ing slnplen, too, all suffered a net loaa corn viic'io to K ot the ramc, an'l prpvlfllona IZ'io to Jfw. WeHkneaa In wheal developed aa soon aa trading bet-an, but In the early deal lE appeored to be dun chiefly to belter weather III the spring crop belt, erne i hillv Canmla. Kepnrts that green biiKS bad Invaded Kenan ami were, eaualug renewed anxiety In Oklahoma, led after ward to a rRllv. which, however, prove I tiBii-lint, Hi fore the seaalon was half ever the movement of prices downgrade hnd aaaln arnulreil headway end was at no thin thereafter given any d'-i'lded cherk, althoiiKh definite baala apnea re-t In be wholly lackl"g for aaaumptl ins that Hie licrmau cib-la wag growing morn acute. ,Hreaka In the stork market tended to emphsalie bearish sentiment regarding Hbeat, and en alto did uuarttllug rHtrls alMiut grave labor tnnibha. i;port hual ine smnuntlng to upward of l.0i.o.M buahela wciiicd to have littlu If any weiahL t orn finally gave way with wheat. At first the market shown I considerable fctreitgth ss a result of froet predictions. ami In eoneetiUence of reductions In aall able auppllea. Outs had no Independent action. iept for rontiriie.l lightness of tile May opilon. Crop reports were eihl to be eio llenl In all directions. In the Pintialon lH llieie was heavy selling of laid and rlbswoi the pint of recent Inrae huera liwer prices at It' arda I ail d eriiursglng cite, t on hojil. rs Hi r'l I : It -ler: rrainei v, ?'o l.'c. I'Uiitl -ii.,H; rrcrlpta. 4X4 eaea firsts, ;i'i.l'', oidlnatv firsts, Ii3t, at mk li.eliided. P'i.'"'i-. I-. HM ItV-Alue. higher, fowla, 1 epn" '. I I ATI II -1 jiit, receipts. II rata M(cblin N" mumii, Vlum. ol snd 1, Woia, white, x. ".', Mlntieatitg and l' kIS. Ohio, fc,,cwo i bi.aso ('ash l ines Wheal: No. 2 red iK.mirsl. N.. t id II 11 V , N 3 an I S. I hai l, (eootortt. "i,rii No f low, ;H "v, N.t t i!uiw, T4V .',: N 4 whli, U'itt;vtf lU, No i while. ..'. I rl t- .! Tt"li'h iia! ' ! ,tU' !'' lei-its Iffa. 1:1 J , Uil. s'. I it -a. hawsa III t.eata a4 I'rsi Uloas. N - A ft!, Vty J W y if N 1 .! I '.. I' ' I UN I I N I l I, I. I tt U mh. I l iS I . t HO , ' , 1 ! i .' !: , Ma,. 'It ' 111 ..Kit, ! r; IS" f't(. I - ) i I ' glaeaiali ,! IV l .!,!. u I! i- t i " ''' K h i i " II 4 t'I), I1 Matiial. i 1 1 1 r N . Ki Cattle Not Very Active, But Prices Generally Steady Sheep and Lambs Ten Higher. HOGS MOSTLY TEN LOWES OMAHA. .May 2. 191. ilecelpls were; Cattle. Hogs Hhtep Official Monday 8.M 11.71! .''-'') Kstlmale Tuesday .... 4.m ll.W'J V Two days this week., ",V 23719 14.520 Same days last week.. Ml M.7M !".! Hame days 2 wks. M.liW 22. 7 m days 3 wks. ago.l2.H2l 1,W. U.m Hnma days 4 wks. ago. ,M4 l.'.xxi 12,:n4 Hame days laat year..12,Ji ll.W U,M The following table shows the receipt of cst'.le, hogs end sheep et the South Omaha live stock ma'.-ket for the year lo date aa compared with last year. ISilil. 115. Inc. tei;. Cat tig it rail M3..VV) ' 1,372,;7 1,142.W fc,lt ''bPep 7i',W4 te;,l 1.227 The following table snows the average prices of hogs at the Omaha Live htorU nierket for the laat few da. with voin-pnrlsona: good cows, cos, l. J,, (,, ') ..IMi.7;; fair H.ii: common : good to choice heifers, Ic'i'iM .' i"i7 :'.'i; 1 ooniioii lo fa r , -ooil t'l i hop ,. feeders. t.i siuo'l fcedcu. S;..'-C(i u full feedi-rs, ..'( 7. jo; 8l.jckei., ;.v.ii. el; stock 25; slock cows, VifV'''! 7 T& ; stock calves, . 7C '. 7 r, 11 W; bulla, sliiKL etc Itepresentutlve rales: IIKEK HTKKRS. venl calr, n.Wn No. 21... I. .. II. .. .... :;i . , . A Pr. ll 17 ' pei a n MSI I ill "i i . v.'.-: 4 I'M'I ,'i i 'ii It M HTliKIUl A Nil 7 'i No. i... li... 4... A... A Vr. l .Jl 17 (, "S VI and bulih. i ix. Ji..,'.':'t,-- ; jfoo.1 heavy, t. "HKKI' AM" !.AMrirI'.eceipi.s, 1.V1 bend; imu-ket steady: yearling wethers. ? W.75; lamba. $W.tsH ll.V: ('. U Ii.Sj. CHIC I (id I.I V K T(KK MIHhirr Mesk hfrl IllCIfc'tll. n; . nil . I . 7,1 .I'M; 1111 ;i: . '5 . 76B . 71,1 . nut .1 , I II 4 4. :. ,pi..i tit 'ate, API. 14. Apr. j, Apr. II. April ). Apr ia Apr. jo. API. pr, Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May J JslSjiWi" f m 1 "7 1 7 It F7i It ft ) It V 4U s j j wv w-si t.!l 64 m 1 7u 7 W 7 4i vt 7 m 7 II I I'M ilHPI, i U, a wii S Ml I 7' 7 w UK, t flhl , 4M I 471 I tW J 71 i 'M 1 7 7'-' ,!V! I I'M 14) an i l I 3.11 I 4s I 4o- I hi 8 I f: i m 7 ' I Iff 7 Ifi H if I al 7 :V, H 171 I l! 7 24! lu.iml.W0. 4 M a i. 9 :,i I't I u s m 7 44 7 4i: 1. I 41 7 U 7 SI 7 C7 7l 7 (' s n t 74, 14 S -9 I W) i V, il i 'I-., pi , II ',11 y. ay lilpptrit nickel nun!" . imi'.'h w '. I . 9 n HKIKJ' 7 n 1 I Ml I ,','1 II 'li 1 9 W ! Hot.H-Wbat. few hoax tl bought they look at prlcea f illy lower and some of their puf tin sfter first rounds wets posi'lbly as PK: below yeaterdiiv. Packers aaaln mapped out tb'.'r o'ie and carried It out Jusl exactly us lliey did Monday. They bid owr rwhi from the atari, mid ulihonuli r 1 1 ' r . pui up a harder fight 10 check tli 'ureal' than they did eetnlsy It did them no good, for In the end Mo kin,' bogii wen, bought mainly l',c under yeanudiv's IU: tin'. A few sellers did not think pries more than li'ilUc lower, but oilier who sold St lbs beat time yesterday said tliat compared with their yesterday's anles to day a trade was Iwlwc down, and moat Strlnsa uuole as u M It L PVc lower. Ttepraaenlatlva sales: V. I m in n I m; 04 6 M 9 US 7li i il t 14 i 7 4t! m: i m 0 lotW 7 -i I t;i :ili 7 fH 6 Kl ij I 7 ii ijvjtm Americas Past Miifsr..,. l.Z'o Sno-resn in . ., !" Am.rl'SO 0. 4.KK) AI?,rkt ;wmi,ilira ,,, II Mil Aniarlnn a K H I'" Sin. Huar Hsflalnl I, lis) Amsrliaii Tvl, aV. 'Isl...., Amorlian . . ) M..., I , An.",i"i4 C'atir II. phi AlclilBO! i.f.w lis), '.win Isvomnilve ,,,,, Jl.koil Ka II Iniore a Ol.ln 1VH llfM.klru Il.iil Tr I'l im'i. g nt, ii i.w 'allf'Miilfe I'esr'iJeiiin itfi ausilUn I'.o Itlc I'snlral Ih!ht ,, 8,MI hMi,k.. g llO '! iii.. ,ii m a si. r soo I 'rilrafi N W I IU..I, II. I. f. Ilf., tllMO I OllliSf l.l'SI i otoraitil fusi g. linn.... I PO I'irii l'rr,itiii.i lisflnliig.. f.'"! I'm, 1 1,1s gis 1 1 i I'Ullllsr,' Hrrurltlt, SW g 0 F.i Is l?,l'l l.eoers I Mle.trli' I'l llral Kailbsrs P"J ' lrat Nn, Ore f illntola I'eimal ! Iliterlurouali il, I'oip., MSI liiiiii,it"n Ci.i.iier ...... I, l'4 tnieroai Ic.osl llsrvslar, Inlrr. M. U. pi ell,,.,, kjll,a, I'll)" kiiilllisis.,., KsliliefOII I'miesr l,.,ui.viii, a arle... .... ,11 '4 47' ins "m" r,'4 )oa',, PS Vt BP, K."., I, 4 41 !' ll i i : ioi" 17 4.V, .,' MS ' M. hwv, 'iii, no, I LIS Ml , X(, '4 l'l, IIS I'll, t"S 11 v, in, IMS IlkH i"t 14. US 74.1411 I.'. II 14 JiJ) 47 M', AlvKlian I'iiuleuin Miami ri,pper Mlauiurl. K. a 1. sia ... JillMiDUrt I'aelf 10 ., Mnnta'ia Pimsr Nallimal Ma4 Nevaila f:oafir Nw Vork isnlral ., N. V., N. H H. ...... Nort ilW Waiu , Northern I'aclflu Paelflu Mall ) it it- ti. a Tsi pennathaiila tu i oa, opier,. ....... 1lsi1lli , iron a , shall, i, k Arloina Copper, Sndiltarn I'arlllr Mmithsnl lUllwar Hiijilstkr I orpuratloa ,, raiiiiaaea l(ler ,,, !, romri,iiy .......... t itliirt P,'lfK' ..... t nl"n P,i Itlc pll I'. H Iiel. Ale.,hol I nil' 4 Wale, Miael r. ft. Hissl aM 4'iati Topper wahaan p'l n Wealarn I'nlon ,, W'eailiixttpiias Klsrlrln ... Total MI'S lor lha Ha i I'll ),! 17,1. HI ) I (am nm I.J' iiws) l,i'i 41. mi 'i l.iml is l.l'O I4.!ll l,3" ) V I, HI s,im 17,l' J ti laal JM .(SH I..', IK', l.S ).:'.' ti'i ms 21 M'4 W4 4 M'i Ti n't UJ W4 17 ISa' ii'i ll'.t, H'i U'i 34', ', l.S 1H4' f;o, I'-'XS HIS '. 3' -.s IS !l 4, IWH m ; i IM PUS i'1 In I'A 21 ! ' 1.3 :S A l;i 14 ! 41 19'i II Ml", l.',4 t": liU'd i Mil l II , HI l'4 21', u.v, I'll '4 ', t PC, 4 7, aVi III, PMS 14 mi HI', 24 ?4 I.I.H M'4 ', Ji'V 4,'' lit 11214 mi ','.', 1P-S wis la il 47 'i 14 11 Vi IIS', HI', WS Wl', ill an. 0011 sMret. May r,1s , Humliiv Ilacelpts and dlaiwrltlon of live stock st the I'nlon stock yards, Omsha, for tsentv four hours ending st 2 o clock yealerday aflemoon- hKKlPTS-CARH. Cattle. Hogs. Hheep, U ses. I'.. M t. I Z Wahasl 3 Missouri I'aelflo ,,, 4 I'lilon Pacific 4 C. & N. V east,,. 1. C. a N. W.,"weat,,, HO C ett. P., M. ),. ('., 14. A- g., east... 4 H. 4V y.. west... 4 '., II. I. & P essl. Is C., It. I, ft P., west, 1 II Inula Cuiilral .... I Chicago l, W 4 Tolal receipts ...174 DIHPOHITIOX -1 1 KA D. 1 atlle, Hogs. Rhtep. Cattle Klrin lloga I Inn. CHICA'Ii), Mav 2,-CATTF-K-Recelpts, l,ci; market. Htm; native I steers r.V,i'j.u',; western steers, 7..VI' s.75; stoi kern and feeders, . .); cows Hinl iK-llers 14.21 45; cnlves, ti.i.ri.2r. IHHIH Iteivlpia, 2l. head; market, weak; iVfiloc lower; bulk of sales, l.r4 light. f -tf4i!i.f: mixed, fc&tciKo, heavy. '..2Vrt,.lM; rough, W.WtW. pigs, i.'.:ni!i.s. f-.HKKI' AND I.AMHH-P.ocelpts, 11,s) bend: market, firm: 'ith-r, fli.l'OV'.lj; jewe.i, '',', 10; lan.hs, 7.7Tll.x,., "Ions 4 lly Mis glork Market. KUH X CITY, May 'i.-CATTI.i:- llei'elpts, 1,i bend: market steady; na tive a era i;..V'ii.auj but. -hers. W-Wlii,'; cows und helfeis, U.OOti .: calvts, I'l.J'tf jl.Mi; blillM HUgS, etc.. 0.HIil7..VI. ' lliii;- Hi celpls, .5fl bead; market .4? 1(c lower; heavy, p.Wa" .); mixed, l',.4..'ir k.i; light,'olMri bulli of aules, M loc 1 lo'.s. , HHKKP AND I4AM Hl Heceipis, .'i hend. hi. .loaeiih Lite aloelv Market. HT. JOHKP I. Mo May All i.r.- liecelpls. I,2t4l head; steers, K,.VM.'i cows fira: calves, M,W(I.'. j , , HOUM-llecelpts, 7,00i hesd; market lower, top 19.71; bulk of sales, 'OK KKP AND .AMK--Heceipta. 4.iJ head; market sfsdy; lambs, No. 14 ,, II ... J7... 44... U .. A ...,7J ...Ml ,,.. kh Pr, . , , 14 ... I 4ft ... I U. IIKI 4 i.f, ... Ht No, no. sii Ml 1.11 l tl VI t I," A. .,2i! ..!!'( . ,!.! ..IU lamb run plui'illK 1 .. 1 4H il 4 m i 'i 12 .. 1 io i 1 .. i 3 l:i 32 11 Morris Cr. Mwlft V, Co ( iidahy Packing Co.,., Armour 4k Co He), wart a ti I'o J. W. Murphy Lincoln packing Co Ho. Omaha Peeking Co, 1'iirr Parklmr Co.,.,,... W. H. Vansnnt Co He tit on, V'snsanl A I., Hill Hon P. 14, l.ews .1. 14. Hoot A Co , J, H, Hulla I I1", lluar,.. . Hosensiock Hios P. li. Kellogg Werthelmer A Degen,. II P. Hamilton Holllvan pros ,,, Mo. Kan. Calf Co,.. Christ la HlMKlns Huffman Hnth Meyers . Hsnner Pros John Harvey .., Iieniils A- Krancla Kline Jensen I.ungren other buyers ..1,127 ., 7W 10 4 7" 17 112 14 30 Hi 4s. r,i llel II 27 f,4 30 2 23 22 24 4X HIJ 42 11 k'i W4J 2,141 X,0"4 2. K47 3, M 141 m ,..f. "?42 4'7 I.2ke 2,142 1.471 Pi'ew Vnrk Money Market. KF1W YORK. May 2.-MKBCANTIL.F. -3'i per rent. HTKHMNU KXCHANOK- Klxir- dav bills. $4.7:'; demand, 4,7'k; Cables. l 7'li. HII.VKfl-Par. "if, Mexlcon dollars, fi7e. 111 iN'PS-Oovernment, plenty; rallmsd. IrreanlHI'. TIMK LOANS-Klrmer; sixty days, per cut; ninety daya, .W4 per cent; six months, V't per cent. M ON KY -steady: high, 214 per rtit; low. 3 per cent; ruling rate. 2f per cnt: lust loan. 2t per cent; closing bid, !' Pr cent; offered at l"t per cent. ( nffe Market. NK.W YOHK. May 2.-T1ie market for futures waa less active today and fluc tuation! were liresular. After yesterday's active selling there appeared to be very few offerings around the ring at the start and first prices were 2 to 4 Points his her on covering. Reactions followed under renewed selling hv liouaea with h'ornpeaii connections, with July selling off from I ?7 lo ,22e. while Iieceniber eased off to I tic. or about 4 to 7 points. net lower, but there win tin tmnortan pressure and the market rallied toward the close on coertns and report of a firm ro4 ami freight situation. 1-ast prices mere net unchanged to 3 polnia higher, htnlea, ),'l"ai bags. May. I.IV'i June, u ric; July, I.Jgc; August. I .IV; Hepteniher. $Xe; Oitotier I4le; Nnvenilier, e; lecem her. kltlc; January. .:: Pebniary. I-; Mal'i h A.c. lrll 4 It'tc, Kpot coffee, unlet : Hlo 7s. fc; Panto, 4s. pw,. Coat and frrUhl offer were repntteit firm st shout unchansed prices. The, official cnhlea leported no cliante In mllreis prices while Hlo exchan.e on lindou waa I I'l lower oil Hat'irdav. Hnntos rh-sird bags for New Orleans, Pretaht rate from Pi sail to this rniin Iry ace now nffl.Ullv ipioted st II. W per bag and i l"'r cent pi Image. latin, Jarkel. Ni:W yriHK, Mav J t'l 'TT'Vr "tsnt st.ailv: middling tiplandi, 11'. Kales, ; bslea I'm, ,t-a opened f'rni. Mav. 11 h 1'iH. 12 v . ih tober, 11 v; December, 12 4s Jntioart, 1"; Tic. .. I .i..,t' t.e tn 17 .w, iw,niir, totals. 4.4177 12,!:7 ,4fi2 CATTIT Receipt ware rather moder ate and the tolal for the two days i.MI head. Is the smallest since tour weeks ago and smaller than a year ago by al ntnat l.oflO head. The demand was good anil prices gen erslly steadv. theta being little If any ehange In either direction. Heavy beef steers sold tip ss high ss Cows snd heifers moved off unit freely St fully steadv prices, while feedera of good (j'uaUty were. If anything, a little tlreng , , Quotations on cattle; Oood to choice yearlings. P of9,60; good to choice beevea, x.eOrK; fslr to good beeves. iHWyfM; common to fair beeves, titbit 150; good lo choice helfera. ti.WnttH.W: good lo choice C0. 7.2fva 00; fslr to it , a; 41. ..... KHP.KP-Another liberal showed UP today, estimate celpt at thirty-two cms, or ,wg tinla and a evirythlng here was on sale, slonf with a couplo of cats carried ovel from yesterday, actunl offeilnga were allghtly linger than Monday a. Ho fur this week PJ.tW bend have been received as ngiiinst l7,i:iH last week, 22..i17 two weeks sgo snd 11,542 a yenr ago, A broad ileum ml for good handy we'ghl lambs egaln featured Hie trado and 111 spile of the i.oiillnued generous receipts prices remained on the upgrndu. Move, merit started In very fnlr season at prices that while somewhat uneven wero In the main 10c higher than yeaterdny. guita a few Mexicans of dealrahln weights and (juiillly wera caahed fairly early at 111 M, with others as high as IU Ml, end the bulk of Ibn supply was clenneil up In very fair season. Westerns that were a little, weighty toil' bed IIX. As high si l M wits paid for cllpKra weighing a Utile over eighty pounds and heavier stuff sold at HiKt and on down. Voold Ismbs not lerv well finished tbst fmlod to sell yesterday went this morning for shearing put poses at 10 7ii, Kve supply continues almost loo small to arouse any Interest whatsoever. Noth ing of co!isciiicrice in the line of wool ml ewea ana here today, onlv odd oars SgeS being offered, A car of clipped ewea brought 17.35. (Jiiolaip'iie on beeo a"d lambs: I nmhs good to choice, htndy, l 1.4V! II '; lamlia, fnlr to good handy, II l.2 ( II 4 .; Iiiii'm,' fslr to choice lieavv, lft.ii1'll,2;; laiubs, clipped, hi'tiily, i.7."i1t:i..4; bimhs, clipped, he,i,y,, cutlliitf, inlr to ciolce light l' '"'. 10 rsi; ve'.-llngs, fol" to choice heavy, $.,ViW)X,; wethers, fair 10 choice, lK.2fi'itl,4"; ewea, good to choice. Is ?yi'0.1u; ewe, fair lo good, I'.'.7.V"S J'ij iwi s, Clipped, M.'iW.t'i. c.epieseiitiitlve sabs: No. Av, Pr, 7 nsllvs shorn ewes 12'. 7 .'i't 4 Mexican Inmhs 74 II t 1'6 fed rllpp.d ewes bi " :h 24 1 nil clipped ewes. '!'."i ii" W.l clipped lambs , 12 : 4i ghesrlng Inmhs II 10 75 Kansas 4 Ity l ite gtock Markel, K A Nil AH CITY, ,lnv 1-f ATTI.K -Tt. celpts. ,7'i0 bead; mnrket, steady; prime fed steers, $'.1 ::.V(iO,7n. dreni hi,.f sicers. la.lill'iiy.iv; Weatern, H.IMlX.; sloekers slid feeilers. I7.itfl),;.'i; bulls, 7.7ief7.Mi; calvca, H.fiii(IO..Vl, HOiiH-Herelpt, w,is.) beid: market, lower; bulk of sales, t!l,."i.Vrt'.l,7li: beavv. ' Tojfl Ki, pnrkera and hiitcheta, ', .7S: light, l.V.70; pigs, .2i.I0, KHI'; K I ' AM I.A.MHrl -Hocelpls fl.uffl head; market steady; Intnhs, lll.KcSIl 7i; yearllnns. li 7:iK lo.i'; wethers, N.7,Vit.M; ewes, f4.0firagJ, SI. I onia 1,1, e Slock Market. HT. UM'tH, Mo., May 2.-CATTI,P.- lie. relpts, J.fW liesd; market steady, native beef steers, Ii'.iVIvi I" (to; yearling steers, and heifers, fl Scvsf WOO; cowa, lA.TAw'S'.Sr.: stockera snd feeder, 5 ,VK(t,.W; Texsa and Oklahoma sieera. f.'. 7.Vu.7ft ; rows and heifers, 4.iiofg.W; native calves, W.Wa 10 (41, HO",H-necelpts, 11,100 head; tnsrket steady; pigs and lights, l7.liiO,7J; mixed market strong: and heifers, 4.W fill' Metal Market. NKW YORK. May 2, M KTA lyH I.end ::'.j,a ,Jy. mis Iter dull: stsd essy; Kiisl St. Isiul delivery, 170 asked. t?opner' Klrin, electrolytic, nentbv. iiomlnal: An. gust, and later. 'm. Iron: Hteady and unchanged. Tin: flrotig; spot, I'd. it At London: fpnt copper, 11; futu.'es 1127; electrolytic, Ui; spot tin, A'l; fu tures, us; lead, tU Mhj; spelter, (III and Itoaln. HA VA NN A H, 'la., May 2 - Tl' RI'K.N -'I'INIv-KIrm at 37 W !. sales, 23 '.sln. ; lecelpla, 4 bbls,; alllpnieiits, 22r bbla,; slocks. C, .''.': bbls. UitHIN - f inn. asles, " '7 bbls.; receipts. Ml bbls ; siilpnienls, 1,1' bbls.; stocks. MOM bbls. guolitlona: A and H. ll.'i'U; C, l and K, titwi; $4.: ti. 4.h;; II, H.l.4r4 20; 1. 14 20; K, 14.3704 43; M, 4,iy,; N, 4.7..t4,iW; V'4, $.i.7i; WW, IS, ii, K.vaporeled Apples and Dried I rnl ta NKW YOHIC, My t-PTVAPORATICD A PPI.IW -Market slow; fancy, 71JSc choice, fiVrt'l'se; prime, MtiVAc. plllhh V Itl'ITH-Prunes, quiet; Cali fornia, 4l'(llc; Oiegons, 7'iilOc, Apricots, firm; choice, xstt'Jr; fancy, yua. peaches, Inacllve; choice, Mjr,ir: extra choice, fiUJWjc; fancy, 1, '1V4C Raisins, steady; loose muscatels, nominal; choice lo llilicy seeded, 7'0c; seedless, I',! I''c, kngar Market. NKW YOHK, Mav 2 Ht.'GA R-Raw, tes; centrifugal, .4Tc; molesaes, s tue. Helium, steady; grsnuiaten, i,e', An easier turn to the spot market and unsettled' biasti!' conditions led to some scattered ll'iuidallon, snd at noon futures were 2'M points lowei, flank (learlosjs, OMAHA, May 2.-Ra.nk clearing for Omaha today were IH,a70.4;3.77 and for ihn corresponding day last year 3,i00,. 621.23. NKW IOIIK GEMKKH 31ARKKT (iiiotatlona of the Day on srlous I tiiiiiiioiAilirs, NKW YORK, .Miy :.-i'UOL'R-t'nsct-tleil. I1KAT Spot, weak: No. 1 durum. It. :,i,; No. 'i hard. Il.27'.; No. 1 norih eni, 1 luluth. 11.324, snd No. 1 northern, Manitoba, 11.31, t. v. b. New York. Fu tures were weaker; May, II.22;. CORN J4pot. easy;. No. 2 yellow 90V', c, 1. f. New York. OATH Kpot, steady; standard, 6l'?i ;j2'", hay II ::'ru 1 sf '!i,",c, HoPH -tcady 1!I.',. 14'il2."c: 11114. -Firm: No. I l.4Kul 4.-.; No. 2. !, Il.n'; (:hlpplng, i elute common to choice, Vilii : Pacific coast. ll 12'. 1 !.": litll, trtilOc. IIIIiKH Finn, llogoln, 3Th.Hi-; Central AmeccM, ti I.K; hemlock fltsts, .'Mc; seeonrtH, 3 24c, ITtOVlHluNH Pork, str-pit: trfss tAiyiiiW.'iO: fnmlly, ir.Wi'.Sli.iH; short cleats, 23.rt)ft XV). Het-f, firm; muss, ensea. 24c; rekular seconds, 20V, -J boxes y rT.fsrli !.; f.nuily. ii!'.iot.i.t. Ird, be.i'i Iv steady : middle west, 13.2"'nl.1..'4. TA I'.I.OW Kit i'i. cit. Pk-; nominal, country, '.I, pise; rp-cl:il, lV,c. Hl'TTKR-Flrmer; re.elpu, 13.03 tuba, creamery exiins, ;i.t5:t.a'; firs'. 33i .1:i;.c: seconds. 3'."n31'!rC. i:"(;C.S-Klnn: receipin, M.i fresh L-athercd exlr:ts. packed, IriiU, 2!l4(--'-jc; '.'uc-h-ut.': Hieadv: rcceinla. 1.(11 1 boxes. state, held specials, ISH'rtl'.ie: fresh spe cial. Hi-im I7'r; fresh specials, average fancy, lit1-, . 17c; Wleconiltl twins, held, IVHlH'ir . IN il I.TRV Alive, steady; broilers of fered at 32' :t3'; ol hers not acttled. 1 11 a,, s. d, firm: chickens, 11) 32c; fowls, 17V-Jt --lL-'" ; turkeys, 2i'o:fic, About three-fourths of the population of Ireland is of tho Rutimn Catholic faith, with th remainder divided about equally between th' Protestant Episcopal Mil Preabyteilnti denomination. lu ,.5,.... .iii-: ais jwrr.-aiisilsirMS.-wiN.s a At The Maximum of Satisfaction and Savings Offered in May Sales at Mr TV 16 If DODGE DOUGLAS 5TREETS Don't Use Dangerous Antiseptic Tablets It is in unnecessary risk. Tea the an'o sntisep lc snd geimlclde, Absorhln. Jr., -it kills germs ipilckly and urely wlisxiiit, any possibility or harmful re sults: made of pure herbs, non-poisonous, and there Is no danger whatever If the children get hold of the bottle, Jt re tnlns Its germicidal powers even when diluted one part of Absnrblne, Jr., to .') parts water-and lis antiseptic powers one part Absorbinu, Jr., to 200 parts waier. The germicidal properties of Ahsorblne, Jr., have been Iete4 and proven, both In laboratory and actual prsctlce, Iie tnlled laboratorv report mailed upon rc rjiiesl, l'e Absnrblne, Jr., whenever a lini ment or a germicide I indicated; to 10 uuce sprains, wrenches and swollen elns; to heal cuts, brutrea snd gores. Absnrblne, Jr., 11.00 and 12.00 per bot tle st druggists or postpaid. . - A liberal trial bottle postpaid for lc lit stamp- IV. P, TOVNO. P. fr. T. 104 Temple ft., f4prlngfleld. .Mass. r lolv, I! 4,c IVtoher t v . .l-.iioarv tl IV Tiie eolten market rlnaed slea-lv tie! sdsaiue of 15 hi ;l p-Unla d r I I V t.H t ! vt' (Irl.l I I (lil.lHnig ..l. 1 . n.l.l Hiog l ei. si a for tin i'ivTnV t.i. I.M 10I. Idles 'd. U. Or, 4 I' IV ":h, I ',,1 . o s.--l, e a'HaOCOlg IOllr-t.', o,nJ Mn-i' f,;l ,!., so. ..I, wei ! We-k-l ,v 1 t'll 11'1"!" I.. 10 t,iih i'i six : ae I a !' i of - io!' t le ,4 -f ! ,. ued 1., 1 'ill. a4 ' a . t'l I I , .1 I 1 c its; 1 i 4 I l B IAN I - ... S Sa . t S 1 v.""t. 1 l,SiBUal t.aal 44a4al 1 111 m'ii. i ., I urn 11 I I 1 l ' VI t, In Near , 1 -at!l i a. e. .! a.s t,.l.. !,'ai. l hy " h'Weea I t j Ut 1h ltiall..n d't !' l""l ' j " ' I l. I lt l.iala Me.4 T i n 14 i, 1 wiiir .. 1 -.1 , ; .1 11 -- . 1 I 1. I i. V4y, j i t'N I 1S . ! ecu t '- n I Vi ; M '1 4 J '?' . i .iT S I 4S. v ' . -h, i taat. May 'i -' "k j mmt CHIP ROADWAY H PARI OF MILLIR PARK .... t T: .Iii y.Mel aepate. 4 cpt I oa if I I ' ou lull ) tl ma i i ! ' "' M' ' ". . t.r li o o-' a i , 1 t ' rials sg at l. . - 4 ana, I a In. h- t .,-.. le . t le la 4 ! tl 1 1 How a Telephone Company Obtains fJoney for Extensions Do you know how a telephone company obtains money for extending its plant when new subscribers are added? A private business is usually extended out of profits. Gen erally when a farmer buys another eighty acres of land he does so out of profits; when a merchant builds an addition to his store, he usually does so out of his profits. But when we extend our telephone plant, whether to in stall a telephone or string a wire down the highway, it means an additional investment of new money in the business. Beyond a reasonable surplus for protection against emer gencies, vhich has been invested back into our property but on which no dividends are paid, we have never extended our plant out of the money we get from the public for service sold. We have never attempted to earn a larger return on the money invested than was necessary so we could obtain new money for needed extensions. Our growth has been phenomenal the last few years, and it has required a great deal of new money from investors. It is necessary to earn a fair rate of return on their investment for our present stockholders before we can obtain additional money, The public's welfare is best served by our paying fair divi dends to the men and women who luve their savings invested in our property. If we did not do this the service would suffer from lack of new money for proper improvements and exten lions, Two Splendid New Lots Added to the Bargain Offerings In Our ay Sale of Silk M Cheney's Showerproof Foulards 200 Pieces of these Fine Dress Silks in every wanted Spring shade, small and medium sized designs. The Ideal Silk fabric for summer wear, cool and dur- able. We are closing out in our May Silk Sale, what we have in three different quali ties. Former prices: 85c, $1.00, $1.25. Your choice 10 Pieces, 40-inch Black Chiffon, Suiting Taffetta. A rich, deep black with Fine Lustre, a real $2.00 value at. 68c $1.35 Buy Your Month's Grocery Supplies Now and Save 25 Per Cent to 50 Per Cent on the Cost of Living, Hayden's For Quality at the Right Price. riaOtm. novi. tlou. The market 1 advancing again! Huv Now! Wednesday, 4-lb. sacks Heat lllglt tirade diamond If. l'Iour,.ttia'l from No. 1 selected wHrat, nothlhg liner for Hread, Jilcs Of Cakes. WHDWESDAT, 48-111. ACK, S1.U0 10 bars Beat-'ftm-Alla or l.aundr Queen White Laundry Hosp 8o 10 bars Klcetrlc Kpark fbiap 3o 10 lb, best White or Vellow Corn meal for .Mo I lbs. Heat Moiled White llrcakfast Oatmeal for ..,35c tl cans Oil or Mustard Fardtnr . .190 Hklnner' Vermicelli, Hpiighetta or Macaroni, pkg. 7Ho Advo 'Jell for dessert, Its 'lualliy igjod. pkg 7'ie Tibs, Best Bulk l.aundr)' Hturch.SCO Tall can Alaska dalninn !io lbs. Choice Japan Hlce 83c It-ounce pkg. Condensed Mince Meat at , 6c Mailirens I'eanut. Mutter Hi...IaUjo Icnrshey's Hreakfsst Cocoa )h..30o 2S-otine Jars, Pure Strulned Honev, at , , 330 3;'-ounce Jar, Pure Fruit Fresar- ves B'o Yeast rosin, Tkg ao K, C, ('orn I-'lakes pkg to W. O. C, or Krunibles pkg Oe v a ...... I....,..., Hturnr I' Wag, Hiring, lirecii or Mm Itesns lit '!" i No. :i cans, liolib-n Pumpkin, llotu Inv, Mnuei Kraut or Maked Ilciini, 7M0 The Ileal 'i'eft Klftlng 13H3 Choice iincol'oed Japan, l.ngllsli Hri Bkfasf. Hun I u led or Hun- powdir Tea, hpcciul, . ..' ago The Best Creamery Butter, earton or bulk, per lb. 3So The lesi, httiotly l''rch I'.gs", dozen 830 The Meat Kull Cretu". N. V. White. Wleeonsln Cream, Young Anierba or lull Cream Hulk Clieeao Ih, 37 Iriiporleil Hwisa CbecHe, lb , ,....410 Impotted I'.oqucfoit Cheese, IheOc Fancy riortda Crap Trait, each . for '0 7' " IB lbs. Beet Be' Btver Ohio rot- toss to the peck for 30o l.iii'ge buri'hcs fresh lleets. Carrots or Turnips' for o Home ilrown Aaparugus, bunch., Bo H bunches Home llrovn fnlnns..flo 1 bunches Ifoino JroU'ti Had islies , Bo 4 buncliea Home Drown Hbuhiirb Bo Kancy Itipo Tomatoes, lb ,, lOfl t large Ureen Peppers 10c F'gncy Ureen Flenns, lb. .100 i oncV Large Cucumber, each , ,10o and 13'4 Fancy New Cshbage, lb, 3l9 f ancy New Potatoes, lb So UlKRAnciiriSEf I Elkhorn Kraft Cheese in Tins Never before has it been possible to buy Mich wonderful cheese. There arc 30 other varlctieg of Rlkhorn to null all taste. Visit our Demonstra tion in the Grocery Department TODAY AND ALL WEEK. IT PAYS-TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST IT PAYS AMr".MKT. MrMKMRSTa. BOYD'S 3 Nlchts- Bo to $3. Mat. B4) to $1.C0. Beata Bow in a NEW Comedy TAYLOR HOLMES BRIMFUL OF Hi Majesty BUNKER BEAN OMAHA WHOLE SOME FUN TElfTS AT gist AND PAUL BTS. MOKDAT, MAT 8 CHAMPION Knows op THE WOILB BUFFALO BILL WILD WEST CKAMPION or Cham pro ws Sells-Floto Circus Jess Wlllard r T LBB WILSOW DODO lYom Harry Lm Wilson s Widely-Read Stor,, Publiehed in the Keliuday Kvenlllg Post. Plrect Trorn Month at Cort Theater, Chicago. (HICAI" KN AM IN till PAYS, "An undehatable auccess." CHAMPION WgEITIiCg Of ALL TUB wowi.n. Frank Gotcli Both Aunearliig at Every Performaaca. 2 PERFORMANCES DAILY Afteifaoon, 3tl8. Night, g:i j. BIO PARAnP MILEN LONU GALA 10:30 Tea Beat of Taadeellla. Ibaae Doug. n.UT Mel. 3il6. Every NUhl, gill. II act HI, erll htnI RlVfn IrtEOBOB DAMSBEL fc OP gtJOLt " CO.. me I ,"K'loii, Jam. a vr ww , ,,,ol.-l I eviiy ,V lo Mo. .fe, 1 1 I'I I. n 4fc i-oiioecn. Modsl MoVleliaelt iliplir'Oil Tlx'rl Week n froaa Walli,. l4 a,4 ia- ' I ' OMABA B TV CEB1BB- rtty Mat. U Bysga. U.l-;j ' .. . n ara nriti HSND TO ABHV HlOCUnW Muslral ' AVlKtl' itw, aii.n. Dertithy 'a- Olsu sod la Owes Moor 4Lltt!e Meena's Romanc8,f 1 Asa Keyetoaa Coni4r. WITH I1IC dan coliman ., S::v;:.-U I ' .... .... a .4 , a ! . I. - -ft 4.1 III. i Laitl' Dim Metlaea Wee Paf. NORTH BROS. "Th. Whili SiiUf Brlfhtssl la Omaha tius. T7d TODAY e4 Tiiauariew THE MUSE TODAY aa. "the caipPLED mr Peatitrtaa uken Leaai4 as BUa Ball. y,lhir,H,,ii t.,4 T a 1ML MINORA CMUKU1 AiaM r Mslle ,e4.t-4 Wl4a, tiv,uil Beat? 4e. i-IU. l V--' itmiM. wr '' uuyu TMC A f f H seaman TtlAf BBI.I.B ll-l' tu, r.i si Beaieo At, -mar rt rw BM4 4 Ar a',M. ,i.alt.le tisrr ll'i ran ru Plat fgarjiini nniaiB m t aala 4 a ,1 at.- " t (,.: aa l)l : . H II- I t 'Ir r R it I I .--.,' a II..' "l t- .!.!..- r m It will vt yovt niony to vrlt JARVIS BRANDY CO.V. Joseph, tour! lor prifi 9 lir CaMornia IVrl, Shtrfy-, ' ! At.U Wlrtii, Thr 11 I 1 I44IS 4 Hilt, TUB? A VOMtiaaOW 4e I. aVS .a..-, MAflll BONO la .s4.t l ee4, .iaa, ti,-. .,, 4i .a. " , ,,? . I m TB "A rt.fH' i a u n a m v;r.rMr.:'r tHtIIH v, - at .,a Bavia,.4.,al T-.if ,1 t4 tao it 4-1.1 l.nlil 111 W Il U K. I., "Tlii. kmm Sacfifica" Ttt r ,. - is ri t a., i a a a e i tawetf Turoifl't L that l Dint m - ------ 9 f 4inM iM ti r.sit K,g tit. ,il t4taaii a Msf A lets a.H la-S,i r.l.i4j !,, . I u.a bi( lit 4 at, I i ral hurt brr nr I tui 'U U '', Ihatt 0t att buy mm. , I . i , 1 . a ' I - a . aa , i . i , I' . i : , 1. . . . a. 4 H